Face Recognition System For Automated Student Attendance

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The document discusses using face recognition technology and machine learning algorithms to automate student attendance tracking as an improvement over conventional manual methods.

Conventional attendance methods can result in issues like proxy attendance, mistakes in marking attendance, and potential loss of attendance records.

Face recognition systems work by comparing facial features from images or videos to faces in a database and can uniquely identify a person based on their facial patterns and shape.

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 1, November-December 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Face Recognition System for Automated Student Attendance

MCA Scholar, School of CS & IT, Department of MCA,
Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Abhishek "Face

Conventional methods of taking the attendance can result in different Recognition System for Automated
problems like fake attendance by students in other words proxy attendance or Student Attendance"
may it be marking the wrong attendance knowingly or unknowingly. The Published in
proposed technique defeats the deformities that exists in the conventional International Journal
method. This new computerized method of taking attendance will help in of Trend in Scientific
identifying the students by recognizing their eye by utilizing Machine learning Research and
algorithms. Development (ijtsrd),
ISSN: 2456-6470, IJTSRD38020
KEYWORDS: digital attendance, digital identification, digital recognizing, Volume-5 | Issue-1,
attendance, machine learning, RFID December 2020, pp.729-731, URL:

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

A robotic or machine structure/framework for human face cover and young men are whiskers this can make
recognition in a consistent way for schools/colleges to equivocalness in perceiving students face. This can be
record the attendance of their students. The coordinated face overwhelmed by utilizing certain example following in
is used to check the attendance of the Student. Our structure various sexual orientations which helps in isolating both
takes care of the attendance records of Students thusly. male and female.

During the previous years the manual way of taking 3. The scholar in this paper has proposed a technique to
attendance of the students there would be a chance for the record the student’s participation in the class by keeping
data to be lost may it be by the students by giving proxy this surveillance camera in the class. This upgrades the
attendance or the teacher might have done a mistake in learning productivity of students evading conventional
putting the attendance in a hurry or may be the any other move call technique. It identifies and stamps students as
reason too. absent when he/she utilizes cell phone past edge time.

We can upgrade the security of this model by using IRIS 4. The interpreter of the paper suggested that the process
retina scan for more safer and vigorous/robust environment. of taking attendance through face acknowledgment
frameworks is a non-interrupting philosophy and it
II. Literature review makes the association keep up a precise collaboration
1. Author in this paper has proposed a model which can data base as the test picture is experienced various
overcome the disadvantages existing in the present levels. The as expected and out-season of the
attendance system. By the use of using face recognition understudy checked and dependent on the time the put
and RFID it will be easier in tracking student’s presence. by the understudy in the class. Thusly, this system at
whatever point completed, it incidentally turns out to be
2. In this paper the Author recommends that smart a confirmed and approved structure with first class.
attendance system which is understudy's attendance
utilizing face acknowledgment and RFID helps in quickly 5. This framework has been intended to robotize the
diminishing the instructor inconvenience or dread of participation upkeep. The primary target behind
getting intermediary attendance. Managing attendance building up this framework is to kill all the downsides
through Face Recognition System is a lot simpler than and capricious strategies for manual participation
conventional way. dealing with. The customary strategies slack the
adequacy of the framework driving the time and paper
The creator of the paper performed proposition on wastage, and causes intermediary participation which is
individuals living in Arab nations. Where young ladies wear killed in mechanized framework. So to beat all such

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38020 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 729
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
disadvantages of manual participation, this system
would come out to be better and dependable
arrangement as for both time and security. Thusly,
robotized participation framework assists with
recognizing the appearances in study hall and perceive
the faces precisely to check their participation. The
proficiency of the framework can be extemporized by
fine entrusting of the preparation cycle.

III. Problem statement

Recording student's participation utilizing manual strategy
has bounty number of imperfections and this lead the
improvement of RFID based participation this technique is
likewise fused with certain deformities. This face recognition
basedattendance framework diminishes intermediary of
attendance, consequently just those students will get
participation who are available actually, no one else can give
participation for the benefit of another person.

Face recognition for participation/attendance support is

outstanding amongst other approach to handle gives that are
existing in the first procedures.
Fig 4.3 face recognition from database

While distinguishing face for remembering it with

information base, picture of the individual gets
identified and checks whether there are any predefined
designs accessible for that picture and if there is no
accessible examples individual's face don't get

Fig 4.1 face detection and storage

Face detection and storage: The model identifies the face

example and stores the picture in the information base
for the future use

Fig 4.4 System Module

At first student's face gets perceived and caught by the

camera the user's attributes gets stored in the database
based on the parameters that are pre-characterized in the
back end. Afterward while recording attendance, student's
face gets scanned by the camera and the system rationale
matches for the patterns of that specific face in the database
and on the off chance that match is discovered, at that point
participation of that specific student is stamped. In the event
that student face is not coordinated with the patterns in the
database, at that point obscure tag is displayed.
Fig 4.2 Image training
IV. Related technologies
Image training: Pictures that are put in the database get Face detection technology
strained by putting away various boundaries of the Face ID is a PC advancement being used in an assortment of
picture. uses that distinguishes human faces in automated pictures.
Face discovery furthermore alludes to the psychological
technique by which individuals find and deal with
countenances in a visual scene

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38020 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 730
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Face recognition technology Conclusion and future Enhancements
A facial acknowledgment structure is a development Face recognition is the advanced technique to record student
prepared for perceiving or checking a person from a participation. This can beat the impediments that exists in
mechanized picture or a video layout from a video source. the conventional participation framework and RFID. Security
There are various procedures wherein facial affirmation and perceptions are the critical parts which will be
structures work, anyway all things considered, they work by significantly influenced. By using powerful structures of
differentiating picked facial features from given picture with security we can build the respectability of the framework
faces inside an information base. It is moreover portrayed as model.
a Biometric Artificial Intelligence based application that can
strangely recognize a person by analyzing plans reliant on Incorporation of student evaluation subtleties, for example,
the person's facial surfaces and shape. inner imprints, action marks, contact subtleties and so forth
makes the framework more strong and this makes upkeep of
V. Result Analysis student records simpler.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38020 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 731

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