Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in A Marine Protected Area

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Davao Oriental Regional Science High School , Mati, Davao Oriental Philippines1,
Davao de Oro State College, Maragusan, Davao de Oro Philippines2
Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao, Gen Douglas McArthur Matina Davao City 80003

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/197302


This quantitative-descriptive study’s purpose was to gather information about the current state of fish and
coral distribution in the Barangay Tamisan Marine Protected Area. Specifically, it aimed to determine the
level of physicochemical parameters, reef health status, coral composition and abundance, reef fish
abundance, and biomass in the study site. The study used line transect and fish visual methods. Results
of the study revealed that the physicochemical parameters in the said area fall within the normal range,
which is favorable for the survival of fishes and corals in the study site. The Tamisan Marine Protected
Area’s average cover of hard coral is 38.5%, which falls under the " fair " category. Corals with the greatest
abundance are from the massive porites genera which comprise 70% of the hard coral cover. Nineteen
species from different families of fishes were in the study area, and 1 class was identified, Actinopterygii.
Among the species, it is Pomacentridae that has the greatest number of counts, that is, 34. Other species
identified were Labridae, Siganidae, Ephinephilenae, Acanthurida, Balistidae. Apogonida, Scarida,
Chaetodontidae, Caesionidae. Monacantidae, Tetraodontidae, Fistularidae, Synodontidae, Synanciinae
and, Pomacantidae. The fishes in the study area have a diversity index of 0,820, representing a high index
of diversity, but have very low fish biomass. The results implied that although the coral cover is fair and
fishes are diverse, further studies on human activities still need to find the reason behind very low fish

Keywords: fishes, reef health status, quantitative-descriptive study, Marine Protected Area, Mati City

INTRODUCTION diversity indices of these marine species gives us

a glimpse of the ecological health of the marine
The Philippines is an archipelagic country environment of our localities.
with its proud diversity of marine species. In many Coral reefs are among the most diverse
parts of the Philippines, marine biodiversity has ecosystems on the planet (National Oceanic and
been a source of Filipino livelihood, consumption, Atmospheric Administration, 2017). They support
and indication of ecological status. Knowing the reef-associated species by providing essential

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
habitat systems and resources in coral reef Tamisan is a coastal barangay located
systems. Many fish species rely on corals for food in the eastern portion of Mati City; surveying corals
and habitat. The fishing stocks and tourist industry and fish abundance and diversity showed that the
opportunities provided by reefs provide a living for establishment of an MPA was a viable option in the
an estimated five hundred million people. Despite area way back in 2004 (Lahagit,2018). Several
their importance, coral reefs are dying all over the studies have been conducted on the species
world due to warming waters, pollution, diversity and abundance of corals and fishes in
acidification of the oceans, overharvesting, and other parts of the Philippines. However, there are
physical destruction (Gibbens, 2020). According to no studies yet on the overall species of corals and
a recent study, human activities are endangering fishes concerning on the population and diversity
the health of the world's oceans. More than 80% of and their status in the study area. It is a must to
marine pollution is caused by land-based activities. undertake sustained, regular monitoring of corals
From coastal erosion to sea level rise, and fishes (Licuanan, 2020). It is important to link
entire aquatic ecosystems are changing at a rapid this monitoring to management actions at the local
pace. level. Assessments will reveal what the MPA has
The findings extend previous global lost over the years, and it will be able to help
studies' findings (Cinner et al., 2016) by proving generate management-actionable information.
that specific MPA strategic planning attributes are
essential for protecting various components of OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
corals. A study in Sabah, Borneo, examined the
coral reef and benthic reef assemblage, revealing The researchers conducted this study to
high species richness in the area (Waheed et al., gather information about the current fish and coral
2015). In Indonesia, a study revealed that the MPA distribution in Barangay Tamisan Marine Protected
in the coral reefs of the study site was severely Area (MPA). The study specifically sought:
damaged ( Baigo et al., 2019). Another study in
Australia assessed reefs in MPA and found a great 1. To measure the level of physiochemical
hard loss in the study area (Millen et al., 2016). parameters in terms of pH, salinity,
These studies reveal the importance of having temperature, and turbidity.
regular assessments of the coral reefs and fishes 2. To evaluate the status of the reef health in
in Marine Protected Areas the MPA.
In the assessment of Asid Gulf, Southern 3. To identify the coral composition of the
Luzon Philippines found that critical coastal corals found in the coral reef ecosystem.
habitats such as coral reefs face destruction 4. To measure the relative abundance of the
mainly from anthropogenic activities (Mendoza & corals found in the coral reef ecosystem.
Soliman, 2017). The low coral cover and 5. To identify the different fish species found
abundance of corals is a confirmation of the effect in the coral reef ecosystem of the MPA.
of the activities, but that the presence of MPAs can 6. To evaluate the status of reef fish
serve as a platform for development and research abundance in the MPA.
activities in the gulf. 7. To evaluate the status of fish biomass in
The current status of coral reefs in the MPA.
Calangahan, Lugait, Misamis Oriental, Philippines,
demonstrated the effectiveness of MPA as a tool METHODOLOGY
in reef assessment and monitoring (Tabugo et al.,
2016). Results showed that the most prevalent This study utilized quantitative research
genera, Porites and Acropora, have been following a descriptive design. Quantitative –
dominant, of Porites lobata being the most plentiful descriptive research aimed to collect quantifiable
coral species in the area. Furthermore, the findings information for statistical analysis of the population
revealed that various diseases were present, sample. This study used the quantitative research
causing coral mortality to increase. design to gather information about the reef health
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
status, coral cover percentage, and reef fish Table 1
abundance and biomass. Level of Physico-Chemical Parameters
A descriptive research design helped the
researchers to obtain complete and correct
information about the status of the corals and
fishes in the area. This also provided data on the
different physico parameters in the study area. It
was utilized for the investigation of the community
structure of the corals and fishes in the Marine
Protected Area in Tamisan, Mati City.
The research subjects of this study were
the different species of fishes and corals found
inside the quadrants in the Marine Protected Area
in Tamisan, sitting on the stretch of Mati City,
Davao Oriental, positions 6.8457º N, 126.2951 º E. The pH of marine waters is influenced by
The coral habitat may consist of eight (8) possible the concentration of carbon dioxide and organic
components. Fishes that the researchers observed substances dissolved in water (Walag & Canencia,
include the indicator fish species and other 2016).
different species such as damselfish/clownfish, The salinity ranged from 30.1 to 30.19 psu
wrasse, butterflyfish, pipefish, and triggerfish. in the three sampling stations of the study area.
The fish biomass and density were This range of values is normal for tropical areas.
determined, as well as the abundance of the corals Normal salinity ranges from 30 to 37 grams of salt
in the area. The temperature was recorded using per kilogram of seawater or psu (McKenzie,
the digital thermometer, the pH level was identified Howard &Duxbury, 2020). Water temperature
using a pH meter, and a refractometer was used reading within the period of study ranged from
for the salinity level. The data was collected with 28.400C to 28.530C. Water temperature reading in
the help of expert divers from the Provincial the study area were in the range for the survival of
Environmental and Natural Resources Office and aquatic organisms (Bos et al., 2018). The Turbidty
Davao Oriental State College of Science and of water, as shown in Table 1, had values of 22.2,
Technology – Regional Integrated Coastal 22.0, and 22.3. These water turbidity levels in the
Resource Management. study site reading were categorized as fair
Data gathered were treated using Quartile (Waterwatch, 2021). Turbidity levels are shown to
Index for Reef Health Established by Gomez and have adverse effects on benthic communities
Alcala (1979), fish abundance, and fish biomass by when they exceed 39.0 NTU (Pentony, 2020). In
using the categories described by Hilomen et al. the marine ecosystem, the physico-chemical
(2000), and Nanola et al. (2006) for fish biomass. parameters are the most imperative parameters in
the physical surroundings of an organism to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION regulate the survival, growth, reproduction, and
distribution of organisms (Murugan, et al., 2018).
1. Physico-Chemical Parameters
2. Status of Reef Health in the MPA
Table 1 represents the physico – chemical
parameters measured during the sampling period The table below shows the reef health
in the Tamisan, Mati City study site. status of the study site as indicated by the
As shown in Table 1 above, station 1 had a percentage of coral cover. The coral cover
pH value of 8.23; Station 2 had 8.24, while Station percentage is determined by adding the total per
3 also had a value of 8.24. The pH of the MPA falls habit class divided by the total per transect
under the Standard Seawater pH value as slightly multiplied by 100%.
alkaline, usually from a pH of 7.5 to 8.4.

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
Table 2 abiotics, algae, other organisms).
Reef Health Status Computations were done on Microsoft Excel.
Benthic Attributes Percent Coral Cover
Hard Corals 38.5%
Figure shown above reveals that there is
Dead Corals with Algae 16.40% 38.5% of hard corals. Hard corals are live corals.
Algae 0 Dead corals algae comprised 16.40% of the coral
Others 21.0% cover. These corals have long been dead and are
Abiotic 42.9% now covered with microalgae. Soft corals,
sponges, sea stars, seagrasses, and other live
The Tamisan Marine Protected Area mean organisms form 21.0% of the coral cover. The rest
hard coral cover of 38.5% falls under the “fair” of the coral cover, which comprises 42.9% is
category as shown in Table 1. The status of the abiotic, the sand, rubble and other non-living
reef health was determined by noting the components of the benthic environment.
percentage of live scleractinian (hard) corals and
comparing them against the quartile index
established by Gomez and Alcala (1979) to 4. Live hard corals (LHCs) observed in the
classify the status of the reefs inside the MPA. The MPA
four categories and corresponding ranges of live
coral cover (LCC) are as follows: “poor” (0%–25% Table 3
Relative Abundance
LCC), “fair” (25%–50% LCC), “good” (50%–75% Genera of Hard Abundance
LCC), and “excellent” (75%–100% LCC). Live Corals
coral cover was measured by adding hard and soft Portites (massive) 70%
coral covers per site. In a study by Licuanan et al. Pocillopora (branching) 17%
(2021), in their coral cover assessment done in Porites (branching) 5%
2017, Mati City’s coral cover is 18, under the “poor” Acropora 5%
category. This would mean that there has been an Anacropora 3%
improvement in the coral cover present in the
Marine Protected Area. The table below shows the relative
abundance of the hard corals in the study site. In
3. Coral Composition in the MPA
this method, a diver diving along a transect 25 m
long and 5 m wide visually records a visual in situ
estimate of % coral cover by species. The method
necessitates the use of an experienced observer.
During this study, Arnel G. Gayta from Provincial
Environment and Natural Resources Office made
the measurements using this method.
Table 3 shows the different corals present
in the areas as identified by the marine biologist at
the genera level. It also describes their abundance
on the site. Observed on site were porites
(massive) which comprises 70% of the corals,
Figure 1. Coral composition found in the coral reef pocillopora 17%, porites (branching) 5%, acropora
ecosystem of the MPA 5%, and anacropora 3%.
Porites' abundance (massive) could be
The figure above shows the coral attributed to their tolerance to a wide range of
composition found in the coral reef ecosystem of conditions in the environment, including
the MPA. The in situ recording gathered by the temperature, salinity, and alkalinity fluctuations
expert divers generated data on the percent cover (De Vantier & Turak, 2017). Furthermore, a 2018
of the various attributes that comprise the benthos study on the status and trends of Pacific coral reef
(e.g., live hard coral, soft coral, dead corals, communities found evidence of stasis or decrease
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
in mean coral cover over the last 40 years; only species richness and abundance for the
one coral taxon to deviate from in this regional transect were generated and expressed in units of
pattern has been massive Porites, which showed 1000 m2. This table displays the record number of
evidence of net rise in overall cover during this fishes per size class, species richness or the
period (Sandin et al., 2020). number of species/1000 m2, and the abundance or
the number of individuals/1000 m2. There are five
5. Fish Species Found in the Coral Reef categories for species richness and abundance, as
System of the MPA described by Hilomen et al., (2000). The range of
this based on the 1000 m2, includes very rich and
Table 4
very high for greater than 7592, rich and high in
Fish Species in the MPA
2268–7582, moderate for 667–2267, poor for 202–
676, and very poor for less than 202.
Table 5
Fish Species Richness and Abundance in the MPA

Furthermore, it can be observed on the

table that based on the recorded number of fishes
per class size, the species with the highest number
was Pomocanthidae with 35, followed by Labridae
Pomacentridae coral reef damselfishes are the with 8, then Siganidae with 6. The least number of
most abundant species because they have species were Chaetodontidae, Synancinae,
whether facultative or obligate prerequisites for Synodontidae, Fistularidae, Tetraodontidae, and
coral reefs as habitat (Emslie, et al., 2019). These Monacantidae, having 1 for each. Also, the
fish are mostly small, and many use coral richness of the species was described as very poor
structures as a shelter, emerging to feed and since the computed value was 0.019, which was
quickly retreating when a predator threatens them. less than 202. Lastly, on the abundance of
species, since this computed value was just 0.085,
and it was less than 202, then the abundance was
6. Reef fish Abundance in the MPA
described as very low.
Table 5 presents the reef fish species richness Low fish species richness and abundance
and abundance found in the MPA. Summaries of may still happen even in MPAs. In evaluating

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
different MPAs in the Philippines, MPAs should not biomass is threatened due to its economic and
be viewed as a panacea for all fisheries food value (Duffy et al, 2016). Marine-protected
management issues (Muallil et al., 2019). They do areas do not reduce fishing pressure; they simply
not address critical issues for the overall shift it to a different location (Dagupta, 2018).
management of the area beyond an MPA's
Table 7
boundaries. They also do not address previous
Other Observations
ineffective fisheries management, which has Biotic Observations Abiotic Observations
frequently resulted in overcapacity, overfishing, Tridacna-quamosa (taklobo) Sinkers
and economic loss. Crown of Thorns (Dap-ag) Rubbers
Starfish Anchor
7. Fish biomass in the MPA

Table 6 presents the fish biomass in the It was also evident that sinkers, rubber
study site; weight in tons is computed for their ropes, and anchors were found during the fish
overall weight in grams divided by the area of the visual census, as shown in Table 7. This indicates
study site as their fish biomass. that although the area is marine protected, there
was evidence of human activities that could affect
Table 6 the fish. This finding is consistent with a study
Fish Biomass conducted by Arizona State University (2020) on
anthropogenic factors on resource wild fish on the
island of Hawaii. Over a decade of surveys, the
researchers discovered a startling 45% decrease
in fish biomass.


Through the findings of the study, the

following conclusions were drawn:
1. The level of physico – chemical parameters
is within the normal range, which is
favorable for the survival of fishes and
corals in the study site.
2. Coral reef health is fair as not many hard
corals are found in the study area.
3. Coral composition of the study site is
composed of hard corals, dead corals,
algae, other organisms, and abiotic
components that make up the benthic
4. It was the genera portites who were most
abundant in the coral cover competition.
5. Among the 18 families of fishes, the most
abundant was the Pomacatidae. These fish
This table shows that fish biomass in the
are mostly small, and many use coral
MPA is very low. Fish are the most diverse
constructions as a shelter, emerging to
vertebrates; they play critical functional roles in
feed and quickly retreating when a predator
aquatic ecosystems and provide protein to billions
threatens them.
of people, particularly in developing countries.
6. Fish diversity was high, with an index near
Increasing pressures on marine biodiversity and
ecosystems are jeopardizing these functions. Fish
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
7. Fish biomass was very low as, although National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
diverse, they are not abundant. (2017). Coral Reef Ecosystems:
Tabugo, S., Manzanares, D., & Malawani A. (2016).
Based on the findings, analysis, and Coral reef assessment and monitoring made easy
using Coral Point Count with Excel extensions
conclusion drawn in the study, the researchers (CPCe) software in Calangahan, Lugait, Misamis
recommend the following: Oriental, Philippines. Research Gate.
1. To conduct another research using a larger 990_Coral_reef_assessment_and_monitoring_m
area of transect involving the similarities of _extensions_CPCe_software_in_Calangahan_Lu
fish diversity and coral reefs and seaweeds gait_Misamis_Oriental_Philippines
as their home.
2. Further studies on the human activities in Waheed, Z., van Mil, H. G., Syed Hussein, M. A.,
Jumin, R., Golam Ahad, B., & Hoeksema, B. W.
the Marine Protected Area to determine the (2015). Coral reefs at the northernmost tip of
cause of very low fish biomass and fair Borneo: an assessment of scleractinian species
coral cover. richness patterns and benthic reef
3. Further studies on the fish catch pattern assemblages. PLoS One, 10(12), e0146006.
outside the perimeters of the Marine
Protected Area. AUTHORS’ PROFILE
4. Regular monitoring and assessment of fish
and corals should be done in the area. Gene Pearl A. Luna, LPT, MAED
5. Conservation and protection measures is a science research teacher in
must be maintained in the area. Davao Oriental Regional Science
6. Science teachers can use the learning High Scool, Mati City. She earned
materials, the book of fish, and video clips her bachelor’s degree in
on the locality's marine ecosystem to Secondary Education major in
indigenize their biodiversity lesson. Physics at Ateneo De Davao
University and earned her Master’s degree at St.
Mary’s College of Tagum inc. She is currently
taking up Doctorate degree at Bukidnon State
Cinner, J. E., Huchery, C., MacNeil, M. A., Graham, University
N. A., McClanahan, T. R., Maina, J., ... & Mouillot,
D. (2016). Bright spots among the world’s coral Dr. Princes Luise C. Dela Tina
reefs. Nature, 535(7612), 416-419. graduated with a Bachelor of
Science in Secondary Education
Gibbens, S. (2020). Scientists are trying to save coral
reefs. National Geographic Society. major in Biological Science at St.
Mary's College of Tagum, Inc. in
Licuanan, W. (2020). Current management, 2015 and earned her master's
conservatiion and research imperative for degree in Teaching Science at the same
Philippine Coral Reefs. Philippine Journal of
Science, IX - XIII. Institution. She finished her PhD for Science
Education with a concentration in Biology in
Mendoza Jr, A. B., & Soliman, V. S. (2017). Coastal Bukidnon State University's graduate program
habitats of Asid Gulf, Masbate, Philippines: (BukSU). Her dissertation is entitled "Distribution of
assessment and role of marine protected areas for the Lichen Flora in Mt. Candalaga, Davao de Oro:
management development. Aquaculture,
Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation, 10(5), Basis for Development of Instructional Module for
1351-1359. Biology Teaching." Dr. Dela Tina's field of interest
is quantitative research, experimental research,
and lichen species' biodiversity. She presented her
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138
researches in international research conferences.
Dr. Dela Tina has also served as a research
adviser and data analyst

Rey Almer L. Gindap, LFA,

LPT, MAEd, is a graduate of
Bachelor of Science in
Secondary Education and Master
of Arts in Education Major at St.
Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc. He
was also one of the topnotchers
in the September 2018 LET. He taught research
and sciences subjects in Senior High School and
College Department of St. Mary’s College of
Tagum, Inc. He is currently a full-time faculty of the
High School Department of Mapua Malayan
Colleges Mindanao. He is passionate in teaching
research subjects: Qualitative, Quantitative, and
CAPSTONE Project. He is also actively
volunteering and advising two non-government
organizations - CoExister Philippines and Youth
Service Philippines.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (http://creative

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

LUNA, G.P.A., PICAZA, P.L.D.T., GINDAP R.A.L., Species Diversity and Abundance of Corals and Fishes in a Marine
Protected Area, pp. 131 – 138

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