Antibacterial Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide and Sil

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Antibacterial effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver

composition on selected pathogenic enterobacteriaceae
Mojtaba Davoudi, Mohammad Hassan Ehrampoush, Tahereh Vakili1, Abdorrahim Absalan2, Asghar Ebrahimi3

Department of Environmental Health

Engineering, School of Health, Shahid Sadoughi Abstract
University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran,
Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition,
School of Medicine, Urmia University of Aims: Antibacterial effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver composition on
Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran, 2Department selected pathogenic enterobacteriaceae was investigated in this study.
of Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medical Materials and Methods: The efficacy of 30 ppb silver in 0.3% hydrogen peroxide
Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
solution for inactivation of selected Enterobacteriaceae, including Escherichia
Iran, 3Environmental Research Center, Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran coli, Proteus mirabilis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae was assessed for 72 hours in
a designated nutrient broth medium and steel surface. The bactericidal growth
ability was determined for each bacterium genus by the conventional colony
count method and turbidimetry via an optical density (OD) assay at 450 nm in a
time interval of 24 hours.
Results: Suspensions of K.pneumoniae, and P.mirabilis showed a significant
OD reduction at three 24-hour intervals (CI = 0.95; P < 0.05, for both), along
with blocked growth in a designated broth medium during 24 to 48 hours of
exposure. The disinfectant was also significantly efficient for inactivating of
the mentioned bacteria on steel surfaces after a 15-minute time exposure
(CI =  0.95; P < 0.05). For E.coli, the OD decreased slightly during the initial
exposure time, but increased after 24 hours. Viable E.coli cells were proved by
colonies grown on the plate. A qualitative surface decontamination test showed
that three pathogenic bacteria were inactivated significantly after disinfectant
exposure (CI = 0.95, P < 0.05).
Address for correspondence: Conclusions: In conclusion, a combination of hydrogen peroxide and silver
Mr. Abdorrahim Absalan, ions was proposed as a strong disinfecting agent both in suspensions and on
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, School of the surfaces against these three important human pathogens.
Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran. Key words: Disinfection, E.coli, hydrogen peroxide, K. pneumonia, P. mirabilis, silver
E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION purposes are two major applications of disinfectants. At

present, chlorine is the most popular disinfectant for
Surface sterilization and water disinfection for drinking water treatment.[1-4] Glutaraldehyde and peracetic acid are
extensively used for sterilization of medical equipment and
environmental surfaces.[5] However, some disadvantages,
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such as, formation of toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs)
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Website: associated with chlorine, [6] mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of glutaraldehyde, and the high instability of peracetic
acid,[7] have created doubts about their usage. To be an ideal
DOI: disinfectant, an antimicrobial agent should have no residual
10.4103/2277-9183.96148 toxicity, be safe for humans and animals, and be practically
Copyright: © 2012 Davoudi M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This article may be cited as:
Davoudi M, Ehrampoush MH, Vakili T, Absalan A, Ebrahimi A. Antibacterial effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver composition on selected pathogenic enterobacteriaceae. Int J Env Health Eng

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Davoudi, et al.: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver on enterobacteriaceae

Two of the best disinfectants known until now are hydrogen on Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar (Gibco) and Nutrient
peroxide (H2O2) and silver ions, and their strong bactericidal Agar (NA) (Gibco) and incubated for 24 hours, at 35ºC, to
activities have been studied against three different bacterial obtain sufficient amounts of bacteria for the preparation
genera. It has been reported that 30–100 ppm of H 2O 2 of bacterial suspensions. After colony-forming unit (CFU)
inactivate E. coli via DNA damage.[9] Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor determination it was revealed that CFUs of K. pneumoniae
(HPV) and its dry mist (DMHP(form also have bactericidal were approximately 8.5 × 105 CFU/ml, P. mirabilis were
activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis, an important 30.83  × 105 CFU/ml, and E. coli were 88.6 × 105 CFU/ml.
human pathogen,[10,11] Clostridium difficile spores, and its
vegetative forms.[1,12] Moreover, the antibacterial effect, both Experiment 1: Effect of H2O2 + Ag+ combination on the
on gram positive and gram negative bacteria, of silver in ionic growth property of bacteria in the suspension
or nanostructure forms has been established in the previous A suspension of each bacterium was prepared in the base
studies.[13] Subsequently,such materials have been proposed medium (peptone broth plus glucose), and te optical
as water disinfectant agents.[13,14] Even as the disinfection density (OD) of this suspension was adjusted to 0.1 – 0.2
potencies of several concentrations of Ag+ and H2O2 have using turbidimetry assays, at a wavelength of 450 nm, and
been investigated separately on different bacteria, just a by dilution of the suspension with a base medium. Each
few studies used a combination of these two disinfectants. bacterial suspension was divided into 15 tubes; each tube
It is reported that a combination of Silver and Hydrogen contained 10  ml of each bacterial suspension, followed by an
Peroxide (1:1000) shows a higher inhibiting potency on E.coli OD assay and bacterial culture on an EMB agar, to evaluate
growth than each individual agent.[3,5] However, at present, the bacterial counts before H 2O 2 + Ag + combination
some countries use various concentrations of H2O2 : Ag+ for addition. Treatment solution was added to 10 tubes as
disinfecting drinking water; but the applicability and efficacy test group in a way that the ultimate concentrations of
of these agents are questionable.[3,5,15,16] The aim of this study disinfectant ingredients were 30  ppb silver and 0.3% H2O2.
is to evaluate the antibacterial effects of a combination of For the 5 remaining control tubes nothing was added.
30 ppb Ag+ in 0.3% hydrogen peroxide on Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis. These Gram- Bacterial growth was assayed during three 24 hours intervals
negative, straight rod, facultative anaerobic, oxidase-negative, at 450nm spectrophotometrically as well as culturing and
and catalase-positive bacteria comprise of 80 to 95% of the colony counting on EMB agar to determine colony forming
clinical isolates and are also found in water supplies and the units (CFU); all bacterial suspensions were kept at room
bio-films formed on the surfaces.[17] temperature and in dark conditions during experimental
period. In all cases firstly OD were measured then culturing
were performed, so if any of tubes had high OD value,
samples were diluted in sterilized phosphate buffer saline
before culturing on EMB agar; so when numerating colonies
Disinfectant preparation
to measure CFUs dilution coefficients were included.
Stock solutions were 30% hydrogen peroxide (Merck) and 800
ppm silver ions from the AgNO3 (Merck) combination. The
treatment solution containing 0.3% H2O2 plus 30 ppb Ag+ Experiment 2: effect of H2O2 + Ag+ combination on
was freshly made in deionized water, according to Pedahzur  R qualitative growth property of bacteria on hard surface
et al.,[3] with modifications obtained experimentally by the (steel)
researchers. All the glassware was soaked in 10% nitric acid As it is shown in Figure 1, to determine the efficacy of
(Merck) overnight, for trace element decontamination, H2O2+Ag+ combination on a contaminated surface,
rinsed with deionized water, and sterilized in an autoclave with selected bacteria, a laboratory steel-surface bench
before use. was divided into thirty 20 × 20 cm areas and sterilized
with alcohol immersing and fire. The bacterial culture
Bacterial suspensions preparation was performed to confirm this sterilization procedure.
E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. mirabilis were isolated from The divided surfaces were contaminated separately with a
the hospital samples and confirmed by standard methods partially heavy suspension, containing CFUs/ml mentioned
for diagnosis and differentiation of Gram negative pathogens in the ‘Bacterial suspensions preparation’ section, of E. coli,
according to the National Health Service (NHS) guidelines.[18] K. pneumoniae, and P.mirabilis. The bacterial culture was
We designed a base medium containing peptone Broth repeated. Subsequently, using a swab soaked in H2O2+Ag+
(Gibco), which was diluted according to the user instructions, combination solution, sterilization was performed, and the
plus pure glucose powder (Sigma), with a concentration bacterial culture was repeated again after an interval of
of 100 mg/dl; this base medium was used as the broth 15  minutes. The culture media were incubated at 37°C for
medium and was a candidate for an enriched aqueous 24  hours in a microbiological incubator (Memert). Note
environment. Primarily isolated colonies of bacteria, which that in all steps sampling from the surfaces and subsequent
were obtained from a hospital laboratory were sub-cultured culturing were done by sterilized swabs.

2 International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 1 • Issue 2 | February 2012

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Davoudi, et al.: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver on enterobacteriaceae

significantly different for the next 48 hours (CI = 0.95;

P = 0.000 in the comparison both the mean of OD or CFU)
and 72 hours (CI  = 0.95; P = 0.000 for mean of OD). These
results, similar to K. pneumoniae, showed that the treatment
solution had blocked the growth ability of P. mirabilis in the
aqueous medium.

Results for E. coli are somewhat different from those

seen for K.pneumoniae and P. mirabilis; as is revealed in
Figure 3. For E. coli, during the initial time of H2O2+Ag+
solution addition, the mean OD is decreased slightly in
the test group, whereas, it is increased in the control tubes
(CI = 0.95; P =  0.000). Although the comparison of OD
shows a significant difference, the colony counts of E. coli are
not significantly different between the control and test groups
of E. coli (CI  = 0.95; P = 0.364). Post the initial 24  hours,
Figure 1: Schematic of the surface disinfection procedure
and results of H2O2 + Ag+ solution effects on E. coli, both the mean OD and colony forming units (CFU) show
K. pneumoniae, and P. mirabilis an increment during 48 hours, but it is still significant in
comparison to the control group (CI = 0.95; P = 0.000 for
Statistical analysis mean OD and P = 0.007 for mean CFU). As is shown in
Data obtained from the cultures and optical density (OD) Figure 4, the mean OD of both the test and control groups
were analyzed using the SPSS software Ver. 11.5. We used are increased, but again they are still significantly lower than
the control group (CI = 0.95; P = 0.000).
the paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, and the
Chi-square/Fisher exact methods to compare the bacterial
growth (mean CFU and OD) or to determine the disinfection Efficacy of H2O2+Ag+ combination on bacterial
efficacy. disinfection on hard surface (steel)
A summary of results is shown in Figure 1. By applying alcohol
and fire, all surfaces were sterilized completely, which was
RESULTS confirmed by a culture on the EMB agar. After contamination
of the surfaces by bacterial suspensions, 6, 10, and 7 squares
Efficacy of H2O2+Ag+ combination on bacterial growth were positive for K.pneumoniae, P.mirabilis, and E.coli,
in suspension respectively. In the final step, treatment solution was applied
The efficacy of treatment solution against K.pneumoniae and cultures were repeated. There was no positive result on
EMB. Comparison of the bacterial growth before and after
is shown in Figure 2. As it is revealed, the mean of OD in
treatment with H2O2 + Ag+ combination solution showed
the test group shows a reduction during the first 24 hours,
a significant difference (CI = 0.95; P = 0.008 for E.coli,
after addition of the H 2O 2+Ag + solution, while in the
P = 0.014 for K. pneumoniae, and P = 0.002 for P. mirabilis).
control group it increases rapidly over time; so comparison
of the means shows a significant difference according to the
statistical analysis (CI = 0.95, P = 0.001). For longer exposure DISCUSSION
times of more than 24 hours, the OD is virtually unchanged
in the treatment group, but increases in the control tubes and Here we have shown that 30 ppb silver in 0.3% hydrogen
a significant difference is obtained (CI = 0.95, P = 0.000). peroxide has bactericidal activity against E. coli, K. pneumoniae,
Also for ultimate hours of experiment there is a significant and P. mirabilis. It was observed that K.pneumoniae and
difference between the treatment and control groups (CI = P.mirabilis responded to the treatment solution in a similar
0.95, P = 0.000). For K. pneumoniae, the bacterial cultures pattern; both of them were completely inactivated in the
of the treatment group were negative at 24 and 48 hours of suspension, which was confirmed by no growth on the EMB
H2O2 + Ag+ solution addition. This means that treatment agar and the partially unchanged OD during the 72- hour
solution completely inhibits the growth of K.pneumoniae in follow-up. However, results for E. coli were somewhat
the aqueous milieu. different; initially the OD of the E. coli cell suspension was
decreased slightly, but it increased significantly at 48 hours
Also the average values of OD and CFU for P. mirabilis exposure time, along with approximately unchanged CFUs.
were similar to K. pneumoniae, as shown in Figure 3. We supposed that the combination of silver and hydrogen
Comparison of the means of OD or CFU between the test peroxide damaged only a few percent of the E. coli cells and
and control groups at the start of the experiments were not those that survived began to grow after 24 hours, probably just
significantly different (CI = 0.95; P = 0.146 and P = 0.371 when H2O2 decomposition occurred and its concentrations
for means OD and CFU, respectively). However, they were was reduced, or this could have been due to the very high

International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 1 • Issue 2 | February 2012 3

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Davoudi, et al.: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver on enterobacteriaceae

a b
Figure 2: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver combined solution on K.pneumoniae suspension in terms of (a) Optical
density and (b) Colony forming Units/ml during the shown periods

a b
Figure 3: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver combined solution on P. mirabilis suspension in terms of (a) Optical
density and (b) Colony forming units/ml during the shown periods

a b
Figure 4: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver combined solution on E.coli suspension in terms of (a) Optical density, and (b)
Colony forming units/ml during the shown periods

number of E.coli cells that were present in the suspension the CFU/ml, we hypothesized that more quantities of H2O2
(see preparation of bacterial suspension under Material were decomposed and the effective concentrations of this
and Methods). However, these results also implied that low ingredient fell by that time. Pedahzur and coworkers reported
concentrations of silver, 30 ppb in this case, in the presence of that 60 minutes exposure to a combination of silver and
a high number of E.coli cells did not inhibit bacterial growth, hydrogen peroxide resulted in a 5 log reduction of E. coli;[3]
considering that the concentrations of H2O2 in the suspension
however, their methodology, design of the study, and exposure
could reduce significantly within 24 hours. Furthermore,
there was evidence that K. pneumoniae,[19] P. mirabilis,[20] and time were different from our study. Furthermore, we had
E. coli[21,22] were all peroxidase-containing bacteria. Peroxidase observed that all cultures of the three tested bacteria were
and catalase enzymes were well known for decomposing negative within six hours of exposure time, for intervention,
hydrogen peroxide; so in the case of larger numbers of but positive for the control groups (data not shown). This
bacterial cells, as was revealed for E. coli and according to finding was the same as that of Pedahzur et al.

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Davoudi, et al.: Effects of hydrogen peroxide and silver on enterobacteriaceae

Other studies have reported that low concentrations of by swabs was practically inaccurate and imprecise; as is
H2O2 and Ag+ reduce the total bacterial counts, including observed in Figure 1. After the contamination with heavily
Enterobacteriaceae. [3,5,15,23,24] One study suggests that concentrated suspension of bacteria, there were still some
the interference of H 2O 2 in the Ag + efflux from the cell negative squares, considering the bacterial growth on the
wall, as well as, interference of Ag+ with H2O2 in cellular EMB agar. However, the strong points of the current study
detoxification are possible modes of action of H2O2 and were: Pathogenic bacteria isolated from the clinical samples
Ag+ combination.[15] Barbut, F. and colleagues have shown were used and deactivated; and in this study we had designed
that hydrogen peroxide dry-mist is significantly more an enriched broth medium that was suitable and applicable
efficient than sodium hypochlorite solution for disinfecting for the turbidimetry assay.
contaminated rooms with Clostridium difficile spores;
they have reported that hydrogen peroxide dry-mist has
reduced bacterial spores by about 91%, whereas, sodium CONCLUSION
hypochlorite has reduced only about 50% of the spores.[1] Also
hydrogen peroxide dry-mist and vapor are highly potent for The current study demonstrates the strong disinfection
sterilizing of biosafety laboratories or equipment probably effects of H 2O 2 + Ag + solution against three important
contaminated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [10,11] At human pathogens, which include Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella
least these two study results on the disinfection potential of pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli. The authors believe that
hydrogen peroxide are in accordance with our results in both the use of H2O2 + Ag+ combination may be realistic and
experiments 1 and 2, especially for hard surfaces. Surdeau, applicable, because of high potency and cost-effectiveness
N and coworkers have reported that Oxsil 320N composed of such a simple combination. However, further research
of hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid/peracetic acid, and silver needs to be designed for investigating the efficacy of such a
is effective for deactivation of biofilms formed by planktonic combined disinfectant on other pathogen bacteria. On the
bacteria on stainless steel surfaces. They have concluded that other hand there are no reliable standardized techniques for
disinfection of such biofilms needs higher concentrations of monitoring bacterial responses to an intervention and this
tested disinfectant in comparison to the bacterial suspension. makes the study results difficult to interpret. We suggest
Here we have worked on three pathogenic bacteria that researchers work on the standardization of laboratory
and the results are partially favorable for disinfecting the techniques. Also it is suggested that bacterial cultures be
pathogens, both in suspensions and on stainless steel surfaces; done along with OD assessment in in-vitro interventional
furthermore, there are two major ingredients in our study, laboratory trial studies, because each method has its
whereas, Oxsil 320N has at least three major ingredients. interpretative value and one of them cannot be replaced for
Although the research, design, and bacterial populations the other. Experimentally OD assessment is more precise, but
of Surdeau are somewhat different from our study, it seems not accurate, whereas, bacterial culture is more accurate, but
that the current study has more promising results, because less precise. Finally, it is necessary to design further studies
of the inactivation of the pathogenic bacteria by using on the applications of the mentioned disinfectant for the
a combination with lesser ingredients, which make the sterilization and disinfection of clinical/hospital surfaces
disinfectant very cost-effective. Armon, R et al. have reported especially on a broad spectrum.
that a combination of 30 ppm hydrogen peroxide and 30 ppb
silver ions has been efficient in preventing biofilm formation
in drinking or wastewater pipelines. Their results show that
a combination of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions is more
We kindly thank Mrs. Parvaneh Talebi and Dr. Hossein Falahzade
effective than either one alone.[26] However, we have tested
for their helpful guidelines in the test performance and statistical
higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide because of higher data analysis. This study was supported technically and financially
colony forming coliforms in suspensions used in an aqueous by the Environmental Health Engineering Department of Yazd
model, or biofilms used on hard surfaces. As the tested Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.
bacteria show great adhesive properties on hard surfaces[27]
the inactivation capability of H2O2 + Ag+ combination will
be worthwhile. In the case of biofilm formation, however, REFERENCES
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6 International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 1 • Issue 2 | February 2012

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