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NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 10-16 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.

Ihab Mohamed Salah Eldin Elsharkawy / Transcervical Translocation of symptomatic Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery (ARSA) in pediatric

Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in

Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research Study

Neha Srivastava1, Nandakishore Bhojaraju2, Vinod Viswanathan3, Himanshu Tiwari4, Ibadat Jamil5, 10
Nazia Qadeer6

Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Rama Dental College
Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professor & Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Rama Dental College
Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Rama Dental College Hospital &
Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Rama Dental College
Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Rama Dental College
Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Maharana Pratap Dental
College & Hospital, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Corresponding Author: Vinod Viswanathan, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown &
Bridge, Rama Dental College Hospital & Research Centre,
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Email: [email protected]

Background: Teeth loss impairs both function and aesthetics and restoration of these
functions by means of artificial dental prosthesis forms the primary concern of a
prosthodontist. Mastication and speech rehabilitation builds up the psychological confidence,
necessary for the success of prosthodontic treatment. The present study was planned to
assess the gratification of the complete denture wearers in a tertiary health care unit.
Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study included assessment of 80 denture wearing
patients with the purpose of evaluating the impact of these dentures on the biological,
psychological, and social health of the patients. The quantification of these parameters was
accomplished by using Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire. A five-point Likert
scale with five categories was allotted to each question. The feedback/observations were
collected and summarized. Statistical assessment of all the results was performed by an SPSS
software version 18.0. Results: Of the 80 denture wearing patients, 38.7 percent cases were
mandibular denture wearers and 61.3 percent were maxillary denture wearers. Sixty-one
subjects of the 61.3 percent maxillary denture wearers were using their denture whereas only
twenty-three subjects of the 38.7 percent mandibular wearers were using their dentures.
Vehement problems were found to be associated with mandibular denture wearers when
compared to the subjects wearing maxillary complete dentures. Conclusion: Patients had a
better gratification for maxillary dentures over mandibular dentures.
Keywords: complete denture, quality, satisfaction
DOI Number: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109002 NeuroQuantology2022;20(20): 10-16

eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

Introduction care. Aesthetic and functional impairment
The prevalence of edentulism among by tooth loss are being restored by means of
subjects older than 65 years of age are artificial dental prosthesis. Over the years,
reported to be 58, 41 and 46 percent there has been significant improvement in
respectively as per the data given by the the techniques of fabrication of complete
World Health Organization (WHO) Global 11
dentures; however, in relation to the
Oral Data Bank, in Canada, Finland and psychological impact of the patient
United Kingdom. Preventive dentistry receiving artificial dental prosthesis, only a
protects the teeth from future decay, albeit small-scale emphasis has been laid. Post
the demand for prosthodontic treatment is complete denture treatment, intellectual
increasing at a rapid phase in developed factors play an important role in predicting
countries especially among geriatric 6
1-3 the satisfaction of the patients. The other
population. In the decades ahead, the ratio contributing factors include masticatory
of elderly population over 65 years of age, is efficiencyand fervent speech for the success
expected to rise up to 50 percent of the 7
4 of a prosthetic treatment. The current
total global population. There are study was planned to assess the satisfaction
significant population of edentulous of the complete denture wearers delivered
patients even in areas of the world, in a tertiaryheath care center.
subjected to high standards of dental health
Materials & Methods OHIP consisted of questions and topics
The current cross-sectional study was related to the functional limitation, psycho-
conducted by the Department of social discomfort, any form of disability
Prosthodontics (Rama Dental College, related to physical fitness, psychological
Hospital & Research center, Kanpur, Uttar stress and/or pain related to use of these
Pradesh). The study quantified eighty dentures. Following categories were
complete denture wearing patients from allotted to the each of the question based
November 2021 to November 2022 with the on the five-point Likert scale:8
purpose of assessing the impact of these
 Category 0: Never,
dentures on the biological, psychological,
 Category 1: almost never,
and social health of the patients. Ethical
 Category 2: sometimes,
approval from the institutional ethical
committee and a written consent was  Category 3: almost always,
obtained after explaining in detail the entire  Category 4: always
research protocol. Inclusion criteria for the All the observations were collected,
current study were: summarized, and statistically assessed by
 Patients who have received upper SPSS software version 18.0. One-way
and/or lower complete dentures, Anova, t- tests, Chi-square test and
multivariateregression curves were used for
 Patients more than 50 years of age,
the assessment of the level of significance
 Patients without history of any other
with Bonferroni correction.
systemic illness,
 Patients without any known drug allergy
A questionnaire was framed using Oral
Health Impact Profile (OHIP) consisting of
fourteen questions for the assessment.

eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

A total of 80 denture cases were included in the current study. Out of the eighty complete denture
wearers, sixty-two were maxillary complete denture cases while eighteen were mandibular complete
denture cases (Fig 1). Problems were found to be consistent with mandibular denture wearers in
comparison to the subjectswearing maxillary complete dentures (Table 1).

Table 1: Study characteristics of the subjects wearing dentures

Maxillary denture Mandibular denture

(n) (n)
Never 44 17
Almost never 2 2
Trouble in Sometimes 8 1
pronouncing of the Almost always 3 2
words Always 0 1
Never 50 18
Almost never 2 2
Sometimes 3 3
Feeling of worseningof
Almost always 2 0
sense of taste
Always 0 0
Never 44 9
Almost never 9 3
Sometimes 3 5
Feeling of painful
Almost always 0 4
aching in mouth
Always 0 3
Never 42 12
Almost never 5 3
Feeling Sometimes 4 2
uncomfortable while Almost always 4 1
eating foods Always 2 5
Never 45 13
Almost never 1 3
Sometimes 5 3
Feeling self-
Almost always 5 1
Always 1 3
Never 51 10
Almost never 3 3
Sometimes 4 2
Feeling of tense Almost always 3 1
Always 2 1

eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

Never 50 10
Almost never 2 0
Unsatisfactory diet Sometimes 0
Almost always 2 5
Always 5 4 13

Graph 1: Study characteristics of the subjects wearing dentures

Discussion denture (Table 1). The results were

Presence and absence of complete consistent with the results obtained by
edentulism influences the well- being of Veronez FC et al. who had observed
an individual. The health-related quality similar findings in their study. Alfadda SA
of life (QHRQoL) could also be adversely had randomly assessed thirty-three
affected using complete dentures. No edentulous patients to establish a
specific and definite approach has been relationship between different complete
developed so far, that could assess the denture parameters and patients’
exact effect of conventional complete satisfaction. The study comprising of
dentures on the OHRQoL. The current three independent investigators and
study assessed the satisfaction of the seven clinical criteria for evaluating the
complete denture wearers in a tertiary dentures, validated the denture
heath care center. In the current study, satisfaction using Pearson product-
an observation was made that the upper moment correlation. The study reported
denture cases influenced the quality of that majority of the subjects were either
life of the subjects to a minimal level “reasonably satisfied” or “very satisfied”
when compared to the mandibular by their denture. The most important
denture (Table 1). Trouble in criteria determining the satisfaction of
pronunciation of words was more the patient was the presence of
pronounced with mandibular dentures mandibular denture. Fenlon MR et al.
than in comparison to the maxillary

eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

had investigated the quality of newly follow-up protocols should be formulated

fabricated dentures and their correlation and the quality of life of the patients were
with satisfaction of the denture wearers affected minimally by the maxillary
after two years. The study had recruited complete dentures. Ellis JS et al.,
417 patients for a two-year study and evaluated the level of satisfaction of the
assessed the quality of denture and level 14
patients and oral health-related impacts
of satisfaction by means of a on the quality of life of the subjects who
questionnaire, sent twice to all the had underwent prosthetic rehabilitation
subjects. Initially, the assessment was by complete dentures. They analyzed 40
done after three months of denture patients between the age group of 55
insertion, followed by a second years and 85 years. A 100-mm visual
assessment after two years of wearing analogue scale was used for rating the
the denture. The authors concluded that satisfaction level of the patients before
in determination of patient satisfaction, the starting of the treatment and after 30
clinical quality of the denture was not an days of the delivery of the newly formed
important factor. Celebid A et al., denture. An Oral Health-Related Impacts
evaluated the factors associated with the on Quality-of-Life questionnaire (OHIP-20)
satisfaction of the patients wearing was framed and used for the assessment
complete dentures. A total of 222 the quality of life of the patients. Similar
complete denture wearers were analyzed satisfaction was observed in both the
using a questionnaire. The questionnaire groups of the patients. In relation to the
was div ided into three parts; both the functional limitation and physical and
dentist and the patients filled the psychological disability, a significant
questionnaire form separately. The improvement was observed in the OHIP
answers to the questionnaire were based domains of both the study groups. The
on the scale of 1 to 5 score with score 1 study had also concluded that an overall
for dissatisfaction and score 5 for improvement in the oral health related
excellence. The authors had concluded quality of life occurred with the provision
that educational qualification, self- of new dentures. Awad MA et al., had
perception, and socio-economic status of compared the satisfaction levels and
the patients were the different factors quality of life related to their oral health
related to satisfaction of the patients. of elderly patients receiving mandibular
Veronez FC et al., evaluated the two-implant over-dentures and
satisfaction of the patients wearing conventional complete dentures. A total
complete dentures delivered by the of 60 edentulous patients were divided
public health care network, by conducting randomly into two study groups. One
a survey using 14-questionnaire profile group consisted of patients receiving
that evaluated the social status, physical maxillary and mandibular conventional
pain, and psychological disability of the dentures while the other group included
patients. A total of 247 complete denture patients who had received overdenture
patients with more than 50 years of age supported by two implants and ball
were evaluated. The study had concluded retainers. Patient satisfaction levels were
that for minimizing the damage caused on assessed twice. Primarily prior to the
the patient’s health, proper denture starting of the treatment and secondarily,

eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

2 months after the denture delivery. A 3. Turkyilmaz I, Company AM, Mc Glumphy

significantly better results were reported EA. Should edentulous patients be
in patients treated with mandibular two- constrained to removablecomplete
implant overdentures when compared to dentures? The use of dental implants
the general satisfaction of the patients, toimprove the quality of life for edentulous
assessed two months after the delivery of patients. Gerodontology. 2010; 27:3-10. 15
the denture. The study thereby concluded 4. Grant AA, Heath JR, McCord JF. Complete
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in patients receiving mandibular two- Inc. 1994, 33-115.
implant overdentures.16 Within the 5. Basker RM, Davenport JC. Prosthetic
limitations of the current study, it has treatment of the edentulous patient. 4th ed.
been inferred that the quality of the life Berlin:Wiley-Blackwell. 2002, 71-80.
of patients receiving complete denture 6. Ellis JS, Thomason JM, Mc Andrew R. A pilot
prosthesis was minimally affected by the study examining the effects of enhanced
maxillary denture. However, mandibular aesthetics on oral health related quality of
dentures do have a significant role on the life and patient's satisfaction with complete
self-consciousness of the patients. dentures. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent.
Further studies are required for further 2010; 18(3):116-22.
exploring various follow-up steps that 7. Ellis JS, Pelekis ND, Thomason JM.
could be taken for improving the quality Conventional rehabilitation of edentulous
of life of patients receiving complete patients: the impact on oral health-related
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Prosthodont. 2007; 16(1):37-42.
Conclusion 8. Veronez FC, Sônego FGF, Ceretta RA,
Zaccaron S, Ceretta LB. User satisfaction
Within the limitations of the current study, with complete dentures made by the public
authors concluded that all the studied network of a city in southern Santa
patients had a better gratification for Catarina. RGO, Rev. Gaúch. Odontol.
maxillary dentures over mandibular [Internet]. 2014 June [cited. 2017;
dentures. However, other long term studies 62(2):123-127.
with larger sample size needs to be 9. Alton JN, MacEntee MI. Choosing or
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of edentulous volunteers for a clinical trial.
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References 10. Ekanayake L, Perera I. Validation of a
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eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|December 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 20 | Page 1-9 | doi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109001
Neha Srivastava / Assessment of Satisfaction of Complete Denture Wearers in Institutionalized Patient of Kanpur City, India: An Original Research

12. Alfadda SA. The relationship between
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eISSN 1303-5150

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