Guri Cave

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Primary source: Secondary source:

1. Guri Cave is perhaps the most [1] Lipuun point was occupied a second
attractive cave on Lipuun Point, time 4000 years ago. For Fox this cave
being composed of numerous was “perhaps the most attractive cave
chambers and winding on Lipuun Point”. The main entrance
passageways at various levels facing northeast is 75 meters above the
which are rich with grotesque present sea level. It opens into chamber
limestone growth -fluted and fan- A. During excavation by the National
like stalactites, stalagmites, and Museum in the 1960s, the main trench
travertine terraces. The mouth of revealed several artefacts. Unfortunately,
the main entrance chamber faces only a very small part of the assemblage
north east and is approximately 74 was retained. The results of the analysis
level feet above sea level. are based on the industry kept by Fox in

2. Time and Cultural Sequences in [2] Cave in Palawan. Other modified

Guri Cave.-The exploratory flakes were analyzed according to the
excavations in Guri Cave have location, distribution and morphology of
revealed two major periods during their retouch. The cores were as well
which the cave was utilized by classified based on the degree of
man: (1) Occupation of the main preparation (Fox, 1977). Contrary to
entranceway during the early post what he stated for the pebble tools, he
Pleistocene period, after the sea tried to apply a functional reflection. For
had assumed more or less its flaked artefacts, used unmodified flakes
present level. The midden was are highlighted first. Their size (length,
formed, it is estimated, during the width, and thickness), weight but also
period from about 5000 B.C. to the angle of the used edge (blunt,
about 2000 B.C. [one C-14 date of medium or sharp) and the extent of the
4070±80 B.P. (UCLA 698) was use-wear were examined. Following
received for marine shell 60 cm. Binford’s hypothesis of a general failure
below the present surface and (2) of the first hominids to make
A jar burial assemblages which, as standardized stone tools (Binford and
based upon the present data, Binford, 1968) and using ethno-graphic
began during the Early Metal Age, observations, Fox suggested that the
about 300 to 500 B.C., plus others amorphous character of the Philippines’
of a later date. lithic material does not reflect any
cultural backwardness but rather the
poor preservation of more sophisticated
equipment made of perishable organic
raw materials.

Primary Source: The Tabon Caves:  Archaeological Explorations and Excavations on

Palawan Island, Philippines by Robert Fox

Authenticity: He is an anthropologist and a leading historian on the pre-Hispanic period in

the Philippines

Provenance: He is the chief anthropologist of the National museum that led the extensive
excavations of the human fossils in the Tabon Caves of Palawan
Secondary Source: The Tabon Caves of Palawan by the National Commission for Culture
and the Arts (NCCA) and a Published research journal posted on science direct about
Philippines and Evolution of prehistoric lithic industries of the Philippines during the

Historiography: National Commission for Culture and the Arts is an agency that preserves,
develops, and promote the Philippine arts and culture. The creation of NCCA was based on
the government’s support for cultural development that is highlighted by the R.A. 7356. The
article about the Tabon caves of Palawan was based on the primary source by Robert Fox.

Guri cave is a part of tabon cave complex and during excavation within 30 centimeters there
are already a lot of materials beneath the surface such as animal bones shells and lithic
tools, the raw materials seems to be similar with those from Tabon cave which means that
this cave can also have fossil remains as old as those found in tabon cave.


On the first secondary source they cited the primary source and also shares a bit of
information that they know, they also explain how unfortunate that there are only a few
parts of assemblage that was retained. The second secondary source they scrutinized how
the primary source examined the artifacts and shared their own knowledge based on the
primary source gathered data and information. Both of the two secondary source showed
how our knowledge for the past years have grown and that there are still excavations
implemented up until now and with the help of old studies and current functional analysis
we are able to propose chronology of our prehistoric culture and to do further research on
our past.


[1] The Tabon Caves of Palawan. (n.d.). Retrieved September 08, 2020, from

[2] Patole-Edoumba, E., Pawlik, A., & Mijares, A. (2011, October 14). Evolution of
prehistoric lithic industries of the Philippines during the Pleistocene. Retrieved September
08, 2020, from
Guri cave is a part of tabon cave complex and during excavation within 30 centimeters there
are already a lot of materials beneath the surface such as animal bones shells and lithic
tools, the raw materials seems to be similar with those from Tabon cave which means that
this cave can also have fossil remains as old as those found in tabon cave.

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