Alfajri, Azhari, Herry 2019 - Proposal Penelitian
Alfajri, Azhari, Herry 2019 - Proposal Penelitian
Alfajri, Azhari, Herry 2019 - Proposal Penelitian
Tim Peneliti
TAHUN 2019
Tema Penelitian : Bencana Kabut Asap
Judul Penelitian : Demand and Support from Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs) for the Haze-free ASEAN 2020:
Evidences from Riau
Ketua Tim
a. Nama Lengkap : Alfajri, S.IP., MIA.
b. NIK dan NIDN : 64.201.0815050/1022098303
c. Jabatan Fungsional : Asisten Ahli
d. Program Studi : Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
e. No. HP : 082112430385
f. Alamat Surat (email) : [email protected]
a. Nama Lengkap : Azhari Setiawan, S.IP., M.Si
b. NIK dan NIDN : 64.201.1217051/1028049302
c. Jabatan Fungsional : Tenaga Pengajar
d. Program Studi : Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
a. Nama Lengkap : Herry Wahyudi, S.IP., M.A
b. NIK dan NIDN : 64.201.1217051/1021129002
c. Jabatan Fungsional : Tenaga Pengajar
d. Program Studi : Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Lamanya Kegiatan : 6 (enam) Bulan
Biaya Diajukan : Rp. 15,000,000.-
Sumber Dana : Hibah Yayasan, LPPM Universitas Abdurrab
Pekanbaru, 12 Mei 2019
Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Ketua Peneliti,
Ketua LPPM Universitas Abdurrab
Riau is one of the most forest and land fire-prone Provinces in Indonesia.
These forest and land fires cause haze pollution affecting not only Riau, but also the
South East Asian region. Even though Indonesia had ratified the ASEAN Agreement
on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) in September 2014, the haze pollution in
2015 by forest and land fires had proven that the AATHP regime was ineffective to
tackle the haze issues in Indonesia, particularly in Riau. Relatively less forest and
land fires and haze pollution in Riau (also across the nation) in 2016 and 2017 was by
no means due to the implementation of the AATHP regime nor by the Riau Province
government policies, rather it is believed to be due to the heavy rainy season during
those last two years. This research applies David Easton’s theory of decision making
which belongs to the approach of behavioralist. This article aims to discuss how the
Easton’s behavioralist theory connects situated responses with outside pressure to
change government policies and local practices.
The findings in this research show that the outside pressure has not yet
provided significant change to the Riau government policies and local practices
regarding land and forest fires as well as haze pollutions issues. However, there are
actually greater opportunities that the outside pressure may create sustainable
collaboration with the local government and society to resolve these transboundary
issues in the short- and long-term periods. This sustainable collaboration extends in
multi aspects spanning from law, social, health, economy, education and even
HALAMAN PENGESAHAN........................................................................................i
TABLE AND DIAGRAM LIST..................................................................................iv
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................1
1.1 Background..........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement...............................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives.............................................................................................3
1.4 Research Outputs.................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Framework........................................................................................5
2.2 Previous Researches.............................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODS......................................................................13
3.1 Research Type and Source of Data....................................................................13
3.2 Collecting Data Technique................................................................................13
3.3 Data Analysis Model..........................................................................................14
3.4 Research Time and Location.............................................................................15
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH BUDGET AND TIME SCHEDULE...............................16
4.1 Budget................................................................................................................16
4.2 Research Time Schedule....................................................................................16
1.1 Background
Haze pollution caused by forest and land fires in which most of the time
followed by peatland fires in Riau Province has more than a couple decades issue.
The notable land and forest fires case in Riau Province prior to a major outbreak in
2015 was the 1997 forest and land fires, affected several ASEAN countries (Pakar:
Asap Riau 2014). Meanwhile, in 2015 together with several Kalimantan and
Sumatera provinces, Riau forest and land fires haze pollution had reached far beyond
Malaysia and Singapore as the regular affected countries, reaching Thailand, Brunei,
Philippines, Vietnam and even Cambodia (Sarmiento, 2015). The haze issue in Riau
has received serious attention from local, national and the international community
since several years ago, particularly after the 1997 land and forest fires. However, for
Singaporeans, this haze issue was not new, it had affected them since 1972 and 1977
when their country was blanketed with haze suspected from Palembang and Sumatera
Island (where Riau, Jambi and Palembang are located) respectively (Haze in
Singapore, 2015).
Even though the haze unresolved problem was not a new one, particularly in
the Riau Province, the issue seemed to be forgotten until a series of quite recent
raging forest and land fires that took placed in 2013, 2014 and peaked in 2015. Riau,
Palembang and Jambi once again became a spotlight in the media together with
several other provinces in Kalimantan. Not only in the regional media, but these three
consecutive years (2013, 2014 and 2015) haze outbreak had become a global media
outcry, from Russia to South Africa, from United States to Australia (Singapore
Smoke, 2013; Smog Returns; Aw, 2015; Malaysia Closes, 2013). The 2015 land and
forest fires, where Riau also contributed to, was estimated as having the highest
losses, even compared to the 1997, with a total of 200 Billion Rupiah (Lestari, 2015)
and caused 19 loss of lives where 5 of them resided in the Riau Province (Akuntono,
2015, Haryanto, 2016). Going into 2016, 2017 and 2018 to lesser amount of degree,
the land and forest fires still took place in the Riau Province, although it did not cause
a global or regional outcry as the haze remained polluting Riau Province only without
or slightly touching Malaysia and Singapore as its’ regular victim (Warsito, 2018;
Safutra, 2017; Jerome, 2016).
Top map the discourses and dig the narrations up to the ground, we have
prepared some key questions, which are:
1. What are the factors that have been the major causes of haze problems in
Indonesia, especially the Riau Province, from CSOs and other related parties
point of view?
4. What are CSOs recommendations to solve the land fire, haze crisis, and
generally other aspects on sustainable developments agenda?
5. What are CSOs challenges and obstacles on fighting for haze problem solving
and other environmental issues?
The research tries to look at this problem from CSOs perspective using the
David Easton theory. How far is the effectiveness of the demand and support that
have been done by CSOs, including outside pressure to influence the Government
policy? Also, this research offers other solutions, in addition to what have been done
to meet clear objectives or solutions either in short- or long-term projection. Thus,
this research discusses further details regarding what the ASEAN haze-free may look
like in the next two years from now as targeted in 2020.
The theory used in this study is the analysis of the political system proposed
by David Easton with the behavioralist approach. The analysis of the political system
described by Easton is a decision-making theory that can be applied from the local,
national to international levels. Easton's analysis explains the concepts of demand and
support, the political system (the behavior or actions of the authorized actors) and
outputs (policies or decisions) for how political systems and structures work. The
research analyzes the sub-national role towards the international issues in the local
context. Local policy and decision-making process then become the main discussion.
By applying David Easton’s Decision-Making Process theory, we aim to explore the
input, process, and the output of the policy regarding haze and haze-related issues that
affected ASEAN region as the international level.
First, the phenomenon of land (peatland) and forest fires that occurred in Riau
for years to reach the worst situation in 2015 caused severe haze pollution and caused
environmental damage. Many economic and peoples activities are disrupted. Health
problems also afflict children and women, there are even fatalities in this incident.
The school issued a policy to close schools for its students to protect them from
health problems caused by air pollution from haze (Riau Pos, 2016).
The Indonesian central government approving and joining the AATHP also
criticized the local government in handling the fires and haze. The Indonesian
government as the representative of the country in the regional level held national
responsibilities to solve the fires and haze pollution within its territory according to
the articles of the agreement. Therefore, the government of Riau was supposed to take
action seriously regarding the problem. Some ministers and even the president
already visited Riau, which meant another pressure for the local government (The
Jakarta Post, 2014).
Riau annually became one of forest and land fires sources which produced the
haze pollution and potential transboundary haze, which also worried neighboring
countries. Singapore and Malaysia often expressed their disappointments to the
ineffective actions taken by either the Indonesian or Riau government to prevent and
control the land and forest fires. The international criticisms were also demands for
the local government.
Secondly, despite the pressure and demands from NGOs and civil soceity that
were explained earlier, input also came in the form of support from the central
government. The central government hopes that local governments can cooperate and
continue to coordinate in responding to this problem. Cooperation and coordination
are also expected to be able to produce collaborative actions with stakeholders related
to this problem.
The demands and supports coming from a variety of sides regarding the fires
and haze pollution were necessary to consider into actions so that the local
government kept gaining trust from the people. As an authorized decision maker, the
governor created the plan of action on carrying out the prevention of forest and land
fires as well as raising the statuses of emergency in its area. The former was
integrated in the 2015 Gubernatorial Regulation, Number 5, while the latter was
followed with the inception of a task force on forest and land fires and haze disaster,
an ad hoc body which then fought fires and haze pollution. Those policies were
expected to contribute to the realization the AATHP within its area as demanded by
the people and especially the national government.
The decision making and sequence of the policies can be seen through the
following illustrations respectively:
Demands (local, Decision maker's Policies/decisions
national and regional behavior (Riau (plan of action and
actors' pressures) government/ emergency statuses)
Supports (domestic governor)
and national level)
Inputs Outputs
Created the plan of action on forest and land fires prevention through the
2015 Gubernatorial Regulation, Number 5.
Riau Raised the local emergency statuses.
The study of transboundary haze spreads out from the “national and regional”
context to the ‘‘policy and mitigation’’ scale and intensity. Therefore, the existing
literature can be mapped by looking at the level of analysis: regional, national, and
local; public issues. This map can be used to analyze the scope of transboundary haze
issues, the level of political context, and the area of study that can be examined in the
future. This article groups international and regional as one category. A specific
phenomenon in a particular state such as in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore can
be categorized in this group of studies. National level refers to the study in a
particular country or the study that uses country level as the case. Finally, local level
stakeholders, corporations, and civil society groups act as the focus of study.
This research observes 10 journal articles published between 2013 and 2017
by various reputable international journals. They can be categorized into three groups
namely international/regional, national, and local level (public) of analysis. The table
below shows the following result: 4 of the contemporary samples of literature that are
interested in analyzing transboundary haze use international or regional contexts
(ASEAN), either studying this phenomenon worldwide or assessing a particular
region or group of countries. Most of them actually discuss the unique case of
ASEAN mechanisms on transboundary haze. Interestingly, 5 of them focus their
studies on the national or state scale such as policy, public concerns, risks, potential
threats, and so on. Lastly, only 1 of these journals examines the existence of
transboundary haze in the local political context including public health.
Table 2.1. The Study of Transboundary Haze from the Local to International Level
At the national level there are 5 researches that analyze the condition of
countries in ASEAN in the face of transboundary haze including challenges and
constraints. The challenge of regional political patron relations in Indonesia in an
effort to open new plantation land can be seen in the research by H. Varkkey
(Varkkey, 2014). While the correlation between the environment, especially the
transboundary haze problem on the social and economic aspects in Singapore and
Malaysia, can be seen in the journal by Lin (Lin, Wijedasa, & Chisholm, 2015). Lin analyzed the effects of transboundary hazards on social and economic activities
in Malaysia and Singapore which resulted in a decline in trends when the haze
disaster occurred. Haze disaster relations with decentralization in Indonesia are
explained by Lee Poh (Lee Poh Onn, 2013). Political analysis related to the analysis
of news frames on transboundary haze cases in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore is
explained by Tim Forsyth (Forsyth, 2014). Whereas, the reason why Indonesia
ratified AATHP to carry out this mechanism is explained by Heilmann (Heilmann,
2015). Finally, the journal that analyzes at the local (public) level about the
development of regional environmental degradation, institutional capacity, and the
health impacts on transboundary haze can be seen in the journal of Nazzer Nazia
(Nazeer, Baharu, Furuoka, & Baharu, 2017).
This map of the literature has some meaning to this area of study. First, at the
international/regional level the focus of previous research put in the AATHP
mechanism. Secondly, at the national level the focus of previous research has
provided a lot of information and analysis on the political situation of a country in
responding to haze problems to the challenges and constraints of countries in
implementing haze disaster mitigation efforts in each country. Third, at the local /
public level the focus of research is still at the health level, so that the output of
policies that should appear at this level has not been rigidly explained. Lastly, all of
these researches provide information and inspiration for researchers to further analyze
the existence of non-state actors, especially civil society grups, in assessing the
transboundary haze problem along with the role of the groups
In this research, the qualitative data refering to the quality of research object
data and non-verbal information were applied to describe the phenomenon of Riau
government’s policies toward haze-related issues. A variety of secondary data
containing relevant information and made analysed materials in this research are
ranged from books, journals, documents and useful articles. So did this research rely
on the information gained from the medium of internet, more than half of which were
national and international websites, since the scope of issue in this research was the
constantly-occuring events in the local context in which the information was
3.2 Collecting Data Technique
The method focuses on CSOs perspectives toward Riau Government and the
Haze-Free ASEAN. We discovered the CSOs point of views toward Riau
Government implementation of the AATHP (ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary
Haze Pollution) regime which has been ratified by Indonesia Government into
Undang Undang No. 26 Tahun 2014 as primary sources of data. The outside pressure
has not yet provided significant change to Riau Government policies and local
practices regarding peatland fires and haze pollution issues.
1. What are the factors that have been the major causes of haze problems in
Indonesia, especially the Riau Province, from CSOs and other related parties’
point of view?
4. What are CSOs recommendations to solve the land fire, haze crisis, and
generally other aspects on sustainable developments agenda?
5. What are CSOs challenges and obstacles on fighting for haze problem solving
and other environmental issues?
We also deliver a triangulation toward the data and analysis. The qualitative
data and insights are triangulated with some statistical data (e.g. Palm Oil Plantation,
Pulpwood Concession: Hutan Tanaman Industri: HTI, Licensed Logging
Concessions: Hak Pengusahaan Hutan: HPH), peatland data, fire spots, haze maps
and statistics, etc.) and interviews with some key persons which are relevant to the
topic and problem discussion.
The research mostly will be located in Riau Province. We also have visited
some places in Singapore and Malaysia on collaborating some preliminary studies
and discussions about haze-related issues with our epistemic community on haze-
related issues. Insights and results from the discussion will be added to few parts of
the research to enhance the analysis. As we predict, the research will be conducted for
maximum of six months.
4.1 Budget
N Months
o 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 Research Plan Meeting
2 Collecting Data
3 Processing Data
Data Analysis and Research
5 Writing Research Report
Research Report Evaluation
7 Research Report Revision
8 Research Report Submitted
9 Publication Article Submitted
Publication Article Reviewed,
10 Revised, and Scheduled to be
Lampiran 1. Justifikasi Anggaran Penelitian
1. Honorarium
N Jenis Pengeluaran Honor/Jam (Rp) Waktu Minggu Honor per
o (Jam/Minggu) Tahun
1 Ketua 85,000 1 25 2,125,000
2 Anggota 1 47,500 1 25 1,187,500
3 Anggota 2 47,500 1 25 1,187,500
SUB TOTAL 4,500,000
2. Bahan Habis Pakai dan Peralatan
N Material Justifikasi Pembelian Kuantitas Harga Satuan Harga Peralatan
o (Rp)
1 Kertas HVS A4 5 40,000 200,000
2 Booklet Bahan Penelitian 3 56,000 168,000
3 Alat Tulis 3 20,000 60,000
4 Staples 1 16,000 16,000
5 Pin Penjepit 6 20,000 120,000
Cetak dan Fotocopy
1 Cetak Bahan 50 Lembar 30 Bahan 1500 200 300,000
2 Cetak Laporan 30 Lembar 6 Laporan 180 200 36,000
3 Fotokopi Laporan 30 Lembar 5 Laporan 150 200 30,000
4 Jilid Hard Cover 6 Jilid 6 15,000 90,000
1 Sewa Laptop Analisis Data 3 250,000 750,000
1 Pulsa dan Data Internet 3 Orang per Bulan 18 110000 1,980,000
SUB TOTAL 3,750,000
3. Biaya Perjalanan dan Akomodasi
N Material Justifikasi Pembiayaan Kuantitas Harga Satuan Biaya
o (Rp)
1 Biaya Perjalanan Pengumpulan Data 3 Orang 3 Hari 9 150000 1,350,000
2 Akomodasi-Konsumsi Pengumpul Data 2 Orang 3 Hari 6 150000 900,000
3 Akomodasi-Konsumsi Rapat Kerja 3 Orang 5x Rapat 15 150000 2,250,000
SUB TOTAL 4,500,000
4. Biaya Lainnya
N Jenis Pengeluaran Justifikasi Penggunaan Kuantitas Harga Satuan Biaya
o (Rp)
1 Publikasi Jurnal Internasional 2,250,000 1 2,250,000
SUB TOTAL 2,250,000
Lampiran 2. Biodata Ketua dan Anggota
Identitas Diri
Riwayat Pendidikan
S1 S2 S3
Nama Perguruan Universitas Riau Australian
Tinggi National
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Hubungan Asia Pacific
Internasional Studies
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2002-2007
Judul Kebijakan Iran Course Work
Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Melanjutkan
Nuklir di bawah
Tekanan AS
Nama Dr. Mhd. Saeri, -
Pembimbing/Promotor M.Hum.
Pengalaman Penelitian dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No Tahun Judul Penelitian
Sumber Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2017 Sinergitas Pembangunan di Kementerian 30,000,000.-
Provinsi Riau Guna Menghadapi Pertahanan
Ancaman Non-Militer dalam Republik
Rangka Mendukung Indonesia
Penyelenggaraan Pertahanan
2 2016 Riau Government’s Policies to LPPM Univrab 5,000,000.-
Realize the AATHP’s Goals
3 2015 Civil Society as Precursor and LPPM Univrab 5,000,000.-
Consequence of Democracy
4 2018 Operasi Kontra Teror Koalisi LPPM Univrab 5,000,000.-
Global dalam Menghadapi
Pergerakan Islamic States of
Iraq and Syiria (ISIS)
No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
Sumber Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2017 Pemberdayaan Turas Sustairable LPPM Univrab 4
Development Globals (SDGs)
tingkat SMA/MA sederajat di
Pekanbaru: tujuan No.11 dan 12
(masalah sampah Pekanbaru)
2 2017 FGD Mewaspadai Ancaman Kemhan RI Riau 30
Non-Militer di Propinsi Riau
3 2016 Peningkatan Partisipasi LPPM Univrab 4
Kesadaran dan Kewaspadaan
Masyarakat terhadap Ancaman
Human Security Akibat
Kejahatan Bencana Asap di
Desa Suka Damai, Kabupaten
Rokan Hulu
Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Vol/No/Tahun
1 Civil Society as Precursor and International Society Agustus/2015
Consequence of Democracy
2 Sinergitas Pembangunan Tata Global & Strategis Vol. 13, No. 1,
Ruang Pertahanan Daerah 2019
dalam Menghadapi Ancaman
Non-Militer di Indonesia
3 Turkey’s Foreign Policy Jurnal Hubungan Vol. 7, No. 1,
Strategy Change in Syrian Internasional UMY 2018
Crisis (2016-2017)
N Waktu dan
Nama Temu Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah
o Tempat
1 Prosiding Seminar Hasil Peningkatan Partisipasi 2016, Pekanbaru
Pengabdian Masyarakat Kesadaran dan
(SHPPA) Universitas Kewaspadaan
Abdurrab Masyarakat terhadap
Ancaman Human
Kejahatan Bencana Asap
di Desa Suka Damai,
Kabupaten Rokan Hulu
2 Prosiding Seminar Hasil Riau Government’s 2016, Pekanbaru
Penelitian (SHPPA) Policies to Realize the
Universitas Abdurrab AATHP’s Goals (2015-
3 FGD Sinergitas Sinergitas Pembangunan 2016, Pekanbaru
Pembangunan di Provinsi di Provinsi Riau Guna
Riau Guna Menghadapi Menghadapi Ancaman
Ancaman Non-Militer dalam Non-Militer dalam
Rangka Mendukung Rangka Mendukung
Penyelenggaraan Pertahanan Penyelenggaraan
Negara Pertahanan Negara
4 Joint Public Lecture Haze Joint Public Lecture 2017, Malaysia
Issues in Southeast ASEAN Haze Issues in Southeast
5 IIASA Workshop on Haze Riau government’s 4-5 Oktober
and Biomass Burning in Asia policies to realize the 2018, Institut
goals of the ASEAN Teknologi
Agreement on Bandung
Transboundary Haze
Pollution (AATHP)
6 Haze-Free ASEAN 2020: Haze-Free ASEAN and 23 Januari 2019,
National and Local Strategies Riau: Global Issues with University of
and Challenges in Managing Local Context Nottingham
Fires and Haze in Indoensia Malaysia
Campus, Kuala
7 Workshop on Sustainable Riau Government and 1-2 November
Transboundary Governance the Haze-Free ASEAN 2018, Asia
of the Environmental 2020: Civil Society Research
Commons in Southeast Asia Organizations (CSOs) Institute, National
Perspectives Universituy of
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata
dijumpai ketidak-sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian Biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu
persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah Penelitian Dosen Muda
Anggota (1)
Identitas Diri
Riwayat Pendidikan
S1 S2 S3
Nama Perguruan Universitas Riau Universitas
Tinggi Indonesia
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Hubungan Ilmu Hubungan
Internasional Internasional
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2011-2015 2015-2017
Judul Diplomatic Transformasi
Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Dilemma dan Kekuatan
Standar Ganda Nasional dan
Politik Luar Derajat
Negeri Amerika Dependensi
Serikat pada Kawasan sebagai
Konflik Sipil- Modalitas
Militer Mesir Pembentukan
Tahun 2013 Komunitas
Nama Dr. Mhd. Saeri, Edy Prasetyono,
Pembimbing/Promotor M.Hum P.hD
No Tahun Judul Penelitian Jml (Juta
1 2019 Peran Global Qurban Aksi Cepat PDP DIKTI 16,294,000.-
Tanggap (ACT) Indonesia dalam
Menyalurkan Bantuan
Kemanusiaan Transnasional
2 2018 Operasi Kontra Teror Koalisi LPPM Univrab 5,000,000.-
Global dalam Menghadapi
Pergerakan Islamic States of Iraq
and Syiria (ISIS)
3 2018 Bagaimana Negara-negara Pos- LPPM Univrab 5,000,000.-
Kolonial Memandang Keamanan
Insani? (Studi Kasus: Dilema
State-Building and Pembangunan
Manusia di Asia Tenggara)
4 2017 Sinergitas Pembangunan Tata PPTP 30,000,000.-
Ruang Pertahanan Daerah dalam Kementerian
Menghadapi Ancaman Non- Pertahanan RI
Militer di Indonesia di Provinsi
5 2017 Menaklik Modalitas Pembentukan CSIS 2,000,000.-
Komunitas Keamanan ASEAN
6 2016 Modernisasi Alutsista Indonesia: CSIS 1,000,000.-
Sebuah Evaluasi
7 2016 APSC: Mekanisme Kerjasama KPK-RI 5,000,000.-
Multilateral dan Mutual Legal
Assistance dalam Menangani
Kasus Money Laundering di Asia
No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
Sumber Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2019 Pelatihan Analisis Big Data dan FAIR Riau 3,500,000.-
Data Science
2 2018 Pelatihan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah FAIR Riau 2,500,000.-
untuk Mahasiswa
3 2018 Pengayaan Pengetahuan Metode FAIR Riau 2,500,000.-
Penelitian di Bidang Ilmu
Hubungan Internasional
Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Vol/No/Tahun
1 Diplomatic Dilemma dan Jurnal Hubungan Vol. 4, No. 1,
Standar Ganda Politik Internasional UMY. 2015
Amerika Serikat terhadap
Konflik Sipil-militer Mesir
Tahun 2013
2 Memahami Modernisasi Analisis CSIS Vol. 45, No. 4,
Alutsista Indonesia: Sebuah 2016
3 Formulation of The Ideal Indonesian Quarterly Vol. 43, No. 3,
Format of APSC 2017
4 Sinergitas Pembangunan Tata Global & Strategis Vol. 13, No. 1,
Ruang Pertahanan Daerah 2019
dalam Menghadapi Ancaman
Non-Militer di Indonesia
5 Operasi Kontra Teror Koalisi Jurnal Dinamika Vol. 1, No. 2,
Global dalam Menghadapi Pemerintahan 2018
Pergerakan Islamic States of
Iraq and Syiria (ISIS)
6 Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Tasfiyah Vol. 1, No. 2,
an-Nadwi tentang Keruntuhan 2017
Peradaban, Pandangan Hidup,
dan Pendidikan Islam
7 Menaklik Modalitas Analisis CSIS Vol. 46, No. 3,
Pembentukan Komunitas 2017
Keamanan ASEAN
8 Military-themed Video TRANSNASiONAL Vol. 5, No. 2,
Games sebagai Alat 2014
Propaganda Amerika Serikat
Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
N Waktu dan
Nama Temu Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah
o Tempat
1 Haze-Free ASEAN 2020: Haze-Free ASEAN and 23 Januari 2019,
National and Local Strategies Riau: Global Issues with University of
and Challenges in Managing Local Context Nottingham
Fires and Haze in Indoensia Malaysia
Campus, Kuala
2 Workshop on Sustainable Riau Government and 1-2 November
Transboundary Governance the Haze-Free ASEAN 2018, Asia
of the Environmental 2020: Civil Society Research
Commons in Southeast Asia Organizations (CSOs) Institute, National
Perspectives Universituy of
3 Konferensi Ekonomi Bebas ASEAN ‘Political- 2015, Univesitas
Korupsi Security’ Community: Gadjah Mada,
Mekanisme Kerjasama Yogyakarta
Multilateral dan Mutual
Legal Assistance dalam
Menangani Kasus
Money Laundering di
Asia Tenggara
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata
dijumpai ketidak-sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian Biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu
persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Universitas Abdurrab
Anggota (2)
Identitas Diri
Riwayat Pendidikan
S1 S2 S3
Nama Perguruan Universitas Riau Universitas
Tinggi Gadjah Mada
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Hubungan Ilmu Hubungan
Internasional Internasional
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2009-2013 2014-2016
Judul Langkah-langkah Standar Ganda
Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Pencegahan yang Politik Luar
Diambil oleh Negeri Amerika
Amerika Serikat Serikat Terhadap
Dalam Kudeta Mesir
Mengantisipasi 2013
Ancaman Lone
Wolf Terrorism
Nama Indra Pahlawan, Dr. Siti Mutiah
Pembimbing/Promotor S.IP, M.Si Setiawati, MA
Pengalaman Penelitian dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No Tahun Judul Penelitian Jml (Juta
1 2017 Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia LPPM UR 20
Terhadap Myanmar Dalam Isu
No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
Sumber Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2019 Pelatihan Analisis Big Data dan FAIR Riau 3,500,000.-
Data Science
2 2018 Pelatihan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah FAIR Riau 2,500,000.-
untuk Mahasiswa
3 2018 Pengayaan Pengetahuan Metode FAIR Riau 2,500,000.-
Penelitian di Bidang Ilmu
Hubungan Internasional
Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Vol/No/Tahun
1 Sinergitas Pembangunan Tata Global & Strategis Vol. 13, No. 1,
Ruang Pertahanan Daerah 2019
dalam Menghadapi Ancaman
Non-Militer di Indonesia
2 Standar Ganda Politik Luar Insignia: Journal of 5/1/2018
Negeri Amerika Serikat International Relations
Terhadap Kudeta Mesir 2013
3 Sinergitas Pembangunan Tata Jurnal Global & Strategis 13/1/2019
Ruang Pertahanan Daerah
Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman
Non-Militer di Indonesia
Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
N Waktu dan
Nama Temu Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah
o Tempat
1 Haze-Free ASEAN 2020: Haze-Free ASEAN and 23 Januari 2019,
National and Local Strategies Riau: Global Issues with University of
and Challenges in Managing Local Context Nottingham
Fires and Haze in Indoensia Malaysia
Campus, Kuala
2 Workshop on Sustainable Riau Government and 1-2 November
Transboundary Governance the Haze-Free ASEAN 2018, Asia
of the Environmental 2020: Civil Society Research
Commons in Southeast Asia Organizations (CSOs) Institute, National
Perspectives Universituy of
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar
dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata
dijumpai ketidak-sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian Biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah
satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Universitas Abdurrab.
Lampiran 3
Lampiran 4a
Lampiran 4b
Lampiran 5