2011-01-22 U14 Electromagnetic Waves

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Unit 14: 2011

Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio waves
Visible light
Ultra violet
Gamma Rays
Mnemonic: Ronald McDonald is Very Ugly Xcept Gary

Frequencies of Electromagnetic Waves

Radio: (10^8 Hz)
Micro: (10 ^ 10 Hz)
Infrared: (10 ^ 12 Hz)
Visible Light: (5 x 10 ^ 14 Hz)
Ultra Violet: (3 x 10 ^ 16 Hz)
X-Rays: (3 x 10 ^ 18 Hz)
Gamma: (3 x 10 ^ 20 Hz)

 Electromagnetic waves are continuous (no gaps)

 No Distinct Boundary between one type of wave and the next

Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

 Transverse Waves
 Electric & Magnetic Fields oscillate at 90o to each other
 Transfer energy from one place to another
 Do not require any medium
 Travel at speed of light in vacuum
 V = f (frequency) x λ (wavelength)
 They obey the laws of reflection & refraction
 Carry no electric charge
 Frequencies do not change when they travel from one medium to another as the source remains the

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Gamma Rays: Radiation Therapy (Cancer Treatment)

 Used to treat cancer.
 Higher Energy rays are directed at cancerous tumors to kill cancer cells.
 The Gamma Knife radiosurgery is one such medical procedures that uses gamma rays to destroy
brain tumors
X-Rays: Medical and everyday applications
 Low Frequency X-Rays used to produce x-ray images by doctors (arm fracture / tooth decay)
 X-Ray Scanners in airports
 X ray can penetrate through any material except for lead to scan the contents of their luggage.
 High frequency X-Rays are used for radiation therapy (gamma rays)
Ultraviolet: Sunbeds & Sterilization of Medical Equipment
 Ultraviolet is divided into 3 groups
 Ultraviolet lamps emitting UVA used in Sunbeds (artificial tanning)
 Popular in countries with limited sunlight
 Used as germicidal lamps for sterilization in hospitals
 Used as germicidal lamps for sterilization in hospitals
 Part of the sunlight that cases sunburn and tans
Visible Light: Optical Fibres
 Light is used in optical fibres for medical purposes & telecommunications
 Watch movies & read books
Infrared: Remote Controllers and ear thermometers
 Infrared remote controllers in all daily appliances
 Sensors to detect human body infrared radiation emission
o Intruder Alarms
o Ear Thermometers
 Amount of infrared energy emitted depends on human body temperature
 Applied in military technology
o Soldiers using infrared sensor to detect his enemy through thick vegetation &
Microwaves: Ovens & Satellites
 Microwaves cause the water molecules in food to vibrate at millions of times a second.
 This movement causes friction and heats up the food.
 Microwaves can penetrate haze, light rain, snow, clouds, and smoke.
 Satellite Televisions use microwaves to receive television programmes via satellites in space
however as they are highly directional, the satellite dish and associated components must be
properly aligned.
Radio waves: Radio & Telecommunication
 Uses
o Radio Broadcasting
o Wireless Telegraphy
o Telephone Transmission
o Television

o Radar
o Navigation Systems
o Telecommunications
 Radio waves can go around obstruction because of their longer wavelengths
 Radio waves of longer wavelengths: AM Radio
 Radio waves of shorter wavelengths: FM & television
Effects of electromagnetic waves
Infrared Heating
 Heat from the radiating charcoal fire is infrared in nature.
 Skin absorbs infrared waves, making us feel warm

Ionization & Effects of ionizing radiation on living matter

 Ion is an electrically charged atom or molecule.
 Ionization refers to the process of ion formation.
 High energy electromagnetic waves such as UV Rays, X Rays & Gamma Rays are able to ionize atoms and
molecules, including living matter.
 Molecular Level: Irradiation of human tissues may result in damage to proteins, nucleic acids, and other
vital molecules found in cells
 Sub-Cellular Level: Ionizing Radiation can cause damage to the chromosomes which bear DNA.
 Ionizing X-Ray imaging runs the risk of giving birth to a deformed baby.
 Organism Level: Overexposure to ionizing radiation may lead to premature ageing and shortening of

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