Fabrication, Advancement and Emission Analysis of Pre-Filter and Its Effect On Catalytic Converter-41154

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e-ISSN(O): 2348-4470

Scientific Journal of Impact Factor(SJIF): 3.134

p-ISSN(P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research

Volume 2,Issue 4, Apr il -2015

Fabrication, Advancement And Emission Analysis of Pre-Filter and its Effect on

Catalytic Converter
P.M.Sangadiya 1 , M.V.Mohite 2
P.G. Student, Mechanical Engineering Dept, M.I.T., Mehsana, India
Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept, M.I.T.S, Mehsana, India

Abstract- Nowadays, one of the greatest challenges faced by the mankind is the increasing pollution at an alarming rate. It is
causing an environmental imbalance, increase the green house effect & impact on health of human being. Environmental
imbalance created by automobile due to tailpipe exhaust emission which mainly depends on changes in d riving conditions
engine performance, composition of fuel & air fuel ratio. As there are large number of two wheeler automobile hence they
contribute more in automobile environment pollution. There are two methods for controlling pollution which are pre-
pollution control & post pollution control methods. This study is based on the pre-pollution control method in four stroke
two-wheeler. In Present work, modified OEM design attaching carbon absorbing device because some leaded fuel decreases
the efficiency of catalytic converter & thus increases rate of pollution. To increase the retention period of exhaust gas in
catalytic converter providing more time for its oxidation and also to reduce harmful effect of lead fuel on catalytic converter.
To provide a pre-filter device to increases good effect of catalytic converter. The proposed method is very effective in the
prevention of environmental pollution contributed from two wheeler automobiles and open a gate way to study the change in
concentration of exhaust emission due to carbon absorbing device with three-way catalytic converter.

Keyword- Pollution; Two wheeler automobile; Pre-pollution; Catalytic converter; Carbon absorbing device


During the last ten years, the use of motor vehicles has tremendously increased due to population growth and
increased industrialization. The motorized t wo-wheeler market has been rapidly increased particularly in the urbanized area
of Asia about 80 percent of the 300 millon two-wheeler worldwide are in Asia as are 90 percent of world two-wheeler sales.
Fig.1 shows growth of vehicle & Fig .2 shows the population of two wheeler in India. And table-1 show the total emission
fro m Indian Transport.[6]

Figure 1. Growth of vehicle road transport & highway Figure 2. Population of two wheeler in India

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Vehicular emissions consist of the carbon dioxide, carbon mono xide, nit rogen oxide, hydrocarbons including lead,
particulate matter etc. Inhaling of carbon mono xide and other pollutants hinders oxygen supply fro m b lood into the tissues, as
it co mbines with the iron in hemog lobin, leading to variety of ailments, viz. Cancer. Carbon dio xide causes the environmental
problems related to global warming. The past decade has shown a sudden increase in the atmospheric concentration of heat -
trapping gasses, due to human activity.

Figure 3. Comparison of emission from petrol and diesel engines

As Fig.3 shows the comparison of emission fro m petrol and diesel engines. It is clearly to be seen that there is a
marked difference between the products of combustion of petrol and diesel engines. Where as petrol engines have somewhat
similar emission pattern all diesel engines have different emissio n characteristics. One of these important heat-trapping
gasses is carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Carbon mono xide (CO) is considered as toxic pollutant, whose effective reduction can be
achieved by using three-way catalytic converter[2] .This device is most effective to convert harmful gases due to engine
exhaust into comparatively less harmful gases. Government of India has already made legislation for the use of Catalytic
Converters in new passenger cars with effect from April 1995. But the day has come, wh ere the number of two wheelers has
overcome the four wheelers especially in Gu jarat and thus it is required to reduce the amount of emission from these


A number of studies during the 60s reported evidence that seventy -five percent of carbon monoxide co me fro m
automobile. In all studies different techniques are used to control harmful pollution fro m vehicles. As per the all previous
research and review papers, majority of them focused use of nano particle as catalyst, imp roved & latest design of nanosized
catalytic converter, studies on ROL profile in catalytic converter and also modification and optimizat ion of catalytic
converter . In present studies, with the use of different pre-filter (poisoning control device) for catalytic converter in four
stroke two wheeler. So me leaded fuel reduce the oxidation process by catalytic converter and so decreased the efficiency of
it. Also to increase the retention period of exhaust gas in catalytic converter providing more time for its oxidation and to
reduce poisoning effect of lead fuel on catalytic converter. The proposed method is very effective in the prevention of
environmental pollution contributed fro m two wheelers.


A catalytic converter is a vehicle emissions control device that converts toxic pollutants in exhaust gas to less toxic
pollutants by catalyzing a react ion (o xidation or reduction).

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Figure 4. The effectiveness of catalytic converters

As Fig.4. show the effectiveness of catalytic converters. Catalytic converter is used in internal combustion engines
fueled by petrol and diesel engines. This system to reduce HC and CO by oxidizing catalyst and NO by reducing catalyst.
Although catalytic converters are most commonly applied to exhaust systems in automobiles, they are also used on electrical
generators, min ing equipment, and airplanes. This is usually in response to government regulation, either through direct
environmental regulation or through safety regulations.

A pre-filter device to increases good effect of catalytic converter. In particular new and better technique for
pollution control are emerging different pre-filter with three-way catalytic converter applied to a two wheeler. It provides
more t ime for o xidation of exhaust gases & decrease the rate of carbon deposit on catalytic converter & is important for
reducing harmfu l effect of leaded fuel with increase efficiency and life of catalytic converter in four stroke -two wheeler.
Different types of pre-filter such as,

 Thin wall non glaze porous ceramic filter.

 Copper porous mesh filter.
 Alu min iu m porous mesh filter.
 Zirconia ceramic foam filter.

In the presented work, with the use of as carbon absorbing devices are studies as under.

4.1 Thin wall non glaze porous ceramic filter.

The use of porous ceramic as filter elements in industrial gas and liquid filt ration. At the beginning, porous ceramic
was applied in the shape of filter disks or stones, later on in the shape of filter candles, a true innovation at that time. Today,
ceramic honeycomb or foam elements as well as ceramic hollow fiber and mult i-channel structures are also being applied as
filter elements.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Figurer 5. Honeycomb ceramic filter

Clay was one of the earliest materials used to produce ceramics, but many different ceramic materials are now used
in domestic, industrial and building products. As Fig.5 show the honeycomb ceramic filter. The filter materials mainly used
consist of alu minu m o xide, silicon carbide silicate, cordierite, and technically pure carbon.

4.2 Copper porous mesh filter.

Figurer 6. Copper porous mesh filter

Copper wire mesh or copper screen, is a plain square weave mesh woven by copper wire. Copper is a soft and
malleable material, and its chemical co mposition is 99.9% Cu, wh ich has excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, and
on-magnetic. So, copper mesh can be widely used as electromagnets interference and radio frequency interference shielding.
Fig.6 show the copper porous mesh filter. It is also used as separation and filtrat ion in many industries.

4.3 Aluminium porous mesh filter.

This highly efficient alu min iu m mesh has been proven to perform in a diverse range of applications. The material
is available as coils, cut to size sheets .

Figurer 7. Aluminium porous mesh filter

Amongst its uses, alu min iu m foil is layered into filter panels to capture dust and grease for both internal and external
air filtrat ion. Fig.7 show the alu min iu m porous mesh filter The product offers a range of versatile features which have been
adapted to suit a range of functional applications including heat spacers in the automotive industry, anti-explosive products
and components for air and oil filtration.

5.1 Experi mental method:

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Figure 8. Experimental method.

 In this Experiment OEM Design is modified by attaching the catalytic converter with carbon absorbing device for
decreasing the pollution fro m two wheeler.
 Pre pollution control method is used to control the poisoning of catalytic converter by passing the exhaust gases
through different pre -filter.
 The before of catalytic converter is porous ceramic filter through which exhaust gas flows.
 A pre-filter device to increases good effect of catalytic converter and it provides more time for o xidation of exhaust
gases & decrease the rate of carbon deposit on catalytic converter in four stroke-t wo wheeler
 A catalytic converter is a vehicle emissions control device which converts toxic by products of combustion in the
exhaust of an internal co mbustion engine to less toxic substances by way of catalyzed chemical reactions.
 In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the setup, exhaust gas analyzer is used to measure contents of CO ,
HC,CO2 ,O2 .
 Measure the pollutant at different time and RPM of Hero Honda sp lendor plus’s engine.

5.2 Experi mental flow chart:

 Step: 1 Fuel
 Step: 2 Co mbustion of Fuel
 Step: 3 Produced Exhaust Gas
 Step: 4 Exhaust Gases Passing Through Pre-Filter
 Step: 5 Exhaust Gases Passing Through Catalytic Converter
 Step: 6 Reading of Exhaust Gases Contain
 Step: 7 Analysis of Exhaust Gases
 Step: 8 Conclusion

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

5.3 Experi mental setup view:

Figure 9. Experimental setup view.

5.4 Experi mental equi pment:

 Engine & Silencer of Hero Honda splendour plus.
 Three way catalytic converter.
 70 to 72 mm d iameter of Non glaze porous ceramic filter, Copper porous mesh filter, A lu min iu m porous mesh
 680 Series Exhaust Gas Analyzer.
 Contactless Tachometer.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

5.5 Real diagram of equi pment :

Figurer 10. Real diagram of equipment


6.1 Indian emission standards for two wheelers gasoline vehicle, g/km:

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Year CO HC HC+No x

1991 norms 12– 30 8–12 –

1996 norms 5.50 – 3.60

Indian stage
2.00 – 2.00
2000 norms

Table 2. Indian emission standards for two wheelers gasoline vehicle, g/km.

6.2 HC & CO level in Hero Honda splendour pl us:

Prescribed Standard CO Prescribed Standard HC

3.5% 4500 ppm



Exhaust Content in g/Km

CO g/Km
HC g/Km
HC + NOx g/Km


1991 Norms 1996 Norms Indian Stage 2000 Norms

Emission Standards
Figure 11. Graph for Indian emission standards for two wheelers gasoline vehicle

6.3 Graph for value of CO At different TIME,RPM for different Pre-filter:

TIME : 20 sec TIME :60sec TIME : 90 sec

3.0 3.0 3.0
Without Catalytic Converter
Without Catalytic Converter
With Catalytic Converter With Catalytic Converter
2.5 Catalytic Converter With NGPCF 2.5 Catalytic Converter With NGPCF
2.5 Catalytic Converter With PCF
Catalytic Coverter With PALF Catalytic Converter With PCF
Catalytic Converter With PALF




1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
Without Catalytic Converter
With Catalytic Converter 0.5
0.5 Catalytic Converter With NGPCF
Catalytic Converter With PCF
Catalytic Converter With PALF
0.0 0.0
0.0 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200

Figure 12. Graph for value of C O At different TIME, RPM for different Pre-filter.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

6.4 Graph for value of HC At different TIME,RPM for different Pre-filter:

TIME : 20 sec
TIME : 60 sec Time : 90sec
250 350
Without Catalytic Converter
300 With Catalytic Converter
300 Without Catalytic Converter
Catalytic Converter With NGPCF
With Catalytic Converter
Catalytic Converter With PCF 200
Catalytic Converter With NGPCF
250 Catalytic Converter With PALF

Catalytic Converter with PCF


Catalytic Converter With PALF

200 150




0 0
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Figure 13. Graph for value of HC At different TIME, RPM for different Pre-filter.

6.5 Comparison Values Of CO & HC with PUC Standards For Different Pre-filter :

3.0 350

At 800rpm for 20 Seconds 300


At 800 rpm for 20 seconds
HC emissions
CO emissions




0.5 50

0.0 0

Pre filters Pre filters

Figure 14. Comparison Values Of C O & HC with PUC Standards For Different Pre-filter .


The idea behind the work is to increase oxidation period of exhaust stream and also min imizing the amount of
catalyst required. Pre-filter material is selected for the present work as it is cheaper than other material. The exhaust gases
pass through a pre-filter and catalytic action takes place at surface of pre-filter material which are porous and the higher
catalytic activity towards the oxidation of CO and HC. A pre-filter device to increases good effect of catalytic converter and
it provides more time for o xidation of exhaust gases & decrease the rate of carbon deposit on catalytic converter in four
stroke-two wheeler. Co mparison Values of CO & HC with PUC Standards for different Pre -filter show the good efficiency
and capacity of reduce CO & HC level by using different Pre -filter. Back pressure of exhaust gases is reduced of attaching
the angular fan in silencer. The p roposed method is very effective in the prevention of environ mental pollution contributed
fro m two-wheeler automobiles. This paper opens a gateway to study the changes in the concentration of exhaust emission
due to the nano-material as pre-filter devised.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4,April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406


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