Tenets of Epidemiology (Janpadodhwansa) in Ayurveda

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Interna tional Jo urna l o f Applied Research 2020 ; 6 (1 0 ): 82 -84

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
Tenets of epidemiology (Janpadodhwansa) in
IJAR 2020; 6(10): 82-84
Received: 16-08-2020
Accepted: 18-09-2020
Dr. Jyotima Pandey, Dr. Deepak Tiwari, Dr. Manohar Ram, Dr. RN
Dr. Jyotima Pandey Tapsi Jaiswal and Dr. Ajay Kumar
PG Scholar, Samhita Siddhant
Dept. Govt. Ayurvedic College
& Hospital, Varanasi, Abstract
Uttar Pradesh, India Ayurveda is the Wisdom of Life (Ayu- Life; Veda- Wisdom). The laurel of Ayurveda is that it's not a
compendium with list of diseases and medications only. A vertical scan through the Ayurvedic
Dr. Deepak Tiwari literatures reveals that; there is an array of tenets endorsed very exquisitely regarding every aspect of
Lecturer, Rasa Shastra & life. The most basic principle of Ayurveda is Samyata i.e. balance. The balance among the constituents
Bhaishajya Kalpana of body i.e. Dosha, Dhatus and Malas; and in the same fashion balance between the body and nature /
M.D. Ayurveda Medical universe is equally necessary. As per Ayurveda theory; our body and whole universe is a conflation of
College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, the same entities and influence each other too; unison required between the nature / universe and the
India self for proper functioning of the both. All natural disasters, calamities or epidemic, pandemic diseases
are resultant of disturbance in that unison between inside and out. To accomplish that balance many
Dr. Manohar Ram fundamental principles are described in Ayurveda. As for as epidemiology is concerned, a separate
Reader, Samhita Siddhant
chapter has been given for this other principles like concept of causation of diseases, classification of
Dept. Govt. Ayurvedic College
& Hospital, Varanasi,
diseases, concept of communicable diseases and their transmission described in piecemeal should be
Uttar Pradesh, India compiled, analyzed and interpreted in the light of modern concept of epidemiology; this will be helpful
in contemplating the breaking of chain.
Dr. RN Tapsi Jaiswal
Lecturer, Samhita Siddhant Keywords: Ayurveda, Janpadodhwansa, epidemiology, Adharma, Pragyaparadha
Dept. Govt. Ayurvedic College
& Hospital, Varanasi, 1. Introduction
Uttar Pradesh, India
Ayurveda is the most ancient medical science; expounded with full of compassion and for the
Dr. Ajay Kumar service of mankind [1]. The most basic principle of Ayurveda is Samyata i.e. balance [2]. The
Lecturer, Kaya Chikitsa and balance among the constituents of body i.e. Dosha, Dhatus and Malas; [3] and in the same
Panchkarma Dept. fashion balance between the body and nature / universe is equally necessary. As per
Govt. Ayurvedic College & Ayurveda theory; our body and whole universe is a conflation of the same entities and
Hospital, Varanasi, U
influence each other too; unison required between the nature / universe and the self for
ttar Pradesh, India
proper functioning of the both [4]. All natural disasters, calamities or epidemic, pandemic
diseases are resultant of disturbance in that unison between inside and out. To accomplish
that balance many fundamental principles are described in Ayurveda. These principles start
with waking up in Brahma Muhurta [5] (very early morning) and going to bed at night [6].
Importance of Aahar (food), rules regarding taking meal, bath, exercise and hygiene practice,
what kind of precautions we have to follow while going outside, what to shun and what to
adopt, how to behave and many more rules about ethics etc. are endorsed under the topic
Traya – Upstambh (Aahar, Nidra, Brahmcharya), Dincharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, Achar
Rasayan etc. As far as epidemiology is concerned, a separate chapter has been given for this
where in nutshell determinants, sign and symptoms, severity, spreading, treatment and
prevention everything regarding epidemiology is described. Along with this chapter, other
principles like concept of causation of diseases, classification of diseases, concept of
communicable diseases and their transmission described in piecemeal should be compiled,
analyzed and interpreted in the light of modern concept of epidemiology; this will be helpful
Corresponding Author:
in contemplating the breaking of chain. This is how we can accomplish the main objective of
Dr. Deepak Tiwari
Lecturer, Rasa Shastra & Ayurveda i.e. escorting the health of healthy individuals and recuperating the sick ones [7].
Bhaishajya Kalpana
M.D. Ayurveda Medical 2. Epidemiology
College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, Definition of epidemiology is “the study of the distribution and determinants of health
related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to control of
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International Journal of Applied Research http://www.allresearchjournal.com

health problems.” There are too many theories in modern 4. Excessive clash among each other;
science to understand the concept of disease causation. 5. Excessive cyclonic in nature;
Epidemiological triad is a simplified way to understand the 6. Associated with unwholesome smell, gasses, sand,
chain of epidemiology. This is made up of host, agent and ashes and smoke etc.
Characteristics of vitiated / polluted water
i. Host 1. Excessive abnormality in smell, color, taste and touch;
This is an individual who suffers also called intrinsic factor. 2. Excessive slimy;
Many factors related with person determines how much the 3. Reduction in the no. of aquatic organisms
individual be affected from the particular disease like 4. Water reservoir also has less amount of water,
individual’s exposure susceptibility, or response to a manifests unpleasantness, and has lost its qualities etc.
causative agent, age, race, sex, marital status, life style,
daily regimen (eating habit, sleep etc.), chronic illness, Characteristics of vitiated / polluted land
addiction, socioeconomic status, nutritional and 1. Abnormality in its natural color, smell, taste and touch;
immunological status, genetic composition, psychological 2. Excessive stickiness;
makeup etc. 3. Troubled by abundance of reptiles, wild animals and
other harmful creatures;
ii. Agent 4. Unusual fallen, dried, destroyed crops
Agent is the term given to; which is responsible for the 5. Smoky winds;
causation of disease. These may be viruses, bacteria, fungi, 6. Absence of religion, truth, modesty, conduct, behavior
parasites or other microbes in case of communicable or and other good qualities
infectious diseases; whereas for non - infectious diseases 7. Frequent occurrence of meteorites, thunderbolts and
physical or chemical factors are responsible. earthquake;
8. Fierce look and cries in nature etc.
iii. Environmental factor
This is an extrinsic factor; affects the agent either being Characteristics of vitiated polluted time /season
hostile or friendly for that, and determines the opportunity The unwholesome time manifests the characteristic features
for the exposure. Physical factors are geology, topography, opposite, excessive or deficient of the normal conditions is
climate etc. biological factors like arthropods that transmit stated as harmful for mankind [14].
the agent and socioeconomic factors such as income,
crowding, sanitation and the availability of health services ii. Fore - casts regarding epidemics
comes under this [8]. As we discussed earlier, we are originated from nature, it
provides us all necessities required to be alive. Nature takes
3. Description of Epidemics in Ayurveda care of us like a mother. Acharyas also explained what kind
It is described under the name Janpadodhwansa [9]. of clue nature gives us if anything is going to happen bad.
i. Etiological factor Like adverse positions or conditions of stars, planets, moon,
Adharma and Pragyaparadha are the root cause of sun, air, fire and also directions (environment) fore - casts
Janpadodhwansa [10]. Due to Pragyaparadha (intellectual the abnormality in the upcoming seasons. During the
error) ones do Adharma (unrighteous acts) in both present epidemics earth ceases to produce drugs / herbs with proper
and previous lives causing derangement / pollution of air taste, potency, Vipaka and specific action of it.
etc. inflicts epidemics. Four determinants of epidemics Unfortunately, lately we are exploiting nature. We are not
described in Ayurveda are – Vayu (Air), Uadak (Water), that much connected with it. We have lost equilibrium also
Desh (location) and Kala (seasons) [11]. between nature and us. We are not able to listen to the cry of
How epidemics of one ailment affects a large no. of nature; hence we are paying for that also in the form of
population in spite of dissimilarities of person’s constitution, epidemics.
diet, body, strength, wholesomeness, Sattwa (psyche) and
age etc. While explaining this Acharya told that even though iii. Prior preparation for epidemics
there are dissimilarities but these determinants are common Acharya ordered his disciples to collect and preserve the
to all individuals lead to manifestation of diseases having drugs before the befalling of destruction as well as loss of
same clinical features and annihilate the large community nutrients and earth loses its attributes of producing life -
. saving drugs.
In these determinants air, water, time and place are They also assured it’s not difficult to counteract the
indispensable for life in progressive order but in showing epidemic diseases, provided we listen to the calling of
harmful effects their descending order is Kala, Desh, Jala nature and the drugs are collected, preserved and
and Vayu; because time factor can’t be avoided, while administered properly [15].
effects of other factors can be minimized albeit with great
efforts. These factors when get vitiated produces ill health iv. Prevention of epidemics
. Having self - control (Jitatmanam), who follow religion
(Dharmik), and who observes Satvik behaviour are key to
These are few characteristics of vitiated / polluted air remain unaffected with epidemics. Along with this taking
1. Absence of characteristic features in conformity with care of nature is also important [16].
the season; To prevent epidemics due to communicable diseases, the
2. Over moist, blowing calmly or violently; concept of Aupsargic Rogas of Acharya Sushrut should be
3. Excessive dryness, cold, heat, roughness; followed. He has explained avoiding physical contact,
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International Journal of Applied Research http://www.allresearchjournal.com

expired air, eating with others by sharing plates, sharing 5. Gupta Kaviraja Atrideva, Astanga Hridayam of
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Two categories of drugs are used 7. Sharma RK, Dash Bhagwan, Charak Samhita. [Text
A. Drugs which increases Vyadhiksamatva of body with English Translation & Critical Exposition based on
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Above mentioned both kinds of drugs are used in Publication. 2018; 1(600):26.
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1. Panchakarma therapy – it purifies the body. 9. Sharma RK, Dash Bhagwan, Charak Samhita. [Text
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3. Following Sadvrita - he advised to follow code of right Publication. 2018; 2:140-160.
conduct. 10. Tiwari PV, Charak Samhita. [English Translation of
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before but they are relevant in the present era too. The need 15. Tiwari PV, Charak Samhita. [English Translation of
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