Giao An Tieng Anh 7 Thi Diem (Bản 1)

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Date of preparation: 29/10 2020 Date of Teaching: 1/9/2020


I. Overview:
1. Objectives:
- By the end of this lesson , Ss will know something about The UK and its parts.
- Helps sts get to know the English 7 book map and the contents in the book.
2. The language focus:
3. Resources: Student books.
II. Procedure:
- Chatting: Speaking, Listening, Reading,
Warm-up What aspects of learning English do Writing Whole
(5 mins) you find the most difficult? class
-Show out the map of the UK. -Full name of the UK: The United
-Ask sts some questions about The Kingdom of Great Britain and
UK. Northern Ireland.
-Give sts details about The UK -The United Kingdom inlcudes 4
Questions: parts: England, Scotland, Wales and
-What do you know about The UK? North Ireland.
-What can you see on the map? England includes cities: London,
Manchester, Birmingham,
Pre- Liverpool, Bristol.
Information Wales includes: Cardiff, Swansea,
about Newport
The UK Scotland incudes: Edinburgh, Whole
Glasgow, Perth. class

- Ask sts what topics they learnt in My new school, My home, My

grade 6? friends, My neighbourhood, Natural
wonders of the world, Our Tet
Television, Sports and Games,
While- Cities of the world, Our houses in
Review the future, Our Greener world,
- Wh questions Pair work
- Ask sts what Grammar points they -Conjunctions
learnt in garde 6? -Imperatives
-Tenses: Simple Past, Present
Perfect, Simple future,
- Superlatives
-Could and Will be able
- Ask sts how many units there are in It consists of 6 units:
English 7 book (Book 1) - Unit 1: My hobbies
- Unit 2: Health

Page 1
- Unit 3: community service
- Review 1
- Unit 4: Music and arts
- Unit 5: Vietnamese food and
- Unit 6: The first University
Post- - Ask sts How many parts are there in in Viet Nam
Book each Unit. - Review 2 Whole
introduction -7 lessons/7 parts: class
+Getting started
+A closer look 1
+A closer look 2
+Skills 1
+Skills 2
- Ask sts where to find the grammar +Looking back and Project
points for each units. -On page 4-5 of the book
- Ask sts what skills they should learn
in Skills 1 -Reading and Speaking
-Ask sts what skills they should learn
in Skills 2 -Listening and Writing
- Ask sts in what Unit they can learn
about hobbies? -Unit 1
-- Ask sts in what Unit they can learn
about Health? -Unit 2

-Give sts some task to prepare before -Run through Getting started and:
Homework he next lesson + Find the new words.
+ Find the activities that people in
the book like


Page 2
Date of preparation: 29./10/ 2020 Date of Teaching: 1/9 2020

Period 2
I. Overview
1. Objectives: Sts will be able to listen to the dialogue about one’s hobbies in order to do the True/False
and answer the questions.
2. The language focus: Get to know how to use the hobby vocabulary, review the simple present and
simple future, the verb of liking, pronunciation sound /3:/ and /∂/
3. Resources: Student books, recording
II. Procedure:
-Ask students what they like doing
for pleasure in their free time Whole
Warm-up - Summarise sts’ answer and ask sts Unit1: MY HOBBIES class
what all these activities are called. Lesson 1: Getting started
(5 mins) -Elicit the word “hobbies” from sts
-Write the name of the lesson on the
- Ask Ss questions about the picture 1.Can you guess who they are?
(p.6). 2.Where are they?
3.What can you see on the shelf? Pairs
a 4.What may the hobby be?
Getting - Write Ss’ answers on the board. Answer:
started 1. They are Nick, Elena ( Nick’s
(5 mins) and Mi
2. They are at Nick’s house
3. I can see so many dolls on the shelf.
The hobby may be collecting dolls.
- Play the recording. Ask Ss if their a. True/False:
guesses on the board are correct. Key:
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
and decide they are True or False. Pairs
1. - Allow Ss to share answers before
Listen and discussing as a class. b. Answer the questions:
read Key:
- Tell Ss to refer back to the 1. She receives dolls on special
conversation to answer the questions occasions.
(b) 2. No, they aren’t.
(6 mins)
3. She keeps the bottles after using
4. No, she doesn’t.
5. No, he hasn’t.
- Play the recording.
2. - Let Ss listen and repeat the words/ 1. playing board 5. playing the guitar
Listen and phrases. Have some Ss practice games. 6. gardening Pairs
repeat reading the words/ phrases out loud. 2. taking photos. 7. cooking
(5 mins) 3. bird-wattching 8. arranging flowers
4. cycling 9. skating

Page 3
- Ask students how many pictures Key:
there are and how many words/ Playing board games Playing the guitar
phrases of hobbies in activity 2 Taking photos Gardening Grpups
- Ask Ss to match the words/ phrases Bird-watching Cooking
with the pictures. Cycling Arranging flowers
(8 mins)
- Give feedback and confirm the Skating
correct answers.
- Ask Ss work in pairs and complete Suggested answers:
the table. Write their answers on the Cheap hobbies:
board. -playing board games, gardening, bird-
- Ask Ss to explain their answers. watching, collecting old bottles,...
- Have Ss add more words to the Expensive hobbies: Pairs
4. Complete table. -Taking photos, cycling, playing the
the tables guitar, cooking, arranging flowers,
collecting watches...
Easy hobbies:
(8 mins) Playing board games, gardening, bird-
watching, collecting old bottles, taking
Difficult hobbies:
-playing the guitar, cooking, arranging
flowers, making short films...
- Set the time for Ss to do this Example:
activity. Ask their classmates to A: Do you like gardening? Pairs
Game: Find
complete the table using “Do you B: No, I don’t.
-Ask Ss to read aloud the names on
(8 mins)
the list.

Homework - Prepare next lesson A closer look 1 Whole

(2 mins) class

- New words

Page 4
Date of preparation: 29/10/2020 Date of Teaching: 1/9/2020

Period 3
Lesson 02/: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds /ə/ and /ɜ:/ in
isolation and in context.
2. The language focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.
3. Resources: Course book, CD player
II. Procedure:
- Have Ss repeat the words/ phrases The words/ phrases indicating the hobbies.
Warm-up indicating the hobbies they learnt in the
previuos lesson
(5 mins)
- Ask Ss to read the action verbs incolumn Key:
A and match them with the suitable 1. d, e, i
words/ phrases in column B. 2. g
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 3. b, c, j
4. f, h
5. c
6. a
- Ask Ss to read all the sentences carefully Key:
to make sure they understand the 1. Swimming, swim
2. sentences. 2. Listen, Listening to music.
Gap- fill - Ask Ss to write the correct answers on 3. Plant, gardening
the board. 4. Catch, fishing.
5. Paiting, paints.
- Explain that a keyword helps Ss Key:
understand a text quickly and it is usually - Listening to music: medoly, songs,
a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. headphones, noise, rhythm, lyrics…
- Model the way to locate keywords for - Gardening: trees, flowers, garden, plant,
“listening to music”. vegetables, grow, fruit…
- Ask Ss to write the answers on the Fishing: lake, exciting, catch, fish, water,
Key words
board. boat…
- Check and confirm the correct answers. - Painting: creative, colours, pictures, artist,
- Swimming: pool, fun, water, keep
- Model Example:
- Give some keywords and ask sts what A: water, grow, flowers, vegetables
hobby it is. B: Is it gardening?
- Get sts to work in groups and do the A: Yes, it is.

Page 5
- Ask Ss to read out the words first. The Pronunciation /ə/ and /ɜ:/
play the recording. 5. Listen and tick the words you hear.
- Play the recording Repeat the words.
- Ask sts to tick the words they hear. Key:
5.  Away
Listen and  Burn
tick  Hurt
 Birth
 Answer
 Neighbour
 Heard
- Ask Ss to put the words in the correct 6. Listen again and put the words in the
column while they listen. correct column.
- Ask Ss to practice the sounds /ə/ and /ɜ:/ /ə/ /ɜ:/
6. . Play the recording and ask Ss to listen Away Burn
Listen and put and repeat. Answer Birth
the words Neighbour Hurt
Common H

- Play the recording twice. Listen to the sentences and tick / ə / or / ɜ :/.
- Ask Ss to practice the sentences Practise the sentences.
/ə/ /ɜ:/
7. 1 √
Listen and 2 √

4 √
5 √
- Do exercise in Workbook.
- Prepare: A closer look 2


Page 6
Date of preparation: 29/20/2020 Date of Teaching: 4/9/2020
Period 4
Lesson 03: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use the present simple and the future simple tense
and verbs of liking + V-ing correctly and appropriately.
2. The language focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.
3. Resources: Course book, CD player
II. Procedure:
- Have sts do part 7 in Acloser look 1 Listen to the sentences and tick / ə / or / ɜ :/.
- Listen and tick Key:
/ə/ /ɜ:/
Warm-up 1 √
2 √

4 √
5 √
- Have Ss present the form and usage Grammar
of these two tenses before asking The present simple:
them to do the exercises. S + Vs/es …
S + don’t/doesn’t + V-bare …
(Wh) + do/ does + S + V-bare…
The Future simple:
S + will + V-bare…
S + won’t + V-bare…
(Wh) + will + S + V-bare…?
- Ask Ss to do this exercise 1. Complete the table
individually and then compare the Key:
answers with a partner. 1. Loves - will not/ won’t continue.
- Check the answers and write the 2. Take
Complete the
correct answers on the board. 3. Does… do
4. Will enjoy
5. Do…do
6. Will… play
- Ask Ss to look at the table and make Complete the report using the present
sure they understand it. Explain that simple.
x 3 per week means three times a Key:
2. week.
Complete the 1. Like 5. Enjoy
- Model the first answer for Ss. 2. Watch 6. Play
3. Don’t love 7. Plays
4. go 8. Doesn’t like
9. Plays
Page 7
- Have Ss draw a table similar to the a. Think of some activities and make a
one in 2. The first column is for the table like the table in 2.
3a. Make tables activities. The other columns are for
the rest of the group.
- Set time limit for this.
- Have Ss read the Look out! Box. b. Write a short report about what you have
Explain the structure. found out. Use Nick’s report in 2 as an
- Call on some Ss to make sentences example.
with the verbs of liking.
Verbs of liking + V-ing
3b. Make report - Ask Ss to do the exercise
- Have them compare their answers
with a classmate.
- Call on some Ss to read out the
- Ask Ss to do the exercise 4. Complete the sentences, using the –ing
individually. form of the verbs in the box.
- Have them compare their answers Key:
with a classmate. 1. Riding
4. Complete the
- Call on some Ss to read out the 2. Watching; going
answers. 3. Talking
4. Playing
5. Eating
6. Walking
- Have Ss read the example and 5. Look at the pictures and write sentences.
explain the way to do the activity. Use suitable verbs of liking or not liking and
Ask Ss to write the sentences using the –ing form.
the pictures as clues.
- Call on some Ss to write the Suggested answers:
5. Write sentences answers on the board. 1. He doesn’t like eating apples.
- Check and comment on Ss’ 2. They love playing table tennis.
sentences. 3. She hates playing the piano.
4. He enjoys gardening.
5. She likes dancing.
- Have Ss to do this exercise 6. What does each member in your family
individually, then compare their like or not like doing? Write the sentences.
sentences with a classmate. 1.My father likes…
- Call on some Ss to write the 2.My father hates…
6. Production answers on the board. 3.My mother enjoys…
- Ask other Ss for their comments. 4.My mother doesn’t like…
- Correct any mistakes (if any). 5.My brother/sister loves…
My brother/sister doesn’t like…

Prepare the next lesson

Homework -Communication


Page 8
Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Date of preparation: 7/9 2020 Date of Teaching: 8/9 2020

Period 5
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can describe and give opinions about hobbies.
2. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.

3. Method: Communicative approach

4. Resources: Course book, CD player, pieces of paper.
II. Procedures:
-Get sts to present their report about Review:
Revision their friends hobbies and everyday S + like/love/enjoy/hate/dislike… + V-ing
activities. Suggested: I asked some classmates about their
hobbies and I got some interesting results. Hoa
(Individuals) likes cycling and she cycles everyday. Nam and
Thu like playing board games and they play
three times a week. Three of them don’t like
reading comic ……
-Present some new vocabulary -making pottery (visuals)
Vocabulary -Sts take notes -carving wood (mime)
-making models (visuals)
-ice-skating (visuals)
(Whole class) -take up smth (translation)
-Run through the photos and phrases 1. Match the activity with the pictures.
1. -Get sts to match the words with the Key:
Matching photos A. carving
-Check and correct B. making models
C. ice-skating
(Pairs) D. dancing
E. making pottery

Page 9
-Ask sts to gve their ideas/opinion about
te activities in the box. Form:
-Sts check the box S + find +N/V-ing + Adj …
2. -Ask sts what they will say if they want S + think that N/V-ing is + Adj
Presentation to give their opinion about something. -Model sentences:
Look out! - Ask Ss to work individually and tick I find swimming interesting.
the appropriate boxes. Then, they move They think (that) swimming is interesting
(Whole class) on to complete the five sentences.
- Call on a st to model the first sentence,
Ss to write their anwers on the board.
- Have other Ss give comments
- Have Ss work in pairs to make 3. Interview a classmate about the hobbies.
conversations as in the example. Ask Ss Take note and present your partner ‘s
to take turns being the person who ask answers to the class.
the questions. This student has to note Example:
3. Interview down his/ her partner’s answers to You: What do you think about making pottery?
report to the class later. Mai: I think it is … / I find it …
(Pairs) - Call on some Ss to report the answers You: Why?
to the class. Mai: Because …
You: Will you take up making pottery in the
Mai: Yes, I will./ I’m not sure.
- Learn new vocabulary and practice using
structure when you give your opinion about
Homework something.
- Prepare next lesson


Page 10
Date of preparation: 7/9 2020 Date of Teaching: 8/9 2020

Period 6
Lesson 05: SKLLS 1

I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students can read and talk for general and specific information about an
unusual hobby.
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pieces of paper.
V. Procedures:
Task 1:
(Individuals) -Get sts to read aloud their opinion about
activities they mention in their lists.
-Listen and comment. Sts’ ideas.
Warm up -Praise them
Task 2:
- Ask Ss if they know any unusual
hobbies. Elicit answers from Ss.
(Whole class) -Lead to the new lesson. Tell Ss that they Sts’ ideas about unusual hobbies.
are going to read about an unusual hobby.
- Have Ss look at the pictures and answer  Vocabulary:
three questions. -fragile
- Elicit the answers from Ss and quickly -pieces of art
write them on the board. -gallery
 Reading
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their 1. Look at the pictures and discuss Key:
guesses with the information from the 1.A teddy bear, a flower, a bird and flowers.
text. 2.They are made of eggshells.
3.The hobby is carving eggshells

Page 11
- Ask Ss to read the passages again, then 2. Read the text and answer
answer the questions. Key:
- Ask for Ss’ answers and have them 1. Because eggshells are very fragile and
explain their answers. Ss can either his father can make beautiful pieces of
paraphrase the original information from art from empty ones.
the text or read out loud the part of the 2. He saw the carved eggshells for the first
text where the answer to each question is time in an art gallery in the US.
located. 3. They find it difficult and boring.
- Confirm the correct answers. 4. Yes, he does.
- Have Ss try to complete the sentences 3. Read the sentences below and use no
without reading the text again. Then Ss more than three words from the text to
can understand parts of the text that help complete them.
them find the answers. Key:
(Pairs) - Ask Ss to share their answers with a 1. Carving eggshells
partner. 2. The US
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 3. The internet
4. Time
5. Gifts
- Have Ss work in pairs to discuss the 4. Discuss other uses of the pieces of
uses of carved eggshells. artwork. Share your ideas with the class.
While- - Encourage Ss to think creatively. Some uses:
Speaking  Decorations at home
 Souvenirs
(Pairs)  Lights (with big eggs)

- Ask Ss to work in groups and take turns 5. Talk about your hobbies. Use questions in
talking about their hobbies. Then they page 12 and your own to help.
Post- vote for the most exiting hobby. (Page 12)
Speaking - Call on some Ss to talk about the most
exciting hobby of their group.

- Guide sts to do some tasks at home with - Practice speaking more.

instructions. - Prepare next lesson
(Skill 2)
Homework - Do exercise part C I workbook


Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Page 12
Date of preparation: 14/9/ 2020 Date of Teaching: 15/9 2020
Period 7

Lesson 06: SKLLS 2

I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about a hobby and write a
paragraph about a classmate’s hobby.
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple, the past simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, papers, photos
V. Procedures:
--Ask st if they want to listen to a song.
Ask sts to guess what the song is about.
-Play the song, sts listen “The hobby song”
-Ask sts if they hear the hobbies in the -cooking
song. -hiking
-Show a photo of collecting bottles and -playing computer games
Warm up ask sts what hobby it is. -reading books Whole
-Ask sts: “Do you know anything about -camping class
collecting glass botles?”/ “Do you think …….
it is a good hobby?” / “Why? Why not?”
- Call on some Ss to answer the
8’ questions. Suggested ideas:
- Accept all answers provided that Ss -People use bottles to make lamps,
make sense. flower vases, home decorations,…
Lead in: Today we are going to listen to -I think this hobby is very good,
Mi’s hobby. useful and we can keep the
-Write the name of the lesson on the environment clean.

Page 13
 Vocabulary  Vocabulary
-Review some vocabulary-> -share
-vase Whole
Pre- -decoration class
Listening -continue
-be+not sure
3’ - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an
interview about Mi’s hobby. -Sts’ prediction
- Have Ss read through the word web.
Have them guess the answer and write
their guesses on the board.
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to complete 2. Listen and complete each blank
the word web. (Twice) in the word web with no more than Indivi..
- Allow Ss share their answers three words
- Ask for Ss’ answers and write them in Key:
the correct column. Play the cut/short 1.Collecting glass bottles
recording if necessary. 2.Two years ago Pairs
4.Grandmother, flowers, lamps,
6.Continue the hobby.
 Doing Survey 3. Ask and answer questions about
-Take a survey paper and model with each others’ hobby.
While- some sts. 1.Name of the hobby: Pairs
Writing -Give sts the notes and interview sts in 2.When he/ she started the bobby?
their groups and write the information in 3.Who he/ she shares it with?
8’ the notes 4.To do this hobby you have to:…
- Model the writing 5.Feelings about the hobby:…
-Ask sts to work in groups of 4 (tables) 4. Write a paragraph about your
and choose one’s hobby to write about. classmate’s hobby. Groups
Post- -Give each group a poster to write on. Start your paragraph as shown
Writing -Ask two groups stick their writing on the below:
board. …… is my classmate. His/ Her
15’ -Other sts give comments and give hobby is …… …………………
correction if there are mistakes. Whole
-Ask sts to write about their hobby follow
the word web at home. Whole
Homework -Prepare the next lesson: “Looking back +Project” class


Model questions to ask about 1-6 and write questions on the board.
Model the writing about Mi’s hobby and ask sts to write about Mi’s hobby..

Page 14
Date of preparation: 14/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 15/9/2020

Period 8
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
2. Structures: The present simple and the future simple tense.
Verbs of liking + V-ing.
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, poster.
V. Procedures:
- Tell Ss to complete the sentences.  Vocabulary Indivi..
- Have Ss to compare their answers 1. Complete the sentences with
with a partner. appropriate hobbies.
- Check and confirm the correct Key:
answers. 1. Collecting
- Ask Ss read sentences out loud for 2. Bird-watching
other Ss in the class. 3. Playing board games
4. Arranging flowers
5. Making pottery
6. Dancing
- Have Ss to do this activity 2. Put one verb from the box in each
individually. blank. Use the correct form of the verb. Indivi..
- Have Ss to compare their answers Key:
with a partner. 1. Listens
Practice 1 - Check and then confirm the 2. Go Pairs
correct answers. 3. Plays
4. Read
5. Do
6. Collect

Page 15
- Ask Ss to do this activity in pairs.3. Add hobbies to each of the following
- Allow them five munites to add lists.
many hobbies to the table as Key:
possible. Easy hobbies Difficult hobbies
- Give feedback. Collecting label. Skating
Collecting leaves Cooking
Practice 2 Playing board painting
Cheap hobbies Expensive hobbies
Collecting used Collecting cars
books Taking pictures
Collecting leaves Travelling
- Ask Ss to do this exercise  Grammar Indivi
individually, then compare their 4. Use the present simple or future
answers with a classmate. simple form of each verb in brackets to
- Check and then confirm the complete the passage.
correct answers. Key: Pairs
1. Have
Practice 4 3. Plays
4. Doesn’t like
5. Enjoys
6. Walks
7. Will join
5. Write true sentences about 8. Loves
yourself. 9. Don’t like
(Students’ answers) 10. Will read
- Ask Ss work in pairs and role play * Production:
to interview each other. 8. Role play Pairs
Student A: reporter.
Production - Ask Ss to complete the self- Student B: a famous person.
assessment. Identify and difficulties Example: (page 14)
and weak areas and provide further
*Homework: Whole
- Prepare next lesson : class
(Unit 2: Health
Homework Lesson 1: Getting Started

Page 16
Date of preparation: 14/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 16/9/2020
Period 9
Unit 2: HEALTH
I. Overview
1. Objectives: Sts will be able to listen to the dialogue about health topic in order to understand the
meaning of some idioms, do some exercises about Health problem.
2. The language focus: Get to know how to use the hobby vocabulary, Imperatives with more or less,
Compound sentences, pronunciation sound /f/ and /v/
3. Resources: Student books, recording
II. Procedure:
- Elicit from sts the related words that * Brainstorm: HEALTH
Warm-up are connected to HEALTH Whole
- Write sts answers on the board. Unit2: HEALTH class
(5 mins) -Lead to the new lesson Lesson 1: Getting started

- Ask sts to guess the boys in the -Who is standing Who is on the bed?
picture - What time is it?
- Ask them more questions - What are they doing?
-Sts answer the questions - Who do you think is healthier?
-Play the CD, sts listen carefully A. Key:
- Ask sts to read the dialogue in pairs 1. Zooniverse
and find a word or phrase that means- 2. I don’t feel lik it
Listen and > 3. Sound down Whole
Read - Go and check and help 4. Putting on weight class
- Elcit answers from sts 5. Won’t take no for an answer
b. Key:
- Run through the table, ask sts to read 1. Phong 2. Phong 3. Nick 4. Nick
the conversation again and tick the 5. Phong
- Check and correct them.

Page 17
- Run through the pictures A. Listen and match.
- Ask sts to discuss and write the 1. e. (an) allergy
names of health problems under each 2. f. sickness
picture before listen to check. 3. d. flu Whole
- Play the recording, sts repeat. 4. c. (put on) weight calss
Matching - Correct the exercises whole class 5. b. sunburn
health prob 6. a. spot
- Ask sts to think which problem is the B. Suggested answers:
most common? (elicit from sts)
- Ask them to rank the problems from
the most common to the least
common, discuss with partners
- Ask one student to look through the Matching advice:
list of advice 1. c Pairs
Matching - Tell them that the advice don’t match 2. d
advice the picture s and ask them to match 3. e
again. 4. b
- Correct them. 5. a
- Before class, make some cards with
health problems and advice.
- Divide the class into 2 groups, group
1: problems Groups
Group 2: advice Sts answers
- Get sts to walk around and read their
cards and find another who match
- Who matches first will be the
- Find more health problems and give
advice for them. Whole
Homework - Do exercises in workbook-part A class
- Prepare “A closer look 1”


Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Page 18
Date of preparation: 21/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 22/9/2020

Period 10
Unit 2: HEALTH
Lesson 02/10: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. Overview
1. Objectives: Students will be able to practice vocabulary related to health issues. Know how to
pronounce the sounds /f/ and /v/
2. The language focus:
-Imperatives with more or less, Compound sentences, pronunciation sound /f/ and /v/.
-Have a/an + N, have + N, feel + adj to talk about health problems
-Sounds /f/, /v/
3. Resources: Student books, recording
II. Procedure:
Giving advice
-T calls on one student to the board. Whole
He/she uses gesture to express the Do you have (a/an)....? class
health problem. Do you feel....?
(5 mins)
-Other ss ask him/her:
-Introduce the new lesson

Page 19
- Teach some new words from the -cough (n/v): ho
lesson. - headache (n) cơn đau đầu
- Check: R.O.R -temperature (n): nhiệt độ Whole
- Word web/Brainstorm -earache (n): cơn đau tai class
1. Have a/an…… -sore throat (n): cơn đau họng
2. Have…. -weak (adj): yếu
I. 3. Feel……
-Sts come to the board and write the -patient (n): bệnh nhân
Vocabulary -problem (n): vấn đề
words next to the verbs.
- Check and correct. Feedback:
have a/an have feel
cough flu sick
headache stomachache tired
sore throat toothache weak
temperature earache
- T asks ss to do the exercise in pairs Feedback:
1. Write - T corrects the exercise as a class 1. flu
health 2. sunburn Pairs
problems 3. allergy
4. tired/weak
-Model Feedback:
-Get sts to work in pairs 1 sunburn
-Go and check 2. flu Pairs
2. Gap fills
3. tired- a temperature
4. sick – stomachache
5. sore throat
-Explain how to do this activity Model:
then asks one student to come to the A. Hi doctor Thao
front of the class and models with B. Hi Hung
3. Role-play him/her A. I was outside all day yesterday. I feel Pairs
- Ask ss to work in pairs very hot and my face is red
- Call on some pairs to practise in B. I see. I think you have a sunburn.
front of the class.
Ask 4 ss to model the example Example:
conversation then divide the class into A: I had flu two weeks ago
groups of 4 ss and asks ss to talk about B: Me too! I felt so weak
a health Ask ss to extend the C: Oh, I had a sore throat yesterday Groups
conversation by trying to figure out D: I had toothache. I think I ate too
what the most common health problem many sweets
in the group and then report back to
the class

5. Listen and circle Key:

-Introduce the sounds /f/ and /v/ 1. fat 2. ferry
-Play the recording 3. vast 4. vault
II. -Sts listen and check 5. save 6. leave Individua
Pronun lly
-ciation 6. Listen and circle the words with Key :
/f/ and /v/ 1. fast, food 2. have, felt
3. father
4. having, lifestyle 5. give
Learn by heart all the new words and
Homework -Guide ss how to do A1,2 P10
- Prepare: A closer look 2

Page 20

Date of preparation: 21/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 22/9/2020

Period 11

Unit 2: HEALTH
Lesson 03: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Overview
1. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand about imperative with
more and less
2. The language focus: Get to know how to use Imperative with more or less
3. Resources: Student books, recording
II. Procedure:
Revision -Check sts homework Individua
-Call some sts to te board to write the l
-Teacher uses different techniques to -imperative (n): mệnh lệnh
teach vocabulary (situation, realia, - tip (n) lời khuyên
examples) -expert (n): chuyên gia Whole
- Follow the seven steps of teaching -stay in shape (v): giữ dáng class
vocab. - obesity (a): béo phì
* Checking vocab: Slap the board -depression (n): sự chán nản
-concentrate (v): tập trung
-limit (v): hạn chế

Page 21
* Imperatives
- Ask ss to recall about the game
Simon says to elicit the imperative Model sentence:
2. Imperatives with more and less Do more exercise! Whole
Imperative -Explain that the imperative can be use Watch less TV! class
for direct command, orders or
suggestions Usage: the imperative can be use for
-Ask ss to read through the yellow box direct command, orders or suggestions

- T asks ss to look at the pictures and Feedback:

1. Use the calls on ss to tell the class what they a.Drink more water/ sleep more
imperatives see. b.Spend less time playing computer
with more - T asks ss to work in pairs to practice games Pairs
and less and they can give the reasons for the c. Do more excise
above advice d. Sunbathe less
- Call on some pairs to practice
- Ask ss to look at the yellow 2. Top Health Tip for teen
Grammar box again then work in
groups of 4 ss to choose 6 pieces of 3. Look at the articles on the Teen
advice are most important for teen. Health website. Fill in the blanks to
- T let ss discuss their idea in their complete their top six health tips
groups Key:
- Ask some groups represent their 1. Do more exercise
ideas 2. Sleep more
3. Eat less junk food
- T ask ss to read through the Teen 4. Wash your hand more
Health website individually and 5 Watch less TV
complete the heading 6. Spend less time playing computer Pairs
-T may encourage class discussion games
about why some pieces of advice are
more important than others

-Ask to read the yeallow box and ask: Questions:

What do we call a sentence made by
lining two siple sentences?
Key: A compound senetence
Grammar Questions:
-Ask sts to read the second paragraph
and ask : What does a coordinating conjunction
-Explain Key: It joins two simple sentences.
-Ask sts to complete the exercise in Key
pairs. 1. I want to eat some food, but I have a
-Correct the exercise as a class sore throat
2. The Japanese eat healthier , so they pairs
Practice 4
live for a long time
3. I feel tired and I feel weak
4. You can go and see the doctor, or
you can go to bed now and rest
-Ask sts to work in pairs to match the Key: Pairs
photos with the clauses Sts’ answers
Practice 5

Page 22
-Do part 6 sts’ books
-Learn the new words
Homework -Prepare Communication

Date of preparation: 21/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 23/9/2020

Period 12
Unit 2: HEALTH
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice talking about some opinions fact or
2. The language focus: Extra vocabulary about health, Compound sentences.
3. Resources: Student books, photos,
II. Procedure:
-Greeting Key
-Correct exercise 4,5,6 in sts’ book 1. I want to eat some food, but I have a Whole
page 29. sore throat class
-Get answer from sts. 2. The Japanese eat healthier,so they
live for a long time
3. I feel tired and I feel weak
4. You can go and see the doctor, or
you can go to bed now and rest
1-d 2-c 3-a 4-b
- Elicit some new words from sts.  Vocabulary
- Check: R.O.R -myth (n) sự hoang đường
-recover(v) hồi phục Whole
-fresh (a) tươi, sạch class
Present -surprised(a) ngạc nhiên
- Run though the statements. -avoid (v) tránh
- Model the fact or myth -pick up smth (v) nhặt cái gì đó lên
-vegetarian (n)người ăn kiêng
-drop (v) đánh rơi
-Ask sts to work in pairs to complete
the exercise. Pairs
Practice 1 -Ask them to explain their answer why Sts’ ideas
they think so.

Page 23
-Ask sts to close their books, listen 2. Listen to the radio show about
and take notes health fact or myths and check your
-Play the recording. answers in 1 Indvidu..
Practice 2 -Ask sts to open their books and
correct their answer using their note. Key:
-Play the recording sencond time to 1.F 2.M 3.F 4.F 5.M 6.M
check and give feedback
-Ask sts to wor in groups discuss the 3.Discuss the following in groups
Practice 3 -Gets ideas from sts. Groups

-Ask sts to work groups 4. Think of some sentences about

-Think more ideas about health that health that are true and some are false Groups
are myth or fact. Possible answer :
-Get ideas from ss. True : -We shouldn't quit our break fast
Practice 4 because it is very important
False : Women after bearing don't take
a bath for along time

-When the time limit for exercise 4 is E.g:1. I find making pottery boring
finished, put groups together to quiz because we have to sit still and make
one another. In order to keep thing things by hands. Groups
Production organised, each goup choose a 2. I think dancing is interesting because
spokesperson to consult his/her group, you can enjoy lovely melody of the
the spokesperson is the only who can music you like while you are dancing.
-Learn the new words.
-Do exercises in workbooks Part A-C
Homework -Prepare Skills 1


Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Page 24
Date of preparation: 28/9/2020 Date of Teaching: 29/9/2020

Period 13
Unit 2: HEALTH
Lesson 05: SKILLS 1
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, sts will be able to read for general and specific information about
the calories for our health. Talk about activity and calories.
2. The language focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to health.
2. Structures: Simple Present .
3. Resources: Course book, poster
II. Procedure:
- Elicit the topic from students  Brainstorm
- Teacher model Whole
Warm-up - Ss add as many activities as possible. Class
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. Favourite
- T introduce the new lesson activities

- Teacher follows the seven steps of  Vocabulary

teaching vocab - calorie (n) ca lo
- Use different techniques to teach. - amount (adj) lượng
Check vocabulary: What and where. - energy (adj) năng lượng
Pre- -chart (n) bảng biểu Whole
Reading * Set the scene: class
- Make some questions Pre-questions
- T collects the answers (guess) You are going to read the text about
the calories.?
What do we get calories from?
- Ask ss to open the book page 40, Key:
read the texts in silent and check their - We get calories from the food we eat
guessing. 1.Match the correct headings with the Pairs
While- - T asks ss to work in pairs to do this paragraphs
Reading activity Key:
- Go and check 1-B, 2-A, 3-C
- Elicit answers from sts

Page 25
- Ask ss to read the text again then 2.Find the words / phrases in the text.
work in pairs to do this exercise.Ss Discuss the meaning then check the
may use their dictionaries meaning
- Get sts’ ideas. Key:
-Correct them (Teacher book, page: 22)

- Ask ss to work pairs to answer the 3.Answer the questions

questions 1. A calories is energy that helps us do
- Let them share their answer with our every day activities
partner 2. If we eat too many calories we get
- Call on 2 ss to write the answers on fat
the board 3. To stay healthy you need between Pairs
- T confirms the correct answers 1600 and 2500 calories
4. Sports activities and running use a
lot of calories
5. People listen to his advice because he
is an expert
-Ask ss to look at the table and T 4.Discussion the following questions.
explains the table
- T asks ss to work in pairs to discuss Sts’ answers
Pre- the activity and the calories by Pairs
Speaking answering 4 questions
- T walks around to monitor

-Ask ss to look at the chart and T . Complete the chart

explains the chart Number of Total number
- Ask ss to work individually this hours(per day) of calories
While- activity Running 2 Pairs
Speaking ............. .............

- Ask some ss to come to the front of

the class to present
Post- class

- Learn by heart vocabulary and

practice talking about your hobby.
- Guide ss how to do ex C1,P13, D3 P Unit 2. Lesson 6 Skills 2 Whole
Homework 15(Workbook) class
- Prepare next lesson.


Page 26
Date of preparation: 28/9 /2020 Date of Teaching: 29/9/2020
Period 14
Unit 2: HEALTH
Lesson 06: SKILLS 2
I. Overview
1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand about the relationship
between sports and health.
2. The language focus:
1. Vocabulary: the items related to health, vocabulary about health.
2. Structures: Simple Present, Simple Past .
3. Resources: Course book, poster, CD player
II. Procedure:
- Elicit the topic from students
- Teacher model
Warm-up - Ss add as many activities as Which sports Whole
possible. do you like? class
- Teacher monitors and gets
- T introduces the new lesson
Teacher follows the seven steps of  Vocabulary
teaching vocab triathlon (n) TT thi đấu 3 môn phối
- Use different techniques to teach. hợp Whole
-Check vocabulary: What and where maintain (v) duy trì class
Vocabulary count (v) tính toán
pattern (n) mẫu
itchy (a) Ngứa
tough (a) dai
burgers (n) sandwiches
rest (n) nghỉ ngơi
1.1. Discuss the questions 1. Discuss the questions
- Go through the questions -Work in pairs to discuss the questions
- T asks ss to work in pairs to Pairs
Pre- discuss them

- Go through the questions 2 . Listen the the interview. Which

- Play the recording twice and ask ss problems did he have as a child?
to circle the problems they hear
While- - Ask ss to compare the answers - Listen to the recording and circle the Indivi
Listening with a partner problems
- Give feedback and confirm the Key :
correct answer sick, allergy

Page 27
- Go through the phrases in the box 3.Listen the the interview again . What
- Ask ss to listen to the recording advice does he give about preparing for
again and choose the right response event ?
- Ask ss to compare the answers
with a partner - Listen to the recording again and Whole
Listening - Give feedback and confirm the class
choose the right response
correct answer Key :
Do more exercise, sleep more, eat more
fruits/ vegetables

- Go through 5 sentences 4 .Are the following sentences true of

- Ask to listen to the recording then false ?
choose the true/ false sentences
-Ask ss to compare the answers -Listen to the recording then choose the Pairs
True/False with a partner true/ false sentences
- Ask 1 student to write his/he Key :
answer on th board 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-T

- Go through the questions .

Post - T divides the class in to groups
Listening and give them 5 minutes to do it Pairs
- Check and correct
* Set the sence: You are going to  Gap Fill
listen to an interview of A 4!Teen
reporter about Mi's hobbies. Whole
Pre- ? Run through all the information in class
Writing 1-6
? Listen and fill in the gaps then
compare with your partner.
-Read the the questions and the 6.Match the problems with the answers
advice then match Key:
1-c, 2-b, 3-a
7.Underline the ways Dr Dan gives the Whole
- Work in pairs to write the health advice class
problem and the response - Key :
You should...
You can .......
It will be good if you......
Do st more/ less ........
8. Write the problem and response
- Learn by heart vocabulary and - Remember
structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Guide ss how to do E D1,23 P15
Homework (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 2. Lesson
7: Looking back

Page 28
Date of preparation: 22/9 2020 Date of Teaching: 30/9/2020

Period 15
Unit 2: HEALTH
. Aims and 0bjective
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to look back at what they have learnt in
Unit 2 through the exercises in the book.
2. Skills: - Revise unit 2 with vocabulary , grammar .
- Recycle the language from the previous sections.
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 2.
II. Language content.
- Lexical items related to hobbies.
III. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape and radio
- T divides the students into two
teams Brainstorm
Warm up - Each team has to come to the board
and write the health problems. Whole
Health class
- Call on one student to come to the 1. What the health problems do you
front of the class read sentence by think each of the people has?
sentence in 1 and use gesture to - Take part in the game
express in 5 mins.
Vocabulary - The members in two teams must Key : a. sunburn
1 go to the board and write the health b. spot Groups
problems. c. put on weight
- T teams with more and correct d. stomachache
health problems is the winner e. flu
-Introduce the new lesson
- T asks ss to work individually to 2. Look at the pictures. Write the health
write the health problem in each problem below each person
pictures Key:
Vocabulary - Teacher checks and confirms the 1. sunburn
2 correct answers. 2. putting on weight Indivi..
3. sunburn
4. sick/ stomachache
5. flu
- T lets ss recall about imperative 3.Complete the health tips below:
with less and more. Key :
-Recall about imperative with less 1. less
and more and do the exercise in 2. more
Grammar pairs 3. more
(Imperative) - Ask them to do the exercise 4. Go out Pairs
individually 5. Watch less TV
- Give feedback and confirm the 6. Do more exercise
correct answers

Page 29
- T has ss to recall about the 4.Draw a line to link a simple sentence
compound sentences to a coordinate, to another simple
-Ask sts to recall about the sentence
compound sentences and do this Pairs
activity in pairs Key :
Grammar - Ask some ss to read aloud the
(Compound 1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am
compound sentences putting on weight
sentences) - T confirms the correct answers 2. I don't want to be tired tomorrow, so I
should go to bed early
3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired
4. I can exercise every morning , or I can
cycle to school
- T shows ss who they are Language for advice:
( patients or doctors) You should........
- Go through the phrases in the box You can.......
and the example interview It will be good if you.........
-Model with one student Do something more/less.......
- Reminds ss to use language for 5. Role -play a discussion. Pairs
advice Eg :
- Ask ss to practice in pairs A.: Goood morning doctor. I feel weak
- Call on some pairs to come to and sick.
front of the class and interview B: Did you have enough calories? You
- Vote the best interview should eat more, and I think you should
do more exercise too
A. Ok. Thank you doctor
- T makes sure that ss know how to 6. Discuss the following sentences about
do this activity health with a partner. Do you think
- Go through the example they are facts or myths?) Pairs
Production Note: To express your response
about one opinion , you can use.. Yes, I agree/ No, I disagree/ I don't Groups
- T asks ss to work in the pairs thick it is......
- Call on some pairs to practice
- Guide ss how to do the project :
Project Do a survey about people’s health Groups

-Learn by heart vocabulary and

structures. Unit 3. Lesson 1: Getting started. Whole
- Complete the project of Unit 2 class
- Prepare next lesson:

Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Page 30
Date of preparation: 5/10/ 2020 Date of Teaching: 6/10/2020
Period 16
I. Aims and objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Understand the benefits and activities that volunteers often do in community service.
- Answer the questions about the community service in the book.
2. Skills: Improve Sts’ reading and listening skills: Listen and read a conversation about community
service in detail.
II. Language content:
- Vocab: vocabulary related to community service
- Grammar: Past simple tense, present perfect
III. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
IV. Procedures:
- T writes the words community
service on the board and divides the Brainstorming
class into two groups. The two Groups
groups use the different chalk
-Ask students in each group take
Warm up Community
turn to write about activities they can
to help the community Service
- The group with more and correct
words is the winner
- Introduce the new lesson
- Teacher elicits the words from Vocabulary
students. - community service(n): dịch vụ…
- Follow the seven steps of teaching - donate (v): cho, tặng
vocab. - make a difference (v) : tạo khác biệt
- non- profit (n) : phi lợi nhuận
* Checking: Rub out and remember - volunteer (n/v): (người) tình nguyện Whole
- encourage (v): khuyến khích class
- benefit (n): đem lại lợi ích
- programme (n): chương trình
- education (n): nền giáo dục
- protect (v): bảo vệ/protection(n)
- organisation (n): tổ chức
- T asks ss to look at the picture on Questions:
page 26 and answer these questions: What can you see in the picture ?
- T plays the recording and has ss Who do you think they are?
follow along. After listening, T asks What are they talking about?
Ss to recall information from the Recall: Whole
listening. *Global Citizen is...........(the name of the calss
Listen and
- Answer the questions by guessing radio program)
- Ss answer the questions as a class * Hai Ba Trung School is..........(the
school where Mai and Phuc go to)
* Be a Buddy is........(the organization
that Mai is from)
* Go Green is..........(the organization
that Phuc is from)

Page 31
- Go through the sentences a. True or false statements
- T asks ss to work individually to Key:
find out which sentences are true/ 1.T
false 2.T
-Ask ss to share their answers 3.T
Practice - Give feedback 4.F the org. that Phuc is from Indivi..
Listen and 5.T
Read -Go through the questions b. Answer the questions
- Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and
answer the questions
- Call on some pairs to practice Sts’ answers
- Call two ss to write the answer on
the boards then give feedback
- T tells ss they can put some more 2. Look at the words in the box. Can
words in more than one column. you put them in the right group?
- T writes correct answers on the Key:
Practice 2
board * Nouns: help, benefit,volunteer,plant Pairs
* Verbs: donate, help, benefit, volunteer,
recycle, plant, provide, clean, encourage
* Adjs: clean, environmental
- Have ss work individually to fill 3. Fill in the gaps.
in the gaps... Key:
- Let them compare their answer 1. volunteer Indivi...
Pratice 3 with a partner 2. homeless people
- Get feedback and confirm the 3. donates
correct answer 4. community service
5. make a different
- Ask ss to work in pairs to describe 4. Describe the pictures with the verbs
the pictures in 2
Practice 4 - Give feedback Key: Pairs
1.donate 2.plant
4.clean 5.recycle
-T draws the word webs on the 5. Create word webs:
Practice 5 board, have ss work in groups to
complete the word webs
- Learn by heart all the new words
Homework and structures. Whple
-Prepare: A closer look 1. class


Page 32
Date of preparation: 5/10/ 2020 Date of Teaching: 7/10/2020
Period 17


Lesson 02: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Aims and objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Understand the benefits and activities that volunteers often do in community service.
- Answer the questions about the community service in the book.
2. Skills: - Practice vocabulary related to community service
- Know how to pronounce the sounds / g / and / k / 
- Find out the words with the sounds / g / and / k / 
3. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude while working in individual or with their classmates
4. Competencies: evaluate the benefits of volunteer work.
II/ Language content:
- Vocab: vocabulary related to community service
- Grammar:
III/ Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
IV/ Procedures:
- Get sts to work in teams coe to the Brainstorm
board to do the brainstorm.
Warm up - Check and correct them. COMMUNITY SERVICE Groups
- Lead to the new lesson

- Present or elicit words from sts Vocabulary:

using teaching techniques. - flood area (n) vùng lũ lụt
- Check: R.O.R - elderly people (n) người cao tuổi Whole
- disable people (n) người tàn tật class
Vocabulary - traffic jam (n) tắc nghẽn giao thông
- advertisement (n) quảng cáo
- graffiti (n) tranh đường phố
- reduce (v) làm giảm
- public transport (n) phương tiện cc
- Have ss read the phrases in the box Key:
and match them with suitable 1-disabled people
pictures 2-elderly people Pairs
- Ask ss to work in pairs 3-homeless people
- Give feedback 4-sick children
-Confirm the correct answers 5-people in a flooded area
- Ask ss to work in pairs to do this
activity. Sts’ snswers
Describing - Once ss finish, elicit ideas from the Pairs
whole class

Page 33
- Ask sts question ? What do you see in the photos?
- Tell ss the provided words include ? Does our community have similar
solutions as well problem? Pairs
Speaking: - Work in , take turns to describe the
- Ask ss to work in pairs to work out people in 1
Write some solutions for the problems in - Ss work individually to complete the
Key words - Ask ss to work in paors to do this task
and speak activity Key:
- Call on students in different - a: rubbish, dirty beaches, no trees
groups to practice on the board - b: too many advertisements, graffiti
- Give feedback - c: traffic jams, no trees
-Confirm the correct answers
- Have some ss read out the words
Pronun 1 - Play the recording 4. Listen and repeat the words Whole
- Give feedback class

- T explains how to pronounce the

sound / g / and / k /  5. Listen and circle the words you
- Ask ss to listen and circle the hear
words they hear Key : Whole
Pronun 2 - Play the recording again class
/ g / green. Girl, goal
- Give feedback / ɜ: /  cold, clothes
-Confirm the correct answers

- Play the recording

-Give feedback
Pronun 3 - ask some ss to read again 6. Listen to the sentences and repeat Whole
7. Game: stand up, sit down (do as class

-Learn by heart all the new words

Homework and structures.
- Prepare: A closer look 2

Người soạn giáo án Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Page 34
Lesson 03/18: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review the past simple and the present perfect tense
- How to use adverbs: ever, never, so far, several times...
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have serious attitude towards choosing volunteer work they can do.
4. Competencies: evaluate themselves in volunteering activities.
II. Language content:
- Vocab:
- Grammar: the past simple and the present perfect
III. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual work
IV. Procedures:
5' I .Warm up :Chatting - Answer the teacher's questions
- T asks ss : What do you like doing in your free
time ?
- Introduce the new lesson
10’ II. Presentation
- Ask ss to close the books, write on the board:
* Last year, I went to Hoi An (1)
* I have been to Hoi An (2)
- Draw their attention to the difference between
sentence 1 and 2 by asking ss questions: When do you
think these actions happened: in the past, at present or
in the future? Which sentence tells you exactly when - Explain: Both sentences say that the
it happened? person spent some times in Hoi An in
1. Listen again to part of the conversation and the past, the sentence 1 describe a
underline the present perfect and past simple particular trip which happened last year,
- Have ss do this exercise individually while sentences2 emphasizes that the
- Ask them to compare their answers person had an experience of Hoi An and
- Give feedback does not focus on when it exactly it
-Confirm the correct answers happened
10’ III. Practice
2. Put the verbs in correct tense: - Work individually
- Ask ss to do the exercise individually - Compare their answer with a partner
-Give feedback
-Confirm the correct answers
- Write the correct answer on the board
3. Cheese the best answer
- Ask ss to do the exercise individually
-Give feedback
-Confirm the correct answers Key :
IV. Production 1. cleaned
10’ 4. Writing 2. have collected
- Ask ss to write sentences about themselves using the 3. collected
time expressions, then share them with a partner 4. has flown, went

Page 35
-Ask ss to work individually then write the answers 5 Have you ever seen/ saw
on the board Key :
5. Speaking 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a
5’ - Remind ss of what they learnt in Getting started 5. c 6. b
about “be a Buddy” and “GO Green”
- Divides into pairs to complete the task
* Consolidation
- Recall about the past simple and the present perfect
3’ V. Home work - individual work
Learn by heart all the new words and structures.
- Prepare: Communication
2’ - individual work
- Do as instructed
- Report the result

Wednesday, October, 19th 2017



I. Aims and objectives.

2. Knowledge: Past simple & Present perfect, Verbs of acting, linking words.
2. Skills: Reading and speaking skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude while working in individual or with their classmates
4. Competencies: evaluate the benefits of volunteer work.
II. Language content.
Page 36
- Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about community service and volunteer work
III. Materials
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
IV. Procedure


Elicit different volunteer activities from
- Ask them to think of the activities both Whole
in the local community/ city/ VN, and class
from other places that they may have read
about, or seen in books, or on TV, or the
Warm up
- refer to any words in the Extra Free talk
Vocabulary box that ss do not yet know
and ask them to try to guess what the
meaning are, and how that they relate to
community service and volunteer work.
- Ask ss to look at the photos and
describe what they see. Then tell them to
compare their ideas
Presentation - SS look at the photos and describe what 1. Read Indivi
they see in each picture
- SS read the text individually, then
compare with their own ideas
- Tell ss now they will learn about 2. Matching:
volunteer activities in VN - SS work in group
- Ask ss what they think the volunteers in - SS look at the pictures and call the
the photos are doing. If ss can’t recognize activity in each picture then match Groups
the activities, draw their attention to the picture with a suitable activity.
small details in the photos such as words T Then asks ss to do matching
written on the coupons - Give feedback
- key: 1.b/ 2.c/ 3.e/ 4.a/ 5.d

Page 37
- Ask ss to wor 3. Group work
\k in groups, discuss the benefits each
activity may bring to the community.
Then share their answers with other
- SS work in groups
- Each group chooses one person from
the group to report back to the class.
Practice - T ask ss:
? Have you ever done any of these 4. Ask each other
- Ask ss to choose the activities they want
to do and practice asking and answering
- Work in groups.
- Each ss has to interview at least three
classmates, they should take notes of
their classmates’ answers so later, they
can share the most interesting answer
with the class.

Recall what they can do to help the

Further community Whole
Practice class

Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

- Prepare next lesson.
Homework Unit 3. Lesson 5 Skills 1 Whole

Friday, October, 21st 2017


Lesson 05/20: SKILLS 1

I. Aims and objectives.

Page 38
1. Knowledge: Understand the types of volunteer work and know how to do them.
2. Skills: Reading and speaking skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude towards community service.
4. Competencies: Evaluate the benefits of volunteer work.

II. Language content.

- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about community service and volunteer work
- Grammar: Simple past, present perfect.....
III. Materials
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: - Some weak students.may not talk about community service and
volunteer work
IV. Procedure


Call pairs to tell the benefits of doing
some community activities. Sts’ answers Groups/

- Elicit the new words from students. Vocabulary:

- Use technique to teach the words - government (n): Chính phủ
- Check: R.O.R - statistics (n): số liệu thống kê
- tradition (n): truyền thống
- traditional (a) / traditionally (adv)
- to be forced : bị ép buộc Whole
- to be paid: được trả lương class
- raise money (v): gây quỹ
- include (v): bao gồm
- mentor (v): giáo viên hướng dẫn
* Set the scene: You are going to read
about volunteer work in the United Sates. Key:
-Ask sts to guess the T/F 1.T
- Ask ss to read the text silently 2.T Individu
- Remind ss of some the American 3.F ( American have had the als
True/ False volunteer activities they learnt in tradition of volunteeing since the
Communication early days of the country)
- Call on ss to read the statements from 4.F ( American volunteer because
Ex 2 aloud. Ask ss to guess if the they enjoy it)
statements are true or false
- Ask ss to read the passage again and Key:
answer the questions. Correct the answers 2/ 3/ 5/ 6
as a class. Individu
Read and - Individual work to complete the table al
Check with their own ideas
- Give feedback

Page 39
- Give sts flash cards of part 4
- Work in pairs to fill in the table with
their own ideas for volunteer activities
- Encourage them to think of all the Sts’s answers Groups
activities they have learnt so far in this
unit, and other activities that they know.
- Tell ss they only need to write in note
form and not in full sentences
- Work in groups and take turns to talk
about community service and volunteer
- Have some students talk about Groups
community service and volunteer work
- Teacher monitors and give delayed
- Vote for the most exciting conversation.
- Learn by heart vocabulary and practice
talking about community service and
Homework volunteer work Unit 3. Lesson 6 Skills 2
- Prepare next lesson.

Monday, October, 24th 2017


Lesson 06/21: SKILLS 2
I. Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: Understand the types of volunteer work and know how to do them.
2. Skills: - Listen to get specific information about community service and volunteer work
- Write a paragraph about a volunteer work.
3. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude towards community service.
4. Competencies: Evaluate the benefits of volunteer work.
II. Language content.
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about community service and volunteer work
-Grammar: Simple past, present perfect.....
III. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape and radio
Page 40
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
IV. Procedure


-Call sts to the board to present their What could you do to: raise money,
speaking topic provide food, help repair things, …..? Groups

-Discuss with sts two questions 1. Pre-Listening

-Get ideas from ss. * Discuss Whole
-Comment Who do you think benefits from volunteer class
-Remind sts some vocabulary work?
How do people benefit from volunteer
-Ask sts questions and get their confident/self -confident
predictions. special
decide to-V
2. Listen and answer the question
-Ss’s guesses
Listening Key:
-Play the recording and ask sts to 1. Phuc does volunteer work because he
check their guessing. thinks it makes a difference in the
-Correct and feedback 2. Phuc feels more self- confident
because he has made many new friends
3. The reporter thinks that Phuc is
confident because he has answered the
interview questions very well
4. Mai thinks volunteering is special
because she can help others, and because
she can see how happy the street children
are when they learn
- Play the audio again and let ss fill in 3. Listen and fill in the blanks:
the blanks Key:
- Sts listen again to fill in the blanks 1.volunteer/ 2.feel/ 3.because/ 4.because,
individually and compare their children
answers with their partners
-Explain the form of “Because” 4. Combine the two sentences using
Clause 1+because +Clause 2 because
Because +Clause 2 + Clause 1 Pairs
-Get sts to do join the sentences. Sts’ answer
-Check and correct
Writing - Show sts how to write 5. Write a short paragraph:
-Get them to work individually and Follow:
write about volunteer ideas. ? What do you want to do
? Why do you want to do it?
? How are you going to do it?
-Exhibitions Indivi
-Get some sts to the board and speak. Ss’ paragraph

Page 41
- Learn by heart vocabulary and
structures. Unit 3. Lesson 7: Looking back
Homework - Prepare next lesson.

Wednesday, October, 29th 2017



I. Objective and objectives

1. Knowledge: Sts will be able to review the simple past, present perfect, linking words, clauses of
2. Skill: Sts have more opportunities to speak in front of the class.
3. Creative experience:
- Sts can talk about their plans of doing volunteer for the community.
- Help students be more responsiblie for their life and the community.
- Sts will be able to discover the life around them.
II. Language content.
- Lexical items related to community service and volunteer work
III. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters/projectors.
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
IV. Procedure

Page 42
-Run through the verbs in the box.
1. Matching
-Put one of the verbs/ phrases from the
box. Match the verbs in blue with the
1. donate: food, books, clothing, blood
correct words in the box.
Vocabulary 2. provide: evening lasses, food, care,
-Sts work in pairs then compare with
books, education, clothing, attention
other pairs.
3. help: the community, homeless Pairs
-Teacher checks and confirms the
people, the elderly, the disabled
correct answers.
- Run through the tenses, elicit ideas
from sts:
1. Simple past:
- Form
2. Circle the best answer
- Signs
What are the differences between the
2. Presert perfect:
past simple and present perfect?
- Form
Simple Past Key:
- Sign
1. never 2. last week
- Positions of adverbs
3. already 4. yet
-Make questions to the ss:
and 5. yesterday
- Ask ss to choose the best option to
complete the passage.
-Ss work individualy then compare the 3. Put the verbs in the past simple Pairs
Present answers with their partner. and present perfect Indivi..
Perfect - Call on some students to give the Key:
answers. 1. has ever met 4. did …. write
2. visited 5. has she written
- Get some students write their 3. has visited
answers on the board.
- Give feedback

4. Finish the sentences below:

Suggested Key:
- Ask ss to work in pairs to complete 1. the engine is very good
the sentences with because 2. it is going to be cold this evening
3. she’s kind
4. they are not as lucky as we are Pairs
5. she works very hard to improve her
- Group 1
- Divide the class into 4 groups
Design - Group 2 Whole
(Each group has 9-10 members and
groups - Group 3 class
has one leader and two speakers).
- Group 4
- Helping the poor
- Elicit the activities from students - Cleaning the yards
- Write the activities on the board - Helping the disabled people
- Ask each group to choose one task Whole
Activities - Helping the orphans in the orphanage.
they want to do. class
- Planting trees along the streets or
around the school.
- Donating clothes or old books
- Tutoring young children.
Page 43
- Ask sts to discuss in group what they - Smartphone to record
should bring along when they do the - Camera
Facilities task at the place they choose. - Old clothes Groups
- Old books
- Money (if necessary)
Suggested ideas:
Example: Helping the disabled people.
- Gather at school gate
- Move to the place of helping.
- Get sts to work in groups to discuss - Take photos of groups before doing
Steps how to complete the activities. the tasks. Groups
- Go around and help them - Greeting the host and the disabled
- Introduce the groups.
- Start to do the tasks.
- Go home and prepare the reports.
CREATIVE EXPERIENCE – report to the class
- Greeting the class and introduce the
teachers attending.
- Elicit from students some volunteer -The song “Heal the world” + Clips
activities. from voluntary work Whole
Warm up - Elicit from students the benefits of
volunteer work.
- Play a clips of doing volunteer for
the community.
- Lead to the lesson.
- Do you like doing community service?
- Ask sts - Why do you like it?/ Why not?
Pre speaking Whole
- - How do you feel doing volunteer
- Call sts from groups to the board and 1. Introduce the groups
present/report their activities for their 2. Tell how you feel when you talk
plan. about doing community service?
- Ask students to do step by step. 3. Introduce the plan.
Report - Ask the rest of the class listen and 4. Play the slide show and descibe their Groups
them make questions to the groups. activities and tell the meaning of their
- Do the same for other groups. activities.
- Ask sts to think of the groups and
then give their comments on what they
see on the projector.
Evaluate/ - Teacher gives comments and Sts give comment and vote for the best class/
Analysis encourage them. groups. Indivi
- Do the same for other groups
- Give points to each group after all
have finished.
- Do exercises in Review
- Prepare for the test

Evaluate after teaching:


Page 44

Friday, October, 30th 2017

Preriod 24: REVISION 1

Lesson 01/24: LANGUAGE +SKILLS

I. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise pronunciation, vocab,
grammar from unit 1 to unit 3
2. Skills: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Recycle the language from the previous units.
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt from unit 1 to unit 3 by doing various activities and
1. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude while working in individual or with their classmates
2. Competencies: Help Sts know how to get an overview after duration of working.
II. Language content:
- Grammar: present simple and simple future, the present perfect tense
- Vocabulary: Words expressing hobbies, health issues, community service and volunteer work
- Pronunciation: Practice pronouncing the sounds:
/ ə / , / ɜ: /  / f / , /v/, / k/ , /g/
III. Teaching aids:
- Textbooks, teaching plan, extra board
IV. Procedure:
Teacher's activities Students' activities
1. Warm up
- Free talk - Teacher- whole class
2. Presentation:
- Ask sts to repeat the use and form of the two - individual work
3. Practice
*Period 1: Pronunciation, Vocabulary,
* Period 2: Skills
I . Pronunciation
1 - Ask the sts to pronounce the words first then let them listen to the tape scrip
3. Let the sts to do it in groups and encourage them to read the words aloud. Teacher checks
their mistakes
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B

Page 45
II. Vocabulary

3 Put the phrases below into the correct categories and tick the activity/activities you do
Yourself your community
- washing your hand before - helping the old
meals - raising money for the poor
- tidying up your room - collecting rubbish in your area
- gardening - opening classes for street children
- eating a lot of fruit

4.T help the sts by making suggestions or giving the first letter of the word,
1. obesity 2. cleaning streets 3. calories
4. staying in shape 5. donating 6. hobby
5. T helps the Sts revise the use of simple present, simple past and present perfect

1. A 2. C. 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B
6. T may let Ss read the beginning and the ending for a few minutes, then match individually.
T calls on some ss read their answer. T corrects the answer if necessary.
1. d 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b

III. Everyday English

7. Suggested interpretation of your answers:

Ask the students to work in pairs. In turns ask and answer the questions with "yes' or ' No" to find
out if they have good eating habits. For each wrong answer take off 1 point. If your score is under four
change your habits.

IV. Reading skill

Exercise 1
- T asks Ss to read the questions first and identify the keywords in each questions. Ss can read the text
and choose the answers:
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B
V. Speaking
Work in pairs. Interview each other to complete the questionnaire. Circle the correct answers and
report the results to the class.
T might let Ss start with the question and circles the questions for them. Then they can exchange their
results and take turns to report it to class.
VI. Listening
Conversation 1:
1. A 2. B
Conversation 2:
1. 1. B 2. C
VII. Writing
Picture 1:
5. This activity is often done in spring
6. They dig a hole to put the young tree in
1. They water and take great care of the trees during the first month
Picture 2:

2. They carry recycled bags to put the rubbish in

Page 46
4. They walk along the beach and collect all the rubbish.
3. The community organizes this activity once a month.
4. Homework
- Prepare for test

Saturday, October, 31st 2017

Preriod 25: WRITTEN TEST 01

A. Aims and objectives
1. Knowledge: Past simple & Present perfect, Verbs of acting, linking words.
2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing as well as using the language in the specific context.
3. Attitude: Sts must have positive attitude while doing the test.
4. Competencies: Help to improve Sts’ paraphrase, synthesis and inference
B. Materials: - Paper tests, teaching plan

Full name: …………………………….. Class: ………… TEST A
I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words (1-5)
Address: 25 Hillman Road
Full name: (1)__________ Taylor
Age: (2)__________
Problem: (3)__________ and a __________
See doctor: (4)__________ afternoon.
What time: (5)__________

II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. cinema B. comic C. cake D. cool
2. A. guess B. big C. sign D. again
3. A. campaign B. colour C. cinema D. community
4. A. high B. rough C. tough D. laugh
5. A. gym B. frog C. flag D. girl


III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.
1. Ngoc ________ eating fast food because it’s not good for her health.
A. likes B. loves C. hates D. enjoys.
2. Don’t read in bed _______ you’ll harm your eyes.
A. or B. and C. but D. so.
3. We _________ playing games interesting because I can play them with my friends.
A. think B. find C. say D. tell
4. My parents decided to use _______ electricity by using more solar energy instead.
A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
5. How many plays __________ so far?- Twenty.
A. has he written B. did he wrote C. does he write D. will he write
6. We often organise concerts to __________ funds for poor children.
A. donate B. volunteer C. raise D. grow
7. We’ve decided to clean up the lake __________ it is full of rubbish.
A. so B. therefore C. but D. because

Page 47
8. We __________ Be A Buddy programme before.
A. have never joined B. never have joined C. never joined D. never join
9. __________ do you think about mountain-climbing?
A. How B. What C. Where D. How long
10. Lan __________ English for more than a year but she can speak it very well.
A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned
IV. Give correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. I think staying at home all day is __________ because I don’t know what to do. (BORE)
2. Many people were made __________ after the flood. (HOME)
3. I love __________ pottery because it is challenging. (MAKE)
4. People volunteer because it can make a __________ in their community. (DIFFER)
5. Some students usually teach street __________ English in the summer. (CHILD)
V. Give correct tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. We (clean) __________ up the streets in our neighbourhood last week.
2. Mr. Quang (donate) __________ blood six times so far.
3. Nam (not, like) __________ making models because it is boring and difficult.
4. I think in the future people (take up) __________ outdoor activities.
5. We (not, visit) __________ Da Lat yet.

VI. Choose A,B,C,D to complete the passage below:
Jolie is in grade 7. Her parents are usually away (1)_______ home so she almost lives with her
grandparents. Everyday she gets up at 6.30 and (2)_______ some exercises in the garden. Then she
(3)_______ a shower. She gets dressed and (4)_______ to the news on the radio. Then she goes
downstairs and makes (5)_______ for her and her grandparents.
1. A. in B. from C. to D. far
2. A. practices B. reads C. does D. takes
3. A. takes B. makes C. gets D. cleans
4. A. watches B. does C. learns D. listens
5. A. lunch B. dinner C. snack D. breakfast

VII. Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets.
1. I find collecting dolls unusual and boring.
-> I think ……………………………………………………………
2. We last cleaned the streets in our area three weeks ago.
-> We haven’t ………………………………………………………
3. Nga eats a lot of junk food, so she is putting on weight.
-> Because ………………………………………………………….
4. How do you find doing volunteer work in our community?
-> What do …………………………………………………………
5. What is the price of this book?
-> How much ………………………………………………………

Full name: …………………………….. Class: ………… TEST B

I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words (1-5)
Address: 25 Hillman Road
Full name: (1)__________ Taylor
Age: (2)__________
Problem: (3)__________ and a __________
See doctor: (4)__________ afternoon.
What time: (5)__________

Page 48
II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. cook B. camping C. cinema D. concert
2. A. labour B. favour C. flour D. honour
3. A. cinema B. colour C. campaign D. community
4. A. enough B. cough C. high D. laugh
5. A. photograph B. allergy C. grow D. girl


III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.
1. My father ________ playing football, so he is very healthy.
A. hates B. doesn’t like C. dislikes D. enjoys
2. Eat less junk food _______ you’ll be getting fat..
A. and B. or C. but D. so.
3. How do you _________ collecting old glass bottles to raise money?
A. say B. know C. find D. think
4. Lan __________ English for more than a year but she can speak it very well.
A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned
5. How many plays __________ so far?- Twenty.
A. has he written B. did he wrote C. does he write D. will he write
6. __________ do you think about mountain-climbing?
A. How B. What C. Where D. How long
7. My parents decided to use _______ electricity by using more solar energy instead.
A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
8. We’ve decided to clean up the lake __________ it is full of rubbish.
A. so B. therefore C. but D. because
9. We often organise concerts to __________ funds for poor children.
A. donate B. volunteer C. raise D. grow
10. I have used this computer __________
A. in 2016 B. every year C. since 2016 D. for 2016
IV. Give correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. There is an __________ for students who wants to do voluntary work. (ORGANISE)
2. We love mountain- __________ because it is challenging and interesting. (CLIMB)
3. People volunteer because it can make a __________ in their community. (DIFFER)
4. You will get __________ if you eat too much fatty food. (OBESE)
5. _________ people need a lot of help from the community. (HOME)
V. Give correct tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. How long you (live) ________________ in this community?
2. Nam (not, like) ____________ making models because it is boring and difficult.
3. She (not, go) _____________ to school yesterday.
4. I like making model and I (take up) ______________ this hobby when I get older.
5. The room smells terrible. Somebody (smoke) __________ in here.
VI. Choose A,B,C,D to complete the passage below:
Jolie is in grade 7. Her parents are usually away (1)_______ home so she almost lives with her
grandparents. Everyday she gets up at 6.30 and (2)_______ some exercises in the garden. Then she
(3)_______ a shower. She gets dressed and (4)_______ to the news on the radio. Then she goes
downstairs and makes (5)_______ for her and her grandparents.
1. A. in B. from C. to D. far
2. A. practices B. reads C. does D. takes
3. A. takes B. makes C. gets D. cleans
4. A. watches B. does C. learns D. listens
5. A. lunch B. dinner C. snack D. breakfast


Page 49
VII. Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets.
1. What do you think about planting trees to raise fund?
-> How do …………………………………………………………
2. If you don’t wash your hands regularly, you will be sick?
-> Wash your hands ………………………………………………………
3. We last cleaned the streets in our area three weeks ago.
-> We haven’t ………………………………………………………
4. I find collecting dolls unusual and boring.
-> I think ……………………………………………………………
5. Nga eats a lot of junk food, so she is putting on weight.
-> Because ………………………………………………………….


Friday, November, 5th 2017



A. Aims and objective.

5. Knowledge: Help Sts get more information about arts and music as well as the names of some
musical instruments.
6. Skills: - Listening, reading skills.
- Speaking: how to use some expression "Really, Let me see, Come on, It isn't my thing"
7. Attitude: Sts must have respected attitude towards the famous musicians and artists who left
excellent songs and pictures.
8. Competencies: Help to improve Sts’ synthesis and enhance their artistic sense.
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
D. Procedure
Time Teacher's activities Students' activities
5' Warm up Chatting
- Teacher writes on the board: Music + Arts
? Answer the questions - Answer individually
1. Do you often listen to music? When? How 1,2 (Students ideas)
often? 3. - Art: the use of imagination to express
2. What kind of music do you like? Why? ideas or feelings, particularly in painting,
3. What is art? are arts? Give examples. drawing or sculpture.
- The arts (in general): art, music, theatre,
literature, etc when you think of them as a
15' I. Presentation
1.Vocabulary - live : (adj) sống, trực tiếp
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching - atmosphere : (n) không khí
vocab - paintbrush : (n) bút vẽ
- Use different techniques to teach. - music : (n) nhạc cụ
2. Listen and read
* Set the sence: ? Look at the picture P38. - Answer teacher's questions
? Who are Duong and Nick? - They are weekend
? Can you guess what they are talking about? Key:
? Listen and read. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
Page 50
2. 1. True or false (aP39)
? Run through all the statements with students.
? Work individually to answer the questions.
- Teacher checks their answers and gives
explanation if necessary.
2.2. Complete the sentences (b P39)
? Read the dialogue again then complete the - Complete and read the sentences
sentences Key:
? Work individually then compare with your 1. as good as 4. in person
partner. 2. loud 5. cinema
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback 3. fantastic
15' II. Practice
1. Find the express and extend the E.g:
conversation (c, d P39) A: There'll be a music concert on Teachers'
- Divide the students into four groups. Day.
? Work in group to find the expressions in c P39. B: Really? Are we going to sing?
? In group, work in pairs to make short role-plays A: Yes, of course.
with the expression.
- Teacher monitors and gives help.
- Have some pairs act out their conversations.
2. Matching (3 P39)
? Look at the pictures P39. What do you know - Work individually
about them? Key:
? Match the correct word/ phrase under each 1. microphone 2. camera
picture. 3. painting 4. musical
? Listen and repeat all the words. 5. portrait instruments
7. crayons 6. art gallery
9. opera 8. museum
10. paintbrush
7' III. Further practice. Gap fill (3 P39)
? Run through all the sentences - Pair work
? Work in pairs to complete the sentences in 2 1. art gallery 4. camera
- Have some students read aloud the sentences. 2. paintings 5. opera
? What are the differences between a painting and 3. museum
a portrait; a museum and an art gallery? Note:
paintings and other works of art are shown
to the public for sale.
3' IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
? Recall how to use the expression in c P39. - Remember
2' V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Ex B1,2,3 P29-30 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 2

Page 51
Monday, November, 7th 2017


Lesson 02/27: A CLOSER LOOK 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
- Pronounce sounds: / / and / / correctly in isolation and context
- Use some combinations: draw, paint a picture, play the guitar....
2. Skills: - Listening, pronouncing skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have respected attitude towards the famous musicians and artists who left
excellent songs and pictures.
4. Competencies: Help to improve Sts’ synthesis and enhance their artistic sense.
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
Grammar: sounds: / / and / /
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
D. Procedure
- Teacher elicits the topic from
students. Brainstorming
- Teacher models Groups
? Work in groups to add as many Musical Instruments
musical instruments as possible.
- Teacher monitors and gets
Warm up
feedback. * Suggested answers:
? Read all the words chorally - piano
- drum
- guitar
- violin
- flute
- Teacher follows the seven steps of - cello : (n) đàn viôlông xen
teaching vocab - saxophone : (n) kèn xắc xô Whole
- Use different techniques to teach. - ocean : (n) đại dương class
Vocabulary - decision : (n) quyết định
- leisure : (n) thời gian rảnh rỗi,
- vesion phiên bản
* Checking: Jumbled words (3a 3a P40
P40) 1. drum
-Reoder the letters to make musical 2. piano
instruments. 3. cello Pairs
Run through all the words with 4. guitar
Practice students. 5. violin
-Work in pairs to write the type of 6. saxophone
musical instruments in the box under
each picture..
-Teacher checks their answers.
-Read aloud all the words again

Page 52
2. Listen and repeat the words (P40) 4.Matching (3b P40)
? Listen and repeat the words in 1 Key:
P40 chorally and individually. 1. a guitar Pairs
2. a drum
3. Đàn Bầu (one string guitar)
4. a violin
5. a cello
6. a piano
7. a saxophone
? Complete the sentences using the 2.2. Complete the sentences (P39)
words in the box. Key: Whole
? Work individually then compare 1. singer class
with your partner. 2. Pop
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback 3. painter
4. draw
5. puppets
6. instrument
-Teacher explains how to pronounce 1. Listen and repeat (5 P40)
the two sounds: / / and / /
-Drill the sounds in chorus and
-Listen and repeat the words

- Practice the sounds

Listen and repeat the words.

-Listen and repeat the sentences. 3. Listen and underline the words with /
-Underline the words with the sounds / and / / (7 P40)
// once, underline the words with the Pairs
sounds twice.

- Learn by heart vocabulary and

Homework - Ex A1,2 P28 (Workbook) Whole
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 3 class

Page 53
Monday, November, 10th 2017


A. Aims and objective.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
- Use comparisions: (not), the same as, different from
- Express agreement using too and either.
2. Skills: - Speaking, writing skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Compare between two things or people.
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
Grammar: comparisions: (not), the same as, different from; too and either.
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Students are interested in learning about some musical instruments.
D. Procedure
D. Procedure
- Elicit from sts the new words
- Read the words , sts repeat. Vocabulary:
- Call sts to read - broadcast (v): phát sóng (trans) Groups
Vocabulary - Check : ROR - perform (v): biểu diễn (translation)
- change (v): thay đổi (translation)
- definitely (adv): hoàn toàn (example)
- extra (a): bổ sung ( translation)
- Recall how to use comparisions 1. - as + adj + as: to show that two things
that you have learnt in English 5 and are similar.
6. - not as + adj + as to mean something Whole
- Teacher explains the uses of three is "more" or "less" than something else. class
structures 2. the same as.....: to show similarity.
Grammar 3. different from: to show that two or
more things are different.
- Too: used to express agreement with a
positive statement.
- Either: used to express agreement wiTh
a negative statement.
- Work individually to write down
the missing words. 1. Put as/from inton the gaps:
- Compare with your partner. Indivi.
Teacher checks their answers. Key:
- Get some students to read the 1. as
Practice (1)
sentences. 2. as
3. as
4. from
5. as
6. as

Page 54
Look at the two pictures in Ex 2. Key:
? Can you find out any differences 1. the same as
between "My hometown today" and 2. as quiet as
it was 5 years ago? 3. different from
? Read the text by yourself then put 4. as narrow as Pairs
Practice (2) suitable words in each gap. 5. friendly as
? Work individually then compare 6. the same as
with your partner.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback
- Ss study the pictures and answer
the teacher's querstion.
Interpret the table about "Young Note: A music club is friendly when its
talent" and "Nightingale" first. staff are friendly.
? Work in pairs to the two music E. g: Pairs
clubs in town. A: Young Talent is not as old as
Prctice (3)
- Teacher goes round to monitor the B: Yes. But Nightingale is more friendly
whole class. than Young Talent.
- Get some pairs to talk.
- Work independently, writing down - Work independently and in groups.
the answers. Key: Indivi
- Then work in groups to check and 1. too
Practice (4) read out the sentences. 2. either
- Teacher monitors, gives help and 3. eiher
correct if necessary. 4. too
5. too
? Run through the given words
? Work independently, writing down
your sentences to make a list of the Sts’ answer Indivi
Practice (5)
likes and dislikes.
- Encourage students to give their
own ideas.
? How to use comparisons with as
(not) ... as, the same as, different
Consolisatio from? Sts’ idea Indivi
n ? How to use too and either

- Learn by heart vocabulary and

Homework - Ex B4,5,6 P30 - 31 (Workbook) Unit 4. Lesson 4 Communication. Whole
- Prepare next lesson. class

Page 55
Saturday, November, 12th 2017


I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words (1-5)
Address: 25 Hillman Road
Full name: (1)___Russell___ Taylor
Age: (2)___17_____
Problem: (3)____stomachache_____ and ___cough__
See doctor: (4)____Wednesday______ afternoon.
What time: (5)____2:30______

II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. cinema B. comic C. cake D. cool
2. A. guess B. big C. sign D. again
3. A. campaign B. colour C. cinema D. community
4. A. high B. rough C. tough D. laugh
5. A. gym B. frog C. flag D. girl


III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.
1. Ngoc ________ eating fast food because it’s not good for her health.
A. likes B. loves C. hates D. enjoys.
2. Don’t read in bed _______ you’ll harm your eyes.
A. or B. and C. but D. so.
3. We _________ playing games interesting because I can play them with my friends.
A. think B. find C. say D. tell
4. My parents decided to use _______ electricity by using more solar energy instead.
A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
5. How many plays __________ so far?- Twenty.
A. has he written B. did he wrote C. does he write D. will he write
6. We often organise concerts to __________ funds for poor children.
A. donate B. volunteer C. raise D. grow
7. We’ve decided to clean up the lake __________ it is full of rubbish.
A. so B. therefore C. but D. because
8. We __________ Be A Buddy programme before.
A. have never joined B. never have joined C. never joined D. never join
9. __________ do you think about mountain-climbing?
A. How B. What C. Where D. How long
10. Lan __________ English for more than a year but she can speak it ver well.
A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned
IV. Give correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. I think staying at home all day is ____BORING______ because I don’t know what to do. (BORE)
2. Many people were made ____HOMELESS______ after the flood. (HOME)
3. I love ____MAKING______ pottery because it is challenging. (MAKE)
4. People volunteer because it can make a ____DIFFERENCE______ in their community. (DIFFER)
5. Some students usually teach street _____CHILDREN_____ English in the summer. (CHILD)
V. Give correct tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences:
6. We (clean) ____cleaned______ up the streets in our neighbourhood last week.
7. Mr. Quang (donate) ____has donated______ blood six times so far.
8. Nam (not, like) ____doesn’t like______ making models because it is boring and difficult.
Page 56
9. I think in the future people (take up) ____will take up______ outdoor activities.
10. We (not, visit) _____haven’t visited _____ Da Lat yet.

VI. Choose A,B,C,D to complete the passage below:
Jolie is in grade 7. Her parents are usually away (1)_______ home so she almost lives with her
grandparents. Everyday she gets up at 6.30 and (2)_______ some exercises in the garden. Then she
(3)_______ a shower. She gets dressed and (4)_______ to the news on the radio. Then she goes
downstairs and makes (5)_______ for her and her grandparents.
1. A. in B. from C. to D. far
2. A. practices B. reads C. does D. takes
3. A. takes B. makes C. gets D. cleans
4. A. watches B. does C. learns D. listens
5. A. lunch B. dinner C. snack D. breakfast

VII. Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets.
1. I find collecting dolls unusual and boring.
-> I think …… collecting dolls is unusual and boring ……
2. We last cleaned the streets in our area three weeks ago.
-> We haven’t … cleaned the streets in our area for three weeks.
3. Nga eats a lot of junk food, so she is putting on weight.
-> Because … Nga eats a lot of junk food, she is putting on weight.….
4. How do you find doing volunteer work in our community?
-> What do …you think about doing volunteer work in our community?
5. What is the price of this book?
-> How much …is this book……

Saturday, November, 13th 2017


A. Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Know how useful music and arts are at school.
- Know more about some famous musician, actors, actresses, painters, drama director, songs.... by
doing the Music Quiz.
2. Skills: - Speaking, reading skills.
5. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the co-operation

Page 57
6. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions .
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty in express their ideas in activity 3.
D. Procedure


- Correct their excercises from A - Too
closer look 2 contents - Either Whole
Revision - the same as class
- as… as
- different from
- Teacher follows the seven steps of - composer (n): người biên soạn example
teaching vocab - curriculum (n): chương trình GD trans
- Use different techniques to teach - academic subject (a): môn học example
Check : - compulsory (a): bắt buộc trans
Slap the board - originate from (v): bắt nguồn từ trans
- anthem (v): bài thánh ca, quốc ca example
- consider (v): xem như là trans
- regard (v): đánh giá synon
- necesity (n): sự cần thiết derive
- educate (v): giáo dục derive
1. Music Quiz Key:
? What do you know about Music 1. B 2. C
and Arts? 3. A 4. C Whole
? Work in pairs and answer the 5. B 6. B class
Music Quiz
questions by choosing a correct
- Gets answers from students
- Correct and expalain
II. Reading
1. Pre-questions
? Answer teacher's questions - Students' ideas
a. Do you like music and arts?
b. Do you think they are necessary or
not at school?
2. Read and discuss
? Work individually to read the text and understand the main ideas in 3'
? Run through the question in 1 P43
? Then work in groups of four or five to discuss the questions. Groups
- Each group may has a secretary to take notes all the group's members'
Read and
- Teacher goes round the class to give support if necessary.
? Choose one of your member to present your ideas to the class.
- Other groups listen and give comments.
- Teacher comments on their clarity, language and fluency (but not on their
"positive" or "negative" ideas.

Page 58
? Run through all the words given in 3 P43
? Then work in groups of four or five to make a list from the most useful to
least useful subjects given. (5') Groups
- Encourage students to think of other useful subjects. (related to music and
arts) to be studied at school (for example: pottery)
? How can the top three subjects on your list help you at school and life?
? After 5', each group presents your list and give a talk to the class

Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

- Ex C1, 2 P32 (Workbook) Whole
Homework - Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 5 Skills 1 class

Saturday, November, 13th 2017


A . Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Use the lexical items related to the topic
"Music and Arts". Read for specific information about traditional arts: water puppetry
- Talk and do other activities related to music and arts.
2. Skills: - Speaking, reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Music and Arts"
Grammar: read about water puppetry, game: Tic Tac Toe related to music and arts.
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
D. Procedure
5' I. Warm up Shark attacked
- Teacher write on the board -----/--------
- Give instructions on how to do shark attack. (water puppetry)
? Guess one by one letter.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

Page 59
? Read the word aloud and give its meaning.
15' II. Reading
1. Vocabulary - rural : (adj) thuộc nông thôn
- Teacher follows the 7 steps of teaching vocab - unique : (adj) độc đáo
- Use different techniques to teach. - melodic : (adj) du dương, ngọt
* Checking: What and where - tic tac : (n) trò chơi cờ ca rô

2. Pre-reading ( Discussion)
? Discuss and answer the questions given in 3'. Discuss and answer the questions
a. What kinds of traditional Vietnamese Key: (students' ideas)
performances do you know about?
? Look at the picture on p44. What is it about?
b. Do you know about water puppetry?
c. Have you ever been to a water puppetry show?
d. If yes, did you like it? Why/ Why not?
- Teacher elicits the answers from students and gives
-> Today we are going to read for more information
about water puppetry.
3. While-reading - Read word and find the words.
3.1. Find the words in the text Key:
? Read the text two or three times in 3' 1. unique
? Work individually to find the words. 2. originated
? Compare with your partner. 3. performed
- Call on some students to say the words 4. rural
- Teacher writes on the board. 5. festivals
2.3. Answer the questions - read and answer the questions
? Run through the questions in P44 Key:
? Read the text again then answer the questions 1. It began in the 11th century.
individually. 2. It takes place in a pool.
? Compare with your partner. 3. They are controlled by puppeteers.
- Call on some individuals to read aloud to the class. 4. They are made of wood.
- T checks their pronunciation and intonation 5. They are about everyday life in the
- Explain the new words and clarify anything countryside and about folk tales.
20' III. Speaking
1. Matching (3 P44) Key:
? Work in pairs to match the two columns. 1. e 2. a 3. b 4.c 5.d
? Compare with your partner.
Teacher checks their answers.
- Allow students some time to talk about their E.g: I like classical music best because
favorite kind of music. (Base on some of its sweet melody. I often listen to my
suggested questions) favorite music every day before going to
* Suggested questions: bed. It makes me relaxed and sleep well
1. What kind of music do you like best? Why? after a hardworking day.
2. Do you play any musical instruments?
3. When and how often do you listen to music?
4. How useful is music to you?
2. Game: Tic Tac Toe (4 P44)
- Teacher explains the rules of the game Tic Tac Toe - Pair work
to students.
? Work in pairs, decide which partner is "X", which A: "I want number 2"
is "O" and who will go first. B: "Ok, sing a song in English"
- Teacher models:

Page 60
- Continue the game
- The first person to get three Xs or Os in a row,
3' IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
? Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Remember
2' V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Ex D,2,3 P33 - 34 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 6 Skills 2

Saturday, November, 12th 2017


A. Aims and objective.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Use the lexical items related to the topic
"Music and Arts". Know how to give suggestions with how/what about +V-ing.
2. Skills: -Listening, writing skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the pieces of arts
4. Competencies: Presenting and giving comments to famous pieces of art.
B. Language content.
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about music and arts
- Grammar: Simple past, How about + V-ing....?
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape and radio
D. Procedure


5' I. Warm up Guessing game - watch a water puppet show
- Teacher elicits some phrases from students - go to the Children's Painting Exhibition
- go to the music festival
- see Picasso sculpture at the art gallery
- go to the Exhibition of Modern Art
- listen to rock and roll
- Teacher writes on the board: - paint some pictures
? Complete the sentence using one of the "I'm going to .................. this weekend"
phrases. And keep it secret. E. g:
? Make yes/no questions to guess your friends' A: Are you going to watch a water puppet
choice. show this weekend?
- The one to have a correct guess, continues the B: No, I'm not.
game. C: Are you going to.......?
15' II. Listening
1. Open prediction (1 P45) Picasso sculpture in Halmstad.
? Look at the picture on page 45. (Students' ideas)
? Do you know what it is?
Page 61
? What do you know about Picasso?
- Today we are going to listen to a text about
Picasso. - Guess individually and write down the words
? Before listening, guess four of the words in 1
P45 that you will hear in the text.
? Compare with your partner.
- Teacher elicits and writes students' guess on
the board. - Study the Listening Tip and listen to the
- Teacher explains Listening Tip to students. teacher.
? Listen to the text twice and check your guess.
- Teacher gets feedback. Key:
1. artist 2. training
4. portrait 6. paintings
2. Questions and answers (2P45)
? Run through all the questions. - Listen and choose the correct answer.
? Listen again and choose a correct answer. Key:
- Teacher checks their answer and explains if 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C
3. Discussion
? Listen to the text again then work in group to
discuss how the listening is organized. - according to timeline
(according to timeline, the order of important
events, or other way.

III. Writing
1. Reading (4 P45) 1. A 2. B
20' * Set the scene: You are going to read a letter
from Duong
? Read the sample letter carefully and choose - It's an informal letter.
the correct answer to the question below. - How about watching a water puppet show?
? Is it a formal letter or an informal one? - We write an informal letter of invitation to
? Which sentence show Duong's invitation. invite somebody to do something. And to
? Why would you write an informal letter of somebody who has close relationship to us.
invitation? And to whom?
? Study the writing tip.
2. Writing
?Read the cues carefully and practice writing an
informal letter to your friend in 7'.
? Pay attention to spelling and punctuation. Write an informal letter to a friend.
? Compare with your partner.
- Teacher collects some students' letters and
marks them, then gives comment to the class.
3' IV. Consolidation
? Have some students read their letters aloud.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Answer individually
- Remember
2' V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Ex E1,2 P34 -35 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 7:
Looking back

Page 62
Saturday, November, 25th 2017



A. Aims and objectives

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete all the exercises in the
book as well as revise the knowledge they have learnt in Unit 4.
2. Skills: -Communication and language skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies:
- Recycle the language from the previous sections.
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 4 by doing various activities and exercises.
B. Language content.
- Lexical items related to hobbies.
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused in Ex2 P46.
D. Procedure


Warm up Matching (1 P46)
- Techer gives out the posters of columns A and
5' B
? Go to the board and match the words in Key:
column A with the one in column B. 1. e 2. c 3. B 4. a 5. d
- Teacher monitors and gets feedbacck.
I. Vocabylay
Gap fill (2 P46)
? Run through the words in the box. - Work individually and in pairs
? Read the text carefully, then work in pairs to Key:
7' put a word from the box in each gap to complete 1. music
the passage. 2. arts
- Teacher checks and confirms the correct 3. stages
answers. 4. go
- Have some students read the passage. 5. films
II. Grammar
1. Complete the sentences (4 P46) - Work individually
? Run through all the words in the box. Key:
? Work individualy to put the words/ phrases 1. art gallery
from the box in the gap to complete the 2. artistic
sentences. 3. films
? Compare the answers with your partner. 4. in person
18' - Call on some students to give the answers. 5. sung

Page 63
2. Review comparison (Rewrite sentences - 4
P46) 1. The photograph is not as big as the
? Work individually first to write the sentences. painting.
? Then work in pairs to swaps your 2. My painting is not as expensive as this
sentences. 3. This picture is not different from the
- Teacher correction and call on some students picture in our room.
to read the sentences aloud 4. This film is the same as the one we
saw last week.
5. The journey was not as long as we
thought at first.
3. Review too and either (5 P46)
? How do we use too and either? - Answer independently
? Work independently to complete the sentences Key:
with too or either. 1. too 2. either 3.
? Check your answers with your partner. either
- Teacher gets feedback. 4. too 5. too
III. Communication .
1. Matching
? Read the questions and answers once or twice. 1. B 2. A 3.
? Match individually. E
? Compare with your partner. 4. C 5. D 6.
? Work in pairs to role play the questions and F
10' ? Write all the sentences in your notebooks.
- Teacher monitors and gives help.
2. Self - assessment
? Complete the self-assessment.
- Teacher finds out any difficult and weak areas
from students.
- Provide further practice if neccessary.
- Complete the self-assessment.
IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
3' ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Remember

V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
2' ? Ex C3 P35 (workbook)
- Complete the project of Unit 4.- Prepare next
lesson: Unit 5. Lesson 1: Getting started.

Saturday, November, 26th 2017



Page 64
A. Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Learn more words about the topic food and drinks.
- Understand the content of the dialogue and then answer the questions.
2. Skills: -Communication and language skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Use the lexical items related to the topic “Food and drink"
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Food and drink"
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
- Anticipated problems: There may not be enough time for students to practice all the
expressions in c P39.
D. Procedure


5' I. Warm up : Brainstoming - tofu : (n) Đậu phụ
- - carton : (n) Hộp bìa cứng
-instead of : (adv) Thay vì
Vietnamese food and drink - omelette : (n) Trứng rán
-turmeric :(n) Củ nghệ
-bitter :(adj) Đắng
II. The new lesson
6’ Vocabulary -fragrant :(adj) Thơm
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching -sour :(adj) Chua
vocab -spicy :(adj) Cay
- Use different techniques to teach. -salt : (n) Muối
-salty :(adj) Mặn
8’ 1. Listen and read
* Set the sence: ? Look at the picture P84. - Answer teacher's questions
? Where are Phong and his mother ? - They are weekend
? What are they doing?
? What is there in the fridge
?Have you ever had dinner alone?
- T introduces the new lesson -Work individually to answer the questions
a. Answer the questions (P349)
-Run through all the questions
-Play the recording and ask ss to listen and Key:
read 1.Because his parents are going to the opera
-Ask ss to work individually to answer the tonight and they won’t be home until
questions 2. There is some rice left from lunch
-Have ss share their answers 3. He should warm it up
-Call on some pairs to ask and answer the 4. She will buy some milk tomorrow
questions 5.He can have some o. juice instead of milk
-Ask 3ss to write the answers
- Confirm the correct answers

Page 65
b. Put the words in correct column
( P49) Key:
-Ask ss to work in pairs and not to look at the Food Drink
book , try to remember which foods and drinks Meat Milk
are mentioned in the conversation and put Tofo Juice
them in correct column. Fried vegetables Mineral water
- Let ss open their book to check their answers Bread Orange juice
- Get feedback Noodles

5’ 2. Match, listen , check and repeat( P49)

-Go through the words and pictures -Go through the words and pictures
- Have ss quickly match each word/with its -Quickly match each word/with its picture.
picture. Then play the recording for ss to check -Listen, check and repeat
their answers, pausing after each phrase and Key:
asking them to repeat chorally and 1-J 6-I
individually. 2-F 7-G
-Correct their pronunciation 3-A 8-H
4-B 9-E-
5-D 10-C
7’ 3.Ask and answer questions with a partner(
P49) - Work in pairs
-Ask ss to think about their favourite food and Eg:
drink and what questions they can ask about A: What is your favourite food?
their partner’s favourite food and drink B:It’s pho bo- beef noodle soup
- T models with a student B: When do you usually eat it?
-Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the A:In the morning
questions ………………….
-Call on some pairs to practice
4.Listen and repeat the adjectives (P39) Eg: I like beef noodle soup very much. It is
5’ - Play the recording and ask ss to listen and very tasty
repeat the adjectives ………..
- Have ss use the adjectives to talk about the
food in part 2
- T can give example
- Call some ss to talk in front of the class

2' III. Consolidation

- Ask ss to recall the lesson - Listen and take note the assignment
IV.Home work
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
2’ -Guide ss how to do ex B1,2,3 P29-30
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 5. Lesson 2
A closer look 1

Saturday, November, 26th 2017


Page 66

A.Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamese food and drink" and understand the
instruction to make dishes: Omelette , pancake
- Pronounce sounds: /ɒ/ /and /ɔː/ / correctly in isolation and context
2. Skills: -Using the words and pronouncing the sounds/ɒ/ /and /ɔː/.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Use the lexical items related to the topic “Food and drink"
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamese food and drink", how to make Omelette
Grammar: Imperatives
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Students are interested in learning about some musical instruments.
D. Procedure
4' I. Warm up
Saying food or drink and their taste
- Divide the class into 2 teams - Take part in the game
-One student in each group says aloud the
name of food or drink, the one in other
group says out its taste
II. The new lesson *Vocabulary
- T introduces the new lesson -pour : (v) Đổ
6' A.Vocabylary -fold : (v) Gấp, cuộn
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching -beat : (v) Đập
vocab -serve : (v) Trang trí, phục vụ
- Use different techniques to teach. -mixture : (n) Hỗn hợp
-spring roll : (n) Nem
-flour : (n) Bột mì
-ingredient : (n) Thành phần
-dish : (n) Món ăn
* Checking: Jumbled words -pepper : (n) Hạt tiêu
7’ 1. Complete the instructions with the -Work individually ,go through the verbs,
verbs in the box. Then listen, check and look at the pictures , sentences then
repeat the instructions (P50) complete the instructions
-Have ss work individually ,go through the Key:
verbs, look at the pictures , sentences then 1. Beat
complete the instructions 2. Heat
- Ask ss to listen to the recording to check, 3. Pour
pause after each instruction then ask them to 4. Fold
repeat 5. Serve
7’ 2.Put the words in the correct order to
make sentences. Then reorder the - Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences to give the instructions to make sentences. Then reorder the sentences
a pancake(P50) Key:
-Ask ss to do the exercise individually and
then check with the whole class
8’ 3. Put the following nouns in the correct
columns. Some may fit both categories. -Work in pairs to put them into the
-Go through the nouns , teacher may explain correct columns
some words’ meaning. Key
Page 67
- Have ss work in pairs to put them into the Dishes Ingredients
correct columns(some nouns may fit in both Pancake Salt
column) Beef noodle soup Cooking oil
Spring rolls Flour
Noodles Pork
Pork Turmeric
Omelette Pepper
Sandwich noodles
6’ B. Pronunciation. - Listen and repeat
4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay /ɒ/
attention to the sounds /ɒ/ - Underline the words.
and /ɔː/
- T explains how to pronounce the sound /ɒ/ /ɒ/ /ɔː/
and /ɔː/ / then practise .
-Play the recording once Soft Pork
- Ask ss to listen again then put the words Hot Salt
in the correct column Bottle Fork
-Play the recording 2 times Pot Sport
-Have ss share their answers with their Rod Sauce
- Give feedback
4’ -Ask ss to listen and circle the words they 5.Listen and circle the words you hear
hear - Listen and circle
- Ask ss to share with their partner Key
- Give feedback
2’ III. Consolidation
-Ask ss to retell the lesson
2' IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Guide ss how to do ex (Workbook) -Listen and take note
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 5. Lesson 3 A
closer look 2.

Wednesday, December , 1st 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamese food and drink".
- Know how to use: countable and uncountable nouns with a, an, some, any, how much, how many
2. Skills: -Speaking and writing with the countable and uncountable nouns.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Use the lexical items related to the topic “Food and drink"
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamse food and drink"
Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns , a, an, some, any, how much, how many
C. Preparation

Page 68
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Students are interested in learning about some musical instruments.
D. Procedure
5' I Warm up: Count or uncount nouns
-T shows the picture ex 1/p 51 on the board
-Divide the class into 2 teams. Ss in each teams -Take part in the game
take turn to go to the board and write C for
countable noun and U for uncountable noun next
to the number of each item
-Leave the result to check later

- Introduce the new lesson

II. The new lesson - spinach : (n) Rau chân vịt
* Vocabulary - pork : (n) Thịt lợn
- T follows the seven steps of teaching vocab
- Use different techniques to teach.
* Checking: R.O.R
7' A. Countable and uncountable nouns Key:
1. Presentation -Countable nouns: banana, apple
- T uses real things in the class to elecit from ss -Uncountable nouns: bread, beef, pepper,
countable and uncountable noun turmeric, spinach
Eg: There are 4 books in my table
There is some water in this bottle
2. Practice
- Ask ss to check exercise 1/page 98
-Have ss find more
10' B. A, an, some, any
1. Presentation Explain how to use a/an/some/any
- T introduces a/an/some/any in the gram box

2. Practice Eg: T1: egg

E 2/ page 52 T2: an egg
Play the game : Give me an egg ...................
- T divides the class in to 2 teams and guides ss - Take part in the game
how to play and demonstrates the game to the
class Key :
E3/ page 52. Fill in the blanks with a/an, 1. any
someor any 2. some
- Ask ss to read the instruction 4. any
- Have ss work individually then share with 5. a
their partners before checking with the whole 6. an
10' C. How many? How much? How much, how many dựng để hỏi về số
1.Presentation lượng
How many eggs do we have? How many + danh từ đếm được số nhiều
How much milk do you need ? How much + danh từ không đếm được
- Elicit from ss to get the target item -Work individually and share with their
2. Practice partners before checking with the whole

Page 69
E 4/ page 52 class
Fill in the blanks with How many or How much Key :
-Ask ss to work individually and share with ……..
their partners before checking with the whole Key :
class 1. How much water do you drink every
E5/ page 52 day?
Use the suggested words to make questions 2. How much rice do you eat for dinner?
with How many/How much then intervew your 3. How much vegetables do you eat every
partner day?
- Have ss work in pair : one asks one gives the 4. How many apples do you eat every day?
7' III. Production
-Ask ss to make sentences with a/an/some/any / - Make sentence s
How much/ How many
4' IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
- Ask ss to retell the grammar in the lesson - Remember
2' V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Ex B4,5,6 P37 - 38 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 5. Lesson 4

Friday, December , 2nd 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamese food and drink" to talk about their favourite
food and drink.
2. Skills: -Listening and speaking skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Use the lexical items related to the topic “Food and drink"
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic "Vietnamese food and drink"
Grammar: The simple present
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
D. Procedure

Page 70
5' I Warm up Brainstorming
- Teacher elicits the topic from students.
? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of noodles ........
food and drink
- Teacher models Your favourite
? Work in groups to add as many dishes as food and drink
? Show your list that you have written.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
- The group has the longest list wins
II. The new lesson
7' A. Presentation - sausage : (n) xúc xích
1.Vocabulary - yoghurt : (n) sữa chua
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching - tuna : (n) cá ngừ
vocab - ham : (n) giăm bông
- Use different techniques to teach. -sauce : (n) nước sốt
-chef :(n) đầu bếp
* Checking: What and where -slice :(n/v) lát/ thái lát
- grill= bake :(v) nướng
- steak : (n) miếng
B. Practice
5' I. Listening
E 1. page 53. Listen and check the -Look at the picture of the chef and predict
food the chef mentions which food or dishes he might like
1. Prediction
-Ask ss to look at the picture of the chef and
predict which food or dishes he might like
- Collect some ss' ideas

2. Checking prediction
- Play the recording and let ss check their - Listen ,check and tick
- Play the recording again and ask ss to tick Key :
the food the chef mentions from the extra -sticky rice
vocabulary box -sausage

10' II. Writing

E 2. Page 53. What are your favourite
foods and drinks. Write he answers.
- Run the through the questions - Work individually to write the answers then
- Ask ss to work individually share the answers with partners
- T goes round to help ss if they need the
name of some food or drink that are not
mentioned in the lesson
- Have ss share their answers in pairs to find
out what they have in common with their
15' III. Speaking

Page 71
E3. page 53. Interview three students about
their favourite foods and drinks. Write the
answers in the table -Work in groups of four ss to review and take
-Run through all the questions note
- Have ss work in groups of four ss to review
and take note
E4. P 53. Report the results to the class
- Call on some ss to report the results of their - Report the results of their interview before the
interview before the whole class class
- After each st has finished his/her report, T
invites some comments from other ss. Then
T makes comment
2' III. Consolidation - Answer individually
-Sum up the main content of the lesson - Remember
V. Homework
1' - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures - Listen and take note the assignments
- Gide ss how to do ex C1, 2 P39
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 5 . Lesson 5 Skills

Friday, December , 2nd 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the reading text
then answer the questions. They also will be able to give the instruction of making a dish.
2. Skills: -Reading and speaking skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Give an instruction to someone clearly.
B. Language content
Vocabulary: Lexical items related to the topic “Vietnamese food and drink"
Grammar: Instructions
C. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty in words when they express how to
make a dish or drink
D. Procedure
5' I. Warm up Chatting -What do you know about Pho?
- Introduces the new lesson - What are the ingredients for it?
- Answer the questions - What kinds of Pho do you know?
- Which place is famous for this dish?
- Do you like this dish? Why? Why not?
II.The new lesson

Page 72
A. Reading
Vocabulary -stew : (v) hầm
15' - Write the Vienamese on the board, ask students -broth : (n) nước sốt
to the board to write the English. -pinch : (n) nhúm
* Checking, correct -flour : (n) bột mì
- Read, sts repeat. -snack : (n) bữa ăn nhẹ
-bone : (n) xương
-boneless : (adj) không có xương
-recipe : (n) công thức nấu
-teaspoon : (n) thìa café
-tablespoon : (n) muỗng canh
-pot : (n) cái nồi
-ingredient : (n) nguyên liệu
-stir : (v) khuấy
1. Pre-reading( Ordering) - Look at the extra board and run through
- T uses an extra board the sentences
- Order the sentences - Order the sentences by prediction
1. The rice noodles are made from the best variety
of rice
2.In Ha Noi, Pho is the most popular dish
3. Pho is special soup in Vietnam
4. The broth for pho ga is made by stewing
chicken bones
- Collect some ss' ideas

2. While-reading -Open their books, read the text and check

a. Checking the prediction the prediction.
- Ask ss to open their books, read the text and Key :
check the prediction. 2-3-1-4
- Get feedback
b. Answer the questions Key :
- Run through the questions 1. We can enjoy Pho for all kinds of meals
- Ask ss to work individually then compare the during a day, from breakfast to dinner and
answers with their partner even for a late night snack
- Call on 2 ss to write the answers onthe board 2. They are made from the best variety of
- T confirms the correct answers rice
3. The broth for Pho Bo is made by stewing
the bones of cows for a long time in a large
pot.The broth for pho ga is made by stewing
chicken bones
4. It is boneless and cut into thin slices

Page 73
20' B. Speaking
E3/ page 54. -Ask and answer about the ingredients for
- Ask ss to recall about the form and use of an omelette
a/an/some/any…. then ask and answer about the
ingredients for an omelette
- T can goes around to help the weaker -Recall the words or phrases about cooking
- Call some pairs to practe in front of the class food and drink in getting started , a closer
E4. look 1 and communication.
- Remind ss the words or phrases about cooking -Work individually use the phrases in this
food and drink - Ask ss to work individually use box to complete the instructions how to
the phrases in this box to complete the cook an omelette
instructions how to cook an omelette Key :
- Have ss share the answers with their partners 1-d
before checking with the whole class 2-e
E 5 . Page 54 3-a
- Ask ss to think about the food or drink they 4-b
want to make then take note about the steps to 5-c
make their food and drink.
- Ask ss to work in pairs
- Call on pairs to practice in front of the class
- Ask other ss to comment

2' III. Consolidation - Listen

- Sum up the main content of the lesson
3' IV. Homework
-Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. -Listen and take note the assignments
- Ex D,1,2 P 40 - 41 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. U 5. Lesson 6 Skills 2

Monday, December , 4th 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to write a paragraph about
popular foods or drink as well as use lexical items related to Vietnamese food and drink
2. Skills: -Listening and writing skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Give an instruction to someone clearly.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape and radio
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
C. Procedure

Time Activites Contents

5' I. Warm up Brainstorming
- Teacher elicits the topic from students. Com tam-
Sai gon
Page 74 Traditional dishes
in Vietnam Com chay-
Bun bo- Hue Ninh Binh
? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of
food and places in Vietnam
- Teacher models
? Work in groups to add as many dishes as
? Show your list that you have written.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
- The group has the longest list wins the game.
- Introduce the new lesson
II.The new lesson
A Listening
17' 1. Pre- listening
Open prediction (1 P45)
- Have ss look at three traditional dishes in
Vietnam and their places . Then match the
places with the dishes by prediction - Guess individually and write down the words
-Collect some ss' ideas
2. While- listening
a. Checking the prediction - Listen to the recording and check the prediction
Match the places with the dishes . E1 p 55
-Have ss listen to the recording and check the
prediction Key:
- Have ss compare the answers with their 1-b
partners 2-a
- Get feedback 3-c
- Play the recording once to check
b Tick the ingredients for each dish E2 page
55. - Listen again and tick
-Run through all the dishes and the ingredients in Key:
the table




- Have ss listen again and tick the ingredients for
- Ask ss to share the answer with their partners
- Call on some ss to write the answers on the banh v
board tom
sup v v v
- Play the recording again to check luon
my v v v

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C
3. Post- listening ( Chain game)
- Have ss work in group of 5 ss to talk about Eg :
the name of dishes they have learned and the S1: To make sup luon we need eel
ingredients S2: To make sup luon we need eel, pepper
23' B. Writing
1. Pre- writing (E3 P55). Make a note about
some popular foods or drinks in your
neighbourhood -Make a note individually then share with their
- Have ss to make a note individually then partners
share with their partners
- Find the partners who have the same one and
sits next to him/her
2. While-writing
Page 75
Write a paragraph about popular foods or
drinks. (E 4 page 55) -Work in pairs or group
- T reminds about the language necessary for
writing ( Reading in skills 1) and the writing tip
- Work in pairs or group with the partners who
have the same note to write
- Display some of leaflets on the board and
other ss give comments
3' IV. Consolidation
- Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Remember
2' V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Write their final version at home
- Ex E1,2 P42 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 5. Lesson 7:
Looking back

Saturday, December , 10th 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete all the exercises in the book as
well as understand what to do for the project.
2. Skills: Reading, writing skills
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while doing the tasks together.
4. Competencies: Recycle the language from the previous sections. Self- assessment.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused how much and how many.
C. Procedure
5' I. Warm up D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S
Hang man
10' II. The new lesson -Add the words/ phrases you have learnt to the
A. Vocabulary column
1.Complete the table (2 P46) Suggested key :
Add the words/ phrases you have learnt Dishes Ingredients Measurement
to the column phrase
-Run through the words in the Omelette, Shrimp, A slice, a can, a
table.Explain the meaning of the phrase: pancake, beef salt, bottle, a kilo, a
measurement phrase noodle soup, cooking oil, bar, a glass, a
-Ask ss to find as much as possible to add chicken noodle flour, pork, bag, a
to the columns individually then compare soup, rice, turmeric, teaspoon, …
with their partners to find out who has noodles, rice, pepper,
more words pork, noodle,
sandwich, vegetables,
Page 76
meat, tofu, egg, meat,
bread, spring tofu
2. Fill in the gap with a verb from the
box(E2. Page ) - Work individually
- Run through the verbs Key:
- Work individually to complete the 1. Fold
sentences then compare with their partners 2.Pour
- Get feedback 3.Beat
15’ B. Grammar -Work individually
1. Review about a/an/some Key:
E 3.Choose a/an/or some for the 1.a 5. some
following words 2.some 6.some
- Have ss work individually 3. some 7. an
- Ask ss to read aloud the full sentences to 4.some 8. some
2. Review about some/ any Work individually
E 4 page. Complete the sentences with Key:
some or any 1. any
-Have ss work individually 2. some
- Ask ss to read aloud the full sentences to 3.any
check 4.some/any
5 any/some
3. Review about How much and How
many - Work in pairs to ask and answer
E5. Page . Make questions with How
many, How much Key :
-Have ss work in pairs to make questions 2. How much milk is there in the bottle?
and answer 3. How many cans of lemonade do you need?
- Call on some ss to write the questions on 4.How many apples has Peter got in his bag?
the board 5. How much rice is there left in the electric
- T confirms the correct questions cooker?

10' C. Communication .
1. Complete the conversation -Work individually then compare the answers with
-Run through the sentences their partners
-Work individually then compare the Key:
answers with their partners 1-D
- Check the answers with the whole class 2-B
- Call on some pairs to practice 3-A
2. Self - assessment 4-C
? Complete the self-assessment.
- Teacher finds out any difficult and weak
areas from students.
- Complete the self-assessment.
D. Project
- T guides ss how to prepare the project at

Page 77
3' III. Consolidation
? Sum up the main content of the - Listen
2' IV. Homework Listen and take note the assignments
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Complete the project of Unit 5.- Prepare
next lesson: Unit 6. Lesson 1: Getting

Saturday, December , 10th 2017

Period 41 REVIEW 2

I. Prepositions:
a) Place: to; on; at; in; in to; between; opposite; next to; from ... to.
b) Time: at; in; on; from ... to; between; until; before; after.
c) Traffic: by; on
Ex: by car; by train; on foot.
II. Sentences:
1. An exclamatory sentence:
Ex: * Những lời phàn nàn (complaints):
- What an expensive dress!
- What a wet day!
* Những lời khen ngợi (compliment):
- What a great party!
- What a bright room!
2. Questions:
* Wh - questions:
Ex: - Where are you going? - I am going to the market.
- Why don't you go to school? - Because we have a vacation.
- Where does she work? - She works at a supermarket.
- What do you usually do after school ? – I help my mom.
- What do you usually do at recess ? – I play marbles.
* Yes - No questions:
Ex: - Are you a student? - Yes, I am.
- Does she have English on Monday? - No, she doesn't.
* Or questions:
Ex: - Do you like soccer or volleyball? - I like soccer.
- Is he a mechanic or a driver? - He is a mechanic.
* Questions with How / How old / How many / How much / How far / How often ... ?
3. Suggestions:
Ex: - Let's go swimming. ->Let's + V (infinitive) ...
- Why don't you play soccer? ->Why don't you + V (infinitive) ...?
- Would you like to see a movie?->Would you like + to + V (infinitive) ...?
- Should we play volleyball?->Should we + V (infinitive) ...?
- What about watching TV?->What about + V-ing ...?
4. Responds
* Agreements:

Page 78
- Good idea./- Great!
* Disagreement:
- I'm sorry, I can't.
5. Invitation:
Ex: - Would you like to come to my house for lunch?
→ - Would you like to + V (infinitive)...?
6. Polite acceptance:
- OK./- I'd love to./- Thanks for inviting me.
7. Polite refusal:
- I'm sorry, I can't. Thanks any way.
- I would love to but ...
8. Directions:
Ex: - Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the supermarket, please?
- OK. Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the right. The supermarket is in front of you
- Could you tell me how to get the souvenir shop?
9. Mất bao lâu thời gian dể làm gì :
How long does it take + (O) + to V => It takes + (O) + to V…
10 Hỏi về khoảng cách :
How far is it from ………………to ……………? => It about + k/c…..
11. Hỏi giá tiền : C1: How much + tobe + S ? => S + tobe + giá tiền
C2 : How much + do /does + S + cost ? => S + cost(s) + giá tiền
12. Tính từ kép :
Số đếm- N(đếm được số ít)
Ex : 15-minute break ( có dấu gạch nối và không có S)

III. Thể so sánh:

a) Comparatives:
* Tính từ ngắn:
Ex: - She is thinner than me. (I am)
- This box is bigger than that one. (box)
S +be + adj-er + than ...
* Tính từ dài:
Ex: - This student is more intelligent than that one. (student)
* Tính từ đặc biệt:
- good → better : tốt hơn
- bad → worse : xấu hơn, kém hơn
- far → farther : xa hơn
b) Superlatives:
* Tính từ ngắn: the + adj-est ...
Ex: - She is the tallest girl in my class.
* Tính từ dài:
the + most + adj ...
Ex: - This is the most beautiful village in the country.
* Tính từ đặc biệt:
- good / well → the best : tốt nhất, khoẻ nhất
- bad → the worst : xấu nhất, kém nhất
- far → the farthest / the furthest : xa nhất
VI. Đồng ý khảng điịnh với TOO VA SO
S + Be, Too
So + be + S
VII. Gerund : Like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy …….. + V_ing.
VIII. Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ cấp đô ̣ thường Xuyên :
Always , usually, …………Trước đô ̣ng từ thường, sau đô ̣ng từ tobe.

Page 79
IX. s sánh của danh từ :
Much/ many => more + N
Few => fewer + N(đếm được số nhiều)
Little => less + N( không đếm được)

Period 42: TEST 45 MINUTES

I. Objectives:
- To test students the knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, garmmar, skills of listening, reading
and writing.
II. Contents:

Full name:………… Class: …….

I. Listen to 5 people talking about different cities. Match the opinions A-E to the speakers 1-5
(Write the number into the box)
A. The traffic is terrible in this city.
B. The weather in this city isn't very good.
C. This city should be cleaner.
Page 80
D. People in this city are not very friendly.
E. People in this city need to slow down.


II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
6. A. sausage B aunt C. sauce D. because
7. A. sickness B. sound C. measure D. arts
8. A. chemistry B. chocolate C. charity D. speech
9. A. teach B. chair C. chef D. change
10. A. exciting B. itchy C. fine D. kind
11. A. exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition
12. A. tutor B. volunteer C. computer D. community

III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.

13. We can make postcards and sell them to ______ money to help the homeless.
A. rise B. raise C. get D. own
14. I haven’t got ________ bread left for breakfast.
A. some B. no C. any D. none
15. How ________ salt do I need to put in the soup?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
16. How can I help you? – Yes, I need a _________ of noodles, please.
A. packet B. bowl C. dozen D. tube
17. Can you help me how _________ this food?
A. cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked
18. My cousin, Mai, is the same age ________ me.
A. Like B. to C. of D. as
19. Cu Do is sweet because it has a lot of _______ .
A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
20. Last year, Phuc participated in _______ funds for street children.
A. raising B. making C. gathering D. taking
21. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t _________
A. So B. neither C. too D. either
22. My brother’s taste is different ________ mine.
A. than B. as C. too D. from
23. This is the first time I ________ to her like that.
A. talk B. to talk C. have talked D. talking
24. My sister _______ that film already.
A. sees B. saw C. too see D. has seen
25. I forgot to wear a sun hat and now I have a _________
A. stomachache B. sore throat C. headache D. cold

IV. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful conversation. Write number
from 26-33 in the blanks:
_______ A. David: Is there any meat?
_______ B. David: Great! Yuk. This isn’t the tomato sauce!
_______ C. David: I’m quite hungry. Are there any biscuits?
_______ D. David: Thanks. Nice chickens! Is there any tomato sauce?
_______ E. Susan: Oh, sorry. My fault. It’s hot chili sauce.
_______ F. Susan: I’m not sure. Uh, no, there aren’t. There are no biscuits and there aren’t any
cakes but there are some cheese sandwiches.
_______ G. Susan: Yes, there’s a bottle in the bag. Here you are.
_______ H. Susan: Yes, there’s some cold chicken. And here are some tomatoes.
Page 81
V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box.
hobby improve when taught writes
because ending might myself cultures

My name is Sara. My favourite (34) ____________ is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I
am free. I started to do it (35)___________I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt
interested. So I kept reading. The teachers (36)____________ me to read the difficult words. I was
happy when I read a story with a happy (37) ____________. I was thrilled when I read a detective
story. I enjoy reading (38) __________ I like to explore the imaginative world of my favourite
author, J.K. Rowling who (39) ______________ “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of
reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items. Then I can
further (40) __________my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited imagination, so I can
write books in the future. I can learn the different (41) __________ and customs of other countries in
the world too. I read at least one hour every day. I read books by (42) _________. I usually read it at
home. I wish I could read different kinds of books because it (43) _________ be very challenging.


VI. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, beginning with the given words:
44. Her book is not the same as mine.
=> My book is _________________________________________________________
45. I last saw Mr. Linh three days ago.
=> I haven’t____________________________________________________________
46. Hoa is as old as Nga.
=> Hoa is the _________________________________________________________

VII. Reorder the words/phrases to make complete sentences:

47. pop music/either/I don't like/my brother/and/doesn’t,
48. collected/ car models/We/so far/have/one hundred/over
49. height/friend/Minh/the same/is/his/as.
50. five months/ the/ haven’t/ They/cleaned up/ for/street
Number 2

I. Listen to 5 people talking about different cities. Match the opinions A-E to the speakers 1-5
(Write the number into the box)
A. The traffic is terrible in this city.
B. The weather in this city isn't very good.
C. This city should be cleaner.
D. People in this city are not very friendly.
E. People in this city need to slow down.


Page 82
II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
6. A. chef B. chair C. teach D. change
7. A. television B. sickness C. measure D. closure
8. A. character B. school C. charity D. Christmas
9. A. chef B. challenging C. teacher D. change
10. A. kind B. itchy C. fine D. exciting
11. A. nature B. question C. future D. tradition
12. A. community B. computer C. volunteer D. tutor

III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.

13. My brother’s taste is different ________ mine.

A. than B. as C. too D. from
14. We can help the people in flooded area by ______ money and clothes.
A. donate B. donating C. donated D. donates
15. This is the first time I ________ to her like that.
A. talk B. to talk C. have talked D. talking
16. There aren’t ________ milk in the bottle.
A. any B. no C. some D. none
17. My sister _______ that film already.
A. sees B. saw C. too see D. has seen
18. How can I help you? – Yes, I need a _________ of tea, please.
A. packet B. bowl C. dozen D. tube
19. My cousin, Mai is the same age ________ me.
A. like B. to C. of D. as
20. Cu Do is sweet because it has a lot of _______ .
A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
21. I like watching ballet, and my sister does, _________
A. So B. neither C. too D. either
22. How ________ eggs do I need to make an omelette?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
23. I ate a lot of junk food and now I have a _________
A. stomachache B. sore throat C. headache D. cold
24. Last year, Phuc participated in _______ funds for street children.
A. raising B. making C. gathering D. taking
25. Can you help me how _________ this food?
A. cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked

IV. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful conversation. Write number
from 26-33 in the blanks:
_______ A. David: Is there any meat?
_______ B. David: Great! Yuk. This isn’t the tomato sauce!
_______ C. David: I’m quite hungry. Are there any biscuits?
_______ D. David: Thanks. Nice chickens! Is there any tomato sauce?
_______ E. Susan: Oh, sorry. My fault. It’s hot chili sauce.
_______ F. Susan: I’m not sure. Uh, no, there aren’t. There are no biscuits and there aren’t any
cakes but there are some cheese sandwiches.
_______ G. Susan: Yes, there’s a bottle in the bag. Here you are.
_______ H. Susan: Yes, there’s some cold chicken. And here are some tomatoes.

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box.
hobby improve when taught writes
because ending might myself cultures
Page 83
My name is Sara. My favourite (34) ____________ is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I
am free. I started to do it (35)___________I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt
interested. So I kept reading. The teachers (36)____________ me to read the difficult words. I was
happy when I read a story with a happy (37) ____________. I was thrilled when I read a detective
story. I enjoy reading (38) __________ I like to explore the imaginative world of my favourite
author, J.K. Rowling who (39) ______________ “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of
reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items. Then I can
further (40) __________my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited imagination, so I can
write books in the future. I can learn the different (41) __________ and customs of other countries in
the world too. I read at least one hour every day. I read books by (42) _________. I usually read it at
home. I wish I could read different kinds of books because it (43) _________ be very challenging.


VI. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, beginning with the given words:
44. Bao’s book is as expensive as mine.
=> Bao’s book is the ____________________________________________________
45. The last time we saw Mr. Linh was last year.
=> We haven’t____________________________________________________________
46. The countryside is not the same as the city.
=> The countryside is _________________________________________________________

VII. Reorder the words/phrases to make complete sentences:

47. don’t like/ iced-tea/either./doesn’t,/I/my sister/and
48. been/friends/have/We/ twelve years old./since/ we were
49. same colour/ my house./Her house/the/is/as
50. two weeks./hasn’t/written to/for/She/her uncle and aunt

Page 84
Friday, December , 16th 2017


A. Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand some information about the
Temple of Literature and the Imperial Academy.
2. Skills: Listening, reading and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the historic and cultural places.
4. Competencies: Giving advice to a specific situation.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Cassette, CD, pictures of the Temple of Literature and Imperial Academy.
- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused how much and how many.
C. Procedure


I. Warm up: - Listen to the teacher and then answer the
3’ Chatting: Show the pictures of the Temple of questions.
Literature and Imperial Academy. ? Do you know what is it?
II. New Lesson: ? Where is it?
1. vocabulary: ? Do you know any historic information about
- arrange (v)- example/- arrangement (n) it?
- to make arrangement for…. - Say if they know more about the Imperial
- Imperial Academy (n) Academy.
- historic (n)- word form
5’ - cultural (a) - Listen and take notes new words in the
- contain (v) notebook.
- found (v) thành lập/ Foundation (n) -Predict to answer the questions
- locate(v) (synonym with put) -Listen to the CD
- location (n) -Work in pairs: Read and answer
2. Listen and read: Key:
- Set the scene: Ask Sts to look at the picture in 1. She’s going to visit the Temple of
the book and then answer: Literature-the Imperial Academy.
? Who are they 2. It’s the first University in Viet Nam
? What are they doing 3. About one thousand years ago/ In the 21th
?What are they talking about century.
- Play the CD, ask Sts to listen and check their 4. In the center of Hanoi
15’ answer for the prediction questions. 5. Because it will be cold.
-Practice the dialogue in pairs and: - Work in groups.
a. Answer the questions: - Check and note down the answers.
( Questions in the book/p59) Things Mai Things Mai doesn’t
- Get feed back needs to take and need to take and the
Page 85
the reasons why reasons why not
Warm clothes- An umbrella-
will be cold cold(winter) and not
much sunlight or rain
photos of
interesting things
b. Read again and complete the table - Note down the new model sentences
Things Mai needs to Things Mai doesn’t
take and the reasons need to take and the
why reasons why not

- Get feedback and give the correct answer. – Ask Sts to work in pairs: Tell your partner
+ Call some Sts to answer about three items you would take with you for
+ correct if necessary. the trip and explain why
- Introduce new model sentences:
+ It’s a good idea to take warm clothes. -Work individually: Tick the table.
+ You’d better
+ You don’t need (to take) an umbrella
+ It’s not necessary to take - Work in pairs in three minutes.
 Use: To give the advice
3. Speaking: Have Sts imagine that they are
going to have a trip to a temple or a pagoda.
a. Look at the table and tick the items you would - Work in pairs
like to take with you.
blanket Warm clothes Tent
Bottled water Ball Umbrella
camera Mobile phone food
b. eg: I’ll take warm clothes because It’ll be
cold. - listen to the situation. Work in groups
(or: I’d like to take…../I’ll need…..)
c. Giving advice to you partner about what to -Some Sts make an example
take and not to take on the trip, give the reasons A: Where will we go?
why. B: We’ll go to Huong Pago da
Eg: A: I want to take a trip to Sapa. A: Who would you like to go with us?
B: You’d better take warm clothes because C: I’d like to go with Mr. D
it’s cold.
10’ 4. Making an arrangement for a trip. Where to go Huong pagoda
-Set the scene: Imagine your class is planning a When to go
trip to Huong pagoda. Work in groups. Ask and Who to go with
answer the questions and fill in the table. How to get there
-Get two students make an example. What to take
Control Sts to work and then get feedback.
What to do
5. Home work:
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Learn by heart the new form - Note down the homework

Friday, December , 16th 2017


A. Aims and objectives.
Page 86
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about some historic places in
Viet Nam, especially the Temple of Literature- Imperial Academy. Know how to pronounce the
sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ , Use the prepositions to describe the position of an item.
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the historic and cultural places.
4. Competencies: Describing an items.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Cassette, CD, pictures of the Temple of Literature and Imperial Academy.
- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused how much and how many.
C. Procedure


I. Warm up
5’ - Greeting
-Checking the old lesson: Games: Gap filling - Play games in groups
1. I_mpe_ial A_adem_
2. C_ltu_al
3. co-sid-r
4. u-niv-rsi-y
5. d-fin-tel-
6. Co-t-ins
7. f-und
8. l-cat-
II. New Lesson
1. Vocabulary
5’ Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures
? How many pictures can you see? -Look at the pictures in the book and
? How many phrases of words are there? answer the teacher’s question.
? What do you do now?
-Let Sts work in groups of four and do the
matching exercise.
-Get feedback and give the keys.
1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a - Work in groups of four
2. Listen and match
-Have Sts look at the layout of the Temple of -Note down the key.
5’ Literature-the Imperial Academy. Ask them to
guess the names of the sections in the layout.
- Play the cassette twice, once for Sts to listen to
the entire recording, and once for them to put the -Guess what is in each numbered position.
names of the sections in the layout.
-Get feedback. Play the third time to check if -Listen carefully.
-Give answers and note down the
3. Speaking: correction if necessary.
Ask Sts to work in pairs and describe the layout Key: 1. Van Mieu gate 2. Khue Van
of the Temple of Literature, use the prepositions pavilion 3. Thien Tinh Quang well
10’ in the box. 4. Doctor’s stone tablets
-Give an example: The Temple of Literature 5. The temple of Literature.
includes four main gates and five courtyards.
- Feedback and correct if necessary. -Work in pairs
4. Pronunciation:
-Pronounce the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/
-Play the recording and ask sts to repeat, pay
attention to the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ - Listen and repeat
15’ - Have two sts write their answers on the board. - Practice

Page 87
- Check and give the keys.
- Write the answers on the board.

- Keys:
- Play the recording, Ask Sts to listen and repeat + /ᵗᶴ/: children, chair, architectural,
the chants. cultural, watch, teach, question.
- Teacher notices Sts about the lip position for the + /ᵈᶾ/: job, jeans, engineer, heritage, village
sound the two sounds.
- Ask Sts to read aloud. - Listen and repeat
- Write words with the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ in the
correct column.
- Feedback: Call two Sts to write them on the -Write
board. Check and give the correct answers.
III. Homework: + /ᵗᶴ/: chicken, chop, cherry, children,
- Learn by heart the new words. chip, cheap, cheaper, which, lunch.
- Practice the sentences again. +/ᵈᶾ/: orange, jam, juice, Jill, John
5’ - Prepare the next lesson.

Saturday, December , 17th 2017


A. Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the passive voice in present
simple tense, then do the exercises in the book.
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Saying or writing in passive form.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Extra board.
- Anticipated problems: Some students may not understand the way to change a sentence into passive
C. Procedure
Time Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities
5’ I. Warm up
- Greeting
-Checking the old lesson: Give some sentences - Look at the extra board and do the task
and tell the sts to find which sentence is in given by the teacher.
passive, which one is in active.
1. My father works for a bank.
2. Lan is taken to school every day by her Passive: 2,3,4
father. Active: 1,5
3. The temple of literature was built in 11
4. Our classroom is swept clearly every

Page 88
5. We play soccer every afternoon.
II. New lesson
1. Form of passive voice:
- Through the sentences above, ask sts to give
the form.
3’ -Form: -Look at the sentences again and make the
(+) S + be (am/is/are) + PP form of passive sentence.
(-) S + be (am/is/are) not + PP
(?) Be (am/is/are) S + PP?
- Ask Sts to read the “ Look out” box.
2. Practice
Exercise 1: Complete the passage using the
past participle of the verbs in the box.
-Have Sts work in groups of four and then do
5’ exercise 1/61, 62
-Get feedback from sts ,Correct - Work in groups of four
Exercise 2:Using the verbs in brackets, write -Note down the key.
the present simple passive. 1. located 2. Surrounded 3. displayed
- Ask Sts to read the example 4. taken 5. considered
- Let sts work individually.
5’ - Feedback and correct if necessary.
+ Call sts to write the answer on the board -Listen to the teacher’s instruction. Then
+ Check and give the correct answer. do the exercise.
-Give answers and note down the
correction if necessary.
Exercise 3: Using the words in box below.. Key:
-Ask sts to read the order of the exercise, ……
teacher makes an example first.
Eg: The Temple of Literature is surrounded by
brick walls.
7’ - Ask sts to make similar sentences, using the -Work in pairs
words in the box below.
brick walls trees and flowers courtyards
food and drink tickets
-Come to write on the board.
- Have two sts write their answers on the board.
- Check and correct if necessary.
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the
words from the box. Work in pairs and do the task 4
- Ask sts to read the order and then work in
pairs to complete the sentences.
- Get feedback and correct.
Exercise 5: Ordering the parts of the passage
and then circle the passive sentences in past 1. was 2. constructed 3. were
5’ simple . 4. regarded 5. renamed
- Let Sts work in groups of four, do the task.
- call some of the students to speak out their
answer, others remark.
- Correct if necessary
7’ - Feedback: Call two Sts to write them on the
board. Check and give the correct answers.
3. Game: Lucky number - Work in groups of four, order the parts of
III. Homework: a passage.
- Learn by heart the new words. Key: D-C-A-B
- Practice the sentences again.

Page 89
- Prepare the next lesson.

1 2 3 4 5
5’ 6 7 8 9 10


Monday, December 22nd 2017



A. Aims and objectives .

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the tips for trips in some exercises.
2. Skills: Reading and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Know how to prepare before a trip.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Extra board/words cues.
C. Procedure
5’ I. Warm up
- Greeting
-Chatting: -Listen to the teacher and answer the
+ Do you often go on a trip far away from questions.
+ Where did you use to go?
+ What did you do before going?
+ What did you bring with?
II. New lesson
10’ 1. Tips for trips
-Ask Sts to read the situation in section a
- Let the work in groups a. Read and write Do for what you think
they should do, Don’t for what you think
- Get feedback they shouldn’t do.
+ Call some groups to speak out their answers. -Read the situation. Then work in groups
+ Check and correct. of four.
- Compare with other groups.
- Note down the answer keys
Answer Keys:
1-Do 2-Do 3-Do 4- Do 5-Don’t
6- Do 7- Don’t 8- Do 9-Don’t 10-Do
-Ask Sts to work in pairs, use the information
10’ above and then give advice to the partner. b. Work in pairs: Give advice
+ Note down the way to give advice:
 You’d better + V…
+ Note down the way to give advice.
 You should/shouldn’t +V…
 It would be better if you ….
 You ought to + V….

Page 90
 You must + V…..
- Let Sts have five minutes to practice
Eg: You’d better book a hotel in advance so + Practice giving advice in pairs.
that you are sure you have a room.
- Call some pairs to speak out before the class.
+ Speak out.
2. Game cards: + Give remarks.
Do preparation for the game:
- Group the sts in five a. Preparation
10’ - Give each group five cards and ask each
student chooses one. -Work in groups of five
- Give Sts instruction on how to play the game. -Receive the cards given by the teacher.
Each student shows the card and makes a b. Instruction:
sentence with the phrase written on it, using the -Listen to the instruction of the game.
present simple voice.
One student from the second group changes the
sentence into the present passive voice.
- Ask two students to make example.

- Two Sts come to make example.

- Let Sts play the game in 10 minutes. A: They grow a lot of trees and flowers
- Move around and help weak Sts. in the Temple of Literature.
B: A lot of trees and flowers are grown
- Get feedback.
in the Temple of Literature.
3. Consolidation:
- Let Sts do exercise 2/43 in workbook in
7’ - Call some pairs to read the dialogues
aloud. Ask Them to notice about the - Practice reading the dialogues, paying
sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ attention to the words with the sounds /ᵗᶴ/
- /ᵈᶾ/
III. Homework: +Work in pairs and do exercise 2 in work
- Think more about the place you are book/43
going to visit and write out what you + Read aloud before the class.
should do to prepare for your trip there.
- Do exercise in section B-workbook/43-
3’ - Prepare the next lesson.

-note down the homework

Monday, December 22nd 2017

Period: 47 TEST REVIEW

I. Objectives:
- To review phonetics, vocabulary, garmmar, skills of listening, reading and writing.
II. Contents:

Page 91
I. Listen to 5 people talking about different cities. Match the opinions A-E to the speakers 1-5
(Write the number into the box)
A. The traffic is terrible in this city. 5
B. The weather in this city isn't very good. 4
C. This city should be cleaner. 2
D. People in this city are not very friendly. 3
E. People in this city need to slow down. 1


II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
6. A. sausage B aunt C. sauce D. because
7. A. sickness B. sound C. measure D. arts
8. A. chemistry B. chocolate C. charity D. speech
9. A. teach B. chair C. chef D. change
10. A. exciting B. itchy C. fine D. kind
11. A. exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition
12. A. tutor B. volunteer C. computer D. community

III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.

13. We can make postcards and sell them to ______ money to help the homeless.
rise B. raise C. get D. own
14. I haven’t got ________ bread left for breakfast.
some B. no C. any D. none
15. How ________ salt do I need to put in the soup?
many B. much C. some D. any
16. How can I help you? – Yes, I need a _________ of noodles, please.
packet B. bowl C. dozen D. tube
17. Can you help me how _________ this food?
cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked
18. My cousin, Mai, is the same age ________ me.
like B. to C. of D. as
19. Cu Do is sweet because it has a lot of _______ .
salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
20. Last year, Phuc participated in _______ funds for street children.
raising B. making C. gathering D. taking
21. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t _________
So B. neither C. too D. either
22. My brother’s taste is different ________ mine.
than B. as C. too D. from
23. This is the first time I ________ to her like that.
talk B. to talk C. have talked D. talking
24. My sister _______ that film already.
sees B. saw C. too see D. has seen
25. I forgot to wear a sun hat and now I have a _________
stomachache B. sore throat C. headache D. cold

IV. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful conversation. Write number
from 26-33 in the blanks:
___3____ A. David: Is there any meat?
___7____ B. David: Great! Yuk. This isn’t the tomato sauce!
Page 92
___1____ C.
David: I’m quite hungry. Are there any buiscuits?
___5____ D.
David: Thanks. Nice chickens! Is there any tomato sauce?
___8____ E.
Susan: Oh, sorry. My fault. It’s hot chilli sauce.
___2____ F.
Susan: I’m not sure. Uh, no, there aren’t. There are no biscuits and there aren’t any
cakes but there are some cheese sandwiches.
___6____ G. Susan: Yes, there’s a bottle in the bag. Here you are.
___4____ H. Susan: Yes, there’s some cold chicken. And here are some tomatoes.

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box.
hobby improve when taught writes
because ending might myself cultures

My name is Sara. My favourite (34) ____hobby________ is reading. I enjoy reading a book

when I am free. I started to do it (35)___when _______I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt
interested. So I kept reading. The teachers (36)______taught______ me to read the difficult words. I
was happy when I read a story with a happy (37) _____ending_______. I was thrilled when I read a
detective story. I enjoy reading (38) ____because______ I like to explore the imaginative world of my
favourite author, J.K. Rowling who (39) _______writes_______ “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of
advantages of reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items.
Then I can further (40) ______improve_______my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited
imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different (41) ____cultures______ and
customs of other countries in the world too. I read at least one hour every day. I read books by (42)
____myself_____. I usually read it at home. I wish I could read different kinds of books because it (43)
____might_____ be very challenging.

VI. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, beginning with the given words:
44. Her book is not the same as mine.
=> My book is different from hers/ her book
45. I last saw Mr. Linh three days ago.
=> I haven’t seen Mr. Linh for three days.
46. Hoa is as old as Nga.
=> Hoa is the same age as Nga.

VII. Reorder the words/phrases to make complete sentences:

47. pop music/either/I don't like/my brother/and/doesn’t,
-> I don’t like Pop music and my brother doesn’t, either.
48. collected/ car models/We/so far/have/one hundred/over
-> We have collected over one hundred car models so far.
49. height/friend/Minh/the same/is/his/as.
-> Minh is the same high as his friend.
50. five months/ the/ haven’t/ They/cleaned up/ for/street
-> They haven’t cleaned up the street for five months.

Period: 47 TEST REVIEW

I. Objectives:
- To review phonetics, vocabulary, garmmar, skills of listening, reading and writing.
II. Contents:
_______________________ _______________________________________


Page 93
I. Listen to 5 people talking about different cities. Match the opinions A-E to the speakers 1-5
(Write the number into the box)
A. The traffic is terrible in this city. 5
B. The weather in this city isn't very good. 4
C. This city should be cleaner. 2
D. People in this city are not very friendly. 3
E. People in this city need to slow down. 1


II. Circle the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
6. A. chef B. chair C. teach D. change
7. A. television B. sickness C. measure D. closure
8. A. character B. school C. charity D. Christmas
9. A. chef B. challenging C. teacher D. change
10. A. kind B. itchy C. fine D. exciting
11. A. nature B. question C. future D. tradition
12. A. community B. computer C. volunteer D. tutor

III. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence below.

13. My brother’s taste is different ________ mine.

A. than B. as C. too D. from
14. We can help the people in flooded area by ______ money and clothes.
A. donate B. donating C. donated D. donates
15. This is the first time I ________ to her like that.
A. talk B. to talk C. have talked D. talking
16. There aren’t ________ milk in the bottle.
A. any B. no C. some D. none
17. My sister _______ that film already.
A. sees B. saw C. too see D. has seen
18. How can I help you? – Yes, I need a _________ of tea, please.
A. packet B. bowl C. dozen D. tube
19. My cousin, Mai is the same age ________ me.
A. like B. to C. of D. as
20. Cu Do is sweet because it has a lot of _______ .
A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
21. I like watching ballet, and my sister does, _________
A. So B. neither C. too D. either
22. How ________ eggs do I need to make an omelette?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
23. I ate a lot of junk food and now I have a _________
A. stomachache B. sore throat C. headache D. cold
24. Last year, Phuc participated in _______ funds for street children.
A. raising B. making C. gathering D. taking
25. Can you help me how _________ this food?
A. cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked

IV. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful conversation. Write number
from 26-33 in the blanks:
___3____ A. David: Is there any meat?
___7____ B. David: Great! Yuk. This isn’t the tomato sauce!
___1____ C. David: I’m quite hungry. Are there any buiscuits?
Page 94
___5____ D. David: Thanks. Nice chickens! Is there any tomato sauce?
___8____ E. Susan: Oh, sorry. My fault. It’s hot chilli sauce.
___2____ F. Susan: I’m not sure. Uh, no, there aren’t. There are no biscuits and there aren’t any
cakes but there are some cheese sandwiches.
___6____ G. Susan: Yes, there’s a bottle in the bag. Here you are.
___4____ H. Susan: Yes, there’s some cold chicken. And here are some tomatoes.

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box.
hobby improve when taught writes
because ending might myself cultures

My name is Sara. My favourite (34) ____hobby________ is reading. I enjoy reading a book

when I am free. I started to do it (35)___when _______I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt
interested. So I kept reading. The teachers (36)______taught______ me to read the difficult words. I
was happy when I read a story with a happy (37) _____ending_______. I was thrilled when I read a
detective story. I enjoy reading (38) ____because______ I like to explore the imaginative world of my
favourite author, J.K. Rowling who (39) _______writes_______ “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of
advantages of reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items.
Then I can further (40) ______improve_______my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited
imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different (41) ____cultures______ and
customs of other countries in the world too. I read at least one hour every day. I read books by (42)
____myself_____. I usually read it at home. I wish I could read different kinds of books because it (43)
____might_____ be very challenging.


VI. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, beginning with the given words:
44. Bao’s book is as expensive as mine.
=> Bao’s book is the same price as mine.
45. The last time we saw Mr. Linh was last year.
=> We haven’t seen Mr. Linh since last year.
46. The countryside is not the same as the city.
=> The countryside is different from the city.

VII. Reorder the words/phrases to make complete sentences:

47. don’t like/ iced-tea/either./doesn’t,/I/my sister/and
=> I don’t like tea and my sister doesn’t, either.
48. been/friends/have/We/ twelve years old./since/ we were
=> We have been friends since we were twelve years old.
49. same colour/ my house./Her house/the/is/as
=> Her house is the same colour as my house.
50. two weeks./hasn’t/written to/for/She/her uncle and aunt
=> She hasn’t written to her uncle and aunt for two weeks.

Monday, December 25th 2017


Page 95
LESSON 5/48: Skills 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the tips for trips through some
2. Skills: Reading and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Know how to prepare before a trip.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Extra board/words cues.
C. Procedure


I. Warm up
- Greeting
7’ -Taking survey:
Ask to fill in the table:
Name Visited Read Watched Heard -Work in groups of 6 students, ask
it about it on TV about it and answer to complete the survey.
it from
- Get feedback.
+ Call some students to report the result.
II. New lesson
1. Reading
a. Pre reading: -Read the questions in 1. Then work
-Ask Sts to read the questions in 1 and then discuss in groups of four to discuss the
15’ the answers. answers.
- Let the work in groups - Compare with other groups.
- Get feedback - Note down the answer keys
+ Call some groups to speak out their answers.
+ Check and correct.
b. While-reading: - Read individually and answer the
- Ask Sts to read the passage individually, then questions.
answer the questions below.
- Ask Sts to compare the answers with the others. - Compare the answers with
- Call some students to speak out the answers. Check others
and correct if necessary. - Speak out the answer
1. In 1706
2. Because thousands of
Vietnamese scholars
graduated from it
b. Post-reading: 3. Chu Van An
- Ask Sts to do exercise 3/ 124 4. It is considered the first
- Do the matching university in Viet Nam.
- Get feedback and give the keys. -Work in groups of four, do the
matching exercise.
Note down the answer keys:
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C
2. Speaking:
a. Pre-speaking:
- Ask Sts to look at the pictures in the book and
answer: - Look at the pictures in the
? How many pictures are there? book, answer the teacher’s

Page 96
? Who are they? questions.
Where can you see these pictures?
15’ b. While-reading:
-Ask Sts to work in pairs. Then, ask some other
students to give answers in front of the class. - Read then work in pairs
-Monitor and help the weak students.
- Check and give correct answers.
- Give the answers, others listen
and give comments.
- Emperor Ly Thanh Tong is
considered the founder of the Temple.
- Emperor Ly Nhan Tong is regarded
as the builder of the Imperial
The erection of the doctor’s stone
4. Consolidation: tablets was ordered by King Le
6’ Thanh Tong
- Retelling story about The Temple of
Literature, using the information in number
2,3, 4 - Retelling the story
III. Homework:
- Think more about the place you are going to
visit and write out what you should do to
prepare for your trip there.
- Do exercise in section C-workbook/44-45.
2 - Prepare the next lesson.
-Listen to the teacher’ instruction.

-note down the homework

Monday, December 26th 2017


Lesson 6/49: Skills 2

A. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- use lexical items related to historic places and famous people
- listen to get specific information about a famous person : Chu Van An
- write a paragraph about the history of Temple of Literature- the Imperial Academy
2. Skills: Listening and writing skills.
3. Attitude: Students may not complete the writing because the time is not enough.
4. Competencies: Students are as active as possibleness.
B. Teaching aids: Textbooks, radio.
C. Procedure:
5' I. Warm up Famous teachers in history in Vietnam:

Page 97
Brainstoming Nguyen Binh Khiem
- Teacher elicits the topic from students. Le Quy Don
? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of Chu Van An
famous teachers in history in Vietnam Nguyen Dinh Chieu
- Teacher models
? Work in groups to add as many names as
? Show your list that you have written.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
- The group has the longest list wins the game.
- Introduce the new lesson
17 II.The new lesson
' A Listening - Guess individually
1. Pre- listening
Open prediction (1 P45)
- Has Ss look at four sentences in text book then
complete by choosing one answer by - Listen to the recording and check the
prediction. prediction
- Collect some Ss' ideas
2. While- listening
a. Checking the prediction
Circle the appopriate answer(E1/Page ) Key:
-Has Ss listen to the recording and check the 1-C 2-B 3-B 4-A
- Has Ss compare the answers with their partners
- Gets feedback
- Plays the recording once to check
b . Answer the questions (E 2/ page )
-Run through all the questions - Listen again and answer
- Has Ss listen again and answer the questions . Key:
- Asks ss to share the answer with their partners.
- Calls on some ss to write the answers on the 1. He was born in 1292.
board. 2. He was an honest man.
3. He continued his teaching career and
- Plays the recording again to check. wrote books .
4. He was 78 years old.

3. Post- listening ( Mindmap)

- Has Ss work individually to draw a mindmap. Where? Born
Year when when he died

Chu Van An
Job Age when he died
23 B. Writing
' 1. Pre- writing (E3 P). Complete the table Tim Event Constru Attraction
about the history of the Temple of Literature- the e ctions
Imperial Academy 107 The Empero One of the
- Has Ss to work in groups to find the 0 Templ r Ly historical
information to complete the table. e of Thanh and cultural
-Asks ss to complete the table individually Literat Tong sites of
ure Vietnam
2. While-writing 107 The Empero First univer
Page 98
Write a paragraph about t he history of 6 Imperi r Ly in Vietnam
Temple of Literature- the Imperial al Nhan
Academy(E 4 page ) Acade Tong

148 Doctor King World

4 ’stone Le Cultural
tablets Thanh Heritage
200 The Hanoi Founders
3 four People’ and
states s developers
Commi of the
tee Temple of
- T reminds about the language necessary for
writing ( Reading in skills 1) -Work individually
- Work individually to write . Eg :
The Temple of Literature was built in
V. Homework 1070 by Emperor Ly Thanh Tong. It was
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. ene of the historical and cultural sites of
2' - Write their final version at home
- Ex E1, 2 P42 (Workbook) - Listen and take note the assignments
- Prepare next lesson.

Monday, December 26th 2017


Lesson 7/50: Looking back and Projects

A. Aims and objective.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Recycle the language from the previous sections.
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 6 by doing various activities and exercises.
2. Skills: Speaking, writing skills, vocabulary- grammar and language function.
3. Antitude: Students may have difficulty in words when they express how to make arrangements for
a trip.
4. Competencies: Talking about how to make arrangements for a trip.
B. Teaching aids: Textbook.
C. Procedure
Time Teacher's activities Students' activities
5' 1. Warm up:
- Asks some Ss to write irregular verbs in the 3 Ss write them on the GB in 4'.
past simple and past participle by themselves. Ex: be - was / were - been
Ss sitting at the desks write, too. ....................................
- Corrects.
5' 2. New lesson: I. Vocabulary:
- Asks Ss to do the tasks individually. Activity 2: Work individually in 2'
- Gets feedback. 1, considered 2. named 3. spoken
- Asks Ss to do the tasks individually. 4. located 5. recognised
- Gets feedback. II. Grammar:
15' - Asks Ss to do the tasks individually. Activity 3: Work individually in 3'
- Gets feedback. 1. Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist

Page 99
- Asks Ss to practise in pairs about the Temple 2. A lot of flowers are grown in Da Lat.
of Literature - the Imperial Academy, using the 3. The Hung Kinh's Temple is visited by
information in the table to make up the thousands of people every day.
questions. 4. Many beautiful Cham Towers can be
Ex: seen by tourists in Binh Dinh Province.
Tickets -> What do U have to buy when 5. Many kinds of goods can be bought by
coming into the Temple of Literature - the tourists in Ben Thang Market.
Imperial Academy? Activity 4: Work individually in 3'
.......... 1. They build One Pillar Pagoda under
- Monitors and helps Ss. Emperor Ly Thai Tong in 1049.
- Takes notes and corrects. 2. They constructed the Imperial Academy
- Asks Ss to work in groups and then report under Empereror Ly Nhan Tong in 1076.
their results of their discussion to the whole 3. They ordered the erection of the first
class. Doctors' stone tablet under King Le Thanh
4. They built Tan Ky House in Hoi An two
centuries ago.
5. They completed the construction of Tu
13' Duc Tomb in 1876.
- Asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook III. Communication:
and answer these Qs Activity 5: Work in pairs in 4'
1. What can you see in the picture? Pair work.
2. What does "brochure" mean? Activity 6: Work in groups in 5'
3. What do you usually see in a brochure? a. Talk about the history of the Temple of
4. What is the title of the brochure? Literature - the Imperial Academy.
5. How many parts / sections / pages does the * The Temple of Literature - the Imperial
brochure consist of? Academy is in the centre of Ha Noi. It was
6. What are the sub-titles of the parts / started in the 11 century, the Imperial
sections / pages of the brochure? Academy is considered the first university
7. What can you see in each part / section / in VN......
page? * Give advice about going on trips:
- Asks Ss to make the brochure after that Ss You should/had better take.........because....
discuss and write a short passage at home. * Write about a historic place:
IV. Projects:
5' Pay attention.

Ss' answers.

Work individually after that work in pairs.

3. Homework:
- Complete the writing.
2' - Do all the exercises and review well to take
the first exam better.

Page 100
Monday, January 7th 2018


Period 51: Pronunciation – Grammar - Vocabulary

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- revise pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit 4 to unit 6.
- review the knowledge of pronunciation - Grammar - vocabulary from unit 4 to unit 6: especially the
passive voice.
2. Skills: Reading, writing skills and language function.
3. Attitude: Students won't have enough time to complete activities.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in doing exercises.
II. Teaching aids: Textbooks, teaching plan.
III. Procedure:
Time Teacher's activities Students' activities
2' 1. Warm up: In the teaching
2. New lesson:
5' I. Pronunciation: I. Pronunciation:
- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and Activity 1: work individually in 1'
then share their answers with a partner. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C
- Gets feedback.
5' II. Vocabulary: II. Vocabulary:
- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and Activity 2: work individually in 2'
then share their answers with a partner. 1. music 2. food 3. art
- Gets feedback. 4. drink 5. univisity 6. temple
15' III. Grammar: III. Grammar:
- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and Activity 3: work individually in 2'
checks the answer keys. 1. How many 2. How much
3. How much 4. How many 5. a
6. much 7. some 8. many
- Asks some Ss to read it again.
- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and Activity 4: work individually in 3'
then share their answers with a partner. 1. I think classical music is as exciting as
- Gets feedback. country music.
2. These clothes are not as expensive as I
3. My taste in art is the same as hers ( her
4. The price of foods in Ha Noi is not the
same as it is in Hai Phong.
5. Life in viet nam is different from life in
Activity 5: work individually in 3'
1. The song Auld Lang Syne is sung on
- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and some occasions.
then share their answers with a partner. 2. Viet Nam's anthem Tien Quan Ca was
- Gets feedback. composed by Van Cao.
3. Water puppetry is performed in a pool.
4. A lot of meat was bought (by his mother)
Page 101
5. Rice noodles are made from the best
variety of rice.
10' IV. Everyday English:
IV. Everyday English: Activity 6: work in pairs in 3'
- Asks Ss to practise in pairs .
- Monitors and helps weak Ss. 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D
- Gets feedback. * Make up your dialogue about some
* Asks Ss to make up your dialogue about activities they like. It is the same as a
some activities they like. It is the same as a dialogue in activity 6.
dialogue in activity 6. Ex:
- Monitors and helps weak Ss. A: Do you like to play.......?
- Gets feedback. B: Yes, I do.
A: How often............?
B: ........................ .
A: Who do you play it with?
B: ........................ .

3. Homework:
- Complete all the exercises to prepare to take
the first term test.

Monday, January 8th 2018

Period 52: Skills

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- revise skills from unit 4 to unit 6.
- review the knowledge of skills from unit 4 to unit 6: especially the writing skill.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude: Students must be active in working together.
4. Competencies: Students are interested in doing exercises.
II. Teaching aids: Textbooks, teaching plan.
III. Procedure:
Time Teacher's activities Students' activities
Page 102
1. Warm up: In the teaching
2. New lesson:
5' - Activity 1: I. Reading:
Asks Ss to read and complete the answer Work individually and share with a partner
individually and check with a partner. in 5'
- Monitors and helps weak Ss.
- Gets feedback. Gone with the Wind: 3, 5
- Activity 2: A Space Odyssey: 1, 2, 4
10' Asks Ss to work in pairs: mPlan a trip to a place, II. Speaking:
asking and asnwering questions with the
T: Where would U like to go?
Ss: ..............................................
T: When wwould U like to go there? T - a good student
Ss: ...................................................
T: Who would U like to go with? 2 good Ss practise in class.
Ss: ..............................................
T: How do U want to go there?
Ss: ..................................................
T: What would U like to bring / take with U?
Ss: ..................................................
T: What do U want to do there?
Ss: ......................................................
- Monitors and help weak Ss.
- Gets feedback.
Activity 3: Work in pairs in 5'
- Has Ss work in groups taking turns talking Nam Lien
5' about arrangements for the trip. Then asks each Where to go?
group to choose the Ss who does the task best to When to go?
talk in front of the class. Asks some other Ss to With whom?
give comments. How to go?
What to take?
Activity 4:
- Has Ss look at the Adjs which the man uses to What to do?
5 describe his meal in a restaurant. III. Listening:
Plays the recording once for Ss to listen and tick - Runs through vocab.
their answers. - Listen and tick.
1.great 2 nice 3.fresh 4.delicio
Activity 5: V V us V
- Asks Ss to look at the menu. Plays the cording 5.sweet 6.tasty 7.fine 8.good
5 again for Ss to complete the menu. After Ss have V V V
finished the two exercises. Work in individually and share with a
Appetizer Salad
Main dish Fish, vegetables
? Is this food delicious? Dessert An ice cream
Activity 6: Drink A cup of tea.
10' - Asks Ss to look at the pictures in textbooks and
tell ingredents. - Yes, it is.
- Look at the pictures and write the instructions IV. Writing:
of how to cook a mushroom omelette. Ss tell in class
- Monitors and helps weak Ss.
- Gets feedback and corrects their writings. Some Ss talk in class
Page 103
Ex: First, slice the mushrooms.
Then, beat the eggs in the bowl.
Next, add some salt to the egg mixture. Write individually and share with a friend.
After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add
the mushrooms and cook.
Finally, fold the omelette in half.
3. Homework:
- Review well and complete all the exercises in
exsercise books.

5' Copy


TRƯỜNG THCS: …………… NĂM HỌC 2017-2018
ĐỀ SỐ 1 (Dành cho chương trình thí điểm)
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Họ và tên : ……………………………………………. Lớp : ……………………
(Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi)
I. Listen to a man talking about his meal and then circle A,B,C,D for the food or drink that you hear (1



II. Listen to Richard talking about his family. Write True or False for each sentence (1 point):
0. The oldest person in Richard’s family is his grandmother. ____T____
1. Richard’s grandmother is 60 years old. _________
2. She lives with Richard. _________
3. She was a photographer when she was young. _________
4. Her favorite hobby is computer games. _________


III. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (1 point):
1. A. sunburn B. tutor C. unusual D. tuna
2. A. chemistry B. headache C. chocolate D. Christmas
3. A. leisure B. sure C. decision D. television

Page 104
4. A. sauce B. sausage C. taught D. aunt

IV. Choose A, B, C, D to complete the following sentences (3 points):

1. How many plays _________ she _________ so far?
A. has/written B. did/write C. is/writing D. does/write
2. Duong can’t draw animals and Duy can’t, _________
A. so B. too C. either D. neither
3. Nancy likes _________ eel soup. She thinks it’s delicious.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats
4. Did you buy _________ cooking oil yesterday?
A. some B. a C. any D. an
5. The coffee isn’t very sweet. I’ll add some more _________.
A. Salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
6. _________ eggs do you need? – A dozen, please!
A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much
7. Khue Van pavilion _________ as the symbol of Ha Noi city.
A. regard B. is regarded C. regarded D. regarding
8. Eat _________ junk food or you will be getting fat.
A. more B. much C. less D. a lot of
9. She went out in the sun yesterday, _________ she has a sunburn.
A. but B. because C. or D. so
10. She feels itchy and her nose is running. She says she has _________
A. headache B. toothache C. allergy D. flu
11. I _______ playing board games interesting because I can play them with my friends.
A. find B. think C. say D. tell
12. Last year, we _________ evening classes for fifty children.
A. provided B. providing C. have provided D. to provide

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box (2 points):
future hobby culture improve
when wrote because difficult

My name is Sara. My _________(1) is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free. I started
to do it __________(2) I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading.
The teachers always taught me to read the __________(3) words. I was happy when I read a story with
a happy ending. I was thrilled when I read a detective story. I enjoy reading ___________(4) I like to
explore the imaginative world of my favourite author, J.K. Rowling who _________(5) “ Harry
Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also
learn new vocabulary items. Then I can further ___________(6) my English. Moreover, it can give me
an unlimited imagination, so I will write books in the __________(7). I can learn the different
___________(8) and customs of other countries in the world too.

VI. Read the passage then answer the questions (1 point):

Hello, I’m Nga and I live in the city. People in my city love good food and they often eat three
meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. At about seven in the morning, they usually have a light
breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast. Lunch often starts at about 11.30,
and most of them have lunch at home. They often have rice, fish, meat, and vegetables for lunch.
Dinner often starts at about 8.00 in the evening. It is the main meal of the day. People in my city often
have rice with a lot of fresh vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat. Then, they often
have some fruit and a glass of green tea. I think food in my city is wonderful. It is light and full of
fresh vegetables. It’s healthy and tasty, too.
1. What do people in Nga’s city have for breakfast?

Page 105
2. What time do they have lunch?
3. Which is the main meal of the day?
4. Does she think food in her city is wonderful?

VII. Rearrange the words to form the meaningful sentences (0,5 point)
1. Hoa/ too./ likes/ and/ drawing/ I do,/
2. There / some / are / of / bottles / water / mineral / in / fridge. / the/
VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same (0,5 point)
1. They erected the stone tablets in the Temple of Literature..
 The stone tablets ……………………………………………
2. I think that carving eggshells is unusual.
 I find ………………………………………………


TRƯỜNG THCS: …………………… NĂM HỌC 2017-2018
ĐỀ SỐ 2 (Dành cho chương trình thí điểm)
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Họ và tên : ……………………………………………. Lớp : ……………………
(Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi)
I. Listen to a man talking about his meal and then circle A,B,C,D for the food or drink that you
hear (1 point):



II. Listen to Richard talking about his family. Write True or False for each sentence (1 point):
0. The oldest person in Richard’s family is his grandmother. ____ T ___
1. Richard’s grandmother is 60 years old. _________
2. She lives with Richard. _________
3. She was a photographer when she was young. _________
4. Her favorite hobby is computer games. _________


III. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (1 point):
1. A. usually B. funds C. tuna D. university
2. A. children B. Christmas C. school D. chemistry

Page 106
3. A. measure B. pleasure C. closure D. sure
4. A. aunt B. because C. sauce D. sausage
IV. Choose A, B, C, D to complete the following sentences (3 points):
1. All of us enjoy _________ to classical music.
A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listened
2. Don’t read in bed _________ you will harm your eyes.
A. if B. unless C. or D. so
3. Last year, we _________ evening classes for fifty children.
A. provided B. providing C. have provided D. to provide
4. Eat _________ fresh fruit and vegetables if you want to stay healthy.
A. less B. any C. more D. an
5. Duong can’t draw animals and Duy can’t, _________
A. so B. too C. either D. neither
6.The Japanese eat a lot of fish, _________ they stay more healthy.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
7. There isn’t _________ milk in the bottle.
A. any B. many C. some D. a
8. The Temple of Literature _________ by many trees and flowers.
A. surround B. surrounded C. is surrounded D. surrounding
9. _________ chicken do you want? – Two kilos, please!
A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How far
10. How many plays _________ she _________ so far?
A. has/written B. did/write C. is/writing D. does/write
11. My mother _________ that gardening is interesting and easy.
A. finds B. tells C. thinks D. feels
12. The coffee isn’t very sweet. I’ll add some more _________.
A. Salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box (2 points):
future hobby culture improve

when wrote because difficult

My name is Sara. My _________(1) is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free. I started
to do it __________(2) I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading.
The teachers always taught me to read the __________(3) words. I was happy when I read a story with
a happy ending. I was thrilled when I read a detective story. I enjoy reading ___________(4) I like to
explore the imaginative world of my favourite author, J.K. Rowling who _________(5) “ Harry
Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of reading. Reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also
learn new vocabulary items. Then I can further ___________(6) my English. Moreover, it can give me
an unlimited imagination, so I will write books in the __________(7). I can learn the different
___________(8) and customs of other countries in the world too.

VI. Read the passage then answer the questions (1 point):

Hello, I’m Nga and I live in the city. People in my city love good food and they often eat three
meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. At about seven in the morning, they usually have a light
breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast. Lunch often starts at about 11.30,
and most of them have lunch at home. They often have rice, fish, meat, and vegetables for lunch.
Dinner often starts at about 8.00 in the evening. It is the main meal of the day. People in my city often
have rice with a lot of fresh vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat. Then, they often
have some fruit and a glass of green tea. I think food in my city is wonderful. It is light and full of
fresh vegetables. It’s healthy and tasty, too.
1. What do people in Nga’s city have for breakfast?
Page 107
2. What time do they have lunch?
3. Which is the main meal of the day?
4. Does she think food in her city is wonderful?
VII. Rearrange the words to form the meaningful sentences (0,5 point)
1. from / My sister’s / is / mine. / dress / different /

2. the/ The Doctors’ Stone Tablets / 11th century./ were /erected /in/
VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same (0,5 point)
1. They plant trees and flowers around the Temple of Literature.
 Trees and flowers are ……………………………………………
2. I think that making models is difficult.
 I find ………………………………………………

Monday, January, 15th 2018

Lesson 54: TEST REVIEW (Test 1)

I. Listen to a man talking about his meal and then circle A,B,C,D for the food or drink that you hear (1



II. Listen to Richard talking about his family. Write True or False for each sentence (1 point):
0. The oldest person in Richard’s family is his grandmother. ____T____
1. Richard’s grandmother is 60 years old. ____F_____
2. She lives with Richard. ____F_____
3. She was a photographer when she was young. ____T_____
4. Her favorite hobby is computer games. ____T_____


III. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (1 point):
1. A. sunburn B. tutor C. unusual D. tuna
2. A. chemistry B. headache C. chocolate D. Christmas
3. A. leisure B. sure C. decision D. television
4. A. sauce B. sausage C. taught D. aunt

IV. Choose A, B, C, D to complete the following sentences (3 points):

Page 108
1. How many plays _________ she _________ so far?
A. has/written B. did/write C. is/writing D. does/write
2. Duong can’t draw animals and Duy can’t, _________
A. so B. too C. either D. neither
3. Nancy likes _________ eel soup. She thinks it’s delicious.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats
4. Did you buy _________ cooking oil yesterday?
A. some B. a C. any D. an
5. The coffee isn’t very sweet. I’ll add some more _________.
A. Salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
6. _________ eggs do you need? – A dozen, please!
A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much
7. Khue Van pavilion _________ as the symbol of Ha Noi city.
A. regard B. is regarded C. regarded D. regarding
8. Eat _________ junk food or you will be getting fat.
A. more B. much C. less D. a lot of
9. She went out in the sun yesterday, _________ she has a sunburn.
A. but B. because C. or D. so
10. She feels itchy and her nose is running. She says she has _________
A. headache B. toothache C. allergy D. flu
11. I _______ playing board games interesting because I can play them with my friends.
A. find B. think C. say D. tell
12. Last year, we _________ evening classes for fifty children.
A. provided B. providing C. have provided D. to provide

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box (2 points):
future hobby culture improve
when wrote because difficult

My name is Sara. My ____ hobby _____(1) is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free. I
started to do it __________(2) I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept
reading. The teachers always taught me to read the _____ difficult _____(3) words. I was happy when
I read a story with a happy ending. I was thrilled when I read a detective story. I enjoy reading ____
because _______(4) I like to explore the imaginative world of my favourite author, J.K. Rowling who
____ wrote _____(5) “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of reading. Reading can make me
relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items. Then I can further ______ improve _____(6)
my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited imagination, so I will write books in the _____
future _____(7). I can learn the different _____ culture ______(8) and customs of other countries in
the world too.

VI. Read the passage then answer the questions (1 point):

Hello, I’m Nga and I live in the city. People in my city love good food and they often eat three
meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. At about seven in the morning, they usually have a light
breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast. Lunch often starts at about 11.30,
and most of them have lunch at home. They often have rice, fish, meat, and vegetables for lunch.
Dinner often starts at about 8.00 in the evening. It is the main meal of the day. People in my city often
have rice with a lot of fresh vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat. Then, they often
have some fruit and a glass of green tea. I think food in my city is wonderful. It is light and full of
fresh vegetables. It’s healthy and tasty, too.
1. What do people in Nga’s city have for breakfast?
-They usually have light breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast.
2. What time do they have lunch?
They have lunch at about 11.30.

Page 109
3. Which is the main meal of the day?
-Dinner is the main meal of the day.
4. Does she think food in her city is wonderful?
-Yes, she does.

VII. Rearrange the words to form the meaningful sentences (0,5 point)
1. Hoa/ too./ likes/ and/ drawing/ I do,/
- Hoa likes drawing and I do, too.
2. There / some / are / of / bottles / water / mineral / in / fridge. / the/
-There are some bottles of mineral water in the fridge.
VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same (0,5 point)
1. They erected the stone tablets in the Temple of Literature..
 The stone tablets were erected in the Temple of Literature.
2. I think that carving eggshells is unusual.
 I find carving eggshells unusual.

Lesson 54: TEST REVIEW (Test 2)

I. Listen to a man talking about his meal and then circle A,B,C,D for the food or drink that you
hear (1 point):


II. Listen to Richard talking about his family. Write True or False for each sentence (1 point):
0. The oldest person in Richard’s family is his grandmother. ____ T ___
1. Richard’s grandmother is 60 years old. ____F_____
2. She lives with Richard. ____F_____
3. She was a photographer when she was young. ____T_____
4. Her favorite hobby is computer games. ____T_____


III. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (1 point):
1. A. usually B. funds C. tuna D. university
2. A. children B. Christmas C. school D. chemistry
3. A. measure B. pleasure C. closure D. sure
4. A. aunt B. because C. sauce D. sausage
IV. Choose A, B, C, D to complete the following sentences (3 points):
1. All of us enjoy _________ to classical music.
A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listened
2. Don’t read in bed _________ you will harm your eyes.
A. if B. unless C. or D. so
3. Last year, we _________ evening classes for fifty children.
A. provided B. providing C. have provided D. to provide
4. Eat _________ fresh fruit and vegetables if you want to stay healthy.

Page 110
A. less B. any C. more D. an
5. Duong can’t draw animals and Duy can’t, _________
A. so B. too C. either D. neither
6.The Japanese eat a lot of fish, _________ they stay more healthy.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
7. There isn’t _________ milk in the bottle.
A. any B. many C. some D. a
8. The Temple of Literature _________ by many trees and flowers.
A. surround B. surrounded C. is surrounded D. surrounding
9. _________ chicken do you want? – Two kilos, please!
A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How far
10. How many plays _________ she _________ so far?
A. has/written B. did/write C. is/writing D. does/write
11. My mother _________ that gardening is interesting and easy.
A. finds B. tells C. thinks D. feels
12. The coffee isn’t very sweet. I’ll add some more _________.
A. Salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon

V. Read and fill in the blanks with ONE word given in the box (2 points):
future hobby culture improve

when wrote because difficult

My name is Sara. My ____ hobby _____(1) is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free. I
started to do it __________(2) I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept
reading. The teachers always taught me to read the _____ difficult _____(3) words. I was happy when
I read a story with a happy ending. I was thrilled when I read a detective story. I enjoy reading ____
because _______(4) I like to explore the imaginative world of my favourite author, J.K. Rowling who
____ wrote _____(5) “ Harry Potter” . There are a lot of advantages of reading. Reading can make me
relaxed and calm. I can also learn new vocabulary items. Then I can further ______ improve _____(6)
my English. Moreover, it can give me an unlimited imagination, so I will write books in the _____
future _____(7). I can learn the different _____ culture ______(8) and customs of other countries in
the world too.

VI. Read the passage then answer the questions (1 point):

Hello, I’m Nga and I live in the city. People in my city love good food and they often eat three
meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. At about seven in the morning, they usually have a light
breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast. Lunch often starts at about 11.30,
and most of them have lunch at home. They often have rice, fish, meat, and vegetables for lunch.
Dinner often starts at about 8.00 in the evening. It is the main meal of the day. People in my city often
have rice with a lot of fresh vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat. Then, they often
have some fruit and a glass of green tea. I think food in my city is wonderful. It is light and full of
fresh vegetables. It’s healthy and tasty, too.
1. What do people in Nga’s city have for breakfast?
-They usually have light breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel soup with some slices of toast.
2. What time do they have lunch?
They have lunch at about 11.30.
3. Which is the main meal of the day?
-Dinner is the main meal of the day.
4. Does she think food in her city is wonderful?
-Yes, she does.
VII. Rearrange the words to form the meaningful sentences (0,5 point)

Page 111
1. from / My sister’s / is / mine. / dress / different /
- My sister’s dress is different from mine.
2. the/ The Doctors’ Stone Tablets / 11 century./ were /erected /in/
- The doctors’ Stone Tablets were erected in the 11th century.
VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same (0,5 point)
1. They plant trees and flowers around the Temple of Literature.
 Trees and flowers are planted around The Temple of Literature.
2. I think that making models is difficult.
 I find making models difficult.

Monday, January 15th 2018

Lesson 1/55: Getting Started

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
"Traffic", use "How............?" to ask about means of transport
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Talking about past habbits with "used to"
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, poster, tape and radio
C. Procedures


Warm up Matching (3 P7)
- ? Run through all the words and phrases in 3 Key:
P7. 1. ride a bike 2. drive a car
? Match a verb on the left with a mean of 3. fly a plane 4. sail on/in a boat
transport on the right. 5. get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a
- There may be more than one correct answers. motorbike....
? Read again in chorus.
I. Pre-listen and read
1. Vocabulary - used to (v): đã từng
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab - traffic (n): sự tắc ngẽn giao
(situation, realia) jam thông
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - except (pre ngoại trừ, trừ ra
* Checking vocab: R.O.R p)
2. Choose a correct answer (1a P7) - Repeat in chorus and individually
* Set the scene: - Copy all the words
? Look at page 6
? "Monday in the play ground in Viet
? Who are Oanh and Mai? - Individual work
Page 112
? What may they talk about?
? Run through the questions in 1a P7
? Guess and choose a suitable answer before - They are students.
listening. - They may talk about........
? Listen to the conversation once or twice then
check your answer. Key: 1B 2. A 3. B 4. C
- Teacher gets feedback
II. While - listen and read
1. Answer the questions (1b P7) Key:
- ? Read the conversation again then answer the 1. She played with her brother/ stayed at home.
questions in 1b P7 2. It's about 2 kilometers.
? Work in pairs 3. She usually goes to school with her dad.
4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams.
5. She goes to school by bike.

2. Colloquial expressions
? Refer back to the conversation and find the 1. Hey: to have someone's attention
meaning of the colloquial expressions in 1c P7 2. Great idea: when you strongly support or agree
? Practice saying them together and give some with something
examples 3. Can't wait: very excited and keen to do
? Role-play the short conver. in 1d P7. something.
? Creat your short conversations. Use the
colloquial expressions in 1c P7
? Work in pairs

III. Practice .
1. Model sentences (Remember) - How do you come to school? = By what
- Elicit the question from students means do you come to school??
- How do you go to the supermarket? = By
? Practice asking and answering questions using what means do you go to the supermarket?
"How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence. 1. bike/ bicycle 2. bus
2. Write the words (2 P7) 3. plane 4. boat
? Work in pairs. Write the means of transport 5. ship 6. train
under the right pictures. 7. motorbike 8. car
Find someone who never.......
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. 1. ...walks to school Nam
3. Find someone who never....(4 P7) 2. ...goes to school by bus
- Teacher models 3. ...cycles for exercise
4. ...takes a train
5.... sails on/in a boat
? Work in groups 6. ... flies by plane
A : Do you often walk to school?
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. B : Yes, I do.
A : Do you often walk to school?
C (Nam): No. I never walk to school.

IV. Consolidation
? Report find someone who never... - Answer individually

Page 113
? Sum up the main content of the lesson. E.g: Nam never walks to school
V. Homework - Listen and take note the assignments
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

Tuesday, January 16th 2018

Lesson 2/56: A closer look 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic"
- know meaning of road signs
- pronounce sounds /e/ and /ei / correctly ion isolation and in context
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards obeying the transportation rules.
4. Competencies: Talking about the meaning of the road signs
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and radio
C. Procedures


I. Warm up
Brainstorming Suggestion:
? Give all the road signs you see every day on the - stop
way to school - no left turn/ no right turn
? Write as many words as possible - parking/ no parking
? Read again in chorus. - go ahead
- no cycling
- one-way
II. Vocabulary
1. Vocabulary - traffic sign/ road (n): - biển báo giao
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab sign thông
(situation, realia) - lane (n): làn đường, đường
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. hẹp
- seatbelt/ safety belt (n): đai an toàn
- traffic rule (n): luật giao thông
- obey (v): tuân theo
- pavement (n): vỉa hè (cho người
đi bộ)
* Checking vocab: Labeling (2 P8) - Repeat in chorus and individually
? Label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases in - Copy all the words
? Read all the phrases in chorus Key:
- Teacher explains the meaning if necessary. 1. traffic lights 2. no parking
2. Look out 3. no right turn 4. hospital ahead
- Ask students to divide the road signs in 1 into three 5. parking 6. cycle lane
groups: informative, prohibitive, and warning base 7. school ahead 8. no cycling
on their shapes and colours.
- Teacher gets feedback and explains
? Give more examples - A sign within a red triangle will warn you of
- Signs with red circles are mostly prohibitive -
Page 114
that means you can't not do something
- Signs in blue are usually to give information
3. Talk about the road signs (3 87)
? Work in pairs and talk about the road signs you see E.g:
on the way to school (or elsewhere). A: On the way to school, I can see a "no left
- Teacher goes around and give assistance if turn" sign.
necessary, and check their answers. B: On my way to school there is a hospital, so I
can see a "hospital ahead" sign.
III. Pronunciation .
1. Sounds /e/ and /ei/
? How to pronounce the sounds /e/ and /ei/?
- Teacher models and give examples. - listen and repeat
- Ask students to observe teacher's mouth and listen
? Practice the sounds together
2. Listen and repeat (4 P9) - pair work
? Listen to the recording 2 or 3 times
? Repeat in chorus Key:
? Read individually. No /e/ /ei/
3. Identify the sounds (5 P9)) 1 ever break, way
- Play the recording 2 or 3 times
? Listen and distinguish the sound /e/ and /ei/. 2 very railway station
? Recognize all the words with the two sounds, then
underline them as assigned 3 always, obey,
? Work in groups and find words with the two sounds
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. 4 left, when UK
5 They, waiting, next
IV. Consolidation
? Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Answer individually
- Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
? Do Ex A1,2 P3 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2

Wednesday, January 17th 2018

Lesson 3/57: A Closer Look 2

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- use the "it" for distance
- use "used to" to talk about past habit or state
2. Skills: Writing and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards obeying the transportation rules.
4. Competencies: Asking and answering about the distance and means of transports.
B. Preparation

Page 115
- Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and radio
C. Procedures


Warm up Brainstorming Suggestion:
? Work in groups to write activities that you did in Activities I did in the past but not do them any
the past but you don't do them now. more
- ride a buffalo
- play marbles
- cry for candy
- play with a doll
- go for a walk with a dog
I. Presentation
1. Vocabulary - open-air (adj): ở ngoài trời
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab - tricycle (n): xe ba bánh
(situation, realia) - accident (n): tain nạn
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - desk job (n): công việc bàn giấy
* Checking vocab: Matching - pond (v): cái
2. "It" indicating distance ao- Repeat in chorus and individually
? Refer back to the conversation in getting started - Copy all the words
and find sentences with "it" as the subject. E.g: How far is it from your house to there?
? Is"it" in the example the formal subject? It's about two kilometers.
? What does it indicate? -> "It": the formal subject to indicate distance

3. Used to E.g:
? Study the examples in grammar P10 There used to be many trees on this street, but
? What do we use "used to" for? now there are only shops.
- Teacher explains the rules of (+), (-), (?) - We used "used to" to describe an action or
? Give more sentences in all three form. a state that happen regularly in the past but
does not happen at present/ no longer happen
- Used to is the same form for all persons.
II. Practice.
1. "It" indicating distance Ex1. P9
1.1. Write sentences with it (1 P9) 1. It's about 700 metres from my house to
? Work by yourself and write down the sentences. Youth Club.
- Teacher observes and helps when and where 2. It's about 5 km from my house to the
necessary. nearest town.
- Have some students read their sentences. 3. It's about 120 km from Ho Chi Minh City
- Correct their mistakes to Vung Tau.
4. It's about 384,400 km from the Earth to the
1.2. Ask and answer questions about distance (2 Moon.
P9) 5. It's not very far from Ha Noi to Noi Bai
? Work in pairs. Airport.
? Ask and answer questions about distance in your Ex2. P9
neighborhood. E.g:
2. Used to A: How far is it from your house to school?
? Study Watch out B: It's about a kilometer.
2.1. Complete the sentences with "used to" or
"use to"(3 P10)
? Work independently to write the sentences in your Ex3. P10
notebook. 1. used to ride 2. used to be
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. 3. used to go 4. Did.... use to

Page 116
22. Rewrite sentences (4P10). play
? Work independently to write the sentences in your 5. did.... not use to feel
notebook. Ex4. P1
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
III. Production (Find someone who) Find someone who used to.......
- Give instructions 1. marbles Phong
? Work in groups 2. football in the street
3. ...swim in the pond near your
? Report the result to the class 4. ...ride a tricycle
5.... ride a buffalo
IV. Consolidation A : Did you use to play marbles?
? How do we use "used to"? Phong: Yes. I used to play marbles.
E.g: Phong used to play marbles.

- Answer individually
- Remember
V. Homework
-Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Do Ex B4,6 P5-6 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 7: Communication

Wednesday, January 18th 2018


A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand some driving laws of some
2. Skills: talk about driving laws of some countries .
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards following the traffic law.
4. Competencies: Using lexical item related to the topic "Traffic"
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook pictures
C. Procedures
Warm up Brainstorming : task 1/P11
- Introduce the rules of keeping to the left-hand side of
the road. Key:
? Brainstorm and give the names of the countries you 1. The UK
know where the traffic rule is to keep to the left of the 2. Australia
road. 3. India
? Look at the flags of some countries. 4. Thailand
? Work in pairs to write the names of these countries. 5. Malaysia
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback
I. Presentation
1. Vocabulary illegal (adj): bất hợp
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab pháp

Page 117
(situation, realia, explanation) reverse (adj): nghịch,
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. ngược, lùi
* Checking vocab: Slap the board right-hanhded (adj): thuộc về
bên phải
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words

2. Listening - 2 P11 Key:

? Why is the right side the wrong side in these 1. some countries used the same system as
countries. the UK.
? Listen and write the reasons this happened 2. many people are right-handed (so on the
left-hand side, it is easier for them to use a
sword or something when they are on
horseback -in the past)
II. Practice.
1. Find one false driving law - 3 P11
? Run through all the strange driving laws in 3 P11
? Which one do you think seems most unreasonable? "In France, you can only reverse your car on
? Work in pairs, discussing to find one false driving Sundays." This sentence is false.
- Teacher observes and helps when and where
- Get feedback
2. Ordering
? Work in groups and discuss the laws in B and put
them in order from the strangest (No1) to the least
strange (No5) - Students' ideas
? Can you explain why?
- Have some groups report their results and
III. Production
Find strange rules in Viet Nam
? Work in groups and find if there are any strange
traffic rules in Viet Nam
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. - Group work
IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
? Sum up the main content of the lesson - Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
? Do Ex B5, C1, 2 P6 - 7 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 7: Communication

Page 118
Wednesday, January 21th 2018

Lesson 5/59: Skills 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand some driving laws through the
reading text and the do the tasks given in the book.
2. Skills: read for specific information about traffic rules/ laws, talk about obeying traffic laws/ rules, and
how to use the road safely.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards following the traffic law.
4. Competencies: Using lexical item related to the topic "Traffic"
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape and radio
- Anticipated problems: .It's difficult to do the class survey.
C. Procedures
I. Warm up : Discussion - 1
P12 Example:
? Look at the picture in 1 P12. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike on the
? Discuss and say why it is dangerous. pavement.
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback
I. Reading
1. Vocabulary - zebra (n) lối đi có vạch (cho
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab crossing người đi bộ qua
(situation, realia, explanation) đường)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - speed limit (n) tốc độ giới hạn
- driving (n) giấy phép lái xe,
licence bằng lái
- pedestrian (n) khách bộ hành
- fasten (v) buộc, thắt
- handle bar tay lái
- passenger (n) hành khách
* Checking vocab: Matching 2 P12 - Repeat in chorus and individually
? Work in pairs to do the matching in 2 P12. - Copy all the words
- Teacher checks their results 1.g: traffic jam 5. a: speed limit
2.d: zebra crossing 6. h: railway station
? Which can you see in the picture in 1? 3. b: road users 7. f: train ticket
4. c: driving licence 8. means of transport
zebra crossing, road users, means of transport
2. Pre-reading Suggestions:
Pre question 3P12 not pay attention, not look around, go in red
? Work in groups. Answer the question in 3 P12 light ...
? Read the passage and check your answers.
3. While-reading Key:
Answer the questions 5 P12 1. We should cross the street at the zebra

Page 119
? Run through all the questions in 5 P12 crossing.
? Read the passage again, then work with a partner to 2. He/She must always fasten the seatbelt.
answer the questions. 3. No, he/she shouldn't. Because it is very
- Teacher observes and helps when and where dangerous. (He/ She may cause accident.)
necessary. 4. We must give a signal.
- Get feedback 5. Because the other road users can see them
clearly and avoid crashing into them.
III. Speaking
1. Class survey- 6 P12 - Class survey
? Ask your classmates the question
"How do you go to school every day?
? Make a list of the means of transport that is used the
most, and used the least.
- Get some students to report to the class.
2. Discussion 7 P12 Suggested answers:
? Read all the sentences in 7 P12 individually. 1. safely
? Work in groups to discuss who is using the road 2. dangerously (because he is likely to have
safely, and who is acting dangerously. an accident)
? Give the reasons. 3. safely
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback. 4. dangerously (it is difficult for him to see
the road properly, and to ride)
5. dangerously (a car or a motorbike may
crash into him)
6. dangerously (she may have an accident if
something happens unexpectedly)
IV. Consolidation
? Sum up the main content of the lesson - Answer individually
- Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
? Do Ex C3, D1,2,3 P7-8 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 2

Wednesday, January 23nd 2018

Lesson 6/60: Skills 2

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the listening text about traffic
problems in big city and the do the tasks given in the book.
2. Skills: Speaking and writing.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards following the traffic law.
4. Competencies: Using lexical item related to the topic "Traffic" to write.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook pictures
C. Procedures


I. Warm up : Discussion - 1/P13
? Study the picture in 1 P13
? Work in groups.

Page 120
? Where so you think the picture was taken?
? Why it is special? - in Brazil
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback - long traffic jam (very long line of vehicles)
I. Listening
1. Vocabulary - suffer (from) (v): ch
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab - rush houru, bị (n): giờ cao điểm
(situation, realia, explanation)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - poor-quality (adj): chất lượng kém
* Checking vocab: Slap the board - respect (v): tôn trọng, kính
- bumpy (adj): gập ghềnh
-congestion (n): sự hỗn độn tắc
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
2. Listen and choose the correct answer
? Look through all the questions Key:
? Listen carefully and circle the correct answers 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
III. Writing
1. Tick the traffic problems- 4 P13
? What do you think the traffic problems in big Suggested pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
cities in Viet Nam are..
? Look at the pictures, read the phrases and tick
the problems.
? Write full sentences in your notebooks.
- Have some students write on the board. - There are too many vehicles (on the road).
? Give comments. - many road are narrow and bumpy.
- Teacher give corrections - There are traffic problems every day.
2. Write a paragraph - 5 P13 - Many young children ride their bikes
? Study the sentences you have written, then dangerously.
practice writing the paragraph. individually.
? Use proper connectors: first/ firstly, second/
- Have some students read their writing
- Teacher monitors and gives help if necessary.
IV. Consolidation
? Sum up the main content of the lesson - Answer individually
- Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
? Do Ex E1,2 P9 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 7: Looking back

Page 121
Wednesday, January 29th 2018

Lesson 7/61: Looking back + Project

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Recycle the language from the previous lessons in Unit 7 and link it with unit topics.
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 7 through various activities and exercises.
2. Skills: Speaking and writing.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards doing exercises.
4. Competencies: Self-assessment.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook pictures
C. Procedures


Warm up Grouping 1 P14
? Study the picture in 1 P13 Key:
? Write the meaning below each sign
individually. 1. Traffic lights 2. School ahead
? Work in groups and put the signs into correct 3. Hospital ahead 4. Cycle lane
boxes. 5. Parking 6. No parking
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback 7. Left turn only 7. No cycling
Prohibition signs: 6,8
Warning signs: 1,2,7
Information signs: 3,4,5
I. Vocabulary
Word web Suggestion:
? Work in pairs. Write the names of means of - bicycle, motorbike, car, bus, taxi, train, plane,
transport in the word web. boat, ship
? Then draw lines joining the correct verbs to - Ride a bicycle/ a motorbike
the transport. - Drive a car
- Teacher corrects the mistakes and adds some if - Fly a plane
need be. - Sail on/in a boat
- Get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a

Page 122
II. Grammar
1. Used to
a. Revision
? How do you use "used to"? - We use "used to" to describe an action or a state
that happened regularly in the past but does not
happen at present.
? Write the form of "used to" in (+/ -/ ?) (+) S + used to + Vinf..........
sentences. (-) S + didn't use to + Vinf...........
(?) Did + S + use to + vinf.....?
b. Ex3. P14 Ex3. P14
? Change the sentences according to the prompts Key:
in brackets. 1. Did you use to go to school on foot?
? Work in pairs. 2. Mr Van didn't use to ride his motorbike
- Have some students write on the board. dangerously.
? Give comments. 3. Did the streets use to be cleaner and more
- Teacher give corrections peaceful?
4. I used to go out on Sundays.
c. Ex4 P14 5. They didn't use to go on holiday together.
? Work individually to write sentences using the Ex4. P14
cues given. Key:
? Work in pairs and swap your writing. 1. It is over 100 km from my home-town to Ho
- Have some students read the sentences aloud. Chi Minh City.
- Teacher gives correction. 2. It is about 25 km to my grandparents' house.
3. I used to ride a small bike in the yard before
my flat.
4. There used to be a bus station in the city centre,
but it was/ has been moved to the suburbs.
5. Children must learn about road safety before
they are allowed to ride a bike on the road.
III. Communication
? Read the questions and answers aloud.
? Match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-f. Ex5 P14
? Role play the questions and answers. Then 1. b
write in the notebooks. 2. a
- Teacher gets feedback. 3. e
4. d
5. f
6. c
IV. Consolidation
- Ask students to complete the self-assessment. - Answer individually
- Identify any difficulties and weak ares and
provide further practice if need be.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
- Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Prepare: Unit 8: Getting started

Wednesday, February 15th 2018

Unit 8: FILMS
Page 123
Lesson 1/62: Getting started

A. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to extend and practice vocabulary related to the
topic “Films” through the dialogue between Duong and Mai about films.
2. Skills: Listening and reading.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards watching films.
4. Competencies: Use language to ask and answer about films
B. Content:
- Vocab: vocabulary related to films
- Grammar: Suggestion, adverb clause with although.
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
D. Procedures:
I. Warm up : Brainstorming
- Elicit any information ss know about films by
asking about types of film they know, the latest
films they have seen , their favorite films and
film stars
- Use the pictures in textbook to introduce the
new lesson

II. The new lesson

* Teaching new words
- Teacher elicits the words from students.
- Follow the seven steps of teching vocab.

- horror film (n) phim kinh dị

* Checking: What and where -frightening (n) khủng khiếp
- comedy (n) hài kịch
- critic (n) nhà phê bình
-thriller (n) phim ly kỳ, giật gân
-documentary (n) phim tài liệu
-animation (n) phim hoạt hình
-plot (n) cốt truyện
-review (n) bài phê bình
-stunt (n) trò nguy hiểm
-star (v) đóng vai chính
1.Listen and read
- T uses the pictures in the textbook to set the
scene and asks some questions: -Listen to teacher and answer questions
Where are Phong and his sister Mai ?
What are they talking about?
- Ask ss to listen and read the conversation. - Practice the conversation in pairs
-Play the recording twice
-Ask ss to read the conversation aloud in pairs.
a. Answer the questions
-Ask ss to work individually to choose the -Work individually to choose the correct answer
correct answer to the questions. to the questions.
- Ask ss to read aloud the answers. * Answer key :
- T confirms the correct answers 1-B 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-B
-Work in pairs to find the questions.
b. Find the questions in the conversation that * Key :
ask about Coconut Crazy a. What kind of films is it?
Page 124
-Run through the phrases b. What does it stars?
- Ask ss to work in pairs to look at the c.What is it about?
conversation and find the questions. d.What do critics say about it?
- Call on some pairs to read aloud and some ss
to write on the board. -Listen and repeat the questions
-Ask ss to listen, check and repeat the
2. Matching the types of films with their -Work individually to match the types of films
definitions.. with their definitions.
- Run through the phrases and sentences
- Ask ss to work individually to match the types Key:
of films with their definitions.
- Play the recording for ss to check their 1-d 5-b
answers then ask them to repeat. 2-f 6-e
- Correct their pronunciation if necessary 3-a 7-h
- Help ss translate them into Vietnamese 4-c 8-g
3a. Think of a film. Fill in the blank
- Have ss work dependently , filling in the table - Work dependently , filling in the table with the
with the information of the films they have seen information of the films they have seen recently.
recently. Remind them to use the words and - Possible answer:
phrases they have learnt in 2 and from the Mr. Bean
conversation. Type of film: hilarious
b. In pairs, interview each other and try to Actor: Rowan Atkinson
guess the film Plot: Mr Bean's funny action
-Ask ss to study the example. Reviews: very funny and relaxed.
-T models with a good student. -Work in pairs to interview
-Ask ss to work in pairs
- Go around to help weak students
- Call on some pairs to practise
III. Consolidation
- Sum up the lesson Answer
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Take note
-Guide ss how to do Ex B1,2
- Prepare: A closer look 1

Wednesday, February 15th 2018

Unit 8: FILMS
Lesson 2/63: A closer look 1

A. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
-use the lexical items related to the topic films
- pronounce correctly the -ed ending in verbs
2. Skills: Listening and reading.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards watching films.
4. Competencies: Know how to use Ing- ADJ and Ed-ADj, know how to use the past simple tense
B. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio
C. Procedures:


I. Warm up

Page 125
- Ask ss to write the name of the film they like
on a piece of paper and keep secret.
- T call one student to stand in front of the class Guessing Game
and ask him/her to give some clues . Others ask
Yes- No questions to ask and guess the name of the
II.The new lesson
T elicits Vocab from ss
Check: RỎR
Ask sts to copy down.
hilarious (adj) vui nhộn, hài hước
gripping (adj) thú vị
scary (adj) sợ hãi
moving (adj) xúc động
violent (n) có nhiều cảnh bạo lực
entertaining (n) thú vị, làm hài lòng
disappointed (adj) thất vọng
terrified (n) cảm thấy khiếp sợ
A. Vocabulary
1. Add some adjectives Key:
- Run through the adjectives that are often used to 1.hilarious 5. shocking
describe films. 2. moving 6. scary
- Ask ss to work in pairs to add some more. 3. boring 7. violent
Complete the sentences … 4. gripping 8. entertaining
- Ask ss to work independently to complete the - Pay attention
sentences - We use -ed adjectives to describe someone's
- Call on some ss to write the answers on the feelings and -ing adjectives to describe
board. something or people ( that cause the feelings)
- Confirm the correct answers
Remember -Work individually to complete the table
-Ask ss to study the Remember box. Draw ss' Key:
attentionto the difference in use and meaning 1. interested 5. exhausted
between -ed and -ing adjectives by analyzing the 2.embarrassing 6. surprising
examples in the Remember box. Then ask ss to give 3. exciting 7. confused
examples. 4. disappointed 8 . frightening
- Remind ss that they should use a good dictionary to
check theit meaning and use -Work individually to complete the table
2.Complete the table with the -ed and -ing forms Key:
of the adjectives. 1. moving
- Ask ss to work individually to complete the 2. frightening
table. 3. disappointed
- Let ss read aloud and some ss write on the 4. amazed
board. 5. terrified
- Translate each pair of adjectives to check ss'
understanding Possible answers:
- T confirms the correct answers Possible answers
3. Choose the correct adjectives b. Use -ing adjectives to describe these things
- Ask ss to do the exercise individually and check - Run through the questions
with the whole class . - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer.
4.a Work in pairs. Tell your partner how you - Call on come pairs to practise. - Confirm the
felt, using -ed adjectives correct answers
- Run through the questions
- Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer.
- Call on come pairs to practise. - Confirm the

Page 126
correct answer.
B. Pronunciation /t/: after an unvoiced consonant( k,f,p, s, /ʃ/,/tʃ/
/t/ ,/d/ and /id/ /d/: after a voiced vowel or voiced consonant
5. Listen and repeat the verbs /id/: after the sound /t/ and/d/
-T models the sounds/t/, /d/, and /id/ in different Key:
words with the ending-ed. /t/: watched, danced, walked
6. Ask and answer questions about the pictures /id/: waited, needed, hated
- Let ss study the example, the pictures and cues /d/: played, bored, closed
III. Consolidation
- Sum up the lesson -Answer
- How to pronounce the sounds - Take note
/ d/./id/ and / t/
IV. Homework
-Learn by heart all the new words and practice
- Guide ss how to do A1,2 /10
-Prepare: A closer look 2

Wednesday, February 16th 2018

Lesson 3/64: A closer look 2

A. Aims and objective.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic "Films"
- uunderstand and use : although, despite, in spite of to express contrast between
two pieces of information in the same sentence.
2. Skills: Writing skill.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Know how use However, nevertheless to express contrast between two
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters
- Anticipated problems: T may confuse the usage of although, despite, in spite of
C. Procedure
Activities Contents
I Warm up Calling friends' names
- Take part in the game
- Organize the game to ask ss call aloud the Possible answers: boring, hilarious, violent, scary,
adjectives to describe films gripping..............
- Introduce the new lesson
II. The new lesson - perform : (v) biểu diển
* Vocabulary -disaster : (n) thảm họa
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching -although
vocab -despite :(prep) mặc dù
- Use different techniques to teach. -in spite of
* Checking: R.O.R -however :(prep) tuy nhiên
A. Although, Despite, In spite of
1.Presentation - 2 clauses
- Ask ss to look at the example in the Grammar - Main clause, adverb clause of concession.

Page 127
Box then ask ss more questions to elicit - Contrast
? How many clauses in each sentence? - After although: a clause
? What are they? - After despite, in spite of : a noun, a phrase
?How are two clauses? -Model sentence
? Read aloud the adverb clause of concession in Although he is so young, he performs excellently
each sentence Despite / In spite of being so young
? What are there after although, despite, in spite his age
of ? he performs excellently.
- Ask ss to take note -We use Although, Despite, In spite of to express
contrast between two pieces of information in the
same sentences .
2. Practice - Form :
Exercise 1 Key:
- Explain how to do the exercise 1. although few people came to see it
- Ask ss to do exercise 1 individually 2.Although they spent a lot of money o the film
- Ask ss to compare their -Ask some ss to write 3. Although the acting is excellent
the sentences on the board 4. although it was a comedy
- T corrects the sentences with class 5. although it is set in modern times
Exercise 2
- Explain how to do the exercise Key:
- Ask ss to do exercise 2 individually 1.Although
- Ask ss to compare their answers -Ask some ss 2. despite/ in spite of
to write the sentences on the board 3. although
- T corrects the sentences with class 4. Despite/ in spite of
Exercise 3 ( page 20) . Rewrite 5. Although
- Explain how to do the exercise Key:
- Ask ss to do exercise in pairs then read aloud -Usage: We use However, nevertheless to express
the sentences contrast between two sentences
-Ask some ss to write the on the board
- T corrects the sentences with class

B. However and nevertheless -Form:

1. Presentation However,/Nevertheless, + a sentence
-Ask ss to study the ex in the Grammar Box
- Introduce the form and Watch out
2. Practice Note: We usually use a comma after them
Exercise 4( page 20) . Key :
- Ask ss to work individually 1. However/ Nevertheless
- T ask ss to share compare then write sentences 2. Despite/ In spite of
on the board 3. However/ Nevertheless
- T confirms the corrects sentences 4. Although
Exercise 5 ( page 20) . 5.Although
- Have ss to work individually
- Ask some ss to write the sentences on the Possible answer (Teacher book)
board and ask others give comments
- T corrects
III. Production
-Ask ss to make their owns sentences , using
although, despite, in spite of, however, - Make sentences
IV. Consolidation - Answer individually
- Ask ss to retell the grammar in the lesson - Remember
V. Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

Page 128
- Ex B2,3,4 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 8. Lesson 4

Wednesday, February 13th 2018

Lesson 4/65: Communication

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- use language to survey about the topic films
- report the survey
2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Know how use However, nevertheless to express contrast between two
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook pictures
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
C. Procedures


I. Warm up : Complete the sentences
- Organize the game: Calling your friends' Eg:
names S1: Although it rained.........
- Introduce the new lesson S2: they went camping.
II. The new lesson
A. Presentation go ahead (v): cứ tự nhiên
Vocabulary actress (n): diễn viên nữ
- Teacher use different techniques to teach survey (v): điều tra
vocab (situation, realia, explanation) cartoon (n): phim hoạt hình
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - Repeat in chorus and individually
* Checking vocab: Slap the board - Copy all the words

1. Listening - listen to the conversation

and fill in the blanks with the words you -Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with
hear the information .
- P21 Key:
-Use the pictures to introduce the situation 1. survey
- Ask ss to look at the dialogue between Nick
and Duong and guess the missing words 3. Tom Cruise
- Ask ss to listen to the recording and fill in the 4. actress
blanks with the information . 5. Angeline Jolie
B. Practice.
2. Work in groups. Each student chooses
one of the following sets of survey questions(P
-Run through all the sets of survey and the -Run through all the sets of survey
Page 129
- Guide ss how to complete the table below -Work in groups of 4 ss to survey and take note
- Model with some good students
- Ask ss to work in groups of 4 ss to survey
and take note
- Teacher observes and help if necessary.
3. Make note of your results(P 21)
- T has ss make notes of their survey result
4. Join another group. Report your results to
those group members Most people I have survey................
- Ask ss to join another group, reporting the About half of people I have survey.............
result of their survey to the new members. Almost no one I have surveyed............
-Call on some ss to report their result of their
interviews before the whole class
- Ask ss to give comments for each report.

-Join another group, reporting the result of their

survey to the new members.

C. Production : Write it up
-Ask ss write down their results

- Work individually
III. Consolidation
-Sum up the main content of the lesson - Answer individually
- Remember
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Guide ss how to do Ex B5, 6 , 7 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 8: Skills 1

Wednesday, February 15th 2018

Lesson 5/66: Skills 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- understand the reading text and answer the questions of the film Titanic on a blog
- talk about a film ( its plot, main, character, cast..).
2. Skills: Reading and speaking skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.

Page 130
4. Competencies: Use lexical item related to the topic "Films”
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape and radio
- Work arrangement: T-WC, group work, pair work
C. Procedures


I. Warm up Chatting-
- T shows some pictures of the film Titanic and - Answer the questions
asks ss some questions:
? Do you know this film? What is the name of
this film?
Have you ever seen it?
Do you know who the actor and actress ?
- Introduce the new lesson
II. The new lesson
A. Reading - romantic (adj): lãng mạn
Vocabulary - direct (n): đạo diễn
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab voyage (n): chuyến đi bằng tàu
(situation, realia, explanation) thuỷ
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. character (n): nhân vật
Pre: ( Open prediction) social class (adj): tầng lớp xã hội
? Does the film have a happy ending incredible (adj): không thể tin được
- Ask ss to guess the answer pirate (n): cướp biển
- Collect ss' anwers sci-fi( science (n) phim khoa học viễn
While fiction) tưởng
-Ask ss to read the passage then check their - poster(n) (n) áp phích quảng cáo
1. Read Nick's review of the … Key:
- Run through the words in the box . - No, it doesn't
-Ask ss to read the passage , find the words and
try to guess their meaning Key:
- Get feedback -sink(v): chìm
-must- see(n) : bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem
-special effect: tác động đặc biệt
-visual (adj) : thuộc về thị giác
2.Read Nick's blog and answer the questions
- Run through the questions -Work individually to answer the questions
- Have ss work individually to answer the Key
questions 1. It is a romantic film
- Ask them to compare with their partner 2. It stars are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate
- T call on some pairs to practise asking and Winslet
answering while some ss write the answer on the ….

Page 131
B. Speaking
3. Look at the film posters … -Work in pairs to talk about the films they
- Have ss read 3 posters the work in piars to would/ wouldn't like to see Eg:
talk about the films they would/ wouldn't like A: Look at the second poster
to see . B: What's the name of the film?
-T goes around to help weak ss A: Big Ben Down, an action film
- Call on some pairs to practise in front of the B:Oh, I like action films
class A: Me, too. They are really interesting
- Ask ss to give comment B. Who does it star?
4.Now, ask and answer questions about the ...................................
-Ask ss to study the example
- Have them work in pairs to ask and -Work in pairs to ask and answering
- Call on some pairs to practise in front of the -Work in group of 6 ss. Each group chooses a
class student to play the role of a character in any
of the films in the posters. The other members
ask questions

III. Consolidation
-Sum up the main content of the lesson - Answer individually
- Remember
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
-Guide ss how to do Ex D1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 8: Skills 2, Project

Wednesday, February 19th 2018

Lesson 5/67: Skills 2

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- use lexical items related to films
- listen for specific information about someone's favourite film star
- write a review of a film
2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Compare the present simple and present perfect, use the connectors.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape and radio
-Anticipated problems: Weak students may have difficulty in writing about their favourite films
because of lack of vocabulary
C. Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
I. Warm up Chatting
- Teacher asks ss to tell about their favourite actors/

Page 132
actresses - Answer the questions
? Who is your favourite actor/actress?
?What does she/ he look like?
?What are his / her successful films?
? What do crictics say about him/her?
- Introduce the new lesson
II.The new lesson
* Vocabulary Vocabulary:
A Listening - aspect(n): phương diện
A1. Pre- listening -effect(n): ảnh hưởng
1( Page 23). Nick and his father are talking about -overall(adj) : toàn diện
Tom Hanks, a Hollywood film star. Listen to their - recommend(v) : giới thiệu
conversation and correct the following statements
-Introduce the situation of the dialogue
- Have ss look at 3 sentences in text book (1. page 23) -Correct the sentences by prediction.
then correct the sentences by prediction.
-Collect some ss' idea - Listen to the recording and check the
A2. While- listening prediction
1. Checking the prediction
-Have ss listen to the recording and check their Key:
prediction 1. Tom Hanks is Nick's father favourite
- Have ss compare the answers with their partners film star
- Get feedback 2.Tom Hanks isn't a handsome actor
- Play the recording once to check 3. Tom Hanks has won two Oscars
- Ask 2 ss to write the answers on the board
- Confirm the correct answers

2 . Listen again and answer the questions

-Run through all the questions - Listen again and answer
- Have ss listen again and answer the questions . Key:
- Ask ss to share the answer with their partners
- Call on some ss to write the answers on the board
- Play the recording again to check
3. Post- listening ( Sum up)
- Have ss work in groups of 4 ss to sum up about Tom -Sum up about Tom Hanks
B. Writing
B1. Pre- writing
(E3 Page 23).Make notes about one of your favourite
films -Work individually to make notes about
- Have ss to work individually to make notes about one one of their favourite films
of their favourite films
- Remind ss that they do not have to write full -Share their notes with their partners
sentences, they can use abbreviations.
-Let ss share their notes with their partners
- Ask some ss to read aloud their notes to the whole
B2. While-writing - Example
(4 Page 23)Write a review of your favourite film.Use I like watching films in my free time
the information in 3 and the filmreview on Nick's and one of my favourite films is Taken
blog as a model. You may follow the plan below 2. It an action film but it is moving , too.
It stars Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace.
- T reminds about the language necessary and The film is about Bryan Mills . He
information for writing works for CIA. One day, he and his
- Run through the parts of the review family travel to Turkey. ……

Page 133
- Ask ss to work in groups of 4 ss to write on posters
then ask some groups to show their poster . Other gives
IV. Consolidation
- Sum up the main content of the lesson. - Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments
- Write their final version at home
- Ex E1,2 P16 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 8. Lesson 7: Looking back
- Ask ss to prepare Project. Run through the require in
project and divides groups

Wednesday, February 21st 2018

Lesson 7/68: Looking back + Project
A.Aims and objectives.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- recycle the language from the previous lessons in Unit 8 and link it with unit topics.
- consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 8 through various activities and exercises.
2. Skills: Overview skill.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Use connectors to talk about the contrasts.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook pictures
C. Procedures
Warm up
1. (page 24) Think of an example of every type Example :
of film in the box Mr. Bean is a comedy
- T explains the require for the class .............................
- Teacher divides class into 2 teams.
- Each team write sentences on the board
- The team with more and correct sentences is
the winner
I. Vocabulary
2. ( page 24) . Read the sentences . What Key :
types of films are the people talking about? 1. It's a comedy
- Run through the sentences 2. It's a horror film
- Ask ss work individually then call out some ss 3. It's a documentary
to read aloud their sentences while some write 4. It's a romantic comedy
sentences on the board 5. It's a sci-fi film
- T confirms the correct answers
3. Fill in the blanks with -ed or -ing adjectives Key:
that are formed from the verbs in brackets 1. terrified
2. disappointing
- Ask ss to work individually then ask some ss 3. annoying
to read aloud 4. satisfied
- T confirms the corrects answers 5. shocking
4. Complete the second sentence in each pair, Key :
using the word in brackets. The meaning of 1. They were excited about the film
both sentences should be the same 2. The film was so boring so they left
- Ask ss to work in pairs then ask some ss to halfway through it
read aloud 3. We were moved at the ending of the film
Page 134
- T confirms the corrects answer 4. You'll surprised at his new film
5. Lot of people find the way he behaves
II. Grammar
5. Match the first half in A with the
suitable half in B -Remind a bout connectors : Although,
- Ask ss to remind a bout connectors : Despite, In spite of
Although, Despite, In spite of Key:
- Ask ss to do the exercise individually then 1-d
share the answers with their partners before 2-e
discussing 3-a
- Ask ss to read aloud full sentences and 4-b
confirms the correct sentences 5-c
III. Communication
6(page 24) . Number the lines of the dialogue
in the correct order -Work in pairs
- Ask ss to work in pairs
- Call some ss to read their answers, other
give comments Key :
- T corrects E- I - A- D - F - B- G- C - H
- Ask ss to practise the dialogue in pairs
IV. Project
1. Look at the film poster. Think about the
following questions
- Ask ss to work in groups to discuss the
2. Choose one of your favourite films and
design a poster for it
- Ask ss to work in groups to make posters - Work in groups to discuss the questions
3. Organise an exhibition of film poster in
your class
- Ask ss to stick the posters on the wall and
ss go around to see and make notes
-Work in groups to make posters
- Choose the best poster
IV. Consolidation
- Ask students to complete the self-assessment. - Answer individually
- Identify any difficulties and weak ares and
provide further practice if need be.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
*15 minute- test (photocopied paper) - Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Listen and take note the assignments

Wednesday, February 24th 2018


Lesson 1/69: Getting started

A. Aims and objectives.

Page 135
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world"
- Understand the dialogue between Nick and his teacher.
2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
C. Procedure


I.Warm up Brainstoming
- Ask Sts to think of some festival they know and Festivals around the world
come to the board and write out
II. The new lesson
Vocabulary - religious : (n) thuộc tôn giáo
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab - candle : (n) Cây nến
- Use different techniques to teach. - seasonal : (adj) Có thời vụ
- harvest : (n) Mùa màng
- Easter :(n) Lễ phục sinh
1. Listen and read
* Set the sence: Ss keep their books close. Write “The -Work individually to answer the questions
Festival Project” on the boad and ask the Ss to guess
the content of the lesson. After Ss speak out their Key:
guess, let them open their books and read the 1. No, she didn't because che said "oh really?" to
conversation quickly to check their gusses. show her surprise.
a. Answer the questions (P27) 2. People light candles and display/let off
-Run through all the questions fireworks.
-Play the recording and ask ss to listen and read 3. It's la Tomatina.
-Ask ss to work individually to answer the questions 4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to
-Have ss share their answers the desert, make a camp, and have a prty.
-Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions 5. They should write up reports anh hand them
in to the teacher.
b.Tick T or F ( P27) Key: 1. T 2. T 3. F (for
Ss read the conversatin again to do this esercise. Ask one hour only) 4. T
for Ss' as well as the esplanation for their choices.
write the correct answers on the board.
- Let sts open their book to check their answers
- Get feedback
2. Write the festivals in…. ( P27) -Go through the words and pictures
-Go through the words and pictures -Quickly match each word/with its picture.
- Have ss quickly match each word/with its picture. -Listen,check and repeat
Then play the recording for ss to check their answers, Key: 1. Water festival
pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat 2. Cannes Film Festival
chorally and individually. 3. Ghost Day 4. Tet
-Correct their pronunciation 5. Rock in Rio 6. Chiristmas 7.
Halloween 8. Easter
3.Match the festivals…..( P27) Seasonal (adj) : relating to or happening during
Explain to Ss that festival are held for different a particular reriod in the year
reasons. The reasons in the most common ones. Ask Ss Religious (adj): connected with religion or with
if they know the meaning of 'seasonal', 'religious' a particular religion
and'superstitious'. If they don't, quickly esplain them. Superstitious (adj): based on the belief that
- Ss do this activity individually. particular events happen in a way that cannot be
exlpained by reson or science.
Page 136
4. Compare your answer... (P27)
Now Ss work with a classmate and compare their - pairwork
anwers. Remind them to follow the model Key: Religious : halloween, Ghost Day
conversation in the book. Wall around to observe them Music/Arts: Rock in Rio, Cannes
working. Film Festival
Ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Write their Seasonal : Tet, Water Festival
anwers on the board. Confirm the correct anwers. Religious : Chrismas, Easter
Ask Ss if they know anything about the festivals. T
may share some infomrmation with Ss.
5. Can you add more….. -Work in groups
Organise a compertition game for tis activity. Ss work
in groups of 5 -6. In five minutes, Ss write down as
many festival for each group in 3 as possible. The
group with the most festivals is the winner.
III. Consolidation
- Ask ss to recall the lesson - Listen and take note the assignment
IV.Home work
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 2
A closer look 1

Wednesday, February 24th 2018


Lesson 2/70: A CLOSER LOOK 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world"
- Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation and in context.
2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio
C. Procedure


Warm up
Saying food or drink and their taste
- Divide the class into 2 teams
- One student in each group says aloud the name of
food or drink, the one in other group says out its
A.Vocabulary *Vocabulary
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab -parade : (n) Diễu hành
- Use different techniques to teach. -celebratory : (n) Lễ kỷ niệm
* Checking: Jumbled words -carnival : (n) Ngày hội
-various : (a) Nhiều

Page 137
-gather : (v) Tụ họp
-pumpkin : (n) Quả bí ngô
-compete : (v) Thi thố
-adopt : (v) Nhận nuôi
1. a. (P28) -Work individually
- Ss complete the table individually and then Key:
compare their answers with a partner. call three Ss to 1. Celebration
the board to write their answers. Play the recording 2. Festive
for Ss to check their answers. Confirm the correct 3. Parade
answers. Replay the recording for Ss to repeat the 4. Culture
words. 5. Performance
- Ask ss to listen to the recording to check, pause
after each instruction then ask them to repeat
1. b. (P28)
- Before Ss do this exercise, have them read all the - individually
sentences and guess the part of the word to be filled Key:
in each blank. Ask Ss to speak out their guesses and 1. festival 2. Celebration 3. celebrations
confirm the correct answers. Ss do this activity 4. Culture 5. Parade 6. Performance
individually and then in pairs. Have some Ss write
their answers on the board. Comment on and confirm
the correct answers.

2. In group, choose…...
- Help students how to play. -Work in group

B. Pronunciation.
3. Listen and repeat the words… - Listen and repeat
Have Ss read out the words first. Then play the Key:
recording for them to listen and repeat the words. on 1 syllable on 2nd syllable
Play the recording as many times as necessary gather relax
picture enjoy
artist hotel
lovely describe
famous rename
4. Circle the word….. Ss circle the words individually, then
Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. compare their answers in pairs. Have some
Confirm the correct answers. Play the recording Ss give their answers. Write them on the
again for Ss to repeat the words. Ss practice reading board.
the words.
Key: 1. balloon 2. complete 3.
prepare 4. alone 5. tidy
5. Read the following….
Play the recording and stop after each underlined Ss do this exercise individually first then
word for Ss to check their answers. Play the compare their answers with a parner. Calll
recording again for Ss to repeat each sentence. some Ss to go to the board and write their
Ss word in pair to practice the sentences. Call some answers.
Ss read the sentences out loud.
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Guide ss how to do ex (Workbook) -Listen and take note
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 3 A closer look

Page 138
Wednesday, February 25th 2018


Lesson 3/71: A CLOSER LOOK 2

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
* Use the lexical items related to the topic 'Festivals around the word'
* Use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately
* Make and answer H/Wh question correctly
2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters.
C. Procedure
I Warm up : Free talk
- Ask sts about festivals in the world that they
know -Take part in the activity
- Introduce the new lesson
II. The new lesson - owner : (n) Chủ sở hữu
* Vocabulary - take place : (v) Diễn ra
- Use different techniques to teach. - attend : (v) Tham gia
* Checking: R.O.R - fair : (n) Công bằng
1. Presentation: Adverbial phrases
1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think of the
information they to get about the festival. Elicit Ss Ss look at the second part of the table to
'answers and quickly write some on the board in understand more about the different types of
mote forms, e.g. place, time … Tell them that hen adverbial phrases. Ask Ss to work in pairs.
we give these pieces of information we can use Each pair wite down tree sentences with
adverbial phrases. three different adverbial phrases. Some Ss
Have Ss read the information inn the first part of read their sentences aloud. Give comments.
the table. Explain the formation of adverbial
phrases in detail by giving some more examples:
+ Adverbial phrases made with nouns: every year, Key:
last week What? a film festival
+ Adverbial phrases made with preposition: in Who? by film stars; directors;
2013, in a small town, …. critics
+ Adverbial phrases made with to-infinitive: to Where? in a city in France
enjoy the party, to have more friends When? May
2. Practice How often? Every year
2. Tell Ss that they are going to read information How? in a very serious way
about the Cannes Film Festival and coplete the Why? to win the Palme D'or
Page 139
table. Ss do this exercise individually then compare
their table with a parner. Draw two tables on the
board and have two Ss write their answers in the
table. ask other Ss to comment on the answers.
Comfirm the correct answers.
3. Ss think of one festival in Viet Nam they know
and fill the table with all the information about that
festival. After they have finihed with the table, H/Wh-questions: Review.
they work with a classmate to share the Without looking at the table, Ss try to give
information. out the H/Wh-questions they know. They
Have some Ss present their table to the whole class now look at the table to check their answers.
and give a short talk about the festival.
4. Ss do this exercise individually, and then - individual work, then compare
compare their answers with a classmate. Check
Ss' answers and confirm the correct ones. - pairwork
5. Ss do this activity in pairs. Check Ss' answers
and have them role play the converstion. Ask Key: 1. Where did you buy this T-shirt?
some pairs to act out the conversation in 2. How often do you go to the music
front of the whole group. festival?
6. Ss do this exercise individually, then compare 3. Why did your friends save money ?
their answers with a classmate. Call on some 4. When did you go to the Flower Festival in
Ss to write their questions on the board. Da Lat?
Confirm the correct questions.

III. Production
7. Ss work in groups. Give Ss five minutes to play
this game. After five minutes, call one - Group work
representative from each group to read aloud
the names of the festivals they have found out.
The group with the most festivals wins.

IV. Consolidation - Answer individually

- Ask ss to retell the grammar in the lesson - Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. Unit 9. Lesson 4 Communication.
- Ex B4,5,6 P37 - 38 (Workbook)
- Prepare next lesson.

Wednesday, March 15th 2017



A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
* Use the lexical items related to the topic 'Festivals around the word'
* Grammar: adverbial phrases and H/Wh-questions.

Page 140
2. Skills: Speaking and reading skills.
3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.
4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.
B. Preparation
- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters.
C. Procedure


5’ I Warm up : Brainstorming
- Teacher elicits the topic from students.
? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of Easter .......
- Teacher models
? Work in groups to add as many dishes as
? Show your list that you have written. Festivals
- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
- The group has the longest list wins the game.
II. The new lesson
A. Presentation ...........
5’ 1.Vocabulary ................. .........
- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab - feast : (n) bữa tiệc
- Use different techniques to teach. - cornbread : (n) bánh mì bắp
- fortunate : (n) may mắn
- gravy : (n) nước sốt
- scanberry : (n) cây quất
* Checking: What and where - turkey :(n) gà tây
- stuffing :(n) thịt nhồi
2. Practice Key: a. A turkey
1. In pairs Ss look at the picture and discuss the b. It's one of the traditional foods of an
5’ questions. Have Ss share their answers with the important festival
whole class. Quickly write their answers on the c. Thanksgiving
- Listen and check

2. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.

Confirm the correct answers.

5’ 3. Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are Key: 1. F (It's also held in Canada
tue or false. Have some Ss write their answers 2. F (It's celebrated on the fourth Thursday
on the board. Paly the recording again for Ss to of November and in Canada it's
check. If there are any incorrect answers, have celebrated on the second Monday of
Ss correct them and explain the reason for their October.
correction. 3. T
4. F (children also take part in food
5. T
10’ 6. F (Some people like to go for a wolk or
3. Production take naps.)
4. Ss work in pairs. Imagine that one of them is a 7. T
student from the US and the other is from Phu - Pair work
Yen, Viet Nam. Explain that only the Ss from
Viet Nam read the information on page 35.
Page 141
They continue the conversation in the book or
make up their own. After some time, call some
pairs to act out the conversation in front of the
class. Other Ss give comments. Give feedback
on Ss' conversation.

5’ III. Consolidation - Answer individually

-Sum up the main content of the lesson - Remember
V. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures - Listen and take note the assignments
- Gide ss how to do ex (Workbook)
5’ - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9 . Lesson 5 Skills1

Wednesday, March 8th 2017


Lesson 5/73: SKILLS 1

I. Aims
Reading for specific information about an unusual festival.
Talking about unusual festivals.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about an unusual festival.
- Talk about unusual festivals.
- Practise speaking and reading skills.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Check Ss’ homework
3. New lesson
* Preteach the vocabulary 1. Vocabulary
- T asks Ss to scan the blog to find these - goggles (n) /ˈɡɒɡ.l̩ z/: kính bảo hộ
words in the pasage. - greasy (adj) /ˈɡriː.si/: béo ngậy, dính mỡ
- T may help Ss find out the meaning of - pole (n): cái sào, cái cọc
the words in the context. - chaos (n) /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/: sự hỗn loạn

Page 142
* Checking technique: Slap the board - jet (n): (vòi phun) nước
- dish (n): món ăn

- Ss work in pairs to order the pictures. 2. Work in pairs:

- Check Ss’ answers and write them on the * Key:    
board. C–D–A–B
-Ss read the texts quickly and check their 3/ Read the texts:

- Ss read the text again, and answer the 4/ Answer the questions:
questions. Ss can underline parts of the text 1. It is celebrated on the last Wednesday every
that help them with the answers. Ss August.
compare the answer before giving the 2. He stayed up late.
answers to teacher. 3. They placed the ham on top of the greasy
- T checks and corrects. pole.
4. They had to wear goggles to protect their
5. It was a jet from water cannons.
6. It was red with rivers of tomato juice.
* Speaking.
- Ss discuss what is unusual about the
festivals. II. SPEAKING
- Have some Ss present their group’s ideas. 5/ Work in groups....:
Ss work in groups
- Devides class into 2 group. Group A will
prepare a presentation about the Cheese-
rolling festival and group B about the 6/  Plan what you will say.
Monkey Buffet. - Ss choose one festival to teach their groups
- Ss work individually to prepare and about. Read the information about their festival.
rehearse what they will say. Plan what they will say.

- Put each student in group A with a

partner from group B to perform their
presentations. Ss listen to each other and
decide which festival is more interesting.
- T invites some Ss to give their
presentations to the class. 6/  Present the festival to a partner.

- Ss work in pairs to perform their

4. Consolidation
Teacher gets students to retell what they have learnt.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 9: Skills 2.
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Do Ex D1, 2, 3 (WB)

Page 143
Wednesday, March 10th 2017


Lesson 6/74: SKILLS 2
I. Aims
Listen to get specific information about an unusual festival.
Write a description of a festival they attended.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about an unusual festival.
- Write a description of a festival they attended.
- Practise listening and writing skills.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
- Get one student to go to the board to write new words.
3. New lesson


I. Listening
1. New words
- stir up (v): khuấy động
- Pre-teach new words. - take place (v): xảy ra
- campsite (n): nơi cắm trại; doanh trại
- woodland (n): vùng rừng
- escape (v): trốn thoát
- be impressed (v): bị ấn tượng
2. Look at the pictures. What kind of festival it
- Ss work in pairs, look at the pictures and guess (Music festival)
what kind of festival it is.
- Ss share their answers with the whole group.

- T goes through the statements with Ss. Ask Ss

to underline the most important information in 3. True or False?
Page 144
each sentence. Ask Ss to listen for main ideas. 1. F (one of the most famous festivals in our country,
- Play the recording as many times as Ss wish. not in the world).
2. T
- Ss answer the questions without listening to the 3. F (They stayed in a tent.)
recording. T plays the recording again if Ss meet 4. F (He’s Nick’s dad’s favourite singer.)
with any difficulty doing this. 5. T
- Have Ss compare the answers in pairs then give
the answers to the teacher. 4. Comprehension questions
- Play the recording the final time for Ss to Key:
confirm the correct answers. 1. It takes place every June.
2. They are music bands.
3. He interested the audience with the hit songs.
- Ss think of one festival they attended and make 4. They also went to the Bohemian Woods.
notes following the suggestions in the book. 5. They enjoyed a mix of good music from around
They can share their notes with a classmate after the world.

5. Think about a festival you attended. Make
notes about it.

- Ask Ss to use the notes they have made above

to write a paragraph about a festival they
attended. Ss work individually.
- Ask one student to write the paragraph on the
board. Other Ss and T comment. T collects Ss’
writing to give feedback at home.

6. Write a short paragraph about a festival you

attended. Use the notes above.

4. Consolidation
Teacher gets students to retell what they have learnt.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 9: Looking back & Project.
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Do Ex E1, 2 (WB)

Page 145
Wednesday, March 8th 2017



I. Aims
To help students recycle the language from the previous sections and link with the topic: Festivals
around the world.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Revise and make the use of all the target knowledge in unit 9.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
It is rather difficult for Ss to make use of all the content of this unit.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks students’ homework.
- Collect some Ss’ writing to mark.
3. New lesson
I. Vocabulary:
Activity 1
Ss work individually to do the exercises.
Asks Ss to compare their answer with their partners. Do the work individually and compare with partner
Gives the answers Check the answer
Key: 1. Religious (Christmas)
2. Music (Glastonbury)
3. superstitious (Day of the Dead)
4. seasonal ((Thanksgiving)
Ss work individually to do the exercises. Activity 2
Asks Ss to compare their answer with their partners. Key: 1. Cultural 2. Parade
Gives the answers 3. celebratory/celebration
4. festive 5. Performance
6. celebration
Ss work individually to do the exercises.
Asks Ss to compare their answer with their partners.
Gives the answers, accept all the answers if they II. Grammar
make sense. Activity 3:
1. What 2. Where 3. How
- Ss make up their own sentences using the prompts 4. Which 5. Where/When/Why/How
in the box. While Ss do the activity, go around to 6. When
help and take notes of any common mistakes to
correct as a class later.
- Ss compare the sentences in pairs. Call on some Activity 4:
pairs to read their sentences aloud. - Make sentences with the adverbial phrases given.
Ex: - In Southern Viet Nam, people often celebrate

Page 146
Tet with apricot blossoms.
- I’ll meet them to say thanks for what they have
done for me.
- He had a birthday party las December.
- Ss work in pairs to role-play. They ask and answer - They have lived in Ho Chi Minh City for 10
questions about their favourite festival. Ask some years.
pairs to act out the role-play. Other Ss vote for the - Every year students in many countries learn
best conversation. English.

III. Communication
Activity 5.
Reporter: I’m a reporter from Culture Magazine.
- Students do the project as homework. Can I ask you some questions about your favourite
Student: Yes, of course. I like…… best.
Reporter: Well, where’s the festival held?


4. Consolidation
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Review 3: Language focus.

Wednesday, March 10th 2017

Lesson 1/76: REVIEW 3

I. Aims
This lesson will help students revise the language they have studied and the skills they have
practised since unit 7.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss can review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation,
vocabulary and grammar they have learnt from unit 7-8-9 by doing exercises.
Page 147
III. Materials
- Text book
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Revision
- Elicit from sts the grammar point they have learnt from Unit 7 -Unit 9,
- Write their ideas on the board.
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Pronuciation:
- Ss work individually. * Activity 1
- Have Ss share the answers then comfirm correct Which underlined sound is
answers. pronounced differently in each
1B 2C 3C 4A 5B

- Ss work in pairs. Whichever pair adds the most * Activity 2: Word webs game
words will go to the board and write the answers. Suggested answer:
O'bey: receive, polite, perform, parade,..
Ss do this task separately and share their answers 'dancer: beauty, copy, teacher, actor, classmate
later with a partner. B. Vocabulary:
- T checks with whole class. * Activity 3:
1. Ahead only 2. No crossing
- Ask Ss what kind of word can be filled in each 3. No right turn 4. Right turn only
blank (i.e: noun, verb,..). Elicit their answer. Ss do 5. Railway crossing
the exercise individually. Two Ss write the * Activity 4:
answers on the board. Key:
- T confirms correct answers. 1.celebrations 2.cultural
3. performances 4. Parades
- Group work 5. festive

- Review the use of the question words. Activity 5: Crossword game

- Ss do this task separately and share their answers Key: 1: documentary 2: hilarious
later with a partner. 3: borring 4: thriller
- T checks with whole class. 5: moved 6: animation
C. Grammar:
- Ss do this task separately and share their answers Activity 6: Matching
later with a partner. 1c 2f 3a
- Call some Ss to go to the board to write their
sentences. Other Ss comment. 4b 5d 6e
- T checks with whole class. Activity 7:
1. It’s about 1,877 kilometers from Ha Noi to Can
2. How far is it from Hue to Da Nang?
3. There didn’t use to be much traffic/many traffic
- Have Ss act out the answers jams when I was young.
4. In spite of being tired, they wanted to ..
5. Although the festival took place in a remote
area, a lot of people attended.
D. Everyday English
Activity 8
do the task in pairs
- Ss do individually and check their answers with
Page 148
a partner before giving their answers to T. T A. Reading
confirms the correct answers * Ex1+2 (individual)
- T checks Ss’s answers . KEY:
A. 2 B. 3 C. 1
1. They were first organised in 1929.
2. They are named after the Oscar statuette.
3. He designed the Oscar statuette.
4. Elmil Jannings received the first Oscar statuette.
5. It is the prize for the best film.
B. Speaking:
*Ex3. Ss work in groups and discuss the
- Have Ss take notes and report it to the class. questions. Ss report their groups’ answers to the
- Summarise Ss’ answers. class..
T plays the resording once for Ss to listen.Play the C. Listening:
recording again for Ss to write down their *Ex4. (individual)
answers. Announce the answers to Ss KEY :
1F (because Mrs. Hoa said: It’s the first time
you’ve come to my house, isn’t it?)
Ask Ss to go through the questions and determine 2F: because the photos are on the wall)
what information is needed for the answer. 3T 4T 5T
- Play the recording, ask Ss to listen carefully for Hoa Nick
specific information. 1. tired Dutch foods and drinks 
2. watched traditional Dutch  
3. watched parades 
4. listened to fo;k music 
5. was interested in the festival  
3. Homework
- Prepare for the Test.
- Do the Writing

Wednesday, March 29th 2016

Period 77
Lesson 2: REVIEW 3
I. Aims
This lesson will help students revise the language they have studied and the skills they have
practised since unit 7.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss can review skills( reading, speaking, listening & writing they have
learnt from unit 7-8-9 by doing exercises.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- CD record &cassettes.
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
Page 149
- T checks Ss’ homework. - T - Ss
- Ask if Ss have any questions or not.
3. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Reading
- Ss do individually and check their answers with * Ex1+2 (individual)
a partner before giving their answers to T. T KEY:
confirms the correct answers A. 2 B. 3 C. 1
- T checks Ss’s answers . Ex2
1. They were first organised in 1929.
2. They are named after the Oscar statuette.
3. He designed the Oscar statuette.
4. Elmil Jannings received the first Oscar statuette.
5. It is the prize for the best film.

B. Speaking:
- Have Ss take notes and report it to the class. *Ex3. Ss work in groups and discuss the questions.
- Summarise Ss’ answers. Ss report their groups’ answers to the class..

C. Listening:
*Ex4. (individual)
T plays the resording once for Ss to listen.Play 1F (because Mrs. Hoa said: It’s the first time you’ve
the recording again for Ss to write down their come to my house, isn’t it?)
answers. Announce the answers to Ss 2F: because the photos are on the wall)
3T 4T 5T
*Ex5. (individual)
Ask Ss to go through the questions and Ms
determine what information is needed for the Nick
answer. 1. tired Dutch foods and drinks 
- Play the recording, ask Ss to listen carefully for 2. watched traditional Dutch dancing  
specific information. 3. watched parades 
4. listened to fo;k music 
5. was interested in the festival  

D. Writing:
- Ask Ss to read Mai’s e-mail to understand the
Hi Mai,
I'm glad to receive your e-mail. I’m wondering
- Ss write the e-mail individually. Ask one S to
whether we should go by bicycle or by bus.
write it on the board.
I think we will be rather tired when cycling there
- Other Ss and teacher comment on the e-mail on
because it is quite far (10 km). I suggest going there
the board.
by bus. It is very convenient.
- Collect some Ss’ writing to correct at home.
Please write to me soon and let me know whether
you agree with me or not.
4. Consolidation
Teacher sumarise and review unit 7, 8, 9.

Page 150


Grade: 7
Time alloted: 45 minutes
I. Mi and Nick visit Mrs Hoa at home. Listen to their conversation and tick T (true) or F (false)
1.Mi and Nick have been to Ms Hoa’s house before.
2.They saw some pictures in an album.
3.Nick has been to the Tulip Festival in Holland.
4.Ms Hoa went to the Tulip Festival last September.
5.Ms Hoa’s son is in Melbourne.

II. Choose the words that the dunderlined part pronounced diferently from the others.
1. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. wanted
2. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. Raised
3. A. cultural B. documentary C. computer D. unusual
4. A. critic B. invest C. science D. fiction
5. A. chaos B. chemical C. children D. Christmas
III. Choose the words which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. discuss B. gather C. perform D. attend
2. A. ticket B. costume C. event D. number
3. A. return B. happen C. differ D. visit
4. A. yourself B. thirteen C. abroad D. village
5. A. Japan B. Thailand C. Norway D. Turkey
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences below:
1. The football match was quite (exciting/ excited). I enjoyed it.
2. (Even/ Although/ Despite/ However) they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a success.
3. (How much/ How far/ How long/ How many) does it take to go from Ha Tinh to Ha Noi?
4. All of us have to obey (traffic/ traffic rules/ traffic jam/ regular) strictly.
5. A/An (action/ documentary/ thriller/ comedy) is a film that shows real life events or stories.
6. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early (despite/ although/ because of/ in spite of) being tired.
7. A/An (horror/ sci-fi/ comedy/ documentary) is a film that tries to make audiences laugh.
8. We found the film (bored/ bore/ boring/ interested).
Page 151
9. The ( festival/ air/ tradition/ festive) atmosphere is felt around all the village.
10. A lot of cultural and ( arts/ artists/ artistic/ art) activities are held as part of the festival.
11. Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light, is the (importance/ most important/ more important) holiday
of the year in India.
12. It is (amaze/ amazed/ amazing/ amazement) to see elephants racing in the Elephant Race Festival
in Dak Lak.
13. Everybody has gone to the (musical/ music/ musician/ musicians) festival.
14. La Tomatina (hold/ held/ is hold/ is held) on the last Wednesday f August every year.
15. The festival (takes/ held/ holds/ takes place) every year at the end of August.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. There were lively New Year ___________ all over the town. (CELEBRATE)
2. There are many ___________ differences between the two communities. (CULTURE)
3. I feel ___________ every time I try to read that exercise book. (BORE)
4. We were excited about the ___________ of the musical festival. (PERFORM)
5. The ___________ of the restaurant is so good that we want to go there again. (SERVE)
VI. Rewrite the sentences, using the word in brackets:
1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired (in spite of)
2. I got wet in the rain. I had an umbrella ( although)
3. They used to get up early doing exercise. (no longer)
4. What is the distance from here to the city center? (How far)
5. The distance from Ha Tinh to Ho Chi Minh city is about 1,000 km. ( It's)
VII. Make question for the following sentences:
1. Diwali was celebrated in October or November of the year.
2. People celebrate the harvest festival to honor the God Rice and their ancestor.
3. It’s three kilometres from my house to the school.

VIII. Read the text below about New Year's Eve in Hong Kong and write T (true) or F (false) in the
I’ll never forget my visit to Hong Kong. When I arrived, everybody was very busy with the
preparations involved. The atmosphere was fantastic. There were bright colours and delicious smells
everywhere. The local people were cleaning every corner of their houses and decorating the walls with
red pieces of paper.
Another custom is to cook fish on New Year’s Eve and eat it the next day. My friend told me that
they wanted to have something to eat on the first day of the year.
I was really looking forward to New Year’s Eve Dinner. The whole family got together and
everyone was really happy. I noticed that the grandparents and parents gave children red envelopes with
money inside. After dinner they all started playing cards for good luck. Nobody went to sleep before
midnight. At midnight the great event begins: fireworks! I was really amazed. All around the city I could
see and hear colourful fireworks. It was incredible and I was really excited.
Write T (true) or F (false) in the box:
1. The local people decorated the corners of their houses with red pieces of paper.
2.People cooked fish to eat on New Year’s Eve.
3.The parents and grandparents gave their children red envelopes with money inside.
4.People didn’t go to bed before midnight.
5.The card games began at midnight.

IX. Make full sentences using the words/ phrases given

Page 152
1. Easter / be / important / religious / holiday / lot / countries / world.
2. Water Festival / be / occasion / Cambodians / celebrate / New Year.

Wednesday, March 15th 2017



I. Aims
This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be learned. Ss then practice
listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "Sources of energy".
II. Objectives
- Vocab: types of energy sources, words to describe energy sources.
- Grammar: The future continuous, the future simple passive.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the activities.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
Teacher review Ss about the passive.
3. New lesson
Teacher sets the scene by asking Ss about Getting Started.
carbon footprint. 1. Vocabulary:
+ What is it about? Why is it well-known? - carbon footprint (n): dấu chân các-bon
How can it be reduced? - environment (n): môi trường
* Vocabulary checking : R.O.R - source (n): nguồn
- Ss listen to the dialogue. - run out (n): cạn kiệt
- Ss read the dialogue in silent. - renewable (adj): có thể hồi phục
- Have some pairs of students read the dialogue - use up (v): dùng hết
in front of the class. - coal (n): than đá
* T asks Ss read conversation independently - solar (adj): thuộc về mặt trời
and answer the questions in pairs. a. Answer the questions
- Have Ss compare the answers in groups. 1. It’s about the negative effect we have on the
T corrects and gives the right answers environment.
2. Non-renewable energy means that it will run out if
we use it.
3. Sunlight is a renweable energy because we can’t
use it all up, it will last forever.
* T tells Ss to read the conversation again and 4. Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint
find the appropriation information to complete because she recycles the products she uses and she
the network. goes everywhere by bike.
* T asks Ss to look at the table, listen and 5. The products we use that are bad for the

Page 153
repeat the words. Ask some pairs to read aloud envirnment or the energy we use that produces
the words. - T corrects pronunciation. Let Ss carbon dioxide might creat a big carbon footprint.
add more words. b. Complete the network.
- Have Ss write the words in two columns. - renewable sources: wind, hydro, solar
- Give feedback and confirm correct answers. - non-renewable sources: coal, natural gas, oil
2. Listen and repeat the words.

- In group, ask Ss to ask and answer questions

about renewable and non-renewable sources. 3. Put the words in correct groups.
Let Ss use the suggested questions and answers Renewable sources Non-renewable sources
in the example and the words in 2/3. Wind, hydro, Natural gas, oil, coal
biogas, nuclear,

4. Practice asking and answering questions….

A: What type of energy source is wind?
B: It is a renewable source of energy.
A:What type of energy source is coal?
B: It is a non-renewable source of energy.

4. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: A closer look 1.
- Practise reading the dialogue fluently.
- Learn by heart all new words.

Wednesday, April 14th 2017


Lesson 2/79: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to identify stress in three-syllable words; Use the lexical
items related to the topic “Sources of energy”.
II. Objectives
- Vocab: Types of energy sources, words to describe energy sources.
- Pronunciation: stress in three-syllable words.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the activities.

Page 154
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
3. New lesson
I. Vocabulary
1. Vocabulary
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab - abundant (adj) /əˈbʌn.dənt/: thừa
(situation, realia) - convenient (adj) /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/: thuận tiện
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab. - exhausted (adj) /ɪɡˈzɔː.stɪd/ : cạn kiệt
- exhaustible (adj): có thể làm cạn kiệt
- enormous (adj) /ɪˈnɔː.məs/: to lớn
* Checking vocab: R0R - limited (adj): hạn chế
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Play the recording, let SS listen to the words. - Copy all the words
Play it again with pause for them to repeat each
word. Teacher corrects their pronunciation. 2. Put the words in the right column
- Let SS work in pairs to put the words in the Sources
Advantages Disadvantages
column. of energy
Wind Not available
- Ss work individually. unlimited
- Check and confirm the answers as a class. Expensive, not
Water Clean and safe
- Let Ss read the example. Have them look at the Solar plentiful, clean Expensive
table in 1 and share their ideas in pairs. and safe

T notices the way to read the sounds.
3. Compare your answers
- Have Ss work in groups. Ss discuss and give A: I think biogas is renewable.
their answers. Some Ss may write the words on B: Me too. I also think it is abundant and cheap.
the board. T checks.
4. Complete the sentences
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and repeat 1. solar; safe 2. Non-renewable
the words, paying attention to the correct stress in 3. wind, clean 4. Expensive; dangerous
three-syllable words. Pause the recording to drill
difficult words. II. Pronunciation

- Have Ss read the sentences and mark the stresed 5. Listen and repeat
syllable in the underlined words. 0oo o0o
- Ss do the word individually. T confirm correct Dangerous, plentiful, Expensive, abundant,
answers. limited, easily, energy convenient, enormous

6. Mark (') the stressed syllable.

1. Coal will be replaced by a'nother re'newable resource.
2. Wind power is con'venient and a'bundant.
3. Natural gas is 'limited and it is harmful to the en'vironment.
4. Solar energy is 'plentiful and it can be replaced 'easily.
5. Nuclear power is ex'pensive and 'dangerous.
4. Consolidation

Page 155
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10 : Closer
look 2.
- Do exercise A1, 2 (p.29), B1, 2 (P.30)




Lesson 3/80: A

I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Use the future continuous.
- Use the future simple passive.
II. Objectives
- Grammar: The future continuous.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...

Page 156
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
- Get one student to read the dialogue (Listen
and read) by heart.
- Teacher check with students.
3. New lesson

- Teacher explain how Will + be +Ving is

used and how it is formed.
- Get Ss to study the grammar box. Teacher
explains what students don’t understand.

- Let Ss work in pairs.

- Correct Ss’ mistakes.
- Call some Ss to say out their answers
- write out the answer on the board

- Let Ss work individually. Teacher corrects

their answers and may call on some Ss to
write their answers on the board.
- Teacher give explainations if necessary.

- Individual work.

- Ss complete the task individually.

- Compare the answers in pairs.
- Check Ss’ answers and write the correct
answers on the board.
- Have Ss study the example to understand
how the future continuous is used. Let Ss do
the exercise in pairs.
- Ask some pairs to give the answers as a
- Let Ss look at the table and discuss how the
future simple passive is formed and used.
- Ss do the task independently
- Ss share the answers with a partner.
- Ss do the task independently
- Ss share the answers with a partner.
- check the answer as a class.

Page 157
- Have Ss discuss in pairs what will be done
in the future. Write their answers

4. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10:
- Do exercise B3, 4, 5, 6(p.31-32)


Period 81

Page 158
Listen to the conversations. Number the people
in the order that they first speak:
a. Daniel, the neighbor ____4___
b. Ellie ____3___
c. Joanna___1____
d. Maria, the student___5____
e. Oliver. ___2____
I. Choose the words that the dunderlined part
pronounced diferently from the others.
1. A. worked B. stopped
C. forced D. wanted
2. A. kissed B. helped
C. forced D. Raised
3. A. cultural B. documentary
C. computer D. unusual
4. A. critic B. invest
C. science D. fiction
5. A. chaos B. chemical
C. children D. Christmas
II. Choose the words which has different stress
pattern from the others.
1. A. discuss B. gather
C. perform D. attend
2. A. ticket B. costume
C. event D. number
3. A. return B. happen
C. differ D. visit
4. A. yourself B. thirteen
C. abroad D. village
5. A. Japan B. Thailand
C. Norway D. Turkey
III. Choose the best answer to complete the
sentences below:
16. The football match was quite (exciting/
excited). I enjoyed it.
17. (Even/ Although/ In spite of/ However) they spent
a big amount of money on the film, it wasn’t a
18. (How much/ How far/ How long/ How many)
does it take to go from Ha Tinh to Ha Noi?
19. All of us have to obey (traffic/ traffic rules/
traffic jam/ regular) strictly.
20. A/An (action/ documentary/ thriller/ comedy)
is a film that shows real life events or stories.
21. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early (despite of/
although/ because of/ in spite of) being very
22. A/An (horror/ sci-fi/ comedy/ documentary) is
a film that tries to make audiences laugh.
23. We found the film (bored/ bore/ boring/
24. The ( festival/ air/ tradition/ festive)

Page 159
atmosphere is felt around all the village.
25. A lot of cultural and ( arts/ artists/ artistic/
art) activities are held as part of the festival.
26. Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light, is the
(importance/ most important/ more important)
holiday of the year in India.
27. It is ( amaze/ amazed/ amazing/ amazement) to
see elephants racing in the Elephant Race
Festival in Dak Lak.
28. Everybody has gone to the ( musical/ music/
musician/musicians) festival.
29. La Tomatina ( hold/ held/ is hold/ is held) on
the last Wednesday f August every year.
30. The festival ( takes/ held/ holds/ takes place)
every year at the end of August.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in brackets:
6. There were lively New Year
___celebrations________ all over the town.
7. There are many _____cultural______
differences between the two communities.
8. I feel ____bored _______ every time I try to
read that exercise book. (BORE)
9. We were excited about the
_____performance______ of the musical
festival. (PERFORM)
10. The ____service_______ of the restaurant is
so good that we want to go there again.
V. Rewrite the sentences, using the word in
6. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired (in spite of)
 I culdn’t sleep in spite of being tired/
7. I got wet in the rain. I had an umbrella
( although)
 I got wet in the rain although I had an
8. The new restaurant looks good. It seems to
have few customers. (however)
 The new restaurant looks good. Howerver, it
seems to have few customers.
9. They used to get up early doing exercise.
10. What is the distance from here to the city
center? (How)
11. The distance from Ha Tinh to HoChi Minh
city is about 1,000 km. ( It)

Page 160
VI. Make question for the following sentences:
4. Diwali was celebrated in October or
November of the year.
5. People celebrate the harvest festival to
honor the God Rice and their ancestor.
6. It’s three kilometres from my house to the

Answer these question to talk about your
favourite festival:
1.What is the festival?
2.When is the festival celebrated?
3.Who takes part in the festival?
4.How do they celebrate the festival?
5.Why do they celebrate the festival?

Page 161



Lesson 4/82:

I. Aims
Talking about types and source of
energy, about the advantages and disadvantages
of different sources of energy.
Discussing how to save energy.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk
about types and source of energy, about the
advantages and disadvantages of different
sources of energy discuss how to save energy.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak Ss may find it difficult to express
their idea.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
Checking Ss’ homework
- Teacher checks with whole class.

Task 1
- Have Ss read each item in 1 independently and
write the number (from 1 to 4) in the boxes in
accordance with what they always, often,
sometimes or never do.
- Ask Ss to mark each other’s answers in pairs.
After adding up the marks, ask Ss to write the
score in the total score box.
Task 2
- Have Ss explain in pairs how well they save
Page 162
energy, using the three levels of scores in 2.
Task 3:
- Have Ss talk about your partners’ carbon
footprint in groups, using the prompts in 3 and the
ideas in 1.

2. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
3. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Skills
- Do exercise C1, 2 (p.33) (Workbook).

Page 163



Lesson 5/83:

I. Aims
Reading for specific information about
houses in the future and future appliance.
Talking about houses in the future(types,
locations, surroundings, rooms, appliances).
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able
- Read for specific information about houses in

Page 164
the future and future appliance.
- Talk about houses in the future.
- Practise speaking and reading skills.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to
catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ home work.
3. New lesson


- Have Ss work in pairs.

- T moves around and give help if necessary.

S: Read the text in silence and check the answers

Ss do the task independently.

- Call one S to give the answers to the class.
- Check the answers.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the

questions in pairs.
- Have some pairs ask and answer the questions
as a class. Check and confirm the correct

- Ask Ss to read the example and do the task in

- Have some pairs role play as a class.

- Have Ss study the example and do the task


4. Consolidation
Teacher gets students to retell what they
have learnt.
Page 165
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Skills
- Do Ex D1, 2 (WB)



Page 166


Lesson 6/84:
I. Aims
To help students develope writing skill,
listening skill.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able
- Listen to a passage of a new source of
- Write a short passage about how to
save energy.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disc.
IV. Anticipated problems
It is rather difficult for weak Ss to
express their ideas.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
Discussion (Act 1 P.45)
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the
questions in pairs.
3. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
A. Listening:
- T asks Ss to read the task 2 in their book. Have S
guess the answers first.
- Call on some Ss to talk about their guess as a class
- T can give some words before Ss listen.
- T plays the recording twice.
- T asks Ss to listen and do the task.
- Ss listen again and check their answers
- T corrects their answers
- Ss copy in notebook

- T asks Ss listen and do the task individually.

- Ss check their answers each other
- T calls Ss to give their answer to the class an
correct the mistakes where necessary.

B. Writing:
* Pre-writing:
- Ask Ss to complete the article independently, usin

Page 167
the phrases (A-E). Have Ss read the complete articl
paying attention to the problems and solutions
how to save energy.
- T checks and confirms the correct answers.

- Have Ss look at the prompts and discuss the ways

save energy.
- Call one student to give the answers to the class.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

* While- writing:
- T checks the writing of students and give Ss help

4. Consolidation
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10:
Looking back & Project.
- Do Ex E1, 2 (WB)

Page 168



Lesson 7/85:
I. Aims
To help students recycle the language from
the previous sections and link with the topic:
Sources of energy.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able
- Revise and make the use of all the
target knowledge in unit 10.
- Write a simple slogan.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
It is rather difficult for Ss to make use
of all the content of this unit.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks students’ homework.
- Get two teams to name appliances in the
3. New lesson

Ss work individually to do the exercises.

Asks Ss to compare their answer with their
Gives the answers

Page 169
- Ss complete this task individually.
- Have Ss compare the answers in pairs.
- Check and confirm correct answers.

- Ss complete this task individually.

- Have Ss compare the answers in pairs.
- Check and confirm correct answers.

- - Ss complete this task individually.

- Have Ss compare the answers in pairs.
- Check and confirm correct answers.

- Ask Ss to look at the two sample slogans at the

bottom and discuss the answers to the two
* Slogans should be short and effective. They
should have message and attract attention.
- Ss work independently and compare in groups.

4. Consolidation
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11:
Getting started.
- Write simple slogans about how to save

Page 170



Lesson 1/86:
I. Aims
This lesson will present the vocabulary
and grammar items to be learned. Ss then
practice listening and speaking with the lexical
items related to the topic "Travelling in the
II. Objectives
- Vocab: Means of transport in the
future, movement words.
- Grammar: Will for future prediction,
possessive pronouns.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all
the activities.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.

Page 171
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Have Ss work in groups. (or team work)

- How will Vietnamese people travel around in 2100

3. New lesson
Introducing: using the picture in the book on page 4
and asks students to look at it then to answer the
+ What can you see in the picture?
+ What are the people doing? What makes you th
+ What do you think is on the screen? What topic
they talking about?
- Pre-teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary checking : R.O.R

- Ss listen to the dialogue.

- Ss read the dialogue in silent.
- Have some pairs of students read the dialogue
front of the class.
* T asks Ss do exercise a
- Ss work individually then compare in pairs.
T corrects and gives the right answers

* T asks Ss to read conversation again to find

answer to the questions.
- Ss work in pairs.

+ T explains what a fact is, what an opinion

(Remember box)
- Ss do the task in pairs.

- Ss work individually to complete the exercise.

- T makes an example:
An electric car
- Ss work individually.

Page 172
- Ss work in pairs

4. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: A
closer look 1.
- Practise reading the dialogue fluently.
- Learn by heart all new words.




Lesson 2/87: A

I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- understand and use rising and
falling intonation for questions.
- Improve their listening skill, wrting
skill and pronunciation.
II. Objectives
- Vocab: Means of transport in the
future, movement words.
- Pronunciation: Rising and falling

Page 173
intonation for questions.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
Students may get confused when
practising rising and falling intonation for
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks students’ homework:
+ Write new words
+ Read the dialogue
3. New lesson

I. Vocabulary
1. Teaching vocab
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocab (situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.

* Checking vocab: R0R

2. Cross out (1 P.50)

? Ss work individually then compare in pairs.
? Teacher gives feedback.
3. Matching (2 P.50)
- Have Ss underline the most important
keywords in the thinking bubbles.
- Ss work in pairs. Get 3 Ss to go to the board to
write their answers
3. Complete the sentences (3 P.50)
- Ss work individually then in pairs. Explain the
use of in and on in Remember box.
II. Pronunciation
Rising and falling intonation for questions.
- Write two question on the board: one Y/N
question and one Wh-question. Tell Ss to say the
questions aloud and ask them to notice how the
two questions are said in different ways. Tell Ss
to look at the rules in the Look out! Box. Have
them ask some questions and have more practice.
4. Listen and tick the correct box(4 P.51)
- Ss work individually.
5. Repeat the questions (5 P.51)
6. Practise saying the questions (6 P.51)
- Ss paratise saying the questions individually
and decide if they are spoken with rising or
falling voices.

Page 174
- Playing the recording for Ss to check.
III. Production
Asking and answering questions (7 P.51)

4. Consolidation
Teacher gets students to retell the aim of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Closer
look 2.
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Do Ex A1,2, 3 P36, B1,2,3,4 P37,38 (WB)


Page 175



Lesson 3/88: A
I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able
to use WILL for future prediction and
possessive pronouns correctly and
II. Objectives
- Grammar: WILL for future prediction
and possessive pronouns.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all
the activities.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
+ One student goes to the board to write
new words and practise intonation.
- Get one student to write new words.
- Teacher check with students.
3. New lesson

- Remind Ss of Phuc, Veronica and Mai and the

group’s project in Getting started. Ask Ss if they
are talking about the past, the present or the future.
- As Ss to listen to the conversation carefully to
pick any phrases/sentences that contain WILL.

- Ss work individually then compare their answers

with each other.

Page 176
- Write “fortune-teller” on the board.
- T: Why do people want to visit a fortune-teller?
- Have you ever talked with a fortune-teller about
the future?
- Have the predictions become true or not?
- Have Ss role-play.

- Go through the examples with Ss. Demonstrate

that the two sentences have the same meaning.
- This is your pen.
- This pen is yours.
- Explain the use of possessive adjective and
possessive pronoun.
- Draw Ss’ attention to the Remember box and the
- Teacher asks Sts to do task 4 individually.
- Call one st to write the answers on the board.
- Call others to remark
- Teacher gives the correct answers

- Have Ss work in groups of four. Each group

member writes five sentences individually, then
the group get together to see how many sentences
they have. The group that has the most correct
sentences wins.

4. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11:
- Do exercise B5, B6 (Workbook).

Page 177



Lesson 4/89:
I. Aims
Students can use WILL to talk about
transport problems in the future.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss can use
WILL to talk about transport problems in the
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak Ss may find it difficult to express
their idea.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision

- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.

S1: Forms and uses of “will”.
S2: The uses os possessive adjective and poss
3. New lesson
*Extra vocabulary.

- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab

Page 178
(situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.

* Checking voc: R0R

- Tell the class one bad experience about using a

particular means of transport.
- Ask Ss if they had a similar experience.
- Ss work in groups.

- Ss do the task individually.

- T elicits the answers on the board. Ask if they
similar problems where they live.

- Ss work in groups of four to design a future me

transport that will help people in Wonderland, usi
prompt web provied.

- Prepare the evaluation form on A4 paper for each

to allow more writing space.
- Explain that they should listen carefully to other g
in order to give an evaluation.
- T collects the evaluation and adds up the scores t
out the best presentation.
4. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of
the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Skills
- Do exercise C1, 2 (Workbook).

Page 179



Lesson 5/90:
I. Aims
Reading for specific information about the
inventions of future means of transport.
Giving facts or opinions about transport.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be
able to:
Page 180
- Read for specific information about the
inventions of future means of transport.
- Give facts or opinions about transport.
- Practise speaking and reading skills.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch
up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ home work.
3. New lesson

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe

what they see. Help Ss find the connection
between the pictures by asking questions:
+ How many people can travel on them? Where
are these vehicle used? How can these people
control these vehicle?...

- Ask Ss to read the text quickly and try to

identify the names of transport inventions in the
- T corrects the mistakes.

- ask sts match the words with their meaning.

- T can explain some new words if necessary.
T observes and helps sts when necessary

- Ask sts to work in pairs to complete the task.

- correct.

- Explain the Study skill box for opinion signal

- Remind Ss of the difference between a fact and
opinion that they learnt in Getting Started. Ss
work in pairs to complete the task.

- Ss work in pairs to prepare their presentation

about the vehicle. Remind them to use
statements about both fact and opinions. Ss can

Page 181
add their own ideas where possible.
- Call on some pairs to present it to the class.

4. Consolidation
Teacher gets students to retell what they
have learnt.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Skills
- Do Ex D1, 2 (WB)


Page 182
Period 91
Lesson 6:
I. Aims
To help students develope writing skill,
listening skill.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about
future means of transport.
- Write a paragraph about future means
of transport.
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
- A cassette and an audio compact disc.
IV. Anticipated problems
It is rather difficult for weak Ss to
express their ideas.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
- Get one student to go to the board to write
new words.
- Help Ss with their homework if they have
any problems.
3. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
A. Listening:
* Pre- listening:
- Have Ss guess the answers first. Tell Ss that the
questions ask about what they think, and not what
is true about the vehicle. Remind them to use
opinion signal words where possible. Do not give
correstive feedback at this time.
- Accept all answers from Ss and ask them why
they think so.
* While- listening:
- Play the recording for Ss to check their guess
then compare the answers with a partner.
- T gives feedback.

- Ss work individually then compare the answers

with a partner.

- Ss do the task in pairs.

- T gives feedback and play the recording if

Page 183

B. Writing:
* Pre-writing:
- Ask Ss to refer to the text in Reading to support
Ss in this task.

* While- writing:
- Ss write their paragraph individually based on
the suggestions in the book.
- Have Ss swap their writing with each other. Ask
them to identify facts and opinions.
- T collects some writing to correct at home.

4. Consolidation
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11:
Looking back & Project.
- Do Ex E1, 2 (WB)

Page 184

Period 92


Lesson 7:
I. Aims
To help students recycle the language from
the previous sections and link with the topic:
Travelling in the future.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able
- Revise and make the use of all the
target knowledge in unit 11.
- Understand the use of possessive
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not any problems.
V. Procedure
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
- Asking for the teaching date.
2. Revision
- Teacher checks students’ homework.
- Get two Ss to go to the board to tell about
possessive pronouns.
3. New lesson
I. Vocabu
1. Activit
Ss work individually to do exercises. Activity 1
Do the wo
Asks Ss to compare their answer with Check the
their partner
Gives the answers ca
Activity 2

- asks Ss to do the exercise bicycle

individually. Check the answers with
their partners. Car
Page 185
Checks with the whole class Train
- asks Ss to do the exercise airplane
individually. Check the answers with
their partners.
- T checks with the whole class II. Gramm
* Activity
1. mine
- Ss write the text and swap with each 4.hers
other for peer comments.
* Activity
will be hea
Ss work individually then compare the They won’
answers with each other. III. Comm
Activity 5
Encourage Ss to draw pictures to
illustrate their ideas.
Ss may use posters.

4. Consolidation
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
5. Homework
- Prepare for the next written test.

Page 186


Period 93

I. Aims
To help students review grammar point and
other aspects of language for the coming test..
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able
- Revise grammar points from Unit 8-11
III. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not any problems.
V. Procedure

1. Tenses:
- Thì tương lai tiếp diễn
Diễn tả một sự việc ĐANG xảy ra tại một
thời điểm xác định trong TƯƠNG LAI
- Thì tương lai đơn
Sử dụng will để đưa ra một dự đoán trong
tương lai.
Page 187
2. Tính từ “ed” và “ing”
Một tính từ có thể được thành lập bằng
cách thêm “ed” hoặc “ing” sau động từ
- Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” để mô tả cảm giác,
cảm xúc của một ai khi bị một sự việc, vật tác
- Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ing” để mô tả về tính
chất của vật việc
3. Từ nối ALTHOUGH,
Although/ though/ even though/ much as +
mệnh đề
Despite / in spite of + cụm danh từ
Mệnh đề. However/ Nevertheless,(dấu
phẩy) mệnh đề
4. Câu hỏi với H/WH
Các từ để hỏi Who, Why, Which, Whose,
What, When, Where, How
5. Bị động của thì tương lai đơn
(+)S + will be+ V3
(-) S+ won’t be + V3
(?) Will + S + be V3?
6. Đại từ sỡ hữu
Đại từ sở hữu dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở
hữu và danh từ khi không muốn lặp lại danh
Ex: It’s my book ===> It’s mine.(= my book)
They're her keys ===> They're hers.(= her
Như vậy ta phải nói danh từ đó trước rồi mới
thay thế.
7. IT indicating distance
It + be + (about) + distance +
Ex: It is about 300 meters from my house to th e
bus stop.
8. Used to
Sử dụng “used to” để mô tả một hành động, một
thói quen hoặc một việc xảy ra thường xuyên
trong quá khứ nhưng bây giờ không còn nữa
9. So sánh số lượng
Little -> less
Few -> Fewer
Many ,much -> more
Số lượng Ít hơn:
S+ V+ less + N (không đếm được)
S+ V+ fewer + N ( đếm được)
Số lượng nhiều hơn:

Page 188
S+ V+ more ( danh từ đếm được và không đếm
10. Câu hỏi đuôi
Lưu ý
1. Câu giới thiệu khẳng định, phần hỏi đuôi
phủ định.
Câu giới thiệu phủ định, phần hỏi đuôi
khẳng định
2. Phần đuôi chỉ sử dụng các đại từ : I, you,
we, they, he, she, it, there
3. Phần đuôi luôn ở dạng viết tắt

I. Choose the word having different stress
from the others.
1. A. harvest B. parade
C. music D. pumpkin
2. A. offer B. prefer
C. abroad D. arrive
3. A. famous B. joyful
C. usual D. alone
4. A. exist B. avoid
C. support D. notice
5. A. hungry B. disease
C. spacious D. danger
6. A. favourite B. pollution
C. imagine D. exhausted
7. A. energy B. plentiful
C. disappear D. celebrate
8. A. recycle B. description
C. contribute D. atmosphere

II. Choose and circle the best answer.
1. Many (cultural/ romance/ disappointed/
annoyed) and artistic activities are held as the part
of the flower festival in Da Lat.
2. Wind, hydro and solar are (modern/ renewable/ non
renewable/ new) energy sources.
3. Nick washes his hand a lot, (so/ and/ but/
although) he doesn’t have flu.
4. At a seasonal festival, people race down the
hill to (break/ catch/ buy/ eat) cheese.
5. (When/ How/ Why/ Where) were you born? –
In March
6. We will cut down on the use of natural gas
because it is (plenty/ limited / available /
abundant ) & harmful to the environment.
7. Some new energy-saving bulbs (will put /will
be putting/will be put /will being put)
in the dining-room.
I. Put question for the underlined part of
each sentence:

Page 189
1. It is 10 kilometers from here to ACB bank.
2. I have known Marie for nine years.
3. Yes, they used to be friends at the university.
4. Sarah left two hours ago.
5. She is watching Tom and Jerry.



Period 94
I. Aims
Students futher practice with
pronunciations, stresses and grammar point as
well as skills.
II. Contents:


Time alloted: 45 minutes, Grade: 7
Full name: …………………………….. Class:
I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps:
First name (1) ________.
Surname: (2) __________
Date of birth (3) _____ September
Address: (5) ______ Hills Street,
Home phone: (6) ______________

II. Choose the words that the dunderlined part
pronounced diferently from the others.
7. A. ahead B. instead
C. seat-belt D. bread
8. A. traffic B. plane
C. station D. alternative
9. A. wanted B. needed
Page 190
C. invited D. talked
10. A. recommend B. direct
C. replace D. energy
III. Choose the words which has different stress
pattern from the others.
11. A. trafic B. dancer C.
cycling D. balloon
12. A. station B . healthy C. safety
D. enjoy


IV. Choose the best answer to complete the
sentences below, underline your choice:
13. The end of the film was (move/
moving/moved/to move).
14. (Although/However/ Inspite of/But) the
weather is good, we don’t go swimming.
15. We will go on a hoiday with some friends of
16. A friend of (I/ me/ my/mine) is coming to visit
me next week.
17. At this time next week,we (will cycle/
cycle/will be cycling) to the countryside.
18. The film wasn’t moving.
(Although/However/Despite), I started to cry.
19. I used (to walk/ walk/walked/walking) to
school 2 years ago.
20. My children often sleep while they are
(in/at/on/under) a plane.
21. It’s really difficult to (drive/ fly/ sail/pedal) a
bicycle up the hill.
22. Nuclear power (will replace/ repalced/will be
replaced/replaces) in the future.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets:
23. Mr. Hoa always drive his car ______________
24. Tet is an important ____________ in Viet
25. Oil enery can be is an ___________ type of
energy. (EXHAUST)
26. SSS is the name of Sky System ___________

VI. Read the passage and then circle the best
Who are the best drivers? Which
drivers are the safest on the roads? According
to a recent survey, young and inexperienced
drivers are the most likely to have an accident.
Older drivers are more careful. Young men
have the worst accident records of all. They
often choose faster cars with bigger engines.
One of the most interesting facts in the survey

Page 191
is that passengers have an effect on the driver.
When young male drivers have their friends in
the car, their driving become worse. When
their wife or girlfriend is in the car, however,
their driving is better. But opposite is true for
women. Their driving is more dangerous when
their husband or boyfriend is in the car.

27. According to the survey, who are the most

likely to have an accident?
A. Young and experienced drivers.
B. Old and inexperienced drivers.
C. Young and old drivers.
D. Young and inexperienced drivers.
28. Which cars do young men often choose?
A. expensive cars.
B. fast cars with big engines.
C. slow cars with big engines.
D. fast car with small engines.
29. Who have an effect on the driver ?
A. passengers B. policemen
C. children D. journalists.
30. When young male drivers have the wife of
girlfriends in the car, their driving becomes
A. worse B. slower
C. better D. faster
VII. Read the passage and tick () True or
Energy is one of the problems that many
people are interested in. It is not an unfamiliar
word. It is heard, said, discussed day after day. It is
close to everyone’s daily life. You turn on a lamp
and it is energy that gives you light. You turn on a
TV and it is energy that gives you pictures and
sound. You ride a motorcycle and it is energy that
gives you movement. You cook your meals and it
is energy that gives you heat to boil rice.
The problem is that the demand for energy
is rising and that the price of energy is getting
higher and higher. The supply of energy on earth is
limited. It can not provide us forever. The shortage
of energy in the future is inevitable. Therefore,
saving energy is a must if we want to continue to
live in a safe and sound world. ( familiar: thân
thuộc/ demand: nhu cầu/ inevitable: chắc chắn
xảy ra)
True or False?
31. Many people aren’t interested in the problems of ener
32. The word “energy” is familiar and close to everyone’s
33. Energy is heard, said, discussed day after day.
34. The supply of energy on earth is unlimited. It can pro
35. If we want to continue to live in a safe and sound wor

Page 192
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences with the
same meaning.
36. That is my bicycle

That ..........................................................................
37.They will build a hydropower station in the
North of the country next year.
A hydropower
station ......................................................................
38.Although Mrs. Hoa got up early, she was late
for the meeting .
In spite
of ..............................................................................
IX. Make questions for the underlined parts:
39. It’s about 3 kilometres from my house to my
40. My friends save money to fly to Korea.



Period 95


By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
Page 193
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to
the topic of an overcrowded world
- Listen and read a conversation between
Nam and Phuong about future Brazil
B. Content:
- Vocab: vocabulary related to an
overcrowded world
- Grammar: Present simple tense
C. Preparation:
- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters,
tape and radio
- Method: T- WC, group work, individual
D. Procedures:
I.Warm up (5') Introduction
There are 5 million people in Ha Noi
Ha Noi has a population of 5 million.
Ask Ss if they know the country in the country or in
the word. Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix
over' and elicit the meaning of this newly - formed
word from Ss.

II. The new lesson (35’)

- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab
- Use different techniques to teach.

1. Listen and read(8’)

Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and the pictures
and ask them prediction questions about what they
are going read. The questions may be:
 What is the conversation abour ?
 What do you think Brazil is like ?
 Do you think Phuong likes Brazil ?
 What can you find a bout Rio/ Brazil in this
conversation ?

a. Read the conversation again, and tick true or

. Ask them read the sentences and decide if they are
falce. Ss compare answers with a partner. Have Ss
correct the false sentences. T writes the correct
answers on the board.
-Run through all the sentences
- Confirm the correct answers

Page 194
- Ask Ss to read the explanation in the exercise and
try to find the words without checking the text. then
ask Ss to refer to the dialogue again for the correct
words. Correct the answers as a class.
- Get feedback

-Go through the words and pictures

- Have ss quickly match each word/with its picture.
Then play the recording for ss to check their
answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them
to repeat chorally and individually.
-Correct their pronunciation

Ss complete the exercise independently. T calls

some Ss to share their sentences with the class. T can
choose some good sentences and write them on the
board for other Ss to learn from. Encourage Ss to
make as many sentences as possible.

In groups, ask Ss to think of the problems and make

list of them
If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for
problems in their daily life at own classes, schools,
home, areas ar any other places they know for the

5. Report your list to the class and see if they

agree with you or not
Call each group to report their list to the class. T
may help write the proplems on the board. Ask the
class if they agree or not. Encourage them ti give an
explanation to their answers. Then move on to the
next group and do the same.
III. Consolidation (3’)
- Ask ss to recall the lesson

IV.Home work(2’)
- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.
- Prepare next lesson. Unit 12. Lesson 2
A closer look 1

Page 195
Page 196

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