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Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017


Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017



The School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology offers graduate study
programs by thesis and course work to train scientists to carry out fundamental and
applied researches in the vision of strengthening and to strengthen UKM as a
research university. The Master programs by thesis are supported by several
courses that will provide the candidates with essential knowledge in carrying out
research. The Master programs by course work require candidates to complete a
short and focused research project. Postgraduate courses for Master and Doctor of
Philosophy are implemented either on a full-time or part-time basis.

Research Areas and Degrees Offered

The School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology offers researches which
includes specialization in Chemistry and Food Science. The specializations or
research offers in the field of chemistry includes natural products, analtical
chemistry, Environmental chemistry, synthesis of inorganic compound, kinetics
and catalysis as well as polymer and polymer composites. For the area of food
science, it covers food chemistry and analysis, food additives, edible biopolymers,
food acceptance, sensory evaluation, food safety and quality, food microbiology
and fermentation, community nutrition, food processing, inorganic compound,
liquid natural rubber, colloidal chemistry, catalysis, environment, natural product
from plant, theory and simulation and oils and fats chemistry.

The degrees awarded are as follows:

 Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)
 Doctor of Philosophy (Nutrition)
 Doctor of Philosophy (Food Science)
 Master of Science (Chemistry)
 Master of Science (Nutrition)
 Master of Science (Food Science)

Entry Requirements
Candidates applying for the postgraduate programs must fulfill the following

Doctor of Philosophy Program

a) Master in Science degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any other

universities approved by the Senate;
b) Other qualifications of the same level as a Master of Science and other
qualifications or experience approved by the Senate;
c) Is currently following a Master of Science program in Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia and is endorsed by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty to
change the status to a Doctor of Philosophy program;
d) Degree in Science or other equivalent qualification with a Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.67 from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
or any other universities approved by the Senate;
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Master of Science Program

a) Bachelor of Science degree with a good Cumulative Grade Point Average

(CGPA) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any other universities
approved by the Senate;
b) Other equivalent qualification to a Bachelor's degree in Science or other
qualification such as experiences approved by the Senate;
c) Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum CGPA requirements may be
considered on the basis of their experiences in research in related fields.

Program of Study

Doctor of Philosophy
Each candidates of this program is required to register and pass STPD6014
Research Methodology course and thesis every semester until completion of the
academic program. Students are required to schedule meetings with their
supervisor or postgradute committee for not less than 40 hours per semester for
full-time students and 20 hours per semester for part-time students. The research
output is written into a thesis.

Master of Science

Each candidates in this program has to register and pass 8-14 credit hours and
research findings should be written as a thesis.
The 8-14 credit hours consist of courses offered by the faculty and the school.
Full-time students need to schedule discussion with their respective supervisor or
Graduates Studies Committee for not less than 26 hours per semester whereas 13
hours per semester is required for part-time students.

Course work
Each candidate in these programs must successfully complete a minimum of 40
credit hours of course work. All the units taken are comprised of core courses and
elective courses, as determined by the respective program.



PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan work activities,
design of new and innovation research in the process and production
related to chemistry.
PEO3: Provides in-depth knowledge and exploratory research guide in the field of
chemicals that capable in addressing the issues of security, harmony and
balance of nature.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

PEO4: Provide in-depth knowledge, skills and networking knowledge sharing in

the field of chemistry that contribute to the development of agriculture,
health and manufacturing industries.


PLO1: Mastering the knowledge in advanced chemistry.

PLO2: Mastering technical skills in chemistry.
PLO3: Ability to identify, formulate and solve problems.
PLO4: Able to use scientific methods to design, manage experiments, analyze and
interpret data.
PLO5: Able to appreciate the issues related to ethics, society and environment.
PLO6: Ability to communicate effectively.
PLO7: Able to play a role as an individual in a group as well as becoming an
effective leader.
PLO8: Recognizing the need for lifelong learning and acquire skills to do it.
PLO9: Able to have entrepreneurial and management skills.



PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan work activities,
design of new research and innovation in food industry.
PEO3: Provides advanced knowledge in the field of food science and technology
and facilitate the current research exploration in the field.
PEO4: Developing and creating a knowledge sharing network to conduct research
effectively and equitably to meet the challenges and fulfill the demands of
the current food industry.


PLO1: Mastering basic and advanced knowledge to conduct research in food

science and technology.
PLO2: Having in-depth technical competence in the field of food science and
PLO3: Ability to identify and solve problems in food science and technology
PLO4: Ability to utilize scientific methods to design, conduct, analyze and
interpret research data.
PLO5: Understanding of issues and needs related to ethics, society, culture and
environment as a professional food scientist and technologist.
PLO6: Competent in both oral and written communications.
PLO7: Ability to function effectively as an individual and in a group with the
capacity to be a leader as well as an effective team member.
PLO8: Ability to manage and gather the information for lifelong learning and the
capacity to do so.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

PLO9: Ability to acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills to fulfill the needs
of food industry.

PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan, develop and carry out
research on the development of dietary habits on culture, the environment
and changes in community attitudes.
PEO3: Provides advanced knowledge in the field of nutrition and health, and
facilitate the exploration of current research in the field.
PEO4: Developing and creating a knowledge sharing network to conduct research
effectively and equitably to meet the challenges and fulfill the demands of
the current food and nutrition.


PLO1: Mastery basic and of advanced knowledge to conduct research in nutrition

PLO2: Having in-depth technical competence in the field of nutrition.
PLO3: Ability to identify and solve problems in nutritional research.
PLO4: Ability to utilize scientific methods to design, conduct, analyzes and
interpret research data.
PLO5: Understanding of issues and needs related to ethics, society, culture and
environment as a professional nutritionist.
PLO5: Competent in both oral and written communication.
PLO6: Ability to function effectively as an individual and in a group with the
capacity to be a leader as well as an effective team member.
PLO7: Ability to manage and gather the information for lifelong learning and the
capacity to do so.
PLO8: Ability to acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills to fulfill the
community needs.


The master program by thesis emphasizes research work to train scientists to be
more capable to carry out fundamental and applied research and to support UKM
as a Research University. Research or specialized areas offered by the Chemistry
Program are Natural Products, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry,
Synthesis of Inorganic Compound, Catalysis, green polymers which include
Thermoplastics, synthetic polymers and polymer composite.
The Master of Science (Chemistry) by course work offers a package of
minimum two semesters for full-time students and four semesters for part-time
students. This program is offered to qualified students from chemical industries,
private colleges, research institutions, teachers and government sector which have
limited time to further their studies. Graduates from this program are expected to
contribute effectively to the development of science and technology.

Entry Requirements
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Candidates applying for the graduate degree study should fulfill the following

a) Bachelor of Science degree with a good Cumulative Grade Point Average

(CGPA) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any other universities
approved by the Senate;
b) Other equivalent qualification to a Bachelor's degree in Science or other
qualification such as experiences approved by the Senate;
c) Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum CGPA requirements may be
considered on the basis of their experience in research in related fields.

Type of Programs
The graduate programs offered are as follows:
 Thesis
 Course Work


PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan work activities,
design of new and innovation research in the process and production
related to chemistry.
PEO3: Provides in-depth knowledge and exploratory research guide in the field of
chemicals that capable in addressing the issues of security, harmony and
balance of nature.
PEO4: Provides in-depth knowledge, skills and networking knowledge sharing in
the field of chemistry that contribute to the development of agriculture,
health and manufacturing industries.


PLO1: The ability to master knowledge in advanced chemistry.

PLO2: Having in-depth technical competence in chemistry.
PLO3: Able to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
PLO4: Able to utilize scientific method to design and conduct experiments as well
as to analyze and interpret data.
PLO5: Able to appreciate issues related to ethics, society and environment.
PLO6 : Able to communicate effectively.
PLO7: Able to function effectively in a group as a team member as well as a
PLO8: Recognizing the need for lifelong learning and acquiring the capacity to do
PLO9: Able to acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

Program Structure

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Each candidate in this program must complete and pass 8 credit hours course as a
fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science. The results of the research will be
written out as a thesis.

The compulsory courses offered are as follows:

STPD6014 Research Methodology
STKK6014 Laboratory Research Skill

Course work
Each candidates in Master of Science (Chemistry) program by course work must
register and successfully complete a minimum of 40 credit hours of course work
throughout the studies. The following table listed the core courses and elective
courses required to be taken by the candidates.


STPD6014 Research
STKK6113 Quantum
I STKK6313 Inorganic
Synthesis and
STKK6513 Organic STKK6142 Electrochemistry
Synthesis STKK6342 Physical
STKK6713 Principles of Inorganic
Analytical and Chemistry
Instrumentation STKK6542 Kinetics and
Design Reaction
Research Mechanism
STKK6972 Project I STKK6762 Surface Analysis
STKK6942 Radiochemical
STKK6123 Advanced
STKK6323 Applied
II Inorganic
STKK6523 Spectroscopy
in Chemistry
STKK6723 Organic
STKK6986 Research
Project II

TOTAL 36 4 40

Courses Offered

STPD6014 Research Methodology

STKK6113 Quantum Chemistry
STKK6123 Advanced Polymer Chemistry
STKK6142 Electrochemistry
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKK6313 Inorganic Synthesis and Mechanism

STKK6323 Applied Inorganic Chemistry
STKK6342 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
STKK6513 Organic Synthesis
STKK6523 Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
STKK6542 Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms
STKK6713 Principles of Analytical and Instrumentation Design
STKK6762 Surface Analysis
STKK6723 Chemical Management System
STKK6942 Radiochemical Techniques
STKK6972 Research Project I
STKK6986 Research Project II

Course Contents
STKK6014 Laboratory Research Skill
This course will expose the students to technical skills for laboratory work, which
will help them to improve their skills in research work. The course will discuss the
laboratory safety, labeling, chemical storage, chemical waste disposal, chemical
safety acts, safety management and chemical safety database. Other laboratory
techniques such as vacuum distillation system, cooling under zero temperature,
precipitation process, handling of toxic and flammable chemicals, gas handling,
dilution, glass tube will be covered. The syllabus will include trace analysis in
chemistry and neutron activation analysis. Instrumentation and interpretation
techniques from IR, UV, GCMS, AA, HPLC, NMR, TGA, DCS, X-ray
Crystallography etc. QA/QC and GLP aspects will also be emphasized.

Braun, R.D. 1987. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill
International Editions.
Bretherick, L. 1986. Hazards in Chemical Laboratory. Oxford: The Royal Society
of Chemistry.
Crowl, C.A. & Louvar, J.F. 1990. Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals and
Application. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Pipitone, D.A. 1991. Safe storage of Laboratory Chemicals. New York: John
Wiley & Sons Inc.
Willard, H.H., Merritt, L.L. & Dean, J.A. 1994. Instrumental Nethods of Analysis.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

STKK6113 Quantum Chemistry

This course introduces and discusses the basic principles in quantum theory; topics
include wave-particle duality, Schrödinger equation, normalization and
quantization, the Born interpretation of the wavefunction, operators, eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions, probability and expectation values, and uncertainty principle.
The application of wavefunction in solving the particle in a box and motion in two
dimensions for translational motion; the energy levels and the wavefunctions for
vibrational motion; and rotation in two and three dimensions, and spin for
rotational motion will be included in discussion. Atomic and molecular orbitals,
energy and orbitals, molecular orbital theory, and the Huckel approximation for
polyatomic systems will also be discussed.

Atkin, P.W. 1994. Physical Chemistry. 5th Ed. London: Oxford University Press.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Griffiths, D.J. 1994. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. New York: Prentice-

Simon, J. & Nichols, J. 1997. Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry. London: Oxford
University Press.
Vincent, A. 2001. Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory: A Programmed
Introduction to Chemical Application. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Yates, K. 1978. Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory. New York: Academic Press.

STKK6123 Advanced Polymer Chemistry

This course focuses on three fundamental topics: thermodynamics of polymer
mixture-entalphy, entropy and free energy; polymer blending-homogenity,
compatibility, intermolecular interaction, curing, phase equilibrium, rheology and
phase morphology, physical and mechanical properties of blends, solution blending
and melting, and colloidal solution-solute, solvent and amphiphilic molecule
clusterings/ surfactant, micelle structure and properties, stability, equilibrium and
phase diagram, micro and macro emulsion.

Atkins, P. & de Paula, J. 2006. Physical Chemistry. 8th. Ed. Oxford UK: Oxford
Evans, D. F. & Wennerstrom, H. 1999. The Colloidal Domain. 2nd. Ed. New York:
Shonaike, G. O. & Simon, G. P. 1999. Polymer Blends and Alloys. New York:
CRC Press.
Utraki, L. A. 2002. Polymer Blends Handbook. Vol I & II, Netherlands:Kluwer
Academic Pub.

STKK6142 Electrochemistry
Topics to be discussed includes general considerations; choice of solvent and
electrolyte, cell design and electrodes, voltammetric techniques for synthetic
reactions, electrochemical synthesis by controlled potential electrolysis, spectro-
electrochemistry, electrochemical reactions in an aqueous medic and organic
solvent. Application of electrochemistry in industrial including interface
electrochemistry, bioelectrochemistry, electrochemistry for sensing, chlor-alkali
industries, fuel cell, electroplating and application in environmental pollution
control will be highlighted. Corrosions and stability of metals will also be

Bockris, J.O.M. & Reddy, A.K. 1998. Modern Electrochemistry 1 & 2. New York:
Kluwer Academic Press.
Crow, D.R. 1994. Principles and Applications of Electrochemistry. 4 Ed.
Cambridge, UK.: Blackie.
Pletcher, D. & Walsh, F.C. 1990. Industrial Electrochemistry. Cambridge, U.K.:
Chapman and Hall.
Sawyer, D.T., Sobkowiak, A. & Roberts, J.L. 1994. Electrochemistry for Chemist.
New York: John Wiley & Son.
Schmickler, W. 1995. Interfacial Electrochemistry. Oxford: Oxford University
W.E. Geiger & M.D. Hawley. 1986. Physical Methods of Chemistry. Vol. 2:
Electrochemical Methods", ed. B.W. Rossiter, Wiley and Sons.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKK6313 Inorganic Reaction Mechanism

This course involves the fundamentals, methodologies (experimental,
computational and theoretical) and applications of inorganic reaction mechanisms,
that is of the processes of bond formation and cleavage, electron transfer, the
nature of intermediates, medium and other effects, in inorganic and organometallic
redox and substitution reactions, including those which underlie important
catalytic, environmental, biological and industrial processes. Examples on
important inorganic and organometallic reactions will also be exposed to
strengthen the understanding of the students in inorganic mechanism.

Atwood, J.D. 1997. Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms. 2nd. Ed.
New York: John Wiley & Son.
Burgess, J. & Tobe, M.L. 2000. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. New York:
Pearson Education Corp.
Cotton, F.A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo. C.A. & Bochmann, M. 1999. Advanced
Inorganic Chemistry. 6 Ed. New York: John Wiley & Son.
Jordan, R.B. 2007. Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic
Systems. 3 Ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wilkin, R.G. 1991. Kinetics and Mechanisms Reactions of Transition Metal
Complexes. New York: John Wiley & Son.

STKK6323 Applied Inorganic Chemistry

Two important topics in inorganic chemistry relating to our daily life, firstly, the
structural and functions of metal/metal ions in our life such as minerals, vitamin
and coenzymes will be discussed. In addition, biochemistry reactions involving
metal ions such as uptake, transport and storage of metal ion as exemplified by
iron; copper-proteins, photosynthesis, coenzymes and catalytic enzyme reaction
will also be included. Secondly, the important of inorganic compounds in
industries as catalyst will be discussed. Mechanisms of homogeneous catalyst will
be discussed in detailed and discussion on heterogenous system is concentrated on
liquid and gas systems.

Bertini, I. & Gray, H.B. 1994. Bioinorganic Chemistry. Los Angeles: University
Science Book.
Cowan, J.A. 1993. Inorganic Biochemistry – An Introduction. 2nd. Ed. London:
VCH Publ. (UK) Ltd.
Jolly, W.L. 1991. Modern Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd. Ed. Singapore: McGraw-Hill
International Edition.
Kaim, W. & Schwederski, B. (Ed.). 1994. Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic
Elements in the Chemistry of Life: An Introduction and Guide. New York:
John Wiley & Son.
Parshall, G.W. & Ittel, S.D. 1992. Homogeneous Catalysis: The Applications and
Chemistry of Catalysis by Soluble Transition Metal Complexes. 2nd. Ed. New
York: John Wiley & Son.

STKK6342 Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Course involved in-depth study on the properties and reactions of inorganic
compound. The main focus is on the substitution reaction of the octahedron
complexes, tetrahedron and square planar. The concept of stable, labile and
mechanism steps, stereochemistry, trans effect and experimental evidence of
associations and exchange mechanism will be studied. Other than substitution
reaction, redox reactions with internal and external spherical concept and also
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

reactions of in coordinated ligands are also investigated. Coordinated ligand

reaction involved hydrolysis of ester amide and peptide, template and electrophilic.
Reactions related to biochemical system will also be discussed.

Atwood, J.D. 1997. Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms. 2nd. Ed.
New York: John Wiley & Son.
Burgess, J. & Tobe, M.L. 2000. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. New York:
Pearson Education Corp.
Cotton, F.A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, C.A. & Bochmann, M. 1999. Advanced
Inorganic Chemistry. 6th. Ed. New York: John Wiley & Son.
Kettle, S.F.A. 2000. Physical Inorganic Chemistry: A Coordination Chemistry
Approach. London: Oxford University Press.
Wright, J.R., Hendrickson, W.A. & Osaki, S. 1986. Physical Methods for
Inorganic Biochemistry. Biochemistry of The Elements. Vol. 5. New York:
Plenum Publ. Corp

STKK6513 Organic Synthesis

Reaction leading towards the formation of carbon-carbon bonds, summary of
reactions especially involving functional group interconversions. Synthetic
methods with emphasis on discovery, development and use of chemical reaction in
synthesis; limitations and scope of the reactions in questions. Multi-step synthesis
of natural products as templates for various synthetic approaches and strategies.
Synthetic reagents using organometallic compound will also be discussed.

Carey, F.A. & Sunberg, R. J. 1994. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and
Synthesis. Part B, 3 . Ed. New York: Planum Press.
Nicolaou, K. C. & Sorensen, E.J. 1995. Classic in Total Synthesis: Targets,
Strategies, Methods. New York: VCH Publ.
Norman, R.O.C. & Coxon, J.M. 1995. Principles of Organic Synthesis. 3rd Ed.
New York: Blackie Academic Press.
Smith, M.B. 1994. Organic Synthesis. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Wuts, P.G.M. & Greene, T.W. 1997. Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.

STKK6523 Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry

This course introduced the structural determination and stereochemistry of organic
compound. Theory and application of modern spectroscopic methods for this
particular aim will be discussed including ultraviolet, infrared, one and two-
dimensional NMR and mass spectroscopy. In addition, step by step approach in
structural elucidation of organic compounds which involves abstraction and
interpretation of ultraviolet, infrared, one and two-dimensional NMR and mass
spectral data will be discussed in detail. Other than focusing on the structural
elucidation exercises based on spectroscopic data, hands-on application of the
instrument will also be done during one slot of practical work. The importance of
spectroscopic and physical data in stereochemical determination of organic
compound will also be covered.

Breitmaier, E. 2004. Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry. A
Practical Guide. Sussex : John Wiley & Sons.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Claridge, T.G.W. 1999. High Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry.

New York: Pergamon Press.
Crews, P., Rodriguez, J. & Jaspars, M. 1998. Organic Structure Analysis. New
York : Oxford University Press.
Pavia, D. L., Lampman, G. M. & Kriz, G. S. 2008. Introduction to Spectroscopy.
Washington : Brooks & Cole.
Shriner, R.L., Christine, K.F., Morill, T.C., Curtin, D.Y. & Fuson, R.C. 1998. The
Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 7th. Ed. New York: John
Wiley & Son.

STKK6542 Reaction Kinetics and Mechanisms

This course explores on the details on method and data interpretations in parallel to
the kinetic of an organic or inorganic reactions. Mathematical treatment of the
proposed mechanisms which should be in agreement with the kinetic data obtained.
The mechanism for several common reaction including substitution, redox,
catalysis acid base, polimerisation and enzymatic reactions will be studied.
Stopped flow and temperature jump technique will also be introduced. The linear
free energy relationship, isotope effect and mathematical treatment of some
complex reactions will be discussed.

Jencks, P. 1987. Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology. New York: Dover Publ.
Jones, R.A.Y. 1984. Physical and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry. 2 Ed.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lawry, T.H & Richardson, K.S. 1987. Mechanism and Theory in Organic
Chemistry. 3 Ed. New York: Harper and Row.
Miller, B. 1997. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanism.
London: Prentice-Hall.
Sykes, P. 1996. A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. London:

STKK6713 Principles of Analytical Instrumentation Design

Understanding on the chemical principle of qualitative and quantitative in
designing analytical instrumentation is incorporated. System and component in the
analytical instrumentation- light source, heater, optic, pump, motor, operational
amplifier, electronic, central processing unit (CPU), vacuum, interfaces, volume
and mass measurement, detector and others are discussed. Steps in designing
analytical instrumentation system for specific purposes and example of automatic
analyser and processing analyzer used in various field will also be introduced.

Clevert, K.J. 1984. Handbook of Process Stream Analysis. Chichester, UK: Ellis
Johnson, K.J. 1992. Automatic Process Control. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Miller, J.T. 1994. The Revised Course in Industrial Instrument Technology.
London: United Press London.
Peecok, R.L., Shields, L.D., Cairns, T. & McWilliam, L.G. 1996. Modern Methods
of Chemical Analysis. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Willard, H.H., Merrit, L.L. & Dean J.A. 1994. Instrumental Methods of Analysis.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKK6723 Chemical Management System

Discussion on systematic chemical management system and related system as
chemist in protecting the worker, public and environment: aspect and activities
covering the whole life cycle of the chemicals. Role and responsibility of a
chemist: Chemist Acts and role of Malaysia Chemistry Institute. Concept of Good
Laboratory Practice (GLP) and laboratory accreditation under the Malaysia
Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAMM) and ISO 17025. Environmental
regulations, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), quality management (ISO9000
series) and environmental management system (ISO14000).

Bahu, R., Critenden, B. & O’Hara, J. 1997. Management of Process Industry
Waste: An Introduction. Rigby: Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Huber, L. 1993. Good Laboratory Practice – A Primer. Germany: Hewlett Packard
Lipton, S. & Lynch, J. 1994. Handbook of Health Hazards Control in the
Chemical Process Industry. New York: John Wiley & Son.
Parkany, M. 1994. Quality Assurance for Analytical Laboratories. London: Royal
Society of Chemistry.
Turner, G.R. 1994. Total Quality Management in the Chemical Industry –
Strategies for Success. London: Royal Society of Chemistry.

STKK6762 Surface Analysis

This course will discuss the importance of surface analysis, vacuum system, mean
free path (MFP), photoelectron phenomenon and Aufer electron. The electron
spectroscopy discussion will involve theory, instrumentation and data analysis for
XPS, AES and UPS spectroscopy. Surface analysis for solid sample based on
sample saturation/unsaturation involving N2 gas, BET equation, surface area, pore
size and distribution of pore. Selective saturation based on chemical saturation of
the H2 gas and other gases. The normal method used for surface analysis involve
instrumental theory and the use of AFM, SEM and TEM instruments.

Niemantsverdriet, A. 1995. Spectroscopy in Catalysis-An Introduction. New York:
VCH Publ.
Smith, G.C. 1994. Surface Analysis By Electron Spectroscopy-Measurement And
Interpretation. New York: Pergamon Press.
Stohr, J. 1992. NEXAFS Spectroscopy. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Walls, J.M. & Smith R. 1994. Surface Science Technique. New York: Pergamon
Walls, J.M. 1989. Method of Surface Science Technique and Application.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

STKK6942 Radiochemical Techniques

The course gives student the general theory, instrumentation and various methods
and applications related to radioactive materials and ionizing radiation in
chemistry. Emphasis will be given to the fields of radiochemical analysis and
radiation techniques in polymeric systems. The topics of discussion include
neutron activation analysis and nuclear reactions, isotope dilution analysis, radio-
reagent methods, instrumental analysis based absorption and scattering. In the
radiation techniques, discussion will include application of ionizing radiation in
polymerization and modification of polymers. General radiation safety will also be
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Choppin, G., Liljenzen, J. O & Rydberg. 1995. Radiochemistry and Nuclear
Chemistry. 2nd. Ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Ito & Tagawa, 1991. Handbook of Radiation Chemistry. USA: CRS Press.
Arnikar H. J. 1981. Essential of Nuclear Chemistry. India: Eastern Wiley.
Navaratil, O., Hala, J., Kopunec, R., Macasek, F., Mikulaj, V. & Leseticky,
L.1992. Nuclear Chemistry. London: Ellias Horwood.Tabata
Tolgyessy, J. & Bujduso, E. 1991. CRC Handbook of Radioanalytical Chemistry.
USA: CRC Press.
Vertes, A. & Kiss I 1987. Nuclear Chemistry. NewYork: Elsevier.
Vertes, A., Nagy, S. & Kelncsair, A. Z. (Editor) 2003. Handbook of nuclear
Chemisty. Volume 1-5. Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Wood, R. J. & Pikev, A. R. 1993. Applied Radiation Chemistry: Radiation
Processing. London: John Wiley & Sons

STKK6972 Research Project I

The objective of this course is to expose the students to the world of chemistry,
which consists of organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and polymer chemistry.
The research project will be carried out in two semesters consecutively and each
student is expected to submit their report at the end of the second semester. The
titles for the projects will be given by the respective lecturers who are responsible
to guide the students during their studies. This project will be evaluated based on
the written proposal, presentation and the progress of the project in the first

STKK6988 Research Project II

Research project II is the continuation of Research Project I where the students in
this semester are required to write a report in the form of a dissertation on the
research findings. The evaluation will be carried out based on the dissertation and
oral examination. The project must be written based on UKM’s format stipulated
in 'The UKM Style Guide'.

Pusat Siswazah. 2015. Format Gaya UKM. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.


The Food Science Program offers the Master of Science degree by thesis and
course work. These fields of study are closely related to food production from the
point of harvest or slaughter until it is marketed and reaches the consumer in
conditions that satisfy the consumer’s requirements in terms of food safety and
The Master of Science program complements the Doctor of Philosophy
program that comprises only research work. Graduates from this program will gain
sound knowledge in the fields of Food Science and Nutrition. It is hoped that these
graduates will apply the knowledge gained in the areas of research and production
of nutritious foods, food safety and quality, food regulations as well as food and
nutrition education programs.

Entry Requirements
Candidates applying for graduate degree study should possess the following
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

a) Bachelor of Science degree (Food Science, Food Science and Nutrition, Food
Technology) with a good Cummulative Grade Point Average from Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia or any universities approved by the Senate;
b) Other equivalent qualification to a Bachelor's degree in Science or other
qualification such as experiences approved by the Senate;
c) Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum CGPA requirements may be
considered on the basis of their experience in research in related fields.

Type of Programs
Master of Science (Food Science) Program offers two types of study:
 Thesis
 Course work


PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Provides in-depth knowledge and guide exploratory research in the field of
food science and technology that is able to address the issue of security,
harmony and balance of nature.
PEO3: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan work activities,
design of new research and innovation to meet the challenges and fulfill
the demand in the current food industry.
PEO4: Provides in-defth the knowledge, skills and networking knowledge sharing
in the field of food science and technology that contribute to the
development of agriculture, health and food industries.


PLO1: Mastery basic and of advanced knowledge to conduct research in food

science and technology.
PLO2: Having in-depth technical competence in the field of food science and
PLO3: Ability to identify and solve problems in food science and technology
PLO4: Ability to utilize scientific methods to design, conduct, analyse and
interpret research data.
PLO5: Understanding of issues and needs related to ethics, society, culture and
environment as a professional food scientist and technologist.
PLO6: Competent in both oral and written communication.
PLO7: Ability to function effectively as an individual in a group with the capacity
to be a leader as well as an effective team member.
PLO8: Recognizing the need for lifelong learning and capacity to do so.
PLO9: Ability to acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills to fulfill the needs
of food industry.

Program Structure
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

All candidates of this program have to register and pass 14 credit hours of courses
to fulfill the requirement for graduation. From the 14 credit hours of courses, 4
credit hours core Faculty and 10 credit hours for core program. The list of the
courses are:

STPD6014 Research Methodology

and select 10 credit hours courses from the following list:-

Semester I
STKM6033 Science of Fats and Oils
STKM6113 Advanced Food Microbiology
STKM6712 Food and Nutrition Toxicology

Semester II
STKM6043 Sugar & Chocolate Confection Technology
STKM6063 Food Additive Substance
STKM6123 Advanced Food Chemistry

Course work
All candidates of this programme have to register and pass 40 credit hours, of
which 29 credit hours are from core courses and 11 credit hours from elective
courses. Students may take any of the elective courses to fulfill the requirement.


STPD6014 Research STKM6033 Science of Fats

Methodology and Oils
STKM6113 Advanced Food STKM6323 Food Processing
Microbiology Operations
STKM6122 Experimental STKM6322 Current
Techniques in Techniques in
I Food Science Food
STKM6313 Food Quality Microbiology
STKM6712 Food and
STKM6973 Research
Project I

STKM6023 Protein Product STKM6043 Sugar and

Technology Chocolate
STKM6123 Advanced Food Technology
II 20
Chemistry STKM6063 Food Additives
STKM6986 Research STKM6243 Food Safety
Project II Management
STKM6722 Food Packaging

TOTAL 29 11 40

Courses Offered
STPD6014 Research Methodology
STKM6023 Protein Product Technology
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKM6033 Science of Fats and Oils

STKM6043 Sugar and Chocolate Confection Technology
STKM6063 Food Additives
STKM6113 Advanced Food Microbiology
STKM6122 Experimental Technique in Food Science
STKM6123 Advanced Food Chemistry
STKM6243 Food Safety Management
STKM6313 Food Quality
STKM6322 Current Techniques in Food Microbiology
STKM6323 Food Processing Operations
STKM6712 Food and Nutrition Toxicology
STKM6722 Food Packaging
STKM6973 Research Project I
STKM6986 Research Project II

Course Contents

STKM6023 Protein Product Technology

This course discusses the scientific and technological aspects of plant and animal
protein. Emphasis is based on animal protein technology especially meat, milk and
eggs. The scientific aspects include microbial quality, chemical, biochemical and
the physical properties of these proteins. Technological aspects include meat, milk
and egg-based product processing technology. The production and usage of side
products such as fats, leather, egg shells, whey and lactose will also be discussed.

Damodaran, D. 1997. Food Proteins and Their Applications. New York: CRC.
Lawrie, R.A. 1998. Meat Science. 6 Ed. Cambridge, England: Wrokhead Publ.
Nakai, S. (Ed.). 1996. Food Proteins:Properties and Characterization. New
York: Wiley-VCH.
Thompson, A., Boland, M. & Singh, H. (Eds). 2008. Milk Proteins: From
Expression to Food. New York: Academic Press.
Walstra, P., Noomen, T.J., Jelema, A. & van Boekel, MA.J.S. 1999. Dairy
Technology: Principles of Milk Properties and Processes. New York:
Marcel Dekker Inc.
William, J. Stadelman, W.J., Newkirk, D. & Newby, L. 1995. Egg Science and
Technology. New York: CRC.

STKM6033 The Science of Fats and Oils

This course discusses fat and oil processing to produce value added products.
These include fractionation, hydrogenation, transesterification and blending to
produce emulsifiers (sugar esters, DAG, MAG) and specialty fats (structured
lipids, confectionary fats, shortenings). In addition, polymorphic characteristics of
fats and oils and their importance in fat migration, compatibility and formation of
fat bloom will also be discussed. The physico-chemical changes in fats and oils
during cooking will also be explained. The role of dietary fats and oils in health
and diseases (coronary heart diseases, obesity) will be explained.

Akoh, C.C. & Min, D.B. 1998. Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition, and
Biotechnology. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Garti, N. & Sato, K. 1988. Crystallization and Polimorphism of Fats and Fatty
Acids. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Gunstone, F.D. & Padley, F.B. 1997. Lipid Technologies and Applications. New
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Gunstone F.D., Harwood, J.L. & Padley, F.B. 1995. The Lipid Handbook. 2nd. Ed.
London: Chapman & Hall.
Hamilton, R.J. 1995. Developments in Oils and Fats. London: Blakie Academic &

STKM6043 Sugar and Chocolate Confection Technology

This course will deliberate comprehensively and scientifically on technology of
sugar and chocolate confection thoroughly in theory and practice. Course scope
will deliberate on specification, raw material, processing, quality control, shelf life,
product development and acceptance. Discussion will also focus on several
physicochemical aspects of product such as carbohydrate, sweetener, emulsifier
and fat. Raw material and confection product that will be discussed are jelly and
gum, cocoa products, nuts, sweetener, fat, cocoa butter alternatives, replacement
fat, sweet and caramel. Thorough discussions on product processing that will be
covered are on crystallization aspect, thickness, blend impact, pH impact, boiling
point, food additive and storage.

Beckett, S.T. 1994. Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use. 2nd. Ed. London:
Chapman & Hall
Bernard, W.M. 1999. Chocolate, Cocoa and Confectionary: Science and
Technology. 3rd update Ed. Maryland: Aspen Publ. Inc.
Lees, R. & Jackson, E.B. 1999. Sugar Confectionery & Chocolate Manufacture.
London: Chapman & Hall.
Jackson, E.B. 1995. Sugar Confectionery Manufacture. 2nd. Ed. London: Chapman
& Hall
Mathlouthi, M. & Reiser, P. 1994. Sucrose: Properties and Applications. London:
Blackie Academic & Professional.

STKM6063 Food Additives

This course discusses the chemical reactions involve in natural food flavour
formation from plants and animals as well as via food processing techniques. The
method to isolate, separate and identify flavour compounds will also be discussed.
Emphasis will be given on identification of off- flavours defects in foods and
propose ways of preventing them. The synthetic and natural identical flavourings
will be addressed in the course. Students will be given group assignment/project to
apply flavourings to various formulated systems.

Bredie, W.L.P. & Petersen, M.A. 2006. Flavour Science: Recent Advances and
Trends. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Deibler, K.D. & van Ruth, S. 2005. Simulation of mouth condition for flavor
analysis. Hoboken, N.J.:John Wiley & Sons.
Jelen, H. 2011. Food Flavors: Chemical, Sensory and Technological Properties.
Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.
Taylor, A.J. 2002. Food Flavour Technology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
Press Ltd.
Taylor, A.J. & Hort, J. 2007. Modifying Flavour in Food. Cambridge: Woodhead
Publishing Limited.

STKM6113 Advanced Food Microbiology

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

In this course, scientific aspect of microbial contamination in food are discussed,

the physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms in contaminated food, and the
survival aspects of vegetative cells and microbial spores due to exposure to various
food preservation techniques. Toxin production mechanisms by bacteria and its
action which causes food poisoning by infection and intoxication are also
discussed. Molecular epidemiology, rapid methods of bacterial sub typing and
data analysis, and food borne diseases emerging issues and international legislation
related to food microbiology are taught. The principles and use of predictive
microbiology during food preservation to control food pathogens are introduced
besides other topic such as microbial risk assessment and microbiological criteria.
Recent techniques based on immunology and genetic for detecting and determining
of foodborne microorganisms in food particularly pathogens are also discussed.

Doyle, M.P., Beuchat, L.R. & Montville, T.J. 1997. Food Microbilology:
Fundamentals and Frontiers. Washington DC: ASM Press.
Forsythe, S. J. 2002. Microbiological Risk Assessment. New York: Wiley-
Fratamico, P. M., Bhunia, A. K. & Smith, J. L. 2005. Foodborne Pathogens:
Microbiology and Molecular Biology. New York: Caister Academic Press.
International Commission for the Microbiological Specifications of Foods
(ICMSF). 2006. Microorganisms in Foods 7: Microbiological Testing in
Food Safety Management. New York: Corr.
Palino, M. V. 2007. Food Microbiology Research Trends. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF).
2011. Microorganisms in Foods 8: Use of Data for Assessing Process Control
and Product Acceptance. New York: Corr.

STKM6122 Experimental Technique in Food Science

This course will discuss the basic principles regarding the technique of conducting
research in food science. Discussion will also include several methods in
conducting experiments commonly practiced in the field of food science, data
analysis and concluding experiment outputs along with the use of software to
analyse data. This course will emphasize on hands-on practical aspects apart from
the theory.

Cornell, J. 2002. Experiments With Mixtures. Florida: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Fellows, P. 2000. Food Processing Technology: Principles & Practice. England:
Ellis-Harwood Ltd., Chichester.
Montgomery, D.C. 2005. Design and Analysis of Experiments. New York: John
Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Myers, R.H. & Montgomery, D.C. 2002. Response Surface Methodology. Florida:
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Paulson, D.S. 2003. Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher. Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York.

STKM6123 Advanced Food Chemistry

This course will deliberate on the chemistry of protein, carbohydrate and lipid,
pertaining to the chemistry and biochemistry, giving special emphasis on
appropriate instrumental analytical techniques to monitor physicochemical
properties related to quality. Protein chemistry will be discussed on interaction of
protein-water, protein-protein, protein-starch and protein-metal and their
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

importance in food processing. Protein modification technology will also be

discussed. Carbohydrate chemistry will cover detailed discussion on the structure-
function relationship, modification and application in food industries. Lipid
chemistry will cover topics such as the production of fats, classification of lipid,
value added products, polymorphism, fat oxidation, structured lipid by
interesterification and application of lipid in food systems. Techniques in fat and
oils analysis will also be discussed.

Srinivasan Damodaran, Kirk L. Parkin, Owen R. Fennema. 2007. Fennema's Food
Chemistry, Fourth Edition (Food Science and Technology). Springer
H.-D. Belitz , Werner Grosch, Peter Schieberle. 2009. Food Chemistry. Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Tom P. Coultate. 2009. Food: The Chemistry of Its Components. Royal Society of
Chemistry, London
John M. deMan. 2013. Principles of Food Chemistry. Springer Science &
Business, New York.
David E. Newton. 2009. Food Chemistry. Infobase Publishing, New York.

STKM6243 Food Safety Management

Food quality control, total quality management (TQM) and food safety
management in food industry will be discussed. This course will also discuss the
concept of food risk analysis and food traceability. Students will also be introduced
to the development of food laws and standards and the salient features of the Food
Act 1983 and Regulations 1985 as well as Malaysian Standards for various food
products. The role of Codex Alimentarius Commision in the development of
various standards and guidelines pertaining to food production will also be
discussed. Students are also exposed to the elements of organization management
which are required to develop and administer a product quality assurance system.
An effective quality assurance system is required to produce a good and safe
product which can meet national and international standards. Principle of food
hygiene, Codes of practice, Good Manufacturing Practice, Halal food, Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO9000 will be discussed. The
development and administration of the regulations and rules pertaining to quality
and safety systems will be covered in this course.

Foster, S.T. 2004. Managing Quality: An Integrative approach. Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Hoyle, D.2005. ISO9000 Quality Systems Handbook. 5th. Ed. Butterworth
Heinemann. Publication.
ICMSF. 1988. HACCP In Microbiological Safety and Quality. Oxford: Blackwell
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. 2006. Skim Pensijilan Amalan Pengilangan
Yang Baik. Kuala Lumpur: Publication of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Ministry of Health Malaysia. 2001. Malaysian Certification for HACCP, Guideline
for HACCP Certification, Guidelines for HACCP Surveillance Audit,
Guidelines for HACCP Compliance Audit, Publication of the Ministry of
Health, Malaysia.
Moretimore, S. & Wellace, C. 1998. HACCP: A Practical Approach. 2nd. Ed.
Maryland : Aspen Publication.

STKM6313 Food Quality

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

This course will discuss in depth the aspects of quality control in several types of
food, with emphasis on foods for both local consumption as well as for export.
This course will introduce candidates to the methods of drawing up specifications,
standards as well as techniques for measurement of quality characteristics in
various types of food, including determination of halal food. The quality and
physiological changes relating to ripening and shelf life of tropical fruits will be
discussed. Sensory evaluation techniques such as descriptive and quantitative
analyses as well as flavor and texture profiling will also be discussed.

Aminah Abdullah. 2000. Prinsip Penilaian Sensori. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
International Trade Centre. 1991. Quality Control for the Food Industry: An
Introductory Handbook Geneva. UNCTAD/GATT.
Lawless, H.T. & Heyman, H. 1998. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and
Practices. New York: Chapman & Hall.
Maskowitz, H.R. 1985. New Directions for Product Testing and Sensory Analysis
of Foods. Wesport, Conn, USA: Food & Nutrition Press, Inc.
Marsili, R. 1996. Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma. New York: Marcel
Dekker. Inc.

STKM6322 Current Techniques in Food Microbiology

In this course, current techniques in food microbiology are exposed to the graduate
student. It includes the detection, identification and characterization of different
techniques in food microbiology such as nucleic acid-based diagnostic and ELISA.
Students are thought the common microbial contaminant in food and risk material
of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). They are also exposed to data
analysis and molecular epidemiology study from DNA finger printing obtained and
explained current developments in nucleic acid-based diagnostic for determination
of food contents from aspects of religious (Halal issues), safety, legislation and
declaration. Besides that, explanation and problem solving method in issue related
to microorganism will be exposed to the students.

John R. Crowther. 2008. Elisa: Theory and Practice (Methods in Molecular
Biology. 2nd. Ed. USA: Springer Protocol.
Conrad Sachse. 2002. PCR Detection of Microbial Pathogens (Methods in
Molecular Biology). First Edition. USA: Humana Press.
Ron Fridell. 2001. DNA Fingerprinting: The Ultimate Identity. USA: Childrens

STKM6323 Food Processing Operation

Food processing operation involves a series of unit operations which bring about
changes in the raw materials. In an effort to produce food products which are safe,
nutritious and stable, knowledge of the food product as well as the combination of
the processing operation units are of utmost importance. This course discusses the
physical and chemical properties of food and the operation units involved in raw
material preparation, size reduction, mixing, forming, thickening, heating
processes, frying, micro waving, filtration and extraction. This course will also
cover the use of pulsed electric field, high pressure processing and ohmic heating
in food processing.

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Brennan, J.G., J.R. Butters, N.D. Cowell & A.W. Lilly. 1993. Food Engineering
Operations. London: Applied Science Publ. Ltd.
Erickson, D.R. 1990. Edible Fats and Oils Processing: Basic Principles and
Modern Practices. Illinois: AOCS.
Fellows, P. 2000. Food Processing Technology: Principles & Practice.
Chichester, England: Ellis-Harwood Ltd.
Fennema, O.R. 1996. Food Chemistry. 2nd. Ed. New York.Marcel-Dekker Publ.
Singh, R.P. 1998. Introduction To Food Engineering. New York: Academic Press.

Whitaker, J. R., Voragen, A. G. J. & Wong, W. S. 2002. Handbook of Food

Enzymology. Boca Raton: CRS Press.

STKM6712 Food and Nutritional Toxicology

This course discusses the basic and applied concepts of food and nutritional
toxicology. Emphasis will be given on the absorption, distribution, metabolism
(biotransformation) and excretion of food toxicants. Several natural and
environmental toxicants will also be introduced. Emphasis will be placed on the
mechanism, control and elimination of food toxicity.

Barceloux, D.G. 2008. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances: Foods, Fungi,
Medicinal Herbs, Plants, and Venomous Animals. New Jersey, USA: John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
Dong, M.H. 2014. An Introduction to Environmental Toxicology Third Edition.
South Carolina, USA: CreateSpace Publishing.
Frank, P. and Ottoboni, M.A. 2011. The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain-
Language Guide to Toxicology, 3rd Edition. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and
Sons Inc.
Klaassen, C.D. 2013. Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of
Poisons, 8th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.
Shibamoto, T and Bieldanes, L.F. 2009. Introduction to Food Toxicology, 2nd
Edition. London, UK: Elsevier Inc.

STKM6722 Food Packaging

This course will cover the basic aspects of food packaging. Emphasis will be
placed on the types of packaging materials available, their properties such as
absorbency, tensile strength and the interaction between the food product and its
packaging material. Methods of packaging, the role of packaging during
transportation of foods and labeling will be discussed. The importance of
packaging in food preservation and protection of food from spoilage and
contamination during storage and transportation will be covered too. The
properties of packaging materials which come into direct contact with food,
controlled or modified atmosphere packaging and water, oxygen and carbon
dioxide absorption materials will also be discussed.

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Robertson, G.L. 1992. Food Packaging – Principles and Practice. Marcell Dekker
Inc. New York.
Brody, A.L. & Marsh, K.S. 1997. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging
Technology. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
Mathlouthi, M. 1994. Food Packaging and Preservation – Theory and Practice.
Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ. London.
David, J.R.D., Graves, R.H. and Carlson, V.R. 1996. Aseptic Processing and
packaging of Food – A Food Industry Perspective.CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Piringer, O.G. and Baner, A.L. 2000. Food Packaging Materials : Barrier Function,
Mass Transport, Quality Assurance and Legislation. Wiley-VCH.

STKM6973 Research Project I

Students are required to conduct a research project related to food science. This
project will be conducted in two consecutive semesters. Title of the project will be
provided by appointed supervisor. Evaluation of research project I is based on
written proposal, presentation and progress throughout the semester.

Pusat Siswazah. 2015. Format Gaya UKM. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.

STKM6986 Research Project II

Research Project II is the continuation of Research Project I. Upon completion of
the project, the students will prepare a dissertation and defend its content during
result presentation and oral examination. Regulation on preparations of the
dissertation are stipulated in “The UKM Style Guide”.

Pusat Siswazah. 2015. Format Gaya UKM. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.


The Nutrition program offers a Master of Science degree by thesis and course
work. The candidates in this field of specialization will be trained on the
importance of nutrition in health and the complexity of nutritional problems.
Nutrition is also closely linked to food production and safety.
The Master of Science (Nutrition) Program complements the Doctor of
Philosophy program that comprises only research work. Graduates from this
program will possess sound knowledge in the field of Nutrition. It is hoped that
these graduates will apply the gained knowledge in areas of research and
production of nutritious foods, food safety and quality, food regulations as well as
food and nutrition educational programs.

Entry Requirements
Candidates applying for graduate degree study should possess the following

a) Bachelor of Science degree (Food Science and Nutrition, Nutrition or

Dietetics) with a good Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or any universities approved by the Senate, or
b) Other equivalent qualification to a Bachelor's degree in Science or other
qualification such as experiences approved by the Senate;
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

c) Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum CGPA requirements may be

considered on the basis of their experience in research in related fields.

Type of Programs
The Master of Science (Nutrition) degree offers two types of study program:
 Thesis
 Course work


PEO1: Competent with admirable personality and character that can uphold the
vision of the faculty and the university as well as able to contribute an
energy and expertise toward the current technology development and
problem solving.
PEO2: Provides in-depth knowledge and guide current exploratory research on the
development of dietary habits on culture, the environment and changes in
community attitudes.
PEO3: Developing attitudes and awareness to identify, plan work activities,
design of new research and innovation to meet the challenges and demands
in the current field of nutrition.
PEO4: Developing and creating a knowledge sharing network to conduct research
effectively and equitably to meet the challenges of food and nutrition
industry demand.


PLO1: Mastery of advanced knowledge to conduct research in nutrition.

PLO2: Having in-depth technical competence in the field of nutrition.
PLO3: Ability to identify and solve problems in nutritional research.
PLO4: Ability to utilize scientific methods to design, conduct, analyze and
interpret research data.
PLO5: Understanding of issues and needs related to ethics, society, culture and
environment as a professional nutritionist.
PLO6: Competent in both oral and written communication.
PLO7: Ability to function effectively as an individual and in a group with the
capacity to be a leader as well as an effective team member.
PLO8: Recognizing the need for lifelong learning and possessing the capacity to
do so.
PLO9: Ability to acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills to fulfill the
community needs.

Program Structure

All candidates of this program have to register and pass 14 credit hours of courses
to fulfill the requirement for graduation. From the 14 credit hours of courses, 4
credit hours core Faculty and 10 credit hours for core program. The list of the
courses are:

STPD6014 Research Methodology

and select 10 credit hours from the list:-

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Semester I
STKM6033 Science of Fats and Oils
STKM6122 Experiment Techniques in Food Science
STKM6223 Research Techniques in Nutrition
STKM6313 Food Quality
STKM6413 Nutrition and Aging
STKM6712 Food and Nutrition Toxicology

Semester II
STKM6063 Food Additive Substance
STKM6213 Applied Nutrition
STKM6222 Nutrient and Drug Interactions
STKM6243 Food Safety Management
STKM6333 Diet Therapy Advanced

Course work
All candidates of this program have to register and pass 40 credit hours, of which
29 credit hours are from core courses and 11 credit hours from elective courses.
Students may take any of the elective courses to fulfill the requirement.


STPD6014 Research
STKM6223 Research STKM6033 Science of Fat
Techniques in and Oil
Nutrition STKM6122 Experimental
I STKM6313 Food Quality Techniques in 20
STKM6712 Food and Food Science
Nutrition STKM6413 Nutrition and
Toxicology Aging
STKM6973 Research
Project I

STKM6213 Applied
STKM6222 Nutrient and STKM6063 Food
Drug Additives
II 20
Interactions STKM6243 Food Safety
STKM6333 Diet Therapy Management
STKM6986 Research
Project II

TOTAL 29 11 40

Courses Offered
STPD6014 Research Methodology
STKM6033 Science of Fats and Oils
STKM6063 Food Additives
STKM6122 Experimental Techniques in Food Science
STKM6213 Applied Nutrition
STKM6222 Nutrient and Drug Interactions
STKM6223 Research Techniques in Nutrition
STKM6243 Food Safety Management
STKM6313 Food Quality
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKM6333 Diet Therapy

STKM6413 Nutrition and Aging
STKM6712 Food and Nutritional Toxicology
STKM6923 Developmental Nutrition
STKM6973 Research Project I
STKM6986 Research Project II

Course Contents
STKM6033 Science of Fats and Oils
This course discusses fat and oil processing to produce value added products.
These include fractionation, hydrogenation, transesterification and blending to
produce emulsifiers (sugar esters, DAG, MAG) and specialty fats (structured
lipids, confectionary fats, shortenings). In addition, polymorphic characteristics of
fats and oils and their importance in fat migration, compatibility and formation of
fat bloom will also be discussed. The physico-chemical changes in fats and oils
during cooking will also be explained. The role of dietary fats and oils in health
and diseases (coronary heart diseases, obesity) will be explained.

Akoh, C.C. & Min, D.B. 1998. Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition, and
Biotechnology. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Garti, N. & Sato, K. 1988. Crystallization and Polimorphism of Fats and Fatty
Acids. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Gunstone, F.D. & Padley, F.B. 1997. Lipid Technologies and Applications. New
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Gunstone F.D., Harwood, J.L. & Padley, F.B. 1995. The Lipid Handbook. Ed. ke-
2. London: Chapman & Hall.
Hamilton, R.J. 1995. Developments in Oils and Fats. London: Blakie Academic &

STKM6063 Food Additives

This course discusses the chemical reactions involve in natural food flavour
formation from plants and animals as well as via food processing techniques. The
method to isolate, separate and identify flavour compounds will also be discussed.
Emphasis will be given on identification of off- flavours defects in foods and
propose ways of preventing them. The synthetic and natural identical flavourings
will be addressed in the course. Students will be given group assignment/project to
apply flavourings to various formulated systems.

Bredie, W.L.P. & Petersen, M.A. 2006. Flavour Science: Recent Advances and
Trends. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Deibler, K.D. & van Ruth, S. 2005. Simulation of mouth condition for flavor
analysis. Hoboken, N.J.:John Wiley & Sons.
Jelen, H. 2011. Food Flavors: Chemical, Sensory and Technological Properties.
Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.
Taylor, A.J. 2002. Food Flavour Technology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press
Taylor, A.J. & Hort, J. 2007. Modifying Flavour in Food. Cambridge: Woodhead
Publishing Limited.

STKM6122 Experimental Techniques in Food Science

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

This course will discuss the basic principles regarding the technique of conducting
research in food science. Discussion will also include several methods in
conducting experiments commonly practiced in the field of food science, data
analysis and concluding experiment outputs along with the use of software to
analyse data. This course will emphasize on hands-on practical aspects apart from
the theory.

Cornell, J. 2002. Experiments With Mixtures. Florida: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Fellows, P. 2000. Food Processing Technology: Principles & Practice. England:
Ellis-Harwood Ltd., Chichester.
Montgomery, D.C. 2005. Design and Analysis of Experiments. New York: John
Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Myers, R.H. & Montgomery, D.C. 2002. Response Surface Methodology. Florida:
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Paulson, D.S. 2003. Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher. Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York.

STKM6213 Applied Nutrition

This course discussed the food habit of ethnic groups in Malaysia. Several
nutrition related programs in Malaysia will also be discussed. The students will be
exposed to field work in relation to nutrition where the students will be involved in
planning, implementing, teaching and evaluating of project conducted.

Bauer, K.D, Liou, D. and Sokolik, C.A. 2012. Nutrition Counseling and Education
Skill Development. Belmont CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Frank, G. 2008. Community Nutrition: Applying Epidemiology to Contemporary
Practice, 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publisher.
Mahan, L.K., Stump, S.E & Raymond, J.L. 2012. Krause’s food and the nutrition
care process, 13th Edition. Missouri: Elsevier Saunders.
Nix, S. 2013. William’s Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 14th Edition. Missouri:
Elsevier Mosby.
Nnakwe, N.E. 2009. Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention, 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publisher.

STKM6222 Nutrient and Drug Interactions

This course discusses the effects of nutrient on the efficacy and toxicity of drugs.
Students will be exposed to the influence of drugs on the absorption, distribution
and metabolism of nutrients. Emphasis will be given on the influence of drugs
such as alcohol and food. The interactive effects of food additives and supplements
with drugs on certain diseases will also be addressed.

Boullata, J.I. & Armenti, V. T. (eds.). 2000. Handbook of Drug-Nutrient
Interactions. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Lininger, S. W. 1999. A-Z Guide To Drug-Herb and Vitamin Interaction. New
York: Prima Communications, Inc.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Mahan, L. K. & Escott-Stump, S. 2008. Krause's Food & Nutrition Therapy.

Missouri: Saunders Elsevier, Pub.
McCabe, B. J., Wolfe, J. J. & Frankel, E. H. 2003. Handbook of Food-Drug
Interactions. Florida: CRC Boca Raton.
Meckling, K. A. 2007. Nutrient-Drug Interactions. Florida: CRC/Taylor &
Pronsky, Z. M. et al. 1995. Food-Medication Interactions. Pottstown, PN: Food
Medication Interactions Pub.

STKM6223 Research Techniques in Nutrition

This course discusses the techniques commonly used in biological assay of food
proteins and nutritional evaluation using small animals and in vitro studies. The
principals of research technique in nutrition is introduced whereby students will be
able to carry out experiments using animals to conduct bioassays, PER and
digestibility studies. Students will be exposed to the research ethics, management
of the laboratory for animal studies, appreciate the handling of small animals and
work in group to achieve results. Research techniques involving surveys and
clinical studies will also be covered in this course.

Akins, C. K., Panicker S. & Cunningham, C. L. (eds.) 2004. Laboratory Animals
In Research And Teaching: Ethics, Care, And Methods. Washington, D.C.:
Choo, S.C. & Liu, J.P. 1998. Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concept and
Methodologies. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
FAO/WHO. 1985. Energy and Protein Requirements. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 724.
James, W.P.T. & Schofield E.C. 1990. Human Energy Requirements. A Manual for
Planners and Nutritionists. Oxford: Oxford Medical Public.
Langley, G. 1989. Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes. Hamsphire:
the Macmillan Press.

STKM6243 Food Safety Management

Food quality control, total quality management (TQM) and food safety
management in food industry will be discussed. This course will also discuss the
concept of food risk analysis and food traceability. Students will also be introduced
to the development of food laws and standards and the salient features of the Food
Act 1983 and Regulations 1985 as well as Malaysian Standards for various food
products. The role of Codex Alimentations Commission in the development of
various standards and guidelines pertaining to food production will also be
discussed. Students are also exposed to the elements of organization management
which are required to develop and administer a product quality assurance system.
An effective quality assurance system is required to produce a good and safe
product which can meet national and international standards. Principle of food
hygiene, Codes of practice, Good Manufacturing Practice, Halal food, Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO9000 will be discussed. The
development and administration of the regulations and rules pertaining to quality
and safety systems will be covered in this course.

Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Foster, S.T. 2004. Managing Quality: An Integrative Approach. Upper Saddle

River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Hoyle, D. 2005. ISO9000 Quality Systems Handbook. 5th. Ed. Butterworth
Heinemann. Publication
ICMSF. 1988. HACCP in Microbiological Safety and Quality. Oxford: Blackwell
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. 2006. Skim Pensijilan Amalan Pengilangan
Yang Baik. Kuala Lumpur: Publication of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Ministry of Health Malaysia. 2001. Malaysian Certification for HACCP, Guideline
for HACCP Certification, Guidelines for HACCP Surveillance Audit,
Guidelines for HACCP Compliance Audit, Publication of the Ministry of
Health, Malaysia.
Moretimore, S. & Wellace, C. 1998. HACCP: A Practical Approach. 2nd. Ed.
Maryland : Aspen Publication

STKM6313 Food Quality

This course will discuss in depth the aspects of quality control in several types of
food, with emphasis on foods for both local consumption as well as for export.
This course will introduce candidates to the methods of drawing up specifications,
standards as well as techniques for measurement of quality characteristics in
various types of food, including determination of halal food. The quality and
physiological changes relating to ripening and shelf life of tropical fruits will be
discussed. Sensory evaluation techniques such as descriptive and quantitative
analyses as well as flavor and texture profiling will also be discussed.

Aminah Abdullah. 2000. Prinsip Penilaian Sensori. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
International Trade Centre. 1991. Quality Control for the Food Industry: An
Introductory handbook Geneva. UNCTAD/GATT.
Lawless, H.T. & Heyman, H. 1998. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and
Practices. New York: Chapman & Hall.
Maskowitz, H.R. 1985. New Directions for Product Testing and Sensory Analysis
of Foods. Wesport, Conn, USA: Food & Nutrition Press, Inc.
Marsili, R. 1996. Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma. New York: Marcel
Dekker. Inc.

STKM6333 Diet Therapy

This course covers the aspects of nutrition which are the foundations for treatment
of certain pathological conditions. Good nutrition can assist the recovery of
patients suffering from acute and chronic diseases by alleviating problems such as
stress, trauma, infection, metabolic changes and the after effects of surgery.
Students will be exposed to the physiology of diseases and various aspects of
nutrition such as enteral and parenteral nutrition as well as nutrition for diseases of
the intestines, liver and kidneys. Nutrition for conditions such as cancer, diabetes
mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, food allergy and others will also be covered in
this course.

Aminah Abdullah. 2000. Prinsip Penilaian Sensori. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
International Trade Centre. 1991. Quality Control for the Food Industry: An
Introductory handbook Geneva. UNCTAD/GATT.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

Lawless, H.T. & Heyman, H. 1998. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and
Practices. New York: Chapman & Hall.
Maskowitz, H.R. 1985. New Directions for Product Testing and Sensory Analysis
of Foods. Wesport, Conn, USA: Food & Nutrition Press, Inc.
Marsili, R. 1996. Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma. New York: Marcel
Dekker. Inc.

STKM6413 Nutrition and Aging

This course discusses the elderly demographic pattern, theories related to ageing
process and factors influencing ageing process such as environment, social,
psychology, biology and physiology. Malnutrition problems faced by elderly,
nutritional need and dietary managements well as functional and quality of life will
also be discussed. Students will be exposed to the various facilities and institution
available for the elderly in Malaysia.

Mahan, L.K. & Stump, S.E. 2008. Krause's Food & Nutrition Therapy. 11th. Ed.
Canada: Saunders Elsevier.
Morley, J.E. & Thomas, D.R. 2007. Geriatric Nutrition. New York: CRC Press.
Perlmutter, M & Hall, E. 1992. Adult Development and Aging. 2nd. Ed. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Roe, D. A. 1987. Geriatric NUTRITION. 2nd. Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Suriah Abdul Rahman. 2001. Pemakanan Wargatua. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
Bahasa & Pustaka.

STKM6712 Food and Nutritional Toxicology

This course discusses the basic and applied concepts of food and nutritional
toxicology. Emphasis will be given on the absorption, distribution, metabolism
(biotransformation) and excretion of food toxicants. Several natural and
environmental toxicants will also be introduced. Emphasis will be placed on the
mechanism, control and elimination of food toxicity.

Barceloux, D.G. 2008. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances: Foods, Fungi,
Medicinal Herbs, Plants, and Venomous Animals. New Jersey, USA: John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
Dong, M.H. 2014. An Introduction to Environmental Toxicology Third Edition.
South Carolina, USA: CreateSpace Publishing.
Frank, P. and Ottoboni, M.A. 2011. The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain-
Language Guide to Toxicology, 3rd Edition. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and
Sons Inc.
Klaassen, C.D. 2013. Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of
Poisons, 8th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.
Shibamoto, T and Bieldanes, L.F. 2009. Introduction to Food Toxicology, 2nd
Edition. London, UK: Elsevier Inc.

STKM6973 Research Project I

Students are required to conduct a research project related to nutrition. This
project will be conducted in two consecutive semesters. Title of the project will be
provided by appointed supervisor. Evaluation of research project I is based on
written proposal, proposal presentation and progress throughout the semester.

Pusat Siswazah. 2015. Format Gaya UKM. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.
Panduan Siswazah FST, Sesi 2016-2017

STKM6988 Research Project II

Research Project II is the continuation of Research Project I. Upon completion of
the project, the students will prepare a dissertation and defend its content during
result presentation and oral examination. Regulation on preparations of the
dissertation are stipulated in “The UKM Style Guide”.

Pusat Siswazah. 2015. Format Gaya UKM. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.

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