Cofiring Low-Rank Coal and Biomass in A Bubbling Fluidized Bed With
Cofiring Low-Rank Coal and Biomass in A Bubbling Fluidized Bed With
Cofiring Low-Rank Coal and Biomass in A Bubbling Fluidized Bed With
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Article history: Cofiring coal and biomass is one of the alternatives to reduce emissions from thermoelectric power
Received 26 August 2019 plants. The influence of biomass fraction in the mixture is an important research topic to increase coal
Received in revised form substitution and achieve lower GHG emissions. A combustion system based on laboratory-scale bubbling
23 April 2020
fluidized bed technology was used to analyze the burning of different ratios (5, 10 and 15%) of mixed
Accepted 14 May 2020
biomass and low-rank mineral coal. Two operational parameters were varied, fluidization velocity (3umf
Available online 18 May 2020
and 6umf) and excess air ratio (50 and 70%). Previous studies focused mainly on gasification processes,
where excess air is a negative parameter. For combustion processes, high values of excess air are
Bubbling fluidized bed
mandatory. Experimental results showed that fuel mixtures containing up to 15% of biomass gives good
Cofiring results in terms of emissions and temperature stability control. Emissions were slightly increased as well
Fluidization velocity as the operating temperature with the presence of biomass. The operating regimes with higher fluid-
Low-rank mineral coal ization velocity and excess air ratio presented better performance, however, biomass volatiles release at
Biomass the freeboard should be the main concern for this type of application. Therefore, it was concluded that
the combined burning of coal with biomass is a feasible alternative to reduce emissions without
impairing efficiency.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882
when compared to pulverized fuel and circulating fluidized bed 2.1.1. Minimum fluidization velocity
systems, the need for good uniformity of the fuel dispersion in the Based on the methodology suggested by Kunii and Levenspiel
bed, which requires multiple feeders for larger units, besides hav- [21], experimental tests were carried out in order to establish the
ing limitations to operate with partial load [1]. minimum fluidization velocities of the pre-selected bed particles.
Cofiring low-rank coal and biomass in a bubbling fluidized bed The tests to acquire the minimum fluidization velocities used in the
in terms of temperature and emissions was investigated before present work were performed in a cold fluidized bed at room
[10,11,13]. However, those studies considered only varying the temperature and with visualization of the phenomena, once the
percentage of biomass in the fuel as operational control parame- test section was an acrylic tube. The test section comprises also an
ters. Indeed, many studies about cofiring addressed gasification Artek™ radial compressor, model ACRRB 7.5 and a frequency
processes of biomass [16,35,40e42]. Also, the combined burning of inverter WEG, model CFW08. The constructive details of the
coal with renewable fuels has been used to generate power in in- equipment are described by Bianchi et al. [34].
dustry [7e9,11,17e19]. Most of the biomass types considered in
those studies (rice husk, straw, cereal and olive residues, lignite and 2.2. Fuels
sludge) are different from that used in the present work. Some
studies about cofiring has limited the mixture fraction to 10% [19], The fuels used were coal and wood sawdust. Mixtures were
and with some differences, including limestone for sulfur com- made with wood quantities from 5 to 15% in mass basis. From
pounds control [20]. Other studies have verified the emissions of simulation in a drop tube furnace using combined burning of low
cofiring with emphasis in oxy-combustion [30,31,43]. There are rank coal with palm cluster, Darmawan et al. [35] observed better
works using fixed bed combustor to analyze emissions of particu- results in terms of temperature and gas composition for mixtures
late matter [29], circulator fluidized bed [44], pressurized bed [45] between 10 and 25% of biomass mixed with coal.
and, also, in order to observe the formation of alkaline chlorides for
corrosivity analysis [32] or the effect of the biomass particle size 2.2.1. Mineral coal
[47]. Thus, the main novelties brought by this work are the detailed The coal used in this study is the EC 4500 type and was supplied
analysis on the emissions and temperature behaviors applied to by Copelmi Mineraça ~o LTDA, in January of 2016. The company also
cofiring of both, low-rank coal (CE 4500) and biomass (Pinus Elliotti provided some information that will be presented in the results.
sawdust), in a bubbling fluidized bed considering different coal/
biomass ratio, excess air ratio and fluidization velocity. Since these 2.2.2. Biomass
are key parameters for systems design several new studies and The biomass used in this study, furnished by Capivaras Industry
industrial applications that depend on this information may benefit and Trade LTDA, was a wood residue from the processing of pine
from the tendencies presented here to optimize the operational logs for the manufacture of wood boards in its plant located in the
parameters and control the emissions. city of Criciúma - SC. The wood residues were collected directly
from the conveyor belt of the circular saw. This equipment uses
water to cool the cutting blade, so the residue comes out with high
2. Materials and methods
This study aims at analyzing the behavior of the combined
2.3. Thermogravimetric analysis
burning of low-rank coal (CE 4500) with biomass (Pinus Elliotti
sawdust) in a bench scale bubbling fluidized bed combustor,
A thermogravimetric analysis of the fuels was performed using a
focusing on the effect on the emissions of the coal/biomass ratio
TGA brand LECO™ Corporation, model 701/604100700 and
applying the method known as "Coal constant".
In this way, it is possible to determine the humidity, ash content,
2.1. Inert particles volatile matter content and the fixed carbon content (by differ-
ence). For this purpose, the following methods were used: ASTM
Bubbling fluidized bed combustors contain a mass of granular D7582-15 for hygroscopic moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed
solids generally having sizes ranging from 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm, carbon by macro thermogravimetric analysis, and ASTM D 3172-13
depending on the application type. These solids are called bedding for proximate analysis of coals and coke.
material and are characteristically sand, limestone (when burning
coals with high sulfur content), and ashes resulting from coal 2.4. Bubbling fluidized bed combustor
burning when in operation. Inert bed solids account for 97e99% of
all particulate matter present in this equipment [1]. For the experimental tests, a laboratory scale bubbling fluidized
For the current work, two types of candidate particles were bed reactor was used, composed of a cylindrical combustion
studied, a sand widely used in the manufacture of casting molds chamber of 120 mm internal diameter, 4 mm thick walls, and
(casting sand) and a sand used in pool water filters (filter sand). height of 1620 mm, made of stainless steel AISI 310.
Tests were carried out to determine the densities, using NBR 8630 The combustor has at its base a plenum chamber, responsible for
(ABNT, 1984) and NBR 9745 (ABNT, 1987) standards for bulk density stabilizing the flow and absorbing pressure fluctuations of the inlet
and actual density, respectively. The sphericity of the particles was gas, before the perforated air distribution plate in the lower base of
estimated from a correlation indicated by Foust et al. [33] from the the combustion chamber. The plenum has the same diameter of the
measurement of the porosity of the fixed beds. The particle size combustion chamber and useful height of 385 mm.
range and mean diameter were obtained from image analysis using To avoid a large temperature gradient on the combustor wall
scanning electron microscopy, through a SEM microscope model and to ensure the stabilization of the system temperature, an
ZEISS™ EVO MA10 with EDS Bruker QUANTAX™. electric furnace divided in 3 heating zones with 3800 W each, was
Casting sand was selected because of the good particle size erected around the cylindrical body of the equipment, allowing the
distribution and to be in group B of the Geldart’s classification. The furnace to be heated to temperatures close to 1000 C, also
filter sand has a grain size slightly larger than the casting sand and providing the initial heating of the system in the starting process.
was positioned in group ‘D’ of the Geldart’s classification. The upper outlet of the combustion chamber was connected to a
4 P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882
was defined from the ignition point proposed by Garcia [25] beds). Table 3 shows the velocities measured.
considering the volatile matter of coal and far exceeding the igni- Pang et al. [39] showed that the minimum fluidization velocity
tion point. variation with temperature depends upon the particle size. The
Fuel samples were mixed manually, since the small quantities minimum fluidization velocity decreases with an increase in tem-
used per test day (up to 10 kg) do not require specific equipment for perature, considering small particles (Geldart’s group B). The trend
good homogeneity. Subsequently the mixture was conditioned in is reversed for large particles (Geldart’s group D). Operating tem-
the feed silo from where it is fed into the combustion chamber at perature in a fluidized bed affects the interphase momentum ex-
the feed rate established in the test matrix. After bed temperatures change coefficient, and consequently, the drag force exerted by the
stabilization, data from the flue gas and the temperature conditions gas on the particle. The value of interphase momentum exchange
of the equipment were acquired. The procedure was done for each coefficient increases with an increase in temperature for Geldart’s
condition of the test matrix. group B particles, whereas, it decreases for group D particles.
For each test performed, three flue gas samples were taken at Nevertheless, solid phase axial velocity decreases with an increase
intervals ranging from 3 to 5 min. Temperature information along in temperature for both group B and D particles [39].
the reactor was monitored by supervisory software on the Field- Agu et al. [40] developed correlations to estimate the residence
Chart NOVUSTM platform. Data were stored for subsequent time necessary for complete conversion of biomass using bed
appreciation. temperature and pressure time histories. It was found that the
residence time decreases with increasing air flowrate, as in this
2.6. Measurement uncertainty work. Also, the model of Agu et al. [40] used the predicted amount
of biomass accumulated in the bed for determination of the mini-
The random errors analysis of experimental uncertainty is a mum fluidization velocity, slugging velocity and other bubble-
result of small independent and uncontrollable uncertainty sour- induced bed properties.
ces, estimated through statistical analysis. The total uncertainty
was achieved performing the method of propagation of indepen- 3.2. Characterization of the fuels
dent uncertainties, as proposed by Kline and McClintock [37]. This
method was applied to the results of chemical species concentra- To carry out the stoichiometry calculations of the fuels and
tion and temperature. mixtures used in this study, the ultimate analysis of the mineral
For the uncertainty regarding the measurement of temperature coal and biomass was carried out. Also, sizing bands were defined
both equipment accuracy and statistics were considered. This value based on the grain size test and the decision making considered the
is consistent with the uncertainty in measuring the standard de- characteristics of the equipment such as combustion chamber
viation during the operation. The uncertainty of the thermocouple diameter, associated velocities and feeder geometry.
in the measured range was also considered. Thus, the propagation For the design of the combustor feeder and subsequent tests, it
of the uncertainties for temperature yields the value of ±4 K. was necessary to prepare the coal using a roller mill to pulverize it.
Several measurements were made for each operational condi- The granulometric test using the DNER-ME 080/94 method was
tions tested in this work, considering various chemical species. applied to the coal powder. The analysis of the biomass, Pinus
Thus, the measurements uncertainty related to the emissions were residue, used as received, showed that its calorific value is similar to
propagated with those reported by the equipment manufacturer that of the CE 4500 coal, however, presenting higher moisture
information. Since the measurement uncertainty is different case content when compared to the mineral coal. Table 4 shows the
by case, the insertion of error bars in the graphs would be characteristics of these fuels.
confusing. Therefore, a statement with the maximum and mini- From the ultimate analysis, three main differences are observed:
mum uncertainties is provided for each gas measurement. nitrogen and sulfur content are much greater for coal, what may
have an effect in nitrogen and sulfur oxides emissions, and the high
3. Results and discussion oxygen content in biomass, resulting in smaller air needs and an
easier combustion.
3.1. Analysis of inert material The granulometric analysis of coal was performed using DNER-
ME 080/94 and a significant percentage of fines (particles below
Table 2 shows the main characteristics of the casting sand par- 0.3 mm) was observed, indicating the high friability of the Brazilian
ticles used in the bed. southern coal when subjected to mechanical processing. The par-
Applying the methodology described for the determination of ticle diameters selected were in the range of 0.59e2.00 mm aiming
the minimum fluidization velocity of the bed particles, velocity the operation stability. Particulates smaller than 0.5 mm tend to be
graphs were set by the pressure drop and the velocities were more easily entrained by the fluidization gas and particles larger
defined from the intersection of the characteristic curves of the than 2.00 mm do not perform well in the feeders used in the tests.
fluidized regime and the flow deceleration in the bed [38]. Samples were obtained using a batch type vibrating screen appa-
Duplicate tests were performed using two bed heights, defined ratus. A classified coal sample was analyzed at the scanning elec-
as one and two times the tube diameter of the experimental tron microscopy to verify its geometric characteristics.
apparatus (typical values for application in bubbling fluidized Fig. 2 shows the microscopic image of the coal. A relatively good
homogeneity of the particles of the classified sample was noted.
There were too few elongated grains, characterizing the good
Table 2 sphericity of the fuel sample, ensuring good sliding through the
Physical characterization of casting sand.
tilted feeder tube to the combustor. Also, some fines were observed,
Characteristic Methods Values aggregated to larger particles, which eventually favors the flow.
Granulometry (mm) DNER-ME 080/94 250e350 For biomass, after three days of natural drying of the residue, a
Actual density (kg/m3) NBR 9745 (1987) 2263 wide particle size range was observed, but it was decided to discard
Bulk density (kg/m3) NBR 8630 (1984) 1514 particles below 0.59 mm and above 2.00 mm, to facilitate the
Sauter mean diameter (mm) 290 operation of the combustor avoiding inconsistencies with the
Geldart’s classification B
combustor bench scale, especially regarding the fuel feeder.
6 P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882
Table 3
Minimum experimental fluidization velocity of bed particles.
Particle Mean diameter (mm) Bed Height (m) Minimum fluidization velocity umf (m/s)
Table 4
Characteristics of the fuels.
3.2.1. Thermogravimetry
According to the method presented previously, thermogravi-
metric analysis of the fuels was carried out to determine the
Table 5
Fuel proximate analysis.
At the third level (600e750 C) relative to fixed carbon loss, it is means up to 60 mm above the bed.
noted that coal mass loss is higher than biomass and also spent During the experiments bed temperatures were kept between
more time in this step to reach a constant mass. 800 and 860 C and operation was considered in steady state. The
For a better understanding of the phenomena associated to the average temperatures read on the thermocouples inside the bed
test, the thermogravimetric derivative curves from the base fuels and the freeboard were as follows: L1, L2 and L3 ¼ 837 C;
were analyzed, as shown in Fig. 5. Before pyrolysis, biomass initi- F1 ¼ 852 C, F2 ¼ 821 C and F3 ¼ 800 C. In the denser region (L1,
ates the water loss in a faster way than coal. The higher peak for L2 and L3) the thermal inertia of the sand bed is responsible for the
biomass in the curve derived at the second interval (250e950 C) stable temperatures despite the inherent intermittency of the
infers that the volatiles release starts at a lower temperature and screw feeder. Only L3 point, located at the top of the bed, at tran-
occurs much faster than coal, indicating that the diffusivity and sition zone, undergoes a slight downward fluctuation, probably
external convection is greater for biomass. caused by the cold fuel entering the zone.
For the fixed carbon burning region, no significant difference The freeboard thermocouple F1 is the closest to the bed and
was observed in the reaction rate of the fuels from the burning suffers significant variation of temperatures caused by feeding
peak. However, coal required a longer time for all carbonaceous intermittence. It was noted that when a larger amount of fuel is
contents to be converted compared to biomass. In this way it is released by the feeder, the fast combustion of the volatiles heats the
possible to verify a higher reactivity in the combustion of biomass lower zone of the freeboard, causing a pulsating effect on the
fixed carbon despite of the higher fixed carbon content in the coal. temperature at the F1 position.
The F2 and F3 positions located in the middle and top of the
freeboard, follow in a smoother way the temperature fluctuations
3.3. Operating conditions
presented by the thermocouple F1, demonstrating that the burning
of the volatiles is concentrated in the region closer to the feeder
The bed height at rest was 240 mm and the fuel was fed at a
(400 mm above the distributor plate).
height 160 mm above the bed of particles. During fluidization, that
Fig. 6. Bed temperature for 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
Fig. 7. Influence of biomass on CO2 emissions at 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
Fig. 8. Influence of biomass on CO emissions to 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
Nevertheless, CO production increases for the 15% biomass con- oxidation occurs. Those processes depend on fuel properties such
centration at higher fluidization rate, probably due to some insta- as particle size, moisture and volatile fraction. Once volatiles are
bility during the operation that might have affected the results. partly released before reaching the bed, it undergoes an incomplete
The moisture inside biomass vaporizes first, then volatile gases combustion at the freeboard, heating the region over the bed. This
are burned depending on the heating rates, and lastly the char is corroborated by the presence of higher levels of CO and the
10 P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882
reduction of O2 consumption. The biomass char is fluidized fuels. Gong et al. [45] observed that total nitrogen oxide emissions
together with the coal and burns very quickly. increase with the bed temperature while decrease with the oper-
Despite the increase of CO concentration with the addition of ating pressure. The results show that most operating parameters
biomass in all the tests, the values obtained are low. A better have an opposite effect on NOx and N2O emissions, and the N2O
combustion is obtained with higher excess air ratio and greater emissions mainly depend on the bed temperature. Increasing the
fluidization velocity. This suggests that complete oxidation of operating pressure can significantly suppress the fuel-N conversion
biomass volatiles in the freeboard region did not occur. to NOx but enhance its conversion to N2O. With the rise of the
In a similar work, Xie et al. [44] investigated experimentally the excess air level and fluidization number, NOx emissions grow
emissions in a bench scale circulating fluidized bed combustor for distinctly while N2O emissions remain almost unchanged.
coal combustion and co-firing coal and biomass. It was observed Wisut et al. [46] observed that at different bed temperatures, the
that an increase in the biomass shares resulted in an increase of the total conversion of fuel-nitrogen into NOx and N2O was almost
CO concentration. According to the authors, biomasses are less constant, but the increase of bed temperature enhances the NOx
dense than coal having a smaller terminal velocity than that of coal production as well as N2O reduction.
or sand, leading to devolatilization and char combustion occurring
well above the bed, where O2 concentration is already lower. The 3.5.4. CxHy emissions
high volatile content of the biomass also favors the reduction of O2 CxHy are hydrocarbons produced during the pyrolysis and
concentration, leading to a worse combustion efficiency, corrobo- burning reactions of fuels. The presence of CxHy as well as CO in
rated by the slightly higher levels of CO and lower levels of CO2. exhaust gases are indicators of incomplete oxidation of fuels. Fig. 10
shows the results of CxHy concentrations found during the tests.
3.5.3. NOx emissions Measurement uncertainties for CxHy presented the highest and
Nitrogen oxides are found in exhaust gases from boilers and lowest values of 0.17 and 0.041%, at condition of, l ¼ 1.7, 3 umf,
combustors in the industry. Considering the formation routes (fuel C100B0 and, l ¼ 1.7, 3 umf, C90B10, respectively.
NOx, thermal NOx and immediate NOx), due to the composition of The increase of the biomass portion in the coal mixture leads to
the fuels used and the technologies applied in this study, NOx an increase in the production of CxHy. Despite the higher volatile
measured concentrations are possibly more related to the fuel content, the presence of biomass produces more unburned hy-
mechanism. Fig. 9 shows the concentrations of NOx found in the drocarbons, mainly because the system was not specifically
tests. Measurement uncertainties for NOx presented the highest developed for the proper burning of volatiles, which causes a
and lowest values of 150.8 and 12.5 mg/m3, at condition of, l ¼ 1.5, dispersion in the flame and incomplete burning at this stage of
3 umf, C90B10 and, l ¼ 1.5, 6 umf, C90B10, respectively. combustion.
An increase in the NOx production is observed for larger excess An increase in CxHy production is also observed for higher
air ratio and, for mixtures with higher biomass fraction, a slight fluidization rates due to the greater difficulty in burning the vola-
increase for higher fluidization rates. Moreover, the increase of the tiles, which were blown out of the combustion region. In this sit-
biomass portion in the fuel mixture leads to a reduction in the NOx uation, fuel residence time is decreased and there is no time for a
production due to the lower amount of nitrogen in the biomass in complete conversion. Turbulence, which had a small positive effect
relation to the coal. on CO emissions, did not help in the case of CxHy as there was a
It is possible to observe that for the higher fluidization (6 umf) a clear increase in emissions at higher air speed. On the other hand,
small tendency to decrease NOx formation when the biomass mass the production of CxHy is reduced with the increase of excess air, as
fraction in the fuel mixture was increased. However, for the fluid- expected.
ization condition of 3 umf, the mixture with 15% of biomass showed
a decrease of almost 30% compared to coal alone for an excess air 3.5.5. SO2 emissions
ratio of 1.7. The sulfur compounds were evaluated considering the biomass
In addition, a small increase in concentrations were observed as fractions in the fuel as can be observed in Fig. 11.
a function of the excess air in the tests. However, emissions of NOx An increase in the concentrations of SO2 is observed for all the
present a more complex dependency on the nitrogen content of fuel mixtures directly linked to the increase of the fluidization
Fig. 9. Influence of biomass on NOx emissions at 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882 11
Fig. 10. Influence of biomass on emissions of CxHy at 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
Fig. 11. Influence of biomass on SO2 emissions to 3 umf (left) and 6 umf (right). - - C100B0, - C95B05, :- C90B10 and, ;- C85B15.
velocities suggesting that turbulence favors the formation of this satisfactorily. Ash analysis at both the cyclone and the bed after the
component. Measurement uncertainties for SO2 presented the tests indicated good conversion with small percentages of uncon-
highest and lowest values of 273.9 and 105.7 mg/m3, at condition of verted material. Images analyses suggest that biomass may present
l ¼ 1.5, 3 umf, C100B0 and, l ¼ 1.5, 3 umf, C90B10, respectively. feeding problems due to its low sphericity.
According to these uncertainties, differences related to biomass Concerning biomass fraction in the mixture, its increase led to a
fractions are not conclusive. slight increase in both CO and CxHy concentrations. CO2 and NOx
Sulfur content in biomass is lower than in coal and therefore, concentrations decrease when biomass fraction increases, while for
lower SO2 emissions, mainly as a result of dilution, were expected, SO2 there was no significant change in its concentration, despite the
but the interaction with ash and sand components into the bed may reduced sulfur percentage in biomass composition.
have catalyzed sulfur oxidation reactions. The sulfur chemical ki- The average temperature of the system increased with more
netics and interaction with ash were not considered in this work. biomass in the mixture. The results presented here might be
According to Xie et al. [44], in co-firing, biomass share increases explained mostly due to the high volatiles percentage of biomass
SO2 emissions, nevertheless they observed that the relationship and its high reactivity, showed in TGA analysis. When the fuel is
between SO2 emission and fuel sulfur content was non-linear. introduced above the fluidized bed, part of these volatiles is
Helmer et al. [47] observed many advantages of firing wood/coal released and burn before reaching the bed, what is perceived
mixtures over the burning of each fuel individually. According to through the large fluctuations in freeboard temperature, which
the authors, wood in the mixture slightly reduced SO2 emissions, increase when the biomass fraction was increased, corresponding
but combustion temperature and excess air were more crucial pa- to feeder intermittence. The combustion of the volatiles at the
rameters influencing SO2 and NOx emissions. freeboard is not enhanced by turbulence as in the bed and the
lower residence time impair its completeness, what explain higher
CO and CxHy and smaller CO2 concentrations when biomass is
4. Conclusions increased. NOx decrease is explained due to the smaller amount of
nitrogen in biomass composition, confirming that fuel NOx is the
The bed fluidized at most conditions initially proposed. Results main mechanism, since temperatures are too low for thermal NOx.
presented are for conditions where fluidization performed
12 P.R. Wander et al. / Energy 203 (2020) 117882
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