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The 1st International Seminar on Natural

Resources and Environmental Management

Symposium Theme:
“Managing Indonesian Natural Resources and
Environment in Disruption Era”

IPB International Convention Center (IICC),

Bogor, August 15th 2019


Welcome speech 1

Organizing committee 9

Abstract of Invited Speakers 17

A. Environmental Policy and Management 19

B. Environmental Pollution 20

C. Natural Disasters 21

D. Biodiversity 22

E. Ecotourism 23

F. Environmental Economics 24

G. Natural Resources 25

Program Schedule 27

List of Contributor 37

The Organizing Committee’s Chairman of ISeNREM 2019

Ladies and gentlemen and all participants,

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we sincerely welcome you to The 1st International Seminar
on Natural Resources Environmental Management (ISeNREM 2019) and thank you for your
participation and contribution to share your expertise with us.
ISeNREM 2019 is an academic activity organized by Study Program of Natural Resources and
Environmental Management (Indonesian: Program Studi Ilmu Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan
Lingkungan, PSL IPB) and the Graduate School of IPB University. This year is the first ISeNREM, and
we hope that we can continue to organize it as an annual or bi-annual scientific activity.
I am very happy to announce to you that we have some important figures as our keynote speakers
during this ISeNREM 2019, like Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, Head of Geospatial
Information Agency, and Head of Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency. We also
have seven distinguished invited speakers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and Germany.
I am also impressed with the enthusiasm of 152 contributing participants. There will be 129 oral
presentations and 35 poster presentations coming from both Indonesia and overseas.
I would like to convey my appreciation to the Graduate School and Directorate of International
Program of IPB University, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Indonesian
Geospatial Information Agency for their support to this event. To all committee of the 1 st ISeNREM
2019, I express a high appreciation to you all who have organized this event well.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a fruitful seminar and please enjoy your stay in Bogor, the city of
Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb,
Bogor, August 15th 2019

Dr. Zaenal Abidin, M.Agr.

Rector of IPB University
The 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management
IPB International Convention Center,
Bogor, August 15th, 2019

Your excellency,
Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry
Head of Geospatial Information Agency
Head of Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency
Our invited speakers
And all audiences of ISeNREM 2019,

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Welcome to The 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources Environmental Management
(ISeNREM 2019). The theme of this conference is “Managing Indonesian Natural Resources and
Environment in Disruption Era”, an era when everything is changing rapidly, and nothing is certain
anymore. This era creates new challenges for Indonesian people to deal with, such as: (a) Fulfillment
of SDGs 2030 commitments; (b) Disconnectivity of the development of the agro and maritime
sectors; (c) Damage to natural resources and the environment; (d) The low welfare of agro maritime
people; (e) Risk of food insecurity; (f) Productivity and competitiveness of agro maritime sector that
have yet to developed to its potential; (g) Disparity in development between regions.
This requires the contribution of IPB University as one of the nation's elements to pay more
attention to global environmental problems by carrying out innovations such as the Agro-Maritime
4.0 concept. This concept offers a development platform that integrates the management of
terrestrial and marine areas in an inclusive manner supported by a strong social and economic
capital and the use of digital technology to drive the nation's productivity. Agro-Maritime
development aims to create sustainable, prosper, justice and the sovereign nation of Indonesia.
One of ongoing initiatives that we have is Green Campus Program. IPB University has started the
Green Campus Program since 2015 with elements like green transportation, the green movement,
green building, green energy, and green space. We are hoping that our IPB University’s environment
will be a model for Green Campus in 2020. The goal is to create an eco-friendly, safe, comfortable,
and conducive campus environment for successful academic activities, and to support Agro-Eco-
IPB University, as one of the universities in Indonesia, focuses on comprehensive learning and
research in the field of tropical agriculture. We are responsible for teaching Indonesian young
generation particularly in the topic of agriculture with a strong knowledge of sustainability,
creativity, critical thinking, and also a strong character building. We aim that they would become
our new generation in all sectors needed both now and, in the future, but at the same time they
don’t lose their identity as Indonesian in this disruption era.
To conclude my remarks, I wish all participants a fruitful presentation and discussion. I encourage
you all to think of new ideas and formulate solutions for greater concrete innovations in the future.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Dean of Graduate School and the team from PSL that
have worked hard to prepare for this event since six months ago. Additionally, I would like to express
my appreciation to Geospatial Information Agency and Ministry of Environment and Forestry for
supporting ISeNREM 2019 through various means.
Bismillahirohmannirrohim, the 1st ISeNREM Conference 2019 is officially opened.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb,
Rector of IPB University

Dr. Arif Satria M.Si

Dean of Graduate School,
IPB University

We know that high economic growth in the ASEAN region for the last two decades has resulted in
the declining of both environmental quality and natural resources. This has been reflected in the
reckless exploitation of natural resources and the high level of environmental pollution which
increasingly has threatened the ecology of life in the environment. Besides, there is a tendency for
the increasing natural disasters occurrence that often arises as a result of the global climate change
and tectonic and volcanic activity cycles such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption. This
further aggravates the decline in the level of environmental quality in ASEAN countries.
With such background, Graduate School of IPB University give a mandate to the Study Program of
Natural Resources and Environmental Management to organize a scientific seminar in the field of
environmental science named "The 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and
Environmental Management 2019” (ISeNREM 2019). This activity is the first seminar held, so we
expect this occasion to be a "kick-off" event for the exchange of information and the formation of
scientific networks from various scientific disciplines among the experts from ASEAN countries and
other developed countries such as Japan and Germany in the field of environmental. Additionally,
we expect that this seminar can produce new models or innovations for wise and sustainable
management of natural resources in ASEAN countries in this era of disruption.
This occasion will bring up seven sub-themes namely Environmental Policy and Management,
Environmental Pollution, Natural Disasters, Biodiversity, Ecotourism, Environmental Economics, and
Natural Resources. The selection of the topics was based on seven fields that have been part of the
Natural Resources and Environmental Management study program in the Graduate School of IPB
University. That’s why it is expected that this seminar can also produce scientific publications both
to increase the number and quality of scientific publications published in accredited national
scientific journals or indexed scientific proceedings at reputable international indexing institutions.
I express my gratitude to the Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
managers who have worked hard to prepare this ISeNREM 2019 well. Likewise, I would also like to
thank Directorate of International Program of IPB University, Indonesian Ministry of Environment
and Forestry, and Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency for their supports so this event can run
well, be it for financial support or by any other means.

Dean of the Graduate School of IPB University

Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi

Chairs of Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
IPB University

Study Program of Natural Resouces and Environmental Management Science (NREMs), IPB
University welcomes to this 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental
Management (ISeNREM 2019). We hope that this scientific event can be one of the scientific event
which will be remembered for its quality. This is also a valuable opportunity to promote PSL IPB.
This study program was established in 1975 and currently has more than 1.400 master and doctoral
alumni. Both master program and doctoral program has been accredited “A” by Directorate General
of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. We hope that this
seminar will contribute to maintain this achievement.
Since its establishment, many scientific national has been organized, however this seminar was the
first international seminar organized. We hope that this seminar will give benefit to the study
program as well as to scientific community engaged in the management of natural resources and
the environment. The seven sub-themes raised this time provide broad insights on very actual
environmental aspects. Therefore, the presence of keynote speakers and invited speakers from
Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, and Indonesia is very interesting. There are many seminar
participants which will present their research results both orally and through posters presentation.
We hope this international seminars can be held every two years.
Finally, we would like to thank to the organizing committee, sponsor and all the participants. Enjoy
attending seminar in scientific international atmosphere.

Chair of NREMs Study Programs,

The Graduate School, IPB University:

Prof. Dr. Widiatmaka (Doctor Program)

Prof. Dr. Hadi Susilo Arifin (Master Program)

Steering committee:
Prof. Dr. Ir. Anas M. Fauzi, M. Eng. (Dean of Graduate School, IPB University)
Prof. Dr. Iskandar Z. Siregar, M.For. Sc. (Director of International Program, IPB University)
Dr. Ir. Eka Intan Kumala Putri, MS
Prof. Dr. Ir. Cecep Kusmana, MS
Prof. Dr. Ir. Widiatmaka, DAA
Prof. Dr. Lina Karlinasari, S. Hut, MSc.F.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Erliza Noor
Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi Susilo Arifin, MS
Dr. Syartinilia, SP, M.Si

Organizing Committee
Dr. Zaenal Abidin, S.Si, M.Agr (Chair of Symposium)
Dr. Yudi Setiawan, SP
Dr. Fifi Gus Dwiyanti, S.Hut
Dr. Liyantono
Dr. Andrea Emma Pravitasari
Dr. Ir. Yeti Lis Purnamadewi, M.Agr
Dr. Ir. M. Yanuar J. Purwanto, MS
Dr. Ir. Sri Mulatsih M.Sc.Agr
Dr. Ir. M. Nur Aidi, MS
Dr. Ir. Hariyadi, MS
Dr. Pipin Novianti Sadikin
Herlin Angreayani, SP
Subur, SE
Abdul Halim, SP
Haraldi Ichsan, S.Kom

Sub theme A: Environmental Policy and Management

Ecological Modernization: New Avenues of Social Science in

Understanding Environmental Change?

Soeryo Adiwibowo

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. More than 30 years, the Ecological Modernization (EM) theory has become
one of the dominant sociological theories that try to understand and interpret how
modern industrial societies are dealing with the environmental crisis. As the social
sciences of environmental reform, ecological modernization stands out as one of the
strongest, best- known, most used and widely cited, and constantly debated concepts
in this body of literature. Ecological modernization has been at the forefront in
theoretical debates, and has even been used by politicians to frame environmental
reform programs in European continent as well as several countries in Asia (especially
China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam), North America, and Latin America. However, the
advancement of EM is in question since modernization has historically led to
detrimental environmental consequences. Two opposing perspectives are emerged.
On one side, there are those who see the modernization project as anti-ecological to
its core and, thus, incapable of being transformed along sustainable lines. On the
other side are those who see the modernization project as adaptable and capable of
becoming ecologically sustainable.

Keywords: modernization, ecological modernization, anti-ecological, ecologically


Sub theme B: Environmental Pollution

Co-creation of sustainable regional innovation for reducing risk of

high-impact environmental pollution

Masayuki Sakakibara1,2, Katsuya Tanaka3, Hiroki Kasamatsu2, Motoko Shimagami2, and

Satoru Komatsu4

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto 603-8047, JAPAN
Ehime University, Ehime 790-8577, JAPAN
Shiga University, Shiga 522-8522, JAPAN
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8521, JAPAN

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal that seriously threatens the embryonic and
early-childhood development of humans, and extremely poisonous to the human
body. Mercury pollution is one of the most serious environmental issues and requires
global action for its resolution. One of the main causes of Hg pollution is an artisanal
and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), in which Hg is used as the traditional method of
amalgamation to extract gold from the ore rock. Those ASGM activities are also the
sources of social problems. The objectives of the research project is 1) to understand
the link between poverty reduction and environmental management in ASGM areas,
2) to establish a process for constructing sustainable societies through regional
innovations in ASGM areas, and 3) to strengthen environmental governance in ASEAN
countries. In the project, we conduct within the context of all ASEAN countries: a)
Case studies on reduction of Hg pollution using a future scenario of ASGM in
Indonesia and Myanmar, b) Study on interregional networks that aim to generate Hg-
free societies in Indonesia and Myanmar, c) Study on improvements in environmental
governance in ASEAN countries, and d) Theoretical and practical studies of the design,
practical use, and evaluation of TBO (Transformative Boundary Object), and
cultivation, development process, and roles of TDCOP (Transdisciplinary Community
of Practice). The regional innovation arise as a consequence of environmental and
industrial innovations introduced with a transdisciplinary approach, including the
development of a future scenario for an Hg-free society, the co-creation and practical
application of TBOs, and the mobilization of TDCOPs.

Sub theme C: Natural Disasters

Strengthening Country Resilience: Lessons Learned From Recent

Natural Disasters in Indonesia

Imam A. Sadisun
Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut
Teknologi Bandung
Research Center for Disaster Mitigation (RCDM) Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132 INDONESIA

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. High potential for natural disasters in Indonesia is basically reflected by the
unique geographical conditions of the country, where three major tectonic plates of
the world meet, i.e. the Indo-Australian plate, the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate.
Interactions between the plates have places Indonesia as a region which has mostly
high volcanic and seismic activities. The dynamics processes within the plates have
further formed distinctive and varies greatly surface reliefs of the earth, from the
mountainous areas with steep slopes having relatively high landslide potential to the
low land areas along the coast with high potential of flood, land subsidence and
tsunami hazards. The common problem is that have we known, learned and
understood well various characteristics of those natural hazards around us and have
we made any efforts to “welcome” them?
The potential for those natural disasters has been worse by other several problems
in Indonesia which have given rise to increase vulnerability. A rapid population
growth, for an example, will require many new residential areas, which will in turn
continue to expand and spread until reaching unsafe marginal areas from natural
disasters. In addition, irregular and inappropriate land use, on the other hand, is
another major factor for increasing vulnerability. Moreover, this increase in
vulnerability will be further aggravated if the government and its society are unaware
to the natural disasters potential within their area. Experience shows that natural
disasters so far have caused significant losses and damages as a result of a
combination of natural hazards and the complexity of other problems. As a lesson,
recent earthquake, tsunami, liquefaction and landslide in Indonesia seem to have
taught us all to continuously carry out smart, innovative and comprehensive efforts
in order to reduce the potential risk of natural disasters through various mitigation

Keywords: natural disaster, hazard, vulnerability, mitigation, resilience

Sub theme D: Biodiversity

A Review of Forests Biodiversity in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges

Seca Gandaseca
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The issues and challenges of forest biodiversity in Malaysia are reviewed in
this paper. Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth and the essential
interdependence of all living things. Biodiversity combines the concepts of plants and
animal as genetic resources, the diversity of species and the habitats in which they
live. The tropical rain forests of Malaysia constitute the core of biodiversity in
Malaysia. The tropical rainforest has a great number of biological diversity, with a
unique natural heritage consisting a very rich flora and fauna. Besides the thousands
of tree species, the forests are also the habitats of the animal life found within the
forests. Currently, the forest biodiversity in Malaysia are facing with many issues, i.e.,
forest degradation, anthropogenic activities such as forest exploitation, converting
forest, hunting and encroachment, the existing of some potential disasters such as
forest fire, erosion/landslide, pollution, also the issue of climate change, etc. The
most rapid changes to the natural ecosystems had been in the last 50 years or so,
when Malaysia embarked on a policy of rapid economic development. Parts of
lowland forests which were suitable for agriculture were converted to commercial
rubber and oil palm plantations as well as for other crops. As a result of the loss of
their natural habitats, over collection and hunting as well as pollution, some species
of plants and animals in natural forest are considered endangered. The challenges on
forest biodiversity in Malaysia are discussed in this paper, including review some
solutions of the rising issues.

Keywords: tropical rain forest, biodiversity, ecosystem, challenges, solutions

Sub theme E: Ecotourism

The Pros and Cons of Agro-Eco Tourism Development in Rural

Provinces of Thailand

Ariya Aruninta
Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. National Tourism Authority positions Thailand as a serene and peaceful

country ideal for a leisure visit and offers quality, world-class attractions and
hospitality services. Tourism is recognized as one of the most dynamic devices in the
country’s economic development and has become the top most foreign currency
earner when compared to other industrial sectors. Even though landscape
architectural design and planning play the most important role in Tourism
Development, but there is still the need to stress the enhancement of the
destinations by studying the carry capacity and assigning land uses to preserve
ecosystems and cultural landscape both those tangible and tangible ones throughout
the development. This study focuses on the cases of agro - eco tourism destination.
The situation included pros and cons of recent development in the three rural
provinces of Thailand will be discussed in this paper.

Keywords: sustainable development; cultural landscape; rural; tourism; agro-

tourism; eco-tourism; landscape architecture

Sub theme F: Environmental Economics

Natural Capital in Indonesia: The Link between economic

development and environmental degradation

Akhmad Fauzi
Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, INDONESIA

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Indonesia’s economic development during the last three decades, have
been driven primarily by natural resources such oil and gas, coal, as well as forest and
fishery resources. The contribution of natural capital to Indonesia’s GDP, however,
tend to be declining in the last couple of years. Among several factors that contribute
to this declining trend are high rate of the depletion of natural capital and lack of
ecological investment on this capital. In addition, the costs of environmental
degradation arising from extraction of natural capital did not taken into account into
Indonesia’s wealth accounting. Based on the recent available, it shows that there is
negative correlation between GDP and environmental quality index, as well as weak
correlation between share of natural capital to GDP and income per capita, indicating
that the growth development paradigm has put some costs on natural capital and
environment. This paper aims to investigate the link between economic development
and environment aspect and the socio-economic consequences of environmental
degradation into development. The paper also will provide an overview of some
sustainable development policy agendas in Indonesia and their potential impact on
socio-economic indicators. Lessons learned from this study will be drawn for policy
improvement on the economic development both at national and regional levels.

Keywords: economic development, environmental degradation, natural capital,

sustainable development

Sub theme G: Natural Resources

Integrating DNA barcoding and traditional taxonomy for the

identification of dipterocarps in Sumatra

Carina Carneiro de Melo Moura1, Kevin Jair Hernandez Bado1, Fabian Brambach2, Konstantin
V. Krutovsky1, Holger Kreft2, Iskandar Z. Siregar3, Oliver Gailing1*

Department of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, University of Goettingen,
Buesgenweg 2, 37077 Goettingen, GERMANY
Biodiversity, Macroecology and Biogeography, University of Goettingen, Buesgenweg 1,
37077 Goettingen GERMANY
Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Dramaga Campus, Bogor

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. DNA barcoding has been proposed as a universal tool for phylogenetic
inferences and diversity assessments, especially in poorly studied species and
regions. The aim of this study was to contrast morphological taxonomy and DNA
barcoding for the identification of the dipterocarps in Sumatra, Indonesia. We
sequenced three DNA barcoding markers – matK, rbcL and trnL - and integrated
traditional taxonomy to assess the species composition and efficiency of DNA
barcoding in the identification of dipterocarps. The chloroplast matK gene was the
most polymorphic among the three DNA barcoding markers with an average
interspecific genetic distance of 0.022. The results of the molecular identification
mirrored the morphological identification for the clades of Anthoshorea, Hopea,
Richetia and Parashorea, nonetheless these markers were inefficient to solve the
relationships within the Rubroshorea group. The maximum likelihood and Bayesian
inference phylogenies supported Shorea as a paraphyletic genus, Anthoshorea
appear as sister to Hopea, also Richetia was sister group to Parashorea. Our results
suggest that matK, among the DNA barcoding markers herein tested, has a high
evolutionary rate giving a reasonable discriminatory power among dipterocarp
species, however a combination of different barcoding markers is essential to a
reliable identification of the species at lower taxonomic level.

Keywords: matK, rbcL, trnL, Dipterocarpoideae, Tropics, Genetic distance, Sumatra

Time Agenda Room
07:30-08:30 Registration IICC Ballroom lobby
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session
08:45-08:50 Opening and greeting (MC)
08:50-09:00 Report from Chair of Organizing Committee IICC Ballroom
09:00-09:15 Welcome Speech from Rector of IPB University
09:15-09:30 Coffee break IICC Hall
09:30-10:00 Keynote Speech (1) from Indonesian Minister of
Environmental and Forestry
10:00-10:15 Keynote Speech (2) from Head of Meteorological,
IICC Ballroom
Climatological and Geophysical Agency
10:15-10:30 Keynote Speech (3) from Head of Geospatial Information
10:30-10:40 Move to parallel session’s room
Parallel Session (Invited Speakers)
Sub theme A: Environmental Policy and Management - Dr.
IICC Ballroom
Ir. Soeryo Adiwibowo, MS (IPB University, Indonesia)
Sub theme B: Environmental Pollution - Prof. Sakakibara
Masayuki (Research Institute for Humanity and Meeting Room A
Nature/RIHN, Japan)
Sub theme C: Natural Disasters - Dr.Eng. Imam Achmad
Sadisun, ST, MT (Bandung Institute of Technology, Meeting Room B
Sub theme D: Biodiversity - Dr. Seca Gandaseca (Universiti
Meeting Room C
Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
Sub theme E: Ecotourism - Ariya Aruninta, PhD
Meeting Room D
(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Sub theme F: Environmental Economics - Prof. Dr. Ir.
Meeting Room E
Akhmad Fauzi, MSc (IPB University, Indonesia)
Sub theme G: Natural Resources - Dr. Carina Moura (Georg-
Meeting Room F
August-Universität GÖettingen, Germany)
11:00-12:30 Ballroom-Meeting
Paralel Sesion I
Room A, B, C, D, E, F
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break IICC Hall
13:30-15:30 Ballroom-Meeting
Paralel Sesion II
Room A, B, C, D, E, F
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break IICC Hall
16:00-17:00 Ballroom-Meeting
Paralel Sesion III
Room A, B, C, D, E, F
17:00-17:30 Closing IICC Ballroom

Paralel Session 1
Time (WIB) Agenda Room
Sub-theme A; Moderator: M. Yanuar J.P. and M. Nur Aidi
11:00-12:30 1. H.K. Aliyu, R.A. Olawepo, M. Sheriffdeen: Climate change
information for farmers in Nigeria; what challenges do women Ballroom
2. Perdinan, R.E.P. Tjahjono, D. Purwanti, L.V. Gunawan, F.N.
Nadhifah: Combining simulation model and field observation
in understanding crop productivity to climate change
3. T. Wijaya: Monitoring And Climatic Data Use For Rubber
Plantation Management
4. N. Santoso, Sutopo, R.P. Nugraha: Analysis of Sustainability
Ecosystem Mangrove Management in Pangkah Wetan and
PangkahKulon Villages Area, Ujungpangkah District, Gresik
Regency, East Java Province
5. A. Rahadian, F. Leilan, I.N. Arafat, T.A. Lestari: Ecosystem
mangrove management in urban area: case study mangrove
kali adem Jakarta Indonesia
6. A. Fuad, S. Mulatsih, H. Purnamawati: Analysis of carrying
capacity of agricultural land in supporting sustainable food
self-sufficiency in Tegal Regency
Sub-theme B; Moderator: Zaenal Abidin and Liyantono
11:00-12:30 1. Y. Munandar The development of households sanitation in Meeting Room A
Indonesia: Year of 2010-2018
2. N. Sofyan, I. Wientarsih, A. Ismail: Analysis of blood lead levels
at Terminal Kampung Rambutan due to motor vehicle activities
3. R.Y. Sandi, I. Garniwa, T.H. Panjaitan, D. M. Pratiwi: Building
energi efficiency and conservation on air conditioning loads
(Case study residential and building development information
4. A.S. Danasa, T.E.B. Soesilo, D.N. Martono, A. Sodri: Social,
economic, and environment analysis from the worst case of
ammonia release
5. D.M. Pratiwi, S.W. Utomo, Sudarna: Chemical plant in the
downtown: study of ammonia release causative factor and its
negative impact towards workers and communities at XYZ
fertilizer factory
6. Achmad Gus Fahmi, Zainal Abdidin, Cecep Kusmana, Wahyu
Rizki Rahmawati: Synthesis activated carbon in low
temperature as methylene blue adsorbent
Sub-theme C; Moderator: Sri Mulatsih and Fifi Gus Dwiyanti
11:00-12:30 1. H. Agusta, G.C. Handoyo: Thermal spectrum characteristics of Meeting Room B
blue light flare irradiation and its impact on surroundings biotic
and abiotic environment
2. M.A. Khafid: Correlation analysis of the impact of land cover
change and ratio vehicles on the dynamic of land surface
temperature: Case Studies of Cirebon City, Province of West
3. S.L. Munajati, H. Kartodihardjo, M.B. Saleh, Nurwadjedi:
Sensitivity analysis of ecosystem services due to the dynamics
of land use changes in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
4. W.C. Adinugroho, L.B. Prasetyo, C. Kusmana, H. Krisnawati:
Contribution of forest degradation in Indonesia’s GHG
emissions profile and opportunity to improve its estimation
5. A.S. Pambudi, S.S. Moersidik: Conservation direction based on
estimation of erosion in lesti sub-watershed, Malang Regency
6. L.M. Rachman, H.H. Bayu, D.P.T. Baskoro: The effect of tin
mining on soil damage in Pedindang Sub-Watershed, Central
Bangka Regency
Sub-theme D; Moderator: Lina Karlinasari/Cecep Kusmana and
Yudi Setiawan
11:00-12:30 1. A. Bonita, C. Kusmana: Mangrove forest rehabilitation in Meeting Room C
Ciletuh Coast, Sukabumi, West Java
2. A. Mardiastuti, Y.A. Mulyani, M. Hasan, A. Kaban: Is forest
remnants able to support bird community?: case in tropical
lowland forest of West Java, Indonesia
3. A. Daulay: Analysis on work plan of jambi provincial
commission of genetic resources to develop plant genetic
4. A.T.S. Awaliah, B.S. Dewi, G.D. Winarno, S.P. Harianto, N.
Tokita: Daily behavior Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinos
sumatrensis) in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary Way Kambas
National Park
5. C. Kusmana, I. Suwandhi: Diversity of plant species and the
presence of invasive alien species (IAS) in the sub-montane
forest at Pakenjeng Region
6. D. Hutapea, I.B. Rahardjo, B. Marwoto: Abundance and
diversity of natural enemies related to Chrysanthemum Aphid
supression with botanical insecticides
Sub-theme E; Moderator: Hadi Susilo Arifin and Syartinilia
11:00-12:30 1. A. Suheri, C. Kusmana, M. Yanuar J.P., Y. Setiawan: Peak Meeting Room D
Runoff Model Base on Land Use Existing and Masterplan
Sentul City
2. P. Hutagaol, D. Tanjung: Analysis of potential social conflicts
in ecotourism development in the lake Toba Region, North
3. D. Wulansari, L. Karlinasari, M. Ekayani: Potential utilization of
food waste in warung makan
4. D. Nugraha, H.S. Alikodra, C. Kusmana, Y. Setiawan:
Ecotourism land suitability based on various criteria weighting
5. D. Rimantho, N.Y. Hidayah, A. Herzanita: Analysis of risk
failure of solid waste management processes in universities:
Case Study of Pancasila University Jakarta
6. E. Wisnubroto, E. Rustiadi, A. Fauzi, K. Murtilaksono: The
dynamic changes in peri-urban agricultural area and multi-
function adaptation of agriculture area in Batu City, Indonesia
Sub-theme F; Moderator: Yeti Lis Purnamadewii and Pipin
Noviati Sadikin
11:00-12:30 1. A. Rumambi, W.B. Kaunang, C.J. Pontoh, E.S. Tangkere: Meeting Room E
Production and carrying capacity of super 1 sorghum given
different level of chicken manure

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
2. A. Sulistyaningrum, Hardiyanto, Y. Hilman, Puspitasari, Y.
Sastro, N.F. Devy: Acceleration of dissemination of mandarin
citrus (CV. Batu 55) superior variety in supporting import
3. E. Nining, R. Syarief, Machfud, Sobir, Z.A. Mas’ud: Factors that
influence on behavior of shallot farmers in the use of pesticides
in Brebes Regency-Central Java-Indonesia
4. I. Mucharam, E. Rustiadi, A. Fauzi, Harianto: Development of
sustainable agricultural indicators at provincial levels in
Indonesia: Case studies on rice
5. K. Munibah, B. Barus, B. Tjahjono, T. Mandalika: Detailed
mapping of the paddy field ownership and their relation to rice
6. M.F. Widhagdha, W. Purwanto, I.A.R. Agustin, D.M. Haryanto:
Creating Economic Value from Mangrove Ecosystem
Sub-theme G; Moderator: Erliza Noor, Widiatmaka and Andrea
Emma P
11:00-12:30 1. A.B.S. Noor, R. Hidayat, Perdinan: The analysis of skin surface Meeting Room F
temperature and water vapor on volcanic eruption (case
study: Mt. Kelud)
2. A. Kusumandari, P.A.R. Marpaung: The reduction of
infiltration capacity at various tourist attraction areas in
Wanagama I Education Forest
3. D. Natasasmita, L.P. Soede, I.G. Mahendra, W. Rizki: Marine
Mammals Interactions With Tuna Fishing Activities In
Indonesian Seas
4. E. Purnomo, S. Argarini, T.S. Wahyudiningsih: Maintaining the
Sustainability of Fertile Agricultural Soil Using Bamboo Biochar
in Tropical Volcano Area
5. F. Alfahmi, O.S. Hakim, R.C. Dewi, A. Khaerima: Analysis the
Effect of MJO on Increasing Wave Height using Data Mining
Classification Techniques in East Java Waters
6. Haryadi, A.S. Mahulette, S. Yahya, A. Wachjar: Measuring the
potential of biomass, carbon storage, and carbon sink of forest

Paralel Session 2
Time (WIB) Agenda Room
Sub-theme A; Moderator: M. Yanuar J.P. and M. Nur Aidi
13:30-15:30 7. I. Firmansyah, Widiatmaka, B. Pramudya, S. Budiharsono:
Dynamic Model of Paddy Field Conversion Control in Citarum Ballroom
8. A. Salim, S. Hidayat, R. Wulandari, C.D. Pratama, S.N. Ichwani:
A Green Scenario for Sustainable Landscape Planning: The Case
Study in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province
9. D.A.P. Baskoro, M.Y.J. Purwanto, M. Solahudin, N.H.
Panjaitan, A. Hermawan, E. Alfin: Water Allocation Model For
Bekasi City Area
10. A. Mutolib, Mahdi, Yonariza: Natural Rubber Price Decline,
And Forest Clearing Up For Oil Palm Plantation: A Case Study
In Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra, Indonesia
11. W. Lestari: The Role And Effort Of Jambi Research And
Development Board To Preserve Genetic Resources In Jambi
12. E. Hermawan, M.R. Ridho, M. Yazid, Hariyadi: Effectivity and
Efficiency of Environmental Management and Monitoring by
Private Sector (EEEMMPS) in South Sumatra
13. Rahmawaty, Perdinan, N.W.S.P. Dewi, H. Kurniawan:
Integrated approach in determining priority environmental
issues in Medan City North Sumatra Province
14. F. Purbantoro, M. Siregar: Design of Net Zero Energy Building
(NZEB) for Existing Building In Jakarta
Sub-theme B; Moderator: Zaenal Abidin and Liyantono
13:30-15:30 7. D. Widasari, I.S. Fatimah, N. Nasrullah: Distribution of Noise On Meeting Room A
Residential Area (Case Study: Residential Area That Close To
Jagorawi Highway And Pandu Road In Bogor City)
8. Iskandar, Darmawan, U. Sudadi, B. Mulyanto: Ambient
Concentration of Soil Heavy Metals in Indonesian Tertiary and
Quaternary Geologic Formations: Anexplorative Study
9. A.S. Hasdam, Hasim, A. Sulaeman, M.H. Machfoed, M.
Santoso: The influence of heavy metal levels on autism case in
Bontang and Samarinda City
10. R. Pramulya, T. Bantacut, E. Noor, M. Yani: Material Flow
Analysis for Energy and Organic Fertilizer Potential in Coffee
11. I.P.E. Putra, R. Hidayat, F.H. Pasaribu, A.A. Amin, S. Mulatsih:
Isolation and Identification of Bacteria on Soil Sample in
Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Cikolelet Village, Cinangka
District, Serang Regency, Banten
12. I.G.K. Adiputra, I.W. Winaja, I.M. Sumarya: Vegetative growth
of vanilla cuttings after addition of weed clippings mulch under
2 climatic condition, wet and dry seasons
13. B.P. Mahardhika, R. Mutia, M. Ridla: Efforts to reduce
ammonia gas in broiler chicken litter with the use of probiotic
14. D. Kharisma, Z. Abidin, C. Kusmana: Adsorption of Methylene
Blue onto a Low-Cost and Environmenta Friendly Goethite
Sub-theme C; Moderator: Sri Mulatsih and Fifi Gus Dwiyanti
13:30-15:30 7. V. Mar’atusholikha, Widiatmaka, I. Firmansyah: Sustainability Meeting Room B
of Garlic Cultivation at Tegal Regency,Central Java

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
8. A. Rahadiati, Y. Prihanto, E. Suryanegara, A.W. Rudiastuti, I.
Nahib, Nursugi: Assessment of socioeconomic vulnerability of
coastal community in management of floods
9. Sumardjo, A. Firmansyah, L. Dharmawan: Ecological
adaptation of coastal communities based on social energy: a
case of natural disasters potential on The North Coast Of West
10. A. Isnandiahening, A. Mulsandi: Skill Comparison of Three
Different Soil Moisture Data on Numerical Weather Prediction
of Very Heavy Rainfall Events using WRF Model in The
Jabodetabek Region
11. S. Wulandari, T.E.B. Soesilo, S.S. Moersidik, D. Asteria: The
efforts of protecting water resources by sustainable household
solid waste management
12. L. Narieswari, S.R.P. Sitorus, H. Hardjomidjojo, E.I.K. Putri:
Multi-dimensions urban resilience index for sustainable city
13. S.I. Maulana, L. Syaufina, L.B. Prasetyo, M.N. Aidi: Formulating
peatland fires prevention strategy in Bengkalis Regency: An
application of analytical hierarchy process
14. Turmudi, B.H. Saharjo, L.B. Prasetyo, B. Tjahjono: Spatial
model of peatland fire control strategies through peat maturity
level approach. case study of The Kepulauan Meranti District
Sub-theme D; Moderator: Lina Karlinasari/Cecep Kusmana and
Yudi Setiawan
13:30-15:30 7. D. Mulyono: Diversity of growth and production of several Meeting Room C
mangosteen varieties (Garcinia mangostana L.)
8. E. Hermawan, Z. Zulkifli, E.W. Pradana: Study on application
of Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool (SMART) for High
Conservation Value (HCV) and environment monitoring by
private sector in South Sumatra
9. J. Jesica, R. Kaswanto, H.S. Arifin: The pekarangan
characteristics of organic settlement and planned settlement
along Ciliwung River riparian, Bogor Municipality
10. M. Nikmatullah, D.I. Junaedi, J.R. Witono, R. Hendrian: Plants
Collection in The Medicinal Thematic Park, Cibodas Botanic
11. A. Norulhuda, M.S. Nizam, D.S. Karam: Influence of soil
characteristics on the floristic composition and structure of the
tree vegetation in Jengka Forest Reserved, Pahang State,
12. R.E. Mahfiz, I. Risdiyanto: Evapotranspiration estimation using
vegetation index and surface reflectance SWIR Landsat-8
combination on various land cover
13. R. Kurniati, K. Yuniarto, K. Suskandari: Morphological Diversity
of F1 Population in Anthurium Through Conventional Breeding
14. S.E. Ardiyanti, D. Sopandie, D. Wirnas, Trikoesoemaningtyas:
Performance and ratooning ability of sorghum lines (Sorghum
bicolor (L.) Moench)
Sub-theme E; Moderator: Hadi Susilo Arifin and Syartinilia
13:30-15:30 7. H. Salatnaya, Widiatmaka, C. Sumantri, S. Kahoho, A.M. Fuah: Meeting Room D
The growth potency of stingless bees in West Halmahera
8. I.K. Kariada, K.D. Arsana: Research implementation of
appropriate eco friendly technology generation to support
innovative agro tourism at central arabica coffee development
of Sukasada, Buleleng Bali

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
9. I. Taufik, M.Y.J. Purwanto, B. Pramudya, S.K. Saptomo: Water
infrastructure planning using WEAP Model
10. Kristiyanto: Ecotourism development impacts on plant
diversity in Setu Babakan Park, Jakarta Indonesia
11. Linayati, B.D. Madusari: Prevalence and Distribution of
Anisakis sp worms in Internal organs of Tuna (Euthynnus
affinis) at Fish Auction in Pekalongan City
12. Nurfaida, H.S. Arifin, S.R.P. Sitorus, Eriyatno: Toraja the sacred
high lands: assessing scenic beauty of culture-based
landscapes of North Toraja Regency
13. P.N. Sadikin, S. Mulatsih,, B. Pramudya, H.S. Arifin: Dynamic
model of ecotourism management in Mount Rinjani National
14. P.B. Dewangga, Rochmadi, C.W. Purnomo: Pyrolysis of
polystyrene plastic waste using bentonit catalyst
Sub-theme F; Moderator: Yeti Lis Purnamadewi and Pipin Noviati
13:30-15:30 7. M.I. Azmi, Widiatmaka, K. Munibah: Change in land use and Meeting Room E
land cover affected by light rapid transit Jakarta, corridor
8. M. Asrol, M. Yani, Marimin, Machfud: An adaptive supply
chain sustainability measurement and improvement model for
sugarcane agroindustry
9. Pamela, A. Nugraha, M. Aritonang, J.P. Hutajulu:
Determinants of household food waste value in Indonesia: A
study case on high education level parent
10. A.M. Kiloes, Puspitasari: Farmer's behaviour in using
pesticides on shallots cultivation in Solok Highlands, West
11. R. Wulandari, K. Murtilaksono, K. Munibah: Spatial model of
land use change dynamics and land use projection of Cisadane
12. R.S.B. Waspodo, M.I. Sahana: Application of linear
programming for optimal use of raw water in Cidanau
Watershed, Banten
13. S.R. Pratiwi, E. Purnomo, S. Usman: Economic valuation of
critical land
14. U. Mansyur, D. Priatna: Sustainable markets development in
Bogor Regency
Sub-theme G; Moderator: Erliza Noor, Widiatmaka and Andrea
Emma P
13:30-15:30 7. H. Ajrina, I. Kustiwan: From green open space to green Meeting Room F
infrastructure; the potential of green open space optimization
for urban sustainability
8. I. Ma'ruf, M.M. Kamal, A. Satria, Sulistiono: Culture-based
fisheries (CBF) in Rawa Lebak Lebung, South Sumatera, is it
9. K. Elsahida, A.M. Fauzi, I. Sailah, I.Z. Siregar: Sustainability of
natural dyes in Indonesia
10. N.V. Santi, A. Mulsandi, J.A.I. Paski: Improvement of numerical
weather prediction of radar data asimilation using rapid
update cycle method in prediction of heavy rain event in
Jabodetabek Region

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
11. W.R. Saman, I. Yuliasih, Sugiarto: Dual Modification of Sweet
Potato Crosslinking–Hydroxypropylation as Biodegradable
Film Materials
12. Y.H. Sipahutar, H.K. Ramli, M.G.E. Kristiani, D.H.G. Prabowo,
M.R. Suryanto, R. Baktiar: Chemical Composition Of Whiteleg
Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Cultivated From Intensive
Farming And Traditional Farming At Bulukumba Regency,
South Sulawesi
13. Zaitun, A. Halim, S. Rahya: Utilization of liquid waste from
freshwater fish cultivation in bioreactors batch culture system
and biochar to increase lettuce plant production (Lactuca
sativa L.)
14. U. Adzkia, N. Nugroho, L. Karlinasari: Anatomical feature of
leaf sheath roystonearegia

Paralel Session 3
Time (WIB) Agenda Room
Sub-theme A; Moderator: M. Yanuar J.P. and M. Nur Aidi
16:00-17:00 15. N. Jannah, I.R. Sumanto: Gold PROPER; Business World
Concern upon Environmental Aspect, Case Study: CSR PT Ballroom
Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field
16. R.A. Hidajat, S.W. Utomo, I. Garniwa, M. Karuniasa: Utilization
of geothermal drill cutting into brick and paving blocks for
reducing drilling waste
17. Hendrik, J.R. Pangala: Study on energy consumption and CO2
emissions at the national electricity company (PLN): Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach for the provinces in
18. I. Yulianingtyas: Effectiveness of ISO 14001: 2015
Implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises (Case Study:
Laundry Machine Industry SMEs in Bantul Yogyakarta)
Sub-theme B; Moderator: Zaenal Abidin and Liyantono
16:00-17:00 15. V. Prajaputra, Z. Abidin, Widiatmaka, H. Rizal: Balinese pumice Meeting Room A
utilization as material source for synthesis of zeolite Na-P1 and
its ability to remove cationic dye
16. Z. Abidin, N. Hiedayati, S. Zega, A.G. Fahmi, W.R. Rahmawati:
Synthesis of Fe3O4/activated carbon composites as blue
methylene and methyl orange adsorbents
17. F. Ramdani, A. Prasetya, C.W. Purnomo: Removal of poluttants
from chicken slaughter house waste water using constructed
wetland system
18. B.D. Madusari: Analysis of organochlorine and
organophosphat residue distribution in Brebes Central Java
Indonesia waters and ponds
19. F. Jhoner: Analysis of environmental damage and polution on
the quality of human life
Sub-theme C; Moderator: Sri Mulatsih and Fifi Gus Dwiyanti
16:00-17:00 15. A. Pramudianto, Sudaryanto, S.W. Utomo, P.A. Pambudi: Meeting Room B
Suitability of Agroforestry System Against Climate Conditions
in Tugu Utara Village, Cisarua Sub-District, Bogor
16. M.A. Azka: Comparison ov Various Data Assimilation in the
WRF Model to Predict Heavy Rainfall in Jabodetabek
17. B. Ratnawati: Leachate processing system in TPA Galuga
Bogor City
Sub-theme D; Moderator: Lina Karlinasari/Cecep Kusmana and
Yudi Setiawan
16:00-17:00 15. S. Malalantang, L. Abdullah, P. Dewi M.H.K.S., I.G. Permana, Meeting Room C
Nurmahmudi: Carbon sequestration and growth of several
sorghum varieties as ruminant's feed
16. S. Laatung, M. Fuah, B. Masy’ud, C. Sumantri, S. Dohong: The
hunting of white-tailed rat by Minahasa Tribe, North Sulawesi,
17. A.E. Pravitasari, A. Suhada, S.P. Mulya, E. Rustiadi, A.
Murtdho, S. Wulandari, C.E. Widodo: Spatial distribution
pattern and rice field land depriciation trend In Serang
Regency, Banten Province
18. M.Y.J. Purwanto, D. Aria, A. Suheri, A. Susanto: Water
Availability Using Water Sensitive Paradigm

Time (WIB) Agenda Room
19. A.N. Ar Rachmah: Life cycle assessment canned fish products
at Muncar Banyuwangi, East Java
Sub-theme E; Moderator: Hadi Susilo Arifin and Syartinilia
16:00-17:00 15. R.P. Wisnu, M. Karuniasa, S.S. Moersidik: The Effect of fish Meeting Room D
aquaculture on water quality in Lake Cilala, Bogor Regency
16. M. Faiz Bin Wahid, S. Gandaseca, S. Nurhidayu, D. Emang:
Perception of conservation measures for sustainable
environmental resources use in Langkawi Island, Malaysia
17. E. Rachmawati: Tourism development stakeholder role in
community empowerment
18. M. Permana: Settlement development of peri urban area
Sub-theme F; Moderator: Yeti Lis Purnamadewi and Pipin Noviati
16:00-17:00 15. V. Siagian, H. Siregar, A. Fariyanti, K. Nainggolan: Factors Meeting Room E
affected adoption of combine harvesters in Banten Province-
16. Y. Sipahutar, H. Rahmayanti, R. Achmad, H.K. Ramli, M.R.
Suryanto, R. Baktiar: Increase In The cleaner production
environment in the fish processing industry through work
motivation and leadership of women fishermen in Tangerang
17. Y.L. Purnamadewi, M.D. Orchidea, S. Mulatsih: Fiscal policy &
environmental quality in Indonesia
18. M. Fatichurachman: Solution for lapindo mud
19. Y. Paramitadevi: Combining both end of pipe treatment and
cleaner production – a case study of tofu SME in Bogor
Sub-theme G; Moderator: Erliza Noor, Widiatmaka and Andrea
Emma P
16:00-17:00 15. A.B.S. Noor: The estimation of changes in precipitation due to Meeting Room F
deforestation over Sumatera Island
16. A. Halil: Identification and potential of green open space (GOS)
using UAV drone in Depok City
17. A. Indranata: Investigation of the effect of different land use
data sources on numerical weather prediction of very heavy
rainfall events in The Jabodetabek Region
18. D. Kurniasari: The water recycle effect of hydrothermal
treatment from cowpea seed biomass (Vigna Sinensis L) and
Ipomoea SP seed biomass
19. W.G. Prakoso: Sensitivity analysis of overflow tunnel capacity
on land use change hydrological response for free board height
safety of Ciawi DAM

Poster Sesion
Sub Theme Poster title
M.A. Siregar, S.W. Utomo: AMDAL as a regulation and equator principle as an initiative, which
is the best?
D. Mulyono, Y. Hilman, Y. Sastro, R. Setiani: Various Cropping Patterns Chili and Shallot Plants
As One of The Land Intensification Forms In Some Production Centers
A. Royani, S. Prifiharni, G. Priyotomo, Sundjono: Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Synthetic Fresh
Water for Water Distribution Systems
B. Ratnawati, M. Yani, Suprihatin, H. Hardjomijojo: Identified Solution Management in Landfill
with Analytic Network Process (ANP)
B-P3 F. Hanum, D. Sudiarto, N. Zakiah: Survey of Arsenic Contamination in White Rice in Aceh
B-P4 H. Islam, T.E.B. Soesilo: KRL Commuter Line Noise Regulation in Indonesia: a Critical Review
N. Andareswari, S. Hariyadi, G. Yulianto: Biogas Versus Liquid Sugar to Process Tapioca Liquid
Waste (Case Study : Tapioca Business Center in Ciluar Village Bogor City)
B-P6 R.S.B. Waspodo, M.I. Sahana: River Water Quality Modelling in Barito Watershed
S.I. Maulana: Revisiting Peatland Fires Temporal, Climatic and Spatial Distribution and Their
Implications on Fire Management Policy in Bengkalis, Riau Province, Indonesia
S. Amira, T.E.B. Soesilo, S.S. Moersidik: Social and Environmental Approach for Controlling Water
Pollution in Krukut River, DKI Jakarta
S.W. Utomo, D.M. Pratiwi, Sudarna: Revisit The Green Barrier development for Ammonia
B-P9 Exposre Preventive Countermeasure: Study of Urea Fertilizer Z Factory in South Sumatera,
B-P10 F. Amri: Level of Mercury Pollution and Soil Characteristics on Post Peti Land
E. Basri, Saefudin, K. Yuniarti: Basic Properties and Potential Uses of 35 Wood Species from
E.L. Subandi, Widiatmaka, M. Ardiansyah: Spatial Modelling of Paddy Fields in Gorontalo
I. Seriana, M. Akmal, Darusman, S. Wahyuni: The effects of neem leaves (Azadirachta indica
A.Juss) on male reproduction system: a mini review
B.S. Dewi, S.P. Harianto, D.I. Rahmawati, N. Dewara, N. Tokita, S. Koike: Diversity of Fauna as
one of indicator of forest management in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman
H.W. Limbe, S.S. Achmadi, D.N. Faridah: Introducing Daluga (Cyrtosperma merkusii) starch from
corms collected in Siau Island, North Sulawesi
E-P1 Mira, U. Muawanah: Sustainable Tourism Development in Kepulauan Seribu
Puspitasari, A.M. Kiloes, Hardiyanto: Developing Sustainable Community-based Agrotourism in
Payo, Solok City, West Sumatera
R. Irfani, P.N. Sadikin, B. Nirmalajati, R. Jumhari: Implementation of Participatory Method in
Dairy Farmers Extension Program in West Java
F-P2 S. Mulatsih : Impact of ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement in CO2 Emission of Transportation
Sudarna, J. Najwan, Muskibah, D.M. Pratiwi: Business Judgement Rule Application in Company:
A Comparation Based on the Case in Indonesia and Malaysia
D. Susanto, I. Abadi, Y.M. Wardhana: The Role of Government Guarantees in Environmental and
Social Management for Infrastructure Development
A.R.S. Hariyadi, D. Sajuthi, D.A. Astuti, H. Maheswari, H.S. Alikodra: Analysis of 3α,11β-
dihydroxy-CM profile for indicator of stress on male javan rhinoceros
B.A. Pamungkas, K. Munibah, S. Soma: Analysis of land use changes and relation to urban heat
island (case study of Semarang City, Central Java)
M.A. Usman, Widiatmaka, I. Firmansyah: The Land-Based Paddy Food Sufficiency Model in
Cirebon Regency West Java Province

Sub Theme Poster title
M.A. Mahfud: Evaluation of Optram Method (Optical Trapezoid Model) in Estimating Soil
Moisture on Ex-mining Land and Its Surrounding
N. Humaida: The importance of ecocentrism to the level of environmental awareness for
sustainable natural resources
R.H. Melo, C. Kusmana, Eriyatno, D.R. Nurrochmat: Stakeholder Analysis of Sustainable
Mangrove Forest Management in Kwandang, North Gorontalo Sub-district, Gorontalo District
S.P. Mulya, I.N.D.M. Hikmah, H. Widjaja, Widiatmaka: Multicriteria analysis for determining
primary commodities at Jasinga Sub-District, Bogor District
V. Siagian, H. Siregar, A. Fariyanti, K. Nainggolan: Analysis of Factors that Influence the
production of wetland rice in Banten Province
I.W. Sudarma, I.G.K.D. Arsana: Test The Quality of Robusta Coffee Probiotic Snail Through
Different Time Fermentation
Z.l. Fakhiroh, S.P. Mulya, D.T. Suryaningtyas, B. Mulyanto: Soil and regional characteristics of
paddy field in Ngoro Sub-district, Mojokerto, Indonesia
P.B.K. Santoso: Integration of cellular automata methodology and system dynamic of paddy
field land use change
F.K. Yudichandra: Assessing the Availability and Suitability of Land for Apple Producing Area in
Batu City, East Java, Indonesia

Nr Theme / Presentation Name/First Name/Last
1 B-O A. Sofyan Hasdam
2 A-O Abdul Mutolib
3 D-O Abiandra Bonita
4 B-O Achmad Gus Fahmi
5 D-O Addinia Nur Ar Rachmah
6 G-P Adhi Rachmat Hariyadi
7 F-O Agnitje Rumambi
8 G-O Agung Noor
9 B-P Ahmad Royani
10 G-O Ambar Kusumandari
11 G-O Amrih Halil
12 B-O Andhica Shashica Danasa
13 C-O Andi Pambudi
14 D-O Andrea Emma Pravitasari
15 D-O Ani Mardiastuti
16 A-O Aniszul Fuad
17 F-O Anna Sulistyaningrum
18 G-O Ardian Indranata
19 C-O Arrumi Isnandiahening
20 E-O Asep Suheri
21 D-O Asnelly Daulay
22 A-O Aswin Rahadian
23 C-O Ati Rahadiati
24 D-O Bainah Sari Dewi
25 B-P; C-O Beata Ratnawati
26 B-O Benny Diah Madusari
27 G-P Bimo Ananto Pamungkas
28 B-O Brahmadhita Mahardhika
29 A-O; D-O Cecep Kusmana
30 E-O Dahri Tanjung
31 B-O Damaria Widasari
32 A-O Danang Aria Pranedya Baskoro
33 D-O Dedi Hutapea
34 B-O Della Kharisma
35 E-O Desi Wulansari
36 G-O Devi Kurniasari
37 E-O Dian Nugraha
38 G-O Dias Natasasmita
39 E-O Dino Rimantho
40 D-O, A-P Djoko Mulyono
41 F-P Dwi Susanto
42 A-O; D-O Edwin Hermawan
43 D-P Efrida Basri
44 A-O Ellen Suryanegara
45 G-O Erry Purnomo
46 E-O Erwin Wisnubroto
47 D-P Erwin L Subandi
48 F-O Euis Nining
49 E-O Eva Rachmawati
50 G-P Fahrizal Kreshna Yudichandra
51 B-P Faridah Hanum

Nr Theme / Presentation Name/First Name/Last
52 B-P Fauzul Amri
53 A-O Firma Purbantoro
54 B-O Fitri Ramdani
55 B-O Franko Jhoner
56 G-O Furqon Alfahmi
57 G-O Haryadi Haryadi
58 G-O Hashifati Ajrina
59 E-O Hearty Salatnaya
60 B-O Hendrik Hendrik
61 C-O Herdhata Agusta
62 D-P Hervinawati Wairanata Limbe
63 B-P Humaatul Islam
64 B-O I Gede Ketut Adiputra
65 E-O I Ketut Kariada
66 F-O Iim Mucharam
67 A-O Ina Yulianingtiyas
68 G-O Irkhamiawan Ma'ruf
69 D-P Irma Seriana
70 A-O Irman Firmansyah
71 B-O Iskandar Iskandar
72 E-O Isvan Taufik
73 D-O Jennie Jesica
74 G-O Kartika Elsahida
75 F-O Khursatul Munibah
76 E-O Kristiyanto Kristiyanto
77 C-O Lalitya Narieswari
78 C-O Latief Rachman
79 E-O Linayati Linayati
80 G-O M. Yanuar J. Purwanto
81 F-O Miftah Faridl Widhagdha
82 E-P Mira Mira
83 E-O Mirza Permana
84 G-P Mohamad Usman
85 E-O Mohamad Faiz Bin Wahid
86 C-O Mohammad Abdul Khafid
87 D-O Muhamad Nikmatullah
88 A-O Muhammad Sheriffdeen
89 F-O Muhammad Fatichurachman
90 F-O Muhammad Asrol
91 B-P; G-P Muhammad Ali Mahfud
92 A-P Muhammad Arif Siregar
93 F-O Muhammad Irsyad Azmi
94 C-O Mukhamad Adib Azka
95 G-P Nida Humaida
96 G-O Noor Vietria Santi
97 D-O Norulhuda Ali
98 B-P Novi Andareswari
99 E-O Nurfaida Nurfaida
100 A-O Nurul Jannah
101 B-O Nusaibah Sofyan
102 A-O Nyoto Santoso
103 F-O Pamela Pamela
104 G-P Paulus Basuki Kuwat Santoso

Nr Theme / Presentation Name/First Name/Last
105 E-O Pipin Noviati Sadikin
106 E-O Pramudia Bagus Dewangga
107 F-O; E-P Puspitasari Puspitasari
108 A-O Raden Eliasar Prabowo Tjahjono
109 B-O Rahmat Pramulya
110 B-O Rahmat Hidayat
111 A-O Rahmawaty Rahmawaty
112 A-O Raity Arief Hidajat
113 G-P Ramla Hartini Melo
114 D-O Reyzaldi El Mahfiz
115 B-O Reza Yuniar Sandi
116 E-O Rianprasetyo Wisnu
117 D-O Ridho Kurniati
118 A-O; F-O Rina Wulandari
119 F-P Riza Irfani
120 F-O; B-P Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo
121 A-O Rukmantara Rukmantara
122 C-O; B-P Sandhi Imam Maulana
123 G-P Setyardi Pratika Mulya
124 D-O Siska Ema Ardiyanti
125 B-P Siti Amira
126 D-O Sjenny Malalantang
127 F-P Sri Mulatsih
128 C-O Sri Lestari Munajati
129 C-O Succi Wulandari
130 B-O; B-P; F-P Sudarna Sudarna
131 C-O Sudaryanto Sudaryanto
132 F-O Sulistya Rini Pratiwi
133 C-O Sumardjo Sumardjo
134 D-O Sylvia Laatung
135 A-O Thomas Wijaya
136 C-O Turmudi Turmudi
137 D-P Ulfa Adzkia
138 F-O Umar Mansyur
139 B-O Vicky Prajaputra
140 C-O Vidya Mar'atusholikha
141 F-O; G-P Viktor Siagian
142 C-O Wahyu Catur Adinugroho
143 G-O Wahyu Gendam Prakoso
144 G-P Wayan Sudarma
145 D-O Weni Lestari
146 G-O Widya Rahmawaty Saman
147 F-O Yeti Lis Purnamadewi
148 F-O Yudith Paramitadevi
149 F-O; G-O Yuliati H. Sipahutar
150 B-O Yusuf Munandar
151 B-O Zaenal Abidin
152 G-O Zaitun Zaitun


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