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  SUPREME  COURT   Maria  Aurelia  Azucena  B.  Bathan  
Rule  45  
Appeal,  Rule  43   Rule  65  

Rule  65   COURT  of  APPEALS  

If  granted,   Rule  65  
BLR   Rule  65   Secretary  of  Labor  
Temporary  Restraining  
Order  for  strike/lockout  
Voluntary  Arbitrator  (through   -­‐  Request  for  examination  of   -­‐  When  a  labor  dispute  causes  or   but  only  after  due  notice  
NCMB)   books  of  accounts  of  federations   If   is  likely  to  cause  a  strike  or   and  hearing  in  
-­‐  Unresolved  grievances  arising   or  national  unions  and  trade   denied,   lockout  in  an  industry   accordance  with  its  
from  the  interpretation  or   union  centers   appeal   indispensable  to  the  national   rules  
implementation  of  the  CBA   -­‐  After  conduct  of  Audit   interest   Appeal  
-­‐  Those  arising  from  the     -­‐  Visitorial  and  enforcement  
interpretation  or  enforcement  of   Labor  Arbiter  
company  personnel  policies   -­‐  Applications  for  registration  of   -­‐  Approval  of  foreign  grants  
-­‐  Violations  of  a  CBA,  except   federations,  national  unions,  or    
those  which  are  gross  in   workers’  associations  operating   -­‐  Unfair  labor  practices  cases  
character   in  more  than  one  region   -­‐  Termination  disputes  
-­‐  Upon  the  agreement  of  parties,   -­‐  Complaints  involving   Appeal   -­‐  If  accompanied  with  a  claim  for  
NCMB   reinstatement,  those  cases  that  
all  other  labor  disputes   federations,  national  unions,  its  
including  ULP  and  bargaining   officers  or  member  orgs   workers  may  file  involving  wages,  
deadlocks   -­‐  Cancellation  of  registration  of   rates  of  pay,  hours  of  work  and  other  
-­‐  Wage  distortion  issues  arising   federations,  national  or  industry   Appeal   -­‐  Petition  for  assumption  of   terms  and  conditions  of  employment;  
from  the  application  of  any   unions  and  trade  union  centers   jurisdiction  or  certification  to   -­‐  Claims  for  actual,  moral,  exemplary  
wage  order  in  organized   -­‐  Multi-­‐employer  CBA   NLRC  of  strike/lockout  disputes   &  other  forms  of  damages  arising  
establishments   -­‐  Election  protest  (with  MA)   -­‐  Notice  of  strike/lockout;  any   from  the  ER-­‐EE  relations;  
other  disputes  submitted  by  the   -­‐  Cases  arising  from  any  violation  of  
parties  for  preventive  mediation   Art.  273,  including  questions  
REGIONAL  OFFICE   proceedings   involving  the  legality  of  strikes  and  
Appeal   lockouts;  
[Organized]   -­‐  Exc  claims  for  Employees  
-­‐  Voluntary  Recognition   Granted  or   Compensation,  Social  Security,  
-­‐  Applications  for  registration  of  independent  labor  unions,   Denied,   Medicare  and  maternity  benefits,  all  
chartered  locals,  workers’  associations   Appeal   [Unorganized]  Granted  –   other  claims,  arising  from  ER-­‐EE  
-­‐  Report  of  affiliation  of  an  independently  registered  labor   Rule  65  because   relations,  including  those  of  persons  
union  with  a  federation  or  national  union   -­‐  Petition  for   interlocutory   in  domestic  or  household  service,  
-­‐  Notice  of  merger  or  consolidation  of  independent  labor   Certification  Election  
involving  an  amount  exceeding  P5k  
unions,  chartered  locals  and  WA   (heard  and  resolved  
regardless  of  whether  accompanied  
-­‐  Request  for  examination  of  books  of  accounts   by  Med-­‐Arbiter)  
with  a  claim  for  reinstatement  
-­‐  Cancellation  of  registration  of  Independent  labor  unions,   -­‐  Money  claims  arising  out  of  ER-­‐EE  
chartered  locals,  workers’  association   relationship  or  by  virtue  of  any  law  or  
-­‐  Inter-­‐  and  intra-­‐union  disputes   Appeal   contract,  involving  claims  for  actual,  
-­‐  Complaints  or  petitions  involving  labor  unions  with   moral,  exemplary  &  other  forms  of  
independent  registrations,  chartered  locals,  workers’   -­‐  Conduct  of  Certification  Election   damages,  as  well  as  employment  
associations,  its  members  or  officers   termination  of  OFWs;  
-­‐  Complaints  or  petitions  involving  federations,  national  or   -­‐  Wage  distortion  disputes  in  
industry  unions,  trade  union  centers  and  their  chartered   Money  claim  that  is  not   unorganized  establishments  not  
locals,  affiliates,  member  orgs  [but  resolved  by  Bureau]   accompanied  by  reinstatement   voluntarily  settled  by  the  parties.    
-­‐  Cancellation  or  Voluntary  Dissolution   and  the  claim  does  not  exceed   Appeal   -­‐  Enforcement  of  compromise  
-­‐  De/Registration  of  CBA   P5,000   agreements  when  there  is  non-­‐
-­‐  Request  for  examination  of  independent  labor  unions,   compliance  by  any  of  the  parties  
chartered  locals,  and  workers’  association   -­‐  Other  cases  as  may  be  provided  by  
-­‐  After  conduct  of  Audit     Office  where  complaint/petition  is  filed  
-­‐  Election  of  Officers   Court  of  appellate  jurisdiction  

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