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Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine

Volume 1 Issue 1 2018; 22-26

Case Report

Posterior Maxillary Prosthetic Treatment with Molar Hemisection – A case

Abil Kurdi, Hanoem Eka Hidayati
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine
Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya – Indonesia

Background: Hemisection is an alternative treatment option for maintaining tooth with multiple root that
indicated for extraction. Purpose: To reported tooth with multiple root indicated by extraction to be used as a
fixed-fixed bridge abutment by extracting the infected root and maintain the healthy one. Case: A 53-year-old
woman with caries in upper 1st molar teeth in mesiobuccally root that can’t be maintained. Patients refuse the
teeth to be extracted. Case Management: Hemisection treatment was performed on 26 mesiobuccal root, with
the addition of bone graft. After the healing process, fixed-fixed bridges were made on 25, 26, 27, 28, with PFM
on 25, 26, 27 and full cast crowns on 28 as the material. Discussion: Hemisection as a conservative treatment,
can be an option for multiple root teeth that has been indicated for extraction but still have root that can be
maintained. Conclusion: Teeth performed by hemisection treatments can be used as abutments with attention to
the selection of patients to achieve long-term success.

Keywords: Fixed-fixed Bridge, Furcation involvement, Hemisection.

Correspondence: Hanoem Eka Hidayati, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas
Airlangga, Jl. Prof. Dr. Moestopo No. 47 Surabaya 60132 – Indonesia, Phone: +62315030255 Email: hanoem-e-
[email protected]

INTRODUCTION of intrapulpal dystrophy and postoperative

tooth sensitivity. The furcation area is then
The development in dentistry is currently
smoothed so that it can be cleaned properly to
leads to conservative treatment. The purpose
prevent plaque accumulation.2 Since
of the treatment is to maintain teeth for as long
hemisected teeth may fail by fractures of root,
as possible but with consideration of
it is important to restore them with an extra-
periodontics, endodontics and prosthodontics
coronal restoration 7,8,9. The purpose of this
for case selection.1
article was to reported tooth with multiple root
If a tooth with multiple roots has a caries
indicated by extraction to be used as a fixed-
that involved in one root, a hemisection
fixed bridge abutment by extracting the
procedure can be performed. Hemisection is a
infected root and maintain the healthy one.
conservative way of preserving tooth. This
procedure aims to maintain as much tooth
structure as possible. The end result is
predictable, and has a high success rate if A 53-year-old woman came to the
periodontal, prosthodontic and endodontic Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital with a
considerations are carried out correctly.2,3,4 chief complaint of wanting to make dentures
Indications of hemisection from an for her missing upper jaw teeth. Patient was
endodontic perspective are endodontic failure, used a bridge denture in the lower jaw. The
vertical fracture of one root and severe patient had no history of systemic disease.
damage. While the contra indications of History of the last dentition was extracted on
hemisection include the absence of a root teeth complained about 7 months ago. No
canal so that the endo treatments cannot be extra oral abnormalities were found.
done and also fused roots.5,6 Intra-orally, there was a loss of teeth 16
Hemisection involves taking the root and 27, a caries, tartar, and reddish of the
structure of the tooth through a surgical gingival. There is a stable occlusion with
approach. Good endodontic therapy must be unilateral balanced occlusion as the dynamic
done before hemisection to avoid calcification occlusion. The intra oral view can be seen in

Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine
Volume 1 Issue 1 2018; 22-26

Figure 1. Patients do not have bad habits. the work length was done and the separation
From X-ray examination, a radiolucent image of bifurcation and infected root extraction was
is found on the crown of the tooth 26 mesial performed. Bone graft (Gamacha, Kimia
parts reaches the pulp chamber that is not Farma) was given to the bone socket and
visible on the visual examination of the teeth. sutured with the membrane. The post
The periapical radiographic can be seen in endodontic radiographical view was shown in
Figure 2. Figure 4. Fiber splinting is given to the
occlusal to prevent mobility.
CASE MANAGEMENT On the 7thday, the stitch was removed and
Preliminary impression was performed and the fiber splint was disassembled. Patient had
showed in Figure 3. The initial treatment was no complaints after hemisection treatment, so
carried out on patients, DHE, scaling and root patient was referred back to prosthodontic
canal treatment for 26. The patient was department. The treatment was continued on
referred to Conservative Department and it abutment teeth preparation which is 25, 26,
was found that the buccomesial root could not and 28. The amount of preparation is in
be maintained. The patient refuses extraction accordance with the material to be used,
so that hemisection treatment is an option in namely PFM on teeth 25, 26 and full metal in
this case. The hemisection was performed by teeth 28 because it has difficult access and a
the endodontist. Measurement of the work short clinical crown.10 The result of
length and endodontic treatment according to preparation was shown in Figure 5.


Figure 1. (A) Patient occlusion (B) Maxillary Figure 2. X-Ray shown a radiolucency in mesial 26
occlusal view (C) Mandibullary occlusal view reaches the pulp chamber


Figure 3. (A) Maxillary cast (B) Mandibullary cast

A B A 23
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine
Volume 1 Issue 1 2018; 22-26

The application of retraction cord done to make a coping for 25,26,27 and full
surrounding the abutment and impression was cast crown for 28.
done using double impression techniques with Try in coping were carried out, evaluated
silicone material. This material was used and sent back to the dental lab for processing
because this material meets the requirements porcelain (Figure 6). A week later the patient
of dimensional accuracy and stability, returned for control. Patients had no
elasticity, flow, wettability and good complaints, an evaluation of surrounding
versatility.11 Temporary bridge (Structure, tissue and occlusion showed good results so
Vocco) was made with a putty template from that the bridge denture was inserted
the diagnostic model that has been waxed up. permanently using Glass Ionomer Cement
Temporary bridge dentures are inserted with Luting (Fuji I GC). At the next control visit
temporary luting. The laboratory process was the patient had no complaints, clinical
examination showed good results (Figure 7).

Figure 4. Radiographical images post hemisection with composite resin splinting

Figure 5. Intraoral view after abutment preparation. (A) Lateral view; (B) Occlusal view

Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine
Volume 1 Issue 1 2018; 22-26

Figure 6. Try in Coping Figure 7. Final results of fixed-fixed bridge on

teeth number 25,26,27 dan 28

DISCUSSION Another alternative treatment option is

implant which is a treatment option that can be
Hemisection of multiple root teeth has a
predicted with good functionalities.2 In this
good prognosis. This tooth can be used as an
case, 26 teeth were extracted and can be
abutment for bridge dentures. It is a more
implanted in regions 26 and 27. However,
conservative treatment than having an
patients refused this implant treatment option
extraction for the treatment. The teeth treated
because of financial reasons and refused tooth
with hemisection still had the physiological
tooth mobility from the remaining roots,
This case report showed that a hemisection
making it a better fixed denture abutment
as a conservative alternative treatment, can be
compared to osseointegrated implants. To get
an option for multiple teeth that are indicated
a high success rate, the margin of the crown
with extraction. Teeth treated with
must surround the furcation portion of the
hemisection can be used as an abutment with
consideration to the selection of patients with
Hemisection success is influenced by the
good oral hygiene, surgical treatment and
working procedures. Consideration of case
restoration planning to obtain long-term
selection, periodontal conditions, restoration,
endodontics and treatment should be done
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