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Method FOR V-Erification of Rockwell Superficial Hardness Testing Machines (Scales 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T AND 45T) (

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UDC 620~178’152’42’05 : 53’089’0 ( First RepIint AUGUST 1993 J IS : 5073 - 1988

( Reaffirmed 1999 )
Indian Standard

(SCALES 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T AND 45T)
( first Revision )

I. scope
1.1 This standard specifies a method of verification of testing machines for determining Rockwell
ruperficial hardness (scales 15N, 3ON, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T) in accordance with IS : 50724988
Method for Rockwell superficial hardness test ( scales 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T ) ( first
*evkion )‘.

I.2 It-describes a direct verification method for checking the main functions of the machine, and an
ndirect verification method suitable for overall checking of the machine. The indirect verification
nethod may be used on its own for periodic routine checking of the machine in service.

1.3 If a testing machine is also to bemused for other methods of hardnuss testing, it shall be verified
ndependently for each method,

2. General Conditions
&Before a Rockwell superficial hardness testing machine is verified, it shall be checked to censure

a) The machine is properly set up;

b) The plunger holding the indentor is capable of sliding in its guide, by its own weight, but
without any appreciable clearance;
c) The indenter holder is firmly mounted in the plunger;
d) The test force can be -applied and removed without shock or vibration and in such a manner
that the readings are not influenced; and
e) The readings are not affected either by the movements of the test piece or by deformations
of the frame. When a device is supplied which locks the test piece against the upper part
of the frame, the locking force shall exceed the total test force. The influence of deforma-
tions may be checked directly against the anvil and using the locking device ( when it is
supplied ). The readings of the measuring device before application and after removal of
the additional force shall not differ by more than.1’0 Rockwell superficial unit.

3. Direct Verification
3.0 Direct verification involves:
a) Verification of the test force,
b) Verification of the indenter, and
c) Verification of the measuring device.

3.1 Verification of the Test Force

3.1.1 The preliminary test force F0 (see 3.1.4) and each total test force F used ( see 3.1.5 ) shall be
measured and whenever applicable,this shall be done at not less than three positions of the plunger
spaced throughout its range of movement during testing.

3.1.2 The forces shall be measured by one of the following two methods:
a) Measuring by means of an elastic proving device previously calibrated to an accuracy
of & 0’2 percent Or,
b) Balancing against a force, accurate to & 0’2 percent applied by means of standardized mas.s
with mechanical advantage.

Adopted 15 November 1988 6 August 1989, BIS Gr 3

I -I


NEW DELHI 110002
IS : 5073- 1988

3.1.3 Three readings shall be taken for each force at each position of the plunger. immediately
before each reading is taken, the plunger shall have been moved in the same direction as during the

3.1.4 The tolerance on the preliminary test force F0 before application and after removal of the
additional test force F1, shall be f 2.0 percerrt.

3.1.5 The tolerance on the total test force F shall be f 0’7 percent.

3.2 Verification of the Indenters

3.2.1 Diamond cone indenter ( scales 15N, 30N, 45N) -These shall be verified by following the
procedure given in to The surface of the diamond cone and the spherical tip shall be positioned for a penetration
depth of 0’20 mm and shall be free from surface defects. The verification of the shape of the indenter can be made by direct measurement or by the
measurement of its projection on a screen. The verification shall be made at not less than four
sections. The diamond cone shall have an included angle of 120 f 0’35”. Deviations from straight-
ness of generator of the diamond cone, adjacent to the blend, shall not exceed 0’001 mm over a
minimum length of 0’35 mm. The angle between -the axis of the diamond cone and the axis of the indenter holder
( normal to the seating surface) shall not exceed 0’5”. The spherical tip of the diamond cone shall have a mean radius of 0’200 &- 0’010 mm. In
each measured section, the radius shall be 0’200 f 0’015 mm and the local deviations from it shall not
exceed 0’002 mm.

The surfaces of the cone and the sphericai tip shall blend in a truly tangential manner. The hardness values given by the testing machine do not depend only on the dimensions
given in to, but also on the surface roughness and the position of crystallographic axes
of the diamond, and the seating of the diamond in its holder. For this reason, an indirect verification is considered necessary. The performance of the
test indenter shall be compared in a standardizing machine with the performance of the machine
standardizing indenter. The test shall be made in accordance with IS : 5076-1988 ‘Method for
calibration of standardized block to be used for Rockwell superficial hardness testing machines (scales
15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T ) ( first revision )‘. Tests shall be made on a minimum of two blocks in the 30N scale, one at a hardness
level near the lower limit and the second near the upper limit of the hardness range of this scale. For
each block, the mean hardness value of three indentations made using the indenter to be verified shall
not differ from the mean hardness value of three indentations obtained with the standardizing indenter
by more than f 0’8 Rockwell superficial hardness units. The indentations with the indenter to be
verified and with the standardizing indenter should be carried out in such a way that the indentations
of both indenters are in each case adjacent. The test shall be made in accordance with IS : 5076-1988
( see Appendix A also ).
Note-The standardizing indenter is the indenter Jr the indenters being recognized as the reference

3.2.2 Steel ball indenter ( Scale 15T, 30T and 45r) -These shall be verified by following the
procedure given in to For the purpose of verifying the size and the hardness of the steel balls, it is considered
sufficient to test a sample selected at random froma batch. The ball(s) verified for hardness shall be
discarded The ball shall be polished and shall be free from surface defects. The user shall either measure-the ball to er Sure that they meet the following requirements,
or he shall obtain balls from a supplier who can certify rhat the following conditions are met:

a) The diameter, when measured at not less than three positions, shall be 1’587 5 f 0$03 5 mm.
b) The hardness of the steel ball shall be not less than 850 HV 10 when determined in accor-
dance with IS : 1501 ( Part 1 )-I984 ‘Viciters hardness test for meL.llic maierizls: Part 1 HV 5
to HV 100 (second revision )‘, and applying Iha appropriate cor:ecti:)n ic:r curvature as g’\{eri
in Appendix B of that standard (Ttle max!mum value of mean diagonal of the indentation
made on the ball with a Vickers indenter ai 98’07 N is, therefore, 0’141 mm. )

IS : 5073 - 1888

3.3 Verifkation of the Measuring Device

3.3.1 The depth measuring device shall be verified over not less than three intervals including the
intervals corresponding to the lowest and highest hardnesses for which the scales are normally used,
by making known incremental movements of the indenter in the direction of increasing hardness

3.3.2 The instrument used to verify the depth measuring device shall have an accuracy
of 0’000 2 mm. The depth measuring device shall correctly indicate within f 0’000*5 mm, jar example,
within & 0’5 Rockwell superficial hardness unit, over each range.

4. Indirect Verification

4.0 lndirest verification may be carried out by means of standardized blocks calibrated in accordance
with IS : 5076-1988.

4.1 Procedure
4.1.1 For iadirect verification of a testing machine, the following procedures shall be applied,

The testing machine shall be verified for each scale for which it is normally used. ~For each
scale to be verified, standardized blocks from at least two of the hardness ranges given in Table 1 shall
be used. The hardness values of the blocks shall approximate the limits of intended use.


Rockwell Hardness Hardness Range of

Scale Standardized Block

15 N 70 to 75 HR 15 N
78 to 88 HR 15 N
89to91 HR 15 N

80 N 42 to 50 HR 30 N
55 to 73 HR 30 N
75 to 80 HR 30 N

45 N PO to 31 HR 45 N
37 to 61 HR 45 N
63 to 70 HR 45 N

l5T 73 to 80 HR 15 T
80 to87 HR 15 T
87 to 93 HR 15 T

301 43 to 56 HR 30 T
57 to 70 HR 3Q T
70 to 82 HR 30 t

45 1 12 to 33 HR 45 T
34 to 54 HR 45 t
54 to 72 HR 45 T

4.1.2 For purposes of routine checking, a hardness testing machine may be checked at one hardness
value only, corresponding approximately to that of the tests to be made.

4.1.3 On each standardized block, five indentatibns shall be made and each hardness number
observed to within 0’2 Rockwell superficial hardness units. Before making these indentations, at least
two preliminary indentations shall be made to ensure that the machine is working freely and the
standardized block, the indenter and the anvil are seating correctly. The results of these preliminary
indentations shall Abeignored. The test shall be made in accordance with IS : 5072-1988.

4.2 Repeatability

4.2.1 For each standardized block, let e,, e, . . . . . . . . . es be the values of the measured increase in depth
of indentation, arranged in increasing order of magnitude, where e is in units of 0’001 mm, as defined
in IS : 507271988.

The repeatability of the testing machine under particular verification conditions is determined
_by the quantity, e, - el.

IS : 5073 - 1988

4.2.2 The maximum permissible repeatability of the testing machine at each hardness level verified
shall be:
a) For the scales 15N. 30N and 45N, 0’04~Z or 12 Rockwell superficial hardness units. whichever
is greater ( see Fig. 1 ); and
b) For the scales 15T, 30T and 45 T, 2 or 2’4 Rockwell superficial hardness units, whichever is
greater ( see Fig. 1 ), where
._. ..,
e= e, + e, + + es

10 20 30 LOI 50


30N I

I-~_________--______----_---- __-


IS : 5073- 1988

4.3 Error
4.3.1 The error of the testing machine under particular verification conditions is expressed by the
quantity k - H where

ti=H~+H,f . . . . . .._..._... +H,

H,, H, . . . . . . H5 being the hardness values cor!esponding to e,, e, . . . . . . es, and
OHis the specified hardness of the standardized block used.

4.3.2 The maximum error of the-testing machine shall not exceed the values given in Table 2.


Rockwell Superficial Maxlmum Permissible Error

Hardness Scale ( Rockwell soperflcial
Hardness Units )

15 N
30 N 2 :::
45 N * 1’5

15 T
30 T :22::
45 T f: 2’5

5. Verification Report - The verification report shall include the following information:

4 Reference to this standard;

b) Method of verification ( direct or indirect );

cl Identification data of the hardness testing machine;

d) Means of verification ( test bloc%, elastic proving devices, etc );

e) Rockwell superficial hardness scale(s) verified;

f) Result obtained; and

9) Date of verification and reference to the testing institution.

( Clause )


A-l. Experience has shown that a number of initially satisfactory indenters can become defective after
use f;r a cDmpara!ively short time. This is due to small cracks, pits or other flaws on the surface. If
such fault:; are detected in time, many indenters may be reclaimed by regrinding. If not, any small
defects ori the surfaGe rapidly worsen and make the indenter useless. Therefore,

at The condirion of indenters should be checked initially and at frequent Intervals using
appropriate optrcal devices ( microscope. ~magnifying glass, etc );

b) If the flas.,T/is not on the active part of the indenter, it may be ignored but if it is on the
active part, even if small, the indenter should not be used;

c) The verifcarion of the indenter is no longer valid when the indenter -has become unusable
because oi defects; and

d) Reground or otherwise repaired indenters should be verified.


This standard was first published in 1969. In this revision, the standard has been brought in
line with lSCI/DlS 1079 ‘Metallic materiafs - Hardness test - Verification of Rockwell superficial
hardness testiclg machines (scales 15N, 30N, 45!V, l5T, 30T and 45T)‘, issued by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Reprography Unit, BE, .New Delhi, India

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