Lesson Nr.1: Simple Tenses Present Simple: 1. Clue Words

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1. Clue words : always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, once (a day, …), twice

(a week, …)

2. How it forms? Subject + Verb (present form)

I, You, We, They play

He, She, It plays

When words end in ss-ch-zz-o-x-sh: +es (wash-washes; watch-watches)

When a word ends in a consonant + y: +ies (study-studies)

When a word ends in a vowel + y: +s (play-plays)

3. Negatives

I, You, We, They do not (don’t) play .

She, He, It does not ( doesn’t) play.

4. Interrogative

Do I, You, We, They play?

Does He, She , It play?

5. When we use Present Simple?

The Present Simple tense is used to describe an action or state that happens regularly,
sometimes or never.

Ex: Does he brush his teeth every day? Yes, he does.

We use Present Simple to describe a permanent situation.

Ex: She is French. She lives in Paris.

He is a mechanic. He repairs cars.

The present simple tense is also used to state facts.

Ex: Penguins don’t fly. Dogs love playing in water.

The Present Simple is normally used to talk about feelings, thoughts and states happening at
the moment.

Ex: I don’t believe it! Is that really true?

She doesn’t seem very happy at the moment.

6. Future Meanings

The Present Simple tense is used when we talk about an official arrangement such as a
timetable or programme.

Ex: Mary starts school tomorrow.

What time is the match on Sunday? It starts at seven o’clock.

The train leaves Manchester at 11:30 and arrives in London at 14:20 p.m.

We can also use Present Simple for facts.

Ex: Tomorrow is Tuesday.

1. Clue words: Yesterday; 5 years, weeks, months, days, hours ago; in (past year); last (month,
week, year)

2. How to form a Past Simple?

For regular verbs in singular: Verb + ed For regular verbs in plural: Verb + ed

Ex: I kicked the ball. It rained yesterday. We walked to school.

For regular verbs ending in ‘e’: Verb + d For regular verbs ending in ‘y’: ‘y’ becomes ‘I’

Ex: I lived here in 2012. Ex: They studied a lot.

For irregular verbs we just use their past simple form (build-built; go-went)

3. Interrogative

For regular and irregular verbs: Did + verb

Ex: Did you ride your bicycles yesterday?

4. Negatives

For regular and irregular verbs: did + not (didn’t) + verb

Ex: We didn’t walk to school this morning.

5. When we use Past Simple?

We use Past Simple for things that happened at a specific time in the past.
Ex: We ate our breakfast this morning.

We use Past Simple in questions after ‘when’.

Ex: When did you buy that t-shirt?

There are two patterns in making a sentence in future simple: will and be going to.

1. Clue words: Tomorrow, tonight, next week, soon, in the future, afternoon, someday

2. How to form a Future Simple?

In making a positive Future Simple statement using ’will’, the pattern is: subject + will + verb.

Ex: You will buy new shoes.

In making a positive Future Simple statement using ’be going to’, the pattern is:

subject + am/is/are + going to + verb in the base form.

Ex: She is going to visit her brother in Canada.

3. Negatives

For negative sentence using ’will’, the pattern is: subject + will not/won’t + verb in the b.f.

Ex: They won’t attend class tomorrow.

For negative sentence using ’be going to’, the pattern is:

subject + am/is/are not + going to + verb in the base form.

I am not going to call her.

4. Interrogative

For question using ’will’, the pattern is: will + subject + verb in the base form.

Ex: Will you buy new shoes?

For question using ’be going to’, the pattern is: am/is/are + going to + verb in the b.f.

Ex: Am I going to call her?

5. When we use Future Simple?

We use Future Simple for actions decided at the moment of speech.

Ex: I have a toothache. I’ll take some medicine.

We use Future Simple for unplaned future actions.

Ex: Winter will come soon.

We use Future Simple for offering, asking for a request, promising, ordering, threatening.

Ex: I promise I won’t tell this to anyone.

We use Future Simple for unpreventable actions in future.

Ex: Summer will come soon.

We use Future Simple with conditional, time and purpose clauses.

Ex: When I arrive at home, I will call you.

We use Future Simple for thoughts, predictions, assumptions, sureness, fears about future.

Ex: I’m afraid we will get wet.

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