Heirloom Set in Paintbox Yarns PDF

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Actual 60 cm, 23 ½ in, wide ● Paintbox Yarns cannot accept responsibility for the finished
measurement 82 cm, 32 ½ in, long item if any yarn other than the recommended yarn is used.
● Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and are
YOU WILL NEED therefore approximate.
● 50g balls of Paintbox Yarns Baby DK (As seen on cover) ● Color reproduction is as close as color accuracy on screens.
. 4 × MC - Blush Pink or Baby Blue ● Instructions are written using UK terminology with changes
● Pair of 3.75mm (UK 9 – US 5) knitting needles for US terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )
● Pair of 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) knitting needles afterwards.
● Cable needle ● Repeat figures in round brackets ( ) the number of times
stated afterwards.
TENSION (GAUGE) ● Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes
22 stitches and 30 rows to 10 cm, 4 in, measured over pattern for the larger sizes given in square brackets [ ] afterwards.
using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles, or size required to give ● Instructions between [square brackets] should be worked
correct tension (gauge). the number of times indicated.

It is vitally important to check your tension (gauge) before ABBREVIATIONS

starting as working to the wrong tension (gauge) will mean beg = beginning; C3B = slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and
your garment will not be the size shown and could result leave at back of work, K1, then K2 from cable needle;
in yarn being left over, or more yarn being required. Before C3F = slip next st onto cable needle and leave at front of
beginning, knit a tension (gauge) swatch at least 13 cm, 5 in, work, K2, then K1 from cable needle; cm = centimetres;
square and measure your tension (gauge). If there are more cont = continue; in = inches; K = knit; MB = make bobble as
stitches and rows than stated, try again using thicker needles. follows: K into front and back of next st, turn, (P into front and
If there are fewer stitches and rows than stated, try again back of next st) twice, turn, K4, turn, P4, turn, K4, turn, (P2tog)
using thinner needles. twice, turn, K2tog – bobble completed; patt = pattern;
psso = pass slipped stitch over; rs = right side; sl 1 = slip one
stitch; st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; ws = wrong side;
yfwd = yarn forward.

60 cm, 23 ½ in
82 cm, 32 ½ in

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 2
©This pattern is copyright. All rights reserved. It is for individual personal use only and must not be made for resale or any commercial purposes.
No part of this pattern (including its photography) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from LoveCrafts Collective Limited.
Cast on 133 sts using 3.75mm (UK 9 – US 5) needles.
row 1 (rs) K1, (P1, K1) to end.
row 2 as row 1.
These 2 rows form moss st.
Work in moss st for a further 8 rows, ending with a ws row.
Change to 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles.
Beg and ending patt rows as indicated, repeating the 18 st
patt repeat six times across each row and working edge 11 sts
once, now work in patt, placing chart as follows:
row 1 (rs) moss st 7 sts, work next 119 sts as row 1 of chart,
moss st 7 sts.
row 2 moss st 7 sts, work next 119 sts as row 2 of chart,
moss st 7 sts.
These 2 rows set position of pattern – with 7 sts in moss st
at each end of row and all other sts worked in patt from chart.
Keeping sts correct as now set, cont until all 62 rows of
chart have been completed three times in total, then work
chart rows 1 to 41 once more, ending with a rs row.
Change to 3.75mm (UK 9 – US 5) needles.
Work in moss st across all sts for 10 rows, ending with a rs row.
Cast (bind) off in moss st (on ws).

Do NOT steam press!
Pin out Blanket to measurements given, cover with a clean
damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 3

18 st patt rep

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 4
HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 5


To fit age 0-3 ● Paintbox Yarns cannot accept responsibility for the finished
0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 months item if any yarn other than the recommended yarn is used.
Actual measurement ● Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and are
33 36 38.5 41.5 44 cm therefore approximate.
13 14 ¼ 15 ¼ 16 ¼ 17 in ● Color reproduction is as close as color accuracy on screens.
● Instructions are written using UK terminology with changes
YOU WILL NEED for US terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )
● 50g balls of Paintbox Yarns Baby DK (As seen on cover) afterwards.
. 1 [1: 1: 1: 1] × MC - Blush Pink ● Repeat figures in round brackets ( ) the number of times
● Pair of 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) knitting needles stated afterwards.
● Pair of 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) knitting needles ● Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes
● 2 double-pointed 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) knitting for the larger sizes given in square brackets [ ] afterwards.
needles OR 50 cm, 19½ in, of narrow ribbon ● Instructions between [square brackets] should be worked
the number of times indicated.
22 stitches and 30 rows to 10 cm, 4 in, measured over ABBREVIATIONS
stocking (stockinette) stitch using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) alt = alternate; beg = beginning; cm = centimetres;
needles, or size required to give correct tension (gauge). cont = continue; foll = following; g st = garter stitch (K every
row); in = inches; K = knit; P = purl; psso = pass slipped
It is vitally important to check your tension (gauge) before stitch over; rem = remain(s)(ing); rep = repeat; rs = right side;
starting as working to the wrong tension (gauge) will mean sl 1 = slip one stitch; st st = stocking (stockinette) stitch (rs
your garment will not be the size shown and could result rows K, ws rows P); st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; ws =
in yarn being left over, or more yarn being required. Before wrong side; yfwd = yarn forward.
beginning, knit a tension (gauge) swatch at least 13 cm, 5 in,
square and measure your tension (gauge). If there are more
stitches and rows than stated, try again using thicker needles.
If there are fewer stitches and rows than stated, try again
using thinner needles.

33 [36: 38.5: 41.5: 44] cm

13 [14 ¼: 15 ¼: 16 ¼: 17 ¼] in

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 6
©This pattern is copyright. All rights reserved. It is for individual personal use only and must not be made for resale or any commercial purposes.
No part of this pattern (including its photography) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from LoveCrafts Collective Limited.
Cast on 73 [79: 85: 91: 97] sts using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) Fold Bonnet in half and join shaped cast-off (bound-off) edges
needles. to form back seam. Now fold Bonnet flat so that cast-off edge
Now work picot edge as follows: at centre matches row-end edges either side and sew top seam.
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. With rs facing and using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) needles, pick
row 4 (rs) K1, *yfwd, K2tog, rep from * to end. up and knit 48 [52: 52: 56: 56] sts evenly along straight row-end
Change to 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles. edge, from one end of picot cast-on edge to back seam and
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. then on to other end of picot cast-on edge.
Fold cast-on edge to ws along row 4 and now form picot Work in g st for 4 rows, ending with a rs row.
edge as follows: Cast (bind) off knitwise (on ws).
row 8 (rs) K first st on left needle tog with first st of cast-on
edge, *K next st on left needle with next st from cast-on KNITTED TIES (OPTIONAL - BOTH ALIKE)
edge, rep from * to end. With rs facing and using double-pointed 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3)
These 8 rows complete the picot edge. needles, pick up and knit 3 sts along one row-end edge of
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. Neckband.
Now work flower border as follows: row 1 (rs) K3, *without turning slip these 3 sts to opposite
row 1 (rs) K1 [4: 1: 4: 1], *K3, K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, end of needle and bring yarn to opposite end of work pulling
psso, K4, rep from * to last 0 [3: 0: 3: 0] sts, K0 [3: 0: 3: 0]. it quite tightly across ws of work, K these 3 sts again, rep
row 2 and every foll alt row purl. from * until Tie is 25 cm, 9 ¾ in, long, without turning slip
row 3 K1 [4: 1: 4: 1], *K2, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, these 3 sts to opposite end of needle and bring yarn to
K3, rep from * to 0 [3: 0: 3: 0] sts, K0 [3: 0: 3: 0]. opposite end of work pulling it quite tightly across ws of
row 5 K1 [4: 1: 4: 1], *K1, K2tog, yfwd, K5, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, work, sl 1, K2tog, psso and fasten off rem 1 st.
K2, rep from * to 0 [3: 0: 3: 0] sts, K0 [3: 0: 3: 0]. Make two 2.5 cm, 1 in, diameter pompons and attach to ends
row 7 as row 1. of Ties as in photograph.
row 9 as row 1.
row 11 as row 1. RIBBON TIES (OPTIONAL)
row 12 purl. Cut ribbon into 2 equal lengths and attach one length to each
These 12 rows complete flower border. end of Neckband.
Beg with a K row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a rs row.
Work in g st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. MAKING UP
Beg with a K row, now complete work in st st as follows: Do NOT steam press!
Cont straight until Bonnet measures 13 [14: 14: 15: 15] cm, Pin out Bonnet to measurements given, cover with a clean
5 [5 ½: 5 ½: 6: 6] in, ending with a rs row. damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.

Shape Back
next row (ws) P24 [26: 28: 30: 32] and slip these sts onto a
holder. Cast (bind) off next 25 [27: 29: 31: 33] sts, P to end.
Work on this set of 24 [26: 28: 30: 32] sts only for first
back section as follows:
Work 8 [8: 10: 12: 12] rows, ending with a ws row.
Cast (bind) off 4 [5: 5: 6: 6] sts at beg of next and foll
0 [3: 1: 3: 2] alt rows, then 5 [0: 6: 0: 7] sts at beg of foll
3 [0: 2: 0: 1] alt rows.
Work 1 row.
Cast (bind) off rem 5 [6: 6: 6: 7] sts.
Return to 24 [26: 28: 30: 32] sts left on holder, rejoin yarn
with rs facing and K to end.
Work 8 [8: 10: 12: 12] rows, ending with a rs row.
Cast (bind) off 4 [5: 5: 6: 6] sts at beg of next and foll
0 [3: 1: 3: 2] alt rows, then 5 [0: 6: 0: 7] sts at beg of foll
3 [0: 2: 0: 1] alt rows.
Work 1 row.
Cast (bind) off rem 5 [6: 6: 6: 7] sts.

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 7


To fit age ● Paintbox Yarns cannot accept responsibility for the finished
0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 months item if any yarn other than the recommended yarn is used.
To fit chest ● Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and are
41 46 51 56 61 cm therefore approximate.
16 18 20 22 24 in ● Color reproduction is as close as color accuracy on screens.
Actual measurement ● Instructions are written using UK terminology with changes
45.5 50 55.5 61 66.5 cm for US terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )
17 ½ 19 ½ 21 ¾ 24 26 ¼ in afterwards.
Finished length, from back neck ● Repeat figures in round brackets ( ) the number of times
22 26 30 34 39 cm stated afterwards.
8 ½ 10 ¼ 11 ¾ 13 ½ 15 ½ in ● Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes
Sleeve length for the larger sizes given in square brackets [ ] afterwards.
12 15 19 23 27 cm ● Instructions between [square brackets] should be worked
4 ¾ 6 7 ½ 10 10 ½ in the number of times indicated.
● Where the figure 0 appears, no stitches, times or rows are
YOU WILL NEED worked for this size.
● 50g balls of Paintbox Yarns Baby DK (As seen on cover)
. 3 [3: 3: 4: 4] × MC - Blush Pink ABBREVIATIONS
● Pair of 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) knitting needles alt = alternate; beg = beginning; cm = centimetres;
● Pair of 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) knitting needles cont = continue; dec = decreas(e)(ing); foll = following;
● 2 double-pointed 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) knitting g st = garter stitch (K every row); in = inches; inc = increas(e)(ing);
needles K = knit; P = purl; rem = remain(s)(ing); rep = repeat; rs = right
● 3 hook and eye closures suitable for use on baby side; skpo = slip one stitch, knit the next stitch, pass slipped
clothing stitch over; st st = stocking (stockinette) stitch (rs rows K, ws
rows P); st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; ws = wrong side;
TENSION (GAUGE) yf = yarn forward.
22 stitches and 30 rows to 10 cm, 4 in, measured over
stocking (stockinette) stitch using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6)
needles, or size required to give correct tension (gauge).

It is vitally important to check your tension (gauge) before

starting as working to the wrong tension (gauge) will mean
your garment will not be the size shown and could result
in yarn being left over, or more yarn being required. Before
beginning, knit a tension (gauge) swatch at least 13 cm, 5 in,
square and measure your tension (gauge). If there are more
stitches and rows than stated, try again using thicker needles.
If there are fewer stitches and rows than stated, try again
using thinner needles.
8 ½ [10 ¼: 11 ¾: 13 ½: 15 ½] in
22 [26: 30: 34: 39] cm

: 27] cm
12 [15: 19: 23
9: 10 ½] in
4 ¾ [6: 7 ½:

44.5 [50: 55.5: 61: 66.5] cm

17 ½ [19 ½: 21 ¾: 24: 26 ¼] in

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 8
PIECE TO ARMHOLES) Slip 43 [49: 55: 61: 67] sts from back holder onto 4mm
Cast on 193 [217: 241: 265: 289] sts using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) (UK 8 – US 6) needles and rejoin yarn with rs facing.
needles. Dec 1 st at each end of next and 3 [2: 2: 1: 1] foll 4th rows,
**Now work picot edge as follows: then on foll 9 [12: 14: 17: 19] alt rows. 17 [19: 21: 23: 25] sts.
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. Work 1 row, ending with a ws row.
row 4 (rs) K1, (yf, K2tog) to end. Break yarn and slip rem 17 [19: 21: 23: 25] sts onto a holder
Change to 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles. (for Neckband).
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row.
Fold cast-on edge to ws along row 4 and now form picot Shape Left Front
edge as follows: Slip 21 [24: 27: 30: 33] sts from left front holder onto 4mm
row 8 (rs) K first st on left needle tog with first st of cast-on (UK 8 – US 6) needles and rejoin yarn with rs facing.
edge, *K next st on left needle with next st from cast-on Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of next and 3 [2: 2: 1: 1] foll
edge; rep from * to end. 4th rows, then on foll 4 [7: 8: 11: 13] alt rows.
These 8 rows complete the picot edge.** 13 [14: 16: 17: 18] sts.
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row. Work 1 row, ending with a ws row.
Now work flower border as follows:
row 1 (rs) K1, *K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4, rep from * to end. Shape front neck
row 2 and every foll alt row purl. next row (rs) K1 [2: 2: 3: 4] and slip these sts onto a holder
row 3 K1, *K2, K2tog, yf, K3, yf, skpo, K3, rep from * to end. (for Neckband), K to last 2 sts, K2tog. 11 [11: 13: 13: 13] sts.
row 5 K1, *K1, K2tog, yf, K5, yf, skpo, K2, rep from * to end. Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of 2nd and foll 3 [3: 4: 4: 4]
row 7 as row 1. alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next
row 9 as row 1. 4 rows, then on foll 1 [1: 2: 2: 2] alt rows. 2 sts.
row 11 as row 1. Work 1 row.
row 12 purl. next row (rs) K2tog and fasten off.
These 12 rows complete flower border.
Beg with a K row, now complete work in st st as follows: SLEEVES
Cont straight until work measures 11 [14: 17: 20: 24] cm, Cast on 27 [29: 31: 33: 35] sts using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3)
4 ¼ [5 ½: 6 ¾: 7 ¾: 9 ½] in, measuring from “points” of picot needles.
edge and ending with a ws row. Work from ** to ** as given for Back and Fronts to work picot
next row (rs) K1, (K2tog) to end. 97 [109: 121: 133: 145] sts. edge.
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows, inc 1 st at each
Divide for armholes end of 2nd of these rows and ending with a ws row.
next row (ws) P21 [24: 27: 30: 33] and slip these sts onto a 29 [31: 33: 35: 37] sts.
holder for Left Front, cast (bind) off next 6 sts, P until there are Now work flower border as follows:
43 [49: 55: 61: 67] sts on right needle and slip these sts onto row 1 (rs) (Inc in first st) 1 [0: 0: 0: 0] times, K2 [4: 2: 0: 1],
another holder for Back, cast (bind) off next 6 sts, P to end. (K2tog, yf, K1) 0 [0: 1: 0: 0] times, (yf, skpo, K4) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0]
times, *K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4, rep from * to last
Shape Right Front 8 [9: 10: 11: 0] sts, (K3, K2tog, yf) 1 [1: 1: 1: 0] times, (K1, yf,
Work on this last set of 21 [24: 27: 30: 33] sts only for Right skpo) 0 [0: 1: 1: 0] times, K2 [4: 2: 3: 0], (inc in last st)
Front as follows: 1 [0: 0: 0: 0] times. 31 [31: 33: 35: 37] sts.
Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of next and 3 [2: 2: 1: 1] foll row 2 and every foll alt row purl.
4th rows, then on foll 4 [7: 8: 11: 13] alt rows. row 3 (Inc in first st) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times, K4 [4: 0: 0: 1], (K2tog,
13 [14: 16: 17: 18] sts. yf, K3) 0 [0: 1: 0: 0] times, (yf, skpo, K3) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times, *K2,
Work 1 row, ending with a ws row. K2tog, yf, K3, yf, skpo, K3, rep from * to last 9 [9: 10: 11: 12] sts,
K2, K2tog, yf, (K3, yf, skpo) 0 [0: 1: 1: 1] times, K4 [4: 0: 2: 3],
Shape front neck (inc in last st) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times. 33 [33: 35: 35: 37] sts.
next row (rs) K2tog, K10 [10: 12: 12: 12] and turn, leaving row 5 (Inc in first st) 1 [0: 0: 1: 1] times, K6 [7: 0: 0: 0], (K2tog,
rem 1 [2: 2: 3: 4] sts on a holder (for Neckband). yf, K5) 0 [0: 0: 1: 0] times, (yf, skpo, K2) 1 [1: 0: 1: 0] times, *K1,
11 [11: 13: 13: 13] sts. K2tog, yf, K5, yf, skpo, K2, rep from * to last 10 [10: 11: 11: 12]
Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of 2nd and foll 3 [3: 4: 4: 4] sts, K1, K2tog, yf, (K5, yf, skpo) 0 [0: 1: 1: 1] times, K6 [7: 1: 0: 1],
alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next (inc in last st) 1 [0: 0: 1: 1] times. 35 [33: 35: 37: 39] sts.
4 rows, then on foll 1 [1: 2: 2: 2] alt rows. 2 sts. row 7 (Inc in first st) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times, K2 [1: 2: 1: 2], (K2tog,
Work 1 row. yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times, *K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf,
next row (rs) K2tog and fasten off. skpo, K4, rep from * to last 11 [10: 11: 0: 1] sts, (K3, K2tog, yf,
K1, yf, skpo) 1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times, K2 [1: 2: 0: 1], (inc in last st)
1 [1: 1: 0: 0] times. 37 [35: 37: 37: 39] sts.

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 9

12 st patt rep


K on rs, P on ws

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 10
row 9 K1 [0: 1: 1: 2], *K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4, rep NECKBAND
from * to last 0 [11: 0: 0: 1] sts, (K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo) Join sleeve seams, then sew sleeves into raglan armholes,
0 [1: 0: 0: 0] times, K0 [3: 0: 0: 1]. matching top of sleeve seam to centre of 6 cast-off (bound-off)
row 11 Inc in first st, K0 [2: 0: 0: 1], (K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4) sts at underarm.
0 [1: 0: 0: 0] times, *K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo, K4, rep from * With ws of Collar against rs of garment, now carefully pin and
to last 12 [11: 12: 12: 1] sts, (K3, K2tog, yf, K1, yf, skpo) tack Collar over neck area of garment so that neck edges
1 [1: 1: 1: 0] times, K3 [2: 3: 3: 0], inc in last st. meet.
39 [37: 39: 39: 41] sts. When picking up sts for Neckband, work through appropriate
row 12 purl. st of Neckband at same time – so, where there are sts on
These 12 rows complete flower border. holders for garment, K tog st of collar with corresponding st
Beg with a K row, now complete work in st st as follows: of neck edge. Where sts are to be picked up, pick up the sts
Inc 1 st at each end of 3rd [3rd: 3rd: 5th: 5th] and every foll by first inserting right needle through corresponding st of
4th [4th: 4th: 6th: 6th] row until there are 45 [45: 43: 51: 49] sts, collar.
then on 0 [1: 4: 1: 4] foll 0 [6th: 6th: 8th: 8th] rows. With rs facing and using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) needles, pick
45 [47: 51: 53: 57] sts. up and knit 2 sts across top of right front band (these 2 sts
Work 5 [5: 7: 7: 7] rows, ending with a ws row. (Sleeve should will be knitted tog with first 2 sts of Collar – see above), K
measure 12 [15: 19: 23: 27] cm, 4 ¾ [6: 7 ½: 9: 10 ½] in, across 1 [2: 2: 3: 4] sts on right front holder, pick up and knit
measuring from “points” of picot edge.) 9 [9: 11: 11: 11] sts up right side of front neck, K across
7 [7: 9: 9: 11] sts on right sleeve holder, 17 [19: 21: 23: 25] on
Shape Raglan back holder, and 7 [7: 9: 9: 11] sts on left sleeve holder, pick
Cast (bind) off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 39 [41: 45: 47: 51] sts. up and knit 9 [9: 11: 11: 11] sts down left side of front neck, K
Dec 1 st at each end of next and 0 [0: 1: 1: 2] foll 4th rows, across 1 [2: 2: 3: 4] sts on left front holder, then pick up and
then on every foll alt row until 7 [7: 9: 9: 11] sts rem. knit 2 sts across top of left front band (these 2 sts will be
Work 1 row, ending with a ws row. knitted tog with last 2 sts of Collar – see above).
Break yarn and leave sts on a holder (for Neckband). 55 [59: 69: 73: 81] sts.
Work in g st for 4 rows, ending with a rs row.
FRONT BANDS (BOTH ALIKE) Cast (bind) off knitwise (on ws).
With rs facing and using 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) needles, pick
up and knit 41 [49: 57: 65: 76] sts evenly along front opening TIES (MAKE 2)
edge, between “points” of picot edge and neck shaping. Using double-pointed 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) needles cast on
Work in g st for 2 rows, ending with a rs row. 3 sts.
Cast (bind) off knitwise (on ws). row 1 (rs) K3, *without turning slide these 3 sts to opposite
end of needle and bring yarn to opposite end of work pulling
COLLAR it quite tightly across ws of work, K these 3 sts again; rep
Cast on 110 [118: 138: 146: 162] sts using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) from * until tie is 18 cm, 7 in, long, without turning slide
needles. these 3 sts to opposite end of needle and bring yarn to
Work in g st for 4 rows, ending with a ws row. opposite end of work pulling it quite tightly across ws of
row 5 (rs) knit. work, K3tog and fasten off.
row 6 K2, P to last 2 sts, K2.
Rep last 2 rows until Collar measures 3 [3.5: 4: 4.5: 5] cm, MAKING UP
1 ¼ [1 ½: 1 ½: 1 ¾: 2] in, ending with a rs row. Do NOT steam press!
next row (ws) K2tog, (P2tog) to last 2 sts, K2tog. Attach a Tie to each front opening edge, level with Collar
Break yarn and leave rem 55 [59: 69: 73: 81] sts on a holder joining row. If desired, make two 2.5 cm, 1 in, diameter
(for Neckband). pompons and attach to ends of Ties as in photograph. Attach
hook and eye fasteners to front bands to fasten first 6 cm, 2 ¼ in
of front opening edges.
Pin out Cardigan to measurements given, cover with a clean
damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 11

To fit age ● Paintbox Yarns cannot accept responsibility for the finished
0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 months item if any yarn other than the recommended yarn is used.
Length of sole ● Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and are
7.5 8 8.5 9.5 10 cm therefore approximate.
3 3 ¼ 3 ½ 3 ¾ 4 in ● Color reproduction is as close as color accuracy on screens.
● Instructions are written using UK terminology with changes
YOU WILL NEED for US terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )
● 50g balls of Paintbox Yarns Baby DK (As seen on cover) afterwards.
. 1 [1: 1: 1: 1] × MC - Blush Pink ● Where only one figure is given, this relates to all sizes.
● Pair of 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) knitting needles ● Repeat figures in round brackets ( ) the number of times
● Pair of 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) knitting needles stated afterwards.
● Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes
TENSION (GAUGE) for the larger sizes given in square brackets [ ] afterwards.
22 stitches and 30 rows to 10 cm, 4 in, measured over ● Instructions between [square brackets] should be worked
stocking (stockinette) stitch using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles, the number of times indicated.
or size required to give correct tension (gauge). ● Where the figure 0 appears, no stitches, times or rows are
worked for this size.
It is vitally important to check your tension (gauge) before
starting as working to the wrong tension (gauge) will mean ABBREVIATIONS
your garment will not be the size shown and could result beg = beginning; cm = centimetres; cont = continue;
in yarn being left over, or more yarn being required. Before dec = decreas(e)(ing); foll = following; in = inches;
beginning, knit a tension (gauge) swatch at least 13 cm, 5 in, inc = increas(e)(ing); K = knit; M1 = make one stitch by picking
square and measure your tension (gauge). If there are more up loop lying between needles and working into back of this
stitches and rows than stated, try again using thicker needles. loop; MB = make bobble as follows: K into front and back of
If there are fewer stitches and rows than stated, try again next st, turn, (P into front and back of next st) twice, turn, K4,
using thinner needles. turn, P4, turn, K4, turn, (P2tog) twice, turn, K2tog – bobble
completed; P = purl; psso = pass slipped stitch over;
rem = remain(s)(ing); rep = repeat; rs = right side; sl 1 = slip
one stitch; st st = stocking (stockinette) stitch (rs rows K, ws
rows P); st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; ws = wrong side.

7.5 [8: 8.5: 9.5: 10] cm

3 [3 ¼: 3 ½: 3 ¾: 4] in

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 12
Cast on 17 [21: 25: 29: 33] sts using 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles.
row 1 (ws) purl.
row 2 (K1, M1) twice, K5 [7: 8: 10: 11], M1, K1, M1,
K1 [1: 3: 3: 5], M1, K1, M1, K5 [7: 8: 10: 11], (M1, K1) twice.
25 [29: 33: 37: 41] sts.
row 3 purl.
row 4 K2, M1, K1, M1, K7 [9: 10: 12: 13], M1, K1, M1,
K3 [3: 5: 5: 7], M1, K1, M1, K7 [9: 10: 12: 13], M1, K1, M1, K2.
33 [37: 41: 45: 49] sts.
row 5 purl.
row 6 K3, M1, K1, M1, K9 [11: 12: 14: 15], M1, K1, M1,
K5 [5: 7: 7: 9], M1, K1, M1, K9 [11: 12: 14: 15], M1, K1, M1, K3.
41 [45: 49: 53: 57] sts.
Beg with a P row, work in st st for 5 [7: 7: 9: 9] rows, ending
with a ws row.

Shape Top of Foot

row 1 (rs) K24 [26: 29: 31: 34], sl 1, K2tog, psso and turn.
row 2 sl 1, P7 [7: 9: 9: 11], P3tog and turn.
row 3 sl 1, K7 [7: 9: 9: 11], sl 1, K2tog, psso and turn.
row 4 sl 1, P7 [7: 9: 9: 11], P3tog and turn.
Rep last 2 rows 1 [2: 2: 3: 3] times more. 29 [29: 33: 33: 37] sts.
next row (rs) sl 1, K7 [7: 9: 9: 11], (sl 1, K2tog, psso) 1 [0: 1: 0: 1]
times, (sl 1, K1, psso) 0 [1: 0: 1: 0] times and turn.
next row sl 1, P7 [7: 9: 9: 11], (P3tog) 1 [0: 1: 0: 1] times,
(P2tog) 0 [1: 0: 1: 0] times and turn. 25 [27: 29: 31: 33] sts.
next row sl 1, K to end.
Shaping for top of foot is now completed.
Beg with a P row, work in st st across all sts for 3 rows, inc
1 [3: 1: 3: 1] sts across last row and ending with a ws row.
26 [30: 30: 34: 34] sts.
Change to 3.25mm (UK 10 – US 3) needles.
next row (rs) K2, *P2, K2, rep from * to end.
next row P2, *K2, P2, rep from * to end.
These 2 rows form rib.
Work in rib for a further 17 [19: 19: 21: 21] rows, ending with
a rs row.
next row (ws of bootee, rs of turn-back cuff) rib 2 [1: 1: 2: 2],
MB, (rib 2, MB) 7 [9: 9: 10: 10] times, rib 2 [1: 1: 1: 1].
Cast (bind) off in rib.

Do NOT steam press!
Join sole and heel seam, reversing seam for last 10 [12: 12: 14: 14]
rows (for turnback). Fold 9 [11: 11: 13: 13] rows to rs.
Pin out Bootees to measurements given, cover with a clean
damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.

HEIRLOOM COLLECTION Visit www.lovecrafts.com/paintbox-yarns for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 13
Traditional yet timeless -
go back to your youth with
Pom Pom making. Make that
the Pom Poms don't go
too close to the baby's

Blush Baby
Shop Paintbox Yarns Baby DK - We've used:
Pink Blue

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