Tooth Brushing Behaviors and Fluoridated Toothpaste Use Among Children Younger Than Three Years Old in Chicago

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Tooth Brushing Behaviors and Fluoridated Toothpaste Use

Among Children Younger Than Three Years Old in Chicago

David Avenetti, DDS, MSD, MPH 1 Helen H. Lee, MD, MPH 2

Oksana Pugach, MS, PhD 3 Genesis Rosales, MSW 4
Anna Sandoval, MPH 5 Molly Martin, MD, MAPP 6

Purpose: To describe toothbrushing frequency/duration and toothpaste use among
young children in an urban, vulnerable population in Chicago, Ill., USA.
Methods: Caregivers of children younger than three years old were recruited from
university and community pediatric dental clinics. Caregivers completed a 37-item
questionnaire in English or Spanish about predictors/covariates (demographics, child/
caregiver oral health, access to dental care) and primary outcomes (child toothbrush-
ing behaviors, toothpaste use). Models employed generalized logit and ordinal logistic
Results: A total of 148 caregivers completed the survey. The average child age was
18.8 months (±7.4 SD). Approximately 41 percent of children brushed once a day
or less, and 19 percent of caregivers did not regularly assist. Almost all children used
toothpaste (96 percent), but 36 percent of caregivers did not know if it contained
fluoride. Increased child brushing frequency was associated with older child age,
higher caregiver brushing frequency, history of a child dental visit, and caregiver
assistance (P<0.05). Children with a history of dental visits were seven times more
likely to brush for 30 seconds or more, and receiving caregiver assistance was asso-
ciated with brushing longer than two minutes (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Most children brushed at least once daily and nearly all of them used
toothpaste. Access to dental care, parental involvement, and parental oral health
were associated with favorable child toothbrushing behaviors. Toothbrushing dura-
tion, frequency, and encouraging family assistance are modifiable protective factors
and opportunities for intervention. (J Dent Child 2020;87(1):31-8)
Received September 12, 2019; Last Revision October 24, 2019; Accepted October
24, 2019.
Keywords: pediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry, toothbrushing,
oral hygiene, fluoridation, health promotion, infant oral health

Dr. Avenetti is a clinical associate professor and graduate program di- espite expanded dental coverage for children
rector, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry; 2Dr. Lee in the United States under the Affordable Care
is an assistant professor, Department of Anesthesiology; and 6Dr. Martin
is an associate professor, Department of Pediatrics, both in the College Act, high rates of caries persist. Forty-three per-
of Medicine; 3Dr. Pugach is a biostatistician, Methodology Research cent of children aged two to 19 years have experienced
Core, and Mses. 4Rosales and 5Sandoval are research specialists, all in the
Institute for Health Research and Policy, all the University of Illinois at
dental caries, and 13 percent have untreated dental caries.1
Chicago, Chicago, Ill., USA. Historically, caries disproportionately affects children
Correspond with Dr. Avenetti at [email protected] from disadvantaged subgroups, including low-income

Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020 Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Avenetti et al. 31
and select minority groups such as Hispanic and Bilingual (English and Spanish) research assistants
African-American populations.2,3 There are also dispar- (RAs) recruited participants by approaching caregivers
ities in dental care utilization, access to healthy food with children younger than three years old in the wait-
choices, food security, oral health literacy, and compli- ing areas of pediatric dental clinics. Subjects included
ance with preventive behaviors.4-6 Caries is costly to children seeking an initial dental visit, recall visit, or
society, but the cost of childhood caries goes beyond treatment visit, or the sibling of a patient. Potential par-
the cost of direct health care. That includes the social ticipants were screened, and verbal consent was obtained.
cost of pain, adverse effects on cognitive development, Inclusion criteria were as follows: caregiver was at least
increased school absenteeism, increased caregiver absen- 18 years old, spoke English or Spanish, had a dentate
teeism from work, and lower oral health-related quality child under the age of three (by self-report), and lived
of life.7 with the child at least five days out of the week.
The Coordinated Oral Health Promotion (CO-OP) All questions were asked verbally in a semiprivate
Chicago study was funded by the National Institute for space in the waiting area of the clinics; data collection
Dental and Craniofacial Research as part of a consor- lasted five to 10 minutes. The survey consisted of 37
tium to develop and test interventions to reduce these items related to demographics, child and caregiver oral
oral health disparities in children. CO-OP Chicago first health, child toothbrushing frequency and duration,
sought to establish baseline estimates of toothbrush- toothpaste use, caregiver self-efficacy and support, dental
ing behaviors for children younger than three years old. access, and medical/dental insurance. A five-item oral
Twice daily toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpaste health knowledge survey was included to establish oral
is recommended as both a cost-effective and clinically health knowledge. Where possible, items were used from
effective means of reducing caries for all dentate chil- validated surveys. Data were inputted directly into a
dren.8-10 However, insufficient data exist about the tooth- Surface Pro tablet using Qualtrics software (Provo, Utah,
brushing frequency and behaviors of children younger USA). Participants were given a $5 gift card and tooth-
than three years old. Even the National Health and brushes after the survey was completed.
Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), the larg- Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means,
est health survey conducted in the United States, does and standard deviations, were calculated for all variables.
not report these behaviors in children under three years Some response categories were collapsed if the distri-
of age.11 bution of responses was too sparse. The primary out-
The purpose of this study was to describe the tooth comes of interest (dependent variables) were: child
brushing frequency, brushing duration, child brushing brushing frequency (ordinal response with three cate-
assistance, fluoridated toothpaste use, and quantity of gories: less than once a day, once a day, and twice or
toothpaste used gathered from a cross-sectional sample more a day); brushing duration (ordinal response with
of children younger than three years old from vulnerable four categories: zero to 30 seconds, 30 to 60 seconds, 60
communities in Chicago. As a secondary aim, we ex- to 120 seconds, and more than 120 seconds); amount of
plored associations between demographic factors and toothpaste used when brushing (ordinal response with
brushing behaviors. These data will inform subsequent three categories: smear, pea, and half-load or more);
interventions targeting caregivers and families of young and child use of fluoridated toothpaste (nominal re-
children. sponses: yes, no, unsure). A half-load of toothpaste is
defined as covering half the surface of the toothbrush,
and a full-load covers the entire toothbrush.
METHODS Multiple regression models were used to examine
This study was approved by the Institutional Review associations between select dependent variables and a
Board of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), predefined set of covariates. The final regression model
Chicago, Ill., USA (protocols 2015-0815 and 2016-0773). for each primary outcome was determined using back-
Surveys were conducted in two dental clinics between ward elimination. Specifically, analysis began with demo-
October 2016 and April 2017. The UIC pediatric den- graphic constructs and retained covariates with P-values
tistry clinic is an academic tertiary care center. It is the of <0.15. Insurance, oral health behaviors, and oral
largest provider of dental care for Medicaid-enrolled chil- health knowledge variables were added and adhered to a
dren in Illinois, with over 21,000 patient visits annually. P-value of 0.15 for individual variable retention in the
Ninety-seven percent of children are Medicaid eligible, model within each construct. Analysis used ordinal logis-
and the patients are primarily Hispanic (57 percent) and tic regression for the child brushing frequency, amount
black or African American (17.5 percent). The Infant of toothpaste, and child brushing duration outcomes,
Welfare Society of Chicago is a full-service federally and generalized logistic regression for the fluoridated
qualified health center that sees more than 13,000 patients toothpaste outcome. The proportional odds assump-
annually with a continuum of medical care, dental care, tion was satisfied for all cumulative logit models. Final
and other health services. Both clinics primarily serve the model results are presented as odds ratios with 95 percent
greater Chicago area and Cook County, Illinois. confidence intervals (95% CI). Variables with P-values

32 Avenetti et al. Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020
≤0.05 were reported as statistically significant. Analyses did not complete the surveys, and 148 (41 percent) were
were performed using SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute, included for analysis. Ninety-six (65 percent) completed
Cary, N.C., USA). surveys originated from the UIC pediatric dental clinic,
while 52 (35 percent) were from the community clinic.
RAs spent a total of 248 hours recruiting participants.
RESULTS Demographic characteristics of survey respondents
From October 2016 to April 2017, 362 caregivers were and their children are described in Table 1. The type of
approached for the survey. One hundred and four (29 child health insurance most commonly reported was
percent) caregivers refused, 101 (28 percent) did not public (54 percent), or the caregiver was unsure of the
qualify or were excluded (three subjects were excluded type of insurance (45 percent). Recent changes in
from the analyses due to contradictory responses in the Medicaid organization in Illinois resulted in a great deal
primary outcomes during validation), nine (two percent) of confusion among caregivers regarding the origin of
their child’s health insurance; “unsure” responses were
likely public insurance based on the predominant insur-
Table 1. Survey Participant Demographics ance status of patients at the two study sites. Only 61
percent of caregivers had health insurance, and 41 per-
Demographic characteristics n=148 cent of them reported that it covered dental treatment
n (%)
(Table 2).
Caregiver female * 128 (90.1) Over 40 percent of caregivers reported a child brush-
Caregiver age in years† 30.9±6.8 ing frequency of less than twice a day. Nineteen percent
Mean±(SD) of caregivers reported someone helping the children
Child female * 81 (57.0) brush only sometimes or not at all. There was consider-
Child age in months † 18.8±7.4 able variation in toothbrushing duration, with 8.8
Mean±(SD) percent brushing for 30 seconds or less, 25.6 percent
Caregiver race ‡ brushing 30 seconds to one minute, 35.8 percent brush-
White 13 (9.4) ing for one to two minutes, and 24.8 percent brushing
Black 13 (9.4) for more than two minutes. Forty-two percent of care-
Asian 3 (2.2)
Mixed 1 (0.7) givers reported that activities of daily life get in the way
Other 109 (78.4) of brushing their children’s teeth at least some of the
Caregiver Hispanic † time, and 26 percent have no family support with their
Mexican 117 (83.6) child’s toothbrushing. Toothpaste was used by 96.3
Puerto Rican 95 (81.2) percent of the sample, with 50.4 percent indicating the
Other Hispanic 7 (6.0)
Refused to answer 15 (12.8)
toothpaste was fluoridated and 35.9 percent unsure of
fluoride content. Approximately 55.7 percent of those
Place of birth for Hispanic caregiver §
U.S. Mainland 31 (26.5)
who used toothpaste used a smear of toothpaste, while
Mexico 72 (61.5) 32.8 percent used a pea-sized amount (Table 3).
Puerto Rico 2 (1.7)
Other 12 (10.3)
Caregiver education ||
<High school 48 (34.0) Table 2. Caregiver and Child’s Insurance Status
High school/General Education Diploma 61 (43.3)
Some college 15 (10.6) Caregiver, Child,
≥College degree 17 (12.1) n=148 n=148
n (%) n (%)
Caregiver relationship status ‡
Single 38 (27.3) Health insurance type *
Living with partner/married 99 (71.2) 34 (24.3) 76 (53.9)
Other 2 (1.4) 14 (10.0) 2 (1.4)
Number of adults live in home ‡ Has insurance, not sure public or private 37 (26.4) 63 (44.7)
Median (range) 2 (1-6) No insurance 55 (39.3) 0 (0.0)

Number of children who live in home ‡ Does health insurance cover dental care *
Median (range) 3 (1-7) 64 (48.9) 130 (92.2)
Employment status† No 59 (45.0) 4 (2.8)
Employed >32 hours/week 36 (25.7) Don’t know 8 (6.1) 7 (5.0)
Employed <32 hours/week 17 (12.1)
Is there separate dental insurance? *
Student 2 (1.4) 11 (7.9) 5 (3.6)
Homemaker 56 (40.0) Yes
No 125 (89.9) 127 (90.1)
Retired 1 (0.7) 3 (2.2) 9 (6.4)
Unemployed 28 (20.0) Don’t know

* n=142. † n=140. ‡ n=139. § n=117. || n=141. * n<148 for some characteristics due to missing responses.

Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020 Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Avenetti et al. 33
Nearly half of the children had been to the dentist clinic waiting room (Table 4). Caregivers reported that
in the last six months, but 44 percent had never been 21 percent of children had experienced dental caries.
seen by a dentist despite most children being of age to Ninety-three percent of caregivers reported brushing
have had their first dental visit and recruited in a dental their own teeth twice or more a day, 43 percent had
not been to the dentist in the last year, and 55 per-
cent described their oral health as fair or poor.
Table 3. Child Oral Health Behaviors According to A five-item scale was used to score self-reported
Caregiver oral health knowledge based on correct responses to
Brushing CO-OP Chicago NHANES 2014, five oral health statements.12 The average knowledge
Clinic survey ages 3-5 years old score was 4.4 out of a maximum of five (results
n=148 n=449 not shown in tables). Items were scored as correct if
n (%) n (%)
they responded affirmatively that “cavities are caused
Child brushing frequency (%) by germs in the mouth” (79.7 percent correctly re-
sponded), “baby teeth are important” (85.3 percent),
Never 11 (7.4) 1 (0.3)
Sometimes but not every day 10 (6.8) 0 (0.0) “children should go to the dentist regularly even
1x/day 39 (26.4) 164(37.5) when there is no problem” (92.3 percent), “it is best
2x/day 74 (50.0) 278 (54.3) to use toothpaste with fluoride for children” (84.6
>2x/day 14 (9.5) 35 (7.9) percent), and “children should stop using the bottle
Does parent or adult help child brush teeth? * at one year old” (93.0 percent).
No 1 (0.7)
The regression models of associations between
Yes, sometimes 25 (18.3) caregiver and child demographics and toothbrush-
Yes, most of the time 21 (15.3) ing behaviors are shown in Table 5. Older children
Yes, always 90 (65.7) (odds ratio [OR] = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.15),
How long are child’s teeth brushed for? * children who had been to the dentist (OR = 2.87, 95%
CI = 1.20-6.86), and caregivers who brush more
≤30 seconds 12 (8.8)
>30-60 seconds 35 (25.6) frequently (OR = 2.23, 95% CI = 1.02 to 4.87) were
>1-2 minutes 49 (35.8) more likely to brush their child’s teeth more fre-
>2 minutes 34 (24.8) quently, while a higher report of activities interfering
Don’t know 7 (5.1) was associated with less brushing frequency (OR =
How often do activities of daily life get in the way of caring for a child’s teeth? † 0.53, 95% CI = 0.02 to 0.43). Children who received
All of the time 11 (7.5)
caregiver assistance were more likely to brush twice a
Most of the time 6 (4.1) day compared to those who brushed less (OR = 2.18,
Some of the time 44 (30.1) 95% CI = 1.38 to 3.45). Privately insured caregivers
Rarely 17 (11.6) compared to publicly insured (OR = 0.10, 95% CI
Never 68 (46.6) = 0.02 to 0.43) and families where activities interfere
How often does your family help you care for child’s teeth? † with daily living (OR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.38 to 0.75)
All of the time 42 (28.8) reported less frequent child brushing.
Most of the time 16 (11.0) Increased caregiver age (OR = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.03
Some of the time 41 (28.1) to 1.14) and those with more family assistance with
Rarely 5 (3.4) brushing (OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.55) had
Never 38 (26.0)
Don’t know 1 (0.7)
a higher brushing duration, whereas caregivers with
Other 3 (2.1) better oral health (OR = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.39 to
0.90) reported lower child brushing duration. Chil-
Does child use toothpaste? ‡
dren who had been to the dentist were 3.13 times
Yes 131 (96.3) as likely to brush for at least one minute (95% CI =
No 5 (3.7)
1.43 to 6.86) and 7.13 times as likely to brush for
Does toothpaste have fluoride? § at least 30 seconds (95% CI = 2.12 to 24.03) com-
Yes 66 (50.4) pared to children who had not been to the dentist.
No 18 (13.7) The correct amount of toothpaste was associated
Don’t know 47 (35.9) with higher caregiver brushing frequency (OR = 1.98,
How much toothpaste does child use? § 95% CI = 1.00 to 3.91). Hispanics were less likely
Full load 3 (2.3) 80 (18.3) to use higher quantities of toothpaste compared to
Half load 12 (9.2) 75 (16.9) non-Hispanics (OR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.84).
Pea size 43 (32.8) 230 (52.2) Reported use of fluoridated toothpaste for younger
Smear 73 (55.7) 56 (12.6)
children within the four- to 36-month age range
* n=137 for clinic survey. † n=146 for clinic survey.
of the sample was associated with higher caregiver
‡ n=136 for clinic survey. § n=131 for clinic survey. oral health knowledge (OR = 3.19, 95% CI = 1.53 to

34 Avenetti et al. Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020
6.68). However, when comparing the “yes” responses toothpaste, caregivers were more likely to be confident
to the “unsure” responses for the use of fluoridated (report “yes”) for older children (OR = 1.10, 95% CI =
1.03 to 1.18)—defined as closer to 36 months — and
children who had already had dental caries (OR =
Table 4. Child and Family Oral Health Risk Factors 4.50, 95% CI equals 1.30 to 15.63). Caregivers with a
CO-OP Chicago NHANES 2014, greater length of time since their last dental visit were less
Clinic survey ages 3-5 years old likely to be sure about the use of fluoride toothpaste
n=148 n=449 (OR equals 0.59, 95% CI equals 0.40 to 0.87).
n (%) n (%)

Child dental care utilization

When did child last go to dentist? *
The purpose of this study was to establish baseline tooth-
≤6 months 72 (49.7) 278 (62.0) brushing behaviors in children younger than three years
6-12 months ago 6 (4.1) 58 (12.9)
old in an urban and primarily Medicaid-enrolled popu-
1-2 years ago 2 (1.4) 13 (2.9)
Never has been 63 (43.5) 99 (22.0) lation at high risk for developing caries. The data suggest
Don’t know 2 (1.4) 0 (0.0) that brushing frequency, duration, and caregiver assis-
tance are opportunity areas for intervention. These be-
Child access to fluoridated water
haviors are associated with caregiver reports of daily life
What kind of water does the child drink? †
stress and existing supports, as well as gaps in oral
Tap water 9 (6.3) health knowledge. These data inform target areas for the
Filtered water from tap 27 (18.9)
subsequent behavioral trial that employs community
Bottled water 105 (73.4)
Other 2 (1.4) health workers to address social challenges and oral health
knowledge gaps in an urban population at high risk for
Child dental history
childhood caries.
Has child ever had a cavity? † A high percentage of caregivers did not use fluori-
Yes 30 (21.0) dated toothpaste or were unsure if the child’s toothpaste
No 104 (72.7) contained fluoride. These results suggest that they were
Don’t know 9 (6.3)
generally aware of recommendations surrounding tooth-
Has child received anesthesia for dental care? † brushing frequency but may not be clear about whether
Yes 6 (4.2) fluoridated toothpaste was appropriate for young chil-
No 137 (95.8) dren. The potential for inaccurate self-report of tooth-
Caregiver/family risk factors paste used is a limitation of the study. Despite the
universal recommendation for using fluoridated tooth-
Caregiver brushing frequency ‡
paste in children, there remains wide variability in its
Never 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
adoption. Data from the Iowa Fluoride Study suggested
Sometimes but not every day 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
1x/day 10 (7.1) 103 (30.7) that the use of fluoridated toothpaste in infants was
2x/day 98 (68.1) 198 (58.6) low, with 58 percent not using fluoridated toothpaste at
>2x/day 35 (24.8) 36 (10.7) 12 months.13,14 Our participants reported comparably
When did caregiver last go to dentist? ‡
higher rates of fluoridated toothpaste use, and higher
caregiver oral health knowledge was associated with the
≤6 months 53 (37.6) 2,818 (46.2)
6-12 months ago 28 (19.9) 914 (15.0)
use of fluoridated toothpaste, again emphasizing the
1-2 years ago 33 (23.4) 697 (11.4) importance of knowing and applying recommendations.
2-3 years ago 13 (9.2) 471 (7.7) The large number of “unsure” responses may be driven
3-5 years ago 6 (4.3) 386 (6.3) by the mixed messages families receive from clinical and
>5 years ago 5 (3.6) 775 (12.4) nonclinical sources. This confusion is made worse by
Never has been 3 (2.1) 64 (1.05)
product labeling, which suggests that parents may consult
Condition of caregiver’s mouth and teeth (self-reported) ‡ a dentist or physician for use in children less than two years
Very good 6 (4.3) of age. Confusion may also stem from marketing of non-
Good 55 (39.0) fluoridated toothpaste to young children using product
Fair 53 (37.6) packaging, such as popular children’s cartoon characters),
Poor 25 (17.7)
Don’t know 2 (1.4)
product placement, and statements asserting “safe for
babies”.15 This study is the first to report on tooth brush-
Have other children in the home received anesthesia for dental care? †
ing behaviors in children younger than three years old
Yes 27 (17.5) since the American Dental Association changed its
No 117 (81.8)
recommendation to use fluoridated toothpaste for all
Don’t know 1 (0.7)
children. This variability highlights the need for educat-
* n=145. † n=143. ‡ n=141. ing caregivers about current guidelines and mitigating

Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020 Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Avenetti et al. 35
Table 5. Association Between Demographics and Tooth Brushing Behavior

Child brushing Child brushing Amount of Fluoridated Fluoridated

frequency * duration† toothpaste‡ toothpaste toothpaste
n=133 n=126 n=128 ( Yes vs. No) ( Yes vs. Unsure)
Odds ratio Odds ratio Odds ratio n=120 n=120
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) Odds ratio Odds ratio
(95% CI) (95% CI)

Caregiver Hispanic N/A N/A 0.34 (0.14-0.84) § N/A N/A

(reference: non-Hispanic)
Caregiver age in years N/A 1.08 (1.03-1.14) || N/A N/A N/A

Child age in months 1.08 (1.02-1.15)§ N/A N/A 1.06 (0.97-1.16) 1.10 (1.03-1.18) ||
Caregiver health insurance N/A N/A N/A N/A
Public insurance REF
Not sure insurance type 1.26 (0.41-3.80)
No insurance 1.00 (0.36-2.79)
Private 0.10 (0.02-0.43) ||

Activities interference 0.53 (0.38-0.75) ¶ 0.80 (0.61-1.05) N/A N/A N/A

Caregiver brushing frequency 2.23 (1.02-4.87)§ N/A 1.98 (1.00-3.91)§ N/A N/A

Caregiver last dental visit (in years) N/A N/A N/A 0.66 (0.41-1.08) 0.59 (0.40-0.87) ||
Child cavity or tooth decay N/A N/A N/A 4.64 (0.77-28.05) 4.50 (1.30-15.63)§
(reference: no decay)
Condition of caregiver’s mouth N/A 0.59 (0.39-0.90)§ 0.72 (0.47-1.11) N/A N/A
and teeth#
Assistance with brushing 2+ times vs. less: 2.18 1.25 (1.02-1.55)§ N/A N/A N/A
(1.38-3.45) ¶ ##
Once/day vs. less: 1.31

Child has been to dentist 2.87 (1.20-6.86) § >2 mins vs. less: 1.39 N/A N/A N/A
(reference: never been to the dentist) (0.58-3.37) ##
>1 min vs. less: 3.13
(1.43-6.86) ||
>30 secs. vs. less: 7.13
(2.12-24.03) ||

Oral health knowledge ### N/A N/A N/A 3.19 (1.53-6.68) || 1.27 (0.69-2.35)

95% confidence interval [CI]).

* Outcome variable regressed as 3 ordinal categories: less than once a day, once a day, twice a day or more.
† Outcome variable regressed as 4 ordinal categories: 0-30 seconds, 30-60 seconds, 60-120 seconds, more than 2 minutes.
‡ Outcome variable regressed as 3 ordinal categories: pea, smear, half-load or more.
§ P<0.05. || P<0.01. ¶ P<0.001.
# Poor/fair (reference) vs. good/very good. ## Effect of covariate changes with the point of dichotomization of ordinal outcome.
### Higher score indicates more oral health knowledge.

fears about potential fluorosis and ingesting trace However, oral health education should not be limited to
amounts of fluoride when brushing. education by a dental provider, as nearly 45 percent of
Findings from this study suggest that interventions the children had never seen a dentist. Brushing behaviors
aiming to increase brushing frequency, duration, and the improved with age, which is not surprising, but it is un-
universal use of fluoride use in children younger than clear if brushing behaviors in very young children are
three years of age must include an educational compo- hindered by child cooperation, lack of knowledge about
nent targeted to the individual caregiver and the house- brushing recommendations in children, or both. Other
hold. This finding is based on data showing that assistance brushing outcomes were associated with family support
with toothbrushing led to higher brushing frequency and the home environment. This proposes a possible in-
and duration. Our data indicate that oral knowledge tervention opportunity through social support at the
was associated with the use of fluoridated toothpaste, family level. Caregivers’ interactions with the dental
suggesting that education may increase compliance. system and self-reported oral health conditions were

36 Avenetti et al. Children’s toothbrushing and toothpaste use Journal of Dentistry for Children-87:1, 2020
associated with child brushing habits, highlighting the CONCLUSIONS
important relationship between the oral health and be- Based on the results of this study, the following conclu-
haviors of children and caregivers, which is consistent sions can be made:
with previous research findings.16 Consequently, interven- 1. Most children younger than three years of age
tions aimed at the caregiver/family may have a positive brushed at least once daily, and nearly all chil-
effect on children by promoting healthy behaviors in the dren used toothpaste. However, twice-daily
family unit. brushing and use of the recommended amount
In this study, all data were self-reported by caregivers. of fluoridated toothpaste were less common.
While self-reporting health behaviors are subject to bias, 2. Access to dental care, parental involvement, and
it is the most convenient and cost-effective method of parental oral health were associated with favor-
collecting this data in the absence of validated objective able child toothbrushing behaviors.
measures. Nevertheless, our results follow comparable 3. Toothbrushing duration, frequency, and encour-
patterns to NHANES in three- to five-year-old children. aging family assistance are modifiable protective
NHANES data are presented in Table 3 to determine if factors and opportunities for intervention based
the study sample differed from the general population on the behaviors reported in this study.
regarding the few instrument items captured by
NHANES. The distribution of responses in our sample
was similar to NHANES, proving the generalizability ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of our findings, despite the limited geographic area of The authors wish to thank the members of the Chicago
recruitment. The present study may over-report appro- Steering Committee of Coordinated Oral Health Promo-
priate brushing behaviors because the survey was con- tion (CO-OP) Chicago; the Community Advisory Board
ducted in a dental care setting, potentially suggesting of the Coordinated Oral Health Promotion Chicago,
that families had more awareness of oral health issues which provided support and guidance; and the families,
and recommendations. Despite the sampling technique, staff, providers, and administrators at the College of
a large portion of families was not aware of or achieved Dentistry Pediatric Dental Clinic, University of Illinois
oral health recommendations. This is an opportunity to at Chicago, and the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago
improve education and family support within the cur- Pediatric Dental Clinic, all in Chicago, Ill. Dr. Lee’s time
rent dental system and among the general population was supported by the Foundation for Anesthesia Educa-
who have not yet interacted with the dental system. tion and Research and the Anesthesia Quality Institute,
The population from which the sample was drawn is an Schaumburg, Ill. This research was supported by a grant
urban, vulnerable, predominantly Hispanic, Medicaid- from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute
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