hsns364 Sushma Tandukar 220193829

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by Sushma Tandukar

Submission date: 28-Aug-2020 08:02PM (UTC+1000)

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154703_Sushma_Tandukar_HSNS364_SUSHMA_TANDUKAR_220193829_1871781_128496863.docx (22.4K)
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HSNS364 SUSHMA TANDUKAR 220193829.docx

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HSNS364 SUSHMA TANDUKAR 220193829.docx




Comment 1
over the word limit


Comment 2

Comment 3
a good intro


Comment 4
a very good section but there are also more tools available;
Osoba Nausea and Vomiting Module8
also the use of ginger in the diet or ginger capsules (Eghdam-Zamiri &Gol, 2020)


Comment 5
a very good answer

QM Awk.
The expression or construction is cumbersome or difficult to read. Consider rewriting.


Comment 6
a good answer but you did not name the main types of cancer, as requested in the question;
prostate, breast, colorectal (bowel), melanoma and lung cancer



Comment 7
13 ref-good
RUBRIC: HSNS364 A1 PARTB T2 2019 65.10 / 100

CRITERIA 1 (26%) 80 / 100

Critical discussion of the assessments and assessment tools used in assessing Betty’s nausea and vomiting

HD Outstanding critical discussion and analysis of assessments and assessment tools.

(100) Excellent use of evidence to support discussion using a wide range of high quality

HD Outstanding critical discussion and analysis of assessments and assessment tools.

(95) Excellent use of evidence to support discussion using a wide range of high quality

HD Outstanding critical discussion and analysis of assessments and assessment tools.

(85) Excellent use of evidence to support discussion using a wide range of high quality

D Thorough critical discussion and analysis of assessments and assessment tools. Effective
(80) use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

D Thorough critical discussion and analysis of assessments and assessment tools. Effective
(75) use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

C An effective discussion of assessments and assessment tools. Discussion is supported by

(70) a range of evidence based resources, developing critical analysis.

C An effective discussion of assessments and assessment tools. Discussion is supported by

(65) a range of evidence based resources, developing critical analysis.

P Some discussion on assessments and assessment tools. Discussion is supported by

(60) some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at analysis of literature.

P Some discussion on assessments and assessment tools. Discussion is supported by

(55) some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at analysis of literature.

P Some discussion on assessments and assessment tools. Discussion is supported by

(50) some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at analysis of literature.

N Discussion is unclear or Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on

(45) assessments and assessment tools. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on

(40) assessments and assessment tools. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on

(35) assessments and assessment tools. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

CRITERIA 2 (28%) 75 / 100

Critical discussion on Two health care professionals involved in the care of Betty

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care
(100) of Betty. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support discussion using a
wide range of high quality resources.

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care
(95) of Betty. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support discussion using a
wide range of high quality resources.

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care
(85) of Betty. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support discussion using a
wide range of high quality resources.

D Thorough critical discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of
(80) Betty. Effective use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

D Thorough critical discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of
(75) Betty. Effective use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

C An effective discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of
(70) Betty. Discussion is supported by some evidenced based resources; developing critical

C An effective discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of
(65) Betty. Discussion is supported by some evidenced based resources; developing critical

P Some discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of Betty.
(60) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

P Some discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of Betty.
(55) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

P Some discussion of the roles of two health professionals involved in the care of Betty.
(50) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on the roles of two health professionals

(45) involved in the care of Betty. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-evidence
based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on the roles of two health professionals

(40) involved in the care of Betty. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-evidence
based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided on the roles of two health professionals

(35) involved in the care of Betty. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-evidence
based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.
CRITERIA 3 (26%) 55 / 100
Critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention strategies

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer
(100) prevention strategies. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support
discussion using a wide range of high quality resources.

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer
(95) prevention strategies. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support
discussion using a wide range of high quality resources.

HD Outstanding critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer
(85) prevention strategies. Excellent use of evidence based resources used to support
discussion using a wide range of high quality resources.

D Thorough critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention
(80) strategies. Effective use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

D Thorough critical discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention
(75) strategies. Effective use of a wide range of evidence to support discussion.

C An effective An effective discussion the most prevalent health promotion and cancer
(70) prevention strategies. Discussion is supported by some evidenced based resources;
developing critical analysis.

C An effective An effective discussion the most prevalent health promotion and cancer
(65) prevention strategies. Discussion is supported by some evidenced based resources;
developing critical analysis.

P Some discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention strategies.
(60) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

P Some discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention strategies.
(55) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

P Some discussion of the most prevalent health promotion and cancer prevention strategies.
(50) Discussion is supported by some evidence based sources, some evidence of attempt at
analysis of literature.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided of the most prevalent health promotion

(45) and cancer prevention strategies. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided of the most prevalent health promotion

(40) and cancer prevention strategies. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.

N Discussion is unclear or no discussion is provided of the most prevalent health promotion

(35) and cancer prevention strategies. Not supported by evidence or supported by non-
evidence based sources; little or no attempt at analysis of sources.
CRITERIA 4 (10%) 45 / 100
Writing: Follows requirements for structure, presentation grammar and spelling.

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay format writing conventions, grammatical

(100) conventions with no errors and is a logical / well and succinctly structured assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay format writing conventions, grammatical

(95) conventions with no errors and is a logical / well and succinctly structured assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to essay format writing conventions, grammatical

(85) conventions with no errors and is a logical / well and succinctly structured assignment

D Mostly accurate and consistent adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to
(80) grammatical conventions with few errors and is a logical and well-structured assignment

D Mostly accurate and consistent adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to
(75) grammatical conventions with few errors and is a logical and well-structured assignment

C Partial but close adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to grammatical
(70) conventions, but with frequent errors, mainly a well- structured assignment, lacking
cohesion in places

C Partial but close adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to grammatical
(65) conventions, but with frequent errors, mainly a well- structured assignment, lacking
cohesion in places

P Minimal adherence to essay format writing conventions, minimal adherence to

(60) grammatical conventions with multiple errors, a weakly structured assignment, frequently
lacking cohesion

P Minimal adherence to essay format writing conventions, minimal adherence to

(55) grammatical conventions with multiple errors, a weakly structured assignment, frequently
lacking cohesion

P Minimal adherence to essay format writing conventions, minimal adherence to

(50) grammatical conventions with multiple errors, a weakly structured assignment, frequently
lacking cohesion

N Little attempt to adhere to essay format writing conventions, multiple grammatical errors
(45) with minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that significantly distract the reader
from the content. A poorly structured assignment, lacking cohesion

N Little attempt to adhere to essay format writing conventions, multiple grammatical errors
(40) with minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that significantly distract the reader
from the content. A poorly structured assignment, lacking cohesion

N Little attempt to adhere to essay format writing conventions, multiple grammatical errors
(35) with minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that significantly distract the reader
from the content. A poorly structured assignment, lacking cohesion

CRITERIA 5 (10%) 45 / 100

Referencing: Follows requirements for referencing (APA 6th Edition) and the application of evidence

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA referencing conventions for the in-text and
(100) reference list Explicitly acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA referencing conventions for the in-text and
(95) reference list Explicitly acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment

HD Accurately and consistently adheres to APA referencing conventions for the in-text and
(85) reference list Explicitly acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment

D Mostly offers accurate and consistent APA referencing conventions for the in-text and
(80) reference list Principally acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment

D Mostly offers accurate and consistent APA referencing conventions for the in-text and
(75) reference list Principally acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment

C A number of inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
(70) Mostly acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment

C A number of inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
(65) Mostly acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
(60) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
(55) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment

P Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
(50) Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment

N Did not adhere to the APA referencing conventions and/or made catastrophic, multiple
(45) and consistent APA errors throughout Little or no acknowledgment of sources used
throughout the assignment

N Did not adhere to the APA referencing conventions and/or made catastrophic, multiple
(40) and consistent APA errors throughout Little or no acknowledgment of sources used
throughout the assignment

N Did not adhere to the APA referencing conventions and/or made catastrophic, multiple
(35) and consistent APA errors throughout Little or no acknowledgment of sources used
throughout the assignment

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