Prehistory in Shanidar Valley

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The documents discuss archaeological investigations of two sites in Shanidar Valley, northern Iraq that provide insights into human history in the region from the Middle Paleolithic period to the present. The sites have given information about humans, the environment, and the development of agriculture.

The two sites discussed are Shanidar cave and the nearby village site of Zawi Chemi Shanidar.

The time period covered in human history in the documents ranges from approximately 100,000 years ago during the Middle Paleolithic period through the development of agriculture and into the Proto-Neolithic period.

Prehistory in Shanidar Valley, Northern Iraq Author(s): Ralph S. Solecki Reviewed work(s): Source: Science, New Series, Vol.

139, No. 3551 (Jan. 18, 1963), pp. 179-193 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: . Accessed: 09/05/2012 17:54
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18 January 1963, Volume 139, Number 3551


The Sites Shanidar cave (Fig. 3) is situated at longitude 4401 3'E, latitude 36?50'N, about 400 kilometers due north of Baghdad, within the outer folds of the Zagros Mountains. The cave, of limestone-solution origin, is about 2.5 kilometers from the Greater Zab River, a major tributary of the Tigris River. The precipitous mountains there reach an elevation greater than 1900 meters. The region is relatively well wooded. There is still some wild game to be seen in the area. The cave lies at a measured elevation of 765 meters, facing south. The mouth is about 25 meters wide and 8 meters high, and the cave extends about 40 meters to the rear, with a maximum width of about 53 meters. Its earthen floor is about 1200 square meters in area. The cave is inhabited by several families of Kurdish shepherds during the winter months. During the four seasons of excavation (2), a series of cultural deposits nearly 14 meters deep were explored down to bedrock. The deposits consist of an easily dug loamy soil and material indicative of at least five major rockfalls. These rockfalls were very effective man-traps-apparently they caused the death of most of the Neanderthals so far found in the cave. From top to bottom the occupation sequence includes four major layers, arbitrarily labeled layers A, B, C, and D (Fig. 4). Layer B was divided subsequently into two parts, B1 and B2. There are cultural, stratigraphical, and chronological breaks between each of these layers, so far as can now be determined. Layer A consists of extensive, multicolored, dry and 'dusty ash beds, hearths, and black organic-stained soil. It includes remains of modern, historic, and Neolithic age. As deduced from observations of contemporary Kurdishherdsmen occupation at Shanidar cave and neighboring caves, much of the heavy organic staining must be due to the droppings of livestock herded in the interior of the cave.







Fresh insights into Near Eastern prehistory from the Middle Paleolithic to the Proto-Neolithic are obtained.
Ralph S. Solecki

The archeological investigations of two sites in Shanidar Valley, northern Iraq (Figs. 1 and 2), have been made more significant through the use of interdisciplinary studies. The combined information provides concrete data regarding man and his environment in this region from the Middle Paleolithic age (perhaps 100,000 years ago) to the present. The significance of the Shanidar Valley investigations is that here, in this one locality, there is an almost continuous sequence of human history dating from the time of the Neanderthals. The information derived from these investigations contributes to biological, paleontological, climatological, and geological studies, as well as archeological and anthropological ones-the major concerns of the project. The Shanidar data do much to elucidate man's history in a most interesting period of his existence-the time of the Neanderthals and the replacement of this long-dominant people by Homo sapiens. The project is of further special interest because Shanidar lies within the area where domesticated plants and animals-the basis for the great NeoThe author is associate professor in the department of anthropology, Columbia University, New York. 18 JANUARY 1963

lithic economic, social, and cultural revto have been first deolution-appear veloped. The Shanidar excavations provide data reflecting the effect on the people in this remote valley of the introduction of the new mode of living, which was dependent on the products of the fields and on tamed animals rather than exclusively on the hunt. The great alternations of climate and temperature which mark the Pleistocene, a recent geological period of the ice ages dating back more than a million years, are reflected in the cultural history. The sites, Shanidar cave and the nearby village site of Zawi Chemi Shanidar, have given us a long preface to Mesopotamian history. Thus far, the cultural sequence for Shanidar Valley is outlined on a relatively firm basis by carbon-14 dates from about 50,000 years ago, and by "guess dates" for periods before that. Paleoclimatological inferences have been made on the basis of pollen remains and of trace elements in soil studies. Osteological materials from seven Neanderthals and 28 representatives of post-Pleistocene Homo sapiens have been found. There is also a wealth of faunal data. The presence of domesticated animals in Shanidar Valley at the relatively early date of 8900 B.C seems likely (1).


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Fig. 1. Selected archeological sites in northern Africa, the Near East, and the Middle East: Haua Fteah (Libya); Mount Carmel and Kebara (Israel), Ksar 'Akil and Ras el-Kelb (Lebanon); Yabrud and Jerf Ajla (Syria); Shanidar Cave, Zawi Chemi Shanidar, Bab180 SCIENCE, VOL. 139

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khal, Zarzi, Hazar Merd, and Karim Shahir (Iraq); Belt Cave, Hotu Cave, Bisitun, and Warwasi (Iran); Kara Kamar (Afghanistan); and Teshik-Tash (Uzbekistan).
18 JANUARY 1963 181

Layer B is somewhat thinner and markedly less heavily stained with organic matter than layer A. The two divisions of this layer, B 1 and B2, are distinguishable from each other by soil coloration, artifact content, and carbon14 dates. The upper part, B1, is ProtoNeolithic (3) and is dated at about 8650 B.C. (4). The lower part, B2, is Mesolithic (or very late Upper Paleolithic) and is dated at about 10,000 B.C. (5). Shanidar B 1 is contemporary with the basal layer of the Zawi Chemi Shanidar village site, which has a carbon-14 date of about 8900 B.C. (6). The artifact

contents of cave and village layers are quite similar. In addition to bone artifacts and chipped stone implements, larger tools of ground stone, such as querns, mortars, and hand rubbers, were found. These indicate that some sort of vegetal foods, possibly acorns or even cereal grains, were prepared as part of the diet. The find, in the cave, of fragments of matting or basketry, the oldest yet known, suggests that collecting baskets may have been used. Twenty-eight skeletons were associated with the Bl layer in Shanidar cave; of these, 26 were found in a

cemetery group. Associated with the cemetery were platforms of stones (7) and an arc-like alignment of flat stones (Fig. 5). There is evidence that the Proto-Neolithic people ranged far for manufacturing materials. Obsidian was brought in from the north, probably from the Lake Van region. A material which looks very much like bitumen was used as an adhesive (8); bitumen is found more than 100 miles to the south. Several pieces of evidence suggest that the B 1 peoples had a more assured food supply than their predeces-

Fig. 2. Map showing the location of Shanidar Valley in northern Iraq.

182 SCIENCE, VOL. 139

Fig. 3. The limestone cave of Shanidar, seen from the south. The swallow holes at the right enter into the cave. The long grass slope in front receives nourishment from the spilled human occupational debris. sors in the valley. First, a number of pits, which may have been food storage pits, were found intruding into the B2 layer (-Fig. 6). Second, a number of "luxury" items, such as beads, pendants, and inscribed slates, are found for the first time in the cave in layer B1items not strictly related to the onerous and time-consuming business of securing a living (Fig. 7); .. The B2 layer, in contrast to the overlying B 1 layer, contained no grinding stones. Several pits which were noted in this layer could have served as storage pits, for food that was not stoneground (of course, perishable material such as wood could have been used for preparing food). The artifact assemblage is different from that found in layer B1. It includes a large number of microliths of the "geometric" type, carefully made and reflecting an expert and sophisticated industry flint-chipping (Fig. 8). It is inferred from the technological and cultural level of these people that they were more oriented to the hunt than their followers a thousand years later. We may also assume that they had a more complex technology and economy than their predecessors at Shanidar. Layer C is easily distinguishable from layer B on the basis of stratigraphy and artifact remains (Fig. 9). The top part of this layer has been dated by the radiocarbon method at about 26,700 B.C. (9); the bottom part, at about 33,100 B.C. (10). Thus far in the excavations we have been unable to find remains linking layers B and C. There is an abrupt change of industries, from a blade-tool type reminiscent of the Upper Paleolithic "Aurignacian" (here called "Baradostian") (11) in layer C to the more highly evolved microlithic industry of basal layer B. The stone equipment of layer C indicates a high degree of skill in the woodworking crafts (only a few worked bones were found). Especially numerous are the burins, which are characterized by several types of working-bits. No human skeletal remains have been found in Fig. 4. Schematic cross section of the Shanidar cave excavation, showing the major cultural layers, the pertinent radiocarbon dates, and the relative positions of the Shanidar Neanderthals.
18 JANUARY 1963 183

were found near the top of layer D, in the level dated approximately 44,000 B.C. (13). T. Dale Stewart, of the U.S. National Museum, is studying the adult skeletons (14, 15). The late Muzaffer Senyuirek, of the University of Ankara, studied the skeleton of the Shanidar child (16).

Investigation Several approaches are currently being studied for investigating the Shanidar materials, and each of these opens new phases of research. Three broad avenues of investigation are discussed here. The first is the establishment of a chronological framework to serve as support for the study (Fig. 12). Comparative studies of the Shanidar sites and of other sites of the same age in the same broad geographical zone also are made. The second approach is the study of populations that lived in the Valley, from perhaps 100,000 years ago, to find what can be learned of them and their movements from their ancient leavings. The third is investigation to find where the Shanidar Valley fits in the great food-production revolution that supposedly took place in southwestern Asia.

Fig. 5. Looking northeast over the cemetery and associated features in the ProtoNeolithic layer of Shanidar cave. The stone wall and the rough pavements of stones may be part of a mortuary custom of this age. The light, broad horizontal streaks in the upper part of the section are ash lenses in layer A, the Recent-to-Neolithic layer.

Chronological Framework Archeology without the backdrop of a time scale has little meaning. The cultural-temporal positioning of the occupations on the basis of the artifact typology was accomplished first. The chronology was fixed by 16 carbon-14 dates from all four layers at Shanidar cave and by one from Zawi Chemi Shanidar. The samples were dated by four different laboratories in studies of which several were duplicate checks (17). The dates range from about A.D. 1750 for layer A to about 48,000 B.C. for layer D. Several obsidian samples from layers B and C were also dated (18). On the framework of this chronological scale, the climatological data obtained from studies of noncultural materials in the deposits were arranged. We enlisted the aid of a palynologist, Arlette Leroi-Gourhan of Paris, whose findings (nine samples) were independently corroborated, with one exception, by trace-element analyses of the soils (five samples), made by Bruno E. Sabels of the University of Nevada (19). These analyses indicated marked fluctuations

Fig. 6. A stone-filled pit with four associated boulder querns and quern fragments in the Proto-Neolithic layer of Shanidar cave. These indicate food grinding and probably food storage.

this layer, but it is assumed that these people were a variety of true Homo

Layer D (Fig. 10) is the thickest layer in the cave (about 8.5 m). There is evidence of heavy occupational concentration toward the middle of the layer. The Mousterian artifacts include rather typical points, scrapers, and

knives made on unifacial flakes (Fig. 11). Seven Neanderthal skeletons [six adults (numbered from I to VI) and one child (unnumbered)] were found in the upper third of the layer (12). Since only about one-tenth of the cave has been excavated thus far, more human remains are likely to be found in future seasons. Shanidar Neanderthals I and V

of climate in the late Pleistocene (Fig. 13), bearing out the geological observations made elsewhere in Kurdistan by Herbert E. Wright, Jr., of the University of Minnesota (20, 21). Data for the 8.6-meter level (the lowest for which there is information), well into the Mousterian layer, indicate a climate much warmer than that in the area today and growth of the date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) not far away (22). Data for the 7.5-meter level show a reversal to an exceedingly cool climate and growth of fir trees (A bies) in the area. Pollens near the top of layer D, at depths of 4.25 and 4.35 meters, suggest a return to warm climate about 44,000 B.C. Findings for layer C suggest a change from a dry, steppe environment near the start of the Upper Paleolithic Baradostian occupation, at about 34,000 B.C., to a wet and cold climate near its end, at about 25,000 B.C. Data are lacking for the next 15,000 years, to the base of layer B. However, findings for the two parts (Bl, B2) of layer B indicate a relatively cool climate changing to a warmer one similar to the present climate. A culture horizon comparable to B1 at Zawi Chemi Shanidar was also evidence of warmer conditions. We are painfully aware that the minimum four conditions postulated by Edward S. Deevey, Jr. (23), as requisite for the application of pollen analysis to the problems of prehistory are only half satisfied at Shanidar. Lacking are a "standard pollen sequence" and a "knowledge of the regional plant ecology." But a start has been made toward a climatological sequence for Shanidar Valley. The question at this point in the studies is this: If the suggestions of climate changes are correct, where do the alternations at Shanidar fit into the Pleistocene climate sequence? The dated part of the cave chronology, to about 48,000 B.C., can be checked against generalized curves. Beyond that, there is some doubt. An attempt to date the Shanidar cave deposits below the oldest carbon-14 determinations can be made by rough extrapolation on the basis of guessing the rate of accumulation of cultural deposit in feet per 1000 years (24-27). Assuming a constant rate of cultural deposition of about 1.25 feet per 1000 years, we guess that the Shanidar cave deposits began accumulating close to 100,000 years ago. The chronological fit of the projected curve with Flint and Brandtner's interpretations of climate change since the Last Interglacial (28)
18 JANUARY 1963

is better than the fit with Zeuner's or Emiliani's interpretations (29) (Fig. 13). The deepest pollen sample (8.6 m) and the corresponding trace-element sample (8.3 m) which reflect a very warm climate could correspond with Flint and Brandtner's "Eem," or Last Interglacial. The next Shanidar curve position could be interpreted as corresponding with their Early Wtirm stadial. The much disputed G6ttweig Interstadial (29) in

their analysis corresponds with the climatological evidence from the lower part of layer C and the upper part of layer D: a colder climate about 20,000 years ago is indicated at Shanidar. The gap between layers B and C falls in what is called the Wiirm Maximum (etc.), in the European Alpine sequence. The Zagros Mountain glaciers advanced down the slopes during this interval, causing in all probability a lowering of





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Cmn Fig. 7. Pendants, beads, and other objects from the Proto-Neolithic layer at Shanidar cave (a-d) and Zawi Chemi Shanidar village (e-z). a, Shell pendant; b, incised slate tablet; c, incised slate pebble; d, single-grooved plano-convex steatite stone object; e, double-grooved steatite stone object; f-h, incised fragments of bone tools; i, carved fragment of bone tool; j, flat pebble bearing parallel incised scratches; k, flat single perforated pebble pendant; 1, elongate single perforated pebble pendant; m, flat single perforated green stone pendant; n, o, double perforated limestone (marble?) pendants; p, small steatite object with single U-shaped groove in which there are nine deeply incised cuts; q-s, cut tubular bone beads; t, barrel-shaped steatite stone bead; u, three squat steatite stone beads; v, tubular limestone (marble?) bead; w, small tubular cut bone bead; x, perforated animal teeth (probably Cervus elaphus); y, two flat disk beads of indeterminate material; z, two broad bone beads.

temperatures and a retreat of the flora and fauna (21). Man could not tolerate such an icebox very long (the glaciers came down to elevations of about 1500 m), and he sensibly left for the Florida of his time. According to the inferred Shanidar climatological data, the climate had improved greatly (from man's standpoint) by 10,000 B.C., and by about 8000 B.C. had changed to a warmer, postglacial climate very much like that of today (21, 30). Unfortunately, no other pollen or studies trace-element climatological have been made for this range of prehistorical time in the Near East, and thus there are no data with which the Shanidar data can be compared (31). Changes in climate have been established on faunal evidence; such evidence, however, even in natural (non-

cultural) contexts is recognized as being of secondary reliability (29). One of the best-known examples of climate sequence based on faunal evidence from a Near Eastern archeological site is at Mt. Carmel (32). Primarily involved are two fauna, a cool-wetloving deer and a warm-dry-loving gazelle. Zeuner (33) adapted the Mt. Carmel faunal-frequency chart in his correlation with the European late Pleistocene sequence. This touched off a debate which is still alive as fresh data are gathered (20, 34-36). Especially illuminating are Hooijer's (37) investigations of the deer and gazelle frequencies from Ksar 'Akil, in the Lebanon. These throw some doubt on the climate interpretations from the Mt. Carmel sequence. Another late Pleistocene climate se-

quence, based on faunal evidence, primarily the large bovines, has been offered for the North African and Mediterranean area (38, 39). Concerning faunal curves, Hooijer's admonition (34) is pertinent: "What the vertebrate palaeontologist does rather more than anything else when studying the 'fauna' of an occupation site is sampling the history of the menu of the local population of prehistoric man." Today, you cannot find a Kurd at Shanidar who will eat snails or the flesh of boars, even though both abound. These are restatements of the observation that the fauna of an area, as identified in archeological contexts, is passed through the filter of human occupation. Cultural selection of fauna in a particular region, however, is obviously dependent upon the existing


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Fig. 8 (left, a-r). Various forms of finely executed points and side blades of flint from the upper and lower subdivisions of Layer B (Proto-Neolithic and Mesolithic horizons) at Shanidar cave. They are pressure retouched. With the exception of m, a "Gravettian" type point, and s, a single-shoulder based point, all the specimens shown are blunted-back retouched on one side. Some of them were probably side blades for composite implements. From the points, at least, it is inferred that the bow and arrow were known-a great technological advance. Fig. 9 (right, a-l). Flint artifacts from layer C (Upper Paleolithic, Baradostian horizon) at Shanidar cave. They were made by percussion striking and pressure retouching, principally on blades. These artifacts indicate a heavy preoccupation with wood-working (very few bone implements were found). A fireside activity requiring special talents is clearly shown by the diversification of the tool kit, indicating gouging, incising, cutting, shaving, and scraping arts, specialized forms being found within each group. a, End scraper; b, "circular"scraper; c, side and end scraper combination; d, "nosed"steep scraper on a blade core; e, notched or "strangled" blade; , chisel-ended implement; g, combination nosed burin (or graver) and end scraper; h, multiple-ended burin; i, angle-struck burin; j, stepped-bit "bec de flute" type burin; k, nosed-bit "bec de flute" type burin; 1, heavy bitted burin with polyhedric facets.
186 SCIENCE, VOL. 139

faunal inventory, which must have first passed through the screen of natural environment. Of import to the Shanidar study is a comment by Charles A. Reed of Yale University, who has studied Shanidar faunal data from three excavation seasons. He says that the remarkable thing about the fauna of Shanidar cave is that outwardly all of the bones look to be of the same age and of recent date, having the appearance of a "single-age, post-Pleistocene fauna" (40). The bones or faunal evidence, therefore, suggest that the climate at Shanidar did not change a great deal from Middle Paleolithic times on. Yet the primary climatological data, the available pollens, show otherwise. At present there is no ready explanation of this contradiction. Broadly speaking, animals are less sensitive to climate change than plants. Furthermore, some animals, such as sheep, are less sensitive
to change than others (39, 41). Could

this be the root of the problem at Shanidar?Or is it that here, as in the Mediterraneanarea (34, 37), the hunters had access to a large region with a very wide range of environmental conditions from which to draw their game animals? We must wait until a regional sequence of pollen data has been obtained from the Shanidar area before we can say that the climate-change yardstick can be applied in the Near East with precision. Nevertheless, in the two faunal curves and the admittedly incomplete pollen curve of Shanidar (Fig. 13), some broad correspondence can be seen, with one notable exception. The plot for Tabfin B in the Mt. Carmel diagram, indicating a wet and cold climate, is not in accord with the other curves. It occurs at about the time the Mousterian cultures in this part of the Near East were dwindling.

cave excavation, spot of Shanidar looking west towardthe "find" Fig. 10. The Shanidar II in the keywaypit. The deepestpart of the excavationis at right. studies of the skulls of Shanidar I and II, that an almost classic Neanderthal skull form was retained over a period of at least 15,000 years. The form was seemingly unaffected by the climatic changes inferred here. The carbon-14 dates recently obtained for Tabuin B (about 39,500 years ago) and TabuinC (about 41,000 years ago) (45, 46) suggest that the Mt. Carmel sequence falls almost entirely within the Last Glaciation (Wirm in the Alpine sequence). There are certain differences in tool types between the Mousterian cultures of Mt. Carmel and Shanidar-for example, the absence of the Levallois core technique at Shanidar (47) and evidence of the technique at Mt. Carmel. This undoubtedly must have some basis in the difference in environment. The recently obtained dates for Mt. Carmel point up the difficulties in making cultural correlations on the basis of industry typologies (48) and negate my conclusions from typological comparison of the Mt. Carmel and the Shanidar Mousterian (47). If the Mt. Carmel dates were some 6000 years older, they would make the cultural sequences, at least, match better with those of other sites in the Near East. Viewed broadly, the Shanidar Mousterian is a reasonably good example of the Mousterian culture horizon which ranged from Western Europe and North Africa to Uzbekistan (49,

its' accumulation. Preliminary analysis of the tool types, from bottom to top, indicates that, except for the brief vogue of what looks like the "Emiran" type point (42), there were no changes in the deposit. These basally inverse retouched points were found in the middle of a heavy occupational zone at a depth of about 8.5 meters-a zone which, as noted earlier, is probably evidence of a climate warmer than that of today. Neither fauna nor culture seem to have been much affected by the change to a very cool climate that is indicated by remains at a depth of about 7.5 meters. About this time (about 60,000 years ago), three of the six adult Neanderthals (Nos. II, IV, and VI) whose skeletons have been recovered were killed, all crushed by rocks (Fig. 14). Shanidar III, found at a depth of 5.4 meters, lived in a Human Populations of Shanidar Valley warmer climate perhaps 50,000 years ago. Shanidar I (Figs. 15 and 16) and of human populations of the Shanidar V were found at a depth of Study Shanidar Valley is a complex process, about 4.3 meters in a horizon dated its complexity compounded by incom- about 44,000 B.C., also in a warm enpleteness of the Shanidar, or related vironment. Physical violence, compasinvestigations and by a lack of data. sion for the living (43), and a certain However, some general observations regard for the dead are reflected in can be made on the basis of the avail- the skeletal finds. Stewart (14, 44) has able Shanidar data. shown that the Shanidar Neanderthals The Mousterian layer seems to have have morphological features similar to been built up by a series of Neander- the Tabuin skeletons of Mt. Carmel, thals who were relatively stagnant cul- which postdate the Shanidar Neanderturally; there were 2000 generations of thals by at least 5000 years. Stewart them in the perhaps 60,000 years of has also shown, on the basis of his
18 JANUARY 1963

een set at about 35,000 to 40,000 B.C. 57). The Mousterian came to Haua teah and to Shanidar at about the tme time, but for some reason it ems to have been late in appearing t Ksar 'Akil and Mt. Carmel. One iust conclude that the Acheulian inustries lingered on until quite late at yt it. Carmel, if the inferred chronology ; true (Fig. 13). The Mousterian was cc L/ art of an abrupt introduction, posibly stemming from Africa (58). But either the spread nor. the final exi inction of this culture was uniformly mooth. The carbon-14 dates hint that he final Mousterian cultures occurred J it the same time as initial Upper PaleoIthic occupations in the Near East. What happened eventually to the I ast Shanidar Neanderthals is not It mknown. is hardly likely that unfavorable climate was a contributing cause / of their departure. The possibility that 9 they were eliminated by a prehistoric catastrophecannot be ruled out. There is no evidence, but perhaps the Upper Paleolithic true Homo sapiens contributed to this extinction at Shanidar. However, if the Neanderthals had been bested in combat (and this surely would have been an unequal fight), it might be expected that the newcomers would have taken over their homes / (59). There seems to be evidence of cultural intermixture of the Upper Paleolithic and the Mousterian Middle /9 Paleolithic in a transitional industry (the Emiran) in the Levant (60), and 3 0 / S v S similarly, passage of the Mousterian culture into the Upper Paleolithic Peri11. Examples of artifacts from layer D (Middle Paleolithic Mousterian horizon) gordian I in Prance (61). But such Fig. made on unifacial flakes of flint. was not the case at Shanidar. After, at Shanidar cave. They are percussion struck, and at Shanidar cave, presumably used for tipping These represent the simplest implements at most, a lapse of 10,000 years, the as spearsn, skinning knives, and as simple wood-working tools. No Levallois prepared new occupants of Shanidar cave, the on cores werefound, although many of the artifacts exhibit "facetted butt" preparation Baradostianpeople, took over a wilderMousterian points; f, "Emirch"-type point with basal their basal ends. a-e, Typical ness restocked with game, with no one inverse retouch; g, elongated Mousterian point; h, double-ended point; i, convex-edged thick flake; 1, assymetrically to dispute their hunting territory claims. side scraper;], borer; k, convex-edged sidescraperon a n, unusually long sidescraper shaped point or "dejete"' type sidescraper;m,flake core; On the basis of their tool inventory, and knife combination. it appears that these Upper Paleolithic peoples were most closely related to the Southwest Asian and European Pole 26/22 (53, 54). Hazar Merd and 50) and Central Asia (51) in a rough at least, appear to be statis- blade- and burin-using populations ellipse around the Mediterranean, Bisitun, (11, 62, 63). The Baradostianindustry related to Shanidar(55). Black, Caspian, and Aral seas (52). tically on longer is unique in Iraq, although it has been The Mousterian lingered An interesting parallel can be drawn it did in the Za- reported from Warwasi cave in western between the Shanidar and the Teshik- at Mt. Carmel than that upset Iran (64). Nothing is known of cave Tash Mousterian (49, 50), where, in gros Mountains, a finding estimates for Mt. or "home" art. It looks as though the similar mountainous environments, the former chronological people had adapted their The terminal date for B13aradostian Carmel (56). principal animals hunted were goats. been set at about hunting methods to local conditions In the Iraq-Iran area, an occupation the Mousterian has to 40,000 years ago in the and pursued the same game animals closely related to the Shanidar Mous- 35,000 about the same (mainly goats) as their Neanderthal terian occurred at the shelter-cave sites Levant (45); this is for the begin- predecessors in Shanidar Valley. Probof Hazar Merd, Babkhal, Spilik, Bisi- as the date established herbiof the Upper Paleolithic III Bara- ably they drove these gregarious tun, and Warwasi, and occupations less ning vores over cliffs or trapped them in dostian of Shanidar. The date for the closely connected, at the open sites and Telegraph end of the Mousterian in Libya has blind canyons nearby. of Tarjil, Serandur,
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Fig. 13. Inferred climatic changes in the Near East, proposed on the basis of indicators from three paleolithic sites, in north Africa, the Levant, and the Zagros Mountains, compared with the solar radiation curve for the upper Pleistocene.

In the four known caves in the Zagros area which contain a Mousterian occupation overlaid by a Mesolithic one, only Shanidar and Warwasi caves have an intervening Upper Paleolithic occupation. There are more numerous, related occupations to the west in the Levant. There the closest parallels to the Baradostian are at Yabrud (shelter II, layers 4 and 5) in Syria, at Abu Halka (layer IVc) in Lebanon, and at Mt. Carmel Wad E in Palestine-or what R. Neuville (65) calls Upper Palaeolithic III (11). The Upper Paleolithic had a longer and more complete cultural history in the Levant than in the mountain hinterland of the Zagros area. While it is evident that the Baradostian did not have the time spread of the Mousterian, a more likely explanation of the sparseness of distribution for the Zagros area is a lack of population. It is possible that this interior mountain environment necessitated a special economic adjustment. About 26,000 B.c., it is surmised, the climate became too cold for man at Shanidar and he left. The next occupation was not until about 15,000 years later. No barren soil layer was noted between layers B and C with which this hiatus can be correlated. This apparent

desertion of Shanidar in the later Upper Paleolithic is paralleled at other dated and undated sites in the Near in East, from Kara Kamar (66) Afghanistan to southern Turkey (67). There may well have been a low population density during the peak of the Last Glaciation, between about 13,000 and 23,000 years ago (68). This is borne out by the dwindling number of sites even in the historically rich area of the Levant, where the Upper Palaeolithic stage V of Neuville (35, 65) is clearly defined in only two sites, both in Palestine (Mt. Carmel Wad C "Atlitian," and el Khiam E). The hiatuses occur between the period of blade and burin industries of the Upper Paleolithic and the Mesolithic of the very late Pleistocene. In neighboring Soviet Asia we find a similar situation, with even longer hiatuses between the Mousterian and the Mesolithic (50, 69). After the close of the Last Glaciation, about 9000 to 10,000 B.C., there was a rash of Mesolithic settlements. As in the Near East, they blossomed over what is now Soviet Asia like desert flowers after a rain, taking advantage of an apparent cultural vacuum, meeting with little or no resistance. Surely something new must have been added

to the economy, or new techniques and innovations must have broadened the economic base, contributing to this evident population spurt (70). The date of this movement, at least in this part of the Near East, was about 10,000 B.C., and the movement probably lasted not more than one and a half millennia. There are ten known sites of this relatively brief culture horizon [generally belonging to the "Zarzian" (71)] in the Iraq-Iran Zagros Mountain area in contrast to the lone pair of known Baradostian sites, spanning a period about five times as long. The Mesolithic layer B2 of Shanidar cave is one of these culturally related "Zarzian" sites; the others are components in the cave sites of Zarzi, Hazar Merd, Babkhal, Palegawra, Hajiyah, Barak, and Warwasi and in the open sites of Turkaka and Kowrikhan (53, 54, 64, 72). Outside the Zagros Mountain area, on the Caspian Sea in Iran, are the Belt and Hotu caves (35, 42, 73), which have occupations of comparable date and culture. The origins of this Mesolithic culture are not definitely known. Certainly it did not stem from the Baradostian at Shanidar. It could have come from the Levant, but related cultures to the

north beyond the Caucasus area may have been just as compelling (62). the eskud Thin people arkeb (27 an gatherers, analogousfront. ted true that


he The stone to the left was

Europe prior to the Neolithic cultures. snail of The suddenbundan ce a she lls arc d iscoloration of the soil the on eastwarked and the (fromu vegetal stuffs?), suge marked. The compelling g ested pres enc mofpits and basins invery the Mesolithicd be an e of Shanidar knownan innovation probintay Chemi Shaniready caveai hat people were sucthese suggest t ro of la cessfully an the openad ex-conomic unchtionship o change. It perimentation with nontraditional food.Mesolithic directly over the left tempe- This indivdal d foun liv in a cool climate. editerratoswungeastward along the to The cultural analog the elsewhere were for so qualifieds "Zarzian" knhorizonin thepossibly is alreadis Levatcologica "Kebaran" of Upper Palfood the co-llection the and preparation lithic VI stage (62, 63). In North AfrShca, culture like those for of sch edibles as acorns nuts and were prob-widely dispersed theana log to this on z Mesolithic is the appeares seeds. Social changes must horizon, Oranian, t date from l ater han 15,000 to 12,000 of skull it under a crushed 14. The siil, Shanidar a as B.Kar. the Maghreb (27, 36). Is it Figsibly in ppeared when posdiscovered, rockfall. The skull is lying on its right side, face to the front. The stone to the left was sible that Oranian-related cultures a cool climate. Asund temple. indivi-dual directlThis livmissed y over the left (77).in nean and inland through the Zagros arc and on eastward? It is too soon to say, shows that-this culture, especially, was and the Proto-Neolithic cultures at Shabut we are on the threshold of knowwell on its way toward full food pro- nidar is very marked. The compelling I ing. If this were true, then the movement of the later Proto-Neolithic duction; the domesticated sheep was problem is that of determining the origin innovation prob- of the Shanidar B I-Zawi Chemi Shanihorizon would be an interesting phealready known-an nomenon to trace. The matter of the ably brought in from some other area dar culture horizon (Proto-Neolithic), I with its focus on economic change. It (1) In the Levant the analogous Protorelationship of "Zarzian" to the openNeolithic culture seems to have been air sites of the Ukraine, a thousand may be that the preceding Shanidar B2' type culture and its Mesolithic the Natufian of Palestine (76). A niore miles away, is still not clear (62). The next culture horizon in Shanidistant analog is the Capsian culture in equivalents elsewhere were for some I North Africa (Maghreb), already dar Valley is-known from the Protoreason, possibly ecological, emergent Neolithic occupation at the cave- (layer there sometime after 9000 B,C., (36). heavily: predisposed toward experiThe interrelationships among these mental food collection and preparation Bl) and at the open site of Zawi Chemi of such- edibles as acorns, nuts, and Shanidar (74). These sites were prob- widely dispersed cultures, like those for the previous Mesolithic horizon, are not wild grass seeds. Social changes must ably seasonally occupied. Related components are found at such sites as yet positively shown, but the thread have accompanied the new mode of of cultural similarities cannot be dis- life, but inferences about this are someKarim Shahir, M'lefaat, and possibly Asiab (53, 54, 64, 72, .75). The evimissed (77). what more difficult to make. At any The contrast between the Mesolithic dence from Zawi Chemi Shanidar rate, it is an inescapable fact that a

Fig. 15 (left). The skull of Shanidar I, dated about 44,000 B.C., as it looked in the Shanidar laboratory after removal from the cave. The vertebrae are in place. This individual lived in a warm climate. Fig. 16 (right). The skull, restored, of Shanidar I. [Smithsonian
18 JANUARY 1963 191

Fig. 17. (Left) A knife, 20.9 centimeters long, made of a flint blade held with a tarry substance in a bone handle, found in the Proto-Neolithic cemetery at Shanidar cave. (Right) A laterally grooved bone handle, 21.7 centimeters long, which presumably held flint blades, from the Proto-Neolithic layer at the Zawi Chemi Shanidar village site. This was probably a sickle for cutting grasses. rise in temperature could have served as just such an indirect stimulus. The same sort of shock stimulus and subsequent concatenation of events was felt in the American Southwest at about the same time (about 8000 B.C.) (79, 80), where, paralleling developments in the Near East, there were shifts to an economic base more dependent upon food gathering, especially the gathering of vegetal foods, than on hunting. The hallmark of the so-called American Desert Culture was the flat milling stone, or quern, and the gathering basket (80). At Shanidar and related sites we find evidence of the introduction of querns and hand milling stones [also, at Shanidar cave, baskets (?), and at Zawi Chemi Shanidar, possibly some kind of reaper (Fig. 17) (8)], indicating vegetal foods. The wild goat, known since the first occupation at Shanidar cave, was now of minor importance as compared to the sheep, which was found domesticated in Shanidar Valley. The stage was set for a "mixed-farming" economy. As for the Desert Culture of the American Southwest, it seems that food production did not take hold there as it did in the Near East. Lacking was the combination of potentially domesticable animals and wild cereal prototypes, which in the Near East were the touchstone to civilization (81).
References and Notes 1. C. A. Reed, Z. Tierziichtung Ziichtungbiol. 76, 1 (1961), pp. 31-38. 2. For the 1951 season see R. S. Solecki, , ibid. 9, 60 Sumer 8, 127 (1952); (1953). For 1953, see R. S. Solecki, Smithsonian Inst. Ainn. Rept. 1954, 389 (1955) , [reprinted in Sumer 11, 14 (1955)]; Sumer 9, 229 (1953). For 1956-57 see R. S. Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1959, Solecki, Sumer 13, 165 (1957); 603 (1960); -, For 1960 see -ibid. 14, 104 (1958). , R. S. Solecki, Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 23, 690 (1961). 3. The terms Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic are not precisely defined but serve as a useful nomenclature for establishing broad cultural perspectives in prehistory. 4. Sample W-667 is dated 10,600 ? 300 years ago [R. S. Solecki and M. Rubin, Science 127, 1446 (1958); M. Rubin and C. Alexander, Am. J. Sci. Radiocarbon Suppl. 2, 183 (1960)1]. 5. Sample W-179 is dated 12,000 ? 400 years ago [M. Rubin and H. E. Suess, Science 121, 481 (1955)]. 6. Sample W-681 is dated 10,870 ? 300 years ago [R. S. Solecki and M. Rubin, Science 127, 1446 (1958); M. Rubin and C. Alex-

food-production revolution of a sort is evidenced at Shanidar cave layer B1 and at Zawi Chemi Shanidar. It did not evolve directly out of Shanidar B2, but the change probably took place not very far away. This great revolution seems to have occurred at just about the time of an abrupt world-wide rise in temperature (78). Undoubtedly the same sort of climatic change had occurred before in man's history, but without a similar aftermath, so far as we know. Presumably, man did not have the right combination of mental, technological, and social attributes earlier in his development to search out and utilize radically new ways of getting a living, or else he was not in an area where the proper combination of ecological factors obtained. But given these, a kind of trigger was needed to make him depart from being a perpetual "lotus-eater," forever dependent upon hunting and gathering for his existence. In the area under discussion, the

ander, Am. J. Sci. Radiocarbon Suppl. 2, 184 (1960), date the same sample (W-681) 10,800 -+- 300 years ago]. 7. The platforms, associated with evidence of fire, were probably of ceremonial origin. 8. R. S. Solecki and R. L. Solecki, "Two bone hafts from the Proto-Neolithic horizon at Shanidar, Northern Iraq," in preparation. 9. Sample W-654 is dated 28,700 ?+ 700 years ago [M. Rubin and C. Alexander, Am. J. Sci. Radiocarbon Suppl. 2, 184 (1960)]. 10. Sample GRO-259 is dated 35,080 ? 500 years ago [letter from H. DeVries (1 Aug. 1959)]. 11. R. S. Solecki, thesis, Columbia University (1958). , Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 23, 690 12. (1961). 13. Sample GRO-2527 is dated 46,000 ? 1500 years ago [R. S. Solecki, Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1959, 629 (1960); letter from H. DeVries (1 Aug. 1959)3. 14. T. D. Stewart, Sumer 14, 90 (1958) [reprinted in Smithsonian Inst. Ann, Rept. 1958, 473 (1959)]; Yearbook Am. Phil. Soc. 1958), pp. 274-278. 15. Bibliog. Primatol. 1, 130 (1962) (Adolph H. Schulz anniversary volume); Sumer 14, 104 (1958); ibid., in press. 16. M. Senyiirek, Anatolia 2, 49 (1957); ibid. 2, 111 (1957); "A Study of the Deciduous Teeth of the Fossil Shanidar Infant," Publ. Univ. Ankara, No. 128 (1959). 17. The samples were dated at the Laboratory of Physics, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands; the Lamont Geological Observatory, Palisades, New York; the U.S. Geological Survey Radiocarbon Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; and the Geochronological Laboratory, London Institute of Archaeology, London University, London, England. 18. I. Friedman, R. L. Smith, C. Evans, B. J. Meggers, Am. Antiquity 25, 476 (1960). I believe, on the basis of the evidence, that obsidian dates older than those of layer B are not reliable. 19. R. S. Solecki and A. Leroi-Gourhan, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 95, 729 (1961). 20. H. E. Wright, Jr., in Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan, R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, Eds. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960), pp. 1-184. 21. Eiszeitalter Gegenwart 12, 131 (1961); Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 95, 718 (1961). 22. Previously, date palms had not been found, in an archeological context, in Mesopotamia before Sumerian times. 23. E. S. Deevey, Jr., Am. Antiquity 10, 135 (1944). 24. R. S. Solecki, unpublished manuscript. 25. C. B. M. McBurney has hit upon the same generalization from carbon-14 dates, using a more involved method (26, 27). 26. C. B. M. McBurney, Advan. Sci. 18, 494 (1962). 27. , Nature 192, 685 (1961). 28. R. F. Flint and F. Brandtner, Am. J. Se. 259, 321 (1961). 29. H. E. Wright, Jr., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 72, 933 (1961). 30. This would substantiate Dr. Wright's observation for climate change in Kurdistan. 31. Willem Van Zeist's "Preliminary palynological study of sediments from Lake Merivan, S. W. Iran" (unpublished manuscript, 1961) is not applicable here. 32. D. A. E. Garrod and D. M. A. Bate, The Stone Age of Mount Carmel (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1937), pp. 1-240. 33. F. E. Zeuner, Dating the Past (Methuen, London, 1958), pp. 1-516. 34. D. A. Hooijer, Advan. Sci. 18, 485 (1962). 35. F. Clark Howell, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 103, 1 (1959). 36. C. B. M. MeBurney, The Stone Age of Northern Africa (Penguin, London, 1960), pp. 1-288. 37. D. A. Hooijer, Zool. Verhandel. 49, 1 (1961). 38. E. S. Higgs, Advan. Sci. 18, 490 (1962); and D. R. Brothwell, Man 41, 138 (1961). 39. E. S. Higgs, Proc. Prehist. Soc. 27, 144 (1961). 40. C. A. Reed and R.. J. Braidwood, in Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan, R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, Eds. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960), p. 165. 41. K. Kowalski [Folia Quarternaria 8, 1 (1962)] finds that small rodents are very useful indicators of climate in cave sections. No such study has been made as yet at Shanidar Cave. SCIENCE, VOL. 139

42. R. S. Solecki, Smithsonnian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1954, 389 (1955). 43. Compassion for the living is indicated by evidence of care of the infirm and wounded (one individual, at death, was recovering from a stab wound in the rib) and by evidence of surgery (an arm, useless since birth, had been cut off above the elbow). 44. T. D. Stewart, Science 131, 1437 (1960); paper delivered at American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting; Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1961, 521 (1962). 45. K. P. Oakley, Advan. Sci. 18, 415 (1962). 46. I believe that the "guess date" of "as early as 37,000 B.c." [D. R. Brothwell, Proc. Prehist. Soc. 27, 155 (1961)] for the Skhul finds of Mt. Carmel is within the limits of

47. R. S. Solecki, Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1959, 603 (1960). 48. F. Bordes, Science 134, 803 (1961); in Evolution of Man, S. Tax, Ed. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960), vol. 2, pp. 99-110. 49. H. L. Movius, Jr., Bull. Am. School Prehist. Res. No. 17 (1953), pp. 11-71. 50. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 97, 383 (1953). -, 51. V. A. 0. Ranov, Akad. Nauk Tadjikstan SSR Stalinabad 1, 89 (1961); in -,
Noveishei etat



54. 55. 56.

ritorii Tadzhikistana Dushanbe, U.S.S.R., 1962), pp. 35-65. F. E. Zeuner, in A History of Technology, C. Singer, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall, Eds. (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1954), vol. 1, pp. xlviii-lvix. The distribution can be extended around the Caspian Sea and eastward. R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, in Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan, R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, Eds. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960). R. J. Braidwood, Advan. Sci. 16, 214 (1960). This conclusion is based on a rough statistical estimate for Shanidar Mousterian. It looks like a "typical" Mousterian. R. S. Solecki, Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci 24, 712 (1959).




57. C. B. M. McBurney, Advan. Sci. 18, 494 (1962). 58. in Neanderthal Centenary, G. H. R. --, von Koenigswald, Ed. (Drukkerij, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1958), pp. 1-325. 59. In the Levant area the Upper Paleolithic had evolved through two stages (U.P. I, U.P. II) before the Baradostian appeared in the Zagros. 60. D. A. E. Garrod, J. Roy. Anthropol. Inst. 81, 121 (1951). 61. F. Bordes, in Neanderthal Centenary, G. H. R. von Koenigswald, Ed. (Drukkerij, Utrecht, Netherlands), pp. 1-325. 62. D. A. E. Garrod, J. World Hist. 1, 13 (1953). 63. , Bull. Soc. Prehist. Fran. 54, 439 (1957). 64. R. J. Braidwood, Iranica Antiqua 1, 2 (1961). 65. R. Neuville, Arch. Inst. Paleontol. Humaine 24, 1 (1951). 66. C. S. Coon and E. K. Ralph, Science 122, 921 (1955); C. S. Coon, The Seven Caves (Knopf, New York, 1957), pp. 1-338. 67. I. K. Kokten, Belleten 19, 271 (1955); M. Senyiirek and E. Bostanci, ibid. 22, 171 (1958); E. Bostanci, Anatolia 4, 129 (1959); , Belleten 26, 233 (1962). 68. M. Rubin and H. E. Suess, Science 123, 442 (1955). Haua Fteah was evidently occupied during the height of the Last Glaciation (see 26). 69. H. L. Movius, Jr., Actes Congr. Intern. Quaternaire, 4o (1953), pp. 3-20. 70. P. N. Tretiakov and A. L. Mongait, Contrib. Ancient Hist. U.S.S.R. (Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Univ.) 1, 1 (1961); A. Mongait, Archaeology in the U.S.S.R. (D. Skvirsky, trans.) (Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow, 1959), pp. 1-429. 71. The name "Zarzian" was given these sites by R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe [Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan, R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, Eds. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960), pp. 155, 180; Science 127, 1419 (1958)] after D. A. E.

Garrod's site in Iraq [Bull. Am. Prehist. Res. 6, 13 (1930)]. 72. R. J. Braidwood and B. Howe, in "Courses Toward Urban Life," Viking Fund Publ. in Anthropol. No. 32 (1962), pp. 132-146. 73. C. S. Coon, Cave Explorations in Iran in
1949 (University Museum,









96, 231

74. R. L. Solecki, "Zawi Chemi Shanidar, a Post-Pleistocene Village in Northern Iraq," in preparation. 75. The distinctiveness of Shanidar Cave layer Bi should correct the impression that, after the "Zarzian," caves were not inhabited by the Zawi Chemi Shanidar peoples [see 53, and R. J. Braidwood, Science 127, 1419 (1958)]. 76. D. A. E. Garrod, Proc. Brit. Acad. 43, 211 (1957); Garrod calls Natufian a "Mesolithic Culture." J. Perrot, in "Courses Toward Urban Life," Viking Fund Publ. in Anthropol.
No. 32


77. There are rough correspondences in the timing, the basic tool kit, luxury goods, and certain economic traits which hint at a kind of unity, as yet undefined, and a widespread culture horizon in the African Mediterranean area and Near East. 78. W. S. Broeker, M. Ewing, B. C. Heezen, Am. J. Sci. 258, 429 (1960). 79. R. S. Solecki, "Clues to the Emergence of Food Production in the Near East," in preparation. 80. J. Jennings, "Danger Cave," Soc. Am. Archaeol. Mem. No. 14 (1957). 81. The fieldwork discussed in this article was made possible by grants from the American Philosophical Society, Columbia University, the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation and by the generous cooperation of the Government of Iraq and the Iraq Petroleum Company. I thank Rose L. Solecki and James H. Skinner for critical reading of the manuscript and Alan Mann for help in its preparation.




The Imitation of Man



The view that machines will think as man does reveals misunderstanding of the nature of human thought.
Ulric Neisser

Popular opinion about "artificial intelligence" has passed through two phases. A generation ago, very few people believed that any machine could ever think as a man does. Now, however, it is widely held that this goal will be reached quite soon, perhaps in our lifetimes. It is my thesis that the second of these attitudes is nearly as unsophisticatedas the first. Yesterday's skepticism was based on ignorance of the capacities of machines; today's con18 JANUARY 1963

fidence reflects a misunderstanding of the nature of thought. There is no longer any doubt that computing machines can be programmed to behave in impressively in-

telligent ways. Marill (1) does not exaggerate in saying, "At present, we have, or are currently developing, machines that prove theorems, play games with sufficient skill to beat their inventors, recognize spoken words, translate text from one language to another,

speak, read, write music, and learn to improve their own performancewhen given training." Nevertheless, I will argue that the procedures which bring about these results differ substantially from the processes which underlie the same (or other) activities in human beings. The grounds for this assertion are quite different from the "classical" reasons for skepticism about thinking machines, but the latter should be considered first. This amounts to reviewing the similarities between men and computers before stressingthe differences. First of all, it was formerly maintained that the actions of a mechanism would never be purposive or selfdirected, whereas human behavior can be understood only in terms of goals and motives. Two counterexampleswill be enough to show that this argument has become untenable. In the realm of action, it is difficult not to be impressed with the "homing" missile, which pursues its target tenaciously through every evasive action until it achieves its deThe author is associate professor of psychology, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., and a consultant at the Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, operated with support from the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. 193

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