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Functional Assessment of Removable Complete Dentures: Riginal Rticle

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Original Article



FAZAL GHANI, BSC, BDS (Pesh), MSC (London), PhD (London), FDS RCPS (Glasg)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical quality of old removable complete den-
tures and to find out patient satisfaction. It was carried out from July 2011 to June 2012. It was
case series descriptive study. Data relating to 72 patients wearing complete dentures were collected
using structured eight categories, four point scale Proforma. Detailed patient history, clinical and
prosthesis examination were undertaken. Data related to age, gender, fitting place and complete
denture post-fitting duration were also recorded. Male to female patient’s ratio was 2.2:1. Forty one
(57%) complete dentures wearers had got their dentures made from public hospitals. Majority (42%)
of evaluated complete dentures were not older than five years. Patients told us about good retention
in 27 (37.5%) of maxillary and fair retention in 34 (47.2%) of mandibular complete dentures. Good
mastication was reported by 40 patients (55.5%) and good esthetics by 34 (47.2%). Sixty three (87.5%)
patients complained about pain in their maxillary dentures and 54(75%) in mandibular dentures.
Good stability was reported by 31 (43%) of mandibular dentures and 37 (51.3%) of maxiliary den-
tures. Good occlusion was seen in 37 (51.3%), oral hygiene in 45 (62.5%) and prostheses hygiene in
39 (54.1%). It was concluded that retention and stability was good in maxillary dentures while fair
in mandibular dentures. Majority of the patients showed poor oral and prosthesis hygiene. Pain was
the most common complaint of these complete denture wear.

Key Words: Complete denture evaluation, Patient satisfaction.

INTRODUCTION the help of retention.4 In this country, old peoples are

more concerned about functional properties of complete
Complete edentulism has great impact on a pa- denture rather than aesthetics, which makes reten-
tient’s life style and quality.1 The aim of complete tion the most important and essential goal to achieve
denture construction is to provide dentures that have for a prosthodontist. Prosthodontists have sought to
a pleasing appearance, adequate retention and stabil- improve the quality of denture treatment through an
ity, maintain normal speech and provide good occlusal understanding and application of the factors involved
and facial support and adequate masticatory function. in retention.3
In addition to this, dentures should be comfortable to
wear and preserve remaining supporting structures.2 Majority of patients are satisfied with complete
dentures that are well designed and constructed, how-
The recognition, understanding and incorporation ever few patients show dissatisfaction in spite of the
of certain mechanical, biological and physical factors clinical perfection of their prosthesies.5 Many reports
are necessary to ensure optimal complete denture treat- have been published evaluating patient satisfaction
ment. These factors are the determinants that promote with complete dentures and to identify the reasons of
the properties of retention, stability and support in dissatisfaction with their dentures.6-7 Patients’ dissat-
complete dentures.3 Patient’s requirements of complete isfaction with complete dentures has been attributed to
denture are to restore normal contour, function, com- many factors. Patients who are not satisfied with their
fort, and speech. Most of these goals are achieved with dentures return more frequently for follow up visits
than patients who are satisfied with their dentures.8
Correspondence: Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics, Institute
of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences. Various variables related to denture retention,
Jamshoro, E-mail [email protected], Mobile No.
stability, occlusion, discomfort, pain, mastication,
Head, Prosthodontics Department, Khyber College of Dentistry, aesthetics, speech and oral and prostheses hygiene
Peshawar. and over all satisfaction with complete dentures have
Assistant Professor, Department Oral Surgery, Institute of been evaluated over the years.9 Both maxillary and
Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences. mandibular complete dentures have been shown to have
Received for Publication: June 26, 2013 one or more unacceptable characteristies with equal
Revision Received October 05, 2013 frequency. Common problems with complete dentures
Revision Accepted: October 28, 2013 are poor stability and poor retention.10 Maxillary den-
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 33, No. 3 (December 2013) 563
Functional Assessment of Removable Complete Dentures

tures have been evaluated to have better stability and bered the females, whereas in other studies ratio was
retention than mandibular dentures.11 1.6 to 4.0 female patients.12-13 The possible explanation
for this finding might be seen from different angles.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical Females usually do not seek treatment so easily as
quality of old removable complete dentures and to find compared to males, especially in this part of the country
out patient satisfaction. where females are traditionally home-bound. Even if
METHODOLOGY they seek any kind of treatment, it is not generally the
public hospital but a private clinic. Moreover, many
With a convenience sampling technique and de- female patients who had previously sought private
scriptive study design, during the period from July treatment might have preferred to go to those clinics.
2011 to June 2012, data relating to 72 patients having
complete denture problems were collected, after taking Results shown in this study are in agreement with
their informed consent, using a structured eight cate- Brunello and Mandikos.14 They in their study have
gories, four point scale Proforma. The participants of reported that the most common complaints of the
the study were patients who reported in Prosthodontics complete denture patients were pain and generalized
Department of Liaquat Medical University Hospital discomfort (75%), difficulty in eating (61%) and loose-
Hyderabad. ness of the dentures (59%). The denture bases in these
This study included only those patients who have cases were either underextended (86%) or overextended
been wearing dentures for at least one year with sat- (2%), formed poor tissue contact (86%) or displayed an
isfactory general medical condition and psychological inadequate posterior palatal seal. Incorrect jaw rela-
health. Patients with any chronic or debilitating disease tionships were observed in 94% of patients and errors
particularly with oral manifestations were excluded in tooth positions were observed in 63% of denture
from the study. patients. The study also found that patient complaint of
After taking relevant history and demographic data
from each patient, detailed intra-oral clinical examina- TABLE 1: AGE DISTRIBUTION OF PATIENTS
tion, prosthesis examination was carried out. During
history taking patient was asked about duration and Age Group (Years) Numbers
from where they got their dentures made and about 35-50 Y 20 (28%)
retention, pain, mastication, esthetics and oral hygiene
51-60 Y 21 (29%)
of the prosthesis. During clinical examination reten-
tion, stability, occlusion, oral and prostheses hygiene 61-70 Y 25 (35%)
were checked. The collected data were computed and 71-80 Y 06 (8%)
analyzed using SPSS version 17.
Total 72
Of the total 72 patients, the males outnumbered the LATION TO RENDERED SERVICE
females with male to female patient’s ratio was 2.2:1.
Age distribution of patients is shown in table 1. Years Placement Duration No (%)
of use of dentures is given in table 2. Evaluation of
problems expressed by the denture wearers are shown 1-5 Y 30 (42%)
in table 3. 6-10 Y 16 (22%)
DISCUSSION 11-15 Y 14 (19%)

All the patients selected for this study had problems 16 and above Y 12 (17%)
with their complete dentures. Male patients outnum- Total 72
Type Excellent Good Fair Bad
Retention (Upper) 10 (13.8%) 27 (37.5%) 23 (31.9%) 12 (16.6%)
(Lower) 24 (33.3%) 34 (47.2%) 14 (19.4%)
Pain (Upper) 34 (47.2%) 29 (40.2%) 6 (8.3%) 3 (4.1%)
(Lower) 31 (43%) 23 (31.9%) 12 (16.6%) 6 (8.3%)
Mastication 9 (12.5%) 17 (23.6%) 40 (55.5%) 6 (8.3%)
Esthetics 12 (16.6%) 34 (47.2%) 23 (31.9%) 3 (4.1%)
Oral Hygiene 6 (8.3%) 34 (47.2%) 26 (36.1%) 6 (8.3%)
Total 141 255 187 65

Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 33, No. 3 (December 2013) 564
Functional Assessment of Removable Complete Dentures

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