wc069p - Girls Sequin Top Knitting Pattern

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Sequin Top

The perfect knit for any princess, this sparkly yarn and button raglan
detail are just what we would wish for

To fit ages 4-5 (6-7) (8-9) (10-11) years.

Knitting Actual measurements 65 (73) (80) (87)

cm/25½ (28½) (31½) (34¼) in.
Side seam 21 (24) (27) (30) cm/
8¼ (9½) (10½) (11¾) in.
Length to back neck 32.5 (37) (40.5) (45)
cm/12¾ (14½) (16)
(17¾) in.
Sleeve seam 5 (6) (6) (7) cm/2 (2½) (2½)
(2¾) in.

2 (2) (3) (3) 50g (175m) balls of King Cole
Galaxy DK (65% acrylic, 31% wool, 4% soft
payette) in Pink (679)*. Pair of 3¼mm (No.
10) and 4mm (No. 8) knitting needles;
2 buttons.

22 stitches and 28 rows, to 10 x 10cm, over
stocking stitch, using 4mm needles.

K, knit; p, purl; st, stitch; tog, together; ss,
stocking st (k on right side and p on wrong
side); dec, decrease (by working 2 sts tog);
skpo, slip 1, k1, pass slip st over; yf, yarn
forward to make a st.

Yarn amounts are based on average
requirements and are therefore
approximate. Instructions are given for
small size. Where they vary, work figures in
round brackets for larger sizes. Instructions
in square brackets are worked as stated
after 2nd bracket.
With 3¼mm needles, cast on 72 (80) (88)
(96) sts.
K 5 rows.
Change to 4mm needles.
Beginning with a k row, work in ss until
back measures 21 (24) (27) (30) cm from
beginning, ending with a p row.
Shape raglan armholes: Cast off 5 (6) (7)
(8) sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
Next row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog,
Next row: P to end.
Repeat last 2 rows, 14 (16) (17) (19) times
more – 32 (34) (38) (40) sts.
Leave these sts on a st holder.

With 3¼mm needles, cast on 72 (80) (88)
(96) sts.
K 5 rows.
Change to 4mm needles.
Beginning with a k row, work in ss until
front measures 21 (24) (27) (30) cm from
beginning, ending with a p row.
Shape raglan armholes: Cast off 5 (6) (7)
(8) sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
Next row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog,
Next row: P to end.
Repeat last 2 rows, 2 (4) (5) (7) times more
– 56 (58) (62) (64) sts.
Mark beginning of last row.
Continue to dec 1 st at each end as before
on next row and 11 following alternate (76) sts. Button band
rows – 32 (34) (38) (40) sts. K 5 rows. With right side facing and using 3¼mm
P 1 row. Leave these sts on a st holder. Change to 4mm needles. needles, pick up and k18 sts along rightt
Beginning with a k row, work in ss until sleeve raglan edge from marker to top of
Right sleeve sleeve measures 5 (6) (6) (7) cm from neckband. Cast off kwise.
With 3¼mm needles, cast on 58 (64) (70) beginning, ending with a p row.
(76) sts. Shape raglan top: Cast off 5 (6) (7) (8) sts Buttonhole band
K 5 rows. at beginning of next 2 rows. With right side facing and using 3¼mm
Change to 4mm needles. Next row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, needles, pick up and k18 sts along right
Beginning with a k row, work in ss until k2. front raglan edge from top of neckband to
sleeve measures 5 (6) (6) (7) cm from Next row: P to end. marker.
beginning, ending with a p row. Repeat last 2 rows, 14 (16) (17) (19) times Buttohole row: [K6, yf, k2tog] twice, k2. K
Shape raglan top: Cast off 5 (6) (7) (8) sts more – 18 (18) (20) (20) sts. 1 row. Cast off.
at beginning of next 2 rows. Leave these sts on a st holder.
Next row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, To make up
k2. Neckband Join right front raglan seam from markers
Next row: P to end. Join both back and left front raglan seams. to beginning of raglan shaping. Lap
Repeat last 2 rows, 2 (4) (5) (7) times more With right side facing and using 3¼mm buttonhole band over button band and
– 42 (42) (44) (44) sts. needles, k17 (17) (19) (19) sts from right catch down row-ends of buttonhole band
Mark end of last row. sleeve, k last st tog with first st on back, at marker end.
Continue to dec 1 st at each end of next k30 (32) (36) (38), k last st on back tog with Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on
row and 11 following alternate rows – first st on left sleeve, k16 (16) (18) (18), k buttons.
18 (18) (20) (20) sts. P 1 row. last st tog with first st on front, k31 (33)

All downloaded Knitting/Crochet/Craft pattern

Leave these sts on a st holder. (37) (39) sts of front – 97 (101) (113) (117)
content remains the intellectual property of Time Inc.
Left sleeve
(UK) Ltd. And/or its suppliers. The unauthorised resale
K 2 rows. Cast off. or distribution of this Knitting/Crochet/Craft pattern
With 3¼mm needles, cast on 58 (64) (70) content would be in breach of copyright law.

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