Economic Rate of Return Using Multiple Regression
Economic Rate of Return Using Multiple Regression
Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
1 0,056 0,442 10383120 0,087 0,057 0,036 3,513
2 0,076 0,022 9869544 0,070 0,027 0,042 2,565
3 0,227 1,111 26685671 0,249 0,136 0,152 5,201
4 0,041 0,003 12138277 0,110 0,024 0,076 1,400
5 0,063 0,060 12032959 0,096 0,056 0,037 1,704
6 0,077 0,004 10798008 0,083 0,012 0,080 0,905
7 0,032 0,007 10696810 0,112 0,052 0,047 1,601
8 0,281 2,452 23165418 0,212 0,194 0,165 9,502
9 0,047 0,006 5421437 0,058 0,027 0,025 1,807
10 0,174 0,043 13324530 0,132 0,063 0,117 1,937
11 0,127 0,062 14044440 0,154 0,039 0,105 1,355
12 0,110 0,006 13390931 0,149 0,058 0,096 1,344
13 0,060 0,040 1492526 0,024 0,007 0,012 3,051
14 0,245 0,025 20313159 0,227 0,046 0,179 1,358
15 0,066 0,030 29643236 0,542 0,246 0,287 1,357
16 0,047 0,044 3735283 0,053 0,023 0,017 3,479
17 0,122 0,087 13251207 0,153 0,083 0,094 3,600
18 0,004 0,095 3989975 0,046 0,057 0,004 2,723
19 0,135 0,177 14794181 0,222 0,034 0,136 0,703
20 0,163 0,165 11972850 0,144 0,087 0,115 2,385
21 0,060 0,044 3873616 0,082 0,023 0,030 1,400
22 0,066 0,009 9019110 0,108 0,059 0,062 1,338
23 0,116 0,164 3811847 0,056 0,003 0,043 1,878
24 0,416 0,347 14421802 0,191 0,086 0,143 6,435
25 0,090 0,004 14018015 0,207 0,110 0,073 1,116
26 0,150 0,074 11856849 0,159 0,061 0,099 1,243
27 0,136 0,261 8376274 0,194 0,064 0,078 1,706
28 0,137 0,025 15355836 0,279 0,092 0,132 0,795
29 0,229 0,058 19331352 0,287 0,180 0,139 2,343
30 0,120 0,346 4741264 0,073 0,039 0,046 3,295
The variables presented in table no. 1 were determined for each firm, on the
basis of the following calculation relations:
◊ Economic rate of return (Rec):
Earnings before int erest and tax ( EBIT )
Rec = , (1)
Average balance of total assets ( At )
EBIT = Gross profit + int erest exp enses , (2)
The average balance of total assets ( At ), was determined as an average of the
sums reported at the beginning and at the end of the financial period 2008.
◊ Good money (Li):
Liquid assets
Li = (3)
Current debts
◊ Gross operating surplus (GOS):
GOS = VA + Se − It − Cp , (4)
VA = Added value;
Se = Operating subsidies;
It = Value of rates and taxes owed (without tax profit and VAT);
Cp = Personnel expenditures (gross income and state budget contributions).
◊ Operating gross margin rate (Rmb):
Gross operating surplus (GOS )
R mb = (5)
Turnover (T .O.)
◊ Ratio between the cash flow and the turnover (CF/CA):
Operational cash flow(CFO )
CF / CA = , (6)
Turnover (T .O.)
◊ EBIT Margin (MEBIT):
Earnings before int erest and tax ( EBIT )
M EBIT = (7)
Total income(Vt )
◊ Total debt turnover (RDt):
Turnover (T .O.)
R Dt = (8)
Total debt ( Dt )
Table no. 2 is structured around three parts, in accordance with the significance
of data, as it follows:
a) the first part encompasses the values of the Pearson correlation coefficients;
b) the second part encompasses the values of the significance threshold (Sig.)
corresponding to the testing of the significance of values registered by Pearson
c) the third part points out the number of observations considered (n=30 in our
The level of Pearson coefficient offers information on the meaning and
intensity of the correlation between the analyzed variables. This coefficient can take
value within the interval [-1, 1].
When appreciating the intensity of the correlations between variables we took
into consideration also the thresholds of significance (Sig.), considering a minimal
significance threshold of 0.05, below which coefficients are considered significant from
a statistical point of view. In other words, Sig. values below 0.05 for each calculated
coefficient suggest that there is a significant correlation between the analyzed variables.
As we can notice in table no. 3, in the first stage, we introduced all considered
variables in the model, while in the following stages we eliminated one after the other,
along the line of the lowest influence on the economic yield the following independent
● Gross operating surplus;
● Operating gross margin rate;
● Good money.
C. Estimating the model’s parameters. Testing the significance of the model’s
We will carry the analysis of the model’s parameters on the basis of the results
in the following tables:
Table no. 4: Correlation coefficient (R)
Table no.4 contains the values of the R correlation coefficient at the level of the
whole group of variables which form the regression models, calculated distinctly in
each stage of the backward method of optimal assessment of linear regression.
As it concerns our study, due to the value calculated for the R correlation
coefficient R=0.796, we can state that the independent variables detected within model
no. 4 (Total debt turnover, ratio between the Cash flow and the turnover, and EBIT
margin) are those which explain best the evolution of the dependent variable.
The same conclusion can be obtained by analyzing also the ANOVA table:
Hence, through the ANOVA test the threshold of significance is calculated for
each model, noticing that the registered values are below the significance threshold
(0.05), which means that the independent variables explain the variation of the
dependent variable.
Estimating the parameters of the regression model and testing their significance
involves analyzing the results in table no. 6: Regression model parameters. In this table,
in the first part we can find the coefficients of the regression model, standard errors, t-
test statistic value for each coefficient, as well as the value of the threshold of
significance (Sig.).
As it is about a multiple regression, in the second part of the table, the colinearity
statistics, tolerance and variation inflation factor (VIF) are specified, as it can be
Table no.6: Regression model parameters:
The analysis of the results in columns t and Sig, for the 4 different models
confirms us the conclusion according to which the Ratio between the cash flow and the
turnover, the EBIT margin and the Total debt turnover are variables which estimate
best the evolution of economic efficiency. This conclusion is fostered by the values
below 0.05 of the significance threshold that corresponds to each of these independent
variables (Sig. 0.037 for the ratio between the cash flow and the turnover, and 0.00 for
the other two independent variables), but also by the tolerance values for these three
independent variables and VIF values.
Taking into consideration these aspects we will retain only the values estimated
for the coefficients of no. 4 model in the previous table. Thus, the estimated values for
the three parameters of the model and their significances are:
a) value of -0.588 for the ratio between the cash flow and the turnover, which
means that when the indicator of the ratio between the cash flow and the turnover
increases by one unit, while the other independent variables remain constant, the
economic rate of return decreases on average by 0.588 units;
b) value of 1.085 for EBIT margin, which means that when EBIT margin
increases by one unit, while the other characteristics remain constant, the economic rate
of return increases by 1.085 units;
c) value of 0.029 for the Total debt turnover, that is, when the Total debt
turnover increases by one unit, while the other independent variables remain constant,
the economic rate of return increases by 0.029 units.
d) The free term has the value of -0.006 and does not have an economic
D. Multicolinearity
The diagnosis of colinearity involves the analysis of results in the following
Economic rate ofreturn = −0,006 − 0,588 ⋅ (ratio between cashflow and turnover ) +
+ 1,085 ⋅ ( EBIT m arg in) + 0,029 ⋅ (Total debt turnover ) + ε
This work was supported by CNCSIS –UEFISCSU, project number 299/2007, PNII – IDEI.
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