NSM Vocal Contralto Solo

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Vocal Contralto Solos: Coming Soon!

Title Collection Publisher Lvl Composer/Arranger

Carl Fischer Lehmann, Liza; Row, Richard D.;

Cuckoo, The Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Rands, W.B.
Carl Fischer Franz, Robert; Row, Richard D.; Geibel,
For Music (Für Music), Op. 10, No. 1 Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Emanuel von
I'm Wearing Awa' To The Land O' The Carl Fischer Foote, Arthur; Row, Richard D.; Nairn,
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
Leal, Op. 13, No. 2 LLC. Lady
Carl Fischer
I've Been Roaming Young Singer, The - Book One ME Horn, Charles E.; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head Young Singer, The - Book One ME American Folk Song; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer Löhr, Hermann; Row, Richard D.;
Little Irish Girl, The Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Teschemacher, Edward
Carl Fischer
Love Has Eyes Young Singer, The - Book One ME Bishop, Sir Henry; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer Strauss, Richard; Row, Richard D.;
Morgen (To-Morrow), Op. 27, No. 4 Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Mackay, John Henry
Morning Hymn (Morgen-Hymne), Op. Carl Fischer Henschel, Georg; Row, Richard D.;
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
46, No. 4 LLC. Reinick, Robert
Carl Fischer Respighi, Ottorino; Row, Richard D.;
Nebbie (Mists) Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Negri, Ada
Carl Fischer Quilter, Roger; Row, Richard D.;
Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Tennyson
Nymphs And Shepherds (The Carl Fischer Purcell, Henry; Foster, Myles B.; Row,
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
Libterine) LLC. Richard D.; Shadwell, Thomas
On Wings Of Song (Auf Flügeln des Carl Fischer Mendelssohn, F.; Row, Richard D.;
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
Gesanges) LLC. Heine, Heinrich
Carl Fischer
Passing By Young Singer, The - Book One ME Purcell, Edward; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer
Pastoral, A Young Singer, The - Book One ME Carey, Henry; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer Franz, Robert; Row, Richard D.; Lenau,
Pleading (Bitte), Op. 9, No. 3 Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Nikolaus
Sapphic Ode (Sapphische Ode), Op. Carl Fischer Brahms, Johannes; Row, Richard D.;
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
94, No. 4 LLC. Schmidt, Hans
Carl Fischer Haydn, Josef; Row, Richard D.; Shake-
She Never Told Her Love Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. speare, William
Songs My Mother Taught Me (Als Die Carl Fischer Dvorák, Anton; Row, Richard D.; Mac-
Young Singer, The - Book One ME
Alte Mutter), Op. 55, No. 4 LLC. Farren, Natalie
Carl Fischer Grieg, Edward; Row, Richard D.; Ibsen,
Swan, A (Ein Schwan) Young Singer, The - Book One ME
Carl Fischer
Sylvelin Young Singer, The - Book One ME Sinding, Christian; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer Scott, Alicia Ann (Mary Queen of);
Think On Me Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer MacDowell, Edward; Row, Richard D.;
Thy Beaming Eyes, Op. 40, No. 3 Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Gardner, W.H.
Carl Fischer Old English Melody; A.L.; Row, Rich-
When Love Is Kind Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. ard D.; Moore, Thomas
Carl Fischer
When The Roses Bloom (Hoffnung) Young Singer, The - Book One ME Reichardt, Louise; Row, Richard D.
Carl Fischer German, Edward; Row, Richard D.;
Who'll Buy My Lavender? Young Singer, The - Book One ME
LLC. Battersby, Caryl

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Boosey & Mozart, W.A.; Northcote, Sydney;
Adieu (Addio) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Gauntlett, Mildred
As a sunbeam at morn (Come raggio Boosey & Caldara, Antonio; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
di sol) Hawkes Pinkerton, Percy
Author of all my joys (O del mio dolce Boosey & Gluck, C.W. von; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
ardor) Hawkes England, Paul
Boosey & Mendelssohn, F.; Northcote, Sydney;
Cradle song (Bei der Wiege) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Anonymous; Klingemann
Boosey &
Dearest Consort (Cara Sposa) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME Handel, G.F.; Northcote, Sydney
Schubert, Franz; Northcote, Sydney;
Death and the maiden (Der Tod und Boosey &
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME Claudius; Wilson, Steuart; Fox-Strang-
das Mädchen) Hawkes
ways, A.H.
Boosey & Scarlatti, Alessandro; Northcote,
Dewy violets (Le Violette) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Sydney; England, Paul
Boosey & Hatton, J.L.; Northcote, Sydney;
Enchantress, The New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Chorley, H.F.
Hark! what I tell to thee (The Spirit's Boosey &
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME Haydn, Joseph; Northcote, Sydney
Song) Hawkes
How changed the vision (Cangio Boosey & Handel, G.F.; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
d'aspetto) Hawkes Hayes, M.X.
Boosey & Rachmaninoff, S.; Northcote, Sydney;
How few the joys New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Agate, Edward; Fett, A.
Like any foolish moth I fly (Qual farfall- Boosey & Scarlatti, Alessandro; Northcote,
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
eta Amante) Hawkes Sydney; England, Paul
Boosey & Schubert, Franz; Northcote, Sydney;
Litany (Litanei) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Byron, May; Jacobi, Johann Georg
Love triumphant (Von ewiger Liebe), Boosey & Brahms, Johannes; Northcote,
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Op. 43, No. 1 Hawkes Sydney; England, Paul; Wentzig, Jos.
Liszt, Franz; Northcote, Sydney;
Boosey &
Mignon's song (Mignon's Lied) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME England, Paul; Goethe, Joh. Wolfgang
Boosey & Schumann, Robert; Northcote,
My soul is dark (Mein Herz ist schwer) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Sydney; Byron, May; Korner
Nay, though my heart should break Boosey & Tschaikowsky, P.I.; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
(Nur wer die Sehnsucht Kennt) Hawkes Whishaw, F.J.
Night in May, (Die Mainacht) Op. 43, Boosey & Brahms, Johannes; Northcote,
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
No. 2 Hawkes Sydney; England, Paul; Hölty, Ludwig
Boosey & Scottish Folk Song; Northcote,
O can ye sew cushions New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Sydney; Britten, Benjamin
Boosey & Howells, Herbert; Northcote, Sydney;
O my deir hert (Cradle Song) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Anonymous
Boosey & Campian, Thomas; Northcote,
Oft have I sighed New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Sydney
Beethoven, L. v.; Northcote, Sydney;
Praise of God, The (Die Ehre Gottes Boosey &
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME England, Paul; Gellert, Christian
aus der Natur) Hawkes
Brahms, Johannes; Northcote,
Sapphic Ode (Sapphische Ode) Op. Boosey &
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME Sydney; Schmidt, Hans; Wilson,
94, No. 4 Hawkes
Steuart; Fox-Strangways, A.H.
Boosey & Harty, Hamilton; Northcote, Sydney;
Sea wrack New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes O'Neill, Moira
Boosey & Gounod, Charles; Northcote, Sydney;
Serenade (Quand tu chantes) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Bridgeman, J.V.; Hugo, Victor
Boosey & Schubert, Franz; Northcote, Sydney;
To music (An die Musik) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes England, Paul; Schöber
Boosey & Handel, G.F.; Northcote, Sydney;
Verdant meadows (Verdi Prati) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Hayes, M.X.
Where corals lie From "Sea Pictures", Boosey & Elgar, Edward; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Op. 37, No. 4 Hawkes Garnett, Richard
Boosey & Sullivan, Arthur; Northcote, Sydney;
Willow song, The New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
Hawkes Shakespeare, William
With a swanlike beauty gliding Boosey & Mozart, W.A.; Northcote, Sydney;
New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs ME
(Quando miro quel bel ciglio) Hawkes Gauntlett, Mildred

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