Materials Letters: Min Lu, Yang Lu, Kangwen Qiu, Jinbing Cheng, Hailong Yan, Yongsong Luo

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Materials Letters 166 (2016) 255–258

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One-pot synthesized ultrathin MnO2 nanorods as advanced electrodes

for high-performance supercapacitors
Min Lu a,b, Yang Lu a,b, Kangwen Qiu a,b, Jinbing Cheng a,b, Hailong Yan a,b, Yongsong Luo a,b,n
School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, PR China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro/Nano Functional Materials, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, PR China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Novel ultrathin MnO2 nanorods are successfully prepared by a one-pot hydrothermal process, which
Received 14 October 2015 endows with porous one-dimensional (1 D) nanostructures. As a result, the MnO2 nanorods show good
Received in revised form electrochemical performance as electrode materials for supercapacitors, including high specific capaci-
9 December 2015
tance of 820.8 F/g, long life over 5000 cycles, and good rate capability (562.5 F/g at 10 A/g). The fabri-
Accepted 23 December 2015
cation strategy present here is facile, cost-effective, and can offer a way for energy storage device ap-
Available online 23 December 2015
Keywords: & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ultrathin nanorods
Nanocrystalline materials
Hydrothermal method
Energy storage and conversion

1. Introduction [11,12], which usually offer large surface area and free space for
accommodation of the volume change during cycling and short
Supercapacitors (SCs) are powerful energy storage systems that path length for electrolyte diffusion; the second one is to grow
fill the gap between batteries and conventional capacitors in terms nanostructured MnO2 material directly on a conducting substrate,
of their specific energy and specific power [1,2]. However, the which greatly improve the electric and physical contact between
current commercial SCs are mainly based on carbonaceous anode the active material and the current collector. Although these ap-
materials which deliver low theoretical specific capacities, and proaches have effective improved the specific capacitance and
their capabilities are far from meeting the growing demand for cycling performance of the MnO2 electrodes, they always involve
electric vehicle and large energy-storage devices [3,4]. With the an excessive use of organic agents, complicated preparation pro-
growing concerns over environmental pollution, metal chalcogen cess, low productivity, etc.
elements have attracted increasing attention [5,6]. For instance, In this work, ultrathin MnO2 nanorods were synthesized by a
MnO2 are considered as alternative electrode materials for su- facile, low-cost hydrothermal method without using any surfac-
percapacitors due to their ultrahigh theoretical capacitance tant. The electrochemical measurements indicate MnO2 nanorods
(1370 F/g), low cost, natural abundance, environmental friendli- exhibit high specific capacitance and long stability.
ness and wide potential window [7]. Unfortunately, MnO2 is
hampered by its lower electronic and ionic conductivities and
large volume variations during charge–discharge process, result- 2. Experimental section
ing in the destruction of the structure [8–10].
In order to overcome these challenges, lots of studies have been 2.5 mmol KMnO4 and 1 mL concentrated HCl were mixed with
carried out. After extensive literature review, the relevant solving 45 mL deionized water and stirred for 30 min to form a precursor
strategies can be summarized as following: the first one is to solution, which was then transferred into a 50 mL Teflon-lined
fabricate nanostructured MnO2 materials, such as nanowires, na- stainless steel autoclave. The autoclave was sealed and hydro-
noflakes, and nanotubes, have been comprehensively investigated thermally treated at 140 °C for 12 h. After the autoclave was cooled
naturally to room temperature, samples depositing at the bottom
n were collected and washed by centrifugation for several cycles
Corresponding author at: School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang
Normal University, Xinyang 464000, PR China. using deionized water and absolute ethanol. The as-synthesized
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Luo). samples were then dried in 60 °C.
0167-577X/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
256 M. Lu et al. / Materials Letters 166 (2016) 255–258

Fig. 2. SEM images (a–d) and TEM images (e, f) of the MnO2 nanorods at different magnifications.

Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns of α-MnO2; (b) Raman spectra of α-MnO2.

M. Lu et al. / Materials Letters 166 (2016) 255–258 257

Fig. 3. Electrochemical characterization of MnO2 nanorods as supercapacitors material: (a) CV curves at different scan rates; (b) charge/discharge voltage curves at different
current densities; (c) the capacitance of the nanorods at different current densities; and (d) cycling performance of the nanorods with current density of 5 A/g (corre-
sponding charge/discharge curves of the first 8 and last 8 cycles of the MnO2 electrode in inset).

The phase structures of the products were characterized by MnO2 are further confirmed by Raman measurements. As shown
powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a Bruker D8 Advance X-ray in Fig. 1b, the three Raman bands located at 501, 575, and
diffractometer. The morphologies were examined by field emis- 645 cm 1 are in good agreement with the three major vibrational
sion scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, Hitachi S-4800) and features of the birnessite-type MnO2 compounds [13].
transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEOL JEM-2010). Raman Fig. 2a–d shows the SEM images of the resultant MnO2 sample
spectra were recorded on an INVIA Raman microprobe (Renishaw at different magnifications. According to the SEM observations, it
Instruments, England). Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms displays that the as-prepared MnO2 product is composed of
were measured at 77 K with micrometrics ASAP 2020 analyzer. countless rod-like aggregates, which have flat and smooth surfaces
The specific surface area was calculated from the adsorption curve and their typical size is in the range of 1–2 mm in length and 25 nm
by the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method. in diameter, nearly all of them hold the same morphology. The
Electrochemical measurements were conducted on a CHI660E MnO2 nanorods form an ultrathin surface layer, which is capable of
electrochemical workstation by using a three-electrode cell. Car- contributing to interfacial electrochemical reactions and provides
bon black was used as conductor, and polytetrafluoroethene was a large electrode surface area [14]. The structure and morphology
used as adhesion agent. Active material (MnO2 nanorods,  3 mg), of the MnO2 nanorods were further investigated by TEM. Fig. 2e
carbon black and polytetrafluoroethene with a weight ratio of and f show TEM images of the MnO2 nanorods in different mag-
80:10:10 were mixed. The polyvinylidene fluoride was added to nifications. From Fig. 2f, the obvious contrast between the center
the solid mixture to form mash. Then the mash was pressed onto a and the edge indicates the ultrathin feature and porous structure.
nickel foam (ca. 1 cm2) under 10 MPa for 10 min, and dried at 80 °C Another factor inducing the rod growth is suggested by Hartanto
overnight. The nickel foam with MnO2 film, a Pt foil and Ag/AgCl et al. that the gas pressure in the synthesis environment of the
electrode were used as the working electrode, the counter elec- main matrix can cause growth of nanorods [15]. When the mate-
trode and the reference electrode respectively. 1 M KOH aqueous rial is used as an electrode of SCs, such a porous structure could
solution was used as an electrolyte. effectively endure the volume change during discharging and
charging and promote the diffusion rate of the electrolyte. The
ultrathin nanorods are future investigated by BET measurements
3. Result and discussion (Fig. S1). The BET specific surface area is calculated to be ca.
89.2 m2 g 1. The mesoporous structure shows a narrow pore
Fig. 1a shows the XRD pattern of the synthesized nanorods diameter (7 nm) and a large BET specific surface area
where the diffraction peaks corresponded to pure tetragonal (89.2 m2 g 1).
phases of α-MnO2 (JCPDS 44-0141). The structural features of the Cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurement is a suitable tool to
258 M. Lu et al. / Materials Letters 166 (2016) 255–258

characterize the capacitive behavior of electrode materials. Fig. 3a a facile hydrothermal method. TEM and BET analysis on the pro-
shows the CV curves of the MnO2 electrode conducted in the po- ducts demonstrated their ultrathin and porous characteristics. The
tential region of 0–0.8 V with scan rates ranging from 5, 10, 20, 30 products exhibit excellent electrochemical performance as super-
and 50 mV/s, respectively. No peaks are presented, indicating that capacitor with high specific capacitance and long stability, which
the electrode is charged and discharged at a pseudo-constant rate result from its special 1 D porous structure.
over the complete voltammetric cycle. The rectangular CV shape
remains very well even at a high scan rate of 50 mV/s, suggesting
the electrode possesses excellent rate capability desirable for high-
power supercapacitors. Fig. 3b shows the galvanostatic charge– Acknowledgments
discharge (CD) curves of the MnO2 electrode at current densities of
1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 A/g, respectively. A linear variation of the potential
This work is financially supported by the National Natural
during both charging and discharging processes is observed for the
Science Foundation of China (Nos. U1304108, U1204501 and
MnO2 nanorods electrode, and the CD curves are almost linear and
symmetrical, which is a typical characteristic of an ideal capacitor
behavior. The specific capacitances calculated from the discharge
curves are 820.8, 757.5, 718.1, 587.5, 562.5 F/g at the current
densities of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 A/g, respectively. The results present a
Appendix A. Supplementary material
trend that the specific capacitance gradually decreases with in-
crease of the current density. The decrease in capacitance suggests
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
that parts of the surface of the electrode are inaccessible at high
charge/discharge rates [16,17]. Remarkably, Over this current the online version at
density range, the specific capacitance remains 68% of its initial 099.
value (Fig. 3c), implying the good ion diffusion and electron
transport at a high current density.
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