Document Shredders Catalogue Quality Made in Germany

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F i r s t Cla s s S e c u r i t y







Easy to operate: EASY_SWITCH guides the
user by way of intuitive colour codes and
illuminated symbols.

Optimum comfort: the full shred bin

made of an impact-resistant plastic
material can be easily removed. The bin
can be used with or without a shred bag.

Purpose-built electronics: efficiently

manufactured in-house. We use only first-
class components such as dust-proof micro
06 I 07 SAFETY



The German ”Berufsgenossenschaft“ (employers’ mutual insurance as-
sociation) has tested EBA shredders in regard of the respirable dust
emissions. The measured values of our machines did not even reach 10
per cent of the occupational exposure limits for respirable dust set for
work places in closed rooms.
Safety Protection System SPS: a comprehensive safety package ensures the optimum safety of all EBA
shredders. SPS comprises the following safety features: an electronically controlled safety flap in the feed
opening to prevent fingers and ties being caught and to shield the user from splinters when CDs and DVDs are
being destroyed; automatic reverse and power cut-off (avoids paper jams); shut-off function when the shred
container is full; electronic door control using a magnetic switch; double motor protection against overheating,
ESM – environmentally-friendly energy saving mode.

All automatic functions are controlled with the innovative control element EASY_SWITCH with integrated
optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. So that EBA shredders are always under perfect

Contrary to all predictions, the increased use of electronic media and data processing means that more and more
paper is being used. And, unfortunately, it also means that more and more sensitive information is being “disposed of”
into paper bins and containers.

For companies in particular, careless handling of confidential information constitutes a serious risk. And if
competitors gain access to a company’s internal information, this can seriously weaken the company’s
competitive position. Often, the resulting damage cannot be undone.

Important in this connection are privacy acts and data protection laws. Anyone, for example, who infringes data
protection laws when handling personal data may have to face legal consequences. Legal compliance with data
protection laws concerning third-party personal data is strictly monitored and sanctioned in public authorities and
other administrative bodies.

With EBA shredders, these risks are a thing of the past. With EBA, you will find the right security level in
accordance with DIN 32 757 to suit the level of confidentiality of the information that needs to be destroyed.


There are basically two cut types: strip cut

and cross cut. Strip cut allows for a high
sheet capacity and the use of a more eco-
nomically priced cutting technology. Cross
cut guarantees higher data security and a
lower waste volume.
For general documents,
For internal documents, to
to be made illegible.
be made illegible.
Documents can be classified
according to the security level
Strip width ≤ 12.0 mm
Strip width ≤ 6.0 mm appropriate to their level of
Strip length ∞
Strip length ∞, or
confidentiality. DIN 32 757
Particle size ≤ 800 mm2
defines five security levels and
provides recommendations on
how to destroy a document
assigned to each of these
categories, whereby the higher
the security level, the smaller
For confidential documents, the shred size of the strips or
For secret documents,
to be made illegible.
to be made illegible. particles. For special types of
users an additional “Level 6”
Particle width ≤ 4.0 mm has established itself,
Particle width ≤ 2.0 mm
Particle length ≤ 80 mm, or exceeding the DIN standard.
Particle length ≤ 15 mm, or
Particle size ≤ 320 mm2
Particle size ≤ 30 mm2

For high volumes, as in the

case of e.g. high-capacity
shredders, it is possible to
achieve a higher security level
by additional measures, such as
For extremely high security mixing or compacting the strips
Not listed under DIN 32 757,
for maximum security requirements.
or particles.

Particle width ≤ 0.8 mm Particle width ≤ 1.0 mm

Particle length ≤ 13 mm, or Particle length ≤ 5.0 mm, or
Particle size ≤ 10 mm2 Particle size ≤ 5 mm2
E B A d e sk s i d e s h r e d d e r s g u a r a nt e e t ha t y o u r i nfo r ma t i o n i s p r o t
e c t e d r i g ht w he r e i t i s c r e a t e d : a t y o u r d e sk . Th e i r o u t s t a nd i ng
f e a t u r e s i nc l u d e c o mp a c t d i me n s i o ns , q u i e t o p e r a t i o n a nd a n a t t
ractive, classic design.

E B A d e sk s i d e s h r e d d e r s a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h a p ho t o c e l l f o r a u t o
ma t i c s t a r t / s t o p * , a h i g h- q u a l i t y c u t t i ng me c ha n i sm w i t h so l i d s t e
e l c u t t i ng sha f t s , q u i e t , h i g h- p e r f o r ma nc e AC mo t o r s a nd fu l l y e nc l o
s e d g e a r b o xe s .



* no t mo d e l 1120
EBA 1324 | 1524: electronically controlled safety flap as finger guard or
splinter shield during CD disposal (not all EBA 1120 | 1121 | 1123 | 1125: mechanical safety flap in the feed opening to keep fingers
models variations can handle CDs/DVDs). and ties away from the cutting head. This additional safety feature (the shape of the feed
opening alone meets the defined safety requirements) is just one example of the fact that
EBA does more than is necessary – for your safety!

The intelligent control with the multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH Practical – the EBA 1123 | 1125 front
provides intuitive operation by back-lit colour surfaces and easy-to-understand shred bin for easy removal, with
illuminated symbols. The large switch also functions as the easy-to-access automatic shut-off function via the
emergency switch. integrated magnetic switch.

Easy operation via the multifunction switch

Top-quality electronic components on the Purchased parts are also tested for qual-
for forward / stop / reverse. In combination
control board for the various automatic ity and reliability, e.g. the high-grade
with the photo cell the shredder starts
functions of the EBA deskside shredders. hinges of the cabinet.
automatically*, when paper is inserted.

1120 I 1121
The h i g h- c l a s s E B A e nt r y mo d e l s o f f e r a l o t - i n t he w a y o f t e c hno l
o g y, e a s e o f u s e , q u a l i t y, d u r a b i l i t y a nd d e s i g n - o f w ha t c a n no r ma
l l y o n l y b e e xp e c t e d a t t he t o p o f t he r a ng e .

EBA 1120 S
Easy-to-operate multifunction switch for forward / stop (off) / reverse. Transparent safety flap in the feed
opening as additional safety element. High-quality paper clip proof cutting shafts from special hardened steel. 30
years guarantee on the cutting shafts. Shredder operates practically free of respirable dust. Attractive shred bin
from impact-resistant plastic material. 20 litres volume for the shreds. Especially quiet and powerful 150 Watt
single phase motor. Double motor protection against overheating. Practical handle for lifting off the shredder unit
from the bin. Colour: manhattan grey.

EBA 1121 S I C
Same features and specifications as model 1120, but with automatic start / stop via a photo cell, pilot light and
magnetic switch for automatic stop if the shredder unit is removed from the bin.

EBA 1121 S | C: Easy operation for

The safety flap in the feed opening is an A practical handle is integrated into the
convenient shredding: Multifunction
additional safety element to keep fingers, design for lifting off the shredder unit
switch in combination with a photo cell
ties or other objects away from the from the shred bin when full.
for automatic start/stop.
cutting shafts.
EBA 1120 S EBA 1121 S EBA 1121 C
Insertion width in mm 220 220 220
Cutting width in mm 4 4 3 x 25
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 11-13 11-13 6-7
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 9-11 9-11 5-6
DIN security level 2 2 3
Motor capacity in watt 150 150 150
Shred bin volume in litres 20 20 20
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 345 x 215 x 452 345 x 215 x 452 345 x 215 x 452
Weight in kg 6 6 7

1123 I 1125
Tw o c o mp a c t , e a s y - t o - u s e d e sk s i d e shre d d e r s w i t h p r o f e s s i o na l f e a t u r e s .

EBA 1123 S I C
Automatic start / stop via a photo cell. Transparent safety flap in the feed opening as additional safety
element. Easy-to-operate multifunction switch for stand-by / stop (off) / reverse. Pilot light. Especially
quiet and powerful 150 Watt single phase motor. Double motor protection against overheating. Fully
closed gear box housing and durable gears. High-quality paper clip proof cutting shafts from special
hardened steel. 30 years guarantee on the cutting shafts. Shredder operates practically free of respirable
dust. High-quality wooden cabinet. Removable shred bin from impact-resistant plastic with large window
showing fill level. 20 litres volume for the shredded material. Magnetic switch for automatic stop if the
shred bin is removed from the cabinet. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

EBA 1125 S I C
Same basic features as model 1123, but with two separate feed openings with separate shredding heads for
paper and for CDs / DVDs. Two integrated shred containers for easy waste separation. Photo cell controlled
automatic start and stop. Removable bin for paper shreds (20 litres volume). Separate bin for CDs /
DVDs or credit cards (3 litres volume). Magnetic switch for automatic stop if the shred bins are removed from
the cabinet.

Easy operation for convenient shredding:

The safety flap in the feed opening is an A magnetic switch stopps the shredder
multifunction switch in combination with a
additional safety element to keep fingers, automatically, if the shred bins are
photo cell for automatic start/stop.
ties or other objects away from the removed from the cabinet.
cutting shafts.
EBA 1123 S EBA 1123 C EBA 1125 S EBA 1125 C
Insertion width in mm 220 220 220 220
Cutting width in mm 4 3 x 25 4 3 x 25
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 11-13 6-7 11-13 6-7
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 9-11 5-6 9-11 5-6
DIN security level 2 3 2 3
Motor capacity in watt 150 150 150 150
Shred bin volume in litres 20 20 20 / 3 20 / 3
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 345 x 220 x 537 345 x 220 x 537 345 x 220 x 537 345 x 220 x 537
Weight in kg 10.5 11.5 12.5 13

1324 I 1524
A h i g h she e t c a p a c i t y o f u p t o 24 she e t s a nd t he fu l l a r r a y o f a l l a u t o
ma t i c fu nc t i o ns, t he i nno v a t i v e c o nt r o l e l e me nt E AS Y_ S WI TCH a nd t
he sa f e t y f e a t u r e s o f f e r e d b y S P S ma k e t he s e t w o d a t a - p r o t e c t i o n p r
o f e s s i o na l s t he b e s t s e l l e r s i n t he e nt i r e r a ng e o f E B A s h r e d d e r s .

EBA 1324 S I C I CCC

SPS – Safety Protection System as described on pages 6 | 7. Multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH with
integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. Automatic start / stop via a photo cell in
the feed opening. Convenient feed opening (240 mm). Quiet but powerful 390 Watt single phase motor. High-
quality cutting shafts from special hardened steel, paper clip proof for models 1324 S and C. 30 years guarantee
on the cutting shafts (except EBA 1324 CCC with 0.8 x 5 mm micro cut). Shredder operates practically free of
respirable dust. High-quality wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Environmentally-friendly permanent plastic
bag with 35 litres volume for the shreds. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

EBA 1524 S I C
Deskside shredder suitable for single offices or small work groups. Basic features and specifications same as
model 1324, but with especially powerful 580 Watt single phase motor for a high shred performance and 50 litres
volume for the shreds. Strip cut and 4 x 40 mm cross cut models suitable for safe shredding of the most common
CDs and DVDs.

Electronically controlled safety flap as EASY_SWITCH: intelligent multifunction Precision cutting shafts of the model EBA
finger guard or splinter shield during CD or switch element with integrated optical 1324 CCC with 0.8 x 5 mm particle size for
DVD disposal. signals for the operational status of the the high security requirements of Level 6.
EBA 1324 S EBA 1324 C EBA 1324 C EBA 1324 CCC EBA 1524 S EBA 1524 C EBA 1524 C
Insertion width in mm 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
Cutting width in mm 4 4 x 40 2 x 15 0.8 x 5 4 4 x 40 2 x 15
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 15-17 13-15 10-12 4-5 22-24 16-18 11-13
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 12-14 11-13 8-10 3-4 19-21 13-15 9-11
DIN security level 2 3 4 Level 6 2 3 4
Motor capacity in watt 390 390 390 390 580 580 580
Bag volume in litres 35 35 35 35 50 50 50
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 395 x 295 x 630 395 x 295 x 630 395 x 295 x 630 395 x 295 x 630 395 x 295 x 730 395 x 295 x 730 395 x 295 x 730
Weight in kg 19.5 20 20 20 22.5 23 23

Aw a r d - w i n n i n g d e s i g n , i nn o v a t i v e t e c hno l o g y a nd u l t i ma t e q u
a l i t y – t h i s e l e g a nt d e sk s i d e s h r e d d e r i s f i r s t c ho i c e f o r t he d e ma
nd i ng u s e r.

AL 1
Deskside document shredder in ageless design with elegant aluminium shell. Attractive, plastic-laminated side
panels. SPS – Safety Protection System: electronically controlled, transparent safety flap in the feed opening as
additional safety element; EASY_SWITCH – intelligent control element indicating the operational status of the
shredder with varying colour codes and back-lit symbols; automatic reverse and power cut-off (avoids paper
jams); sensory fill level indication with automatic stop if the shred bin is full; electronic door protection via a
magnetic switch; double motor protection; environmentally-friendly energy-saving mode. Photo cell controlled
automatic start and stop. Convenient 240 mm feed opening. High-quality, paper clip proof cutting shafts from
special hardened steel with 30 years guarantee. Shredder operates practically free of respirable dust. Quiet,
powerful 580 Watt single phase motor. Shred bin and soundless mechanical vibration for particle compacting and
clean bin removal. High volume for the shreds (25 litres). Attractive colour combination: aluminium silver/dark

Intelligent multifunction switch element

Outstanding safety features: SPS Sensory fill level control with automatic
with integrated optical signals for the
includes an electronically controlled stop if the shred bin is full and electronic
operational status of the shredder.
safety flap in the feed opening. door protection via a magnetic switch.
Insertion width in mm 240
Cutting width in mm 2 x 15
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 11-13
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 9-11
DIN security level 4
Motor capacity in watt 580
Shred bin volume in litres 25
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 410 x 240 x 600
Weight in kg 21
E B A o f f i c e shre d d e r s a r e sp e c i a l l y d e s i g ne d f o r c e nt r a l i s e d u s e i n
t he o f f i c e e nv i r o nm e nt . Th e y a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y e a s y t o o p e r a t e a
nd a r e t he r e f o r e i d e a l w he n u s e d b y a v a r i e t y o f d i f f e r e nt u s e r s .

E B A o f f i c e s h r e d d e r s d i s t i ng u i sh t he mse l v e s b y h i g h p e r f o r ma nc e ,
e a s e o f u s e , h i g h s h r e d v o l u me a nd r e l i a b l e t e c hno l o g y. The c o mp r e
he n s i v e S P S sa f e t y p a c k a g e g u a r a nt e e s o p t i mu m sa f e t y f o r a l l s h r e d
d e r s o f f e r e d i n t h i s c a t e g o r y.


A photo cell in the feed opening auto- EBA office shredders’ paperclip-proof solid steel cutting shafts are made of special
matically starts the shredder when hardened steel and are therefore extremely robust and durable. 30 years guarantee on
paper is inserted and stops it when the most of the cutting shafts are convincing evidence of quality. The cutting heads of the CC
paper has passed the photo cell. and CCC micro-cut models are not paperclip-proof.
The intelligent multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH provides intuitive operation. EBA shredders from model 2326 to model
From model 2326 onwards, all EBA office shredders (except model 2339) are also equipped 5141 feature a lightweight shred bin made of
with ECC – Electronic Capacity Control, indicating the used sheet capacity during shredding unbreakable plastic, which guarantees an
process (which helps to avoid paper jams). easy and clean removal of the full bin.

The electronically controlled safety flap in

Printed circuit board with low-voltage In this shredder category various models
the feed opening is the most important
control for the automatic functions such with fine cut shredding heads are offered to
SPS safety feature – it is standard in all
as automatic start/stop, automatic cover the high security requirements of of
shredders of this category.
reverse, or automatic shut-off. levels 5 and 6.

This attractive office shredder is especially suitable for larger work groups. The con-
venient insertion width of 260 mm, many automatic functions in connection with
the innovative control element EASY_ SWITCH as well as the high volume for the
shredded material is perfect, if several persons have to share a centralised shredder.

EBA 2127 S I C
Elegant office shredder with the numerous safety features of the SPS safety package as described on
pages 6 | 7. Automatic start / stop via a photo cell in the feed opening. High-quality paper clip proof
cutting shafts from special hardened steel. 30 years guarantee on the cutting shafts. Strip cut model and
4 x 40 mm cross cut model suitable for safe shredding of the most common CDs and DVDs. Shredder
operates practically free of respirable dust. Quiet but powerful 580 Watt single phase motor. High-quality
wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Plastic bag frame for mounting disposable shred bags. 100 litres
volume for the shreds. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

The convenient 260 mm insertion width

Intelligent control via the multifunction Components not manufactured in-house by
allows easy feeding of A4 continuous
control element EASY_SWITCH with EBA are tested for quality and durability,
forms with tractor feed margins.
illuminated symbols for the operational too, like the hinges of the cabinet doors.
status of the shredder.
EBA 2127 S EBA 2127 C EBA 2127 C
Insertion width in mm 260 260 260
Cutting width in mm 4 4 x 40 2 x 15
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 21-23 16-18 10-12
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 18-20 13-15 8-10
DIN security level 2 3 4
Motor capacity in watt 580 580 580
Bag volume in litres 100 100 100
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 500 x 377 x 870 500 x 377 x 870 500 x 377 x 870
Weight in kg 30 30.5 30.5

2326 I 2026-2
Ce nt r a l i s e d o f f i c e s h r e d d e r s w i t h 260 mm f e e d o p e n i ng , h i g h she e t c
a p a - c i t y a nd p o w e r fu l b u t q u i e t mo t o r f o r c o n t i nu o u s o p e r a t i o n . The
E CC - E l e c t r o n i c Ca p a c i t y Co nt r o l i nd i c a t e s t he u s e d sh e e t c a p a c i t y d u r
i ng t he s h r e d d i ng p r o c e s s i n o r d e r t o a v o i d p a p e r j a ms.


SPS – Safety Protection System as described on pages 6 | 7. Multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH with
integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. Automatic start / stop via a photo cell.
ECC – Electronic Capacity Control: indication of the used sheet capacity during shredding process. High- quality
cutting shafts from special hardened steel, paper clip proof for models 2326 S and C. 30 years guarantee on the
cutting shafts (except EBA 2326 CC and EBA 2326 CCC micro cut models). EBA 2326 S and EBA 2326 C suitable
for safe shredding of the most common CDs and DVDs. Shredder operates practically free of respirable dust.
Powerful 640 Watt single phase motor for continuous operation. Sturdy ”Twin Drive System“ with fully closed
gear box housing. High-quality wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Practical shred bin made of unbreakable
plastic with 100 litres volume for the shreds. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

EBA 2026 - 2 CCC

This high-security shredder with 0.8 x 5 mm micro cut comes with all operational features as described above. In
addition this model is equipped with an automatic oil injection system, which lubricates the cutting shafts when
shredding and guarantees a consistently high shred performance. The especially powerful and quiet 1300 watt
motor in combination with the high shred speed provide a remarkable output capacity.

Outstanding safety features: SPS includes

Intelligent control via the multifunction ECC Electronic Capacity Control – LEDs
an electronically controlled safety flap in the
control element EASY_SWITCH with indicate the used sheet capacity during
feed opening.
illuminated symbols for the operational the shredding process to avoid paper
status of the shredder. jams.
EBA 2326 S EBA 2326 C EBA 2326 C EBA 2326 CC EBA 2326 CCC EBA 2026-2 CCC
Insertion width in mm 260 260 260 260 260 260
Cutting width in mm 4 4 x 40 2 x 15 0.8 x 12 0.8 x 5 0.8 x 5
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 30-32 25-27 15-17 10-12 5-7 8-9
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 26-28 21-23 13-15 8-10 4-6 7-8
DIN security level 2 3 4 5 Level 6 Level 6
Motor capacity in watt 640 640 640 640 640 1300
Shred bin volume in litres 100 100 100 100 100 100
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 495 x 470 x 926 495 x 470 x 926 495 x 470 x 926 495 x 470 x 926 495 x 470 x 926 495 x 470 x 926
Weight in kg 48 48 48 48 48 48

Model 2026-2 CCC: The automatic oil

injection system lubricates the cutting
shafts when shredding and guarantees a
consistently high shred performance.

2331 I 5131
Tw o c e nt r a l i s e d o f f i c e s h r e d d e r s w i t h a f e e d o p e n i ng o f 31 0 mm a nd a h i
g h s h r e d b a g v o l u me . P o w e r fu l a nd p a r t i c u l a r l y sa f e w i t h t he e l e c t r
o n i c a l l y c o nt r o l l e d sa f e t y f l a p a s p a r t o f t he S P S sa f e t y p a c k a g e . E
AS Y_ S WI TCH g u a r a nt e e s e a s y a nd i nt u i t i v e o p e r a t i o n .

EBA 2331 S I C
With 310 mm feed opening suitable for A4 paper sizes widthwise and lengthwise or A3 sizes lengthwise.
SPS – Safety Protection System as described on pages 6 | 7. Multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH with
integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. Automatic start / stop via a photo cell.
ECC – Electronic Capacity Control: indication of the used sheet capacity during shredding process. High-quality
paper clip proof cutting shafts from special hardened steel. 30 years guarantee on the cutting shafts. All model
variations suitable for safe shredding of the most common CDs and DVDs. Shredder operates practically free of
respirable dust. Quiet but powerful 640 Watt single phase motor for continuous operation. Sturdy ”Twin Drive
System“ with fully closed gear box housing. High-quality wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Practical shred
bin made of unbreakable plastic with 120 litres volume. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

EBA 5131 S I C I CCC

Especially powerful office shredder with a high shred speed and 140 litres plastic shred bin. Besides
the basic features and technical details of model 2331 this unique shredder is equipped with: Automatic oil
injection on the cutting shafts during shredding operation for a consistently high shred performance. 30 years
guarantee on the cutting shafts (except EBA 5131 CCC). EBA 5131 S and EBA 5131 C suitable for safe shredding
of the most common CDs and DVDs. Powerful 1600 watt motor for continuous operation. Sturdy chain drive and
fully closed gear box housing.

Intelligent control via the multifunction

ECC Electronic Capacity Control – LEDs Model 5131: The automatic oil injection
control element EASY_SWITCH with
indicate the used sheet capacity during system lubricates the cutting shafts when
illuminated symbols for the operational
the shredding process to avoid paper shredding and guarantees a consistently
status of the shredder.
jams. high shred performance.
EBA 2331 S EBA 2331 C EBA 2331 C EBA 5131 S EBA 5131 C EBA 5131 C EBA 5131 CCC
Insertion width in mm 310 310 310 310 310 310 310
Cutting width in mm 4 4 x 40 2 x 15 6 4 x 40 2 x 15 0.8 x 5
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 30-32 25-27 15-17 50-55 40-45 25-30 11-12
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 26-28 21-23 13-15 42-47 34-39 21-26 9-10
DIN security level 2 3 4 2 3 4 Level 6
Motor capacity in watt 640 640 640 1600 1600 1600 1600
Shred bin volume in litres 120 120 120 140 140 140 140
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 538 x 470 x 930 538 x 470 x 930 538 x 470 x 930 548 x 590 x 1020 548 x 590 x 1020 548 x 590 x 1020 548 x 590 x 1020
Weight in kg 52 52 52 102 102 102 102

2339 I 3140
Ce nt r a l i s e d o f f i c e s h r e d d e r s w i t h 400 mm f e e d o p e n i ng f o r l a r g e f o
r ma t p a p e r o r c o nt i nu o u s f o r ms. Wit h a h i g h s h r e d p e r f o r ma nc e o f u p t o
41 she e t s a t a t im e a nd a h i g h v o l u me f o r t he s h r e d d e d ma t e r i a l t he s e
t w o s h r e d d e r mo d e l s a r e i d e a l f o r l a r g e a mo u nt s o f p a p e r.

EBA 2339 S I C
Powerful high-capacity office shredder with 400 mm feed opening for large formats and EDP continuous forms.
SPS – Safety Protection System as described on pages 6 | 7. Multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH with
integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. Automatic start / stop via a photo cell.
High-quality paper clip proof cutting shafts from special hardened steel. 30 years guarantee on the cutting shafts.
Model variations with 6 mm strip cut and 4 x 40 mm cross cut suitable for safe shredding of the most common
CDs and DVDs. Shredder operates practically free of respirable dust. Quiet but powerful 640 Watt single phase
motor for continuous operation. Sturdy ”Twin Drive System“ with fully closed gear box housing. High-quality
wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Practical shred bin made of unbreakable plastic with 165 litres volume.
Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey.

EBA 3140 S I C
Basic features same as for model EBA 2339 S and 2339 C. For an extremely high shred performance of up to 41
sheets at a time this model comes with a powerful 1300 watt single phase motor for continuous operation. ECC –
Electronic Capacity Control: the indication of the used sheet capacity during the shredding process helps to avoid
paper jams. Practical shred bin made of unbreakable plastic with 165 litres volume. Attractive colour combination
silver / dark grey.

Intelligent control via the multifunction

These shredders feature a lightweight Practical swivel castors provide mobility.
control element EASY_SWITCH with
shred bin made of unbreakable plastic, The shredder can be rolled easily to
illuminated symbols for the operational
which guarantees an easy and clean different locations in your office if
status of the shredder.
removal of the full bin. necessary.
EBA 2339 S EBA 2339 C EBA 2339 C EBA 3140 S EBA 3140 C EBA 3140 C
Insertion width in mm 400 400 400 400 400 400
Cutting width in mm 6 4 x 40 2 x 15 6 4 x 40 2 x 15
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 25-28 19-22 10-13 39-41 28-30 16-18
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 21-24 16-19 8-11 33-35 23-25 13-15
DIN security level 2 3 4 2 3 4
Motor capacity in watt 640 640 640 1300 1300 1300
Shred bin volume in litres 165 165 165 165 165 165
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 640 x 590 x 970 640 x 590 x 970 640 x 590 x 970 640 x 590 x 970 640 x 590 x 970 640 x 590 x 970
Weight in kg 79 84 84 82 87 87

This high-performance office shredder is top of the class and
o f f e r s i nn o v a t i v e t e c hno l o g y. I t s h re d s u p t o 55 she e t s s i m u l t a ne o u s l y
a t a h i g h s h r e d sp e e d . The r e i s a c ho i c e o f f i v e s h r e d s i z e s t o a c c o mmo d a
t e t he v a r i o u s s e c u r i t y l e v e l s .


SPS – Safety Protection System: electronically controlled safety flap in the feed opening to prevent fingers and
ties being caught and to shield the user from splinters when CDs and are being destroyed; automatic reverse
and power cut-off (avoids paper jams); automatic stop if the shred bin is full; electronic door protection via a
ma- gnetic switch; double motor protection against overheating; energy saving mode. Multifunction control
element EASY_SWITCH with integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder.
Automatic start / stop via a photo cell. ECC – Electronic Capacity Control: indication of the used sheet capacity
during shredding process. Automatic oil injection on the cutting shafts during shredding operation for
consistently high shred performance. Large insertion width of 405 mm for convenient shredding of large formats.
High-quality cutting shafts from special hardened steel. Models 5141 S and C have paper clip proof cutting
heads, which are also suitable for safe shredding of CDs and DVDs. 30 years guarantee on the cutting shafts
(except EBA 5141 CC and 5141 CCC). Shredder operates practically free of respirable dust. Powerful 1600 Watt
single phase motor for continuous operation. Sturdy chain drive and fully closed gear box housing. High-
quality wooden cabinet, movable on castors. Practical shred bin made of unbreakable plastic with 165 litres
volume. Attractive colour combination silver / dark grey

ECC Electronic Capacity Control – LEDs The models EBA 5141 S and 5141 C are The automatic oil injection system
indicate the used sheet capacity during suitable for trouble-free shredding of CDs lubricates the cutting shafts when
the shredding process to avoid paper and DVDs. The safety flap serves as shredding and guarantees a
jams. splinter shield during CD disposal. consistently high shred performance.
EBA 5141 S EBA 5141 C EBA 5141 C EBA 5141 CC EBA 5141 CCC
Insertion width in mm 405 405 405 405 405
Cutting width in mm 6 4 x 40 2 x 15 0.8 x 12 0.8 x 5
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 50-55 40-45 25-30 15-17 10-11
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 42-47 34-39 21-26 13-15 8-9
DIN security level 2 3 4 5 Level 6
Motor capacity in watt 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Shred bin volume in litres 165 165 165 165 165
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 640 x 590 x 1010 640 x 590 x 1010 640 x 590 x 1010 640 x 590 x 1010 640 x 590 x 1010
Weight in kg 115 115 115 115 115

0201 OMD
T h i s i nno v a t i v e s h r e d d e r f o r d e s t r o y i ng o p t i c a l me d i a i s t he p e r f e c t
so l u t i o n f o r a n e xt r e me l y sa f e a nd e f f i c i e nt d i sp o sa l o f C Ds a nd
D V D s . P e r ho u r , u p t o 2 . 50 0 CDs c a n b e s h r e d d e d w i t h t he e xt r e me l y r
o b u s t c u t t i ng he a d . E a c h s i ng l e CD i s s h r e d d e d i nt o mo r e t ha n 1 , 200 p
a r t i c l e s o f 2 . 2 x 4 mm i n s i z e .

EBA 0201 OMD

High-quality cutting head with 2.2 x 4 mm particle size for high security needs according to German BSI -
TL 03420 and North American NSA/CSS 04-02 requirements (particle size ≤ 10 mm 2 ). Impressive shred
speed guarantees high shred performance of up to 2,500 CDs or DVDs per hour (one by one feeding).
Solid steel cutting shafts made of special hardened steel. Suitable for all types of CDs and DVDs. Feed
opening: 310 / 130 mm.

SPS – (Safety Protection System) package: Electronically controlled safety flap in the feed opening with specially
designed feed slot to accept optical media and to prevent ”fly back“; automatic reverse and power cut-off (to prevent
jams); automatic stop if the collection bin is full; electronic door protection via a magnetic switch; double motor
protection; energy saving mode.

Multifunction control element EASY_SWITCH with integrated optical indicators for the operational status of the
shredder. Automatic start and stop via a photo cell. ECC – Electronic Capacity Control: indication of the used
shred capacity during shredding process. Automatic oil injection on the cutting shafts during shredding operation
for constantly high shred performance. Powerful 1600 watt motor for continuous operation. Sturdy chain drive
and dust-proof gear box housing. High-quality wooden cabinet, mobile on castors. Anti-static collection bin (100
litres volume) made of an impact resistant plastic material. Attractive colour combination: silver / dark grey. One
year guarantee on all parts. Quality ”Made in Germany“.

A high safety standard is guaranteed by the Intelligent control via the multifunction Each CD or DVD is turned into approx.
electronically secured safety flap with feed control element EASY_SWITCH with 1,200 small particles of 2.2 x 4 mm in
slot for the CDs/DVDs. The flap is part of illuminated symbols for the operational size. The picture shows the original
SPS safety package. status of the shredder. particle dimensions.
EBA 0201 OMD
Insertion width in mm 310 | 130
Particle size in mm 2.2 x 4
Shred performance per hour approx. 2500 CDs/DVDs (single feed)
Security standard ≤ 10 mm2
Security regulations BSI - TL 03420 | NSA/CSS 04-02
Motor capacity in watts 1600
Volume collection bin in litres 100
Dimensions W xD x H in mm 548 x 590 x 1020
Weight in kgs 104

0101 HDP
The p e r f e c t so l u t i o n f o r ma k i ng d i s c a r d e d ha r d d r i v e s f r o m p e r so na l
c o mp u t e r s , no t e b o o k s , p r i nt e r s o r c o p y i ng ma c h i ne s u nu sa b l e . At t
he t o u c h o f a b u t t o n , t he E B A 0 1 0 1 HDP p u nc he s a ho l e c o mp l e t e l y t
hro u g h t he ha r d d r i v e , r e nd e r i ng t he s t o r e d d a t a u na c c e s s i b l e .

EBA 0101 HDP

Suitable for 3.5“ or 2.5“ hard drives (single feeding). Adjustable feed chute constructed of high quality
steel. Handy slide lever for easy selection of hard drive size (3.5“ or 2.5“). Transparent safety flap on the
feed chute made of unbreakable plastic. Punching die made from hardened, nickel-plated steel. Sturdy
steel endplate. LEDs for illuminating the feed chute during the punching process. Slider mechanism for
unloading punching compartment. Destroyed hard drives drop into a sturdy plastic bin inside the cabinet.
High-quality wooden cabinet with front opening door. SPS (Safety Protection System) safety package:
electronically controlled, hinged safety flap for the feed opening; EASY_SWITCH multifunction control
element for start and stop indicates the operational status of the machine with varying colour codes and
back-lit symbols; jam protection for punching die with automatic reverse; automatic stop after the
punching process; weight sensor for automatic shut-off if the collection bin is full; electronic door
protection via a magnetic switch; double motor protection. Quiet and powerful 640 watt single phase
motor rated for continuous operation. Sturdy ”Twin Drive System“ with fully closed gear box housing.
Mobile on castors. Colour: Manhattan grey.

A convenient slide lever easily adjusts

Intuitive operation: intelligent multi- By punching a hole through the hard drive,
the feed chute to accommodate the two
function control element uses colour all components (housing, disk and
most common hard drive sizes (3.5“ and
codes and back-lit symbols to indicate electronic parts) are irreparably damaged
the operational status. and the data rendered unaccessible.
EBA 0101 HDP
Hard drive sizes 3.5“ or 2.5“
Punching die hardened, nickel-plated steel
Adjustable feed chute •
Working cycle 15 sec.
Automatic stop •
Motor capacity in watts 650
Volume collection bin in litres 20
Dimensions W xD x H in mm 495 x 470 x 850
Weight in kgs 63

E B A h i g h- c a p a c i t y s h re d d e r s a r e t he sa f e a l t e r na t i v e t o e xt e r
na l d i sp o sa l c o mp a n i e s . The s e e xc e p t i o na l l y d u r a b l e h i g h- p e r f o r
ma nc e s h r e d d e r s e ns u r e t ha t o u t d a t e d d o c u me nt s f r o m p a p e r b i ns
a nd
o l d i n- ho u s e a r c h i v e s a r e sa f e l y d e s t r o y e d .

E B A h i g h- c a p a c i t y s h r e d d e r s a r e r e no w ne d f o r t he i r r o b u s t a nd d
u r a b l e t e c h no l o g y. The c o mp r e he n s i v e sa f e t y p a c k a g e e nsu r e s o p t
i mu m sa f e t y i n t h i s p r o d u c t r a ng e t o o .


EBA 5146: The shred trolley can be easily EBA 6040 and EBA 7050: The clearly laid-out operating panel comprises push buttons for
removed through the electronically secured forward, stop and reverse functions with integrated optical indicators, the all-pole main
front door. switch and a safety lock with key.
For the robust cutting mechanism of EBA 7050-2 C shredding complete lever arch files
EBA 5146: the feeding hopper for the
including all metal parts is no problem (they are fed to the cutting mechanism via a
contents of entire paper bins is electron-
conveyor belt). Model EBA 7050-3 C: the lever arch files have to be opened before
ically secured and can be tilted open for
the safe removal of paper jams.

The models EBA 6040, EBA 7050-2 C and

An automatic shut-off function if the bag is Crumpled paper from paper bins can also
EBA 7050-3 C feature a centralised oiler
full and an electronic door switch en- sure be fed to the cutting mechanism via the
for easy lubrication of the cutting
that the paper shreds are removed safely conveyor belt.
and easily from the shred exit area.

5146 C
O f f i c e f l o o r s p r o d u c e p l e nt y o f ma t e r i a l t o b e d i sp o s e d o f t ha t i s no t
me a nt f o r t he e y e s o f u na u t ho r i s e d t h i r d p a r t i e s – su c h a s t he p a p e r
b i n c o nt e nt s o f e nt i r e d e p a r t me nt s , e nt i r e a r c h i v e s e t c . Da y a f t e r d a
y a nd i n e v e r y sha p e a nd s i z e : b o u nd , c r u mp l e d , f o l d e d . The p e r f e c t so l
u t i o n : E B A 5 1 4 6 C.

EBA 5146 C
Powerful high-capacity shredder for an entire office floor. With front door for easy access to the shred trolley. Fits
into the smallest niche. Suitable for crumpled paper and flat material, as well as for CDs/DVDs, credit cards or
diskettes. Tilting, electronically secured feeding hopper for crumpled paper. Second feed opening located under
the hopper for flat paper and computer printouts with automatic start/stop via a photo cell. Fold- away feeding
table. Soft touch keys for forward (continuous operation), stop and reverse. Optical indicators for the operational
status of the machine. Main switch and emergency cut-off switch. Motor protection switch. Electronically
controlled automatic reverse and power cut-off in case of overfeeding. Automatic stop when hopper or front door
is opened, or when the shred trolley is full. Robust shredding heads with special hardened cutting shafts made of
high-quality steel, resistant against paper clips and other soft metal objects. Two years guarantee on the cutting
tools, one year on all other parts. Shred trolley holds 230 litres of shredded material. Machine mobile on castors.
Power supply: 400 volts / 50 Hz* / three phase. Colour: manhattan grey.

* other voltages available

The shred trolley has a high shred bag

The feeding hopper for the contents of Feeding paddles guarantee that
capacity of 230 litres. The trolley can be
entire paper bins is electronically secured crumpled paper is fed into the cutting
easily removed through the electronically
and can be tilted open for the safe removal head without any problems.
secured front door.
of paper jams.
EBA 5146 C EBA 5146 C
Insertion width in mm 460 460
Cutting width in mm 3,8 x 48 1,9 x 13
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 65-70 35-40
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 55-60 29-34
DIN security level 3 4
Motor capacity in kW 2,2 2,2
Shred trolley volume in litres 230 230
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 740 x 765 x 1700 740 x 765 x 1700
Weight in kg 256 256

The s h r e d d i ng o f e xt e n s i v e f i l i ng s y s t e ms r e q u i r e s p o w e r fu l a nd p u
r p o s e - b u i l t t e c hno l o g y. S u c h a s t he t e c hno l o g y o f f e r e d b y t he E B A
6 0 4 0 - s e r i e s . The h i g h- p e r f o r ma nc e t hre e - p ha s e mo t o r a nd t he 30 0
- l i t r e s s h r e d b a g v o l u me a l so ma s t e r l a r g e a mo u nt s o f p a p e r – r e l i a
b l y a nd e f f o r t l e s s l y.

EBA 6040 S I C
Equipped with a powerful three-phase motor suitable to shred large paper quantities. Spacious feeding table
and conveyor belt for controlled, efficient shredding. Convenient transportation width of 690 mm (without side
tables). Shreds crumpled paper or flat material, as well as CDs/DVDs, credit cards or diskettes. Easy-to-use
control panel with push buttons for forward/stop/reverse, safety lock and key, main switch and emergency cut-off
switch. Optical indicators for the operational status of the shredder. Thermal motor protection. Automatic shut-
off with optical indicator when shred bag is full or the door is open. Automatic cut-off in case of a paper jam.
Robust shredding heads with special hardened cutting shafts made of high-quality steel, resistant against soft metal
objects. Centralised oiler for effective and convenient lubrication of the shredding head. Large shred
compartment with door on the rear side of the machine. Plastic bag suspension with pull-out mechanism on
wheels for easy removal of the full bag. Mobile on castors. Two years guarantee on the cutting tools, one year on
all other parts. Power supply: 400 volts / 50 Hz* / three phase. Colour: manhattan grey.

* other voltages available

The plastic bag suspension on wheels

A centralised oiling system for easy Control panel with push buttons, pilot
allows an easy and convenient removal of
lubrication of the cutting head guarantees a lights, main switch, safety lock and
the full shred bag.
consistently high sheet capacity. emergency switch.
EBA 6040 S EBA 6040 C
Insertion width in mm 410 410
Cutting width in mm 5.8 5.8 x 48
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 90-110 80-90
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 75-95 68-78
DIN security level 2 3
Motor capacity in kW 4.0 3.0
Shred bag volume in litres 300 300
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 1)
1240/690 x 1700 x 1440 1)
1240/690 x 1700 x 1440
Weight in kg 350 350 transportation width
(without side tables)

T h i s i nno v a t i v e h i g h- c a p a c i t y s h r e d d e r i s i mp r e s s i v e no t o n l y b e c a u s
e o f i t s h i g h p e r f o r ma nc e o f u p t o 7 00 she e t s a t a t t ime . Tw o a u t o ma t i
c sp e e d l e v e l s ( 2 - S P E E D) a d a p t t he s h r e d sp e e d t o t he a mo u nt o f p a p e r i
nse r t e d .
Av a i l a b l e f o r s e c u r i t y l e v e l s 2 o r 3 a c c o r d i ng t o t he DI N 32 7 5 7 s t a nd a r d s .

EBA 7050 - 2 C I 7050 - 3 C

This powerful giant shreds complete lever arch files including metal parts. Large feeding table with conveyor
belt and electronically secured, hinged safety guard in the feeding area. Control panel for forward/stop/
reverse. Safety lock and key, main switch and emergency cut-off switch. Optical indicators for the operational
status. Robust shredding heads with special hardened cutting shafts made of high-quality steel, resistant
against soft metal objects. Centralised oiler for convenient lubrication of the shredding head. 2-SPEED – two
automatic speed levels with automatic adaption of the shred speed to the paper quantity fed. Electronic control
prevents overfeeding: automatic reverse and refeeding in case of paper jams. Automatic shut-off in case of a
paper jam and if the shred bag is full. Large shred compartment with electronically secured door on the
rear side of the machine. Shred trolley with plastic bag mounting frame and 300 litres capacity. Movable on
castors. Powerful three phase motors (9.0 kW). Thermal motor protection. Two years guarantee on the cutting
tools, one year on all other parts. Power supply: 400 volts / 50 Hz* / three phase. Colour: manhattan grey.

As an option a conveyor belt system for the shred exit area of the EBA 7050-2 C and EBA 7050-3 C is available at
an extra cost. Easy and secure mounting – the modular conveyor belt system is placed and electronically secured
in the shred exit area. The electric belt drive is controlled by the shredder electronics. By using the conveyor belt
system the output of the shredder can be doubled (removing of the full plastic bag is not necessary).

* other voltages available

The control panel is conveniently The hinged safety guard in the feeding The modular conveyor belt system
integrated into the feeding table area is electronically secured. The (available at an extra cost) locks into
for easy operation. shredders stops when the guard the shred exit area.
is opened.
EBA 7050-2 C EBA 7050-3 C Conveyor belt system
Insertion width in mm 500 500 -
Cutting width in mm 8 x 40-80 6 x 50 -
Sheet capacity (A4, 70 g/sqm) 600-700 300-400 -
Sheet capacity (A4, 80 g/sqm) 500-600 250-350 -
DIN security level 2 3 -
Motor capacity in kW 2 x 4.5 = 9 2 x 4.5 = 9 0.1
Shred bag volume in litres 300 300 -
Dimensions W x D x H in mm 1036 x 2170 / 30701) x 1714 1036 x 2170 / 30701) x 1714 690 x 1900 x 1160
with conveyor
in kg belt system 1130 1130 99
Model Shred size Sheet capacity Sheet capacity Security Shred speed Capacity of shred Shreds
in mm (A4, 70 g/m2) (A4, 80 g/m2) level (m/sec.) bag/bin (litres) also

1120 S 4 11-13 9-11 2 0.06 20

1121 S 4 11-13 9-11 2 0.06 20
1121 C 3 x 25 6-7 5-6 3 0.06 20
1123 S 4 11-13 9-11 2 0.06 20
1123 C 3 x 25 6-7 5-6 3 0.06 20
1125 S 4 11-13 9-11 2 0.06 20 | 3
1125 C 3 x 25 6-7 5-6 3 0.06 20 | 3
1324 S 4 15-17 12-14 2 0.10 35
1324 C 4 x 40 13-15 11-13 3 0.05 35
1324 C 2 x 15 10-12 8-10 4 0.05 35
1324 CCC 0.8 x 5 4-5 3-4 Level 6 0.05 35
1524 S 4 22-24 19-21 2 0.10 50
1524 C 4 x 40 16-18 13-15 3 0.10 50
1524 C 2 x 15 11-13 9-11 4 0.10 50
AL1 2 x 15 11-13 9-11 4 0.10 25

Model Shred size Sheet capacity Sheet capacity Security Shred speed Capacity of shred Shreds
in mm (A4, 70 g/m2) (A4, 80 g/m2) level (m/sec.) bag/bin (litres) also

2127 S 4 21-23 18-20 2 0.10 100

2127 C 4 x 40 16-18 13-15 3 0.10 100
2127 C 2 x 15 10-12 8-10 4 0.10 100
2326 S 4 30-32 26-28 2 0.08 100
2326 C 4 x 40 25-27 21-23 3 0.08 100
2326 C 2 x 15 15-17 13-15 4 0.08 100
2326 CC 0.8 x 12 10-12 8-10 5 0.08 100
2326 CCC 0.8 x 5 5-7 4-6 Level 6 0.08 100
2026-2 CCC 0.8 x 5 8-9 7-8 Level 6 0.11 100
2331 S 4 30-32 26-28 2 0.08 120
2331 C 4 x 40 25-27 21-23 3 0.08 120
2331 C 2 x 15 15-17 13-15 4 0.08 120
5131 S 6 50-55 42-47 2 0.20 140
5131 C 4 x 40 40-45 34-39 3 0.15 140
5131 C 2 x 15 25-30 21-26 4 0.15 140
5131 CCC 0.8 x 5 11-12 9-10 Level 6 0.22 140
2339 S 6 25-28 21-24 2 0.12 165
2339 C 4 x 40 19-22 16-19 3 0.10 165
2339 C 2 x 15 10-13 8-11 4 0.10 165
Model Shred size Sheet capacity Sheet capacity Security Shred speed Capacity of shred Shreds
in mm (A4, 70 g/m2) (A4, 80 g/m2) level (m/sec.) bin (litres) also

3140 S 6 39-41 33-35 2 0.12 165

3140 C 4 x 40 28-30 23-25 3 0.10 165
3140 C 2 x 15 16-18 13-15 4 0.10 165
5141 S 6 50-55 42-47 2 0.20 165
5141 C 4 x 40 40-45 34-39 3 0.15 165
5141 C 2 x 15 25-30 21-26 4 0.15 165
5141 CC 0.8 x 12 15-17 13-15 5 0.17 165
5141 CCC 0.8 x 5 10-11 8-9 Level 6 0.22 165


Model Particle size Capacity Security Security regulations Shred bin Shreds
in mm per hour standard volume (litres) only

0201 OMD 2.2 x 4 2500 CDs/DVDs ≤ 10 mm2 BSI - TL 03420 | NSA/CSS 04-02 100
Model For hard drive Adjustable Automatic Punching die Bin volume Motor capacity
sizes: feed chute stop in litres in Watt

0101 HDP 3.5“ and 2.5“ • • special hardened, nickel-plated steel 20 640


Model Shred size Sheet capacity Sheet capacity Security Shred speed Capacity of shred Shreds
in mm (A4, 70 g/m2) (A4, 80 g/m2) level (m/sec.) bag/bin (litres) also

5146 C 3.8 x 48 65-70 55-60 3 0.20 230

5146 C 1.9 x 13 35-40 29-34 4 0.20 230
6040 S 5.8 90-110 75-95 2 0.30 300
6040 C 5.8 x 48 80-90 68-78 3 0.26 300
7050-2 C 8 x 40-80 600-700 500-600 2 0.23/0.12 1)
300 –
7050-3 C 6 x 50 300-400 250-350 3 0.23/0.12 300 –
2-SPEED – two automatic speed levels

30 years guarantee on the special hardened, solid steel cutting shafts valid for all
document shredders ”S“ and ”C“ except the high capacity three phase machines. Three
phase machines: 2 years guarantee on the cutting tools, 1 year on all other parts. Fine
cut models ”CC“ and ”CCC“: 1 year on all parts. The special hardened solid steel cutting
shafts of the micro cut models ”CC“ and ”CCC“ are not paper clip-proof.

F i r s t Cla s s S e c u r i t y
The technical data are approximate. Subject to change. Printed in Germany 01/2011

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