1 Development of MT. History of PAMET & PASMETH

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James Todd wrote the “Manual of Clinical Diagnosis”

BIOETHICS in 1908 and was re-titled “Clinical Diagnosis by
Laboratory Methods” with Dr. Arthur Sanford as co-
 Definition of Medical Technology (RA 5527) author. Standard book of MedTech.
An auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which deals
 University of Minnesota was the first school to offer a
with the examination by various chemical, microscopic,
degree level program in 1923, “Courses in Medical
bacteriologic and other medical laboratory procedures or
Technology for Clinical and Laboratory Technicians”.
technique which will aid the physician in the diagnosis,
 1936 – The American Board of Pathology was established.
study and treatment of disease and in the promotion of
 1940 – US required a 2-year collegiate education and 12-
health in general.
month actual training in the laboratory.
 According to Heinemann
 1950 – A standard curriculum for Medical Technology
It is the application of principles of natural, physical and
was formalized (BS Degree)
biological sciences to the performance of laboratory
procedures which aid in the diagnosis and treatment of HISTORY OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE
 According to Fagelson
It is the branch of medicine concerned with the After 2nd world war…
performance of laboratory determinations and analyses  26th Medical Laboratory of the 6th US Army – introduced
used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and the Medical Technology in the Philippines.
maintenance of health.  Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila – the place where the US
 Medical Technology or Clinical Laboratory Science Army established the 1st clinical laboratory. Mobile lab
“as the health profession concerned with performing  Dr. Mariano Icasiano – 1st city health officer of Manila.
laboratory analyses in view of obtaining information  Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda – organized the Public Health
necessary in the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well Laboratory on October 1, 1945.
as in the maintenance of good health”  1954 – a 6-month laboratory training with certificate was
- Walters given to trainees.


- Macroscopic and microscopic examination
 Mrs. Willa Hilgert-Hedrick – founder of Med Tech
3 type ? Education in the Philippines.
- Accurate, reliable, timeliness result  Philippine Union College – 1st school to offer a 5-year
Med Tech course in 1954
EARLY BEGINNING OF MEDICAL  Dr. Jesse Umali – 1st Med Tech Graduate in 1956
TECHNOLOGY  University of Sto. Tomas – offered Med Tech on June 30,
 460 BC Hippocrates (father of medicine) 1960
o He formulated the Hippocratic oath, the code of ethics  Centro Escolar University – offered Med Tech in 1960
for practicing physicians  Far Eastern University – offered Med Tech on July 5, 1962
o He advocated a diagnostic protocol that included
tasting the patient’s urine.
o Oldest known test on body fluids was done on urine  May 13, 1970 – Dir. Narcisco Albarracin appointed Dr.
by ancient physicians before 400 BC Serafin Juliano and Dr. Gustavo Reyes to organize an
o Urinalysis – oldest laboratory procedures today. association of medical technology schools.
 June 22, 1970 – 1st Organizational meeting was held at the
University of Sto. Tomas.
 Vivian Herrick traced the beginning of Medical  Dr. Gustavo Reyes – 1st PASMETH president
Technology – 1550 BC
o Taenia and Ascaris (Intestinal parasites)
 According to Anna Fagelson, Alexandra Giliani (14 th 1. Dr. Ibarra Panopio
century) performed the first laboratory procedures now 2. Dr. Angelita Adaya
under the domain of the medical technology profession. 3. Dr. Elizabeth Del Rio (2 terms)
She died because of laboratory acquired disease. 4. Dr. Gustavo Reyes (2 terms)
 Dr. Douglas pioneered laboratory instruction in 1884 5. Dr. Norma Lerma
(USA). 6. Dr. Vivensio Torres
 Dr. William Welch offered the first laboratory course in 7. Mr. Nardito Moraleta
pathology and he was the first professor of pathology at 8. Mrs. Norma Chang
John Hopkins University in 1885 (USA). 9. Prof. Rodolfo Rabor
 Dr. William Osler organized the first clinical laboratory at 10. Dr. Nini Lim
the John Hopkins Hospital in 1896. First laboratory. 11. Mrs. Zenaida Cajucom
HISTORY OF PAMET 7. Carmencita Acedera (1982 – 1991)
 She intensified civic development of PAMET
 Mr. Crisanto G. Almario – father of PAMET through medical missions.
 September 15, 1963 – PAMET was organized at the Public  Active participation and involvement of the
Health Laboratory at 208 Quiracada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila. whole PAMET membership in all its activities.
 September 20, 1964 – 1st National Convention was held at  She worked for the membership of PAMET with
the FEU. the ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory
Technologists (AAMLT)
PAMET PRESIDENTS  Scholarships for deserving Med Tech students by
Proctor and Gamble was given during her
1. Charlemagne Tamondong (1963 – 1967) leadership.
 He worked for the recognition of PAMET for 8. Marilyn Atienza (1991 – 1996)
public acceptance and for its good social  Current member of Med Tech Board (2006 –
standing. present)
 He worked for the approval of House Bill No.  Community service programs: publication of the
7682 on May 10, 1965 – to help the Med Techs in official PAMET journal
the country.  Scholarship for children of qualified PAMET
2. Nardito Moraleta (1967 – 1970) members.
 “Father of Profession”  Inclusion of all Med Techs to hazard pay and
 He worked for the approval of RA 005527 also sending qualified Med Techs as scholars for the
known as the Philippine MT Act of 1969 training program offered by the Japan
 Organized the first PAMET chapters outside International Med Tech Foundation.
Manila (Cebu & Baguio Chapter) 9. Norma Chang (1997 – 2000)
 He worked for the registration of PAMET with  She worked for the revision of the Med Tech
the International Association of Medical Code of Ethics on March 7, 1997
Laboratory Technicians (IAMLT) on May 28,  Active participation of PAMET to the AAMLT
1970 and ASIAN Association of Southeast Asia
 He initiated the publication of the 1st official Medical Laboratory Science AAMLS
newspaper “PAMET News”. 10. Agnes Medenilla (2000 – 2002 ; 2004 – 2006)
 He organized the Council of Med Tech Education  She worked for the amendments of RA 005527
in 1969 (ACADEME) 11. Shirley Cruzada (2002 – 2004)
 He appointed the 1st Med Tech Board of  Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was made
Examiners (PRACTICE) look in the condition of between DOH-NRL and PAMET to train analysts
the practices of MedTech within the Philippines for screening drug testing laboratories all over
 He prepared the 1st Med Tech Code of Ethics and Philippines.
adapted by PAMET on August 6, 1968  She worked for the inclusion of “Graduate
 Owns Pioneer Scholarship” for deserving Med Techs pursuing
3. Felix Asper (1970 – 1971; 1973 – 1977) their masteral studies.
 Worked for the approval of PD 498 on June 28, 12. Leila Florento (2006 – present)
1974 13. Romeo Joseph J. Ignacio
 Accreditation of PAMET as bonafide  Golden PAMET Celebration
organization with the PRC on May 24, 1975 14. Mr. Ronald E. Puno
 Organized more PAMET chapters.  Current National President of the Philippine
4. Bernardo Tabaosares (1971 – 1973) Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET)
 Proclaimed the 3rd week of September as the
Philippine MT Week.
 Amendment of the Teves Law – salaries of the  October 1, 1945 – Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda organized the
medical professionals Public Health Laboratory
5. Angelina R. Jose (January 1973 – September 1973)  June 16, 1956 – Blood Bank Law of 1956 – RA 1517
 The president with the shortest time of office.  September 15, 1963 – PAMET was organized at the
 She worked for the approval of the Professional Public Health Laboratory at 208 Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz,
tax through the BIR Manila.
6. Venerable Oca (1977 – 1982) - Mr. Crisanto G. Almario – father of
 Monthly seminars for the continuing professional PAMET
education of medical technologists.  September 20, 1964 – 1st PAMET National Convention
 Monthly medical missions which offer free  June 19, 1966 – Clinical Laboratory Law of 1966
laboratory services to the poor and less fortunate - RA No. 4688
Filipinos.  June 21, 1969 – Philippine Medical Technology Act of
 Quiz contest participated by different MT schools 1969
in the country.
- RA No. 005527 the initial pre-organizational planning and conceptualization,
 June 22, 1973 – Professional Regulation Commission PAMET was born on September 15, 1963 at the Public Health
PRC Laboratory at 208 Quiricada Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila. The first
- PD No. 22 national convention was held at the Conference Hall of the Far
Eastern University Hospital on September 20, 1964 where Mr.
 May 5, 1994 – National Blood Services Act of 1994
Charlemagne Tamondong became the first President. Originally,
- RA No. 7719 with a handful of intrepid visionaries, the association steadily grew.
 March 7, 1997 – Revised Code of Ethics Undaunted by the seemingly insurmountable difficulties then, the
membership of PAMET worked toward the passage of Republic
Act 005527 known as “The Philippine
Medical Technology Act of 1969”. The law defined the practice of
Medical Technology. The law further recognized Medical
The systematic study of human behavior, specifically in Technology as a profession, subject to registration and regulation
the field of life sciences as examined in the light of moral by the government. It was enacted into law on June 21, 1969. It was
incorporated and registered at the Securities and Exchange
values and principles.
Commission on October 14, 1969 with Reg. No 39570 during the
BASIC ETHICAL PRINCIPLES presidency of Mr. Nardito Moraleta. A few days before the
declaration of Martial Law on September 21, 1972, President
1. Autonomy – the patient has the right to refuse or choose Ferdinand Marcos declared the 3rd week of September as a
their treatment. celebration of the Medical Technology profession. On June 22,
2. Beneficence – this principle indicates that a practitioner 1973, PD 223 was approved creating the Professional Regulation
should act in the best interest of the patient. Commission (PRC). PAMET was officially recognized as the only
3. Non-maleficence – provides that evil or harm should not Accredited Organization (APO) of registered Medical
be inflicted either on oneself or on others. Technologists in the Philippines. In the last decade, the focus of
PAMET was to widen membership and establish chapters. The
4. Justice – concerned with the distribution of scarce health
LAB NEWS which was later changed to PAMETLINK, its official
resources and the decision on who gets what treatment in
publications had its inaugural issue. PAMET is a national body with
terms of fairness and equality. forty-six (46) provincial chapters nationwide divided into four (4)
VIRTUES OF A PROFESSIONAL HEALTHCARE regions such as North Luzon, South Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
Region and three international affiliates such as PAMET Singapore,
Eastern Region Middle East and Western Region Middle East.
 Fidelity PAMET collaborates with other local professional associations
namely, Council of Professional Health Associations (COPHA),
 Honesty
Philippine Federation of Professional Association (PFPA), Council
 Integrity of Health Agencies of the Philippines (CHAP), Philippine Council
 Humility for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL) and
 Respect Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and
 Compassion Public Health and Hygiene (PASMETH). It is also linked with other
 Prudence government agencies such as Department of Health (DOH) and
 Courage Commission on Higher Education (CHED). In the nineties, PAMET
took great strides in its campaign for national recognition. From an
 Truth
organization that has mostly worked in the narrow confines of its
 Love internal borders, it sought to break its isolation. PAMET engaged in
 Faith national programs in cooperation with
 Hard work other institutions and actively pursued its membership in
 Social Justice international organizations. PAMET became involved with different
projects of the Department of Health, the Wash Hand Campaign
BIOETHICAL ISSUES and Scholarship Programs for Medical Technology students with
Procter & Gamble, Phils and with the Japan International Medical
 Organ Donation – moving an organ from a donor site to Technology
another site on the patient’s own body for the purpose of Foundation (JIMTEF) where it sends scholars to Japan for study
replacing the recipient’s damaged or absent organ. grants and transfer of technologies in the field of Microbiology,
 Euthanasia/ Mercy-killing – the practice of ending a life, Immunology and Leadership. The Continuing Professional
on grounds of humane-mess, to relieve pain and suffering. Education has been undertaken throughout the years, even before it
 Suicide – the act of deliberately killing yourself. was mandated by the PRC for the renewal of licenses. It speaks of
the commitment to encourage its members to learn new
Brief History of The Philippine Association of Medical technologies and update knowledge. Internationally, PAMET is a
Technologists PAMET member of the ASEAN Association of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
(AACLS), Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (AAMLS). PAMET became member of Asia-Pacific Federation of
otherwise known as the PAMET, is the national organization of all Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory
registered Medical Technologists / Medical Laboratory Scientists in Code of Ethics
the Philippines. It is a non-stock, non-profit organization. The
association was organized by Mr. Crisanto Almario (recognized as As I enter the practice of Medical Technology, I shall:
the Father of PAMET) who felt the need to standardize the  Accept the responsibilities inherent to being a professional.
profession and sought to improve and upgrade the practice. From  Uphold the law and shall not participate in illegal works.
 Act in the spirit of fairness to all and in the spirit of walang ano mang pasubali o hangarin umiwas. Patnubayan nawa
brotherhood toward other members of the profession. ako ng Maykapal.
 Accept employment from more than one employer only
when there is no conflict of interest. Medical Technologist's Prayer
 Perform my task with full confidence, absolute reliability God, who by calling us to the vocation of a medical technologists,
and accuracy. has placed upon us the obligation of being a constant help in the
 Share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues. scientific care of the sick, grant us by thy divine light a deep insight
 Contribute to the advancement to the professional into the serious responsibilities of our task.
organization and other allied health organizations
 Restrict my praises, criticisms, views, and opinions within By thy divine wisdom awaken in us a growing zeal and
constructive limits. determination to increase our knowledge of how to search for the
 Treat any information I acquired in the course of my work underlying causes of sickness and disease; how to recognize the
as strictly confidential. evidence of physical changes; how to make important chemical
analyses, and other valuable test so helpful in caring for the sick.
 Uphold the dignity and respect of my profession and
conduct myself a reputation of reliability, honesty and
By thy divine love permit us in this way to share with those who
directly care for the sick, that thus we may be of constantly working
 Be dedicated to the use of clinical laboratory science to
through the eternal
promote life and benefit of mankind.
 Report any violations of the above principles of the
professional conduct to authorized agency and to the ethics BELOVED PAMETBELOVED PAMET
committee of the organization. Music: Francis Jerota Pefanco
 To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to Lyrics: Hector Gentapanan Hayares, Jr.
conduct myself at all times in manner befitting the dignity
of my profession. From various lands, races, and places
With grateful hearts we blend our voices
This day to our beloved PAMET
Professional’s Oath
From whence unity and love cometh
I, (name) of (residence) hereby solemnly swear that I will support We join together in brotherhood
and To live up to thine ideals we should
defend the Constitution of the republic of the Philippines; that I will In fields of advancement and learning
bear true faith an allegiance to the same; that I will obey the laws, Thy noble goals may be our bearing
legal orders, and decrees promulgated by the duty constituted Loyal and true we'll be to thee Beloved PAMET this we say
authorities of the republic of the Philippines; and that I impose this For service to God and humanity
obligation upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or With joy we sing for thee till eternity
purpose of evasion.
►I further solemnly swear that at all times and places I will adhere
closely to the ethical and professional rules generally accepted by
the Medical Technology Professions in the Philippines, and I will
well and faithfully discharge to the best of my ability the duties and
obligations incumbent upon a legally authorized Medical
►So help me God.

Panunumpa ng Propesyonal
Ako si (pangalan) ng (tirahan) ay taimtim na nanunumpa
na itataguyod ko at ipagtatanggol ang Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas,
na ako’y tunay na mananalig at tatlima rito, na susundin ang mga
utos na legal, at mga atas ng ipinahayag ng mga sadyang itinakda
ng may kapangyarihan ng Republica ng Pilipinas; at kusa kong
babalikan ang pananagutang ito, na wala ano mang pasubali o
hangaring umiwas.
Taimtim pa rin akong nanunumpa na sa lahat ng panahon
at pook na kinaroroonan, ay mahigpit akong manghahawakan sa
mga etikal at tuntuning propesyonal ng mga Medikal Teknolohist sa
Pilipinas, at matapat kong gagampanan ng buong husay sa abot ng
aking makakaya ang mga tungkulin at pananagutan iniatang sa
isang itinakda na Medikal Teknolohist. Kasihan nawa ako ng Diyos.

Panunumpa ng Kasapi
Ako, si (pangalan), ay taimtim na nanunumpa na tuparin ko nang
buong husay at katapatan sa abot ng aking makakaya ang aking mga
tungkulin bilang kasapi ng Philippine Association of Medical
Technologists sampu ng iba pang alituntunin ng kapisanang ito, na
aking bayan; at kusa kong babalikatin anf pananagutang ito nang

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