Lessons 4 A-D

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4A Away from home Vocabulary free time activities (2)

Grammar Present Simple (3): positive and

Student’s Book p32–p33 negative (he/she/it)

QuICK REVIEW This activity reviews frequency adverbs Students check answers in pairs. Check answers with
and the Present Simple. Students write the sentences on the class.
their own. Then put students in pairs to compare sentences.
Finally, each pair tells the class any sentences that are 1 Chile
the same. 2 are
3 four
4 is

Vocabulary and Speaking extra idea

Free time activities (2) ● Write the sentences from 2c on the board as gapped
1 a Students work on their own and tick the phrases sentences. Play the recording and ask students to fill in
they know, then do the matching exercise in the gaps.
Vocabulary 4.1 SB p135.
Check answers with the class. Highlight the pattern:
3 a Students work in pairs and choose six free time
go + verb+ing (go cycling, go swimming, etc.) and
that we say listen to music but listen to the radio. activities for Trevor from 1a.
Model and drill the phrases. Pay particular attention b CD1 69 Play the recording (SB p157) of the rest
to the pronunciation of gym /dm/ and listen /lsən/. of Polly and Lorna’s conversation. Students listen
Draw students’ attention to the TIP. and check if their guesses are correct. Check answers
Note that only the main stress in words/phrases with the class.
is shown in vocabulary boxes and the Language
Summaries. plays video games; watches sport on TV;
takes photos; plays tennis; goes to the gym;
goes swimming
Vocabulary 4.1 1j 2g 3f 4h 5d 6e 7l 8k
9b 10i 11c 12a
b Use the speech bubbles to remind students how This Help with Listening section introduces
to make Present Simple questions with you. Drill the consonant-vowel linking and helps students to
question and the answers and elicit other possible understand that we often link words together in
answers, for example Yes, on Wednesdays. No, I natural spoken English.
don’t. Yes, sometimes., etc.
Students work in pairs and ask each other about their 4 a Write Andallof on the board. Point out
free time activities. Ask students to share interesting the linking between the fi nal consonant sounds and
answers with the class. the initial vowel sounds. Show how this makes two
words sound like one word.
extra idea Write the people are nice on the board. Highlight
that it is the initial and fi nal sounds that are
● Students work in pairs and test each other on the
important, not the spelling, for example people are
collocations in 1a. For example, student A says photos links, even though people ends in a vowel.
and student B says take photos. CD1 70 Play the recording. Students listen and
notice the linking.
Listening and Speaking b Students turn to Audio Script CD1 69, SB p157.
Focus students on the links shown in the Audio
2 a Pre-teach the vocabulary. Note that the aim is to Script. Point out that only Polly’s sentences are
highlight which words you need to pre-teach to help linked.
students understand the listening that follows. The CD1 69 Play the recording again. Students listen,
vocabulary is not in the Language Summaries in the
read and notice the linking.
Student’s Book. Model and drill the words with the
class. Pay particular attention to the pronunciation of Note that vowel-vowel links which have an extra
observatory /əbzvətri/ and weather /weðə/. linking sound (for example we/j/email) are not
marked in Audio Script CD1 69. Extra linking
b Focus students on the email and the photo. Ask sounds are dealt with in face2face Pre-intermediate.
students where they think Trevor is (at Cerro Paranal
observatory), and who Polly is (Trevor’s wife). HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (3):
c CD1 68 Give students time to read sentences positive and negative (he/she/it)
1–4, then play the recording (SB p157). Students 5 a–b Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs
work on their own and choose the correct answers. then check in GraMMar 4.1 SB p137.

Check answers with the class and draw students’
attention to the TIP. Get ready … Get it right!
● In positive sentences with he/she/it (and names of 8 a Allow students to choose their own partners
people or places) we add -s or -es to the infinitive. or put students into pairs yourself. If possible,
● In negative sentences with he/she/it we use doesn’t students should work with someone they don’t
+ infinitive. know very well.
● In negative sentences we don’t add -s or -es to the Students write the name of their partner in the
infinitive: He doesn’t like ... not He doesn’t likes … . space at the top of the box. Focus students on
● We use doesn’t in negative sentences with he/she/it. the gapped sentences in the box. Students work
● We use don’t in negative sentences with I/you/we/ on their own and guess whether their partner
they. does or doesn’t do these things. They should
then complete the sentences with the positive or
negative form of the verb in brackets. Students
6 a Students look at GraMMar 4.2 SB p137. Go are not allowed to talk to their partner at this
through the spelling rules with the whole class. stage of the activity.
Remind students that the he/she/it form of have is
has, not haves. b Students work on their own and make yes/
Students work on their own and write the he/she/it no questions with you for each sentence in the
forms of the verbs. Students then check answers in box, as in the example. While they are working,
pairs. check their questions for accuracy and help with
any problems.
Draw a four-column table on the board with the
Check these questions with the whole class
headings -s, -es, -ies and irregular. Check answers
before continuing, and drill if necessary.
with the whole class and write them in the correct
column. 9 a Use the speech bubbles to remind students of
possible answers to Do you … ? questions.
-s: plays; writes; phones; gets; starts; lives Students then work in their pairs and take turns
-es: watches; goes; finishes; does to ask and answer their questions from 8b. They
-ies: studies should tick any sentences in the box that they
irregular: has have guessed correctly. While they are working,
monitor and help with any problems.
b CD1 71 pronunciation Play the recording.
Students listen and repeat the verb forms. Ask b Students work in new pairs and take turns
students which he/she/it forms end in the sound /z/ to share information about their fi rst partner.
(watches /wɒtʃz/, finishes /fnʃz/ and studies Encourage students to use the he/she forms
/stdz/). Remind students that this is how we say of the verbs in the box during this stage, for
the he/she/it form of all verbs ending in -ch and -sh, example Marco doesn’t play tennis, but he goes
for example matches, washes, etc. running, etc.
Note: this is also true for all verbs ending in -s, -ss, -x Finally, students tell the class what they have
or -z, for example miss, fi x, etc., but these have not found out about their partners.
been included in the exercise as students have not met
any of these verbs at this point in the course.
In their new pairs, students write four sentences
extra ideaS comparing what their partners do or don’t do in
● Students work in pairs and write as many he/she/it their free time. Students can use the text in 7 as
forms of other verbs as they can think of. Set a time limit a model.
of three minutes. Check answers with the class by
writing the he/she/it forms in the table on the board. The
pair with the most new verbs wins.
Further practice
● Students turn to Audio Script CD1 69 (SB p157) and
underline the he/she/it forms of the verbs. Students then Ph Class Activity 4A Verbs and nouns p161
work in pairs and take turns to say the verbs correctly. (Instructions p140)
Extra Practice 4A SB p118
7 Ask students to read the text quickly without fi lling Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4A
in the gaps to fi nd out what it is about (where Lorna Workbook Lesson 4A p20
and Polly work and what they do in their free time).
Students do the exercise on their own, then check
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.

2 works 3 works 4 read 5 doesn’t like 6 plays

7 watches 8 doesn’t stay 9 goes 10 doesn’t visit
11 don’t live

4B First Date! Vocabulary things you like and don’t like; verb+ing
Grammar Present Simple (4): questions and short
Student’s Book p34–p35 answers (he/she/it)

QuICK REVIEW This activity reviews the Present Simple, b Students work on their own and circle the
free time activities and time phrases. Students write their list verb+ing words in 1.
of activities on their own. Put students into pairs. Students Check answers with the class (see Vocabulary 4.4
take turns to tell their partner when they do the things on SB p135) and draw students’ attention to the TIP.
their list. Ask students to share interesting sentences with Note: at this point in the course we are not asking
the class. students to make verb+ing forms, only to recognise
them. The spelling of verb+ing forms is dealt with in
lesson 8A.

Vocabulary and Speaking reading; travelling; shopping; dancing; cooking

Things you like and don’t like
4 Use the speech bubbles to teach students how to
1 Students work in pairs and say which words/phrases respond to I like … sentences and Do you like … ?
they know, then do the exercise in Vocabulary 4.2 questions. Highlight the use of object pronouns in the
SB p135. Check answers with the class. answers, for example Do you like dance music? Yes,
Note that in the UK dance music usually refers to I love it. Do you like cats? No, I hate them. Drill this
a particular style of music, not any music you can language with the class.
dance to. Students work in pairs and discuss what they like
Model and drill the phrases. Pay particular attention and don’t like. Ask students to share interesting
to the pronunciation of clothes /kləυðz/, which is answers with the class.
only one syllable. You could point out that many
native speakers pronounce this word the same as Reading, Listening and Speaking
close /kləυz/.
5 Focus students on the photo and ask students what
1i 2a 3l 4c 5g 6b 7k 8f
Vocabulary 4.2 they think First Date! is (a TV dating programme).
9o 10n 11h 12d 13m 14j 15e Use the photo to pre-teach date and a presenter.
CD1 72 Play the recording. Students read and listen

extra idea
to fi nd four things Mark likes and one thing he
doesn’t like.
● Students can do 1 as a Know, Might Know, Don’t Know Check answers with the class.
activity (see p24).
Mark likes: watching TV; playing video games;
going to the cinema; playing football and tennis;
2 Draw this line on the board. Ask students to copy rock music; Chinese food; animals
it into their notebooks. Then ask students where to Mark doesn’t like: shopping for clothes
put I love and I hate on the line (1 and 7).
extra idea
● If you think your students need extra listening practice,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
play the recording first with their books closed. Then ask
Students work on their own and put the other students to check their answers by reading the text.
phrases in 2 on the line. Check answers with the
class (see Vocabulary 4.3 SB p135).
6 a Check students understand that on the TV
Model and drill the phrases.
programme Mark is not talking to the women, but
asking the presenter about them. Elicit which woman
2 I really like ... 3 I like ... 4 I quite like ...
he is asking about in questions 1–6 (Kim).
5 ... is/are OK. 6 I don’t like ...
Pre-teach vet. Students then work on their own and
match Mark’s questions and the presenter’s answers.
HELP WITH VOCABuLARY Verb+ing Early fi nishers can check their answers in pairs.
3 a Focus students on the example sentences. b CD1 73 Play the recording. Students listen and
Highlight how the verb+ing acts as a noun after the check their answers.
verbs in 2. Also highlight that we use a plural noun
without the when talking about things we like or 1d 2e 3b 4c 5a 6f
don’t like in general: I love books. not I love book. or
I love the books.

HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (4): Ask students to copy the table with only the Kim
questions and short answers (he/she/it) column fi lled in into their notebooks. See the answer
key for 9b–c.
7 a–c Students do the exercises on their own or in
pairs, then check in GraMMar 4.3 SB p137. 9 a Focus students on the photo of the TV programme
While they are working, draw the table from 7b on SB p34 and ask students the names of the other
on the board so that you are ready to check students’ two women on the programme (Jo and Susie).
answers. Check answers with the class. Pre-teach a pet. Then divide the class into pairs:
student A and student B. Student As turn to SB p105
● a 1 Does she like animals? 2 Does she watch TV and read about Jo. Student Bs turn to SB p110
a lot? 3 What does she do in her free time? and read about Susie. Students fi nd the answers
● Highlight that we use does in questions with he/ to questions 1–6 in 8a in their texts and fill in the
she/it and that in questions we don’t add -s or -es correct column in their tables.
to the infinitive: Does she watch … not Does she b–c Students work with their partner and take turns
watches … . to ask and answer questions 1–6 in 8a about Jo and
● Point out that the short answers to the yes/no Susie. They should write the answers in the correct
questions in 1 and 2 are: Yes, he/she/it does. and column in the tables in their notebooks.
No, he/she/it doesn’t.
● Also highlight that we don’t repeat the verb in Students tell their partner three more things about
short answers: Yes, he/she/it does. not Yes, he/she/ the woman they read about and fi ll in the correct
it likes. column next to other information.
Check answers with the class and write them in the
● b Focus students on the table on the board. Elicit table on the board.
which words in sentences 3 and 4 from 6a go in
each column and fill in the table (see the table in
GraMMar 4.3 SB p137). Kim Jo Susie
● Use the table to highlight the word order of do? a vet a lawyer a waitress
questions in the Present Simple: question word
+ auxiliary + subject + infinitive + … . rock music? no yes no
● We use do in questions with I/you/we/they. We food? Italian food Chinese fast food
use does in questions with he/she/it. food
● Note: students are also asked to read
GraMMar 4.4 SB p137, which focuses on the sport? yes, tennis no, hates yes,
differences between have and have got. Highlight football swimming
these points with the class.
animals? yes, two no, but yes, seven
● We can use have or have got to talk about
dogs likes cats
possessions and family: She’s got/She has two
dogs. I haven’t got/I don’t have any children.
● We can only use have to talk about meals and Saturday goes to the goes to the goes
other activities: We often have coffee with friends. evenings? cinema cinema or clubbing or
not We often have got coffee with friends. eats out watches TV

other eats out a 29 years 23 years

8 a Students work on their own and write questions information lot; hates old; old; loves
with she from the prompts. watching watches dance music;
b CD1 74 Play the recording (SB p157). Students TV; loves TV; goes doesn’t
listen and check. dance shopping; eat out
pronunciation Play the recording again. Students music reads a lot; very often;
listen and repeat the questions. Point out that does likes jazz doesn’t like
is not stressed and is pronounced /dəz/. Encourage watching
students to copy the stress. sport on TV

c Students work in pairs and take turns to answer

the questions in 8a about Kim. Before they start, 10 a Students work in groups and decide which woman
remind students that all the information about Kim is would be the best for Mark’s fi rst date. Encourage
in 6a. students to look at the text about Mark on SB p34,
While students are working, draw the table from and their tables about the three women, to help them
the answer key in 9b–c on the board, but without decide. Students should also think of reasons for their
the answers for Kim, Jo or Susie. choice.
Check the answers for Kim with the class and write b The groups share their choices and reasons with
them in the Kim column of the table. Elicit any other the class. The whole class must agree on one woman
information students know about Kim and write it to go on a date with Mark. Ask the class to vote on
next to other information in Kim’s column. this if necessary.

c Tell students that Mark and the woman they
chose went on a date last night and ask them if they 12 a Students work with their partner and take
want to know what happened. If the class chose Kim, turns to ask questions about each other’s friends.
students should all turn to SB p106 to read about the Encourage students to ask questions about the
date. If the class chose Jo, they should all turn to SB person’s name, age, job and where he or she
p111. If the class chose Susie, they should all turn lives before asking the questions they prepared
to SB p114. The students should not read about the in 11b. Students should make brief notes on
dates with the other two women. their partner’s answers at this stage. While
Students read about the date and answer questions students are working, monitor and help with any
1–3. problems.
Check answers with the class. Students can then b Put students into new pairs. Students tell their
discuss if they made the right choice for Mark’s first new partner about their first partner’s friend and
date. the things they have (or don’t have) in common,
as shown in the speech bubbles. Make sure
kim: 1 Yes. They both go to the cinema and like students use he/she/it verb forms in this stage of
animals, and he thinks she’s very beautiful. 2 No. He the activity.
talks about football and TV all the time, and they Finally, students tell the class if they would like
don’t like the same music. 3 Mark: yes; Kim: no to meet their partner’s friend, giving reasons for
jo: 1 No. She talks about books and shopping all the their answers.
time, and she hates sport. 2 Yes. They like different
things and she thinks that’s a good thing. 3 Mark: WRITING
no; Jo: yes
susie: 1 Yes. They both like watching TV, sport and Tell students that their friend from 11a is going
cats. 2 Yes. They both do a lot of sport and like to appear on the First Date! TV game show. For
watching TV and DVDs. 3 Mark: yes; Susie: yes homework, ask them to write the presenter’s
profile for their friend.

Get ready … Get it right!

11 a Allow students to choose their own partner
Further practice
or put students into pairs yourself. If possible,
students should work with someone they don’t Ph Class Activity  4B A TV presenter’s weekend p162
know very well. (Instructions p140)
Students choose a friend to introduce to their Extra Practice  4B SB p118
partner and write his/her name in the box.
Students then tick things in the box that this Self-study DVD-ROM  Lesson 4B
friend does or likes. Workbook  Lesson 4B p21
b Students choose eight things from the box
that they do or like themselves. They write yes/
no questions with he/she about these things, as
in the examples.

4C wORLD Eating out Real World  requests and offers
Student’s Book p36–p37 Vocabulary  food and drink (1)

Quick review  This activity reviews Present Simple See you at the Sun Café!
questions with he/she and free time activities. Give students
1 Students work in groups and discuss the questions.
a few moments to write the names of three people in their
family, then put students into pairs. Students swap papers Ask students to share interesting answers with the
and ask what the people on their partner’s paper do in their
free time. Ask students to share interesting answers with
the class.

2 a Focus students on the Sun Café menu. Students 5 a VIDEO 4 CD1 77 Students close their books.
work in pairs and match the photos to the things on Ask students what Paul and Clare order. Play the
the menu, then check in Vocabulary 4.5 SB p136. video or audio recording (SB p157–p158). Students
Check students understand that chips are hot and watch or listen and do the exercise on their own.
are often eaten as part of a main meal. Students may b Put students into pairs. Play the video or audio
confuse chips with crisps /krsps/, which are cold and recording again. Students compare answers in pairs.
usually come in bags. Chips are often called French
fries or fries in American English. Paul and Clare order: a chicken salad; a cheeseburger
Model and drill the words/phrases. Pay particular and chips; a bottle of sparkling mineral water; fruit
attention to the pronunciation of chicken /tʃkn/, salad; apple pie with cream
sandwich /snwd/, burger /bgə/, mixed /mkst/,
fruit /frut/ and chocolate /tʃɒklət/. 6 a Students work on their own or in pairs. They read
and then complete the conversations using questions
1 a cheese and tomato sandwich 2 fruit salad
a–d from 4b. Ask students if they can guess the
3 a (cup of) coffee 4 a bottle of beer 5 ice cream
meaning of bill from the context.
6 a mixed salad 7 apple pie with cream
8 a chicken salad 9 a glass of white/red wine b VIDEO 4 CD1 77 Play the video or audio
10 a cheeseburger and chips 11 a (cup of) tea recording again. Students check their answers.
12 a pizza 13 mineral water Check answers with the class.

b Students work in pairs and take turns to test each 1 What would you like to drink? 2 Would you like
other on the food and drink as shown in the speech anything else? 3 Would you like a dessert?
bubbles. 4 Would you like tea or coffee?
Check students understand the other food vocabulary
on the menu. Students can check any new words/ extra idea
phrases in Vocabulary 4.5 SB p136.
● Write the questions on the board with the words in the
3 Focus students on the menu again. Model and drill wrong order, for example would / to / you / drink / like /
the prices. Ask questions with How much ... ? about What ?. Tell students to close their books so they don’t
items on the menu to check students can say the look at the questions in 4b. Students put the words in the
correct order to make the questions. They then check
Students work in pairs. They take turns to choose
in 4b.
something to eat and drink and then ask their
partner how much it is. Before students start, draw
attention to the example in the speech bubbles. REAL WORLD Requests and offers
HELP WITH LISTENING 7 a–c Check students understand request and offer.
Would you like … ? Students do the exercises on their own or in pairs.
Check answers with the class.
This Help with Listening section helps students to
understand questions with Would you like … ? and ● a–b We use I’d/We’d like … and Can I/we have … ?
highlights the pronunciation of would you /wυdə/. for requests. Check students understand that
4 ’d = would in these phrases.
a Focus students on the photo and use it to pre- ● We use Would you like … ? for offers.
teach waitress and customer. ● Use the examples in 7a to show students that we
CD1 75 Play the recording. Students listen and
use a noun after Can I/we have … ? and we use
notice the pronunciation of would you. Highlight a noun or an infinitive with to after Would you
that we hear the weak form would you /wυdə/ like … ? and I’d/We’d like … .
rather than the strong form with two separate words ● Point out the American English use of the check
/wυd ju/. for the bill (UK), Can I have the check, please?
b CD1 76 Tell students that questions a–d ● Check students understand the difference between
are typical questions a waiter/waitress asks in a I like and I’d like. We use I like to talk about
restaurant. Play the recording. Students do the things we like in general: I like burgers. We use
exercise on their own or in pairs. I’d like to mean want: I’d like (a burger), please.
Play the recording again for students to listen and Point out that I’d like is more polite than I want
check their answers. and that it is impolite to say I want (a burger) in
Check answers with the class. English.
● c I’d like the chicken salad, please. Can I have a
cheeseburger and chips, please? I’d like the fruit
salad, please. And can I have the apple pie with

8 a CD1 c Students practise the new conversation in their
78 Play the recording. Ask students to
groups until they can remember it.
notice the stress pattern, and highlight the high
pitch and the rise on please, both of which show Each group takes turns to role-play the conversation
politeness. for the group that wrote the original script.
While students are working, monitor and help with
b CD1 79 pronunciation Play the recording
any problems.
(SB p158). Students listen and repeat the offers and
Finally, ask one or two pairs to role-play the
requests in the conversation in 6a. Check that they
conversations for the class.
copy the polite intonation pattern correctly. Play the
recording again if necessary. extra ideaS
9 a Put students into groups of three. Students choose ● If you have a small class, each group can role-play the
roles, then practise the conversation in 6a until they conversation for the rest of the class.
can remember it. ● If you can move the furniture around, turn the classroom

b Students practise the conversation again with their into a café and give students the opportunity for some
books closed. freer practice. Choose some students to be waiters/
waitresses. Put the other students in groups of two or
extra ideaS
three and tell them to be customers. The customers order
● If you have beginners, you can put cues on the board food and drink from the Sun Café menu and the waiters/
to help students remember each line in the conversation: waitresses take their orders – and give them a bill at
waitress order? clare chicken salad paul cheeseburger / the end!
chips, etc.
● When students feel confident, ask volunteers to role-play
Further practice
the conversation for the rest of the class.
Extra Practice  4C SB p118
10 a Students work in the same groups and write their Self-study DVD-ROM  Lesson 4C
own restaurant conversation. Set a time limit of Workbook  Lesson 4C p23
five minutes. While they are working, check their
conversations for accuracy and help with any problems.
b Students give their conversations to another group
to read and correct. Help students with any language
problems at this stage and encourage groups to check
any queries with the group who wrote the conversation.

4D and skills Breakfast time Vocabulary  food and drink (2);
countable and uncountable nouns
Student’s Book p38–p39 Skills  listening: a conversation

Quick review  This activity reviews food and drink Highlight that biscuits (UK) = cookies (US). Also
vocabulary. Students do the activity in pairs then compare point out that jam (UK) = jelly (US).
their answers with another pair. Students then check their Model and drill the words with the class. Pay
answers in the menu on SB p36. Check answers with the particular attention to the pronunciation of biscuits
class. /bskts/, yogurt /jɒgət/, sugar /ʃυgə/, toast /təυst/,
sausages /sɒsdz/, orange juice /ɒrnd du:s/,
croissant /kwsɒ/, fruit /fru:t/, cereal /sərəl/ and
vegetables /vedtəblz/. Point out the silent letters in
1 Students work on their own and tick the food and biscuits and vegetables.
drink they know, then do the matching exercise
in Vocabulary 4.6 SB p136. You can also teach Vocabulary 4.6 1j ​2e ​
3h ​4r ​
5u ​
6v ​
7n ​
8b ​
9m ​10f ​
marmalade /mɑməled/, which is usually made 11s ​
12i ​
13c ​ 14q ​15o ​
16t ​
17w ​18g ​
19p ​
20a ​
21k ​
from oranges and eaten for breakfast. Students often 22d ​23x ​
24y ​ 25l
confuse this word with jam, which is usually made
from soft fruit such as strawberries, etc.

extra ideaS b Check students understand singular and plural,
then focus on the examples in the table.
● After doing the exercise in Vocabulary 4.6 (SB p136), Students work in pairs and complete the table with
students work in pairs and divide the words in 1 into food words from 1. Check answers with the class.
and drink. Point out that some words are uncountable in English
● With a strong class, ask students to write down all the but countable in other languages, for example, bread,
other words for food and drink they know in English. toast. Elicit any other uncountable words from 1 that
Get students to share them with the class and write are countable in the students’ language(s).
them on the board. Highlight the spelling of tomatoes.


2 Give examples of what you eat for breakfast from 1.
Highlight that we usually use the verb have in this singular plural yogurt sugar
context (not eat or drink), for example I usually have an egg eggs toast bread
coffee and toast. Students do the exercise in groups. a sausage sausages fish coffee
Ask students to share answers with the class. a banana bananas soup cheese
3 a Focus students on the photo and elicit that it a croissant croissants orange juice tea
shows a café in a language school in the UK. an olive olives jam meat
Students work in pairs and make a list of what they a tomato tomatoes fruit cereal
think people in Japan, France and Turkey have for a vegetable vegetables
breakfast, using words from 1. Do not check their
ideas at this stage.
extra idea
b Tell students that they are going to listen to
the chef and his assistant, Dylan. They want to ● Put the words from 1 onto separate cards (one set of
make typical breakfasts for the three nationalities, cards for each team). Divide students into teams to
Japanese, French and Turkish. complete the table as a Board Race (see p24).
CD1 80 Play the recording (SB p158). Students listen
and tick the food and drink on their own lists that HELP WITH VOCABuLARY
the chefs talk about. Countable and uncountable nouns
Point out that Dylan calls the other man chef. This
term is used in commercial kitchens to refer to the 5 a–b Students do 5a on their own or in pairs, then
head chef. check in Vocabulary 4.7 SB p136. Check answers
with the class.
c Play the recording again. Students add any missing
items that the chefs talk about to their lists for each ● Countable nouns have a plural form.
breakfast. ● We use a or an with singular countable nouns.
Check answers by writing the three headings ● We don’t use a or an with plural countable nouns.
from the answer key below on the board. Elicit the ● Uncountable nouns aren’t usually plural.
answers from the students and fi ll in the table. Ask ● We don’t use a or an with uncountable nouns.
students which of these breakfasts they would like. ● Point out that many drinks can be countable if we
mean a cup/glass of, for example a coffee = a cup
Japanese French Turkish of coffee, an orange juice = a glass of orange juice.
rice croissant bread
fish toast cheese 6 Use the example to check students understand that a
soup jam eggs dash ( – ) means no article. Students do the exercise
on their own, then check their answers in pairs.
green tea coffee with milk olives
Check answers with the class.
tea 2 an 3 a 4 – 5 – 6 a 7 –

4 a Pre-teach count. Focus students on the pictures in 7 a Pre-teach meal and main meal. Students do the
the table and ask them to circle the correct answers exercise on their own, then check answers with the
in rules 1 and 2. Check answers with the class. class. Elicit the reason for each choice.

1 can 1 – 2 a 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 an 7 a 8 –

2 can’t

b Focus students on the example and use this to show /ʃ/ Point out that when we
how students can make the sentences in 7a true for
make the /ʃ/ sound, the
them by changing the underlined word (rice to chips).
lips are slightly rounded
Students work on their own, ticking the sentences and pushed forward.
in 7a that are true for them and changing the end of tongue curved The end of the tongue
underlined word in the other sentences. back behind tooth ridge
is curved back behind
(push air through gap)
c Students work in pairs and compare sentences. the teeth and we push
Ask students to share interesting information with air through the gap.
the class. Highlight that /ʃ/ is an
unvoiced sound (there is
8 Focus students on the speech bubbles. Use these to no vibration in the throat).
elicit when we use it (singular or uncountable) and You can tell students that
them (plural) in the answers. Model and drill the /ʃ/ is the sound people
questions and answers with the class. make when they want
Students work in groups and discuss the food they someone to be quiet.
like/don’t like. /tʃ/
1 Point out that we make
9 a Start by describing your own perfect breakfast. the /tʃ/ sound by placing
Students then work on their own and use the 2 the tongue on the top of
questions to make notes about their own perfect the mouth behind the
breakfast. teeth, then moving the
move tongue down tongue down to release
b Students work in groups and tell one another to release air
air. Highlight that this is
about their perfect breakfast. Each group can
also an unvoiced sound.
then choose which student has the best breakfast.
Finally, ask these students to tell the class about their 1 /d/ Also highlight that we
breakfasts. use the same mouth
2 position to make the
writinG /d/ sound, but that this
sound is voiced (there
Students write about their perfect lunch or dinner. move tongue down is vibration from the
to release air
Further practice
2 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Encourage
Ph Vocabulary Plus 4 Food p204 (Instructions p197)
Ph students to say the words out loud to help them
Ph Class Activity 4D Food habits p164
Ph decide if the letters in bold are pronounced /ʃ/, /tʃ/
(Instructions p141) or /d/.
Ph Extra Reading 4 It’s only rock’n’roll p221
Ph b CD1 82 Play the recording (SB p158). Students
(Instructions p214) listen and check their answers. Check answers with
the class.
Extra Practice 4D SB p118
Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4D the words.
Workbook Lesson 4D p24
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 4 p70 cheese 2 jam 3 chicken 2 vegetables 3 sandwich 2
Progress Test 4 p245 musician 1 engineer 3 teacher 2 Russia 1 jazz 3
nationality 1 
HELP WITH PRONuNCIATION 3 a CD1 83 Play the recording. Students listen to the
/∫/, /t∫/ and /d/ sentences.
1 Focus students on the phonemes /ʃ/, /tʃ/ and /d/ and Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat
the words. the sentences.
CD1 81 Play the recording. Students listen to the b Put students into pairs to practise saying the
sounds and the words. sentences to each other. Monitor and check they
Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat pronounce the /ʃ/, /tʃ/ and /d/ sounds correctly.
the sounds and words. If students are having Finally, ask students to say sentences for the class.
problems with the sounds, help them with the mouth Check they pronounce the /ʃ/, /tʃ/ and /d/ sounds
position for each sound. correctly and praise good pronunciation.

Focus students on the continue2learn section on SB p39.
See p36 for ideas on how to exploit this section.

Extra Practice 4 4D
See p36 for ideas on how to exploit this section.
4A B Y T O A S T F O
1 go swimming; listen to music; take photos; go A E F R U I T I M
clubbing; play tennis; read books or magazines;
listen to the radio; go cycling; play video games; N E G G S L K S A
go to the gym; watch sport on TV A B R E A D E H T
2 a 2 takes ​ 3 goes ​4 work ​ 5 lives ​
6 finishes ​
7 like ​ N T E A G M X A O
8 watches ​ 9 go ​10 does
b 2 Barry doesn’t take good photos. ​3 Paula
doesn’t go out on Saturdays. ​4 Ian and Liz don’t M E A T S L L W S
work at home. ​5 My sister doesn’t live in the M I L K O K J A M
USA. ​6 Our class doesn’t finish at 8.30. ​7 Luke’s b toast (U); fruit (U); eggs (C); bread (U); tea (U);
parents don’t like jazz. ​8 Rob doesn’t watch sport apple (C); rice (U); meat (U); milk (U); jam (U);
on TV. ​9 We don’t go out on Fridays. ​10 She sausages (C); fish (U); tomatoes (C)
doesn’t do a lot of sport. 7  2 a ​
3 – ​
4 a ​5 – ​
6 an
3 2 really like ​3 likes ​
4 quite like ​5 is OK 
​  don’t like ​7 hates
6 Progress Portfolio 4
4 a 2 Where does he work? ​3 Does he like rock
music? ​ 4 What does she do on Friday nights?  ​ ● See p37 for ideas on how to exploit this section.
5 What food does she like?  ​6 Does she watch
sport on TV?
b b goes 4  ​c likes 5  ​d works 2  ​e does; loves 6 ​
f doesn’t; likes 3
5 2 I’d like ​3 to drink ​4 a glass of ​5 Would you
like ​6 that’s all 7 Would you like ​8 can I have ​
9 Would you like ​10 the bill


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