Seasons in The Philippines

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7

Date: February 17, 2020

Time: Saturn 10:00-11:00/Mercury 11:00-12:00
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of
the seasons and the position of the Sun in the sky.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to analyze the advantage of the location
of the Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons.
C. Learning Competency
(Code) S7ES-IVh-9

D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. differentiate season, climate, and weather
b. identify different types of season, climate, and weather
c. define what is PAG-ASA
II. Content Seasons in the Philippines
III. Learning Resources
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 211 - 212
b. Learner’s Material pp. 345 - 348
c. Textbook pages pp. 345
d. Other Learning
Resources None
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Routinary Activities:
Good morning class! Good morning Sir.
How are you doing today? We’re doing fine Sir.
I am glad you are.
Before we start, may I know who is absent
today? None Sir.
Very good!
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting a
new lesson (ELICIT)
Do you still remember our lesson last meeting? Yes sir
What is it all about then?
Very good. It is all about Intertropical Convergence Zone.

And what is Intertropical Convergence Zone? It is a belt of low pressure which circles the
Earth generally near the equator where the
Correct. trade winds of the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres come together sir.

And What happens to the area where there is They experience high precipitation sir.
Very good.

On what month does ITCZ enters the Month of May sir.

ITCZ follows what air pressure? Low pressure area sir.
Very good.

I think you are now ready for our new lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
But before we start let us have an activity first.
I have here jumbled letters. Construct a word
using these letters. The first group who made it
will earn points.

Student answer:
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new
lesson (EXPLORE)
Okay class to start the chapter of our lesson let
us familiarized what is the difference between
Season, Weather, and Climate.

For your next task all you have to do is to

match the definition of season, weather, and
climate. Student answer:

Climate Climate
Season The sum total of the meteorological elements
Weather that characterizes the average and extreme
condition of atmosphere over a long period of
“The sum total of the meteorological elements time at any one place or region of the earth
that characterizes the average and extreme surface.
condition of atmosphere over a long period of
time at any one place or region of the earth

“A subdivision of the year consisting of a Season

period of supposedly uniform or similar climate A subdivision of the year consisting of a period
characteristics.” of supposedly uniform or similar climate
“The day to day atmosphere conditions at a
perticular place, including temperature, Weather
precipitation, wind , cloud cover, etc” The day to day atmosphere conditions at a
perticular place, including temperature,
precipitation, wind , cloud cover, etc.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #1 (EXPLAIN)

Now that we already knew what are the

difference between season, climate, and
weather. Let us now identify the different types
season, climate, and weather.

Let us start with climate. All you have to do is

to match the climate according to its definition.

Tropical rainforest
Humid subtropical Student answer:
Tropical savanna
Tropical monsoon Tropical rainforest
Tropical rain forests have a type of tropical
“Tropical rain forests have a type of tropical climate in which there is no dry season.
climate in which there is no dry season.”
“Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively Tropical monsoon
dry from November to April, and wet during Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively
the rest of the year.” dry from November to April, and wet during
“Two pronounced season: dry from November the rest of the year.
to April and wet during the rest of the year.”
“Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed Tropical savanna
throughout the year.” Two pronounced season: dry from November
to April and wet during the rest of the year.

Humid subtropical
Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed
throughout the year.

E. Discuss new concepts and practicing new

skills (ELABORATE)
For your next activity, list down 4 seasons and
4 weather conditions.

Correct answers: Student answer:

Seasons Seasons
1. Summer 5. Summer
2. Winter 6. Winter
3. Autumn/fall 7. Autumn/fall
4. Spring 8. Spring

Weather Weather
1. Sunny 5. Sunny
2. Cloudy 6. Cloudy
3. Rainy 7. Rainy
4. Windy 8. Windy

F: Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative

Okay class, here in the Philippines the
government agency which is responsible for
weather forecasting and advisories is PAG-
For you next activity, all you have to do is to
define each letter of the agency using the
jumbled letters.

Student answer:
ICERESSV Astronomical

G. Making Generalizations and abstraction

about the lesson.
Okay class let us see if you able to learn
something today. Student answer:

What is climate? The sum total of the meteorological elements

Very good that characterizes the average and extreme
condition of atmosphere over a long period of
time at any one place or region of the earth
A subdivision of the year consisting of a period
How about season? of supposedly uniform or similar climate
Correct. characteristics.

The day to day atmosphere conditions at a

And weather? particular place, including temperature,
Excellent. precipitation, wind , cloud cover, etc.

PAG-ASA sir.

What is the government agency that provides

weather advisories here in Philippines?

H. Evaluating Learning

1. It is The sum total of the meteorological Student answer:

elements that characterizes the average and
extreme condition of atmosphere over a 1. Climate
long period of time at any one place or 2. Weather
region of the earth surface. 3. Season
2. It is the day to day atmosphere conditions at 4. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
a particular place, including temperature, Astronomical Services Administration
precipitation, wind , cloud cover, etc.
3. It is a subdivision of the year consisting of a
period of supposedly uniform or similar
climate characteristics.
4. Give the meaning of PAG-ASA

I. Additional activities for application or

remediation (EXTEND)
Study about the seasons in the Philippines.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
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