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Superalloys 2004

Edited by K.A. Green, T.M. Pollock, H. Harada,

T.E. Howson, R.C. Reed, J.J. Schirra, and S, Walston
TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2004



Lin Liu1, Taiwen Huang1, Yuhua Xiong2, Aimin Yang3, Zhilong Zhao1, Rong Zhang1, and Jinshan Li1
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xiƍan 710072, P.R. of China
Beijing General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, P.R. of China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Xiƍan Petroleum Institute, Xiƍan 710065, P. R. of China

Keywords: superalloy, grain refinement, microstructure, tensile properties, LCF, grain size

Abstract (LCF) resistance are primarily required. In this range, a uniform

and fine grain size is desired to increase fatigue strengths and
Grain size and microstructural features of cast superalloy K4169 resistance to crack growth.
were investigated under various melting and casting conditions
together with the addition of grain refiners. It is found that Since 1970's, developments were made for replacing to forged
lowering the pouring temperature and adding refiners to the melt turbine wheels which have been plagued with large grains in the
before pouring can lead to grain refinement of Ȗ matrix and central hub areas, a location that is seldom adequately worked [3].
improve the proportion of equiaxed grains. At a conventional Alternatively, the optimum grain configuration can be obtained
pouring temperature of 1400 ć, the average size of equiaxed with investment casting. Whereas the predominant feature of
grains could be refined to the order of ASTM 3.2 (0.17 mm), the conventional investment cast alloys is microstructural coarseness
proportion of equiaxed grains at the transverse cross-section could or non-uniformity of grain size. Therefore, to obtain a fine and
be improved from 56% to 99% with addition of a trace uniform grain turbine wheels and other engine parts has been
intermetallic compound into the melt. The results also indicate concerned by investment casters.
that the length of primary dendrite is shortened with the addition
of refiners, but the secondary dendrite arm spacing keeps almost A literature review of grain refinement of superalloys
unchanged. Meanwhile, the microsegregation of main elements
such as Fe, Cr, Nb, Mo and Ti is alleviated with the decrease in Grain Refinement Methods and their Application to Superalloys
grain size, and the grains have transformed from dendrite to
granulation in fine-grained castings. The amount of microporosity Refinement of cast structure requires that nucleation occurs at a
in samples with the addition of refiners can be greatly reduced. large number of sites and that extensive growth of crystals be
The mechanisms of grain refinement and increase in equiaxed avoided. It follows that grain refinement necessitates both ease of
grain proportion were proposed. nucleation and inhibition of the continued growth of crystallites in
the melts. The existing knowledge of grain size control can be
Tensile properties at room temperature and at 700ć were tested. divided in three basic ways [3, 4]: mechanically, chemically or
The rupture strength, yield strength, elongation and reduction of thermally. That is agitation of the melt during the freezing,
area for refined grains are all more superior to those of coarse nucleation promoting and growth hindering additions, or rapid
ones. Whereas the elongation and reduction of area of fine grained cooling.
samples decrease at 700ć. Low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties of
refined grain samples at room temperature are improved In the early 1980's, the first generation of fine-grain casting
significantly. In addition, the degree of dispersion of LCF data of technique, named Grainex was developed by Howmet Turbine
fined grain samples is diminished. Component Corporation [5, 6]. In this process, castings are
agitated during solidification to shear dendrites and initiate
Introduction multiple nucleation sites, which subsequently leads to an uniform
refined grain size, ranging from ASTM M9- M 13 (1.6- 0.4 mm),
The growing demands of advanced gas turbine engine close to ASTM 0 (0.36 mm ).
technologies have required the development of high strength heat
resistance materials. Various approaches have included Since 1984, Howmet introduced second generation of fine grain
directionally solidified alloys and eutectic superalloy, powder casting techniques [5, 7, and 8]. This process is referred to as
metallurgy, oxide dispersion strengthening and processing Microcast-X and offers the potential for producing integrally cast
improvement to keep pace with the increasing temperature [1]. rotor components with a grain size in the ASTM 3 - 5 range ( 125
- 65 µm). In comparison with Grainex castings which exhibit a
On the other hand, the operating temperature of turbine wheels of dendritic structure, the Microcast-X microstructure exhibits a
aircraft engines and industrial turbine engines is relatively low. cellular type of structure. Basically, the process of Mierocast-X
For example, a rotor is customarily divided into three general involves casting molten metal having low pouring temperature
areas, the hub, the rim and the blades. In the hub section, the within about 10 ć of the melting point into a heated mould.
operating temperature is approximately 700ć [2] which is During pouring, turbulence in the molten alloys increases their
typically below the creep range. Whereas stresses from centrifugal surface-to-volume ratio and, in turn, the heat-extraction rate. The
loads are high. High tensile strength and good low cycle fatigue closely controlled, low pouring temperature and high heat-
extraction rate are primarily responsible for the cellular, forging-

like microstructure. At the same time, Air Research Casting on fine-grained superalloys, the results were obtained mainly from
Company [9] developed a kind of fine grain casting process (FGP). the specimens prepared by thermal or mechanical methods. No
The process was established to use low pouring temperature research was reported by chemical methods.
(melting point +22ć), low melt superheat temperature, low
mould preheating temperature (1100ć) and local chills. For the In the present study, two ternary intermetallic compounds Co-Fe-
IN 713 LC and MAR-M 247 alloy, grain size in the range of Nb and Cr-Mo-Nb have been chosen as inoculants to investigate
ASTM 1-2 (0.25-0.18 mm) was obtained. The similar results were their effects on the grain structures of cast superalloy K4169
obtained for In-713LC alloy recently [10]. Like FGP, Microcast-X under various melting and casting conditions. Tensile properties
process also reduces molten-metal fluidity, and has less ability to and low cycle fatigue properties were compared for both
fill thin sections. Furthermore, the dispread of microporosities conventional and fine grained test bars.
within castings due to low poring temperature must be eliminated
by IHPing process, which increases production costs. Materials and Experimental Procedures

An alternative method of refinement of cast structure is nucleation Preparation of refiners

promoting and growth hindering additions before pouring, or
inoculation, which is more effective for grain refinement. The The principal requirements for good refiners are that the refiner
criteria that a good inoculant must process to perform as a stable particles must be stable in the melt, be finely dispersed, be similar
substance for heterogeneous nucleation, including stability in the in density to the melt, and be growing epitaxially with the metal to
melt, be finely dispersed, have similar density to the melt and be solidified. Meanwhile, their constituent elements are also the
grow epitaxially with the alloy to be solidified. These principles elements presented in the superalloy, which means their addition
have been used successfully to refine a considerable range of do not pose any harmful influence on the composition of the alloy.
alloys either by deliberate additions to the melt or by coating the
interior surface of investment mould [11-14]. Unlike most of the According to the above mentioned principles, a serious grain
nonferrous alloys, grain refinement of superalloys during cast refiners composed mainly of high melting intermetallic
process is more difficult due to their complicated composition, compounds was developed. The button ingots of refiners were
multi-phases, high melting point and melted in vacuum condition. prepared by melting an appropriate proportion of the constituents
in a vacuum arc melting furnace in an argon atmosphere. They
Since 1980’s, investigations on grain refinement by chemical were ground into powders before being added into the alloy melt.
method have been performed by researchers. Although additions The physical and crystallographic properties of refiners are listed
of boron [15], particles of metallic oxides [16], refractory carbides in Table I.
and nitrides [17] could refine grains, they were not used in the Table I Physical and Crystallographic properties of refiners
industrial scale due to inclusion or lowering the incipient melting Refiner Crystal structure Density(g/cm3) composition
temperature of the alloys. B1 (MgZn2)hp12 8.8 Co-Fe-Nb
B2 (MgZn2)hp12 8.1 Cr-Fe-Nb
Although it has been considered that the inoculation of the melt is
not often used with superalloys due to their high inclusion
Superalloy K4169
sensitivity, some successful refinement methods are still related
with these methods [18]. The key to the argument is how to select
A Fe-Ni based superalloy K4169 was used in this work. It has the
the proper inoculants which have high effectiveness to promote
following chemical composition (wt %): 0.05 C, 0.01 Co, 52 Ni,
nucleation and do not produce the inclusion.
3.05 Mo, 5.3 Nb, 18.4 Cr, 0.55 Al, 1.05 Ti and rest Fe. Its melting
and solidification properties were determined by differential
Effect of Grain Size on Mechanical Properties of Superalloys thermal analysis (DTA). The equilibrium liquidus and solidus of
1339 and 1254 ć were obtained respectively.
Finer grain generally improves tensile, fatigue and creep
properties, but decreases the stress rupture lives at low to Melting and Casting
intermediate temperatures (from room temperature to 760ć) [10,
19, 20]. Because cyclic fatigue performance today tends to A ZG 200 type vacuum melting and casting unit, consisting of an
dominate superalloy component life for both wrought and cast induction furnace and a mould preheating furnace which were
products, the following analysis is focus on this property. The installed within a stainless vessel connected to vacuum pumps,
results from different researchers are often not identical. Some was used to cast conventional and fine-grained ingots. The melt
results show that finer grains increase in low cycle fatigue life of 2 was firstly superheated up to a predetermined superheating
to 4 times and in high-cycle fatigue life of 5 to 14 times [8, 9, 15], temperature for 2-3 minutes and then cooled down to the pouring
others indicate that they are quite limited in improving fatigue temperature. Then, for conventional cast process, the melt was
properties under almost same test conditions [20]. Whereas one poured. However, for chemical grain refinement, mixed refiner
point is in common: the major advantage of finer grained was added into the melt according to the chosen process
materials is a reduced scatter in the fatigue properties [7, 9, 21]. parameters. After that, an appropriate stirring was needed in order
This relates to the modulus values of the alloys. The finer grained for refiner particles to be dispersed in the melt uniformly. The
materials have higher and more consistent modulus than melt was subsequently poured into metallographic samples for
conventionally cast alloys, reflecting the superior isotropic inspecting cast structure or test bars for investigating mechanical
behavior of former and implying reduced scatter and higher properties. The ceramic mould preheating temperature was kept at
statistical minimum properties [7, 9]. 900 ć in all cases.
Although extensive work was done on the mechanical properties

Macro- and Micro-Structure Analysis mechanical fatigue equipment at room temperature in static air
under whole strain control pull-press loading in all re-direction
The alloy ingots were sectioned along the transverse cross-section axis at namely strain amplitude r0.3-0.6%, with triangle wave at
and samples were ground, polished and subsequently chemically strain ratio R= -1 and loading rate 1×10-4 mm/sec.
etched with a solution consisting of 15g CuSO4, 3.5ml H2SO4 and
50ml HC1 to expose grain structures. The average equiaxed grain Experimental Results
size and equiaxed fraction at transverse cross-section were
determined by a standard quantitative metallographic technique Grain Structure
by the line intercept method [22]. The grain size was also
estimated with reference to the ASTM standard [23]. The Table II illustrates the experimental scheme and processing
distribution of the alloying elements was determined with a 733 parameters, together with characteristic parameters of grain
type electron microprobe. For observing microporosity, the structures under various refining processing. The corresponding
samples need to be polished but need not to be etched. grain structures are shown in Figure. 1. It can be seen that
lowering the pouring temperature and adding refiner to the melt
Mechanical Property Tests can reduce grain size (D) and improve equiaxed fraction at
traverse cross-section (P). In addition, the grain size increases and
The test bars for mechanical property test were processed into proportion of equiaxed grains reduces with increasing the
property samples with reference to Chinese National Standard GB superheating temperature TH. It must be noticed that finer grains
6397-860. Tensile properties at room temperature and 700qC were (less than 0.2mm) can be achieved both by addition of refiners
tested with a WJ-10B mechanical universal strength tester and a and by lowering pouring temperature without melt superheat, as
ZDM-5 tensile tester, respectively, seen in sample 1, 3 and 6 in Table I. Particularly, fine grains were
obtained at conventional melting and casting conditions, see
The fatigue test samples were prepared with 6mm in diameter and sample 8 in Table I.
the fatigue tests were carried out with a 100kN MAYES

Table II Grain Structure Features under Various Casting Conditions

Sample No. Refiner addition TH,ć TP, ć D, mm ASTM grade P, % Laxis SDAS, µm
1 No 1360 0.093 4.0 100 55
2 No 1380 0.602 M12 92 60
3 Yes 1550 1380 0.075 4.5 100
4 No 1400 2.25 M8 56 135 66
5 Yes 1550 1400 0.202 1.7 96 61
6 Yes 1400 0.166 3.2 99
7 No 1420 3.84 M6.5 53 148 81
8 Yes 1550 1420 0.989 M10.5 90 104 81
Note: TH: Melt homogeneous treatment temperature, TP: Melt pouring temperature, P: Proportion of equiaxed grains at transverse
section, Laxis: Average principle length of primary dendrite; SDAS: Secondary dendrite arm spacing

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

Figure 1 Grain structures of cylindrical ingots obtained under various refining processing
(a)a(h) correspond to specimen No. 1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6 and 8, respectively

Dendrite Structure granular so that it is impossible to test their Laxe and SDAS.

Lowering pouring temperature and addition of refiner not only It can be seen from Table II that the Laxe decreases with the
reduce the grain size, but also change the morphologies of refinement of the grains. Whereas the value of SDAS keeps
dendrites. As shown in Figure2, developed side branches were almost the same at the same pouring temperature despite that
observed at higher pouring temperatures and without additions. In grain has been refined. In such a case, a great number of grains
contrast, dendrites tend to granulate at lower pouring temperature nucleate simultaneously and grow competitively at a velocity
and with refiner additions. In order to describe dendrite determined by their local temperature, which makes the region of
morphologies quantitatively, we use the length of the average constitutional supercooling decrease. These grains soon impinge
primary dendrite axes (Laxes) and the secondary dendrite arm on one another and prevent further growth. As a result, the laxe
spacing (SDAS) to characterize the morphological features of decreases after grains in the castings were refined.
dendrites. The grains of samples No. 3 and No. 6 are almost

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure2 Microscopic grain structure of cylinder ingots under various refining processing
(a) Sample No.7, pouring at 1420ć without addition (b) Sample No.8, pouring at 1420ć with addition
(c) Sample No.4, pouring at 1400ć without addition (d) Sample No.6, pouring at 1400ć with addition

Interdendritic Segregation
The segregation ratio is defined as the maximum concentration 3.6 Cr
in interdendrite areas over the minimum concentration in the 3.4 Mo
3.2 Nb
center of dendrite trunk. Figure3 illustrates the segregation ratio of 3.0 Ti
elements Fe, Cr, Mo, Nb and Ti of samples No. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Segregation ratio

determined by microprobe. It can be concluded that Mo, Nb and Ti 2.4
are positive segregation elements, Fe and Cr are negative ones. 2.2
The results also indicate that segregation alleviates after grain 1.8
refinement. It is suggested that spatial scope for the growth of 1.6
dendrites diminishes along with grain refinement, resulting in the 1.2
reducing of segregation in distance and amplitude, which is the 1.0
most important reason for the lessening of segregation. Meanwhile,
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
it is known from the above observation on the morphologies of Grain size, mm
grains that the number of granular grains increases after grain
refinement. Thus, the elimination of dendrite structures makes it Figure3 Variation of segregation ratio of alloying elements with
inconvenient for elements to be rejected in interdendritic areas, grain size
which helps to reduce segregation.


Superalloy K4169 is subject to forming microporosity due to wide fine grains
coarse grains
freezing range. Figure 4 illustrates the effect of pouring
temperature and refiner additions on microporosity. It can be

total strain amplitude, %

found that there is less microporosity at higher pouring 0.50

temperature, or with addition of refiners. By comparing Figure 4 0.45

(a) and (c), we can see that microporosities reduce in great extent 0.40

although grain size is almost the same, implying that both fine 0.35

grain and less microporosities can be achieved through higher 0.30

pouring temperature together with addition of refiners. The results 0.25

also reveal two important phenomena: Firstly, the liquid within 0.20

interdendrite has a better feeding ability at higher pouring 0.15

1000 10000
temperature. Secondly, the granular grain without having number of cycles to failure

developed branches can reduce the resistance to the liquid flow in

interdendritic areas. Figure 5 Fatigue lives at room temperature

In addition, the dispersion degree of LCF data of fined grain

samples is diminished. Table IV shows the variance logarithm of
fatigue lives. It can be seen that the values of fatigue life for fine
grain samples are higher than those for coarse grain samples at all
strain levels.

Table IV The Variance Logarithm of Fatigue Lives Data (lnSn*)

HT % 0.3% 0.5% 0.6%

Coarse grains 10.29 7.08 7.15
Figure 4 Microporosities under different pouring temperature and Refined grains 8.21 4.92 4.27
refiner additions
(a) pouring at 1360ć without addition, grain size 0.093mm Discussion
(b) pouring at 1400ć without addition, grain size 2.25mm
(c) pouring at 1400ć with addition, grain size 0.116mm Grain Refinement Mechanism

Tensile Properties Generally, the effectiveness of a refiner is related to the lattice

disregistry between it and the nucleated phase. The less the lattice
Table III shows the data of tensile properties at room temperature disregistry, the more effective the refiner in promoting nucleation
and at 700ć. When the grain size is between 0.20 and 2.25 mm, is [24]. In this study, refiners B1 and B2 have the same crystal
the yield strength, ultimate strength, elongation and reduction of structure type and low lattice disregistry, less than 6% between
area are increasing marginally along with the progress of grain the Ȗ matrix of the alloy. We can calculate the lattice disregistry į
refinement at room temperature. At 700ć, the situations are the between refiners and the matrix for specific crystal planes
same for both strength properties. In terms of elongation and according to the calculation model of lattice disregistry proposed
reduction of area, the behavior is different. When grains are by Bramfitt [25]. The results show that the values of į are 5.03%
refined, the value of them drops. and 3.77% between (0001) planes of refiners B1 and B2 and (111)
planes of Ȗ matrix, respectively. In addition, the values of į
Table III Tensile Properties for different grain size
between (10 1 0) planes of refiners B1 and B2 are 4.93% and
Process Average Tensile properties 5.36% between (011) planes of Ȗ matrix, respectively. Figure 6
grain Test ıb ı0.2 į(%) ij(%) shows the lattice compatibility between two refiners and Ȗ matrix
size temp. (MPa) (MPa) in some low-index planes. Where, subscripts s and n represent
Conventional 2.25 RT 751.3 592.7 12.3 16.0 substrate and nuclei, and a and c are the lattice distances. It can be
process mm 700ć 638.3 502.7 12.1 16.4 seen that there exits a good lattice matching between the substrate
Fine grain 0.20 RT 936.7 650 16.1 20.3 provided by the refiners and the nuclei of Ȗ matrix of the alloy. In
process mm this case, the refiners can act as the nucleation substrata of Ȗ
700ć 733.3 610 8.17 13.0
matrix and allow its expitaxial growth with the refiners. The
Note: RT: Room temperature, ıb:: Ultimate strength, ı0.2:Yield
presence of a great number of active refiner particles in the melt
strength, į: Coefficient of elongation, ij: Reduction of area
would cause enormous heterogeneous nucleation of several
crystallites, which would impinge on one another and restrict
Low Cycle Fatigue Properties
further growth. Hence, grain structure can be refined by the
addition of refiner.
Figure5 illustrates the low cyclic fatigue lives at various strain
amplitudes. It can be seen that finer grain improves the LCF lives
significantly at room temperature. Especially, the lower the strain
amplitude, the larger the difference of fatigue life is. Fatigue life
of fined grain sample increases from about 20% at ǻİt=0.2% to
about 100% at ǻİt=0.6%.

n, the number of equiaxed nuclei per cubic meter, leads to the
increase of the right-hand side of equation (1). As a result, it is
a beneficial for the forming of equiaxed grain zone. Additionally,
refiner particles dispersed uniformly in the melt produce two
effects: (1) they cause a large quantity of equiaxed grains to form
and release a great amount of latent heat which prohibits the
crystal growth. (2) The formation and growth of many equiaxed
grains impede the growth of columnar grains.

(a) (0001)s // (111)n Tensile Properties under 700ć

Elevation of testing temperature has obvious effects on tensile
properties of materials. Strength data of fined grain structures
were still higher than that of coarse grain structures at 700qC,
a indicating equal strength temperature (Tequ) was higher than
700qC for tensile deformation of alloy K4169. The improvement
of tensile strength can be attributed to the having of more grain
boundaries of refined structures and the small block-type MC
(b) (10 1 0)s // (011)n carbides, which can impede crack propagation, thus improving
fracture strength. But elongation and reduction in area decrease at
Refiner atoms 700qC. which can be explained by changes of fracture toughness
Matrix atoms according to Tetelman’s fracture toughness formulation [28]

Figure 6 Schematic view of lattice matching between K IC 2.9V 0.2 [exp(V b / V 0.2  1)  1]1 / 2 U 1 / 2 (3)
inoculants and J matrix Where U is the radius of end of crack. Obviously, the larger the
value of ˄ıb /ı0.2˅, the larger of fracture toughness is and the
smaller the brittle of the grain structure is. From the experimental
Mechanism of Increasing in the Proportion of Equiaxed Grains results in Table III, the values of ˄ıb /ı0.2˅of refined structure
vary from 1.45 to 1.20 as temperature changes from room
It can be seen from Table II and Figure1 that lowering the pouring temperature to 700qC. That is refined structure becomes more
temperature or adding refiner to the melt make the equiaxed brittle at elevated temperature. While the values of ˄ıb /ı0.2˅of
fraction increase along with the grain refinement. It is known that coarse grain structure has no change (from 1.27 to 1.27). Its
the condition that equiaxed grains appear ahead of the columnar fracture toughness KIc changes little and keeps larger value, so
front can be expressed in the following equation [26-27], that refined structure produces crack propagation quickly and its
1 1
'T CV (1) deformation amount is less. That is why elongation and reduction
G  Kn 3 [1  ( N ) 3 ][8*m(1  k 0 ) 0 ] 2 of area of refined structure were less than coarse grain structure.
where G is the temperature gradient (K/m), Ș a columnar to
Another explanation of the facts above is that the precipitates at
equiaxed transition coefficient relative to the alloy, n the number
grain boundaries have lower capability to resist oxidation than J
of sites per cubic meter (m-3), ǻTN the undercooling at the
matrix at 700ć, resulting in crack propagation rate to be faster at
heterogeneous nucleation temperature (K), ǻTC an undercooling
grain boundaries and crack to occur at surfaces of grain
equal to that of the columnar growth front (K), Ƚ Gibbs-Thomson
boundaries. As a result, the ductility level of fine-grained sample
coefficient (m.K), m the liquidus slope(K/wt.%), ko the
with much more grain boundaries is reduced.
distribution coefficient, and D the liquid diffusion parameter
(m2/s). There exists the relation ' T C v (VC 0 ) 2 , with V the Conclusions
growth velocity (m/s), and C0 alloy composition (wt. %). (1) Intermetallic compound grain refiners for superalloys were
Equation (1) reveals that lowering G and increasing in n, V, and developed, which have high melting point, good dispersion in the
mC0(1-k0) have an advantageous for the formation of equiaxed alloy melt, reasonable density and less mismatch with the matrix
grains. Low pouring temperature Tp reduces temperature gradient and do not bring inclusions into to the alloy. Therefore, the refiner
G, which helps to increase the constitutional undercooling. In is ideal for the grain refinement of superalloys.
addition, low Tp could increase cooling rate, resulting in the
increase of melt supercooling and V. That is to say, low Tp can (2) While adding refiner to the melt, a uniform and fine grains of
reduce the left-hand side of equation (1) and increase the right- superalloys can be realized under conventional melting and
hand side, contributing to the formation of equiaxed grain zone. casting conditions. The average size of equiaxed grains could be
refined to the order of ASTM 3.2. Equiaxed fraction at transverse
From the well-known criterion of constitutional undercooling cross-section could be improved from 56% to 99%.
G mC 0 (1  k 0 ) (2)
V Dk 0 (3) The segregation ratios of main elements such as Fe, Cr, Nb,
we can see that lowering in G and increasing in V and -mC0(1-k0) Mo and Ti are close to 1 progressively with the decrease in grain
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