Cream Affair Dessert Studio: Interior Design
Cream Affair Dessert Studio: Interior Design
Cream Affair Dessert Studio: Interior Design
colonial town. The client envisioned a maintenance-free innovative, contemporary design for Cream Affair. However, the
major design challenges was the expansion of space within the a small existing shell.
• The client requested a low-maintenance, innovative and contemporary d e si g n.
• T he de sign ne cessita ted e xp anding a n e xi st i n g sh e l l o f 1 0 ' X 1 3 ' t o a l a r g e r
sp a ce o f 2 0 ' x 2 6 ' .
• A me zza n in e f l o o r was introduced in the space which doubled the seating space.
• The d e si g n ; ma t e r i a l s a n d co n st r u ct i o n t e ch n o l o g y we r e a d a p t e d f o r a f a st -
t r a cke d p r o je ct .
• T h i s e n t a i l e d ca st i n g a l i g h t we i gh t f e r r o concrete slab over steel I-section beams
The galleria also features two riser heights – one to access the mezzanine level, the other
for seating.
The production area, serving station and other facilities are neatly tucked below the
mezzanine floor and galleria.
The lighting design interferes minimally with the existing structure but brightens up the
space to highlight the pops of pastel colors.
“Lighting conduits contain electrical wires inside Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
(uPVC) pipes and are suspended from ceilings.
The LED fixtures are connected to uPVC pipes using special
reducers. And the bends in the electrical conduits are achieved
using L-shaped specials,”
• A mild steel wire mesh doubles as the
handrail and partition between the
ground level and mezzanine.
Movable ice-cream trays in the galleria offer flexible seating arrangement and ample
conversation opportunities for ice-cream lovers along the various seating levels.
• Two risers are fused to form a single riser. The mezzanine consists of regular FORM
Alternate treads are merged to create a larger tables with pouffes arranged around
seating space. it like a regular café. • C — Shaped tray-tables
intercept the larger steps to
• This arrangement ensures an ergonomically
COLOUR divide the area into zones and
sound space that facilitates leisurely sitting, The design is a reflection of accommodate the food being
conversations and interactions. Cream Affair’s menu, with served.
bright, adventurous pastel
• It breaks away from the norm of chairs flanking ice-creamy colors such as • These trays are mobile and
a table wherein the body language invariably blue, yellow, and pink, lend an informal and flexible
steers towards a formal demeanour. contrasting happily against vibe to the lower floor.
the otherwise white
background; perhaps a
LINE callback to the town the
studio is set in – White town.