Trialing Net Illumination As A Bycatch Mitigation

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446 American Journal of Aquatic Research, 48(3): 446-455, 2020

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
DOI: 10.3856/vol48-issue3-fulltext-2428

Research Article

Trialing net illumination as a bycatch mitigation measure for sea turtles

in a small-scale gillnet fishery in Ecuador

Jodie J. Darquea1,2, Clara Ortiz-Alvarez3, Francisco Córdova-Zavaleta3, Robert Medina1

Alessandra Bielli3, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto3,4,5 & Jeffrey C. Mangel3,5
Ecuador Mundo Ecológico, Salinas, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, La Libertad, Ecuador
Pro Delphinus, Lima, Perú
Facultad de Biología Marina, Universidad Científica del Sur, VES, Lima, Perú
Marine Turtle Research Group, Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter
Campus Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Corresponding author: Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto ([email protected])

ABSTRACT. In Ecuador, one of the main hazards for threatened marine species, such as sea turtles, is small-
scale fisheries bycatch. At a global scale, currently, bycatch reduction technologies (BRTs) are being tested in
many coastal nations to mitigate this issue. Despite some advances in Ecuadorian efforts for wildlife protection,
BRTs to reduce bycatch have yet to be assessed. The purpose of this study was to test the BRT of net illumination
using violet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a mitigation measure to reduce sea turtle interactions in the small-
scale driftnet fishery operating from the ports of Santa Rosa, Puerto Lopez and Jaramijo. A total of 146 pairs of
experimental sets (control and illuminated panes) were deployed in all ports. A generalized linear mixed-effect
model (GLMM) was employed to analyze the bycatch per unit of effort (BPUE) for sea turtles, and the catch
per unit of effort (CPUE) for target species; for both control and illuminated panes. Thirty-two sea turtles from
three species were observed captured: olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea (n=18), green Chelonia mydas (n=13)
and leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea (n=1). Turtle species-specific modeling showed bycatch of green
turtles declined by 93% in illuminated nets compared with control, non-illuminated nets, whereas no significant
difference between control and illuminated nets was observed for olive ridley turtles. The catch per unit effort
of the pelagic fish species including skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, mahi-mahi, thresher shark and smooth
hammerhead shark was not affected by net illumination. Our results represent the first evaluation of the effects
of net illumination using LEDs on reducing marine turtle bycatch in Ecuadorian small-scale driftnet fisheries.
Despite its relatively small sample size, these results could be used by fisheries managers to support the
implementation or further testing of this BRT in gillnet fisheries along the Ecuadorian coast.
Keywords: LEDs; sea turtles; small-scale fishery; bycatch; mitigation; Ecuador

INTRODUCTION 2019). During the 1990s, the Ecuadorian small-scale

fishing fleet doubled in size from 7,000 to 15,500
Ecuador possesses one of the largest small-scale vessels (Alava et al., 2019). Fishing activity has also
fisheries (SSF) fleets of the countries of the Eastern increased and extended further offshore with the
Pacific Ocean (EPO) (Alava et al., 2015). Ecuadorian adoption of a “mother ship” fleet. These vessels, which
SSF is multispecies and employs mainly longlines and tow up to 10 smaller fiberglass vessels, are capable of
gillnets, with landings representing 19% of total annual traveling far offshore (even to Galapagos Island [Alava
national catch (Alava et al., 2015; Martínez-Ortiz et al., et al., 2015]) and allow up to 25 days at sea before
2015). It is estimated that over 5% of the economically returning to the shore (Martínez-Ortiz et al., 2015). The
active population depends on this activity (Alava et al., 2013 Ecuador census recorded 21,798 operative artisa-

Corresponding editor: Patricio Arana
Trialing net illumination in gillnet small-scale fishery 447

nal vessels, of which 317 corresponded to “mother shown to be effective at reducing bycatch rates of sea
ships”. The expansion of the sector along the conti- turtles -with no impact on target species- in some
nental coastline and the Galapagos Archipelago could countries of the EPO such as Mexico, USA, and Peru
also increase the likelihood of overlapping with areas (Barkan, 2010; Wang et al., 2010; Ortiz et al., 2016).
of marine megafauna occupancy such as marine Building upon this research, the main objective of the
mammals, sea turtles, seabirds and elasmobranchs. present research was to assess the effectiveness of net
The concern over fisheries bycatch arises from a illumination using violet-colored LED lights at
combination of vulnerability due to ecological reducing sea turtle bycatch in the Ecuadorian small-
attributes of the species affected and of susceptibility to scale driftnet fishery. This information could be of
interactions driven by fishing characteristics (Lewison relevance for the implementation of the Ecuadorian
et al., 2014). For example, marine megafauna national strategy to reduce sea turtle bycatch and to
populations are vulnerable to relatively low level of support regional efforts for sea turtle populations of
bycatch due to life history characteristics (e.g., slow conservation concern.
growth, low reproductive rates) and also susceptible to
excessive incidental mortality caused by fisheries MATERIALS AND METHODS
(Heppell et al., 2000; Lewison et al., 2004); this has
been highlighted in numerous studies focusing on Observer onboard program
seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals, and elasmo-
branchs (Mangel et al., 2010; Anderson et al., 2011; An observer monitoring program was implemented
Attwood et al., 2011). Despite bycatch being identified from January 2015 to December 2018 on small-scale
as a primary threat and driver of many marine driftnet fisheries from the fishing ports of Santa Rosa,
megafauna population declines (Wallace et al., 2010; Puerto Lopez, and Jaramijo (Fig. 1). Observers were
Lewison et al., 2014) and other non-target species trained in biological and fisheries data collection. The
difficult to assess (Kelleher, 2005), its cumulative information recorded included i) vessel and gear
effects are often underestimated by some fishers since information (e.g., fishing boat, fishing gear, net length,
they are caught sporadically and represent only a small mesh size, numbers of panes and storage capacity), ii)
part of the total bycatch biomass (Soykan et al., 2008). fishing activity information (e.g., set and haul date, set
In Ecuador, five species of sea turtles use coastal and haul time, geographical position), and iii) target
areas for nesting, migration and foraging (MAE, 2014). and bycatch data (e.g., species identification, number of
The Galapagos Islands holds one of the most important individuals captured, and morphometrics).
nesting sites of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) along
the EPO, with more than 1309 nests identified from Experimental design of net illumination trial
2004 to 2007 (Zárate et al., 2013). Results from Chaves Net trials were conducted onboard 21 driftnet vessels
et al. (2017) also indicate genetic connectivity between using typical fishing practices. Driftnets ranged in
the Galapagos population of green turtles with nesting length from 1,000 to 2,000 m, 11 to 17 m in height, and
sites at the Machalilla National Park on the Ecuador with a stretched mesh size typically of 4 to 5 inches.
mainland (Peña-Mosquera et al., 2009). Ecuador Nets comprised multiple panes (between 12 and 16),
rookeries of olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) deployed during the late afternoon (18:00-19:00 h)
and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) have soaked overnight, and retrieved early the following
also been identified (Montero et al., 2016; Gaos et al.,
morning (05:00-07:30 h). The experimental design
2017). Two majors threats for sea turtles populations in
consisted of pairs of control and illuminated nets
the southeastern Pacific include plastic debris ingestion
(Thiel et al. 2018) and fisheries interactions, with nets deployed per fishing set in which illuminated nets
and longlines in particular (Wallace et al., 2010; comprised violet-colored LED lights (Centro Power
Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2011). An assessment conducted light Model CM-6) attached to the driftnet float line at
in Ecuador 2010 based on fisher surveys estimated that an interval of 12 to 14 m (Fig. 2). LED lights were
more than 13,000 sea turtles die annually as a housed in a waterproof plastic case and powered by two
consequence of bycatch events with small-scale gillnet AA alkaline batteries.
fisheries in Ecuador (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2018).
Bycatch reduction technologies (BRT) have been Data collection
developed not only to reduce bycatch but also to seek Observers recorded the composition of captures (target
to maintain target catch revenues for fishers (Wang et and bycatch species) per set. For the statistical analysis,
al., 2013). For instance, the use of light-emitting diode fish species were grouped into two categories: 'bony
(LED) lights on driftnets, as a visual stimulus, has been fishers' and 'sharks'. The number of target and bycatch
448 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Figure 1. Location of gillnets sets in Ecuador represented by x. Black and grey figures represent sea turtles (Lepidochelys
olivacea, Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriacea) incidentally captured in control and illuminated nets, respectively.

Figure 2. LEDs being recovered during the haul (left), and a LED light attached and activated on the net before the set

specimens captured were used to estimate catch per identification, curved carapace length (CCL) measure-
unit effort (CPUE) and bycatch per unit effort (BPUE) ments, and were tagged in the front flippers using
on control and illuminated nets. Inconel tags (Style 681IC, National Band and Tag
Sea turtles captured in illuminated and control net Company). Based on CCL minimum sizes available in
panes were recorded to estimate BPUE. Additionally, the literature, we inferred size class and classified
entangled turtles were brought onboard for species animals as juveniles or adults. Green turtles (Chelonia
Trialing net illumination in gillnet small-scale fishery 449

mydas) with a CCL under 69 cm (Zarate et al., 2013) BPUE ~ Treatment + (log(Effort)) + (1|Vessel/ TripID)
and olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) with a CPUE ~ Treatment + (log(Effort)) + (1|Vessel/ TripID)
CCL under 69.9 cm (Arias et al., 2015) were
The variable ‘vessel’, indicating the name of the
considered as putative juveniles. For leatherbacks
(Dermochelys coriacea), the CCL for adults was 144 vessel, was included as a random effect to account for
cm, based on measurements of nesting females (Reina different fishing practices used on different vessels; the
et al., 2002). We also recorded the capture position and random effect ‘TripID’ nested in ‘vessel’ was included
fate of each captured turtle (release alive or discarded as a random effect to account for the changing
dead). No hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) or environmental parameters among seasons, weeks, years
loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) were reported and fishing area (Table 1).
captured during the study. The best-fit models with the final terms are
summarized in Table 2. The factor treatment was not
Data analysis included in the model for bony fish and sharks,
Fishing effort per set was calculated as (net length/1000 implying that net illumination is not a predictor for the
m) × (soak time/24 h). Then, to analyze i) BPUE for sea CPUE of these groups.
turtles and ii) CPUE for target species in control and Models were checked for overdispersion (Zuur et
illuminated nets, we fitted separate Generalized Linear al., 2009) and singularity. If a singularity issue was
Mixed-Effects Models (GLMM) in the statistical detected, the random effect structure was simplified by
modeling program R 3.3.3. (R Core Team, 2017). The removing the random effect with the lowest variance
models were fitted using the ‘glmer’ function in the (Bates et al., 2015) (Table 2).
‘lme4’ package (Bates et al., 2015) and the optimizer After establishing the random terms to be included
bobyqa. in the model, we performed the information-theoretic
For sea turtles, we built a model for all species (IT) model selection for the fixed effect treatment. The
grouped, as well as separate species-specific models model selection was based on Akaike’s information
(i.e., olive ridley and green turtles; we did not run a criterion (AIC; Akaike, 1998) and Akaike weights
separate model for leatherback since only one (Burnham & Anderson, 2002) and used the ‘MuMIn’
individual was captured). For fish species, we built package (Bartoń, 2013), to create a top model set by
separate models for two species groups: sharks using a cut-off of ΔAIC ≤ 6, where ΔAIC is the
(Selachimorpha) and bony fishes (Osteichthyes). difference between the AIC values of the focal model
Specifically, given a dependent variable y and a set of and the AIC best model (Richards, 2005; Richards et
x independent covariates, the relationship between al., 2011).
them is established by:
To avoid selecting overly complex models, we
𝑦 = 𝑋𝛽 + 𝑍𝑢 + 𝜀 selected a model only if it had a ΔAIC less than the
The dependent term (y) in our models is a count ΔAIC of all of its simpler nested models (Richards,
(number of individuals captured per set) and was 2008). A model is said to be “nested” within another
modeled with a GLMM with Poisson distribution (or model if it contains a subset of parameters of the latter
negative binomial, to account for overdispersion) and a model but does not include other parameters (e.g.,
log link function; X is a matrix of the independent model ‘A+B’ is nested within ‘A+B+C’ but not
covariates or predictor variables. β is a vector of the ‘A+C+D’). After this adjustment, the model with the
fixed-effects regression coefficient; Z is the matrix for highest adjusted Akaike weight was considered the
the random effects (the random complement to the best-fit model used for the analysis (Burnham &
fixed X); u is a vector of the random effects (the random Anderson, 2002). The amount of variance explained
complement to the fixed β); and ε is a vector of the (R2) by the best-fit model was calculated using the
residuals, that part of y that is not explained by the r.squared GLMM function in the ‘MuMIn’ package
model. (Bartoń, 2013), and we present lognormal values, both
Full models for (a) sea turtles and (b) target catch marginal (variance explained by fixed effects only) and
included the predictor variable ‘treatment’ (control or conditional (also random effects). The lognormal
illuminated net) as a fixed effect and the natural approximation was chosen because we used error
logarithm of fishing effort (i.e., log(Effort)) as an offset distributions with a logarithmic link.
term (Table 1) to account for differences in fishing Expected BPUEs and CPUEs from the GLMM
effort between control and illuminated nets and to models were determined using the ‘predict’ function in
standardize catch data. the ‘stats’ package. In the results, we present expected
450 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Table 1. List of predictors (independent variables) included in the generalized linear mixed-effects models.

Predictor variable Fixed/random effect Type Description

Treatment Fixed Categorical Control net (i.e., no LEDs applied) or illuminated net
(i.e., LEDs applied)
Effort Fixed Continuous Fishing effort for control and illuminated net separately
TripID Random Categorical Unique code given to each fishing trip
Vessel Random Categorical The name of the vessel on which the experiment was

Table 2. Top model sets of generalized linear mixed-effect models (GLMM) for sea turtle and target groups. Within the
top model sets, models used for predictions (the best-fit models) are highlighted in grey. Group: species group whose data
were analyzed with the model. Family: error distribution used for the model. Response: the dependent variable, i.e.,
estimated bycatch per unit effort (BPUE) for sea turtles and catch per unit effort (CPUE) for target catch. Fixed effects: the
explanatory variables included in the model. Random effects: the random effects included in the model. AIC: Akaike’s
Information Criterion. ΔAIC: difference in AIC relative to the model with the lowest AIC. Weight: Akaike’s weight. Adj.
weight: adjusted weights calculated after excluding nested models. R2m: marginal R2, i.e., amount of variance explained by
the model including fixed effects only. R2c: conditional R2, i.e., amount of variance explained by the model including fixed
and random effects.

Group Family Response Fixed effects Random effects AIC ∆AIC Weight R2m R2c
All Poisson BPUE ∼ Treatment + (1|Vessel) 203.26 0.00 0.92 0.92 0.10 0.11
turtles offset(log(Effort))
∼ offset(log(Effort)) (1|Vessel) 208.16 4.89 0.08 0.08 - -
Green Poisson BPUE ∼ Treatment + (1|Vessel) 98.98 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.28 0.37
turtles offset(log(Effort))
Olive Poisson BPUE ~ offset(log(Effort)) (1|TripID) 141.55 0.00 0.57 1.00 0.00 0.18
~ Treatment + (1|TripID) 142.08 0.53 0.43 - -
Bony Negative CPUE ∼ offset(log(Effort)) (1|Vessel/TripID) 1958.68 0.00 0.63 1.00 0.00 0.72
fish binomial
∼ Treatment + (1|Vessel/TripID) 1959.76 1.08 0.37 - - -
Sharks Poisson CPUE ∼ offset(log(Effort)) (1|Vessel/TripID) 315.74 0.00 0.73 1.00 0.00 0.70
∼ Treatment + (1|Vessel/TripID) 317.72 1.98 0.27 - - -

CPUEs and BPUEs, i.e., the expected number of 1.67 h. Fishing effort calculated for control nets
individuals captured when fishing effort = 1, if the averaged 0.44 ± 0.10 (km × 24 h), and for illuminated
model includes ‘treatment’ as a predictor. nets averaged 0.39 ± 0.06 (km × 24 h).

RESULTS Sea turtle bycatch

During the experiment, 32 sea turtles were incidentally
Fishing effort captured, of which 56.3% were olive ridley
A total of 146 experimental sets (illuminated and (Lepidochelys olivacea), 40.6% green (Chelonia
control) were completed. As driftnets consisted of a mydas), and 3.1% (one individual) was a leatherback
single long net, we sought for each fishing set to have (Dermochelys coriacea) turtle (Table 3).
equivalent portions of the net illuminated as control Mean CCL for olive ridley turtles was 57.7 ± 3.6 cm
(non-illuminated). Control nets length averaged 0.89 ± (mean ± SE) (range: 20 to 73 cm) and 44.4 ± 4.2 cm
0.15 km (mean ± standard error, SE), while illuminated (mean ± SE) for green turtles (range: 43 to 77 cm). All
nets averaged 0.81 ± 0.05 km. For set duration (soak green turtles and the leatherback incidentally captured
time), control and illuminated nets averaged 11.74 ± were classified as juveniles; 72% of olive ridleys were
Trialing net illumination in gillnet small-scale fishery 451

Table 3. The number of individuals captured in control and illuminated nets by species. Effort (km d -1) is the total fishing
effort. CM: Chelonia mydas; LO: Lepidochelys olivacea; DC: Dermochelys coriacea. BF: bony fish; SH: sharks.

Effort Sea turtles Fish species

(km d-1) CM LO DC BF SH
Control 63.6 12 12 0 2082 39
Illuminated 57.6 1 6 1 1937 35

Table 4. CCL measurements (cm) and fate by sea turtle species (olive ridley: Lepidochelys olivacea, green: Chelonia mydas,
leatherback: Dermochelys coriacea) incidentally captured in control and illuminated nets. SE: standard error.

CCL (cm) Fate % (n)

Treatment Sea turtle species
Mean ± SE Released alive Discarded dead
Control Olive ridley 57.7 ± 3.6 100 (12) 0
Green 44.4 ± 4.2 83 (10) 17 (2)
Leatherback - 0 0
Illuminated Olive ridley 52.8 ± 7.1 67 (4) 33 (2)
Green 56 100 (1) 0
Leatherback 128 100 (1) 0

adults. Eighty-eight percent of the turtles captured were The best-fit models with the final terms are
released alive (Table 4). Four turtles were recovered summarized in Table 2. The factor Treatment was not
dead from the net, likely from drowning. included in the model for bony fish and sharks,
Regarding data analysis, the best-fit models with the implying that net illumination is not a predictor for the
final terms are summarized in Table 2. The factor CPUE of these groups.
‘treatment’ was retained in the model for all turtle
species combined and for green turtles individually. DISCUSSION
The GLMM indicates that the expected BPUE is lower
in illuminated nets than in control nets for all sea turtle Effect on turtle bycatch
species and green turtles only, with reductions in BPUE Our study shows that net illumination using violet-
of 62.2 and 93.3%, respectively (Fig. 3). For all turtle colored LEDs reduced sea turtle bycatch by small-scale
species, the expected bycatch BPUE is 0.37 km × 24 h driftnet vessels by 62.2%, which corroborates findings
in control nets compared to 0.14 km × 24 h in illumi- of similar studies in the EPO (Wang et al., 2013; Ortiz
nated nets. For green turtles only, the expected BPUE et al., 2016). Also, our results yielded novel, species-
is 0.15 km × 24 h in control nets as compared to 0.01 specific findings regarding the effects of net
km × 24 h in illuminated nets (Fig. 3). For olive ridley illumination on sea turtle bycatch. We assessed for
turtles, ‘treatment’ was not included in the model, species-level effects and found that net illumination
implying that the net illumination is not a predictor for reduced green turtle Chelonia mydas bycatch, a result
the BPUE of this species. similar to that of Wang et al. (2013). However, net
illumination did not show the same effect on the
bycatch of olive ridley turtles. This study is the first to
Fish catch
assess the impact on olive ridley turtles Lepidochelys
A total of 4019 bony fishes and 74 sharks were recorded olivacea as other studies (using green LEDs) reported
(Table 3). Among bony fishes captured, it was possible captures of only single individuals (Ortiz et al., 2016;
to identify species from the genus Thunnus and other Kakai, 2019).
species such as skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) The wavelength (100-400 nm) emitted by the LEDs
and mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Shark species used in this study is within the visual range of both the
identified include thresher sharks (Alopias spp.), green and olive ridley turtle (Witherington, 1992).
hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.), and other species Nevertheless, as sea turtle response to wavelengths is
such as crocodile sharks (Pseudocarcharias associated with light intensity and varies among species
kamoharai), blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and mako (Cruz et al., 2018), a better understanding of the light
sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus). intensity effect on wavelength sensitivity could help to
452 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Figure 3. Expected BPUEs (individuals/km/day) in control and illuminated nets for a) all turtle species (Lepidochelys
olivacea, Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriacea) and b) green turtles C. mydas only. Error bars are standard errors.

understand differences at a species level found by the that is in line with other recent studies of net
model. In case sensitivity to light intensity is playing a illumination (Ortiz et al., 2016; Virgili et al., 2018). It
crucial role in bycatch reduction effectiveness for is important to consider, however, that we assessed
individual species, an increase in the number of lights target catch in terms of the number of individuals but
deployed per net panel could be an alternative for did not assess the effect on specimen size or weight,
having a detectable effect of lights on olive ridley which are also important metrics in terms of target
bycatch (Wang et al., 2010). In addition to light catch economic value. Previous studies have shown
intensity, it is important to consider that environmental that neither catch size, catch composition, or catch
conditions (i.e., water visibility, sea surface tempe- value is affected by net illumination (Wang et al., 2013;
rature, lunar light) may be influencing net illumination Virgili et al., 2018). However, future assessments
efficiency as has been considered in previous studies should include the effect on target catch weight or size
(Ortiz et al., 2016; Virgili et al., 2018). as any economic loss would be part of the cost
Previous studies suggest that sea turtles inhabiting associated with the implementation of net illumination.
southeastern Pacific waters belong to breeding areas It is also worth mentioning that apart from the violet
such as Galapagos Islands, Mexico, Costa Rica, but LEDs tested here, a study conducted in Peru showed
also from the western Pacific (Velez-Zuazo & Kelez, that green LEDs also reduced green turtle bycatch in
2010; Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2011; Dutton et al., 2013; commercial gillnet fisheries without affecting target
Alvarez-Varas et al., 2017). Our study shows that most catch rates (Ortiz et al., 2016). Bycatch in that study
turtle bycatch events were of putative juveniles, most was exclusive to green turtles, however, making it clear
likely individuals from the rookeries mentioned above that net illumination using green LED lights (as an
that are using Ecuador’s coastal waters as feeding alternative to violet LED lights) could also be tested in
grounds. Given the conservation status of some of these the Ecuadorian commercial gillnet fisheries.
turtle populations (e.g., leatherbacks turtles Dermo-
It is encouraging that multiple studies have now
chelys coriacea of the EPO) and even though 88% of
shown that net illumination reduces turtle bycatch with
sea turtles in our study were released alive, these
no impact on target catch; however, local implemen-
interactions may still represent a risk for these tation may still be challenging due to the associated
EPO populations due to the unknown levels of post- costs. We encourage the development of estimations of
release mortality. Thus, even though net illumination the costs associated with the implementation of net
with UV LEDs may represent a promising BRT, its illumination as a BRT and how it may affect fishers’
implementation should be complemented with fisher incomes. However, net illumination also has the
training on sea turtle safe-handling and release potential to alleviate fishing gear damage associated
techniques. with bycatch events (Panagopoulou et al., 2017). In this
regard, it will be important to analyze the socio-
Effect on fish catch economic factors that may affect the implementation of
Net illumination did not affect the capture efficiency of net illumination in Ecuador as each country may have
commercial species (bony fishes and sharks), a finding particular issues and concerns.
Trialing net illumination in gillnet small-scale fishery 453

Our study supports net illumination as a BRT for Anderson, O.R.J., Small, C.J., Croxall, J.P. & Dunn, E.K.
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Delphinus supported this study in many ways. Funds Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation,
were provided by the National Fish and Wildlife University of California, San Diego.
Foundation and the Darwin Initiative through the Bartoń, K. 2013. MuMIn: multi-model inference. R
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Received: 9 September 2019; Accepted: 10 March 2020

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