How To Listen and Understand A Story
How To Listen and Understand A Story
How To Listen and Understand A Story
With your child please choose an appropriate challenge to support the Oak Academy Video.
Please remember to answer the questions in full sentences, using capital letters, finger spaces
and full stops.
Challenge 1 –Answer the first question
Challenge 2 – Answer both questions, writing a list for question 2.
Challenge 3 – Answer both questions, writing a sentence for question 2
Draw an instructions map just like Miss Browne does in the video.
Wednesday 15th July 2020
To understand how to make a noun plural.
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
Challenge 3
Thursday 16th July 2020
To begin to write my instructions
Please use your word mats and sound mats to support your writing.
Remember it’s okay if you don’t spell everything correctly.
With your child please choose an appropriate challenge to support the Oak Academy video.
You will need your instructi map from Tuesday to help you.
Challenge 1 – Write instructions using this template.
Friday 17th July 2020
Today you are going to be continuing to write our instructions and then editing
and improving your work.
Challenge 1 – Use the template below to write the rest of our information text.
Check and edit your writing.