Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Iligan City
September 21-27, 2020


1. A 5-m × 5-m × 3-m room shown in Fig. 1 contains air at 25° C and 100 kPa at a relative humidity of
75 percent. Determine (a) the partial pressure of dry air, (b) the specific humidity, (c) the enthalpy
per unit mass of the dry air, and (d) the masses of the dry air and water vapor in the room.

2. In cold weather, condensation frequently occurs in the inner surfaces of the windows due to the
lower air temperatures near the window surface. Consider a house, shown in Fig. 2, that contains air
at 20° C and 75 percent relative humidity. At what window temperature will the moisture in the air
start condensing on the inner surfaces of the windows?

3. The dry- and the wet- bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 1 atm (101.325 kPa) pressure are
measured with a sling psychrometer and determined to be 25 and 15° C, respectively. Determine
(a) the specific humidity, (b) the relative humidity, and (c) the enthalpy of the air.

4. A room contains air at 70° F and 14.6 psia at a relative humidity of 85 percent. Determine (a) the
partial pressure of dry air, (b) the specific humidity, and (c) the enthalpy per unit mass of dry air.
Answers: (a) 14.291 psia, (b) 0.0134 lbm H2O/lbm dry air, (c) 31.43 Btu/lbm dry air
5. Determine the masses of dry air and the water vapor contained in a 240-m³ room at 98 kPa, 23° C,
and 50 percent relative humidity. Answers: 273 kg, 2.5 kg

6. The air in a room has a dry-bulb temperature of 22° C and a wet-bulb temperature of 16° C.
Assuming a pressure of 100 kPa, determine (a) the specific humidity, (b) the relative humidity, and
(e) the dew-point temperature. Answers: (a) 0.0090 H2O/kg dry air, (b) 54.1 percent, (c) 12.3° C

7. The air in a room has a dry-bulb temperature of 80° F and a wet-bulb temperature of 65° F. Assuming
a pressure of 14.7 psia, determine (a) the specific humidity, (b) the relative humidity, and (e) the
dew-point temperature. Answers: (a) 0.0097 lbm H2O/lbm dry air, (b) 44.7 percent, (c) 56° F

8. A room being air conditioned is being held at 25° C dry bulb and 50% relative humidity. A flow rate
of 5 m³/s of supply air at 15° C dry bulb and 80% relative humidity is being delivered to the room to
maintain that steady condition. What is the sensible heat absorbed from the room air in kw?
Answer: 60.8

9. Compute the humidity ratio of air at 60% RH and 30° C when the barometric pressure is 101.3 kPa
Steam properties: Psat = saturated pressure at 30° C = 4.24 kPa; hg = hg at 30° C = 2556.4kJ/kg
Answer: 0.016 kg/kg

10. From problem 11, what is the enthalpy of the air-vapor mixture? Answer: 71 kJ/kg

11. A mixture of dry and water vapor is at a temperature of 25° C under a pressure of 101.3 kPa. The
dew point temperature is 15° C. Find the partial pressure of water vapor. Answer: 1.707 kPa
From Steam table:
Pv = saturation pressure at 15° C = 1.707 kPa
Psat = saturation pressure at 25° C = 3.171 kPa
hg = hg at 25° C = 2547.3 kJ/kg

12. From problem No. 13, determine the relative humidity. Answer: 53.8%

13. From problem No. 13, determine the humidity ratio in kg/kg. Answer: 0.01066

14. From Problem No. 13, determine enthalpy. Answer: 52.3 kJ/kg

15. From problem No. 13, determine the specific volume in m³/kg of dry air. Answer: 0.898

16. To maintain an effective temperature, what would be the cooling requirement to offset the emission
of body heat in a gymnasium that has an attendance of 1200 people if it has been determined that
80% of the people will be playing and the others will be seated. Measurements have shown that an
adult will give off 75 W of sensible heat when playing, and 60 W of sensible heat while sitting. The
latent emission for similar situations has been found to be equal to 180 W for players and 50 W for
sitters. Answer: 271.2 kw

17. A 4m × 4m × 4m room has a relative humidity of 80%. The pressure in the room is 120 kPa and
temperature is 35°C (Ps = 5.628 kPa). What is the mass of the vapor in the room?
(Rv = 0.4615 kPa-m³/kg-deg K). Answer: 2.03 kg

18. A certain industrial air conditioning system mixes 60% conditioned air with 40% recirculated air
before returning it to the plant. The system handles some 285 m³/min of mixed air. The conditioned
air leaves the cooling coils at 10°C and 90% relative humidity and then is mixed with recirculated
air at 27°C and 50% RH. Determine the dry bulb temperature of the air returning to the plant.
Answer: 16.8°C

19. A line carrying dry, saturated steam at 790 kPa gage pressure passes through a laboratory room
measuring 7m × 8m × 5m. The line develops a leak and the steam seeps into the room at a rate of
1.25kg/hr and diffuses throughout the room if the room is initially at 20°C and has a relative
humidity of 60%, and the pressure of the room remains at one standard atmosphere, estimate what
the relative humidity will be after one hour. Assume there is no change of heat between the room
and the surroundings and that the steam leak displaces some of the air in the room. Answer: 86%

20. The amount of water vapor in room air. A 5m × 5m × 3m room contains air at 25°C and 100 kPa at a
relative humidity of 75 percent. Determine (a) the partial pressure of dry air, (b) the specific
humidity, (c) the enthalpy per unit mass of the dry air, (d) the masses of the dry air and water vapor
in the room. Answers: (a) 97.62 kPa, (b) 0.0152 kgH2O/kg dry air, (c) 63.8 kJ/kg dry air, (d) 1.30 kg
vapor and 85.61 kg dry air

21. Fogging of the windows in a house

- In cold weather, condensation occurs on the inner surfaces of the windows due to lower air
temperature near the window surfaces.
- Consider a house that contains air at 20°C at 75% RH. At what window temperature will the
moisture in the air start condensing on the inner surfaces of the window. Answer: 15.4°C

22. The dry and the wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 1 atm (101.325 kPa) are measured with
a sling psychrometer and determined to be 25 and 15°C, respectively. Determine the (a) specific
humidity, (b) relative humidity, (c) enthalpy of the air
Answers: (a) 0.00653 kgH2O/kg dry air, (b) 0.332 or 33.2%, (c) 41.8 kJ/kg dry air

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