Inclusive Final Question Bank

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University of Mumbai

B.Ed. 2018-20 --- Semester 4:

Interdisciplinary Course 4 - Creating an Inclusive School
Final Question Bank
Question bank of MCQs prepared by Education Cluster College :7

Lead college - Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel along
with cluster colleges.
1. Anjuman-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy College of Education, Vashi
2. MCT College of Education, Airoli
3. H.B.B.Ed College, Vashi
4. MCES College of Education, Thane
5. Sarada Kurup College of Education, Ghansoli
6. Pillai HOC College of Education and Research, Rasayani

Unit 1
1. What does the concept of diversity not encompass? (2)
a. It involves acceptance and respect
b. It is due to difference in thinking and attitude
c. It includes social, cultural, regional differences
d. It is due to natural or accidental events
2. It is defined as physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major
life activities. (1)
a. Exclusion
b. Disability
c. Inclusion
d. Handicap
3. What do you mean by inclusion? (1)
a. Including children with disability
b. Including children from economically backward section
c. Including children belonging to different gender from the society
d. Including all students in age appropriate education classes
4. Which of the following sentence correctly describes diversity? (2)
a. It is the act of making the mix work
b. It is referred to as the mix
c. It is a way of looking at people
d. It is what we do to people.
5. Which of the following is not true about Inclusive Education? (1)
a. Differentiates among people based on Social/ Physical/ Cultural/ Regional diversity
b. Values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom.
c. Every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging in an inclusive setting
d. Different and diverse students learning side by side in the same classroom
6. This process talks about having separate schools for children with special needs.
a. Inclusion
b. Exclusion
c. Segregation
d. Integration
7. In earlier times, children with major abnormalities were not sent to school at all. Which
term explains this process?
a. Inclusion
b. Exclusion
c. Segregation
d. Integration
8. What is the process in which reserving a separate section in the school for children with
special needs called?
a. Inclusion
b. Exclusion
c. Segregation
d. Integration
9. Where are majority (more than 90%) of the children with special needs found?
a. Urban areas
b. Villages
c. Cities
d. Semi-Urban areas
10. In the standardized model of integration, how many disabled children of the same
category are served by one specialist teacher?
a. 8 to 10
b. 4 to 6
c. 3 to 4
d. 12 to 15
11. Which of these sentences is an Economic need of Inclusion?
a. To take part in choosing the government
b. To get access to education and health benefits
c. To earn respect in the society
d. To participate in the growth of the nation
12. To achieve the goal of Universalization of Education, which of the process is the need of
the hour?
a. Inclusion
b. Exclusion
c. Segregation
d. Integration
13. Which among the following statements is not true for models of viewing disability?
a. It holds perspectives of people who create and apply the models.
b. It is made by the people who are disabled
c. It limits our access to work, goods, services, etc.
d. It is a framework to understand disability issues.
14. Which model gave birth to the concept of custodial care?
a. Charity model
b. Functional model
c. Medical model
d. Human rights model
15. Which model looks at non-disabled people as the saviour of disabled people?
a. Functional model
b. Medical model
c. Charity model
d. Human rights model
16. Which of the following sentence is not true as per the Charity model?
a. People with disabilities are to be pitied and need our help
b. Disabled people’s lives as tragic and pitiable.
c. People with disability are victims of circumstances
d. Disabled people have right to equal opportunities
17. The Charity model lays emphasis on which of these aspects?
a. Worth of an individual based on his/her ability and willingness to work.
b. Equal opportunity to participate in the society
c. Special institution and special services for fulfilment of their needs.
d. Freedom on political and economic participation of the individual
18. In the functional model, emphasis is laid on which aspect?
a. Worth of an individual based on his/her ability and willingness to work.
b. Equal opportunity to participate in the society
c. Special institution and special services for fulfilment of their needs.
d. Freedom on political and economic participation of the individual
19. “A child’s right to education is dependent on whether or not the child can access the
school and participate in the classroom”. Identify the model of viewing disability?
a. Functional model
b. Medical model
c. Charity model
d. Human rights model
20. As per the Human rights model, which of the following statement is true?
a. The worth of an individual is based on his/her ability and willingness to work.
b. All have an equal opportunity to participate in the socio-economic development of
the society
c. Special people should have special institution or special services for fulfilment of
their needs.
d. Disabled people are victim of circumstances and deserve pity.
21. In which model, the emphasis shifts from dependence to independence?
a. Functional model
b. Medical model
c. Charity model
d. Human rights model
22. One of the following is ahurdle surrounding inclusion.
a. Children studying with each other side by side in the same setup.
b. Feeling of respect, tolerance, and acceptance among all children.
c. Giving all the children a safe and secured surrounding and a sense of belonging
d. Availability of trained teachers to cater to the needs of all students
23. Which are the two main elements of the Rights-based approach?
a. Empowerment and accountability
b. Empowerment and equality
c. Accountability and responsibility
d. Responsibility and equality
24. “Ramesh lost his hands due to leprosy; he still works as a farmer in an agricultural
industry.” Which model of viewing disability supports this example?
a. Functional model
b. Human rights model
c. Medical model
d. Charity model
25. “Suma has Down Syndrome, her parents are worried that she may be left alone after they
die.” Which model of viewing disability has this perception?
a. Functional model
b. Human rights model
c. Medical model
d. Charity model
26. “Due to an accident Hasan lost his legs as well as his job. He is educated yet
unemployed.” Which model of viewing disability has this perception?
a. Functional model
b. Human rights model
c. Medical model
d. Charity model
27. Which of these examples highlight the views of the Human Rights Model of viewing
a. Sandrais Autistic; her parents are protective, and she stays indoor most of the time.
b. Ruksanawas born with visual impairment; she secured a degree in Law and works as
a professional lawyer at a Law firm.
c. Ram lost his legs in an accident; he is well educated but because of his disability he
lost his job and is unemployed.
d. Sameer was born deaf; he did not go to school and is under the loving care of his
28. It is an education that involves everyone.
a. special education
b. integrated education
c. inclusive education
d. exclusive education
29. When persons with disabilities are accepted in social community, it is called_______.
a. Educational inclusion
b. Social inclusion
c. Economical inclusion
d. Humanitarian inclusion
30. One of the following is incorrect statement. (2)
a] Inclusion is an optional undertaking in mainstream school.
b] inclusive schools are recommended by UNESCO
c] inclusion is a concept related with the students belongs of marginalized group
d] inclusion can bring equality in society
31. Following can be relevant with the concept of diversity. (2)
a] understanding and recognizing individual difference.
b] having intolerant attitude towards different race.
c] marginalizing some social groups.
d] enforcing one culture on the other people.
32. The criteria for inclusive education system cannot be: (2)
a] reducing exclusion
b] giving equal opportunity
c]increasing due participation
d] creating special schools for disable children
33. Which of the statement is incorrect about inclusive education? (2)
a]it differs from integration
b] it differs from mainstreaming
c] it accepts the segregation of students
d] it gives equal opportunity irrespective of difference
34. The model which depicts disabled people as a victim of situations is (1)
a] charity
b] economic
c] democratic
d] legal
35. The model which consider disability as natural part of human diversity is –
a] humanitarian b] democratic c] legal d] moral
36. The perspective which treats disabled as dependent upon society is -
a] charity b] universal c] democratic d] constitutional
37. In inclusive education a child is considered as --
a] burden on society b] independent respected member of the society
c]helpless and needy d] victim of situation
38. Which statement is relevant with the concept of inclusion?
a]it is synonymous term with disability b] it is not a worldwide accepted
c] it can benefit the children with & without disability d] it is not mandatory to schools
39. Differences among groups of people based on gender, religion, caste etc. is termed as (2)
a) Diversity
b) Disability
c) Impairment
d) Inclusion
40. An organizational effort and practices in which different groups or individuals having
different backgrounds are culturally, socially accepted, welcomed and equally treated is
termed as (2)
a) Integration
b) Inclusion
c) Assimilation
d) Adjustment
41. Inspite of disabilities, providing students with the opportunities to work along with
others on academic tasks in the classroom is referred as (2)
a) Humanitarian Inclusion
b) Legal Inclusion
c) Economic Inclusion
d) Social Inclusion
42. In this type of Inclusion, people with disability are given rights to be secured in the
society (3)
a) Legal Inclusion
b) Social Inclusion
c) Democratic Inclusion
d) Economic Inclusion
43. Discrimination based on disability, age and gender is an act which is totally against (2)
a) Social Inclusion
b) Humanitarian Inclusion
c) Economic Inclusion
d) Democratic Inclusion
44. As cost of running special schools is extremely high, inclusive education is required in
order to cater to the following need of special children. (2)
a) Social Inclusion
b) Educational Inclusion
c) Economic Inclusion
d) Legal Inclusion
45. According to Charity Model, disability is seen as a (1)
a) deficit
b) diversity
c) Identity
d) Impairment
46. Inclusive school (1)
a) includes teachers from marginalized groups
b) celebrates diversity in the class
c) encourages strict admission procedures
d) includes indoctrination / instructions of facts
47. Following are the ways to run a successful inclusive classroom except
a) Create an inclusive environment
b) Use a variety of teaching strategies
c) Collaborate with another special educator and educate yourself
d) Give special treatment to the children with special needs and isolate them from normal
48. Inclusion in schools primarily focuses on (2)
a) Making subtle provisions for special category children
b) Fulfilling the need of children with disabilities only
c) Meeting the need of the disabled child at the expense of entire class
d) Including the educational needs of illiterate parents in schools
49. Successful Inclusion requires the following except (2)
a) Sensitization
b) Capacity building
c) Segregation
d) Involvement of parents
50. “Education for all, in schools for all.” Could be a tagline for which of the following. (2)
a) Cohesive Education
b) Inclusive Education
c) Co-operative Education
d) Exclusive Education
51. The model which strive for social justice is
a. human right model
b. charity model
c. functional model
d. cultural model
52. students with disability attend mainstream schools and taught in same class as others. It
a. Special education
b. Exclusion education
c. Integrated education
d. Inclusive education
53. Aim of inclusion is
a. To include only socially backward people
b. To embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability
c. To involve urban and rural people
d. To give equal right to women
54. Which of these is not a feature of Charity Model?
a. Need to be looked after
b. Courageous, inspirational
c. Need help
d. Economic and Cultural right
55. It is a feature of Human Right Model:
a. Strive for social justice
b. Need to be looked after
c. Assessment of prevention policy
d. Acknowledges identity issues
56. Inclusive education assumes that we should change the _____ to fit the_____
a. child/system
b. system/child
c. environment/family
d. child/environment
57. A class teacher, tries her best to maximize inclusiveness in her classroom by addressing
various learning style, refers to.
a. Human Right
b. Functional
c. Diversity
d. Disability
58. Models of Inclusion helps to understand
a. Legal Inclusion
b. Reduce fear & build friendship.
c. Economic, social, cultural, civil & political rights.
d. Disability, their diagnoses, remedial measures.
59. Which of these is not a model of inclusion?
a. Charity Model
b. Functional Model
c. Human Rights model
d. Impairment Model

60. Which model builds upon the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948,
according to which, ‘all human beings are born free and equal in rights and dignity?

a. Charity
b. Human Rights
c. Functional
d. Physical

Unit 2
61. Learning disability may occur due to.
a] emotional factors b] cultural factors
c] cerebral dysfunction d] geographical factors
62. Thesechildren cannot be termed as children with learning disabilities.
a] students having dyslexia b] students having autism
c] students from remote area d] students with hearing impairment
63. Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act how many categories of disability are
selected a] 13 b]20 c] 10 d]25
64. SPD means -
a] sensory processing disorder b] sensitivity processing disorder
c] system processing disorder d] substituting process disorder
65. The following statement is not correct with Learning Disability –
a] it is indicated through IQ score. b] remedial teaching is helpful for learning
disablesc] learning disabled may lack language skills d] learning disabled may face
difficulty in problem solving
66. Disability of various senses is referred as ____________ (1)
a) Sensory disability
b) Neuro-developmental disability
c) Locomotor disability
d) Multiple disability
67. Following is not an example of sensory disability (1)
a) Hearing Impairment
b) Visual Impairment
c) Communication Disorder
d) Sensory Processing Disorder
68. A student is said to have Moderate Intellectual Disability if his I.Q is (2)
a) Above 70
b) Between 35 - 50
c) Between 50 - 70
d) Between 20 - 35
69. Disability to write which is associated with impaired handwriting is a symptom of
___________ (2)
a) Dysgraphia
b) Dyspraxia
c) Dyscalculia
d) Dyslexia
70. Learning disabilities may occur due to all the following except (1)
a) Cerebral Dysfunction
b) Emotional Disturbance
c) Behavioral Disturbance
d) Cultural Factors
71. To cater to the children from disadvantaged background, a teacher should (2)
a) Try to find out more about them and involve them in class discussions
b) Make them sit separately in the class
c) Ignore them as they cannot interact with other students
d) Give them a lot of written work
72. A child who can see partially (1)
a) should not be given education since it is not of any use to him
b) needs to be put in a separate institution
c) should be put in a regular school while making special provisions
d) should be put in a regular school with no special provisions
73. Difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words and frequent loss of visual memory is
associated with (2)
a) Dyslexia
b) Dyscalculia
c) Dysgraphia
d) Dyspraxia
74. Dyslexia is associated with (2)
a) Mathematical disorder
b) Reading disorder
c) Behavioral disorder
d) Mental disorder
75. A child with normal intelligence shows difficulty in reading. It indicates that the child is
showing symptoms of (1)
a) Dysgraphia
b) Dyscalculia
c) Dyslexia
d) Dyspraxia
76. A child cannot distinguish between saw and was, nuclear and unclear. He / She is
suffering from (2)
a) Dysgraphia
b) Dyslexia
c) Dyspraxia
d) Dyscalculia
77. The following is the mildest form of Autistic behavior (2)
a) Persuasive Developmental Disorder
b) Asperger’s Syndrome
c) Autism
d) Mental Retardation
78. Following are the examples of Developmental Disorders except (2)
a) Autism
b) Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
c) Learning disability
d) Post- traumatic stress
79. Learning disability in motor skills is called (1)
a) Dysgraphia
b) Dyspraxia
c) Dyscalculia
d) Dyslexia
80. Which of these is not a classification of Sensory disabilities?
a. Hearing impairment
b. Visual impairment
c. Sensory processing disorder
d. Autism
81. Which of these is not an example of neurodevelopmental disability?
a. Autism
c. Intellectual disability
d. Deaf blindness
82. Children with hearing impairment will _________.
a. have difficulty moving around in the classroom
b. have delay in speech and language development
c. hold objects close or far to see the objects
d. feel the object on the ground instead of looking.
83. It is a condition in which the brain perceives and analyses the information in an unusual
a. Blindness
b. Muteness
c. Deafness
d. Sensory processing disorder
84. It is a person’s inability to do any activities associated with moving both himself and
objects, from place to place.
a. Autism Spectrum disorder
b. Locomotor disabilities
c. Hearing impairment
d. Visual impairment
85. Which is the severe form of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
a. Autistic disorder
b. Asperger’s Syndrome
c. Persuasive developmental disorder
d. Learning disorder
86. Some children from this group have normal to above average intelligence and are termed
as “high functioning autism”.
a. Autistic disorder
b. Asperger’s Syndrome
c. Persuasive developmental disorder
d. Learning disorder
87. Dyspraxia is a learning difficulty which involves problems faced by children in
a. -reading, writing, speaking.
b. -doing math problems, understanding time, using money.
c. -handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas.
d. -hand–eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity
88. “Soham is highly inattentive in class; is restless and fidgety and does not think before
acting”, he is showing the symptoms of which disorder?
a. Communication disorder
b. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
c. Attention Deficit Disorder
d. Intellectual disorder
89. Leslie Parsons was born with a visual impairment, moderate hearing loss, cleft palate,
muscular imperfection and drooping of eyelids. She has difficulty with tasks requiring
muscle coordination and fine motor skills, as well as visual acuity. This is a classic
example of which disability?
a. Sensory disabilities
b. Intellectual disabilities
c. Multiple disabilities
d. Communication disorder
90. “Sohail contracted poliomyelitis when he was just 5 years old.”, under which category of
disability will he lie?
a. Locomotor disabilities
b. Intellectual disabilities
c. Multiple disabilities
d. Sensory disabilities
91. Which of these is not a characteristic feature of children facing language disorder?
a. problem in using proper forms of language
b. problem in using content of language
c. problem in producing speech sounds
d. problem in using functions of language
92. Which of these is not a characteristic feature of children facing Speech disorder?
a. problem in producing speech sounds
b. problem in controlling sounds
c. problem in controlling the rate and rhythm of speech
d. problem in using proper forms of language
93. Within attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which of the following isnot classified as
a problem relating to poor attention? (3)
a. Easily distracted
b. Appears routinely forgetful
c. Experiences difficulties in waiting in turn
d. May bounce from one activity to another
94. Within attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which of the following isnot classified as
a problem relating to hyperactivity-impulsivity?(3)
a. Does not appear to listen when being told something or spoken to
b. Experiences difficulties in playing quietly.
c. Rather than sitting still, squirms in seat and fidgets
d. Does not think before acting
95. “Ramesh frequently tilts his head or squints his eyes for better focus.”, which disability
may he be suffering from?
a. Hearing impairment
b. Visual impairment
c. Communication disorder
d. Learning disorder
96. Which of these is not a feature shown by children having hearing impairment?
a. Selective hearing
b. Locating objects
c. Communication difficulties
d. Speech delay
97. Which of these is not a feature shown by children having visual impairment?
a. Speech delay
b. Frequent watering of eyes, red or inflamed eyes
c. Jumpy or asynchronized eye movements
d. Difficulty moving around the classroom
98. How much percentage of information about the world are gathered by our sight and
a. 80%
b. 94%
c. 75%
d. 50%
99. Impairment of the growth and development of the brain is categorized into
a. Sensory impairment
b. Neuro developmental disability
d. Specific learning disability
100. Overreaction to some touch, taste, sight or under reaction is the characteristic of
b. Autism spectrum disorder
c. Blindness
d. Deafness
101. Persons having a combination of two or more serious disabilities have,
a. Sensory disabilities
b. Locomotor disabilities
c. Multiple disabilities
102. the child calculates as below in mathematics
3+5= 35, 3 multiply 5= 8
then he has which of the following disability
a. dysgraphia
b. dyscalculia
c. dyslexia
d. dyspraxia
103. Sanjay is seven years old, goes to tuition regularly. His tuition teacher finds that he is
facing difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words. What type of problem Sanjay
is facing?
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dystrophy
d. Autism
104. . Muscular Dystrophy is an example of
a. Sensory Disability
b. Locomotor Disability
c. Sensory processing Disability
d. Communication Disability
105. Which disability is associated with the inability to do activities due to the problem in
the musculoskeletal system of an individual?
a. Sensory disability
b. Locomotor disability
c. Multiple disability
d. Neuro disability
106. . Which category of disorder will Hypersensitivity to Smells fall under?
a. Sensory protective disorder
b. Sensory perceiving disorder
c. Sensory processing disorder
d. Sensory promoting disorder
107. A child who reads ‘dog’ to ‘god’ or ‘bat’ to ‘tab’. Which of the following suffers from
a. Speed-coordination dysfunction (dyspraxia)
b. Reading disability (dyslexia)
c. Writing disability (dysgraphia)
d. Language dysfunction (dysphasia)
108. Identify the different kinds of specific learning disability
a. Autism, ADHD
b. Sensory Impairment/ disability, Loco motor
c. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia
d. Muscular dystrophy, chronic asthma etc.
109. Down syndrome, autism, dyslexia, processing disorders is which kind of disability?
a. Sensory Impaired
b. Physical disability
c. Developmental disability
d. Emotional disability
110. Which type of impairment identifies children with stuttering, stammering, disfluency,
hoarseness, breathlessness, or breaks in volume or pitch?
a. Deaf blindness
b. Visual Impairment
c. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
d. Communication Disorder
111. What kind of disability is related with the growth & development of the brain?
a. Neuro developmental disability
b. Visual impairment
c. Sensory disability
d. Auditory disability
112. What is a condition of the brain that affects a person’s ability to pay attention?
a. Autism spectrum disorder
b. Specific learning disability
c. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
d. Cerebral Paralysis
113. Which is the main sensory gate through which speech and verbal communication
a. Hearing
b. Seeing
c. Touching
d. Feeling
114. Example of physical disability is
a. Down syndrome
b. Blind
c. Bi-polar
d. Multiple sclerosis
115. The condition of a person with a disability that has any of the long-lasting conditions
such as blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or hearing impairment is called
a. Sensory disability
b. Neuro-developmental
c. Locomotor
d. Multiple disability
Unit 3
116. According to Right to Education Act, every child in the following age group has the
right to free and compulsory education (2)
a) 6 to 14 years
b) 7 to 15 years
c) 6 to 15 years
d) 7 to 14 years
117. Which one of the following is under the purview of the term disability under Person
with Disability Act – 1995? (1)
a) Autism
b) TB cured
c) Mental Retardation
d) Speech Disorders
118. Which comprehensive act covers seven disabilities namely blindness, low vision,
hearing impaired, locomotor impaired, mental retardation, leprosy cured and mental
illness (2)
a) Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
b) The Mental Health Act, 1987
c)Right to Education Act, 2009
c) The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992
119. The full form of RCI is (1)
a) The Rehabilitation Council of India
b) The Rehabilitation Committee of India
c) The Report Council of India
d) The Report Committee of India
120. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act was introduced in the year (1)
a) 1992
b) 1993
c) 1994
d) 1995
121. Salamanca Policy was introduced in the year (1)
a) 1992
b) 1993
c) 1994
d) 1995
122. Right toEducationAct prohibits the following features except (2)
a) Physical punishment and mental harassment
b) Screening procedures for admission of children
c) Deciding capitation fees
d) Running of schools without recognition
123. It is clearly stated in the following article of the Indian constitutional obligation that
the provision for free and compulsory education for children is the responsibility of
states (2)
a) Article 30
b) Article 45
c) Article 12
d) Article 15
124. In which year was the Individuals withDisabilities Education Act (IDEA) passed?
a] 2000 b] 1992 c] 2004 d] 2010
125. The act given to regulate and monitor service given to persons with disability is
1] RTE ACT 2] RCI ACT 3] RBI ACT 4] Special provision Act
126. RCI Act was amended by the parliament in the year – a] 2005 b] 2000 c] 2008
d] 2001
127. Which body promotes research in rehabilitation and special education in India?
a] RCI b] UNESCO c] WHO d] National assembly
128. Who brings in the standardization of training course for professional dealing with
disabled persons?
A] High court b] supreme court c] parliament of India d] Rehabilitation council of India
129. CWSN stands for
A] children with special needs b] child welfare scheme of nation
c] Central workforce for specific needs d] children with sensory need
130. How many international organizations were present in Salamanca for the agreement?
a] 25 b] 30 c] 16 d] 22
131. UNCRPD stands for -
a] Uniform national concepts on the rights of person with disability
b] United nations conventions on the rights of person with disabilities
c] Universal national commands on the rights of person with difference
d] Ultimate national comments on the rights of person with disability
132. Which organization leads the global movement called Education for All (EFA) which
aims to meet the learning needs of all children?
a] UNESCO B] UNICEF C] Central Govt. d] NGO
133. Which is the main feature of EFA?
a] exclusion b] discrimination c] inclusion d] segregation
134. This is not relevant with the National policy for persons with disabilities:
a] physical rehabilitation b] educational rehabilitation c] economic rehabilitation
d] cultural rehabilitation
135. Indian Constitutional obligations for education of diverse groups does not consist
a. Free and Compulsory Education
b. Education for Weaker Section
c. Instruction in English language only
d. Instruction in Mother-Tongue
136. “No child shall be held back, expelled or required to pass a board examination until
completion of elementary education” is one of the main features of
a. RCI
c. MDP
d. RTE
137. Following is not the provision for Children with special needs by Maharashtra State
a. 25% extra time
b. Copying answer from book
c. Writer/Typewriter
d. Question paper to be read out
138. MDDs were aimed to be fulfilled with the deadline year of
a. 2012
b. 2015
c. 2016
d. 2010
139. Promotion of Hindi is one of the features of
a. Rehabilitation Council Act
b. Indian Constitutional Obligations for education of diverse groups
c. National Policy for Person with Disability
d. Right to Education Act
140. Which comprehensive act covers disabilities namely blindness, low vision, hearing
impaired, locomotor impaired, mental retardation.
a. Person with Disabilities Act 1995
b. The Mental Health Act 1987
c. Right to Education Act 2009
d. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992
141. The Government of India formulated the ____ act, which deals with education and
economic rehabilitation of person with disabilities.
a. National policy for person with disabilities act
b. Right to Education act
c. Composite regional centres act
d. special school act
142. As per RTE Act, private and specified category schools shall admit, ____% children
belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group.
a. 20%
b. 40%
c. 30%
d. 25%
143. The guiding principle of the Salamanca Framework is that:
a. Schools should accommodate all children with physical disability, leaving alone other
b. Schools should accommodate all children with physical and intellectual disabilities,
leaving along the socio-economic differences.
c. Schools should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual,
social and emotional, linguistic or other conditions.
d. Schools should accommodate all children irrespective of their socio-economic
conditions while leaving children with disabilities for special schools.
144. Which of the following says that “Countries will make sure that people with
disabilities have equal access to vocational training”?
a. RCI
c. RTE
d. EFA
145. Which article under UNCRPD suggests “countries will make it possible for people
with disabilities to learn social and life skills”
a. Article 7
b. Article 24
c. Article 12
d. Article 14
146. Which of the following lays emphasis to ‘Expand Early Childhood Care and
a. EFA
b. Salamanca Statement
d. National Policy on PWD, 2006
147. At the ‘World Conference on Education for All’ in Jomtien, Thailand, EFA was to be
achieved by the year
a. 2015
b. 2000
c. 1990
d. 2019
148. The total goals to be attained through MDGs are
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 4
149. The full form of MDGs is
a. Millennial Disability Goals
b. Millennium Development Growth
c. Millennial Development Goals
d. Millennium Development Goals
150. Two of the MDGs with deal with education are
a. Goal 2 and Goal 3
b. Goal 1 and Goal 4
c. Goal 5 and Goal 8
d. Goal 6 and Goal 7
151. Constitutional Provisions for the education in Union territories in India is laid down
a. Article 51
b. Article 30
c. Article 150
d. Article 239
152. Article 15 of the Indian constitutional obligations prohibit discrimination on the
grounds of ______________.
a. Place of birth
b. Name
c. Occupation
d. Work designation
153. The objectives of the RCI include regulating training policies and programmes in the
field of
a. Teacher professional development
b. Rehabilitation of drug de-addiction
c. Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
d. Early childhood education
154. The Central Rehabilitation Register for registration of professionals/ personnel giving
training to persons with disabilities is maintained by
a. Central University
b. Special education colleges
c. RCI
d. WHO
155. As per the National PWD Act, Person with disabilities means a person suffering from
not less than
a. 35 % of any disability
b. 25 % of any disability
c. 40 % of any disability
d. 45 % of any disability
156. The National PWD Act came into enforcement in the year
a. 1999
b. 1995
c. 1996
d. 1998
157. Main provisions of the National PWD ACT does not include
a. Employment for persons with disabilities
b. Unemployment allowances for persons with disabilities
c. Prevention and detection of early disabilities
d. Transport facilities for persons with disabilities to reach school
158. The provisions under RTE policy allows:
a. To detain a child studying between standards 1 -8
b. To not take any exams for students studying between standards 1-8
c. To not detain any child studying between standards 1 -8, provided the child’s
attendance in the school is more than 35%
d. To not detain any child studying between standards 1 -8, provided the child’s
attendance in the school is more than 75%
159. Under IEDSS central assistance is provided for student-oriented assistance component
a. Rs. 1200 per child per annum
b. Rs. 3000 per child per annum
c. Rs. 2000 per child per annum
d. Rs. 1500 per child per annum
160. Which act is responsible for maintaining standards and creating training in the area of
a. New Education Policy
b. Right to Education
c. Rehabilitation council of India
d. National policy
161. Which of these international policies does not relate to inclusive education?
e. a. UNCRPD
f. b. Salamanca
g. c. EFA (MDG)
h. d. Child Rights and You
162. Extra time concession to complete exam given by Maharashtra board for students
with special needs is
a. One hour
b. 30 mins
c. 45 mins
d. 50 mins
Unit 4
163. This is not a category of Adaptation
a) Presentation
b) Response
c) Attention
d) Setting
164. Following is not an Alternate means of Evaluation (1)
a) Conference
b) Interview
c) Observation
d) Written exam
165. The purposeful collection of student’s works that is revised against preset criteria is
called as (2)
a) Portfolio
b) Rubrics
c) Interview
d) Observation
166. The factual, non-judgmental notes of children’s activities are termed as (2)
a) Project
b) Anecdotal Records
c) Portfolio
d) Rubrics
167. Alternate means of evaluation in an inclusive classroom can be,
a. Oral test
b. Interview
c. Written test
d. MCQ
168. What is not the way to run a successful inclusive classroom
a. Create an inclusive environment
b. Use a variety of teaching strategies
c. Collaborate with other teachers and educate yourself
d. Keep students with disability in different classroom
169. For inclusive education, curriculum modification is necessary to
a. Simplify and reduce the content
b. Complicate the content
c. Simplify teaching
d. Reduce load on school
170. Teachers who practice differentiation in an inclusive classroom may
a. Design lessons based on students’ learning styles
b. Design lessons based on teacher’s interest
c. Design lessons based on available resources
d. Design lessons based on students’ demand
171. What is Curriculum adaptation?
a. It is a process that adjusts the prescribed program of studies to meet the
learning requirements of a student with special needs.
b. It is a system which trains the teachers to create new curriculum.
c. It is a process of collaboration wherein teachers and school management come
together to plan classroom activities.
d. It is a program which allows students to complete the course successfully.
172. A process of adjusting the existing curriculum to meet the diverse needs of all
a. Modification
b. Assessment
c. Planning
d. Adaptation
173. Select the correct types of Adaptation:
a. Presentation, Response, Setting, Time, and scheduling
b. Display, Time allocation, Response, Environment
c. Response, Procedure, Presentation, Format
d. Format, Response, Setting, Presentation
174. The change in the content or standard which means decreasing the content to learn,
substitution of content with another and different evaluation pattern is termed as:
a. Modification
b. Application
c. Expansion
d. Omission
175. Modification involves
a. Adjusting the assessments to the student’s needs
b. Adjusting the curriculum to the student’s needs
c. Adjusting the classroom environment to the student’s needs
d. Altering or lowering the standards of learning goals
176. An adaptation for students with low vision can be
a. Speech to text software
b. Using large prints
c. Grip handles
d. Lip reading
177. Grip handles can be an appropriate adaptation for
a. The visually impaired
b. The intellectually impaired
c. The hearing impaired
d. The physically impaired
178. Captioning video is a helpful adaptation for students with
a. Visual impairment
b. Hearing impairment
c. Physical impairment
d. Intellectual impairment
179. Using an oral assessment over written assessment is a type of
a. Presentation adaptation
b. Response adaptation
c. Time adaptation
d. Setting adaptation
180. Differentiated instruction is not
a. Individualized instruction for each student
b. Providing multiple ways of learning
c. Responsive teaching
d. Providing multiple ways of expressing
181. A teacher can use differentiated instruction by
a. Differentiating importance to students
b. Differentiating in content
c. Differentiating gender
d. Differentiating treatment to students
182. Which of the following is not a criterion for differentiating instruction?
a. Readiness of students
b. Interest of students
c. Attendance of students
d. Learning profile/styles of students
183. Differentiation in product can be done by
a. Small group instruction
b. Varying pace of instruction
c. Using Alternative assessments
d. Using Co-operative learning strategies
184. Which of the following is not a type of alternative assessment?
a. Student portfolio
b. Student journal
c. Interviews
d. Paper pencil writing test
185. Authentic assessment is a type of
a. Alternative assessment
b. Traditional assessment
c. Conventional assessment
d. Modern assessment
186. Connecting a test to real world situations makes the test
a. A traditional assessment
b. An authentic assessment
c. A futuristic assessment
d. A conventional assessment
187. Alternative assessments are
a. Process oriented assessments
b. Conventional assessments
c. Content oriented assessments
d. Paper pencil testing assessments
188. For alternative assessments to be worthwhile
a. They should not be planned beforehand
b. The purpose of assessments should be clear
c. One method of assessment should be used always
d. Assessments should be done randomly
189. Alternative assessments are essential to assess
a. Lower order thinking skills
b. Higher order thinking skills
c. Memorization skills
d. Physical skills
190. Use of touch for learning is an essential adaptation for
a. The visually impaired
b. The hearing impaired
c. The physically impaired
d. Dyscalculia disorders
191. Which of the following is an essential adaptation for the physically impaired?
a. Use of ramps in school
b. Use of projector in classroom
c. Use of charts
d. Use of large print books
192. If a child is permitted to complete only part of a standard, which of the following has
been applied?
a. Adaptation
b. Modification
c. Differentiation
d. Alternative assessment
Unit 5
193. Following is not the type of barriers of Inclusion
a) Social
b) Attitudinal
c) Aptitudinal
d) Infrastructural
194. Which characteristics of a teacher is least important in Inclusive Education (1)
a) Sensitivity towards children
b) Patience and affection for students
c) Knowledge regarding disabilities of students
d) Socio-economic status of teacher
195. Benefits of ICT are as follows except (1)
a) Motivation
b) Limits participation
c) Subject made easier
d) Easy evaluation
196. First important step to Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is:(2)
a) Deciding eligibility of child
b) IEP meeting scheduling
c)Identification of child for IEP
d) Re-evaluation of child
197. This is not a facilitator of an Inclusive classroom (2)
a) Rigid and strict evaluation strategies
b) Modification of physical environment
c) Make customized use of learning material
d) Adapting suitable classroom management techniques
198. External barrier of Inclusion is (1)
a) Untrained teacher
b) School location
c) Inappropriate curriculum
d) Organization of education systems
199. Following is an Internal barrier of Inclusion. (1)
a) School enrolment
b) Social stigmatization
c) Economical condition
d) Attitudinal barrier
200. Following is an Attitudinal barrier of Inclusion (1)
a) Assuming disable person to be inferior
b) Lack of awareness
c) Traditional prejudices
d) Socio-economic status
201. One of the following is the Social barrier of Inclusion (1)
a) Rude behaviour of teacher
b) Discrimination based on gender, caste and class
c) Considering disable person to be inferior
d) Isolating disable student
202. “The disable student is the object of ridicule in school” this can be the example of
which barrier in school?
A] Functional barrier b] motivational barrier c] attitudinal barrier d] economic barrier
203. ‘Parents of the normal children objecting to the admission of children with special
needs in the class’ can be an example of-
A] attitudinal barrier b] infrastructural barrier c] economical barrier d] motivational
204. The educational plan which is designed to meet special educational needs of
individual child is called:
A] IEP 2] CEP 3] NEP 4] DEP
205. The statement which is incorrect with IEP is:
a] it has student specific goals.
b] plan and timeline for evaluation is not decided
c] Performance objectives are decided
d] it is flexible as per students need
206. Following criteria is taken into consideration in IEP-
a] Learning need of child b] gender of child
c] social group of child d] parents’ financial status
207. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the IEP?
A] it verifies the medical defects of child b] it checks the aptitude level of child
C] it is framed as per the interest & need of child d]it does not consider the
psychological state of child
208. Poorly cared buildings can restrict the accessibility – which kind of barrier it is-
A] Institutional b] infrastructural c] social d] attitudinal
209. Reluctance to interact with people who are with disability shows
a. Social barrier
b. Educational barrier
c. Attitudinal barrier
d. Economical barrier
210. The thing which will not facilitate an inclusive classroom
a. Transferring students in different classes according to their capabilities
b. Making use of different learning materials
c. Adapting classroom management to the needs of students
d. Modifying the physical environment
211. Benefit of ICT in inclusive classroom is
a. Subject made easier
b. Teacher workload reduced
c. It is cheap
d. Student can study themselves
212. Individual educational plan is
a. Plan for all students
b. Written plan describing special education plan
c. Planning of lesson
d. Curriculum
213. Social discrimination leading to isolation is
a. Economic barrier
b. Legal barrier
c. Social barrier
d. Attitudinal barrier
214. Which is not an example of ICT use in an inclusive classroom?
a. Talking calculator
b. Peer learning
c. Computers
d. Digital textbook
215. Anything that stands in the way of a child being able to learn effectively is called as
________ to inclusion.
a. opportunity
b. barrier
c. blessing
d. transmitter
216. Identify which is an example of attitudinal barrier:
a. Inappropriate curriculum
b. Socio-economic factors
c. Lack of wheelchair ramps in school building
d. Assuming a person with a disability is inferior
217. Identify which is an example of infrastructural barrier:
a. Inappropriate curriculum
b. Socio-economic factors
c. Lack of wheelchair ramps in school building
d. Assuming a person with a disability is inferior
218. Identify which is an example of social barrier:
a. Inappropriate curriculum
b. Poverty, gender, caste, violence, poor health services, etc.
c. Lack of wheelchair ramps in school building
d. Assuming a person with a disability is inferior
219. Identify which is an example of internal barrier:
a. Attitudes of people
b. Social Stigma
c. School Location
d. Economical Condition
220. Identify which is an example of external barrier:
a. Inappropriate curriculum
b. Social Stigma
c. Attitudes of people
d. Untrained teachers
221. Select the incorrect component of an inclusive classroom:
a. simple classroom management techniques
b. use of variety of learning materials
c. Child friendly evaluation
d. Negative behaviour of a teacher
222. A plan which is developed for children with special needs is called _________.
a. Individualised Education Plan
b. Student Education Plan
c. Special Education Plan
d. Intellectual Education Plan
223. People who are visually impaired use _________ system to read and write.
a. Text materials
b. Visuals
c. Braille
d. Sign language
224. Special versions of already existing technologies or tools usually used by people with
disabilities are called _________ technologies.
a. subjective
b. adaptive
c. competitive
d. productive
225. Braille shorthand machine and talking dictionary are devices useful for people who
a. Visually impaired
b. Hearing impaired
c. Physically impaired
d. Intellectual impaired
226. Prosthetic limbs, crutches and folding walkers are devises useful for people who are:
a. Visually impaired
b. Hearing impaired
c. Physically impaired
d. Intellectual impaired
227. Which software reads the text that appears on a computer to the user:
a. Word Prediction
b. Voice Recognition
c. Talking Calculators
d. Screen Reading
228. Which software presents possible words that a user is looking for while typing text,
which the user can select with a mouse click:
a. Word Prediction
b. Voice Recognition
c. Talking Calculators
d. Screen Reading
229. Most of the time people with disability are looked down with pity and sympathy and
are given low class treatment. This is an example of:
a. Attitudinal barrier
b. Social barrier
c. Infrastructural barrier
d. Economical barrier
230. Two categories of barriers to inclusion are
a. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal barriers
b. Short term and long-term barriers
c. External and internal barriers
d. Personal and shared barriers
231. A child has to travel long distance to reach to school. This barrier to inclusion comes
under the category of
a. Societal barrier
b. External barrier
c. Internal barrier
d. Intrapersonal barrier
232. A student with lower socio-economic status is treated differently in the class by the
teacher. This barrier to inclusion happens because of
a. Schools’ attitudinal barrier
b. Student’s attitudinal barrier
c. Societal attitudinal barrier
d. Teacher’s attitudinal barrier
233. If a student with disability using wheelchairs is unable to enter the school building
due to unavailability of ramps. This barrier to inclusion is known as
a. Principal’s attitudinal barrier
b. Physical barrier
c. Social barrier
d. Personal barrier
234. Which among the following is a Social barrier of inclusion, causing a child to face
challenge to attend school?
a. Unavailability of elevators in school
b. Teacher absenteeism
c. Student’s disinterest in studies
d. Violence at home
235. To facilitate the children with physical disability to access the school without
challenges, the school should not
a. Build separate class on the ground floor only for these students
b. Widen the doorways and pathways of the school and classrooms
c. Build ramps
d. Install elevators
236. One of the ways to facilitate to overcome the social barriers to inclusion is
a. Promoting Home schooling
b. Spreading educational awareness for inclusion
c. Promoting Segregated schools
d. Promoting Special schools
237. Which of the following will help to overcome attitudinal barriers for inclusion?
a. Covering disability in a positive way in the curriculum
b. Levying punishments for non-acceptance of inclusion
c. Creating separate classrooms for special needs children
d. Not allowing special needs children in mainstream schools
238. Which of the following is not a role of ICT using in education?
a. Compensation role
b. Communication role
c. Didactic role
d. Critical thinking role
239. Jig-saw puzzles used in classrooms is a
a. Low technology device
b. Medium technology device
c. High technology device
d. Not a technology device
240. Limitations to use ICT may arise due to
a. Financial constraint
b. Having trained teachers in ICT
c. Government investment in education
d. Giving appropriate training to teachers in ICT
241. To create an effective IEP,
a. Only school Principal should involve
b. Only school Principal and teacher should involve
c. Only school Principal, teacher and counsellor should involve
d. Parents, teachers, student, and all related school staff should involve
242. Which of the following is not a step in making the IEP?
a. Identify child with a disability
b. Parents are told to give consent for evaluation mandatorily
c. Refer child to evaluation team
d. Determine child’s eligibility for special education
243. Q5. Inclusive classroom is that where
i. a. Assessments are repeated till the time every learner achieve minimum grades.
j. b. Teacher teach from only prescribed book to lessen the burden of the students
k. c. There is an active involvement of children in solving as many problems as possible
l. d. Teacher create diverse and meaningful learning experiences for every learner
244. Which barrier to inclusion is related with the physical facilities in school?
m. A. Social barrier
n. B. Internal barrier
o. C. Infrastructure barrier
p. d. Political barrier
245. What focuses on including & bringing together students with learning and physical
challenges with the rest of the students?
q. A. Inclusive Education
r. B. Indian education policy
s. C. Infrastructure in the school
t. d. Special education

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