Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Practices in Life Insurance Industry

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Practices in Life

Insurance Industry

Article · October 2017

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1 author:

Arun Kumar E.
JP College of Arts and Science


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Shanlax International Journal of Commerce

Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2017 ISSN: 2320-4168 UGC Approval No: 44120 Impact Factor: 3.017



Article Particulars
Received: 29.8.2017 Accepted: 4.9.2017 Published: 30.10.2017

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
JP College of Arts and Science, Thenkasi, Tamil Nadu, India

The strategic tool that was chosen to face these challenges was information technology. Most of
the insurance sectors went through adoption of various stages and forms of information technology
over the years and the process is still continuing. The rapid growth in information technology and its
potential to serve the customers in a new way awakened the marketers and enabled them to
transform these challenges into new opportunities. Under these circumstances, customer satisfaction
became an important aspect of the business. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
literature recognizes the long-run value of potential and current customers. Increased revenues,
profits, and shareholder value are the result of marketing activities directed toward developing,
maintaining, and enhancing successful company customer relationships.
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), customer satisfaction., service quality.,

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) literature recognizes the long-run
value of potential and current customers. Increased revenues, profits, and shareholder
value are the result of marketing activities directed toward developing, maintaining,
and enhancing successful company customer relationships. These activities require an
in-depth understanding of the underlying sources of value that the firm both derives
from customers, as well as delivers to customers. CRM principles provide a strategic
and tactical focus for identifying and realizing sources of value for the customer and
the firm and can guide five key organizational processes: making strategic choices,
creating value for customers, customer acquisition, customer retention, service quality
and loyalty or rewards programme.

Statement of the Problem

Relationship marketing is the process of building long term mutually beneficial
relationship with customers. The financial institutions in the developed countries are

Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2017 ISSN: 2320-4168

using this marketing tool very effectively by taking full advantage of information and
communication technologies. Life insurance corporation which was operating in a
bureaucratic style prior to 1991 had to undergo large scale transformation with the
opening up of the economy. The sector has been facing unprecedented challenges
with the wave of liberalization, privatization and globalization of Indian economy. The
LIC in India are under intense pressure in today’s volatile market place. Steep
competition, globalization, growing customer demands are forcing the LIC find new
ways of improving profitability. On the other hand cost- cutting measures have forced
LIC to manage operations with a few customer relationship managers and product
specialists. Industry consolidation also posses fresh challenges to this sector. As, the
insurance sector are trying to provide all the services at the customers doorstep, the
customer has become the focal point either to develop or maintain stability in the
business. Every engagement with the customer is an opportunity to either develop or
destroy a customer’s faith in the LIC the expectation of the customer’s have also
increased many folds. Intense competition among the insurance sector has refined has
redefined the concept of the entire insurance system. The insurance sectors are looking
for new ways not only to attract but also to retain the customer and gain competitive
advantage over their competitors. Every insurance industry like other business
organizations is deploying innovative sales techniques and advanced marketing tools
to gain supremacy. Therefore a study on the customer relationship management
practices in the insurance industry is need to explore the benefits of the customer
relationship management practices in the insurance industry, perceptions as well as
the level of acceptance of the customer relationship management by the insurance
and the factors which discriminate the various aspects of the customer relationship
management and their outcomes in the private and the public sector banks. These
aspects have not been explored so far in the district of Sivagangai. Hence the present
study is making an attempt in this direction to solve the stated problem.

Review of Literature
Srinivasa Rao,(2012) in his article explains that CRM implementation differs from
organization to organizations but there are few common steps one needs to follow to
ensure a successful implementation. There are many factors that could influence the
success of CRM implementation goals of the CRM implementation and how it supports
organization goals should also be estimated to employees. Therefore it is important to
focus as much importance on communications training and other aspects as much as
the technology involved. It is highly essential to ensure that the system speaks of ease
of usage and the ability to be easily customizable. Employees implementing CRM and
forming a part of the CRM process range from the mediocre level right to
management and to the employees at the very forefront. It is imperative that the
business ensure that the CRM software chosen is easy to use and implant not only by a

Shanlax International Journal of Commerce

few employees but by everyone using the system. Hence this paper has selected some
of the Indian industries and discussed how the CRM practices are implementing for the
benefit of their customers.
Dash Biswamuhan and Mishra Bidhubhushan,(2016) has revealed that on a global
scale a number of insurance are competing and offering the customers a plethora of
products. The customers are deenading quick and better service from the service
provider. For insurance companies to survive competition, they have to upgrade the
quality, transparency and integrity to acquire and retain customer in long range. Since
the institution of liberalization, privatization and globalization successes government
have tried to keep pace with a rapidly changing global scenario. For the past few
decades, insurance was looked upon as a tax saving investment product. While the
opportunity for the players in the huge untapped potential, the challenge is to establish
a long term reputation also to serve the customers in a sophisticated way by
introducing the innovative offerings. This research study is based on impact of customer
relationship management practices as insurance sector in odisha market. In this study
customer opinions have been collected through a structured questionnaire to
understand the effectiveness of CRM implementation in relationship to the companies
like AVIVA, LIC of India, ICICI prudential Birla sun life and Reliance.

Objectives of the Study

1. To study the perception of service quality dimensions
2. To identify and analyze the factors which influence the service quality of LIC.
3. To study the customers perception on factors influencing customer relationship
4. To ascertain the perception of LIC employees on impact and benefits of CRM

Hypotheses of the Study

1. The awareness and income of the policyholders do not influence the level of
utilization of services of LIC.
2. Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Convenience will have significant impact on
customers satisfaction
3. There is no association between demographic variables and service quality
perception of CRM.

This section discusses the methodology which includes sample design,
collection of data period of study and tools of analysis.

Sample Design
Sivagangai district comprises four life Insurance Corporation branches namely
Tirupathur, Karaikudi, Devakottai and Sivagangai. In this study, the list of insurers, those

Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2017 ISSN: 2320-4168

who have insured during five years from 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2014 were of timed from
each branch for sample selection. Total of 500 customers (5 per cent of total insurers) in
each of four branches were randomly selected by adopting proportionate random
sample method for the purpose of primary data collection. For this, a list of insurers in
each branch was obtained to select customers randomly from these four branches in
Sivagangai district.

Tools for Analysis

Perception on Service Quality Variables Among Customers (Insurers)
Customer satisfaction is an important theoretical as well as practical issue for the
marketers and consumer researchers. Customer satisfaction can be considered as the
ensure of success in todays’ highly competitive world of business. The importance that
customers place on service quality attributes is the driver of satisfaction. Service quality
conceptually captures aspects of products and services that potential consumers can
and would like to assess before they select product or service. Additionally service
quality encompasses consumer’s expectations interms of quality after they have
highlighted a large number of service that are supposedly used by consumers. There
are so many service quality variables identified by Parasuraman (1994) such as
reliability, responsiveness, competence, accessibility, courtesy, communication,
creditability, security, understanding and tangibility. In the present study, six variables
namely tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, assurance, empathy and convenience
are identifies as service quality of Life Insurance corporation in Sivagangai district.

Average Score and Stability in Perception of Service Quality

Service Quality Expectations Perceptions
Dimension and C.V C.V
No Mean S.D Mean S.D
variables (percentage) (percentage)
Tangibles 4.69 0.81 17.2 4.40 0.91 -
Physical facilities are
1. 4.79 0.80 16.70 4.46 0.79 17.71
visually appealing
Contact employees
2. 4.60 0.74 16.09 4.46 0.99 22.20
appear neat
Materials are visually
3. appealing (Brichurs, 4.86 0.79 16.26 4.50 0.82 18.22
leafteats etc)
Uses latest
4. technology in 4.55 0.76 16.70 4.42 0.96 21.72
providing service
Reliability 4.65 0.90 19.35 4.24 0.96 22.64
Performs the service
5. 4.65 0.90 19.35 4.28 0.86 20.09
right in first time

Shanlax International Journal of Commerce

Provides the service

6. 4.60 0.76 16.52 4.30 0.78 18.14
at the promised time
Well informed about
7. progress of 4.76 0.78 16.39 4.20 0.80 19.05
Billing system
8. accurate and error 4.60 0.80 17.39 4.34 0.90 20.74
9. Timeliness of bills 4.56 0.75 16.45 4.26 0.74 17.37
Responsiveness 4.70 0.76 16.17 4.46 0.84 18.83
10. Promptness of service 4.96 0.89 17.94 4.46 0.71 15.92
Queries taken
11. 4.86 0.70 14.40 4.56 0.72 15.79
Quick complaints
12. 4.62 0.74 16.02 4.48 0.81 18.08
Willingness /
13. 4.56 0.80 17.54 4.45 0.72 16.18
Assurance 4.78 0.76 15.90 4.36 0.79 18.12
14. Friendly and polite 4.70 0.76 16.17 4.46 0.71 15.92
15. knowledge to handle 4.76 0.80 16.81 4.45 0.82 18.43
Behaviour instills
16. 4.75 0.71 14.95 4.26 0.70 16.43
confidence in you
Feel safe in your
17. 4.66 0.71 15.24 4.36 0.80 18.35
Empathy 4.61 0.70 15.18 4.26 0.78 18.31
18. Easily accessible 4.65 0.70 14.05 4.20 0.86 20.48
Customs is made to
19. 4.58 0.91 19.87 4.36 0.78 17.89
feel important
Gives yor individual
20. 4.61 0.72 15.62 4.26 0.71 16.67
Understand your
21. 4.59 0.72 15.69 4.30 0.72 16.74
specific needs
Convenience 4.40 0.80 18.18 4.26 0.80 18.78
Convenient business
22. 4.40 0.74 16.82 4.30 0.79 18.37
Ease of lodging
23. 4.32 0.72 16.67 4.20 0.72 17.14
complaints / queries
Flexibility in payment
24. 4.48 0.74 16.52 4.30 0.78 18.14
of bills etc
25. Simple application 4.50 0.82 18.22 4.18 0.70 16.75

Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2017 ISSN: 2320-4168

It is revealed that Life Insurance Companies are good at responsiveness and

tangibles of Life Insurance service when compared to assurance, reliability and
convenience as indicated by mean score of perceptions. When compared to
expectations perceptions of all six service quality dimensions were rated less sure
values. It shows that the customers (insurer) expected more quality than they have
perceived at present. According to co-efficient of variation, a less stability in
expectation than perception was observed for all six service quality dimensions.

Benefits of CRM
The greatest benefit that an organization reaps from CRM is gaining, customers’
unhindered good will, collaboration and loyalty. The present study concentrates on
sixteen variables of benefits from CRM of insurance. The mean and standard deviation
of mean values of perception of insurance employees regarding benefits of CRM are
given in Table 6.17.

Customer Perception Regarding Benefits of CRM

Variables Mean (X) (S.D) C.V. (%)
1. Professional approach to customers 4.23 0.80 18.91
2. Employees empowerment 3.69 0.71 19.24
3. Delivery of high quality service 3.70 0.66 17.84
Co-ordinated effort to meet the customers’
4. 3.86 0.75 19.43
5. Empowerment of managers 4.06 0.88 21.67
6. Personalized services to customers 4.15 0.96 23.13
7. Employees have more time to serve customers 3.74 0.89 23.80
8. Optimum use of resource 3.20 0.50 15.63
9. Customer empowerment 3.06 0.75 24.51
10. Employee’s ready to serve their customers 4.29 0.51 11.89
11. Targeted product and service offering 4.04 0.60 14.85
12. Employee have high satisfaction rating 3.66 0.69 18.85
13. Increase in customer loyalty 3.21 0.73 22.74
14. Upto date customer information 3.12 0.76 24.36
15. Improved customer acquisition and cross selling 2.99 0.79 26.42
16. Capitalizing the opportunities in the market 3.20 0.71 22.19
Source: Computed Data.
Note: C.V- Co-efficient Variation.
From the Table indicates that the mean values of the variables range from 2.98 to
4.27. It is understood that the variables, professional approach to customer,
empowerment of managers, personalized service to customers, employees’ ready to

Shanlax International Journal of Commerce

serve customers and targeted product and service offering possess the mean value
strictly greater than 4. As evidenced through co-efficient variation, the perception of
employees regarding benefits variable, employees ready to serve their customers is
highly stable. It is followed by the variables, targeted product and service offering and
optimum use of resource.

Summary of Findings
The discussions about the demographic variables revealed that majority of
customer belong to the age group 41 to 50 years followed by 30 – 40 years. Thus it may
be concluded that majority of customer are nearing middle age groups.
In the case of monthly income of the respondents, nearly 47.4 per cent of them
have salary of Rs.40000 to 50000 followed by Rs.30000 to 40000.
Regarding association with LIC, nearly 69 per cent out of 500 respondents have
associated 5 to 10 year with LIC followed by less than 5 years (23.6 per cent). Out of
500 respondents, nearly 46 per cent have taken two policies followed by one policy
(39.8 per cent). Regarding mode of payment of premium, out of 500 respondents,
nearly 56.00 per cent of their mode of payment is annual. It is followed by monthly
payment. In order to examine the relationship between demographic profile variables
namely age, sex, marital status, education, family size, occupation, income and
awareness and level of utilization of services of LIC, chi-square test has been applied.
The chi-square results revealed that the following four variables out of eight
variables influence the level of utilization of services of LIC. The mean score value of
perception of customers indicated that LIC services are found good in responsiveness
and tangibles when compared to assurances, reliability and convenience. Further, the
mean score value of expectation showed that customers (insurers) expected more
service quality than they have perceived at present. As evidenced than they have
perceived at present. As evidenced through co-efficient variations, a less stability in
expectation than perception was observed in all six service quality dimensions.
One sample statistics and t – test showed that customer perceived with
agreeableness that LIC satisfy them in customer satisfaction. In the case of customer
loyalty in CRM, a top priority was given to the variable my relationship with the
insurance provider will be better if they apologies for problem that grose with high
stability in perception. One sample statistics and t – test showed that the customer
perceived with agreeableness that LIC satisfy them in customer loyalty. Regarding the
problems faced by customers the variables, lack of personal care was given in 1st
position followed by the variables arrangement of loan against policy and
cumbersome procedure. A high stability in perception was found in variable
cumbersome procedure as evidenced through co-efficient of variation. One sample
statistics and t- test showed that the customers are strongly agreeable with problem
faced by them except cost of services and indiscipline of staff.

Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2017 ISSN: 2320-4168

It is suggested that LIC should encourage strategy development for superior service
quality management particularly in the areas of assurance, empathy and
responsiveness. Life insurance companies should devise policies which provide
effective risk coverage rather than focusing on the tax benefits and long term
investment in insurance. Life insurance companies should come up with innovative
tailor-made products with high risk cover, more return and low insurance premium to
attract more number of customers. The customer satisfaction should be the main focus
of any service firm especially to the Life insurance Company. This will be result in
customer retention leading to improved profitability and growth of the Life insurance

CRM is a powerful concept for the success of any industry. It paves the way to
maintains and optimistic relationship with customers to increase the business and
profitability. From the present study, it is evident that CRM must be implemented in the
insurance sector and the CRM process has to be systematic. The study further reveals
that demographic variables, service quality, interaction management, contact
programmes, retention management, service strategies, customer satisfaction
customer loyalty and problem faced by customers are the important aspects that
impact of CRM. The study has taken a wider view about customer’s perception of CRM
in Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). To conclude, the researcher would like to
maintain that the relationship building with customers is now accepted as over –riding
goal of marketing and business as a whole and it applies to other service industries

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