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Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674



Sarat Borah,
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Management,
CKB Commerce College, Jorhat, Assam, India


Purpose: The study is an attempt to find out the most important dimensions of service quality that affect customer
satisfaction in Private Sector Insurance Companies and compare the satisfaction level of current customer of Kotak
Mahindra and Aviva Life Insurance Company in Jorhat District.
Design/Methodology: Convenient sampling technique, which is a non-probabilistic sampling technique, is used to
select the respondents. A convenient sample size of an equal proportion of fifty (50) customers for each of the two
private insurance companies, totalling 100 sample size have been selected purposively.
Findings: Most of the customers of both the companies are satisfied. Customers of Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance
Company are more satisfied than the Aviva Life Insurance Company. This research explicitly indicates that both
the company should give more importance in the Reliability, Assurance and Empathy factors.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Relationship Management, Service quality.

Introduction: satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Modern business organizations
adopt rigorous qualitative and quantitative mechanisms to
The focus on customer-centric marketing philosophies has
determine customer satisfaction for effective marketing
received considerable attention in the marketing literature by
strategy and decisions. In this regard, measuring customer
scholars and practitioners. Both practitioners and scholars try
satisfaction provides feedback on how successful an
to understand, attract, retain and build an intimate long term
organization is at providing products and/or services to the
relationship with their customers. One of the key areas in the
satisfaction of customers at the marketplace and market
customer-centred marketing paradigm is ensuring that existing
space. This has led to the growing interest in the development
customers are satisfied. As a result organisations have been
of many models of service quality for various industries, as
studying and developing strategies to satisfy customers and
well as development of total quality improvement strategies
achieve customer delight. It is believed that, a fully satisfied
for service organizations that have particular significance to
customer is nearly six times more likely to be loyal and to re-
the insurance industry. The insurance industry in India, like
purchase and recommend a product/service to family members
any other service organizations, has the quest to deliver
and friends than a customer who is just satisfied.
quality service to satisfy its customers in the midst of fierce
Numerous studies have established the fact that customer
competition for market share with its numerous competitors.
satisfaction (CS) drives customer retention and loyalty
The insurance industry in India is regulated by The Insurance
(Heskett et al., 1997; Heskett et al., 1994; Reichheld and
Regulatory Development Act (IRDA), which has the object
Sasser, 1990), It is believed that the average business spends
of ensuring effective administration, supervision, regulation
six (6) times more to attract new customers than to retain old
and control the business of insurance in India. Over the past
customers. Customer retention is, therefore, basically a
decade, competition in the industry has greatly increased as
product of customer loyalty and value which in turn is a
many new entrants have joined the industry. The first Life
function of the level of customer satisfaction or
Insurance Company to operate in India is the Oriental Life
dissatisfaction (CS/D) (Reichheld, 1996). Organisations that
Insurance Company. It was established in 1818 in Calcutta.
have long-term perspective for growth are, therefore,
But it was a British company. The first Indian Insurance
increasingly developing measures to ascertain customer
Company, the Bombay Mutual Life Insurance society started
Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 19
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674
it operation in 1871. In 1956 Indian Life Insurance industry collected from 100 respondents through a well structured
was nationalized. Now India is ranked 9th among 156 questionnaire and interview method. The main focus of the
countries in the life insurance business. During the year 2009, study was customer satisfaction, perception and quality
life insurance premium in India grew by 10.1% while the dimensions of LIC. She stated that LIC need to improve its
Global Life Insurance industry contracted by 2%. Since the service quality to meet the changing demand of the customers.
opening up of the Insurance sector in 1999, 40 private Ismail Shaker T(2009) examined the effects of relationship
companies have been granted license by 30th September, marketing on organisational outcomes particularly by the
2000 to conduct business in life insurance and general Jordanian Insurance Companies. The major finding was that
insurance. Of the 40, 22 are in the life insurance and 18 are confirmed positive relationship between relationship
General Insurance. The new concept of marketing marketing, enterprises performance and increasing the market
emphasizes upon the satisfaction of the customers. This share of the target industry as an organisational outcome.
concept believes that marketing begins and end with the Siddiqui and Ghosh Sharma(2010) stated that liberalisation of
customer, as they are the „king‟ of the market. It is an the financial services sector has led to insurance companies
established fact that, a business undertaking or service sector functioning increasingly under competitive pressures, so
industry can stand in the market only for the customers. companies are directing their strategies towards increasing
Every business tries to earn profit through the satisfaction of customer satisfaction through improved service quality. In
customer needs. For this purpose the company provides their paper tries to measure as to how well services are being
quality services in a pleasant manner and tries to meet the delivered, i.e. up to what level performances are meeting the
customer expectations. Being as a service industry, Life expectation. Technology a new dimensions of service quality
Insurance industry also tries to fulfil the expectation of their was identified in their study.
customers. Moreover the process of measuring customer Bhave Ashis (2002) in his study revealed that to keep
satisfaction and obtaining feedback on organizational existing customer is costly than to win new ones. According
performance are valuable tools for quality and continuous to him the major attributes of customer satisfaction are
service improvement. product quality, product packaging, keeping delivery
. commitments, price, responsiveness and ability to resolve
Statement of the problem: complaints and reject report, and overall communication,
accessibility and attitude.
Private sector Life Insurance Companies face tremendous
competition within the industry as well as Public Sector Life
Objectives of the study:
Insurance Company. Their competition mainly based on
service pattern, quality and customer expectation. Many The basic objectives of the present study are:
Private sector Life Insurance Companies are far from the 1. To find out the most important dimensions of service
advantageous position because they are not able to identify quality that affect customer satisfaction in Private Sector
the gaps between customer expectation and perception of Insurance Companies.
services. If they are unable to identify the gaps effectively 2. To compare the satisfaction level of current customer of
Private Sector Life Insurance Companies will not be Kotak Mahindra and Aviva Life Insurance Company in
sustained in this stiff competition. Jorhat District.
3. To recommended some guidelines to ensure quality services
Rational of the study: of Private Sector Insurance Companies in Jorhat District.
The insurance sector now faces stiff competition in providing
Methodology of the study:
customer service, giving special facilities and ensuring
customer satisfaction. Particularly Private Sector Insurance The methodology for this paper is both descriptive and
Companies try to ensure quality service and products but in analytical in nature.
some cases many private sector insurance companies fails to
do this. For the sustainable development of this sector mainly Population:
depends upon the trust and loyalty of customer. But no in
The target population for the study comprises all individual
depth study was conducted in this sector particularly in the
customers of two Private Sector Life Insurance companies,
district of Jorhat for measuring the quality of services of
i.e. Kotak Mahindra and Aviva Life Insurance Company that
private sector life insurance companies. Hence, the study is
operate their business activities in Jorhat. There is no
rational for “A Study on customer satisfaction towards
available statistics on the total number of individual
Private Sector Life Insurance companies with reference to
customers in the private life insurance industry in Jorhat. .
Kotak Mahindra and Aviva Life Insurance Company of
Jorhat District.”
Sample Size:
Review of literature: The study focuses on private life insurance companies
operating in Jorhat. The number of these companies is ten
Yadav. Bobita, (2011) made an empirical study on life
(10). As a result of limited data on the total population, cost
insurance services. The study was an attempt to measure the
and time constraints, a convenient sample size of an equal
customer satisfaction level on various services and also
proportion of fifty (50) customers for each of the two private
examined the reasons for customer dissatisfaction. Data were
insurance companies, totalling 100 sample size have been
Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 20
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674
selected purposively, and respondents were asked to give (f) Competence g) Credibility
decision by visiting the branch office located at Jorhat during
the month of June and July,2012. The list of attributes with their codes are shown in Table-1
Table-1: The list of attributes with their codes: factor-wise
Sampling Method: Factors Codes Attributes
A convenient sampling technique, which is a non- This company provide the services at the
time they promise to do
probabilistic sampling technique, is used to select the Personnel of the company show sincere
respondents for three reasons. First the customers are Reliability A2
interest in solving the customers problem
scattered across the district, which makes it very difficult to A3
Personnel of this company respond within
contact each of them individually. Again, it is difficult to get promise timeframe
the exact number of customers for each of the insurance A4 Personnel are not always willing to help
companies in Jorhat which is required for the use of any Personnel do not give prompt services
Responsiveness A5
random sampling technique. Third, the researchers are
working within the demands of an academic schedule so very Personnel do not always meet deadline for
limited time and resources to conduct the study. Personnel‟s behaviour instils confidence to
Data Collection: Personnel have the required skills to perform
Assurance A8
their services
Both secondary and primary data is used. The primary data Personnel have the required knowledge to
were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. answer any questions
Secondary data were searched from companies‟ websites, A10
Personnel do not understand the specific need
internet, various journals, etc. of customer
Empathy A11 Personnel do not give personal attention
Personnel do not show signs of recognition
Questionnaire development and Pre-testing: A12
towards customer
Personnel are well dressed and neat
The questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. A13
The questionnaire items were adopted from previous studies . Tangible
A14 Company have the modern equipments
The questions were modified to suit the insurance industry A15 Keep paper work and records accurately
context in Assam, Jorhat, and sought respondents‟ feelings A16 Personnel are competence and expert
about overall customer satisfactions and behaviour intentions Personnel of this company have a good
Competence A17
of respondents, and evaluation of dimensions service quality problem solving skill
dimensions. Specifically, the questionnaire had four main Personnel are knowledgeable and have
required skill to manage the service properly
parts: respondents‟ identification data, overall customer This company have a good reputation in the
satisfaction with service quality, perception of service quality A19
and behaviour intention. A sample of ten (10) customers This company is believable and honest
Credibility A20
from different Private Life Insurance companies in Jorhat
were selected by simple random method and given the This company maintain secrecy of the
questionnaire to read and comment on the meaningfulness of Persons are available at all time to assist the
the question items. . A22
A23 Location of this company is easily accessible
Final Administration: A24 Office hours are convenient to all
A25 Openly communicate everything
Finally, after the items were refined, the questionnaire was Communication A26 Explain clearly about the scheme
administered to the target population through personal A27 Explain any hidden cost of the product freely
contact by the researcher. 37 statements related to service Company is willing to know the specific
quality dimensions were prepared and respondents were A28
need of the customer
asked to rate each statement on the Likert scale of 1 to 5 Understanding This company provides individualised
(1=strongly disagree,5=strongly agree) attention to their customers
This company has a basic understanding
about the needs of the customers
Data Analysis Tools:
A31 Price of the product is reasonable
Data were tabulated and analysed by using Statistical Price of the product is cheap than public
Price A32
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 14.0 On the insurance company
basis of previous literature relating to customer satisfaction A33 Price of the products are not relate to quality
37 statements selected as attributes by the researcher are A34 This company provides multiple option of product
classified in to twelve (12) factors named as: A35 This company provides unique services
(a) Reliability, (h) Accessibility A36 Offers other services like easy loan, easy instalment
(b) Responsiveness (i) Communication A37 The company is offering good quality service
(c) Assurance (j) Understanding
(d) Empathy (k) Price
(e) Tangible (l) Offers

Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 21

Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674
Analysis of data and findings: Descriptive Statistic
Table-3: Analysis of Mean and Standard
The demographic profile of sample customers are shown in
Deviation of both the companies
Aviva’s Overall Kotak,s Overall
Table-2 Demographic characteristics of Factors mean mean Result mean mean Result
sample customers (both companies) value value value value
1 2.72 3.13 NS 2.70 3.80 NS
Kotak 2 2.98 3.13 NS 2.44 3.80 NS
Demographics Aviva Total Reliability
Mahindra 3 2.92 3.13
2.52 3.80 NS
Gender 4
2.80 3.13 *S 3.32 3.80 *S
5 2.98 3.13 *S 3.68 3.80 *S
Male 26(52) 30(60) 56 6
3.20 3.13 NS 3.72 3.80 *S
Female 24(48) 20(40) 44 7 2.76 3.13 NS 3.72 3.80 NS
8 2.80 3.13 NS 3.70 3.80 NS
Age (in years) Assurance
9 2.80 3.13 3.84 3.80 S
20-30 12(24) 3 (6) 15 10 3.20 3.13 *NS 3.86 3.80 *NS
31-40 20(40) 18(36) 38 11
3.20 3.13 *NS 3.88 3.80 *NS
41-50 15(30) 29(58) 44 *NS
12 3.14 3.13 4.00 3.80 *NS
Above 50 3 (6) 0 (0) 3 13 4.02 3.13 S 4.14 3.80 S
14 4.16 3.13 S 4.26 3.80 S
Education level Tangible
15 4.06 3.13 4.20 3.80 S
10th std 0 0 0
16 3.44 3.13 S 4.14 3.80 S
12th std 9 (18) 20(40) 29 17 Competenc 3.12 3.13 NS 4.02 3.80 S
e S
Graduate 28(56) 0 28 18 3.46 3.13 4.30 3.80 S
Post graduate 10(20) 30(60) 40 19 3.96 3.13 S 3.66 3.80 NS
20 3.40 3.13 S 3.66 3.80 NS
Professional 3 (6) 0 3 Credibility
21 4.34 3.13 3.70 3.80 NS
Marital status 22 2.16 3.13 NS 4.10 3.80 S
23 Accessibilit 4.06 3.13 S 4.02 3.80 S
Single 8 (16) 0 8 y S
24 4.22 3.13 4.20 3.80 S
Married 42(84) 50(100) 92
25 2.50 3.13 NS 3.98 3.80 S
Income level ( 26 Communic 2.86 3.13 NS 3.98 3.80 S
Rs.) 2(4) 0 2 27 2.60 3.13
3.80 3.80 S
Below 100000 13(26) 10(20) 23 28 2.48 3.13 S 3.98 3.80 S
29 Understand 2.80 3.13 S 3.98 3.80 S
100001-200000 21(42) 10(20) 31 ing NS
30 2.60 3.13 4.08 3.80 S
200001-300000 14(28) 30(60) 44
31 3.28 3.13 S 3.84 3.80 S
Above 300000 32 3.76 3.13 S 3.94 3.80 S
Occupation 33 3.66 3.13
3.84 3.80 S
Service 12(24) 40(80) 52 34 2.64 3.13
4.08 3.80 S
Business 16(32) 10(20) 26 35 Offers 1.92 3.13 NS 4.10 3.80 S
Profession 14(28) 0 14 36 1.68 3.13 NS 4.16 3.80 S
37 3.26 3.13 S 4.28 3.80 S
Others 8 (16) 0 8
Source: Field study (Note: the overall mean value of kotok
Religion Mahindra is 140.82/37=3.80 and Aviva life insurance is
Hindu 20(40) 34(68) 54
115.94/ 37= 3.13)
Muslim 10(20) 9 (18) 19
Note: S =Satisfied, NS = Dissatisfied, * =indicate negative
Sikh 11(22) 7 (14) 18
worded statements.
others 9 (18) 0 9
The descriptive statistics has been used to find out the mean
Source: Field survey (Figures in parentheses show and standard deviation of each statement on both perception
percentage) as well as expectation.
It is revealed from the table-1 that 56% of the respondents are The overall mean value of Aviva Life Insurance Company is
male and 44% are female. Most of the respondents (44%) are 3.13 and Kotak Mahindra Life insurance company is 3.80.
in the age group of 41-50 years followed by (38%) in the age From the above table it is cleared that both the company is
group of 31-40 years. Majority (40%) of the respondents are not much good at RELIABILITY factors. Because, the
post graduate followed by 12th std. (29%), Graduate (28%) mean value of all the statements are less than the overall
and there is no respondents from 10th std. mean value. The reliability factors consist of three statements
Table-2 also illustrate that most of the surveyed respondents i.e. A1, A2 and A3.
(92%) are married. It is also seen that as high as 44% of the In case of RESPONSIVENESS Factor Kotak Mahindra Life
customers fall in the yearly income range of above Insurance Company is good but Aviva Life Insurance
Rs.300000/- and as low as 2% of the customers fall in the Company is not hundred percent good. Because the mean
income range of below Rs.100000/-. As regard the value of A6 (i.e. personnel do not always meet dead line
occupation, 52% of the respondents are serviceholders26% for assignment) is greater than the overall mean value. It was
are businessman, 14% are professional and only 8% are other a negative worded statement.
occupations. Other occupation includes here housewives, In case of Aviva life insurance Company, the overall mean
contractor, artist etc. It is found that majority (54%) of the value is greater than the mean value of A7, A8 and A9 and in
sampled respondents are belong to Hindu religion. the case of Kotak Mahindra life insurance company, except
Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 22
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674
A9 (i.e. personnel have the required knowledge to answer any customers), A30 (This company has a basic understanding
question) , the overall mean value is greater than the mean about the needs of the customers ), A36 (Offers other
value of A7 and A8, it indicates that both the companies are services like easy loan, east installment) and A37(This
not much good in ASSURANCE factor. company is offering good quality service).
In case of both the companies, the overall mean value is less Whereas there are only 8 statements against which more than
than the mean value of A10, A11, and A12. This attributes 80% customers of Aviva life insurance are satisfied. The
are related to EMPATHY factor. It shows that both the statements are A13(Personnel are well dressed and neat
companies are not much good in EMPATHY factor, because appearing) , A14 (Company have the modern equipments)
it was negative worded statements. ,A15 Keep paper work and records accurately) , A19 (This
In case of both the companies, the overall mean value is less company have a good reputation in the market) ,A21 (This
than the mean value of A13, A14, and A15. This attributes company maintain secrecy of the customers) , A23 (Location
are related to TANGIBLE factor. It shows that both the of this company is easily accessible) ,A24 (Office hours are
companies are good in the terms of TANGIBLE factor. convenient to all ) and A32 Price of the product is cheap
In case of Aviva life insurance Company, except A17 (i.e. than public insurance company).
personnel of this company have a good problem solving There are only three statements against which more than 80%
skill) the overall mean value is less than the mean value of customers of both the companies are satisfied. These
A16, A18 and in the case of Kotak Mahindra life insurance statements are A13, A14 and A24.
company, the overall mean value is less than the mean value
of A16, A17 and A18, it indicates that both the companies 2. Out of 37 statements there are 8 statements against which
are good in COMPETENCE factor. more than 50% customers of Kotak Mahindra Life
In case of CREDIBILITY factor it is found that customers Insurance Company are dissatisfied. The statement under
of Aviva Life Insurance companies are satisfied but the this group is A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A10, A11, and A12 (A5,
customers of Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance companies are A6, A10, A11 and A12 was in negative worded statements.)
dissatisfied. Credibility factor consist of A19, A20 and A21, There are 13 statements against which more than 50%
i.e. This Company have a good reputation in the market, customers of Aviva life insurance Company are dissatisfied.
This Company is believable and honest and This These statements are A1 (This company provide the services
Company maintain secrecy of the customers. at the time they promise to do), A3 (Personnel of this
In case of Aviva life insurance Company, except A22 (i.e. company responds within promise timeframe) , A7
Persons are available at all time to assist the customers) (Personnel's behaviour instils confidence to customer), A8
the overall mean value is less than the mean value of A23, (Personnel have the required skills to perform their services) ,
A24 and in the case of Kotak Mahindra life insurance A9 (Personnel have the required knowledge to answer any
company, the overall mean value is less than the mean value questions ) , A22 ( Persons are available at all time to assist
of A22, A23 and A24, it indicates that both the companies the customers) , A25 (Openly communicate everything , A27
are good in the terms of ACCESSIBILITY factor. ( Explain any hidden cost of the product freely) , A28
In case of COMMUNICATION, UNDERSTANDING, (Company is willing to know the specific need of the
PRICE and OFFERS factors the Kotak Mahindra life customer) , A29 (This company provides individualized
insurance company is good but Aviva Life Insurance attention to their customers), A30 (This company has a basic
Company is not good in case of COMMUNICATION and understanding about the needs of the customers), A34 (This
OFFERS factors. company provides multiple option of product) and A36
From this table it is also revealed that both the companies are (Offers other services like easy loan, easy instalment).
good at responsiveness, tangible, competence, accessibility,
understanding and price factors and bad at reliability, 3. In case of kotak Mahindra life insurance, there are 20
assurance and empathy factors. statements against which .50% to 79% customers are
satisfied. The statements are A4, A7, A8, A9 A15, A16,
Findings: A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A25, A27,A28, A31,
A32, A33, A34, and A35.
The study observed that, most of the customers are satisfied
Whereas there are only 5 statements against which 50%
with services offered by both the companies. The distribution
to79% customers of Aviva Life Insurance Company are
of customers according to their individual perception with
satisfied. These statements are A5, A6, A12, A20 and A31.
respect to different attributes/statements are (APPENDIX-1
and APPENDIX-2) :
4. A considerable section of customers of both the companies
1. Out of 37 statements there are 9 statements against which
preserve an indifferent attitude.
more than 80% customers of Kotak Mahindra Life
Insurance Company are satisfied. The statements are A13
(Personnel are well dressed and neat appearing), A14
(Company have the modern equipments), A18 (Personnel
are knowledgeable and have required skill to manage On the basis of the present study concludes that most of the
service properly), A24 (Office hours are convenient to all) customers of both the companies are satisfied. Customers of
, A26( Explain clearly about the scheme ) , A29 This Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company are more satisfied
company provides individualized attention to their than the Aviva Life Insurance Company. This research

Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 23

Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674
explicitly indicates that both the company should give more [12] Sahil Farokhin and Tooraj Sadeghi(2011) „The
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Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 24

Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674

Statement wise response of the customers of Aviva Life Insurance Company
code factors SDA DA NT AG SA TOTAL
A1 3 (6) 25 (50) 5 (10) 17 (34) 50 (100)
A2 1 (2) 23 (46) 5 (10) 18 (36) 3 (6) 50 (100
A3 3 (6) 23 (46) 5 (10) 18 (36) 3 (6) 50 (100
A4 2 (4) 21 (42) 7 (14) 15 (30) 4 (8) 50 (100
A5 3 (6) 20 (40) 2 (4) 25 (50) 50 (100
A6 20 (40) 30 (60) 50 (100
A7 3 (6) 26 (52) 1 (2) 20 (40) 50 (100
A8 30 (60) 20 (40) 50 (100
A9 30 (60) 20 (40) 50 (100
A10 20 (40) 30 (60) 50 (100
A11 20 (40) 30 (60) 50 (100
A12 23 (46) 24 (48) 3 (6) 50 (100
A13 3 (6) 3 (6) 34 (68) 10 (20) 50 (100
A14 2 (4) 38 (76) 10 (20) 50 (100
A15 47 (94) 3 (6) 50 (100
A16 18 (36) 2 (4) 20 (40) 10 (20) 50 (100
A17 4 (8) 16 (32) 10 (20) 10 (20) 10 (20) 50 (100
A18 2 (4) 13 (26) 5 (10) 20 (40) 10 (20) 50 (100
A19 3 (6) 3 (6) 37 (74) 7 (14) 50 (100
A20 2 (4) 6 ( 6) 15 (30) 24 (48) 3 (6) 50 (100
A21 3 (6) 3 (6) 18 (36) 26 (52) 50 (100
A22 7 (14) 31 (62) 9 (18) 3 (6) 50 (100
A23 3 (6) 2 (4) 34 (68) 11 (22) 50 (100
A24 3 (6) 3 (6) 24 (48) 20 (40) 50 (100
A25 4 (8) 30 (60) 6 (12) 7 (14) 3 (6) 50 (100
A26 3 (6) 18 (36) 15 (30) 11 (22) 3 (6) 50 (100
A27 30 (60) 10 (20) 10 (20) 50 (100
A28 2 (4) 33 (66) 4 (8) 11 (22) 50 (100
A29 30 (60) 20 (40) 50 (100
A30 3 (6) 30 (60) 4 (8) 10 (20) 3 (6) 50 (100
A31 4 (8) 12 (24) 1 (2) 32 (64) 1 (2) 50 (100
A32 2 (4) 3 (6) 3 (6) 39 (78) 3 (6) 50 (100
A33 3 (6) 4 (8) 3 (6) 37 (74) 3 (6) 50 (100
A34 1 (2) 26 (52) 13 (26) 10 (20) 50 (100
A35 18 (36) 20 (40) 10 (20) 2 (4) 50 (100
A36 23 (46) 22 (44) 3 (6) 2 (4) 50 (100
A37 3 ( 6) 4 (8) 20 (40) 23 (46) 50 (100
Source: field survey (Figures in parentheses show percentage)

Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 25

Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies ISSN : 2240-0310 EISSN: 2229-5674

Statement wise response of the customers of Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance
Statement Factors SDA DA NT AG SA TOTAL
S-1 4(8) 23(46) 9(18) 12(24) 2(4) 50
S-2 Reliability 17(34) 10(20) 9(18) 12(24) 2(4) 50
S-3 14(28) 12(24) 10(20) 12(24) 2(4) 50
*S-4 25(50) 5(10) 5(10) - 15(30) 50
*S-5 Responsive 2(4) - 19(38) 20(40) 9(18) 50
*S-6 1(2) 1(2) 19(38) 19(38) 10(20) 50
S-7 - - 23(46) 18(36) 9(18) 50
S-8 Assurance 2(4) - 15(30) 27(54) 6(12) 50
S-9 2(4) - 14(28) 22(44) 12(24) 50
*S-10 2(4) 1(2) 12(24) 22(44) 13(26) 50
*S-11 2(4) - 10(20) 28(56) 10(20) 50
*S-12 2(4) - 8(16) 26(52) 14(28) 50
S-13 - - 9(18) 25(50) 16(32) 50
S-14 Tangible - - 7(14) 23(46) 20(40) 50
S-15 - - 12(24) 16(32) 22(44) 50
S-16 - - 13(26) 17(34) 20(40) 50
S-17 Competence - - 13(26) 23(46) 14(28) 50
S-18 - - 10(20) 15(30) 25(50) 50
S-19 - 5(10) 17(34) 18(36) 10(20) 50
S-20 Credibility - 5(10) 17(34) 18(36) 10(20) 50
S-21 - 3(6) 19(38) 18(36) 10(20) 50
S-22 - - 11(22) 23(46) 16(32) 50
S-23 Accessibility - 2(4) 10(20) 23(46) 15(30) 50
S-24 - - 7(14) 26(52) 17(34) 50
S-25 - 2(4) 10(20) 25(50) 13(26) 50
S-26 Communication - - 10(20) 31(62) 9(18) 50
S-27 - 2(4) 14(28) 26(52) 8(16) 50
S-28 - - 11(22) 29(58) 10(20) 50
S-29 Understanding - - 9(18) 33(66) 8(16) 50
S-30 - - 6(12) 34(68) 10(20) 50
S-31 2(4) 12(24) 28(56) 8(16) 50
S-32 Price - - 17(34) 19(38) 14(28) 50
S-33 - 2(4) 18(36) 16(32) 14(28) 50
S-34 - - 12(24) 22(44) 16(32) 50
S-35 Offering - - 14(28) 17(34) 19(38) 50
S-36 - 2(4) 7(14) 22(44) 19(38) 50
S-37 Overall perf. - - 3(6) 30(60) 17(34) 50
TOTAL 73(3.95) 75(4.05) 441(23.84) 795(42.97) 464(25.09) 1850
Source: Field survey
* = Negative worded statements Note: SDA- strongly disagree, DA- Disagree, NT- Neutral, AG-Agree, SA-Strongly Agree


Volume IV Issue 3, Sep. 2013 26

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