Saiful Intern Report

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Internship Report On

RMG Industry in Bangladesh and all the exercises and

budget summary examination of
“Cosumer Knitex Ltd”.

Internship Report On

RMG Industry in Bangladesh and all the exercises and budget

summary examination of
“Cosumer Knitex Ltd”.

Submitted to:
S M Asif Ur Rahman
Assistant Professor
School of Business & Economics
United International University

Submitted by:
Md. Saiful Islam
ID 111-152-277
School of Business& Economics
United International University

Date of Submission: July 13, 2020

Letter of Transmittal


S M Asif Ur Rahman

Assistant Professor

United International University.

Subject: Submission of internship report.

Dear Sir,

Every student of UIU Business School needs to do their internship in an organization and submit
a report about their experience in the company in order to complete their graduation. As per the
BBA program’s requirement, my internship report has been completed. In this report, I have
tried to follow all the guidelines and instructions that you have communicated to me through our

UIU internship program is a yearlong program of which I have completed three months till date.
Throughout my ongoing internship period I have not only acquired different skills and
knowledge, but also a good network. Working in this organization has exposed me to the inner
workings in an organization. While preparing the report, I ensured that I abide by the rules and
regulations of UIU and use authentic materials to support my report. I hereby, submit my report.


Md. Saiful Islam

ID- 111 152 277

United International University

Declaration of the student

I, Md. Saiful Islam, hereby declare that the presented report of internship titled RMG Industry
in Bangladesh and all the exercises and budget summary examination of “Consumer
Knitex ltd”, is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of three months’ work at Consumer
Knitex Limited.

I also confirm that, the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not for any other


Md. Saiful Islam

ID: 111 152 277

School of Business & Economics

United International University


Right off the bat, I might want to express gratitude toward Almighty Allah for his endowments
upon me to make it this far and for allowing me a chance to work in one of the best creating
organization in Bangladesh. Besides, I might want to pass on my exceptional gratitude to S M
Asif Ur Rahman Sir, my staff consultant for his significant direction, which helped me to finish
this report effectively. I am exceptionally thankful to him.

I might likewise want to recognize the assistance of my authoritative boss, Nasib Oashim
Chowdhury for his highest help for my learning results and giving me rules to do various works
and keep up the day by day schedule work in the association. I might likewise want to express
appreciation to Sazzad Hassan Chowdhury, Head of Commercial Department and Sadiq hossain,
Head of fund and HRM for supporting my work and for giving me the rule to finish my three
months temporary position work and learning. I am additionally thankful for the help of my
partners during the hour of my temporary job period.

Executive Summary

Pieces of clothing and material division assumes a significant job in the economy of Bangladesh.
There are 4621 pieces of clothing manufacturing plants in Bangladesh which contributes a great
deal to the monetary advancement of our nation. One of the significant wellsprings of outside
trading profit is originating from fare of RMG and materials industry. RMG and Textile industry
contributes a great deal to the economy of the nation and it's a significant supporter of GDP in
our nation. The investigation centers around the RMG Bangladesh and by and large exercises of
Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile Ltée (CMT) Bangladesh and budget report examination of
CMT (Bangladesh). As a business graduate this report causes me to all the more likely
comprehend of how a business can play out its general exercises exceptionally and improve its
budgetary quality.

In this report I give a review of RMG and Textile industry in starting piece of report, and
afterward I give organization diagram of the CMT (Bangladesh). In later piece of the report I
give brief depiction of generally creation exercises of the CMT (Bangladesh), gives brief
departmental portrayal of the organization. In this report I likewise incorporate the activity duty
what I performed during my temporary position period. Finally I incorporate a fiscal summary
investigation to assess the money related execution of the CMT (Bangladesh). I likewise give a
few recommendations to improve the general operational effectiveness.

The principle reason for this report is to better comprehension of the exercises of the CMT
(Bangladesh) and the effect on the operational proficiency of its general exercises. This report
likewise centers around the budgetary presentation of the CMT (Bangladesh) and its effect on its

Table of content

Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................... 2

1.1 Background Of the Report............................................................................ 2
1.2 Objectives Of the Report .............................................................................. 2
1.3 Motivation of the report .............................................................................. 2
1.4 Scope and limitations of the report.............................................................. 2
1.5 Definition of key terms ................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2: Company and industry preview ........................................................ 2
2.1 Company Analysis ......................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Trend and Growth ...................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Customer Mix ............................................................................................ 2
2.1.3 Product/Service Mix .................................................................................. 2
2.1.4 Operation ................................................................................................ 19
2.1.5 SWOT ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... 22
2.2 Industry Analysis ......................................................................................... 24
2.2.1 Specification of the industry .................................................................... 25
2.2.2 Size Trend Maturity of the industry ......................................................... 26
2.2.3 External Economic factors ........................................................................ 27
2.2.4 Technological factors ............................................................................... 28
2.2.5 Barriers to entry ....................................................................................... 28
2.2.6 Supplier power ......................................................................................... 29
2.2.7 Buyer Power ............................................................................................ 30
2.2.8 Threats of substitute ............................................................................... 31
Chapter III: Analysis and finding ..................................................................... 22
Chapter IV: Internship Experience .................................................................. 23

4.1 Position, Duties & Responsibility................................................................. 23
4.2 Training ...................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Skills Applied ............................................................................................. 27
4.4 New Skilled Developed .............................................................................. 27
4.5 Application of academic knowledge............................................................ 29
Chapter V: Conclusion and key fact .................................................................. 50
5.1 Recommendation for improving departmental operation .......................... 50
5.2 Key Understanding ...................................................................................... 50
5.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 51
Reference ......................................................................................................... 52

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction

Bangladesh, the southern Asian nation has a populace of around 164 million individuals. The
economy of Bangladesh is altogether subject to farming. In any case, it’s an incredible news for
the nation that, articles of clothing segment (RMG) segment of Bangladesh has raised as the
greatest worker of outside money. This area makes about 4.2 million work openings and
contributes essentially to the GDP. Readymade pieces of clothing (RMG) of Bangladesh is
controlled by youthful, urbanizing, laborers, where the vast majority of them are ladies.

RMG division in Bangladesh greatly affects monetary development of the nation. From most
recent four years RMG and Textile industry has been the significant giver of remote fare in
Bangladesh. This area remains in the third situation in the attire producing all through the world
and makes sure about the directing spot in South Asia. This segment covers over 80% of all out
fare in Bangladesh and produces US$ 27.16 billion inside 2016-17. This area likewise
contributes 12.36% in the GDP of Bangladesh inside 2016-17, the exchange was conjoint some
risky or unprecedented predominance occur anyway this exchange working out in a good way
and its abatement hits our GDP greatly. This segment as of now represents eighty three of
absolute fare profit of the nation. There square measure numerous people late Akhter
Mohammed Musa, late Mohammed Reaz uddin, Md Humayun, M Shamsur Rahman, the
essential President of BGMEA assists with making RMG segment.

Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile Ltée (CMT) is a worldwide organization which begins its
excursion in Bangladesh at 2011 by procuring two material organizations. CMT is a 100% fare
arranged organization which contributes a great deal to our economy through its broadened
exercises in Bangladesh. In this report I center on generally exercises of CMT Bangladesh and
play out a budget summary investigation through proportion examination.

1.1 Background Of the Report

The investigation centers on the general exercises of Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile Ltée
(CMT) Bangladesh and fiscal summary examination of CMT (Bangladesh). RMG and Textile
industry contributes a great deal to the economy of the nation and it's a significant supporter of
GDP in our nation. The primary motivation behind this report is to better comprehension of the
exercises of the CMT (Bangladesh) and the effect on the operational productivity of its general
exercises. This report likewise centers around the money related execution of the CMT
(Bangladesh) and its effect on its productivity. As a business graduate this report encourages me
to all the more likely comprehend of how a business can play out its general exercises
remarkably and improve its budgetary quality.

In this report I center on generally exercises of CMT Bangladesh and play out a fiscal summary
investigation through proportion examination.

I will coordinate my assessment under the close by oversight of my Scholastic Manager who will
dependably screen my headway and propose any methods taken with the ultimate objective of
appreciating the bungles occurred in the midst of my examination.

1.2 Objectives Of the Report

Broad Objective

The fundamental objective of this report is to portray the general exercises of CMT Bangladesh
and direct a money related investigation through proportion examination to assess its budgetary

Specific Objective

 To give a superior comprehension of whole exercises of CMT.

 To give a comprehension of how exercises of CMT adds to the economy.
 To examine the budgetary presentation of CMT

 To decipher the money related proportions result.
 To give some suggestion to improving their general exercises
 To give some suggestion to improving their money related execution

1.3 Motivation of the report

This report additionally centers around the monetary presentation of the CMT (Bangladesh) and
its effect on its productivity. As a business graduate this report causes me to all the more likely
comprehend of how a business can play out its general exercises exceptionally and improve its
budgetary quality.

1.4 Scope and limitations of the report


 Better comprehension of how generally exercises of CMT (Bangladesh) are

 Providing a concise thought regarding all the branches of the CMT (Bangladesh).
 Interpreting proportion investigation result.
 Recommendations for the organization to improve their general exercises towards
authoritative objectives.
 Recommendations for the organization to improve their monetary quality.


In setting up this report I face a couple of issues. Time is the fundamental obstruction of this
assessment. As the recommendation time period is for 3 months, it is amazingly a short period to
examination a huge affiliation like CMT (Bangladesh). Thusly, data aggregation process is in
like manner hampered for this and I can just incorporate five years verifiable information to
investigation and a large portion of the information are gathered from auxiliary source.

1.5 Definition of key terms

Approach is considered as the conscious, theoretical examination of the methods associated with
a field of study which incorporates the speculative assessment of the gathering of techniques and
gauges related with a piece of learning. Ordinarily, it incorporates thoughts, for instance,
perspective, theoretical model, stages and quantitative or abstract methodology. In order to set up
the report, I decide to assemble various types of fundamental and discretionary data. By then the
data was sorted out as required.

 Collection of Data-information of about exercises and all offices are gathered from
the site of the organization and money related information are gathered from yearly
report of the organization.
 Data Types-in this report I utilize optional information about organization's general
exercises and money related information of the organization
 Microsoft exceed expectations is utilized for examination the fiscal report of the
organization and diagrams and graphs are utilized Microsoft word.

In this report I center on in general exercises of CMT Bangladesh and play out a fiscal report
investigation through proportion examination.

Chapter 2: Company and industry preview

Garments and textile division assumes a significant job in the economy of Bangladesh. There are
4621 articles of clothing processing plants in Bangladesh which contributes a great deal to the
financial improvement of our nation. One of the significant wellsprings of remote trading profit
is originating from fare of RMG and materials industry. Significant purchasers of RMG of
Bangladesh are European Union, USA, UK, and Australia and so on. Absolute 78% of product
fares of Bangladesh are originates from the fare of RMG, attire and materials in 2016.According
to the world bank GDP of Bangladesh was US$6.28 billion in1972, which is developed to
US$172.78 Billion of every 2014, where US$32.18 billion was created through fares, in which
over 83% was provided from RMG segment. This area remains in the third situation in the attire
producing all through the world and makes sure about the instructing place in South Asia.
Bangladesh remains in the second situation in creating RMG following China. Bangladesh
likewise have a place the second situation in trading western design far and wide. In Bangladesh
the greater part of the pieces of clothing organization is possessed by the neighborhood financial
specialist just 5% of the articles of clothing organization is claimed by remote speculator.

Bangladesh offers a low serious expense as well as guarantees best quality items for the top of
the line piece of clothing items to renowned worldwide brands, for example, Adidas, Benetton,
Calvin Klein, Diesel, DKNY, G-Star, Hugo Boss, Nike, Puma, Ralph Lauren and Tommy
Hilfiger. Bangladesh RMG Sector has obligation free market access to the vast majority of the
created nations including EU, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, and Australia.

Bangladesh Garment Manufacturer and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is attempting to

fabricate a protected and feasible piece of clothing industry. The service of work and business
commission, the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies found that about 80.8 percent
processing plants structures are endorsed basic plans, 85.9 percent manufacturing plants are
affirmed designs, 92 percent production lines have legitimate fire wellbeing licenses and 55
percent industrial facilities electric generator is situated outside of the plant. Under "TREES"
(Toward Resource Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability) a significant number of articles

of clothing industry rehearses in the region of waste administration, squander heat recuperation,
cogeneration, energy efficient technology, environmental management system and encourage
them to adopt eco-friendly technologies. Some garments recently taken a greater step of going
towards carbon-free production.

The government has taken initiative for influencing RMG sector allocated 470 acres of land in
Baushia at Munshiganj for setting up a ready-made garment industrial park & also budget USD
6.5 Million for workers skill development.

2.1 Company Analysis

Introduction to CMT

Compagnie Mauricienne De Textile Ltée (CMT), a pioneer in design industry everywhere

throughout the world for its pullover wear, CMT has it's headquarter in Mauritius with a few
circulation office in suspensions locale like United Kingdom, France, USA. It has the greatest
assembling plants and furthermore famous for its promoted venture and inventive tasks.

It is specific for the best vesture brands and fastfashion retailers in the style and improvement of
fastfashion jerseywear attire. With $200 million in turnover and around 10,000 individuals, CMT
is one of the most significant organizations in Mauritius.

CMT Bangladesh

In 2010 CMT (Bangladesh) enter in Bangladeshi market as a multinational company with CMI
LTD., which is operate as an investment firm. In January 2011, they purchased Dignity Textile
Mills Limited (DTML) following the acquisition by CMI of 2011.
A dramatic fire struck DTML in May 2015; a 2nd unit of DTML (APEX) was established,

After a few months in July 2015. CMT has grown its business as a sign of growth and a new fact
ory is set up in July 2016, CKL Unit 2 (TRISHAL).

CMT head Office

The administrative center of CMT is made up with five distinct offices which are Sales
Department, Accounting and Audit Department, General Order Department, Purchase of
Accessories Department and Human Resource Department. All the divisions cooperate to
procure the authoritative objectives and all the senior administration fill in as a group to take
choice about significant issues on the organization.

CMT Dhaka Office Organizational Structure

Francois Gilles Tam Fat Woo

Shing Hal

Managing Director

Ambar Teeruthchand Hurry

Country Director

Anwar Hossain Umme Sadia Islam

Sazzad Hassan Chowdhury
Manager Commercial Department head
Senior manager Account
accessories and purchase
and finance

Sadiqur Rahman Amir Hamza

Account, Finance and admin In charge HR & Procurement

Objective of the company

CMT (Bangladesh) is a worldwide material organization. The primary destinations of the CMT
are given underneath:

1. Provide a better pathway for effective business development. to consumer and company
2. To avoid short-term insolvency should maintain a balanced cash flow.
3. CMT insures highest level of customer satisfaction to become a successful firm and
secure the leading position in the market.
4. CMT want to enhance their profit not only doing profitable business in Europe but also
reach the other part of the world.
5. CMT want to increase their sales volume by providing better customer satisfaction.
6. CMT design an effective delivery schedule to satisfy the customer in handover process.
7. CMT provide product information to the customer to gain the customer trust.
8. Ensure a better networking system to facilitate the business transactions.
9. Analyzing the buying decision of the customer to provide better solution to them.
10. Analyzing the supplier’s actions to improve product quality.

Mission Statement

We will guarantee the main situation in the assembling of top quality textures and pullover wear
by utilizing head class innovation, giving world class preparing and improvement to our

We will adds to the social and monetary advancement to the nation by developing ourselves a
learning center point.

We are the fantasy group in the assembling scene!

Vision Statement

• CMT Bangladesh Ltd works as a practical, situation well-disposed and mindful

• Company's vision is to stand them-self into driving position.


Major goal of the company is providing quality product by optimizing method, skilling expertise
and improving quality, across the entire firm.

 In order to scale back the risks of employee safety and health issues of employee into
minimum level.
 To shield the surroundings and guarantee property for upcoming generations.

 In order to develop skilled skills & leadership skills, depending on competence, personal
goals and therefore the organizational needs.

Overall shopper satisfaction is that the slogan of this kingdom based mostly company.

2.1.1 Trend and Growth

Growth of RMG industry

The graph shows us in 2005 to 2016 the factory growth and employment rate was increasing. In
2013 the growth rate of factory drop by 4328 to 4222, due to safety and fire issue now its
increasing employment rate is constant and employment rate is constant to 4 million. Although
past three years the growth has not been very positive but still quite a lot people are depending

on the RMG sector for their livelihoods. Bangladesh's garment industry provides employment to
about 4 million workers among them almost 86% are female.

Year Member of factories Employment in million

2005-06 4220 2.2
2006-07 4490 2.4
2007-08 4743 2.8
2008-09 4925 3.5
2009-10 5063 3.6
2010-11 5150 3.6
2011-12 5400 4
2012-13 5876 4
2013-14 4222 4
2014-15 4296 4
2015-16 4328 4

Growth Of RMG Industry

7000 54005876
6000 4490 4925 5150 4296
4743 5063
5000 4220 4222 4328
2000 Growth Of RMG
1000 Industry

Top ten Garments Industry
in BD

There are a lot of garments in Bangladesh, which has a great contribution in Bangladesh
readymade garments sector. Among those mills, this article has presented the top 10 garments

No. Company Name

1 Ha-Meem Denims Ltd
2 Square Fashions Ltd
3 Beximco Denims Ltd
4 Opex Sinha Group
5 Fakir Group
6 DBL Group
7 Epyllion Group
8 Standard Group
9 Asian Apparels Ltd
10 Given see Group of Industries Ltd

2.1.2 Customer Mix

Breaking down and understanding the buyer's and their conduct is the cornerstone of
accomplishment in showcasing. It incorporates all the physical, mental and enthusiastic
procedures and concerned conduct which are perceivable previously, during and after every
single acquisition of products and ventures. This makes us enticing to acknowledge, notice,
record and react to such conduct on the off chance that we need to have win-win technique that
issue for advertiser and the client together. The instant piece of clothing (RMG) industry of
Bangladesh began its excursion in the late 1970s and turned into a remarkable donor in the

economy inside a brief timeframe. Instant pieces of clothing fabricated in Bangladesh are
partitioned fundamentally into two general classes: woven and sew items. Shirts, T-shirts and
pants are the fundamental woven items and underpants, socks, stockings, T-shirts, sweaters and
other easygoing and delicate articles of clothing are the primary weave items. For the exploration
reason, one poll was developed to gather information from 120 respondents by utilizing arbitrary
Sampling technique.

The significant discoveries of this examination show that Consumer Buying Behavior is affected
by five factors to be specific value, style, comfort, quality, accessibility. From the earliest
starting point to end of this investigation an endeavor has been made to basically understand
those enthusiastic or sound interests, which drive the buy choice toward the Readymade

Garments. Likewise sure segment and psychographic profiles have been considered and certain
connection has been created.

2.1.3 Product/Service Mix

Bangladesh has gotten renowned for sending out sew wears. Sewing industry is currently
additionally a fast developing industry in Bangladesh. Sewn products are currently generally
desirable over fare to the material enterprises. Among weaved textures the best ten classes notice

 T-shirts, singlets and different vests, weaved or stitched, of cotton.

 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, abdomen coats and comparative articles, weaved or knitted,
of material materials.
 Men's or young men's shirts, weaved or knitted, of cotton.

 T-shirts, singlets and different vests, weaved or knitted, of material other than cotton.
 Women's or young ladies' briefs and undies, sewed or sewed, of cotton.
 Women's or young ladies' pullovers, shirts and shirt-shirts, sewed or sewed, of cotton.
 Women's or young ladies' pants, did and support overalls, breeches and shorts, weaved or
knitted, of cotton.
 Men's or young men's pants, kiddie apron and support overalls, breeches and shorts,
sewed or sewed, of cotton.

Except these Bangladesh also exports various garments made from woven fabrics. Some non-
woven and fabric are being exported to many countries.

Value of Total appeal Export:

Year Woven Knit Total

2010-2011 8432.4 9482.06 17914.46

2011-2012 9603.34 9486.35 19089.69
2012-2013 11039.85 10475.88 21515.73
2013-2014 12442.07 12049.81 24491.88
2014-2015 13064.61 12426.79 25491.4
2015-2016 14115.82 13458.68 27574.5

6000 knit
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Main Apparel Items Exporting from

Bangladesh 4

Year Shirts Trousers Jackets T-Shirt Sweater

2010-2011 1566.42 4146.16 1887.5 4696.57 2488.19

2011-2012 1733.54 4686.39 2231.16 4713.11 2340.34
2012-2013 1972.89 5185.48 2634.28 5143.22 2620.73
2013-2014 2173.73 5690.78 2973.78 5863.81 2932.94
2014-2015 2271.43 5697.83 5697.83 6064.13 2829.16
2015-2016 2375.75 5845.54 8545.45 8535.17 3215.25

2.1.4 Operation

Operation Activities and department of

the organization

CMT (Bangladesh) works through a few division which begins with item structure and
advancement office and finished with the conveyance office which assists with dispersing its
item in Europe and USA. In by and large creation process CMT (Bangladesh) guarantee highest
caliber of item with mix of advance innovation, ability and prevalent supervisory group. In
excess of 6000 laborers tenaciously work under five offices to give a superior quality item. The
operational structure is given beneath.

Activity begins with the best crude material fundamentally cotton going into turning, at that
point weaving, coloring, completing, after that cutting and sewing, finally the articles of clothing
wash and prepared for the conveyance. All through the general techniques they guarantee highest

caliber underway. Generally creation process is vertically coordinated procedure which is
cautiously configuration to create quality item and guarantee ideal conveyance of request.
Generally speaking creation unit exercises are given trough creation unit picture, which give a
superior comprehension of by and large creation exercises of the association.

Department of CMT Bangladesh

1. Finance, Accounts & Audit Department: This division of CMT for the most part
manages the general installment related with association. This office likewise keeps up
the trustworthiness for different branches of the CMT (Bangladesh).

2. Commercial Department: Commercial department is headed by Mr. Anwar Hossain.

This department handles all the procedure and activities related to the export-import
dealing. Five enthusiastic people handle this important department in Dhak

a Office of CMT (Bangladesh).

3. General Purchase Department: General Purchase office for the most part purchases the
entire manufacturing plant things hardware, which is required for running the everyday
creation and activity of CMT (Bangladesh).

4. Accessories Purchase Department: Accessories purchase department mainly deals with

the purchasing of accessories of items which is needed in factory for manufacturing

5. Human Resource Department: Human asset division are liable for managerial exercises
by utilizing Management data framework, likewise manages finance framework,
enlistment system and correspondence


Strength Weakness

Opportunity Threats

SWOT assessment encourages an association to improve its circumstance, nature of the item,
conquer inadequacies, hazard and open provoking recognizing the serious worthwhile capacity
of the association. It's additionally enables an organization to grasp its market position. Here's
the SWOT investigation of CMT (Bangladesh) is get ready to see the installing of the
organization better.


 Compagnie Mauricienne DE Textile Ltée (CMT) management systems are perpetually

committed to superior service.
 CMT has a team of sincere and responsible employee.
 CMT maintains sensible relationship between high management & staff.
 Could not maintain the foundations & regulation in keeping with acceptable law
attributable to government interference.
 CMT use advanced information system.
 CMT maintains a good connection between higher management & employee.
 CMT has a strong security system.

 CMT has a well-decorated office.


 Could not maintain the rules & regulation according to appropriate law because of
government interference.

 Raw materials are not available here.

 Decision can take only the higher management.

 Lack of proper govt. policy.

 Poor market coverage in Bangladesh


 New foreign buyers coming to t he market

 Improving service quality than competitor
 Improve higher customer satisfaction by providing quality product
 Take the opportunity to get a huge amount of money.


 Increased the number of foreign buyers.

 Government policy interrupts the development process.
 Growing up the cost of production.
 BGMEA rules & regulation are so much complex in nature.
 Project areas are hassled by the local village political.

2.2 Industry Analysis

RMG is the main business in Bangladesh. It is fundamentally a work escalated industry and it
needs restricted monetary speculation and generally straightforward innovation contrasted with
other high specialized enterprises. The example of overcoming adversity of Garment Industry in
Bangladesh is the story with respect to how the readymade pieces of clothing beginning in the
late seventies as an inconsequential non-customary thing of fare. In 1998-99 this part has earned
4019.98 million US$ through sending out which is75.67% of the all-out fare (in 1995).The
gigantic accomplishment of Readymade Garment trades from Bangladesh over most recent two
decades has outperformed the most idealistic desires. At present Bangladesh is the sixth biggest
exporter to USA and in 1997 Bangladesh becomes eighteenth biggest exporter on the planet.
Presently Bangladesh positions first fare of T-shirts to Europe. The general effect of the
readymade piece of clothing send out industry is positively one of the most noteworthy social
and monetary advancements in contemporary Bangladesh.

The noteworthy accomplishment of RMG area is currently presented to every single nation. In
spite of these amazing accomplishments and the likely difficulties sooner rather than later, if
appropriately dealt with, the possibilities for additional extension and development for this
segment stay splendid. There are some significant dangers despite everything existing in this
division yet Bangladesh can beat these dangers. Readymade Garment (RMG) industry holds a
key situation in the economy of Bangladesh regarding remote trade profit, work age and
destitution easing. At the present time RMG segment is the most noteworthy outside cash worker
in Bangladesh. Aside from adding to colossal outside trade profit, RMG industry has become the
biggest wellspring of work age.

Around 2 million individuals are by and by included of whom 90% are troubled ladies in the
RMG business of Bangladesh. What's more a harsh gauge shows that the segment through
linkage impacts is as of now creating about US$ 2 billion worth of local financial exercises,
RMG industry is the most significant segment for the economy of Bangladesh. In represents

75.14% in 2000-2001 of the nation's complete fare profit. About 1.5 million laborers of whom
90% are troubled ladies are occupied with around 3200 piece of clothing processing plants as on
June 2000.It is biggest assembling part contributing about 5% to the GDP. In any case, this RMG
division is currently confronting a few difficulties particularly after 2004. Bangladesh is still at
its Infancy as far as amount creation in the readymade articles of clothing industry. We despite
everything have issues in our nation for the creation of value merchandise. Standard is
additionally not agreeable. The nature of the readymade articles of clothing of Korea, Hong
Kong, Taiwan and different nations is far better than that of our own.

2.2.1 Specification of the industry

Quality control as far as article of clothing fabricating, pre-deals and posts deals administration,
conveyance, evaluating, and so on are basic for any piece of clothing producer, merchant or
exporter. Certain quality related issues, ought to never be over looked. The purchasers need to
get great items in low cost. The items should arrive at the customers with right quality relies
upon the expense. Quality administration is the part of the general administration work that
decides and executes the quality arrangement. Quality affirmation covers all the procedure inside
an organization that adds to the

Creation of value items. The review is completed by agents of the current creation and the
outcome record on control outline. The point of piece of clothing investigation is to outwardly
examine articles aimlessly from a conveyance so as to confirm their general similarity and
appearance with guidance/depiction as well as test got.

2.2.2 Size Trend Maturity of the industry

The job of the RMG segment in our national economy can scarcely be over-underlined. There
has been a consistent advancement in our RMG send out field during at any rate the most recent
decade and a half however over the most recent couple of years it has been remarkable.
Readymade Garment (RMG) industry despite everything remains the backbone of fare income
for Bangladesh. Around 76 percent of complete fare profit of Bangladesh originate from this
part. Fare insights from RMG area over the most recent five years were US$ 5,686.06 million in
FY 2003-04, US$ 6,417.67.67 million in FY 2004-05, US$ 7900.80 million in FY 2005-06, US$
9,211.23 million in FY 2006-07, US$ 10,699.80 million in FY2007-08 and US$ 12.35 billion in
FY 2008-09.

Share of back to back L/C

63.01 60.51 66.42
60 56.25 55.04
44.13 45.1
Share of back to back L/C

FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY01

Bangladesh are isolated primarily into two general classes: woven and knit items. Shirts, T-shirts
and pants are the primary woven items and underpants, socks, stockings, T-shirts, sweaters and
other easygoing and delicate pieces of clothing are the principle sew items. Woven piece of
clothing items despite everything command the article of clothing send out income of the nation.
The portion of weave article of clothing items has been expanding since the mid-1990s; such
items right now represent more than 40 percent of the nation's absolute RMG trade profit
(BGMEA site). Albeit different kinds of pieces of clothing are made in the nation, just a couple

of classes, for example, shirts, T-shirts, pants, coats and sweaters, establish the significant
creation share (BGMEA site; and Nath, 2001). Economies of scale for enormous scope creation
and fare standard possessions in the relating classes are the chief explanations behind such a thin
item focus. With about $15 billion in sends out in 2010, instant pieces of clothing are the nation's
most significant modern area; they speak to 13% of GDP and over 75% of complete fares.
Ongoing overviews completed by the counseling firm McKinsey and the bookkeeping firm
KPMG recognized appealing costs as the most significant purpose behind buying in Bangladesh.
Cost levels will remain profoundly serious later on, since huge productivity increments will
counterbalance rising pay costs.

Other than work cost and obligation advantage, crude materials and land costs are likewise less
expensive in Bangladesh. There is additionally no uncertainty that Bangladesh is profiting by
different particular exchange understandings giving tax exempt section into a few dozen nations.

2.2.3 External Economic factors

Monetary variables allude to essential information about an economy or market that impacts
business execution. Such factors are frequently mulled over while evaluating how a business is
probably going to perform. Financial specialists additionally depend on monetary variables to
learn an organization or a speculation esteem.

Financial elements are outer variables that impact the business condition just as venture esteem.
Moreover, seeing such factors is vital if a financial specialist is to settle on educated choice on
how a venture is probably going to perform.

In like manner, Compagnie Mauricienne De Textile Ltée (CMT), break down different monetary
variables to attempt to foresee organizations' drawn out possibilities. The examination tries to as
certain how such factors would influence the business condition just as the general market.

Monetary components impact the business condition legitimately and by implication. First off,
they are known to impact gracefully and request, which fundamentally influence the free
progression of merchandise and ventures in an economy.

External Factor Affecting Business

 Social: Greater number of older people in the population that effected our business
because our design and fashion basically focused on young people.
 Economic: increase in income tax reduces amount customer have to spend.
 Political; Decision to spend more on public service such as education and health, stability
of government system, monopoly control. Taxation etc.
 Technological: effect of widespread use of internet.

2.2.4 Technological factors

Compagnie Mauricienne De Textile Ltée (CMT), they introduce new materials, machinery, and
business process support. That mention below:

 Innovation in mechanical process

 Innovation in product design, new distribute channel,
 Innovation in pricing
 Effect of technology on product design, production, distribution, pricing, and

2.2.5 Barriers to entry

Barriers to entry are factors that prevent or make it difficult for new firms to enter a market. The
existence of barriers to entry make the market less contestable and less competitive. The greater
the barriers to entry which exist, the less competitive the market will be. Barriers to entry are an
essential aspect of monopoly markets.

Brand Loyalty: Developing consumer loyalty through establishing a strong brand image can
deter entry. With a very strong brand image, a new firm would have to spend a lot of money on
advertising, which is a sunk cost and a deterrent to entry. Some brands may be so strong, that no
amount of advertising may be able to dislodge the incumbent firm.

Limit Pricing. This occurs when a firm sets price sufficiently low to deter entry. A monopoly
may engage in limit pricing – even though it means fewer profits, it prefers to keep prices lower
to prevent competition. It is related to economies of scale.

Economies of Scale. Economies of scale occur when increased output leads to lower average
costs. Therefore new firms, with relatively low output, will find it difficult compete because
theirs average costs will be higher than the incumbent firms benefiting from economies of scale.
The prospect of higher average costs may deter entry.

2.2.6 Supplier power

Bangladesh has consistently been getting a charge out of the high ground in requesting its
contribution from its providers. Bangladesh has not many information or crude materials of its
own. The vast majority of them imported. In spite of the fact that this lead to an issue lessening
the open door start in reverse linkage. Furthermore, accordingly, expanding the provider power.
Bangladesh are still procure the contributions at world cost from its providers. Be that as it may,
the most bringing in part of Bangladesh's fare industry would consistently be the energy and the
possibility of development it give the investor in term of achievement and success. Bangladesh
residential provider power is expanding moderate yet study way as an ever increasing number of
nearby organizations are venturing capable. They making an incorporated arrangement of
flexibly channel the executives by which the production's outstanding burden is decreased.
Organizations are increasingly inclined to arrange through neighborhood providers who
themselves apply to the assignment to bringing in crude materials and segment fundamental for
the creation procedure. The great firm activity to step into the flexibly chain. Bangladesh

provided for the provider to huge scope advantage as an industry is very gathered in zone

A decent worldwide notoriety is helping Bangladesh to coordinate the cost with global citation
with the provider both and nearby ones. Providers despite the fact that having such a high ground
over Bangladesh, likewise sees Bangladesh as a dependable wellspring of reimbursement this
notoriety has helping Bangladesh to guarantee brief gracefully of crude merchandise.

2.2.7 Buyer Power

Bangladesh make understand that the purchaser procedure more force than themselves. China
lead India's walk to the top keep the Bangladeshi producer/provider on their toes. Bangladesh is
giving enormous space of decision to the supplier in term of value and cost. It is offering the
most minimal conceivable creation cost and furthermore work that is best in quality. Because of
high exchanging open door for the client. Bangladesh needs to perform or permit the client to
win much of the time. Bangladesh intends to utilize cost-adequacy to introduce itself as the most
ideal choice to purchasers.

The significant factor is that a considerable lot of the organizations in Bangladesh are either
establishment or appropriations. Alongside them the neighborhood organizations are giving
Bangladesh a look of the best out sourcing spot of the part. Huge numbers of the presumed
organizations brand are out sourcing their item in Bangladesh as they get the greater quality in
the least expensive value conceivable.

Also, new participants would have a bit of leeway against Bangladesh whose development
proportion is practically 20% every year considerably after the MFA. A fresher participant would
along these lines cause less difficulties to Bangladesh. The best bit of leeway that Bangladesh
has right presently is its modest work. Modest work would be keep on being accessible until the

leaving standard go up. Till that occurs, works will low rates in tern wages and protect
Bangladesh from any new contestants.

Financial specialists and outside firm hesitant in putting resources into Bangladesh. Utilizing this
chance, nations like Sri Lanka and other little Latin America nations can take away expected
purchaser of Bangladesh.

2.2.8 Threats of substitute

Bangladesh in term of substitute, assume both the jobs off affected and openings. China and
India are developing their client base at a higher pace than Bangladesh. This is because of
helpless nation marking, and less capacity to impact client, because of their explanation client
now and again incline toward china or India to Bangladesh.

More to include, Bangladeshi item are being subbed because of absence of provider force and
government's notoriety. Some firm, purchasers, speculators, are currently faltering put resources
into Bangladesh because of flimsy political situation, in this way the open door for Bangladesh is
being subbed to either china or India. Additionally the substitute expense isn't that high for
purchasers to change to a Chinese maker or even to a Sri Lankan maker.

Chapter III: Analysis and finding

Breaking down money financial data we can comprehend the operational proficiency of the firm,
generally speaking execution and administrative control of the firm. Fiscal summary
investigation is the regular way to deal with comprehend the budgetary quality of a firm. In this
report I utilize a few proportions to dissect the operational effectiveness, benefit and
dissolvability of the CMT (Bangladesh) by utilizing budget summary of the both Consumer
Knitex Limited (CKL) and Dignity Textile Mills Limited (DTML).

Year to year comparative ratio analysis:

Current Ratio

cash ratio

cash ratio

2012 2013 2013 2014 2015

Comments: The Ratio shows fluctuating pattern. It arrived at top in 2014 and most reduced in
2012. Be that as it may, this pattern don't show genuine situation with respect to Absolute
Current Asset and Current Liability. In 2016 Current Asset was about 20321539779 though in
2014 it was about 3194154551. Anyway all through these 5 years CMT (Bangladesh) have been
holding satisfactory to meet its present commitments.

Acid Test Ratio

Acid test Ratio


Acid test Ratio
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comments: Acid Test Ratio remains practically stable consistently. This proportion essentially
includes most fluid resources e g: Marketable Securities and record receivables notwithstanding
money alongside money which mirrors the capacity of CMT (Bangladesh) to meet its
momentary commitments all the more fittingly. The proportion throughout the year mirrors that
CMT (Bangladesh) holds fluid resources barely to meet its present commitment.

Collection Period

Collection Period
Collection Period
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: Collection period demonstrates the time taken to gather accounts receivables. The
lower this period greater liquidity the organization will hold. Be that as it may, this relies upon
the approaches taken by advertise contenders. In 2016 assortment period are about 28.39 which

is far lower than the earlier years. Conceivable explanation could be a direct result of holding
progressively current liabilities contrasted with earlier years.

Day to sale inventory

Day to sale inventory

4 Day to sale inventory
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: Days to deal stock estimates the time taken to get the inventories sold. This
proportion is significant for CMT (Bangladesh) to decide its Working Capital need. This
proportion delineates the fluctuating pattern throughout the years. Be that as it may, the varieties
are not huge. CMT (Bangladesh) requires very little an ideal opportunity to get its stock sold. In
the year 2016 it is about 5.54 days.

Total debt to equity ratio

Total debt to equity ratio


Total debt to equity ratio


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: The Key measure in assessing long haul structure and limit is the Debt to Equity
Ratio. On the off chance that this proportion is excessively high, it might show that the
organization has spent its getting limit has no alert for future occasions. In the event that it is
excessively low, it might imply that, accessible influence isn't being utilized to the proprietors.
On the off chance that the proportion is inclining up it might imply that income are too low to
even think about supporting the requirements of the undertaking and if its drifting down it might
imply that the organization is progressing admirably and making way for extension. The Debt to
Equity Ratio for CMT (Bangladesh) is practically comparative in 2015 and 2016 and it is
excessively low in 2012, 2013, 2014. The purpose behind such deviation is the nearness of long
haul obligation in the Capital Structure in 2015 to 2016.

Long term debt Equity

long term debt ratio

0.4 long term debt ratio

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: CMT (Bangladesh) didn't acquire any drawn out Debt up to 2014. In spite of the fact
that the proportion is higher in 2015 contrasted with 2016, the outright measure of long haul
obligation is higher in 2016. The explanation behind such deviation is the supreme measure of
Equity which is fundamentally higher in 2016.

Time interest Earned

Time interest earn ratio


Time interest earn ratio

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: The capacity to make premium installment is increasingly an element of

organization's obligation to produce positive incomes from tasks in the short run just as
additional time. In this way time premium earned shows how serenely the organization ought to
have the option to make premium installment accepting that winning patterns are steady. Time
premium earned is nearly higher in 2013 and 2014 as organization didn't acquire any drawn out
obligation in that year. Thus the intrigue cost was low and the proportion was higher.

Return on asset

Return on asset

Return on asset

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: ROA measures company’s ability to generate return from asset utilization. The ROA
in 2016 is about 16% which is the highest. The reason is higher sales in 2016 compared to
previous years.

Return on common

return on common equity


return on common equity

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: Return on Common Equity shows fluctuating trend and it is higher in 2016 compared
to others as sales was highest in 2016.

Gross profit margin

Gross profit margin

Gross profit margin
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: The proportion speaks to the level of sales revenue that surpasses the variable
expense. At the point when this proportion is low, it is an indication that item cost is high in
examination with selling cost. The proportion shows right around a steady pattern throughout the
year, in spite of the fact that the deals are higher in 2016, the proportion stays steady as the
expense of products sold was additionally high. In 2012 the proportion is higher as cost of
merchandise sold was the most reduced in 2012.

Operating Gross profit

operating profit margin



operating profit margin

Comment: This proportion shows the part of deals that surpasses the cost (both variable and
fixed). When there is a shortcoming in this proportion, it is commonly a sign that either gross
edges are excessively low or volume is excessively low as for fixed expense. Here working
overall revenue is most noteworthy in 2016 as deals volume is excessively high contrasted with
earlier years.

Net profit margin

net profit margin



net profit margin


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: The Net Operating ratio shows fluctuating trend over the years and it is lowest in
2015 as cost of goods sold was too high and covers a large portion of sales in 2015 and it is
highest in 2016.

Account receivable

account receivable turnover

account receivable turnover
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: Account Receivable turnover reflects likelihood of generating cash from Account
Receivables. The ratio is lowest in 2016 as receivables were the highest in 2016

Inventory turnover

inventory turnover

inventory turnover
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: Inventory Turnover estimates probability of creating money from Inventories. The
proportion shows fluctuating pattern throughout the years. This proportion is most elevated in
2015 in spite of the fact that cost of merchandise sold was the most elevated in 2016. This is on
the grounds that bigger measure of inventories in 2016..

Working capital

working capital turnover

1 working capital turnover

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: This proportion gauges the probability of producing deals utilizing its working
capital. Working Capital is most elevated in 2012 which implies in that year the organization had
the option to use its working capital all the more proficiently contrasted with different years. The
proportion above measures the under uses of Working Capital

Price to Earning

price to earning
30 price to earning
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: This ratio measures the amount that the investor has to spend to earn each Taka. The
lower the ratio is the better the position. In 2016 this ratio is 8.43 and in 2015 it was about 57.48.
This is because the EPS was comparatively low in 2015.

Total Asset turnover

total asset turnover

total asset turnover
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Comment: The ratio measure the company’s ability to generate sales through asset utilization.
Throughout the year, the ratio is below 1 which means CMT (Bangladesh) is not so much
efficient to utilize its assets to generate sales.

Major Finding of this study

Here I provide some major finding which I found through the financial analysis of CMT
(Bangladesh) and working as a team member of finance accounts and audit team throughout my
internship period.

 Excellent work environment provide by CMT (Bangladesh), which helps to increase the
efficiency in work process.

 All the five departments are very much well organized to provide a better service.

 CMT insures highest level of customer satisfaction to become a successful firm and
secure the leading position in the market

 CMT Analyze the buying decision of the customer to provide better solution to them and
also analyze the supplier’s actions to improve product quality.

 CMT follows a standard reward and payroll system, which highly motivated the

 Ratios explain the operational efficiency, profitability and solvency are quite well
throughout the selected five years.

 Overall production process is vertically integrated process which is carefully design to

produce quality product and ensure timely delivery of order.

 CMT (Bangladesh) has to work on some specific ratios to overcome its cash shortfalls.

 CMT (Bangladesh) use latest technology to improve their product quality.

 CMT (Bangladesh) use effective distribution channel to distribute its product throughout
the world.

Chapter IV: Internship Experience

4.1 Position, Duties & Responsibility

Description of the job

I joined Consumer Knitex Limited as an intern in advertising office and work with the Reward
and Talent Acquisition Team. Marketing in the fitting venture and recuperation is the greatest
capacity of the Marketing and Commercial Department in Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile
Ltée (CMT). Right venture fundamentally cares for a wide range of benefit gave to the workers
of CMT BD Ltd, money related just as non-budgetary. As an assistant I accomplish some normal
work like preparing Check, Checking Bills, dealing with record of the organization alongside
new undertaking account on a month to month premise. As a colleague of ability obtaining group
I took in a ton of things that is embraced to dealing with account which applicant consummately
coordinate with the activity particular.

Specific responsibility of the


Presently a day each organization attempts to keep record their data PC based framework. That is
the reason a large number of the association embrace some fundamental showcasing
programming which gives them adaptability in data recoding, summing up that data and detailing
the exchange to the association top administration. Like different firms CMT (Bangladesh)
embrace the notable showcasing programming SAP. Guardians Company of CMT in Mauricious
is for the most part embraced this product. This product is essentially use by the promoting, buy
and records division of CMT. Buy branch of CMT record all the buys data and information buy
passage on the product. By utilizing this product CMT Purchase Department make PURCHASE
ORDER (PO). Additionally I handle it during my entry level position period and checking all
Purchase Order (PO) and different bills.

Internship Experience

I start my internship as an individual from Reward and Talent Acquisition Team of CMT
(Bangladesh).In the CMT; they guarantee an excellent workplace, all the representatives are so
much amicable. As the hour of filling in as an understudy they show me a ton of handy usage
what I realize all through my scholarly period. The administrative center is perfectly enhanced
and all the offices are a lot of efficient. All over condition of the workplace is nature cordial and
it's been an extraordinary accomplishment for me to work with this exceptionally gifted group.

4.2 Training

In my three months work experience I experience particular commitments, planning, composed

conversation, bunch meeting, etc. All of everybody here treat me as an invariable delegate that
causes me far to go things quickly and experience the veritable state of the corporate world.
Individuals who are working here are genial and the working environment is incredible.

As an intern I was busy with various kinds of exercises. Among them my key obligations are
given below:

Receiving Bills

Every day quantities of bills of different surfaces ruffle and various purposes begin from
different suppliers. Nearby these bills some basic papers must be joined and checked by material
checking center and Baxter Security Service. The papers that require to be joined are the Invoice,
P.O. (Purchase Order) of the materials, the MRIR (Material Receiving and Inspection Report).
On these bills there should be sign of explicit people as well. By checking all of these
associations and requirements one bill must be gotten. Later the bills are balanced and sent for

Correcting Bills

In the wake of obtaining the bills the next stage is to deal with them. Coordinative they got
quantity with the organized quantity, recognizing the MRIR (Material Received and scrutiny
Report) got quantity and receipt quantity, removing the rejected materials from the real bill,
recheck the problem solving so on square measure the system of adjusting a bill. Once the
rectification these bills square measure sent for the any procedure of installment.

Checking payments

In CMT raw materials and machineries are purchase from different suppliers and we have to be
compelled to pay our suppliers. That’s why we have to keep a close eye on each installment of
suppliers. We keep all the records of payment with great care. We use SAP to record the
payment to suppliers. We use a special form of payment to our suppliers which helps them to
ease with U.S business policy

Bank Reconciliation

We record all our bank transaction related issues in bank reconciliation such as deposit both in
cash and card, withdrawal of fund. It provides us the information of bank balance in a quick time
which helps us to maintain a sufficient bank balance to secure our banking transactions.


I additionally perform scan because it was a task of accounts and money department. I scanned
the documents that are reaching to be hold on within the last year.

Benefits of scanning:

 Document scanning will save our time and cash. While not scanning if any files/bills are
required you have got to look through all the boxes that are unquestionably a waste of
your time.
 Through scanning we will simply resolve the wished info, like if you required any
invoice range you'll simply see the scanned image and you'll get your info.
 Document scanning is required to scale back space for storing. If like if you regenerate
files into scanned files into laptop you won’t get to store the files or boxes with regards to
your hands.

Uploading on accounting

I also upload the scanned document into the accounting portal of the CMT with a short
description of each document, which directly connect with headquarter of Mauritius. All the
business documents and bookkeeping are recorded with SAP which is automatically added in the
accounting portal of the CMT (Bangladesh).

4.3 Skills Applied

As a intern also I good performed in fields works such as market visiting, market evaluation etc.
Audit work such as visit market and try to evaluate accurate market price of the product or
quality of the product etc. Also I success many of the fields works help of my finance and
marketing knowledge.

4.4 New Skilled Developed

 Problem Solving Skills]

What real-life problems have you solved till now other than to decide what to wear the next day
and how to dodge the upcoming assignment deadline? An internship introduces you to real-life
work problems and hence develops your problem-solving skills.

 Work Ethics

You won’t really learn about work ethics until you are in a tangible work environment. In
college education, we are used to making excuses for late submissions, short attendance and

what not! But it is only when we are introduced to the actual environment that we learn work

 Adaptability Skills

Not everyone is adaptable from the beginning. In fact, you can refuse to be so even during your
internship experiences but the loss is yours. Being adaptive to your surroundings easily is one of
the most useful soft skills not only desirable to employers but also important to your self-growth.
So, make the most of your internship experiences and learn some adaptability skills while you
are there.

 Communication Skills

Talking of soft skills, can the importance of communication skills be ever put into words? It’s
one of the top listed skills that recruiters look for in a resume and something that can get you
from bottom to top. Communicating well is a gem of a skill which you can learn during your
internship experiences.

 Responsibility

Often missed out in the list of soft skills, being responsible is an integral skill required in the job
arena. Your internship experience makes you more responsible and accountable for what
decisions you make and how you execute what’s been allocated to you.

 Time Management

Last on our list, but still as important as the others, is time management. Earlier, you could just
miss a class because you had some personal commitments. During an internship which is almost
the beginning of your work life, you can’t mark your absence on a regular basis.
Hence, it helps you learn to manage your time better by maintaining a balance between your
work and personal life, without harming any of them.

4.5 Application of academic knowledge

I joined Consumer Knitex Limited as an intern in marketing, there have lot of works in ms word
and ms excel, because of some past knowledge I easily done that. For my academic knowledge
like some course such as corporate finance, financial statement analysis Etc. I learned many
excel work which is really helpful for me.

Chapter V: Conclusion and key fact

5.1 Recommendation for improving departmental operation

Here are some suggestions to CMT (Bangladesh) to improve their overall operational and
financial performance. These suggestions help CMT (Bangladesh) to acquire their organizational
goals ensuring better service

1. Cost of raw materials should be reduced to increase the profit and also have to increase
the sales volumes adapting effective marketing strategy.
2. Provide adequate training to the employee to adapt with the changing trend of this
particular sector.
3. Advancement of production technology, ordering procedure and delivering system.
4. Reduce the time in converting inventory in cash, ensure rapid collection of receivables
5. Reduce the time of transforming inventories into sale.

5.2 Key Understanding

RMG (Ready Made Garment) is Important and supportive for our Bangladesh. Bangladesh has
risen as a key player in RMG (Ready Made Garments) area since 1978. Materials and apparel
represent about 85% of all out fare income of Bangladesh. Out of which, 75%

Originates from the clothing area which covers the significant results of sew and woven shirts,
pullovers, pants, skirts, shorts, coats, sweaters, sports wears and a lot increasingly easygoing and
design things. The area as of now utilizes roughly 1.5+ million laborers, for the most part
females from oppressed social classes.

5.3 Conclusion

RMG part in Bangladesh greatly affects monetary development of the nation. From most recent
four years RMG and Textile industry has been the significant patron of outside fare in
Bangladesh. Compagnie Mauricienne De Textile Ltée (CMT), a pioneer in style industry
everywhere throughout the world for its pullover wear, which begins its excursion in Bangladesh
in 201o. In January 2011, they bought Dignity Textile Mills Limited after the securing by CMI
of Consumer Knitex Limited in October 2011. I work there as an assistant which encourages me
to procure down to earth information about operational exercises of a material firms. I portray all
the exercises I routinely done in my temporary position period in Consumer Knitex Limited. In
this report I attempt to give a short thought regarding the whole operational movement of the
CMT (Bangladesh) and furthermore investigate its fiscal summaries through proportion
examination. This report gives a superior comprehension about the operational exhibition of the
CMT (Bangladesh) just as monetary execution Of CMT (Bangladesh).


14. Chowdhury, R. and Ahmed, A. (2017), a study on RMG industry of Bangladesh
15. http// www. Annual report of CMT Bangladesh, 2016
16. http // www.web site CMT Bangladesh.
17. Ramesh, V. (2015), financial statement analysis of a garments company.
18. Newaz, A. (2016), operational activities of a textile company


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