1.true or False: Scrum and Kanban Are The Only Agile Methodologies That Exist

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1.True or False: Scrum and Kanban are the only agile methodologies that exist

False, there are many more agile methodologies such as Extreme

Programming, Adaptive Software Development etc, but Scrum and Kanban are
definitely some of the more popular ones and Jira supports both

2.What are Epics?

A larger body of work that is broken into multiples stories

3.Which one of these tasks are NOT the responsibility of the scrum master?

Aunque el scrum master se asegura de que el equipo de desarrollo esté trabajando

para cumplir con el objetivo del sprint, no se lo considera sus jefes o supervisores
directos, ya que se espera que el equipo de desarrollo se autoorganice.

4. What should NOT happen in a sprint planning meeting?

5. What is NOT characteristic of the daily standup?

6.True or False – both Scrum and Kanban methodologies utilize a board where
work can be visualized


7.What does NOT happen with Kanban methodology?

quizz 2
If you have an issue key 'SSP-14', which of the below statements is false?
2.Which of the following changes appear in the Issue’s History?

3.True or False - The only place in Jira where you can transition issues between
statuses, is from the agile board

 4.The 'Affects Versions' field represents:

 5. True or False – all searches done in basic-mode using the filters can be
translated to Advanced JQL queries, but not all JQL queries can be translated
back to basic search using filters

 1.  Issue statuses and workflow columns are not the same thing, but they
can be called the same names


 2. What is the main thing that determines what issues will appear on a

 3. A column constraint determines:

 4. If a column for an agile board exists with no statuses mapped to it,

which of the following is true?

 5. How many extra fields can be displayed on a card within the board?

 6. True or False - Jira allows you to manage a backlog for Scrum projects

 7. What could you create a new agile board from?

 8. What happens when there are incomplete issues at the end of the

 9. Which one of these are not displayed in a sprint report?

 Quiz 4
 1.Where are project permissions configured and then assigned to a

 2.Based on the image, which of the following statements is not true?

3.True or false - if a default user or group is put into a project role from the project
role administration page, only new projects created from that point onward will
automatically get that project role assigned with whoever was set as default.


4.Where are you able to map a screen to an issue operation (Create/Edit/View)?

5.How could you ensure that the assignee field gets updated to ‘unassigned’
every time you mark an issue as 'Done' within a workflow?

6.What field determines whether an issue is open or closed, according to Jira?

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