Study The Effect of Postharvest Heat Treatment On Infestation Rate of Fruit Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Cultivars Grown in Algeria

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Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet

Volume 1 | Issue 1

Research Article Open Access

Study the effect of postharvest heat treatment on infestation rate of fruit
date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars grown in Algeria
Marouf Aribi Mohamed1*, Khali Mustapha2,3
Department of Biotechnology, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Productions, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Univer-
sity of Blida 1, B.P 270 Road of Soumâa-Blida, Algeria.
Department of Biotechnology, Laboratory for the Protection and Valorisation of Agrobiological Resources, Faculty of Nature
and Life Sciences, University of Blida 1, B.P 270 Road of Soumâa-Blida, Algeria.
General Manager of the Technical Center for Agri-Food Industry (CTIAA), Ibn Khaldoun Street Boumerdès B.P 71A, Algeria

*Corresponding author: Marouf Aribi Mohamed, Department of Biotechnology, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Productions,
Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Blida 1, B.P 270 Road of Soumâa-Blida, Algeria. E mail: [email protected]

Citation: Marouf Aribi Mohamed, Khali Mustapha (2020) Study the effect of postharvest heat treatment on infestation rate of fruit date
palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars grown in Algeria. J Nut Sci Heal Diet 1(1): 37- 40

Received Date: June 21; 2020; Accepted Date: July 6; 2020; Published Date: July 10; 2020


Effect of heat treatment (55°C/20 min) on infestation rate was investigated in Algerian dates (Deglet Nour variety) at Tamar (fully
ripe) stage and in dates stored for 5 months at ambient temperature and in cold storage (10°C). Results obtained showed a variable
percentage of rate infestation. These rate decreased weakly as the fruit advanced in storage at ambient temperature, whereas, they
are less high in heat treated and cold stored dates. Heat treatment did show a significant effect on infestation variation. Deglet
Nour dates showed that there was a decrease in rate infestation during storage for either heat treated dates samples. Whereas, rate
infestation was weaker in chilled dates comparatively to those stored at ambient temperature. Rate infestation showed a similar
trend where a decrease was observed in all samples during storage, particularly in heat treated dates. In all cases, heat treatment
seems to benefit reducing rate infestation, whereas a relative stability in rate infestation was noted.

Key word: Postharvest; Heat treatment; Infestation; Date palm; Phoenix dactylifera L.

Introduction surinamensis L. (Coleoptera) as well as Olygonychus afrasiaticus

which is a spider [9]. The observations of Ben-Lalli carried out
Deglet Nour is the commercial variety that occupies most of the in the palm groves of Sud in the region of Biskra (South-East of
international trade in dates [1-4]. For Algeria, it represents 60% of Algeria), show that more than 30% of organic dates of the Deglet
the dates produced, i.e. 40% of the total revenue from agricultural Nour variety are infested with pests especially lepidoptera [9]. Soft
exports [5]. Dates are rich in carbohydrates, comprising 70-80% in and semi-soft dates were more infested than dry dates [10,11].
the form of glucose and fructose. Date fruit also contains vitamins, Chemical treatment of dates is very effective to eliminate pests, but
fiber, minerals and polyphenols, a class of bioactive compounds, it affects the quality of the premium date, and poses a danger to the
especially phenolic acids [6]. Date fruit has special religious health of the consumer [12]. Heat treatment is a good alternative
importance for Muslims people all over the world as it mentioned and a technological solution compatible with an organic label.
in many places in the Quran. There is a tradition to eat date fruit to Refrigeration significantly reduces insect infestation. Storage at 5°C
break the fast during Ramadan fasting [7].Contamination of fresh or below is effective for the conservation of this type of date, and
fruits and vegetables with pathogens or spoilage agents can occur prevents the development of all kinds of insects [3]. According to
during production, harvesting, packaging, processing, distribution Kader and Hussein, for a long storage period, temperatures below
or marketing [8]. Among the most commonly encountered pests the freezing temperature of up to -15.7°C can be used to store dates
are the Esctomyelois ceratoniae Zaller, Ectomyelois decolor at the Tamar stage [13]. Dates with a water content of 20% or less
Zaller, Ephestia calidella, which is a lepidoptera and Oryzaephilus can be stored at -18°C for more than a year. With a water content 37
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
<20%, these dates can be stored at 0°C for one year, or 4°C for 8 Infestation rate = Number of infested dates / Number of observed
months, and 20°C for only one month (with an RH which must be dates × 100
maintained between 65 and 75% in all cases). One of the main causes
of quality and quantity post-harvest losses is the infestation of dates Statistical Analysis
with insects and the resulting damage [13]. Heat treatments can
be used to combat yeasts and spoilage mold [14,15]. This physical Results were expressed as mean ±standard deviation; variability
treatment was also effective in controlling postharvest insects and between samples of dates was determined by the ANOVA test, using
pests [16,17]. This traditional physical process of decontamination STATISTICA software (STATISTICA V6.1). Significance was accepted
is still in use today, because it is efficient, healthy and inexpensive at 0.05 level of probability (p<0.05).
compared to other technologies such as chemical processes and
irradiation (Gamma ray) [18]. Heat can be applied to fruits and Results and Discussions
vegetables in several ways: by immersion in hot water, by hot air
or by steam [16,19], or by rinsing with hot water with brushing The infestation rate of the heat untreated Deglet Nour dates
[20]. The main objective of our study is to define a heat treatment increases without significant difference (p>0.05) with storage at
capable of eliminating the infestation rate without affecting the room temperature. As a result, in the 5th month the dates were
quality of the dates, and to study the effect of two environmental fully infested (97.42%) [Figure 1]. This same trend was observed
factors (temperature of storage, and heat treatment) on the rate of
in the heat untreated dates stored at 10°C. However, a significantly
this infestation, in order to define the storage conditions intended
for these dates. lower level of infestation rate was observed in the 5th month
compared to the rate observed for room temperature storage date
Materials and Methods (90.78% versus 97.42% in the 5th month) [Figure 2]. Heat treated
batches continue to be infested during storage, particularly at room
Plant Material and Constitution of Experimental temperature (95.74% in the 5th month), unlike batches stored
Batches at 10°C, which despite the continuation of the infestation but at
significantly lower levels. This is more pronounced in the 4th and
The Deglet Nour variety dates, from the Tolga palm grove 5th month of storage at 10°C (46.52% and 58.97% respectively) of
(Wilaya of Biskra-Algeria), were harvested on different regimes at heat treated dates.
the end of October (at Tamar stage), then transported and kept in
cold rooms at 4°C±1°C. The dates were sorted and separated from
their branches and the infested or crushed dates were eliminated.

The date samples were divided into two groups divided in six kind
of samples each, corresponding to the different storage periods (0, 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 months). At least thirty dates were used in each treatment.

The first group was left at room temperature (22°C±1°C) with

a relative humidity of 75% to 80% and the second group was kept
at low temperature of (10°C±1°C) with a relative humidity of 85%
to 90%. After 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 month of storage all samples were
subjected to infestation rate test after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months of

Table 1 Experimental batches

Ambient Temperature (AT=22oC) (Test I) Low Temperature (LT=10oC) (Test II)

Figure 1. Evolution of the infestation rate (%) of dates
C1: (Control) Preserved by freezing C2: (Control) Preserved by freezing
stored at 22°C (Test I).
Lot 1: Not Heat Treated: (NHT) Lot 1: Not Heat Treated: (NHT)
Lot 2: Heat Treated: (HT) Lot 2: Heat Treated: (HT) NHT: Not Heat Treated; HT: Heat Treated

Heat Treatment

As an alternative disinsectisation treatment on the infestation

rate of the date we used a physical treatment. The dates were
treated at 55°C±2°C for 20 min in a ventilated oven set. A control
batch was left untreated. Both treated and untreated dates were
subsequently conserved at either 10°C±1°C or at 22°C±1°C (room
temperature) over a period of five months.

Infestation Rate Measurement

The dates tested are infested with eggs and larvae of Ectomyelois
ceratoniæ, the main pest of dates.
Figure 2. Evolution of the infestation rate (%) of dates
The infestation rate was determined by the following relationship stored at 10°C (Test II).
[21]: NHT: Not Heat Treated; HT: Heat Treated 38
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
Heated air at 50-55°C for 2-4 hours (from the time the fruit Heat treatments are more and more accepted as replacement
temperature reaches 50°C or higher) is effective for insect treatments for methyl bromide; however, determining the most
disinfestation [22].Time of harvest is based on the date fruit’s sensitive stages of biological development is essential to the
appearance and texture (related to moisture and sugar content). development of disinsection protocols based on thermal energy.
The profitability at the industrial level of such a disinfestation
Proper timing of harvest reduces incidence and severity of cracking
treatment, remains to be demonstrated taking into account
or splitting of dates, excessive dehydration, insect infestation,
the heterogeneity of the dates delivered to the packaging plant
and attack by microorganisms [13]. The heat treatment of dates (variable degree of humidity, different varieties, irregular feeding
has shown a remarkable effect in limiting the infestation of date of the packaging tunnel, etc.) and the thermal scale applied.
stocks, even not heat treated, both at room temperature and at
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