PMLS .Docx 1
PMLS .Docx 1
PMLS .Docx 1
Program Curriculum
Professional Organizations of Medical Technology in The Course shall be at least four years, including a
the Philippines: 12-month long internship in accredited laboratories and
-The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical shall include the following subjects:
-Technology and Public Health, Inc. (PASMETH) GENERAL EDUCATION
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists CORE COURSES
2. Yellow Bile (Choleric)
A. Laboratory hour and emergency work ● Sometimes referred to as red bile, this
● Definite working hours bodily fluid was associated with the
● Outside regular working hours organize a gallbladder and, like blood and black
system for testing urgent specimens. bile,was believed to be produced in the
liver. It was associated with childhood
B. Range of tests to be performed and those to be as well as anger
referred to higher level
❖ Range of tests to be performed
1. The number of staff available
2. The availability of material resources
3. The types of health institutions
(hospital or health center)
❖ Referral of specimens (when necessary) 3. Black Bile (Melancholic)
Example specimens for HIV detection ● Black bile, connected to pensive
and water samples for bacteriological sadness and old age, was believed to be
analysis. associated with an "imagined
receptacle" in the spleen
C. Collection of laboratory specimen
1. The specimen containers should be clearly
labeled with the patient’s name, identification
number, date of collection and time of collection
2. A fully completed request form should
accompany each specimen with the detail
mentioned above. 4. Blood (Sanguine)
● Blood, related to happiness and
D. Workload capacity of a laboratory optimism, was believed to be a mixture
- Should match to the number of staff of the pure blood humor and small
- Their level of training amounts of the other three humors,
- Size of the laboratory which were all produced as a by product
- The availability of laboratory facilities of the body's production of blood
Four Humors
● A rudimentary and qualitative assessment of
disorder through measurement of body fluids
(300 BC to 180 AD)
● Instigated by Hippocrates and Galen
● Greeks believed that the body was made up of Hippocrates
four main components or Four Humors ● Considered the Father of Medicine
● Author of Hippocratic and Oath
1. Phlegm (Phlegmatic)
● Phlegm is an umbrella-term for all Galen
whitish secretion besides milk and
● Greek physician and philosopher
semen, which can either be acidic,
● Instigated a rudimentary and qualitative
watery, salty, or sweet.
assessment of disorder through measurement of
the body fluid
900 AD
● Urine was one the body fluids that underwent ● Devised by Manuel Garcia using two mirrors
examination to observe throat and larynx
Hippocrates ● Invented by Wilhelm Roentgen when he
● Advocated the tasting urine, listening to the discovered by accident that radiation can
lungs and observing outward appearances in the penetrate solid object of low density/
diagnosis of disease. Electrocardiograph 1903-
● He concluded that the appearance of bubbles, ● Developed by William Einthoven to measure
blood, and pus in urine indicate kidney disease electrical changes during heart beat
and chronic illnesses. Kenny Method 1910-
Galen ● Devised by Elizabeth Kenny in the treatment
● Describe diabetes as the “diarrhea of the urine” of polio (then called infantile paralysis)
● Establish relationship between volume intake Invention of an new stretcher (It called sylvia stretcher
and urine volume The first book detailing the in 1927)
characteristics of urine (e.g color,density, Drinker Respirator 1927-
quality) was written ● Invented by Philip Drinker to help patients
with paralytic anterior poliomyelitis recover
Medieval Europe normal respiration
Heart-lung machine 1939-
● Uroscopy (water casting) Uroscopy is the ● First visual technology invented by Hermann
historical medical practice of visually von Helmholz
examining a patient's urine for pus, blood, or Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography-
other symptoms of disease. Oldest forms of ● 1941- Firsat operated bt Forsmann in 1929;
diagnostic testing developed by Moniz Reboul, Rousthoi between
11th century 1930 and 1940 was made to see the heart and
● Medical practitioners were not allowed to lung vessels and valse through inserting a
conduct physical examinations of the patient’s cannula in an arm vein into the heart with an
body. injection of radiopaque dye for x-ray
● Thus, they relied solely on the patient’s visualization
description of the symptoms and their Eduard Jenner 1796
observation ● Discovered Vaccination to establish immunity to
18th century smallpox -Immunology
● Medical techniques and cadaver dissection were Agostino Bassi 1835
used to provide an objective and accurate ● Produced disease in worm by injection of
diagnosis and to understand the inside of the Organic material- beginning of bacteriology
body. Marie François Xavier Bichat
19th century ● Identifies organs bt their types of tissues-
● Physicians began using machines for diagnosis Histology
or therapeutics. Among the devices Gregor Mendel 1866
● Enunciated his law of inherited characteristic
from studies on plants
● John Hutchinson ‘s (spirometer) Joseph Lister1870
○ Measuring the vital capacity of the ● Demonstrated that surgical infection are case by
lung airborne organism
● Jules Herisson’s (sphygmomanometer) Robert Koch 1877
○ Measuring blood pressure ● Presented the first pictures of bacilli
Elie Metchnikoff 1886
Stethoscope- ● Described phagocytes in blood and their role in
● Invented by Rene Laënnec used to acquire fighting infection
information about lungs and heart Ernst Von Bergmann 1886
Microscope- ● Introduces steam sterilization in surgery
● Devised by Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek father Karl Landsterner 1902
of Microbiology ● Distinguished blood groups though the
Ophthalmoscope- development of the ABO blood group system
● First visual technology invented by Hermann August Von Wassermann 1906
Von Helmholtz ● Developed immunologic test for Syphilis
Laryngoscope- Howard Ricketts 1906
● Discorevers microorganism whose range lies 6. Accountability
between bacteria and viruses called rickettsiae 7. Fidelity
Hans Fischer 1929 8. Confidentiality
● worked out the structure of hemoglobin
Jonas Salk 1954
● Developed poliomyelitis vaccine
James Wasrgard 1973
● Introduce th westgard rules for quality control in The freedom to make decisions about oneself
the clinical laboratory The right to self-determination
Baruch Samuel Blumberg 1980
● Introduces the hepatitis B vaccine Healthcare providers need to respect patients’
Kary Myllus 1985 rights to make choices about healthcare, even if
● Developed the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Andre Van Steirteghem 1992 the healthcare providers do not agree with the
● Introduces the Intracytoplasmic Sperm patient’s decision.
INjection (IVF)
James Thomson 1989 Nonmaleficence
● Derives the first human Stem Cell Line Requires that no harm be caused to an
individual, either unintentionally or
An individual’s own code for acceptable behavior This principle requires MedTechs to protect
They arise from an individual’s conscience individuals who are unable to protect
Medical Confidentiality
Anything stated to nurses or healthcare providers by
patients must remain confidential
The only times this principle may be
violated are:
◦ If patients may indicate harm to themselves or others
◦ If the patient gives permission for the information
to be shared
This principle implies “truthfulness”
Nurses need to be truthful to their clients'
Veracity is an important component of building
trusting relationships
Individuals need to be responsible for their
own actions
Nurses are accountable to themselves and to their
Ethical Dilemma _
Occur when a problem exists between ethical
Deciding in favor of one principle usually
violates another
Both sides have “goodness” and “badness”
associated with them