Study Plan Sociology
Study Plan Sociology
Study Plan Sociology
I. General Sociology
1. Individual: Sociability or the sociality of man.
Make a comparative and analytical discussion on the Social Contract Theory and the
Organismic Theory while developing your thesis with a logical conclusion. (2018)
Define the term “Community” and discuss its important characteristics (2015)
4. Social Interaction: Caste and classes, Forms of social classes, Feudal system
in Pakistan, Social Mobility-nature of social mobility and its determinants in
Pakistani society, Culture of poverty.
Why social stratification is an inevitable for a society? Explain its determinants in the
context of Pakistani society. (2016)
What is a social organization? Discuss how precepts about caste and social classes
influence smooth running of society. (2014)
Define and differentiate between caste and class. Discuss the dynamics of classes in
the existing feudal system. (2013)
Determinates of social mobility. (2013)
The role of government and non-government organization in poverty alleviation of
Pakistan. (2012)
What is role of Biradaris/castes in political system of Pakistan? Support your
argument with data and evidence from previous general election results of Pakistan
Society. (2010)
Poverty in Pakistan. (2010)
2008 – What do you understand by Social Mobility? Do transfer of payments aid or
discourage social mobility?
2007 - Discuss the class structure of Pakistan society with special reference to:
2006 - What role biradri/caste system is playing in decision making on political issues
especially local bodies election in rural areas of Pakistan? How this biradri-based
political organization influences the community development process? Discuss in the
light of issues/conflicts arising from the situation and their impact on the individual,
family, and society.
2005 - Differentiate between primary and secondary groups, and discuss the character
of primary relations.
2001 - What are the systems of forms of Social Classes? Discuss the impact of Feudal
System in Pakistan
nature of alienation
integrative patterns in Pakistan
2001 - Discuss briefly the internal and external means of Social control with reference
to Pakistani Society.
6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy: Processes of Social and
Cultural Change-discovery, Inhibitions to social and cultural change in
Pakistan, Social planning and directed social and cultural change, Effect of
Industrialization, Urbanization, Modernization and Modern Means of
Communication on Social Change.
What is mind construction and explain if it can be a planned activity? Discuss the role
of education policy towards the formation of social mind and also show its
importance in a separate paragraph. (2014)
Regional migration. (2017)
Discuss Migration as a Social Phenomenon. (2015)
2009 – Discuss migration as a Social Phenomenon.
2008 – Migration from rural to urban area is on the rise in Pakistan. Discuss all the
positive and negative points at the origin and destination keeping theory of migration
into consideration.
2006 - Rural-Urban migration is causing labour-drain from rural communities. What
problems this situation is creating in the labour market of rural communities. As a
subject scholar, what solutions do you suggest to minimize these problems? Discuss
with examples.
Max Weber:
Discuss the major contributions of Max Weber in understanding the society
theoretically. (2015)
Discuss critically the theories of social action and bureaucracy presented by Max
Weber. How the theory of bureaucracy is relevant to situation in Pakistan?
Discuss with logic and evidence. (2010)
2009 – Discuss the major contributions of Max Weber in understanding the
society theoretically.
2008 – Why does dissatisfaction with Bureaucracy arises? What is the major
obstacle in eliminating bureaucratic features which cause resentment? Discuss
in detail.
2002 - Max Weber is a strong advocate of bureaucratic form of government.
Explain in detail what lead Max Weber to write in favour of bureaucracy.
Karl Marx:
Evaluate Karl Max’s contributions to the concept of alienation. Discuss different
types of alienation given by him. (2019)
Discuss in detail the Karl Marx’s “Theory of Labor”. (2015)
Marxist influence on sociological theory. (2013)
Explain in detail the analysis of social conflict in capitalist society shown by the
prominent sociologist and economist Karl Marx. (2012)
Discuss in detail “Theory of Labour” given by Karl Marx. (2011)
2009 – Karl Max “Theory of Labour” discuss in detail.
2008 – Karl Marx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. What do you
understand by that theory? Write your answer in detail.
Emile Dukheim:
‘Suicide varies inversely with the degree of integration of social group of which
the individual forms a part.’ In the light of this statement discuss Emile Durkheim
Theory of egoistic, altruistic, anomic, and fatalistic suicide. (2019)
Suicide by Durkheim. (2016)
Define suicide and its type. Explain in detail the theory of anomy presented by
Emile-Durkheim. In what way the theory would be helpful in the solution of
current involvement of Pakistani youth in suicidal attempts. (2012)
2003 - Durkheim wrote extensively on suicide. Critically examine his views about
August Comte:
August Comte gives three evolutionary dimensions of society; theologian,
metaphysic and positivistic. Explain each step with cogent examples. (2019)
Law of three stages by Comte. (2016)
Marx and Weber theorized that modern society alienated people. How do their
approaches contrast each other and how their concepts of alienation can be
compared with Durkheim’s concept of anomie? (2017)
Is Max Weber more relevant than Durkheim in today’s globalizing world?
Discuss with reference to their theoretical contributions. (2013)
Heredity versus group influence has given birth to controversy in explaining
socialization process. Where do you locate yourself in the theoretical debate?
2007 - In the light of theoretical perspectives (Hegel, Marx, Coser, Mills) explain
the true nature of conflict. Discuss the various forms of pervasive conflict in
Pakistani Society.
2007 - What major contributions were made by Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
to the understanding of society theoretically? How far the two theorists can be
taken relevant today?
2002 - Division of labour has been discussed by various sociological theorists.
Discuss in detail the point of view taken about division of labour by Karl Marx
and Emile Durkheim.
2006 - What is the role of C.W Mills in the development of Frankfurt school of
conflict society? Where and how he differs from his contemporaries? Discuss with
2005 - What are different theories about origin of society? Discuss them in detail.
2003 - Describe the idea philosophy of money as presented by George Simmel.
How and in what ways other scholars have presented their views to describe the
idea of philosophy of money.
Political economy of globalization. (2017)
What key characteristics distinguish capitalism from socialism? Compare these
two systems in terms of productivity, economic inequality and personal freedom.
Describe the major work of Robert king Merton in Sociology. Explain his work
with suitable examples. (2016)
Security as a social construct. (2014)
2005 - Define the terms ‘Race and Racism’. Discuss the causes responsible for
Race Prejudices, and how these can be eradicated?