BA Living Playbook

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The document discusses the historical background of air combat during World War 1, specifically the events of Bloody April 1917 over Arras in France.

The myth was that young, inexperienced British pilots were sent up daily in obsolete planes to face experienced German aces and were sacrificed in futile attacks.

In reality, British pilots willingly flew missions knowing the risks in order to support ground troops by gathering reconnaissance and adjusting artillery fire. Both sides fought bravely for their countries despite being outnumbered and facing long odds.

Living Playbook (June 2013)

For Pte. Wilfred Sharp (6468), 13th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers, wounded north of Loos on 26th September, 1915.

Table of Contents
Historical Background..................................................... 2 Scenario Setup General Rules.......................................... 9
Timeline of Major Events................................................ 2 Trench Lines.................................................................... 10
Examples of Play............................................................. 3 Scenarios.......................................................................... 11
Orders of Battle................................................................ 7

This is the “Living Playbook” document for the game. It

includes errata and clarifications to the original rules. To aid
GMT Games, LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308 readability, errata is indicated in blue text.
2 Bloody April Playbook

Historical Background
The myth of Bloody April is very powerful. As often told
the story is deceptively simple: brave young British pilots of the
Royal Flying Corps (RFC), with just a few hours of training,
were sent up daily to face the “Red Baron” and his ruthless gang
of merciless German aces. Outnumbered, lacking even basic
flying skills, outgunned and flying totally obsolete aeroplanes,
the young boys of the RFC went to their deaths due to blind Timeline of Major Events
stupidity, and at the whim of their commanders. They died,
like the men on the ground, as sacrifices to the doctrine of 1903, 17 Dec: The Wright brothers fly first controlled heavier-
the “offensive at any cost”. There is certainly no doubt of the than-air flight.
severity of the casualties suffered by the RFC in April 1917. 1909, 25 Jul: Frenchman Louis Blériot flew non-stop across
In that month alone the British lost 275 aeroplanes shot down, English Channel.
suffering 421 casualties of which 207 died. It took just 92 hours
1914, Aug: World War I begins.
of flying time for every tragic death incurred. And indeed the
worst carnage was amongst the new pilots—many of whom 1914, 25 Aug: Lt. H.D. Harvey-Kelly and Lt. W.H.C. Mansfield
lasted just a day or two once they actually started flying Task- flying a BE2a from 2 Sqn/RFC force a German Rumpler Taube
ings over the front. down by gunfire for the first British aerial kill of the war.
The legend of Bloody April is a vital component of the 1915, 1 Apr: Roland Garros installs a forward firing MG on his
sentimental view of the Great War (World War I). The com- Morane-Saulnier L, shoots down a German Albatros 2-seater
mon theme it shares with other popular war myths is that of for the first kill by a single-seat aeroplane.
innocence destroyed in futile attacks carried out for no logical 1915, 25 Jun: Capt Lanoe Hawker awardsed the first Victoria
reason against an impenetrable foe. Yet the pilots and observers Cross for air-to-air combat.
of the RFC flying over Arras were not helpless victims cast there
by some casual whim of cruel fate. They were there as the eyes 1915, 25 Aug: Hugh Trenchard promoted to Brigadier and
of the supreme British weapon of battle in the Great War—the becomes Commander of RFC.
artillery. The recon and artillery cooperation aeroplanes were 1916, 21 Feb: Battle of Verdun. The war’s first deliberate effort
the reason the British fought so hard in the air. For the troops to achieve control of the battlefield by massed concentration
on the ground to be effective they dearly needed the support of air assets by any of the combatants.
given by the RFC by vigorous and sustained opposition to the
German Air Force. 1916, Jun: German Ace Oswald Boelcke is tops among all
pilots with 19 kills.
The real story behind Bloody April then is one of selfless
heroism for a greater cause. The pilots of the RFC showed a 1916, Jul: Battle of the Somme. Germans realize that the
willingness to fly obsolete aeroplanes over the lines, knowing British offensive strategy dictated by Gen. Trenchard needs
the risks that they were taking, in order to carry out their duty to be countered by concentration of German air assets in
to the much larger numbers of men at risk on the ground. And British sector.
there is another set of German heroes who need our proper 1916, 23 Aug: First German Jasta formed, increasing
recognition. Manfred von Richthofen and his men were genu- concentrated fighter strength from two to five aeroplanes
ine heroes fighting and risking everything in the cause of their up to 10 to 14.
country. They may have had better aeroplanes, but they were
1916, 17 Sep: Manfred v. Richthofen (Red Baron) scores his
badly outnumbered and as the technological tide turned against
first of 80 official victories. The victim is an FE2b from 11
them later in the war, they too were almost all doomed to die
over the next two years. Any trivialisation of the story of Bloody Sqn/RFC.
April as some pointless, murderous farce does not do justice to 1916, 26 Oct: Oswald Boelcke’s score hits 40 kills. On 28 Oct.,
the men of either side in the tragic conflict in the skies above Oswald Boelcke and fellow pilot Boehme collide in mid-air.
Arras. Both sides fought against the odds and both sides knew Boelcke crashes to his death.
exactly what they were doing—and why! 1917, 21 Feb until end of March: German ground forces
1917 was the real beginning of modern air power. All the withdraw to the Siegfried Stellung also known as the
key components are in place. You have been put in command Hindenburg Line.
and the fate of your airmen is in your hands. The tasks at hand
1917, Bloody April: RFC admits losing 275 aeroplanes and
are daunting but you must prevail for there is no one else to
balloons with 421 aircrew killed or missing while claiming
take your place.
160 Germans shot down/ 206 Out of Control and 24 balloons
(Excerpts from Background taken from Bloody April: Slaughter destroyed. Germans admit losing 76 aeroplanes and 7
in the Skies over Arras, 1917 by Peter Hart) balloons. Germans report 12 aircrew killed, 6 missing and 6
wounded. Germans claim 298 British aircraft shot down and
34 balloons destroyed.
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Bloody April Playbook 3


Capt Ball decides to fly the patrol at Low +3 (8500ft). Offensive
Examples of Play Patrols normally consist of flying between two points at least 10
hexes apart in German territory. Capt Ball decides that your patrol
You have arrived in France after months of training in Eng- will go from hexes (3121-3613) and you will fly back and forth
land to be greeted by your squadron mates of 56 Sqn flying SE5 between those points twice for a complete patrol.
scout aeroplanes. After meeting with the Commanding Officer
and getting a feel for the aerodrome and your new aeroplane, he You have donned your “fug” boots, leather coat and flying
states that it is time for your first combat mission, an Offensive helmet, and have climbed aboard your SE5 and now are ready
Patrol by three SE5s into German territory looking to take the to takeoff. Capt Ball gives the signal and off you go. Since this
fight to the enemy. The date is late April 1917 and your Squadron is the first game turn you will skip the first three phases in the
has been preparing for combat the last few weeks. The weather Sequence of Play (SOP) and with the Movement Phase you
for today (rolling on takeoff and remain in your current hex Vert Galand aerodrome
the Scenario Weath- (0428) and mark your flight with a Deck +0 TtC marker (you
er Table) results in may also mark the flight with a Takeoff marker to help you re-
Mostly Sunny with member that you are still under takeoff restrictions for speed and
Broken Cloud layer manoeuvering). The last two phases of the SOP are also skipped.
between Med/High On the second game turn, you must check for a Random Event by
and 15 MPH wind rolling a D10 modified by the –2 for every multiple of 10 flights
out of the NW. The airborne (which in our case is one flights so no DRM). Rolling
time is 08:00. (Place D10 results in a “5” so no Random Event. We skip the Weather
Wind (15MPH/+.5) and Detection Phases and for 2nd game turn of takeoff you can
facing Southeast and fly at Max Level Speed –2 or 1MP whichever is greater. In our
Broken Cloud Med/ case the SE5 is quite fast and has a Max Level Speed of 4.5MP
High markers on the so our speed for this game turn is 4.5 – 2 = 2.5MPs. We now
map on the appropri- move from (0428) to (0328) and can turn up to 60 degrees right
ate spaces and a Sun (free turn 90 degrees – 30 degrees (takeoff restriction)) to now
marker on the 8:00- face North. Continuing with our last MP we move into (0327)
10:59 spot). and turn another 60 degrees right to now face Northeast while
also climbing one tick on the TtC which changes it to Deck +1.
However you may have noticed that our Speed was 2.5. What
NOTE: Not all phases of the Sequence of Play (SOP) will happens to the extra +.5MP? We get to keep it until it is mated
be noted in the play examples for brevity and to cover only up with another +.5MP so we will mark the flight with a +.5
the high points of game turns. Please follow the SOP when marker. The map sample below shows our position at the end of
playing the full game. game turn 2. Note: the markers are spread out for clarity but as
a general practice you can stack them on top of the flight —TtC
marker and +.5 marker on top.

Place the “1” generic undetected Flight marker (representing

“A” Flight 56 Sqn) on Vert Galand aerodrome facing Northwest
into the wind and also place the Game Turn marker on the 1(one)
space. Your flight leader on this mission is none other than Capt
Albert Ball, Victoria Cross winner and proven combat ace. Look-
ing over the Aeroplane Data Card for the SE5, you will note that
it has a crew of one (you!) and a service ceiling of 17000ft. Max
speed on the Deck is 4.5 Movement Points (MP) and a Time to Game turn 3, we now are free from any takeoff restrictions
Climb (TtC) rating of 2D which means it will take two game and can select our flight type as desired but first we must roll for
turns to climb from Deck band to Low band. Due to the weather, Random Events (DR=6 NE) and check for Wind Drift. Looking

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4 Bloody April Playbook

at our heading, we are in one of the six facings that will gain a
+.5 MP marker which now mates up with our extra +.5MP from
the previous game turn and we drift one hex NE to (0426). We
want to climb so we select Climbing Flight. Our Climb Speed is
4.5MP – 1 = 3.5MP. So we will move 3MPs from (0426) to (0725)
and turn 30 degrees right to East (90-30 climbing restriction) as
a free turn on our 3rd MP. The extra +.5MP from our speed is
not used up so we will place a new +.5 marker on our flight and
we now increment our TtC from Deck +1 to Low +0 (our Time
to Climb from Deck to Low was 2D which meant it takes two
turns of climbing to get to new Altitude band). Game turn 10, no Random Event occurs but since it is game
Game turn 4, we repeat the processes again and have a Wind turn 10 during the Weather Phase, we must roll 2D10 to check for
Drift of +.5MP which combined with our previous marker will a weather change and our DRs are 9 + 8 for 17 and Wind Gusts,
combine and move us 1 hex in our current facing so we drift so now the wind picks up to 30MPH. We update the weather
into hexspine of (0824/0825) facing East. During the Movement dial on the map flipping it to the 30MPH side (nice while flying
Phase we select Climbing Flight again for 4MP – 1 = 3MP and toward Germany but this will slow us down on the way home).
move East to (1125) and now climb from Low +0 to Low +1. We Now during the Drift Phase, we will automatically drift one hex
are almost at our Patrol altitude of Low +3. On game turn 5, we and still retain our +.5MP marker from last turn. Move the flight
again gain a +.5 MP Wind Drift marker and select Climbing flight to (3121). We have drifted within range of the German Light AA
to continue climbing to Low +2 while moving to (1424/1425 unit and must roll for a possible barrage on the AA Table Light AA
hexspine). Notice that we didn’t have a +.5MP carry over from column. At Low band we note that a 16 or higher is needed for a
our game turn 4 movement so now we keep the +.5 marker from potential hit. Rolling 2D10 we get a 4 + 6 for 10 and Archie does
Wind Drift until it is paired with another one. not hit us but we do place a German Barrage marker on our hex
which helps enemy planes to visually sight us more easily. During
the Movement Phase, we continue with our patrol and now being
on the first hex of our patrol route (3121) we can now count hexes
flown towards (3613) as our first leg of patrolling (worth 2VPs
for a completed leg). Selecting Level Flight and a speed of 4MPs,
we will have to dodge Archie a bit. Move to (3220) turn 60L to
North. Light AA fires, 2D10; 5 + 5 for 10. The result is a miss but
a Barrage marker is placed. Move to (3219) on 2nd MP and turn
30R to NNE heading. AA fires again, this time rolling 8 + 8 for
16 is a possible hit. We now roll on the Archie Damage Table for
the Barrage column and apply a –1 DRM for Speed of 4. 2D10;
6 + 7 for 13 with a –1DRM for a final result of 12. Just missed; a
very close call and if we had been flying a slower aeroplane, we
would have been hit for a Damage result to one random plane in
the flight. Last two MPs straight ahead to (3318). During the Track
Phase we check to make sure we are still in range of a Trench Line
or a German aerodrome and we are within seven hexes of either
We cruise along for the next few game turns climbing to so are still Detected.
our Patrol altitude of Low +3 and then reverting to Level Flight
so by the end of game turn 8 we are in (2623) heading Northeast
to reach our Patrol start hex of (3121). At the start of game
turn 9, we are within range of the active German Trench Line
and are now subject to the Detection Phase (Ground Observer
sub-phase) and German observers on the ground attempt to spot
our flight. The closest enemy trench is (3021) and at a range of
four hexes we are well within the spotting range of six hexes
for flights in Low band. The enemy needs to roll a 12 or higher
on 2D10s and rolls a 7 + 6 for 13 result. We are now Detected
so our Generic counter is flipped from its Undetected to the
Detected side. The alarm is up and they will call to the Jasta
units to warn them of enemy activity crossing the front! During
the Movement Phase we select Level Flight and fly forward
4MPs to (3021). We are right over the trenches and about to
cross into Hun territory. We retain our +.5MP marker for next
turn and we spot an enemy Light AA unit in (3220). Looks like
we are about to meet Archie!

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Bloody April Playbook 5

Game turn 11, Random Event DR=1 so a Random Event anxious to get his Albatros flight out of harm’s way and decides
occurs. Rolling on the Random Event Table we get a result of 9 to pull first on Small Force side (less than 10 flights per side)
+ 9 for 18; Engine Failure. As there are no damaged or crippled and pulls a 0 chit. Now we pull a chit and get a 1 chit and get to
aeroplanes in the flight this event is skipped. Otherwise, a subse- move. We have two choices; we can fly level and still attempt
quent DR would’ve picked which side would have an aeroplane to engage the enemy or dive and engage. Since we are in range
with a Dud Engine. Weather Phase; the Wind Drift is strong by selecting Level Flight we do so and have 4MPs to use. We
enough to push us 1 hex to (3418) as we are perpendicular to the move to (3515) turning 60R to NE, them move to (3614) turning
wind direction. Detection Phase; no changes, although at the end North. We use our last 2MPs to move forward to (3612), right
of this phase we remove all the Archie Barrage markers from the on top of the enemy flight. Time to engage! On the Engagement
previous game turn. Movement Phase; an undetected German Table we will use the Tally column and now add up our DRMs.
flight “A” is moving from (3812) to (3513) heading Southwest Capt. Ball as our flight leader has a +3 Aggression Value and we
at Low +0. This might be someone we may want to take a look get an additional +1 DRM for the target being lower (one reason
at. We select level flight with 4MPs and move ahead on our first not to dive to their level). So our total DRMs are +4 and we need
2MPs to (3517) turning 30L to North. On our last 2MPs we move a base 9 or higher to succeed. Rolling 2D10 we get a 4 + 3 for 7
ahead ending in (3515). Track Phase; no change. + 4 DRM and a final result of 11, more than enough to engage.
The Germans get to roll back, their training level is Regular so
we will roll on the Flight Quality Table for their Aggression
Value. Rolling 2D10 we get a 6 + 6 for 12 and they get a +0
rating. Our flight is Detected but not Tallied so they will need a
base 12 to engage but because we maintained altitude advantage
they get a –2 DRM. They roll 2D10 and get 6 + 5 for 11 – 2
and a 9 result which is a failure to engage so we have Surprised
the enemy flight and will get a bonus in combat. We now go to
the Manoeuvre Table to find out how many shot opportunities
our flight gets. We now figure our Manoeuvre DRMs. First is
the Manoeuvre Rating differential; so looking at our ADCs we
see the SE5 has a MR of 6 and the Albatros C.VII has the same.
Aggression Values a +3 to +0 so we get a +3 DRM. Geometry;
we were unable to manoeuvre behind the enemy so a +0 DRM.
Altitude advantage gives us a +1 DRM. We also have a +3 Sur-
prise DRM. So our total DRMs are +3, +3 and +1 for a net +7.
Rolling on the 3 aeroplane column, we get a 5+3 for 8 + 7 DRM
final result which is 15, so 2 shot opportunities. The Germans
on the other hand, have a –3 DRM for Aggression and –1 flight
disadvantaged for a total DRM of –4. They roll a 7 + 7 for 14 – 4
DRM final result is 10, so no shots. Now we go to Shot Resolution
Game turn 12, no random event rolled. Weather Phase; Wind step. The SE5 has two weapons and we can either select one or
Drift. Our flight is now flying into the wind and will drift one the other single weapon or shoot them both together. We decide
hex south to (3516). German flight “A” also drifts one hex back to use both and get a FP rating of +3/+2 for +5 total. Looking
to (3612). Detection Phase; we now have an opportunity for a at the Albatros C.VII ADC, they have a Damage Factor of –2
Visual Detection attempt. Our flight will attempt to get a visually (tough aeroplane) so our total DRMs are +5/–2 for net +3. We
identification (Tally) on German flight “A”. We need to roll a roll each shot individually and roll 7 + 7 and 4 + 3. With DRMs
12 or higher on 2D10, but the range is four hexes so we have a we get 17 and 10 results. The 10 is a miss but the 17 scores us a
–4 DRM. The Sun is to the East for our time block so no DRMs kill! Now, we roll for Depletion. We fired both weapons of the
apply for sun or weather. Flight size is the only other modifier SE5 and from the ADC we see that they have Ammo (3)/2D(6).
that would apply but we will have to wait for the DR results and Rolling 1D10 and get a four. We use up 2 ammo from the Fwd
our opponent would tell us if we are successful or not based on Fixed MG and 4 ammo from the UW MG. So our new Ammo
flight size. As long as German flight “A” consists of two or more depletion is (5)/2D(10). So UW has depleted an Ammo Drum
aeroplanes we will get a positive DRM. We roll 10 + 4 for 14 and once reloaded the SE5 ammo would be (5)/1D(6). Next step
result, now our opponent reveals that flight “A” is two aeroplanes is Damage Allocation and we roll on the two column with a D10
which gives us a +2 flight size DRM. Success! Tally-Ho! Flight result of seven. The number two Albatros in the flight is shot
“A” is revealed to be a flight of 2 Albatros C.VII 2-seaters and we down. There is a Shoot Down Chrome table that is optional but
place a Tally 1 marker on that flight and the Flight “A” counter is provides more flair for the shoot down results and rolling on that
replaced with an Albatros C.VII flight counter. The German flight table with a D10 result of three; “Shot Down in Flames – Crew
attempts to Tally our flight with the same range DRM of –4 and KIA”. Now at this point, depending on whether you are using
a +2 for our flight size of three. They roll 6 + 6 for 12 –2 DRM the Advanced Dogfight rules, the flights would either transfer to
and fail to spot us visually. During the Movement Phase; each the Dogfight playaid for continuation of the fight on subsequent
side will pull an Initiative chit to see how many flights/dogfights game turns or the combat is now ended and the flights would
are activated in any given segment. The Germans always get to Scatter and be marked with Manoeuvre markers.
decide whether to pull first or defer and the German player is
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
6 Bloody April Playbook

Our next example of play will be an Artillery Cooperation 7 + 6 for 13 result. Battery Contact achieved and the signal to
Tasking. You are no longer a glamourous scout pilot but part commence firing has been given. Mark the shooter battery with
of a 2-man crew of a BE2 aeroplane. Obsolete by 1917, you a BTY CON marker and the target battery with a corresponding
however must soldier on as the ground troops rely on you for Target marker.
photographs of the Trench Lines along the front as well as the Game turn 14.
vital job of providing spotting and coordination for the artillery During the
that pounds the enemy daily. Weather Phase,
we now have a
headwind, so will
drift one hex NE
(2602). During
Movement Phase,
we again select
Level Flight and a
speed of 2.5 MP
plus our +.5 MP
carry over from
last turn so we
have total MPs of
three. We move
You will be flying a BE2 from 2 Sqn based at Hesdigneul, 2MPs forward to (2403) and then turn 180 degrees back to NE
the time is 08:00 am and environmental details are as per the (mark with Turn marker). During the Admin Phase, we roll on
first example of play with the wind out of NW at 30 MPH. the Commence Firing line and get a 2D10 result of 5 + 5. Mark
We start in (2304) heading NE at Low +0 (4000ft). There is a the shooter by flipping the BTY CON marker to CF side. Artil-
British Artillery unit in (2305) that we will be spotting for and lery spotting rounds are on the way to the target.
our target is a German Artillery unit in (2704). There is also a Game turn 15.
Medium German AA unit in (2705) so we want to avoid flying Again, we will
over that unless we want to get shot at. At 4000ft we can spot drift one hex NE
targets four hexes away so we want to make sure our positioning (2503) during the
always keeps our shooter and target within Line of Sight (LOS). Weather Phase.
From the Sequence of Play, you will notice that all Artillery Movement Phase,
Cooperation Tasking DRs are made during the Admin Phase so we select Level
where we end up during movement is key to ensuring we are in Flight with 2.5
position for our tasking. So it is now the Admin Phase for game MPs. We move to
turn 12, taking into account the time it took us to fly from the (2602) and on 2nd
Squadron’s aerodrome to get into position. Looking at the Artil- MP turn 180 de-
lery Cooperation Matrix playaid, we see our first step is to sight grees to SW (mark
our shooting Artillery Battery. What happens here is the Artillery with Turn mark-
Battery lays out a panel on the ground that we must sight to see er). During the
that they are ready for our shoot. Rolling 2D10 we get a 5 + 5 Admin Phase, we
for 10 result. Battery Signal is spotted. We immediately go to check to see if any
the next line and attempt to contact the Battery via our wireless spotting rounds are on target and roll 2D10 result of 3 + 4 for
set aboard the aeroplane. We roll 2D10 and get a 2 + 3 for five seven and the rounds are off target so we roll again on Off Target
result and fail our Battery Contact. We will have to attempt again Matrix and our 2D10 roll of 4 + 1 gives us a correction distance
the next game turn. of 200 yds and a +2 DRM for next game turn. Mark our firing
Game turn 13. No Random Events and Weather Phase, we Artillery with an Off Target marker.
will drift one hex NE (2403) due to 30 MPH wind from NW (note: Game turn 16. Drift our flight one hex NE (2702) during the
Wind Drift is with the current heading and not to SE except when Weather Phase. Movement Phase, we select Level Flight with
perpendicular to the wind). The BE2 in the Low band has a level 2.5MP plus a +.5 marker from last game turn. We have been
speed of 2.5 MPs from the ADC and we can select any setting drifting further into enemy territory so we head straight ahead for
for speed from 1.5 to 2.5MPs in level flight. We will select our 3MPs to (2403) heading SW. During the Admin Phase, we check
max speed of 2.5 MPs and move forward 1 hex (2503) and on on the On Target line and roll 2D10 for 6 + 5 for an 11 result but
2nd MP do a max turn of 180 degrees back to SW. Our flight is we get a +2 DRM from our correction last game turn and the 13
now marked with a +.5 marker for the extra portion of MPs we result total means the Artillery rounds are on target and we give
didn’t use and we should also mark the flight with a Turn marker the Fire for Effect signal (flip Off Target marker to FFE side).
to denote we used our max turn rate on the last MP and cannot We immediately roll on the Fire for Effect line and roll 2D10 and
turn again until we move to a new hex. Admin Phase, we will get a 6 + 8 result. Target destroyed. Our flight may now return
attempt again to make Battery Contact. Rolling 2D10 we get a to base or continue on to another Artillery Cooperation tasking.

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Bloody April Playbook 7

Orders of Battle
Royal Flying Corps – OOB 30 Units
Aeroplane Flight Quality Ratings
Squadron Aerodromes Aerodromes Type March April May
1(N) Bellevue Apr 11+ Tripes NR REG REG
2 Hesdigneul BE2 TRN TRN TRN
3(N) Marieux Mar 26+ Pups REG VET VET
5 Marieux until Mar 23 Savy Apr 7+ BE2 TRN TRN TRN
8 Soncamp May 8+ BE2 NR NR TRN
6(N) Bellevue Apr 8+ N17bis NR TRN TRN
8(N) Auchel Mar 28 – May 15 M St Éloi May15+ Tripes REG REG VET
10 Chocques BE2 TRN TRN TRN
11 Le Hameau FE2b REG REG REG
12 Avesnes-le-Comte BE2 TRN TRN TRN
13 Savy until May 8 Étrun May 9+ BE2 TRN TRN TRN
15 Léalvillers BE2 TRN TRN TRN
16 Bruay until May 24 Camblain May 25 BE2 TRN TRN TRN
19 Fienvillers until Apr 1 Vert Galand Apr2 SPAD VII REG REG REG
25 Lozingham FE2b/2d REG REG REG
27 Fienvillers until Apr 30 Out of Sector M.G100 REG REG REG
29 Le Hameau (12 Mar to N17) DH2/N17 REG REG REG
32 Léalvillers DH2 TRN TRN TRN
35 Savy Apr 5-May 12 Out of Sector AW FK8 NR TRN TRN
40 Treizennes until Apr 24 Bruay Apr 29+ FE8/N17 REG:FE8 VET VET
(9 Mar to N17) VET:N17
43 Treizennes Sop 1 1/2 REG REG REG
48 Bellevue Mar 8+ BF2a/b REG REG REG
55 Fienvilliers Mar 5+ DH4 TRN TRN TRN
56 Vert Galand Apr 7+ SE 5/5a NR VET VET
57 Fienvillers FE2d TRN TRN TRN
59 Bellevue RE8 TRN TRN TRN
60 Filescamp Farm N17 TRN REG REG
66 Vert Galand Mar 18+ Pups TRN TRN TRN
70 Vert Galand Mar 2- Apr 1 Fienvillers Apr 2+ Sop 1 1/2 REG REG REG
100 Le Hameau Apr 1-May 15 Treizennes May16+ FE2b NR REG REG

Squadron Ratings: TRN= Trained REG=Regular VET=Veteran NR=Not Rated (Squadron not active in area of operations)

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

8 Bloody April Playbook

German Schusta / Flieger A(A) – OOB 9 + 11 Units

Aeroplane Types / Month
Schusta Aerodromes Aerodromes Rating March April May FA Worked with…
4 Abscon Douai 23 Regular Alb C.VII Alb C.VII DFW C.V FA 45b FA(A) 288
until 23 Mar 23 Mar+ Ru C.1 Ru C.1
7 Douai Cuincy Regular Alb C.VII Alb C.VII DFW C.V FA(A) 233
Ru C.1 Ru C.1 LVG C.IV
11 Cantin 21 Mar-Apr Corbehem Regular Ro C.II Ro C.II DFV C.V FA(A) 264
in May
13 Pont-à-Marcq Corbehem Regular DFW C.V DFW C.V AEG C.IV FA8 FA(A) 256
22 Mar-Apr in May FA(A) 240
17 Faumont 23 Mar+ Regular Ro C.II DFW C.V DFW C.V FA(A) 235
19 Faumont 21 Mar+ Regular Alb C. VII DFW C.V DFW C.V FA(A) 211
21 Corbehem Out of Sector Regular Ro C.II Alb C.VII Alb C.VII FA(A) 202
until 21 May Ru C.1
27b Bersée 6 Apr+ Regular NA Ro C.II Alb C.VII FA(A) 224
30b Abscon 15 Apr+ Trained NA DFW C.V DFW C.V FA(A) 238

German Jasta – OOB 11 Units

Jasta Aerodromes Aerodromes Rating
1 Proville 1 Mar-22 Mar Out of Sector Veteran
2 (Boelcke) Pronville until 13 Mar Eswars until 23 Mar Ace
(B) then to Proville
3 Guesnain 21 Mar-31May Regular
4 La Brayelle 1 Mar – 31 May Ace
5 Gonnelieu 1 Mar – 10 Mar Boistrancourt 11 Mar+ Ace
7 Eswars 5 May – 31 May Veteran
10 Bersée 2 May – 25 May Out of Sector Veteran
11 La Brayelle 1 Mar – 13 Apr Roucourt 14 Apr+ Ace
12 Épinoy 1 Mar – 12 Apr Roucourt 13 Apr+ Veteran
30 Phalempin 1 Mar – 31 May Regular
33 Villers-au-Tertre 12 Apr-31 May Regular

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 9

Taskings: Lists taskings that will be assigned to each side as

a broad overview of what the scenario entails.
Air Order of Battle: The Order of Battle listings will show
which units and aerodromes are active for the scenario and
details for their taskings. Plane(s) will list how many and of
which type with XxType meaning the player will roll to see how
many planes of that type will be used. Aerodrome is their Ac-
tive Aerodrome for takeoff and landing. Rating is the Squadron
Training level for figuring out a flight’s (or individual aircrew
if NR) aggression rating on the Flight Quality Table. Tasking
will detail specifics for that flight as to tasking type and any
other specifics for that tasking. Tasking notes may allow for
variable options for each unit involved. Number of Dummy
flights per side will also be listed in this section.
Tasking Notes: Tasking notes will provide any other details for
that specific side that are not listed in the OOB section. May
list historical pilots/crews that should be used for this tasking
and their aggression levels (this info may also be in SSRs).
Shot Down: “Shot Down” also means destroyed, thus a plane
that crashes on landing or exceeding endurance will also score
“Shot Down” VPs.
SSR: This section will list any Special Scenario Rules (SSR)
that are in play for the scenario. Most will detail specific re-
quirements for non-flying units such as Artillery, Anti-Aircraft,
Balloons etc.
VPs: VPs per scenario are determined as follows unless noted
otherwise in a SSR.
• 5 VPs per completed Offensive or Line Patrol/2 VPs per
Scenario Setup General Rules partial one leg or by SSR
• 4 VPs for each German (any Type) shot down/2 VPs per
Scenario Date/Historical Outcome: The scenario date dictates
cripple/1 VP per damaged aeroplane
which units are available and Trench Line is in play. The histori-
cal outcome provides commentary on the events of that day. • 4 VPs for each British 2-seater /3 VPs for each British
Scout shot down/2 VPs per cripple/1 VP per damaged
Time of Day: Used to determine Sun position and length of
the scenario time block. Scenarios with multiple time blocks
can be combined to be a Campaign Day. Otherwise, select time • 10 VPs per Observation Balloon Destroyed either side. 3
block by mutual agreement or as dictated by any scenario rules. VPs if damaged.
Weather: Either player rolls for weather on the Weather Table • x VPs per Photo Recon results per Photography Plate Table
for the listed month. (Variant: Players may opt to set the weather [8.216]
parameters by mutual agreement) • 8 VPs per Arty Coop tasking successful shoot (Tasking
Ground Setup: The German player sets up ground units first Complete). 2VPs if Fire for Effect started but tasking not
unless directed otherwise by SSR. Dummy ground units will completed. 1VP if target is a dummy in either case.
also be listed if assigned to the scenario. • 5 VPs per friendly ground unit identified during Contact
a. German artillery within three hexes of current Trench Patrol Tasking only if spotting aircraft returns to a friendly
Line. aerodrome.
b. British artillery within five or six hexes of German artil- • Trench Strafing: 5VP-T/3VP-H/1VP-S per hex
lery or by SSR. • x VPs per ground target bombed by SSR (variable per
c. AA units are setup in legal hexes on each side’s territory. target type)
1/5 of total concentrations per side may setup hidden
(round fractions down) or by SSR Note: Provin [3002] is not used by any German units during
d. Observation Balloons setup at maximum altitude as de- the game but may be used as an emergency aerodrome to
termined by weather land any damaged or low on fuel aeroplanes. It is considered
available for all scenarios.
e. Ground units setup normally face down (i.e. type hidden)
unless directed otherwise by SSR.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

10 Bloody April Playbook

Trench Lines
Trench Lines vary by date, and these are depicted on the
map in several ways. The trenches immediately before the
battle started on 9th April are shown as red and blue trenches
on a darkened background, running from west of La Bassée in
hex 2301 down to Beaurains in 2417, then southeast where the
British and German lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively,
with hex 4230 being no man’s land.
• For the earlier scenarios before the German withdrawal
to the Hindenburg Line, the trenches follow the same line
from La Bassée to Beaurains, but then head southwest to
the ruins of Beaumont Hamel then east to Sailly-Saillisel
in hex 2931. This is the line for scenario 1.
• Scenarios 3 and 5 are unaffected, because the playing area
is restricted to north of xx15.
• In scenarios 8 and 9 the British ground forces were still
advancing to contact, being held up by German machine
guns covering the withdrawal. Bapaume had been captured
on the 17th March, but there were no fixed British positions
south of Beaurains at this time.
• After the Battle of Arras starts, trench positions are either
the original red and blue trenches on a darkened bark-
ground, or where advances had been made they follow the
relevant coloured line marking the new position. Some-
times these are in the same hexes as the original trench,
and are shown for historical purposes.
• For any scenario after 9th April up to and including 12th
April the line is Original Trench (OT) 2301-2309, green
line 2309-2922, OT 2922/3021-4131/4331.
• For any scenario after 12th April up to and including 14th
April the line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2714,
green line 2714-2817, blue line 2817-2820, then OT to
• For any scenario after 14th April up to and including 24th
April the line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2812, red
line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
• For any scenario after 24th April up to and including 3rd
May the line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, yellow
line 2710-2812, red line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
• German counterattacks in the north saw the line pushed
back, whereas further British advances were made around
the river Scarpe, so for any scenario after 3rd May up to
and including 14th May the line is OT 2301-2506, blue
line 2506-2710, black line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813,
black line 2914-2916, red line 2917-2920, then OT to
• Further fighting after 14th May saw no significant changes
to the lines as depicted, so for scenarios after 14th May use
the same lines as above.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 11

Bloody April Scenario 1 (Show/Campaign) German: Place 10xArchie counters inactive (5xMed/
5xLight)/Place 8xArtillery units (6xReal/2xDummy)
Scenario Date: 4 March 1917. On March 4th, Naval 3 had what
Raymond Collishaw described as one of its “more memorable Taskings:
days.” While the BE2 units performed photo reconnaissance and
artillery cooperation Taskings, Naval 3 was busy with multiple British: Offensive Patrols / Line Patrols / Recon/LR Recon
patrols including two flights escorting FE2 aeroplanes to Cam- / Artillery Cooperation
brai where they were engaged by Halberstadt scouts. Naval 3 German: Recon / Defensive Scrambles / Balloon Busting
claimed three of the German scouts out of control for the loss
of one pilot and another wounded. 40 Squadron claimed two en- SSRs:
emy machines forced down during their escort of 43 Squadron.
The Halberstadt scouts that Naval 3 ran into were from Jasta 1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
1 which claimed two Pups. Jasta Boelcke’s Ace Werner Voss 2417 then head southwest to the ruins of Beaumont Hamel
claimed a BE2 and Jasta 11 claimed five kills. Jasta 5 claimed then east to Sailly-Saillisel in hex 2931
three kills. In total in this sector, the Germans claimed eleven 2) AA may be placed in any hex on friendly side of Trench
kills suffering only two known losses. Lines but no two units may be placed adjacent.
Time of Day: Roll D10 for Time of Day; 1-4 Block 1, 5-7 3) Artillery must be placed within three hexes of friendly
Block 2, 8-10 Block 3 Trench Line. German places Artillery and AA units first.
Block 1 1030-1146 (38 game turns) / Block 2 1250-1406 (34 4) Sectors: North Sector (2301-2310)/Center Sector (2311-
game turns) / Block 3 1520-1620 (30 game turns) 2520)/South Sector (2521-2931)
5) Campaign play. Play through time blocks in order rolling
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March.
for weather separately for each time block.
Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:
British: Place 5xOBs (Observation Balloon) in hexes 1425, Per Standards
2003, 2011, 2018, 1931 at maximum altitude.
• Campaign Day winner: Win two out of three blocks. Each
Place 10xArchie counters inactive (5xMed/5xLight)/Place block totalled separately
8xArtillery units (6xReal/2xDummy)

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 1 Proville VET Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta B Pronville VET Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Tasking Note 2 and 3
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Tasking Note 2 and 3
FA45B-S4 (2xRu C.I) Abscon TRN Tasking Note 5
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)202-S21 (2xRo C.II) Corbehem REG Tasking Note 4
2 Dummies Blocks 1, 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. Roll for Jasta scout Type on Scout Availability Table. All 3. All remaining Jasta will fly Defensive Scramble. Three to
available each Block. six aircraft (Roll D10: 1-3 (3), 4-6 (4), 7-8 (5), 9-10 (6)).
2. Task one Jasta each block to fly Balloon Busting Task. 4. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Co-operation per
Roll for number of aircraft on Scout Availability Table. Block.
Maximum aeroplanes are three for tasking reroll any results 5. FA45B may fly Trench Recon or Artillery Co-Operation and
greater than three. counts towards one of two non-scout flights for that block.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

12 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (2xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN 1xBE2 Photo Recon N.Sector / 1xBE2 Arty Coop
N.Sector Block 1
3(N) Sqn (XxPups) Fienvillers REG Escort for 57 Sqn. 2 Flights Block 1
3(N) Sqn (XxPups) Fienvillers REG Offensive Patrol. Select two hexes ten hexes apart in
German territory for patrol. Block 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Marieux TRN Tasking Note 1
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
11 Sqn (XxFE2b) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol fly through M. Sector for 10 hexes on
straight line flight path along Trench Line. Block 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (2xBE2) Léalvillers TRN 1xBE2 Photo Recon S.Sector / 1xBE2 Arty Coop
S.Sector Block 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (XxSpad) Fienvillers REG Tasking Note 2
25 Sqn (XxFE2b) Lozingham REG Tasking Note 2
29 Sqn (XxDH2) Le Hameau REG Tasking Note 2
32 Sqn (XxDH2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
40 Sqn (XxFE8) Treizennes (OffMap) REG Escort for 43 Sqn. Block 3
43 Sqn (XxSop1.5) Treizennes (OffMap) REG LR Recon to Cambrai (4323). Rendezvous with 43
Sqn at (0901) Block 3
57 Sqn (XxFE2d) Fienvillers TRN LR Recon to Cambrai (4323). Rendezvous with 3(N)
over Fienvillers on Turn 1. Block 1
59 Sqn (XxRE8) Bellevue TRN Recon M.Sector. Block 3
60 Sqn (XxN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies Blocks 1, 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. Select two BE2 squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation or 6. British Offensive Patrol pick a start hex in friendly territory
Recon. Each flight a single aeroplane. Blocks 1-3. Target and then plot an end hex in enemy territory at least seven
may be in any Sector. hexes east of Trench Line in enemy territory. Fly from start
2. Select three different scout squadrons (19, 25, 29, 32 or 60) hex to end hex to complete patrol; three to six aircraft (Roll
to fly an Offensive Patrol. Blocks 1-3 1-2 (3), 3-5 (4), 6-8 (5), 9-10 (6))
3. LR Recon w/Escort fly to target location and photograph 3 7. 3(N) is considered to start at Fienvillers for this scenario.
hexes around target hex; two to three aircraft (Roll 1-5 (2),
6-10 (3)). At least one hex must be 3VP or higher. Designate
up to two aircraft with cameras.
4. Line Patrol fly through sector for 10 hexes on straight line
flight path along Trench Line; two to four aircraft (Roll 1-5
(2), 6-8 (3), 9-10 (4))
5. British Escort fly with escorted aircraft to target and back
once joined up – three to six aircraft (Roll 1-2 (3), 3-5 (4),
6-8 (5), 9-10 (6))

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 13

Bloody April Scenario 2 (Patrol) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 6 March 1917. On 5 March, there was no flying British: Place 7 Archie counters inactive (2xMed/5xLight)
due to bad weather, but on 6 March, in the words of the official German: Place 10 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/7xLight)
communiqué: “Hostile aircraft were exceptionally active dur-
ing the day and a great number of combats took place.” Over Taskings:
70 enemy aeroplanes were seen over the British First Army
front and 23 crossed the lines. What was even more notable British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Line Patrol
on 6 March was the fact that Manfred von Richthofen was shot German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon
down by Capt L E Claremont, the observer in at BE2 of 16
Squadron. Richthofen had just shot down another BE2 of the SSRs:
squadron when Claremont’s accurate fire hit his Albatros in the
1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
petrol tank and the engine. Petrol poured into the cockpit and
2417 then head southwest to the ruins of Beaumont Hamel
von Richthofen, fearful of fire, force landed in a small field.
then east to Sailly-Saillisel in hex 2931
Time of Day: 1600-1800 (60 game turns) 2) Both sides may setup 3 Archie counters hidden (keep log
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March of locations)
3) Trench Recon and Line Patrol must be flown between hexes
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 1 Proville VET Defensive Scrambles
Jasta B Pronville VET Defensive Scrambles
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scrambles
FA(A)45B-S4 (2xAlb C.VII) Abscon TRN Trench Recon tasking (10 different trench hexes)
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. German flights may not takeoff until a British flight is 3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or enters a Trench Line hex. (+5 Rating).
2. Roll for Jasta scout Type on Scout Availability Table. All
available each Block.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
14 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
16 Sqn (2xBE2) Bruay TRN Trench Recon (10 different trench hexes for each
flight). 2 flights of (1xBE2). Crews: #1 Maltby /
Claremont(NR)/#2 Leslie/ Sortwell (NR))
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG Line Patrol. Allied player picks start and end hex
separated by 10 hexes along Trenches.
29 Sqn (4xDH2) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol. Allied player picks start and end
hex separated by 10 hexes on German side.
40 Sqn (6xFE8) Treizennes(OffMap) REG Joint Offensive Patrol with 43 Sqn either stacked or
within one hex of each other at Low+6 with at least
one flight in 0901. Allied player picks start and end
hex separated by 10 hexes on German side. Must
fly each leg once for complete patrol.
43 Sqn (6xSop1.5) Treizennes(OffMap) REG Joint Offensive Patrol with 40 Sqn either stacked or
within one hex of each other at Low+6 with at least
one flight in 0901. Allied player picks start and end
hex separated by 10 hexes on German side. Must
fly each leg once for complete patrol.
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Long Range Recon with one aircraft equipped with a
camera ( pick three target hexes around Cambrai)
Pilot Roster: #1 Caldwell (1)/#2 Bower (NR)/#3
Garnett(NR)/#4 Langwell(NR) w/Camera)
60 Sqn (3xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Offensive Patrol. Allied player picks start and end
hex separated by 10 hexes on German side.
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for 2. 40 and 43 Sqn start with 10 endurance points used in hex
a complete patrol. 0901.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 15

Bloody April Scenario 3 (Patrol) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 9 March 1917. On March 9th, no British British: Place 4 Archie counters inactive (1xMed/3xLight)
Corps aeroplanes were lost but the pilots of Jasta 11 cut a swath German: Place 5 Archie counters inactive (1xMed/4xLight)
through 40 Squadron. Eight FE8s from 40 Sqn left their aero-
drome at 9:20am, once across the lines they were intercepted by Taskings:
five aircraft from Jasta 11. The ensuing fight lasted an hour with
the first FE to f¬all being flown by 2Lt R.E.Neve who was shot British: Offensive Patrols
down by Ltn K.Allmenröder. Three more FEs were shot down German: Defensive Scrambles
in quick succession, Ltn K.Schäfer shot down 2Lts W.B.Hills
and G.F Haseler to crash behind German lines and both were SSRs:
captured. Ltn K.Wolff shot down 2Lt T.Shepard and he was
1) Map area in play is any hex north of the xx15 line.
also taken POW. 2Lt H.C. Todd had his engine shot up and he
force landed at Hesdigneul and Lt W. Morrice, his engine also 2) British AA must be placed one per grouping of the following
put out of action landed by La Bassée Canal. A patrol of DH2s hexes [2301-2305] [2405-2506] [2406-2307] [2311-2314].
from 29 Sqn attempted to come to the aid of 40 Sqn but Lt A.J. 3) German AA must be placed one per grouping of the fol-
Pearson was shot down in flames by Manfred von Richthofen lowing hexes [2501-2503] [2603-2704] [2705-2708] [3203-
for his 25th victory. 40 Sqn was done flying FE8s as the unit 3104] [2509-2513].
was soon to be equipped with Nieuport 17s.
Scenario VPs:
Time of Day: 0930-1100 (45 turns)
Per Standards
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
29 Sqn (2xDH2) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol. Start patrol at Vimy Ridge (2511)
to end hex Épinoy (3104) / Low+5
40 Sqn (4xFE8) Treizennes REG Offensive Patrol. Start patrol at Cuinchy (2302) to
end hex Bois d’Épinoy (3304)/ Med+0 “A” Flight
40 Sqn (4xFE8) Treizennes REG Offensive Patrol. Start patrol at Cuinchy (2302) to
end hex Bois d’Épinoy (3304)/ Med+0 “B” Flight
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. Offensive Patrols fly between hexes twice for a complete 4. 29 Sqn “A” Flight 2xDH2; Lt Sloan(NR), Lt Pearson(NR)
patrol. 5. 40 Sqn “A” Flight starts in [0901] Hdg SE at 10,000ft
2. 40 Sqn “A” Flight 4xFE8; Lt Blaxland (NR), 2Lt Neve (Med+0) with 66 endurance points remaining. 40 Sqn “B”
(NR), 2Lt Hills(NR), 2Lt Haseler(NR) Flight starts in [0901] Hdg SE at 10,000ft (Med+0) with
3. 40 Sqn “B” Flight 4xFE8; Lt Benbow(+1), 2Lt Shepard(NR), 66 endurance points remaining starting Game Turn 3. 29
2Lt Todd(NR), Lt Morrice(NR) Sqn “A” Flight may takeoff no earlier than Game Turn 3
from Le Hameau.

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 11 (5xType) La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Optional
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German flights may not takeoff until a British flight is 3. Jasta 30 Optional Rule: Roll D10 (1-5) Available (6-10) Not
detected or enters a Trench Line hex. Available. If Available; roll on German Scout Availability
2. Jasta 11 5xType; Ltn M.v.Richthofen(+5), Ltn Table for Jasta Flight Size (min of 2 aircraft) and Type.
K.Allmenröder(+2), Ltn Schäfer(+2), Ltn Wolff,(+3) Ltn (Note Jasta 30 did not participate in this battle historically)
Lubbert(NR). Roll for Type of aeroplane on German Scout
Availability Table
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
16 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 4 (Patrol) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 11 March 1917. On March 10 no flying was British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Line Patrol
possible due to bad weather, no doubt to the relief of the hard German: Defensive Scrambles
pressed aircrews of the RFC, but March 11 saw a return to
operations and an increase in casualties. During the day eight SSRs:
aircraft were lost and a further 12 were either forced to land
or return badly damaged. 32 Squadron suffered badly while 1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
equipped with the obsolete pusher type aircraft. Of their six 2417 then head southwest to the ruins of Beaumont Hamel
pilots sent on a line patrol, four were wounded in combat and then east to Sailly-Saillisel in hex 2931.
forced to land and another was injured in a crash landing on 2) Three Archie units may be setup hidden (players keep log
return to Léalvillers. of location).
Time of Day: 1100-1230 (45 game turns) 3) Map in play is any hex south of xx06 line.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March Scenario VPs:
Ground Setup: Per Standards

British: Place 6 Archie counters inactive (2xMed/4xLight)

German: Place 6 Archie counters inactive (2xMed/4xLight)

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux REG Offensive Patrol. Start and End hex 10 hexes apart
on German side of lines.
13 Sqn (2xBE2) Savy TRN LR Recon to Ballieul (2713). Photograph five hexes
around that location. 60 Sqn Close Escort. Both
aeroplanes are camera equipped.
32 Sqn (6xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Line Patrol to Bapaume (2727) (10 hex patrol going
through Bapaume hex as part of flight path)
60 Sqn (2xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Close Escort for 13 Sqn. Rendezvous over Savy
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
a complete patrol.

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B (4xAlb D.II) Pronville VET Defensive Scramble / Voss (+3 Rating) Lead pilot
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. Roll for Jasta scout Type on Scout Availability Table. 2. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is
detected or crosses the Trench Line.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 17

Bloody April Scenario 5 (Patrol) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 16 March 1917. On March 16th, FE2b aircraft British: Offensive Patrols
of 25 Squadron and the Sopwith 1½ Strutters of 43 Squadron German: Defensive Scrambles
flew an offensive patrol east of Lens and were in combat for
over twenty minutes with sixteen enemy scouts, claiming three SSRs:
down out of control, with no loss to themselves. None of the
Jasta units within the area reported any losses that day but 1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
some may have been driven down. During this day the British 2417 then head southwest to the ruins of Beaumont Hamel
single-seater scout squadrons saw no action. then east to Sailly-Saillisel in hex 2931
2) Map area in play is any hex north of the xx15 line.
Time of Day: Variable Roll D10: 1-3 0630-0800 (45 turns), 4-7
0830-1000 (45 turns), 8-10 1100-1230 (45 turns) 3) British AA must be placed one per grouping of the following
hexes [2301-2305] [2405-2506] [2406-2307] [2311-2314].
Weather: Roll on Weather and Wind Table for March
4) German AA must be placed one per grouping of the fol-
Ground Setup: lowing hexes [2501-2503] [2705-2708] [3006-3008] [2509-
British: Place 4 Archie counters inactive (1xMed/3xLight)
German: Place 4 Archie counters inactive (1xMed/3xLight)
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
25 Sqn (XxFE2b) Lozingham REG Offensive Patrol. Patrol route Cuinchy (2302) to
Henin Lietard (3108) to Souchez (2209) / Med+0
or Low+6
43 Sqn (XxSop 1.5) Treizennes REG Offensive Patrol. Patrol route Cuinchy (2302) to
Henin Lietard (3018) to Souchez (2209) / Med+0
or Low+6
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. British Offensive Patrol is a joint patrol with 25 Sqn / 43 2. If using the optional endurance rules: 43 Sqn starts with 30
Sqn. Patrol must be flown either stacked or the two flights endurance points used and 25 Sqn starts with 24 endurance
must maintain with one hex of each other. Start hex for at points used.
least one flight is Lozingham (1201). Patrol may begin at 3. Flight size is variable for both flights: Roll D10: 1-5 (4
either Souchez (2209) or Cuinchy (2302) and fly the com- aeroplanes), 6-10 (5 aeroplanes).
plete route. One leg is considered for either start point to
Henin Lietard (3108).

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German flights may not takeoff until a British flight is 3. Minimum German Scout flight size is 2 aircraft; reroll any
detected or enters a Trench Line hex. 1 result.
2. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
18 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 6 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 17 March 1917. On 17 March British troops British: Contact Patrols/Trench Strafing/Offensive Patrols/
began to move forward to occupy areas abandoned by the Recon/Line Patrol
German forces that had retired to the prepared positions of the German: Defensive Scrambles/Trench Recon/Artillery
Hindenburg Line. The Corps squadrons of the RFC were keep- Cooperation
ing open communications with the British troops advancing
into the areas vacated by the retreating Germans. Naval 3 was SSRs:
busy flying escort for FE2ds and supported the Fees by using
all three flights from the squadron. They had numerous combats 1) German Trench Line south of xx17 goes to the east of Ba-
and claimed two enemy scouts down in flames and three out of paume. British Trench Line south of xx17 goes to the west
control. Two FEs were lost in the fights. of Bapaume.
2) Artillery must be setup North of xx17 line. British first
Time of Day: Block 1 0900-1100 (60 game turns) / Block 2
within 3 hexes of Trench Line and German second within
1600-1800 (60 game turns)
6 hexes of British artillery but on German side of Trench
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March for each Time of Line. AA must be setup behind the active Trench Lines for
Day block both sides.
Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:
British: Place 10 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/7xLight)/ Per Standards
Place 4 Artillery units
German: Place 8 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/5xLight)/
Place 4 Artillery units
Ground Units: Take four German and four British ground units
face down and randomize in following hexes: (2425, 2622,
2727, 2823, 3226, 3229, 3328 and 3331).

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA45b-S4 (2xType) Cuincy REG Trench recon in North sector (10 hexes) (north of
xx20 line). Blocks 1 and 2
FA(A)202-S21 (2xType) Corbehem REG Artillery Cooperation in North sector (north of xx20
line) for two batteries. Blocks 1 and 2
1 Dummy Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may (+5 Rating).
launch one Jasta at game start but awardss the British player 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
5VP for doing so. Size and Type.
2. Roll for FA flight 2xType (1-4 Alb C.VII, 5-7 Ru C.1, 8-10
DFW C.V), FA(A) flight 2xType (1-5 Ro C.II, 6-10 Ru C.1)

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 19

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
3(N) (12xPups) Marieux REG Escort for 57 Sqn. Three flights of (4xPups). Ren-
dezvous over Fienvillers. Block 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Marieux TRN LR Recon to Croisilles at 1000ft (3 hexes in and
around 2821) Block 1
15 Sqn (2xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Contact Patrol to Bapaume Area (See ground unit
setup). Flight must identify at least 2 German units
and any number of British units to complete task-
ing. Block 1 and 2
15 Sqn (2xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Strafing Bapaume Area (any identified Ger-
man ground units). Must await return of 15 Sqn
Contact Patrol before taking off. Block 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN LR Recon to Vimy Ridge (4 hexes 2310, 2410, 2411,
2511) Block 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Artillery Cooperation in North sector (north of
xx20). Block 2
19 Sqn (XxSpad) Fienvillers REG Offensive Patrol at Med+4. Determine start and end
hexes 10 hexes apart in German territory. Block 1
and Block 2 (Roll D10 for each patrol: (1-4) 4, (5-
7) 5, (8-10) 6 aeroplanes).
25 Sqn (6xFE2b) Lozingham REG LR Recon (Target hex must be an active German
aerodrome and two surrounding hexes). Designate
two aeroplanes with cameras. Close Escort by 43
Sqn(2 flights) at Low+6. Block 1
43 Sqn (8xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Close Escort for 25 Sqn. 2 Flights of (4xSop1.5).
Low+6. Rendezvous over Lozingham. 20 pts of
endurance used. Start in 0901. Block 1
57 Sqn (4xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN LR Recon to Cambrai (4422 and 2 other adjacent
hexes). Designate two aircraft as camera equipped.
Escort 3 flights from 3(N). Block 2
1 Dummy Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
a complete patrol.

SE5 flown by Capt Albert Ball

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

20 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 7 (Patrol) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 19 March 1917. Activity was fairly light on British: Offensive Patrol/Bombing/Trench Recon/LR Recon
this day as a patrol of Spads from 19 Sqn ran into Jasta 5. German: Defensive Scrambles
27 Sqn lost three Martinsyde aircraft while on a long range
bombing mission and 59 Sqn lost two RE8s on a recon across SSRs:
the lines running into Jasta B around the Bois de Bourlon
(Bourlon Woods) with Werner Voss scoring his 20th victory. A 1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
BE2 aircraft was also lost on this day while the German units 2417. No British Trench Lines south of 2417—treat hexes
reported no losses. with trench depictions as trench if crash landing but no
spotting or small arms fire. Use German trench that goes
Time of Day: 0900-1030 (45 game turns) southeast from 2417.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March
Scenario VPs:
Ground Setup: Per Standards
British: Place 8 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/5xLight)
German: Place 8 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/5xLight)

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Trench Recon (2308– 2515) (10 hexes).
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Recon (2417 -3221) (10 hexes)
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Fienvillers REG Offensive Patrol from Bois de Quesnoy (3817) to
Bois de Bourlon (3923). Patrol back and forth four
times between points for complete patrol at Med+0.
27 Sqn (4xG100) Fienvillers REG Bombing to Denain Railway Junction (5013) Class
B Tgt.
59 Sqn (4xRE8) Bellevue TRN LR Recon from 3120 to 3720 to 3622. Pick five
hexes to photograph between those three points.
Designate two aircraft with cameras.
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Eswars VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Jasta B must include Werner Voss as lead pilot (+3 Rating).
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex.
2 Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 21

Bloody April Scenario 8 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 24 March 1917. Foretelling of things to come British: Offensive Patrol/Bombing/Trench Recon/LR Recon
the British lost over 10 aircraft on this day. A patrol of Spads German: Defensive Scrambles
from 19 Sqn ran into Jasta 11 around the Lens area with Man-
fred von Richthofen shooting down the Spad flown by Lt R.P. SSRs:
Baker for the Baron’s 30th victory. 11 and 70 Sqns both had
two aircraft each shot down while two more BE2s fell to the 1) Trench Line is La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Beaurains in
Jasta guns. Today however, the Jasta pilots did not get away 2417. No British Trench Lines south of 2417—treat hexes
unscathed as Jasta 5 lost one of the aces, Ltn Theiller. with trench depictions as trench if crash landing but no
spotting or small arms fire. Use German trench that goes
Time of Day: 1000-1130 (45 turns) southeast from 2417 to south map border.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March
Scenario VPs:
Ground Setup: Per Standards
British: Place 8 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/5xLight)
German: Place 8 Archie counters inactive (3xMed/5xLight)

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
3(N) Sqn (4xPups) Marieux REG Offensive Patrol from Bois de Bourlon (3923) to
Monchy (2917) / Med+0
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol from (2417) to (3623). Fly route twice.
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Trench Recon from (2308) to (2515). 10 hexes
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Recon from (2819) to (3623). 10 hexes out of
11 total trench hexes
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Fienvillers REG Offensive Patrol from Lens (2607) to (2915). Fly
route twice.
70 Sqn (6xSop1.5) Vert Galand REG LR Recon of Rail Line from (3912) to (4322). Max
10 hexes of photographs. Designate two aeroplanes
as camera equipped.
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. (+5 Rating).
2. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
22 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 9 (Show) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 25 March 1917. Weather towards the end of British: Place 6 Archie counters inactive (2xMed/4xLight)
March continued to get progressively worse but some flying German: Place 6 Archie counters inactive (2xMed/4xLight)
was accomplished on the 25th. It was another disastrous day
for 70 Squadron, on a deep reconnaissance to the Hindenburg Taskings:
Line, they were attacked by Jasta 5 and lost all five Sopwith 1 ½
Strutters. The effect on morale of the squadron must have been British: Offensive Patrol/Trench Recon
devastating considering they had just lost another four aircraft German: Defensive Scrambles
the previous day. A flight from 60 Sqn claimed three Albatros
shot down while German records only list two. Billy Bishop, SSRs:
60 Sqn, was awarded his first kill on this date.
1) No British Trench Lines south of 2417—treat hexes with
Time of Day: 0830-1030 (60 game turns) trench depictions as trench if crash landing but no spotting
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for March or small arms fire. Use German trench that goes southeast
from 2417.
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Recon from (2709) to (2715). Any 9 hexes
containing trenches along those hexes. Designate
two aeroplanes as camera equipped.
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Trench Recon from (2308) to (2515). 10 hexes
29 Sqn (2xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from St. Leger (2722) to Bois de
Bourlon (3923). Fly route twice. Takeoff game turn
after 11 Sqn. “A” Flight assigned.
29 Sqn (2xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from St. Leger (2722) to Bois de
Bourlon (3923). Fly route twice. Takeoff 10 game
turns after 29 Sqn “A” Flight. “B” Flight assigned.
60 Sqn (3xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Offensive Patrol from St. Leger (2722) to Bois de
Bourlon (3923). Fly route twice. Takeoff no earlier
than game turn 10.
70 Sqn (5xSop1.5) Vert Galand REG Trench Recon from (3221) to (3825) 10 hexes. Des-
ignate two aeroplanes as camera equipped.
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. Assign Bishop (+2) as a pilot in 60 Sqn. If flight aggression aggression level of +2 while Bishop is in the flight. (His-
level is less than 2 then the flight is considered to have an torical note: he was not the flight leader).

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. Size and Type.
2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
(+5 Rating).
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 23

Bloody April Scenario 10 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 2 April 1917. Bloody April started off with British: Offensive Patrols/Trench Recon/LR Recon/Line
poor weather but the British were heavily tasked to provide Patrols/Arty Cooperation
photographs to higher headquarters for the coming offensive. German: Defensive Scrambles/Trench Recon/Arty Co-
The day provided a foretelling of things to come as 60 Sqn operation
lost one fighter pilot while the Corps squadrons lost a BE2 and
Sopwith 1.5 to Manfred von Richthofen for his thirty-second SSRs:
and thirty-third victories. Three FE2b/d aircraft were lost in
combat but all was not for naught as the Germans lost two 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
pilots from Jasta B: Ltns Koenig and Wortmann. urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
Time of Day: 0630-0830 (60 game turns) being no man’s land.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April 2) Artillery must be setup North of xx20 line. British first
within 3 hexes of Trench Line and German second within
Ground Setup: 6 hexes of British artillery but on German side of Trench
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ Line.
Place 8 Artillery units Scenario VPs:
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/ • VPs per flights per standards except British Tasking Note
10xLight)/Place 6 Artillery units 2 allows for 6VP total for three leg patrol.
• VPs for Photo Recon add an additional 5VP to the total
VPs for each successful tasking with at least one good print
due to HHQ need for prints prior to commencing ground

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA45b-S4 (2xType) Cuincy REG Trench Recon from (2401-2309) (10 hexes)
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Note 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 2
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. FA45b/S4 2xType. Roll D10 (1-6 Alb C.VII, 8-10 Ru C.1)
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may 4. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player (+5 Rating).
5VP for doing so.
5. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
2. Select two German FA(A) units for Artillery Cooperation. Size and Type.

Side view of Albatros.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
24 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (2xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Artillery Cooperation. This tasking is flown twice
with two separate flights (1xBE2) from 2 Sqn.
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Tasking Note 2
6(N) (4xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Tasking Note 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Trench Recon (10 hexes along Trench Line). If this
flight is shot down, 13 Sqn will launch a 2nd flight
to fly same tasking five game turns after shoot-
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Recon from (2620-3425) ten hexes.
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Tasking Note 2
25 Sqn (5xFE2b) Lozingham REG LR Recon of five hexes between (2501-3108). Des-
ignate 2 aircraft with cameras.
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol from (2501-2710). Must takeoff on same
game turn as 25 Sqn LR Recon.
32 Sqn (4xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
43 Sqn (6xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Recon of five hexes (player choice) between (2804)
and (3708). Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. Start in (0901) at Low+0 with 10 endur-
ance points used.
57 Sqn (6xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Line Patrol between Arras (2415) and Lens (2607)
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG LR Recon of five hexes (player choice) between
Arras (2415) and Quéant (3322). Designate one
aeroplane with camera.
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. (1xBE2) 16 Sqn or 10 Sqn Artillery Cooperation (player 3. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
choice on tasked Sqn). a complete patrol if not tied to Tasking Note 2.
2. British player may fly an Offensive Patrol with either
(choice of two Sqns):11/19/3(N)/8(N)/32/66 Sqns with
4xType. OP must be ten hexes on German side of line. Must
fly back and forth three times.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 25

Bloody April Scenario 11 (Patrol) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 3 April 1917. If all the action on 2 April had British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
occurred during the morning, then all the action of the 3rd was Place 4 Balloons
in the afternoon, due to the continuing bad weather. Heavy rain German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/10xLight)
had set in during the afternoon of the 2nd, storms and clouds
lasting until noon on the 3rd. As soon as the weather improved, Taskings:
RFC machines were brought out of the hangars and prepared
for flight. The order of the day was reconnaissance and the British: Offensive Patrols/Trench Recon/LR Recon/Line
FE2 Squadrons were out in force. Five FE2s were shot down Patrols
along with two DH2s. A N17 and a BE2 were also lost for no German: Defensive Scrambles/Balloon Busting /Line Patrol
German losses. Ltn Bernert of Jasta B was able to flame two
British Observation Balloons near Bapaume. SSRs:
Time of Day: 1300-1500 (60 game turns) 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
being no man’s land.
2) British Balloons are setup in hexes (2321, 2523, 2525,
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Tasking Note 1
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel REG Tasking Note 1
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG LR Recon of four hexes (2608, 2708, 2808, 2511)
Designate two aircraft with cameras.
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Recon (2618 - 3523). Any ten hexes with
German trenches.
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN LR Recon (2408, 2409, 2508, 2509, 2510, 2609) six
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG LR Recon of four hexes (2713, 2912, 3013, 3114)
Designate one aircraft with a camera.
32 Sqn (5xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Offensive Patrol from (2917-2908). Med+0
40 Sqn (6xN17) Treizennes VET Close Escort for 43 Sqn. Start in (0901) at Low+0
with 10 pts of endurance used.
43 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Line Patrol from 2409 to 2616. Start in (0901) at
Low+0 with 10 endurance points used. 40 Sqn
Close Escort.
57 Sqn (5xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Line Patrol from (2417-2407)
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Tasking Note 1
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. British player may fly an Offensive Patrol with either 2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
(choice of one Sqn):3(N)/8(N)/66 Sqn with 4xType. OP a complete patrol.
must be ten hexes on German side of line. Must fly back
and forth two times. If this patrol flown award the Germans

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

26 Bloody April Playbook

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B (2xType) Proville VET Launch two single aircraft flights on Balloon Busting
tasking. One of the pilots assigned is Ltn Bernert
+2 Rating. Flights may not takeoff until turn 10 or
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
Schusta 7 (1xDFW C.V) Cuincy REG Line Patrol from (2407-2409-2807). Fly route twice.
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 2. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may Size and Type.
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player
5VP for doing so.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 27

Bloody April Scenario 12 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 5 April 1917. An improvement in the weather British: Offensive Patrols/LR Recon/Balloon Busting/
on 5 April saw an increase in fighting during the day. Offensive Artillery Cooperation
patrols flown by the British scout squadrons were successful in German: Defensive Scrambles/Artillery Cooperation/
keeping the Jagdstaffeln east of the front lines and the Corps Trench Strafing
aeroplanes were able to work unmolested. The day also marked
the first use of the new Bristol BF2a and the flight led by Major SSRs:
Leefe-Robinson, Victoria Cross winner, was a total failure with
four of the six planes shot down by Jasta 11. 14 British planes 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
were shot down in this sector during the day. urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
Time of Day: 1000-1230 (75 game turns) being no man’s land.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April 2) German Balloons are setup in hexes (3922, 4124, 4225,
Ground Setup:
3) German Artillery sets up first the British Artillery placed
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery must be
Place 8 Artillery units setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/ 4) British player places 2xMG and 2xInf facedown in hexes
10xLight)/Place 6 Artillery units and 4 Balloons 3727, 3827, 3928, 4028). Class C Target (entrenched).
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards
• Railway Junction: 7VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B (6xAlb D.III) Proville VET Trench Strafing (3727, 3827, 3928, 4028)
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 (3xAlb D.III) La Brayelle VET Close Escort for FA(A)211. Rendezvous over La
Brayelle aerodrome
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)211-S19 (1xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Artillery Cooperation. Jasta 4 Close Escort. Rendez-
vous over La Brayelle aerodrome.
FA8-S13 (2xDFW C.V) Pont-à-Marcq REG Trench Recon. 10 hexes
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may (+5 Rating).
launch one Jasta at game start but awardss the British player 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
5VP for doing so. Size and Type unless already noted.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

28 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 3
6(N) (4xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Offensive Patrol from (2516-3419). Takeoff no ear-
lier than Game Turn 10.
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 3
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Trench Recon (2618 - 3523). Any ten hexes with
German trenches.
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Trench Recon (2402-2704, 2705-2709) nine hexes.
25 Sqn Close Escort. Rendezvous over Bruay
Aerodrome. Also Tasking Note 3.
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG Close Escort for 16 Sqn Trench Recon Tasking.
Rendezvous over Bruay Aerodrome
27 Sqn (4xG100) Fienvillers REG Bombing Tasking to (5226) Railway Junction. Class
B Target.
29 Sqn (3xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from (2511- 3406)
32 Sqn (5xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Line Patrol from (2619-2610)
43 Sqn (6xSop1.5) Treizennes REG LR Recon of three hexes (3203, 3104 and 3204).
Designate one aircraft with camera. Start in (0901)
at Low+0 with 10 endurance points used.
48 Sqn (6xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol from (2715 - 3711). Led by Leefe-
Robinson (-1 Rating). Rear Guns do not work for
any aeroplane during mission due to failure to
lubricate them.
57 Sqn (4xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Trench Recon (2819-3523). Any ten hexes with
German trenches. Designate one aircraft with
60 Sqn (2xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Balloon Busting. Two Flights of 1xN17. Bishop (+2
Rating)/ Williams (NR). Loaded with Le Prieur
Rockets. Each attack a different Balloon.
60 Sqn (5xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol from (2713 -3608). Takeoff no
earlier than Game Turn 10.
66 Sqn (1xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol. Taylor (NR)—must attempt to
attack first enemy flight visually detected. Move
freely until a flight is visually detected. 5VP bo-
nus if engagement successful regardless of results
of combat.
3 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. (1xBE2) Player choice of either: 2, 10, 12 or 13 Sqn to fly 3. 2, 10 and 16 Sqns. Artillery Cooperation each Sqn sends
Trench Recon. 10 hexes. out 1xBE2.
2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
a complete patrol.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 29

Bloody April Scenario 13 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 6 April 1917. Good Friday, April 6, was a day British: Offensive Patrols/LR Recon/Balloon Busting/
of continued success for the pilots of the Jagdstaffeln; they in- Bombing/Artillery Cooperation
flicted heavy losses on the Corps squadrons and the two-seater German: Defensive Scrambles/Artillery Cooperation/
fighters of the RFC. Twenty aeroplanes were lost in action; 23 Trench Recon
aircrew were killed and 14 were taken POW, of whom three
were wounded, including one who died of his wounds. The SSRs:
Jadgstaffeln did not escape unscathed as two pilots from Jasta
5 were killed during a combat with FE2ds of 57 Squadron and 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
Jasta 3 and 12 both had a pilot reported wounded in action. urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
Time of Day: 0200-0300 (30 game turns) Block 1, 0730-0930 being no man’s land.
(60 game turns) Block 2, 1000-1200 (60 game turns) Block 3.
2) German Balloons are setup in hexes (3008, 3010, 3011 and
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April 3012). Balloons protected by Flaming Onions [13.4] (i.e.
4xMed AA are setup with Balloons with Flaming Onions
Ground Setup: capability).
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ 3) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of the
Place 8 Artillery units Trench Line and the British Artillery is placed within five
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/ hexes of a German Battery.
10xLight)/Place 6 Artillery units/4 Balloons Scenario VPs:
Per Standards
• Railway Switchyard St. Armand: 8VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S
• La Brayelle Aerodrome: 7VP-T/5VP-H/2VP-S

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble. Blocks 2 and 3
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble. Block 3 only
Jasta 4 (1xAlb D.III) La Brayelle --- Frankl (+2 Rating) will be only German to launch.
Block 1
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble. Block 2 only
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble. Block 2 only
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble. Block 3 only
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble. Blocks 2 and 3
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble. Blocks 2 and 3
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 5
FA8-S13 (2xDFW C.V) Pont-à-Marcq REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)288-S4 (2xType) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 5
2 Dummies Per Blocks 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may Size and Type.
launch one Jasta at game start but awardss the British player 5. German FA/FA(A) fly two by Trench Recon (ten hexes)
5VP for doing so. and two Artillery Cooperation. One of each tasking per
2. Roll for Type for FA(A)288-S4: (1-6 Alb C.VII, 7-10 Ru C.I) block 2 and 3. FA(A) 211 and FA8 will fly Trench Recon.
3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot FA(A)224 and 288 will fly Artillery Cooperation.
(+5 Rating).

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

30 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (4xTripes) Off-Map REG Enter from Off-map Offensive Patrol from (3101-
3108). Fly back and forth three times for complete
patrol. Entry and Exit hex will be (3101). Block 3
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 3
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Tasking Note 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 3
11 Sqn (2xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Recon (2613-15, 2714-16, 2516-17, 2617
and 2718), 10 hexes. Both planes camera equipped.
Block 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Trench Recon (2518-2509) ten hexes. Block 3
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Trench Recon (2402-2704, 2705-2709) nine hexes.
Block 3
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 3
25 Sqn (4xFE2b) Lozingham REG Line Patrol from (2510-2519). Block 2
27 Sqn (4xG100) Fienvillers REG Bombing to railway switchyard at St. Armand
(5206) (Class B Target). Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Tasking Note 2
40 Sqn (3xN17) Treizennes VET Balloon Busting. Three Flights of 1xN17. Loaded
with Le Prieur Rockets. Each attack a different
Balloon. Start in (0901) at Low+0 with 10 endur-
ance points used. Block 3
43 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Treizennes REG LR Recon to Provin (3002) and Phalempin (3502)
aerodromes. Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. Start in (0901) at Low+0 with 10 endur-
ance points used. Block 2
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Tasking Note 2
57 Sqn (6xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Offensive Patrol from Beauvois (5024) to Somain
(4611). Block 2
59 Sqn (4xRE8) Bellevue TRN LR Recon to Vitry-en-Artois (3314, 3413, 3513 and
3513) four hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. Block 3
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Tasking Note 2
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Tasking Note 2
100 Sqn (11xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Night Bombing La Brayelle aerodrome (3511)
(Class B Target). Each aeroplane flies by itself to
target and back. Takeoff one per gameturn. Night
rules in effect [19.0] Full Moon. Block 1
3 Dummies Per Blocks 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. 2, 13 and 15 Sqns. Trench Recon each Sqn sends out 1xBE2 3. 2, 10 and 16 Sqns. Artillery Cooperation each Sqn sends
to photograph ten hexes worth of Trench Line. Block 2. out 1xBE2. Block 2.
2. 3(N), 29, 48, 60 and 66 Sqn. (4xType). Designate three 4. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
Sqns per Block 2 and 3 to fly Offensive Patrol. Pick start a complete patrol.
and end point in German territory (East of Trench Line)
that is 10 hexes apart. Each Sqn must fly at least one block
during the day if playing as a Campaign Day.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 31

Bloody April Scenario 14 (Patrol) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 7 April 1917. April 7 was a day of low cloud, British: Offensive Patrols/ Trench Recon/Balloon Busting/
wind and rain, a welcome respite for the aircrews. Neverthe- Artillery Cooperation
less, the all important work of reconnaissance and artillery German: Defensive Scrambles/Balloon Busting
cooperation still had to be undertaken in the evening as the
weather cleared. The destruction of enemy balloons was also SSRs:
seen as an important task in view of the imminent offensive
just two days away. 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
Time of Day: 1700-1900 (60 game turns) lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April being no man’s land.
2) German Balloons are setup in hexes (3008, 3010, 3011 and
Ground Setup: 3012). Balloons protected by Flaming Onions [13.4] (i.e.
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ 4xMed AA must be setup with Balloons).
Place 8 Artillery units/2 Balloons 3) British Balloons are setup in hexes (2115 and 2117)
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/ 4) German Artillery sets up first the British Artillery placed
10xLight)/Place 6 Artillery units/4 Balloons within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery must be
setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
8(N) (3xTripes) Auchel REG Offensive Patrol from (2502-3406).
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from (2517-3412)
40 Sqn (1xN17) Treizennes VET Balloon Busting. Loaded with Le Prieur Rockets.
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Line Patrol from (2715-2706).
60 Sqn (1xN17) Filescamp Farm --- Balloon Busting. Loaded with Buckingham Ammo.
Billy Bishop (+2 Rating)
60 Sqn (6xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol from (2418-3314)
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. (4xBE2). Designate four BE2 squadrons to fly Trench 2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
Recon (10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Two of each a complete patrol.
tasking. Each tasking flown by 1xBE2.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

32 Bloody April Playbook

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 (1xAlb D.III) La Brayelle --- Balloon Busting. Select one British Balloon for at-
tack. Klein (+0 Rating)
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may (+5 Rating).
launch one Jasta at game start but awardss the British player 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
5VP for doing so. Size and Type.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 33

Bloody April Scenario 15 (Show/Campaign) SSRs:

Scenario Date: 8 April 1917. Easter Sunday, 8 April was 1) Trench Line is from La Bassée in hex 2301 down to Bea-
generally fine, although there was some cloud and scattered urains in 2417, then southeast where the British and German
snow showers. The fighter squadrons continued to fly offensive lines end at 4131 and 4331 respectively, with hex 4230
patrols into German territory to disrupt the Jagdstaffeln from being no man’s land.
interrupting the work of the BE2 squadrons. From 4 to 8 April, 2) German Artillery sets up first and the British Artillery must
75 British aeroplanes had been lost in action, with 19 personnel be placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
killed, 13 wounded and 73 missing. must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
Time of Day: 0200-0400 (60 game turns) Block 1, 0930-1100 3) Germans may not launch at night (Block 1) unless they
(45 game turns) Block 2, 1430-1600 (45 game turns) Block 3. awards British player 5VP and may then launch one aero-
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April plane from one Jasta. (Select an Ace pilot from that unit
for tasking).
Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ Per Standards
Place 8 Artillery units • Army HQ Depot: 6VP-T / 4VP-H / 2VP-S
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/ • Pont-a-Vendin Depot: 6VP-T/4VP-H /2VP-S
10xLight)/Place 6 Artillery units • Douai Aerodrome: 7VP-T/5VP-H/2VP-S
Taskings: • Douai Railway Station: 8VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S

British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Bombing/Artillery Co-

German: Defensive Scrambles/Trench Recon/Artillery

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)233-S7 (2xType) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 5
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may (+5 Rating).
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
5VP for doing so. Size and Type.
2. Roll for Type for FA(A)233-S7: D10 (1-4 Alb C.VII, 5-7 5. Designate FA(A) units for Trench Recon (10 hexes) and
Ru C.I, 8-10 DFW C.V) Artillery Cooperation. One tasking of each type per Block
2 and 3. Player choice on which FA(A) gets which tasking.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

34 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol from (3726-3717). Block 2
8(N) (3xTripes) Auchel REG Offensive Patrol from (2602-3708). Block 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
25 Sqn (6xFE2b) Lozingham REG Bomb depot at Pont-a-Vendin (2804). Class C Tar-
get. Block 3
29 Sqn (3xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol. Designate two hexes ten hexes
apart in German territory. Block 3
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
43 Sqn (3xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Line Patrol from (2507-2516). Block 2
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol from (2815-2607-3314-2815).
One complete circuit between hexes for complete
patrol. Two legs of patrol for 2VPs. Block 3
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Bomb Army HQ at (3402). Class C Target. Block 3
57 Sqn (6xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Offensive Patrol from (2821-2812). Block 3
59 Sqn (3xRE8) Bellevue TRN LR Recon to (3916, 4016, 4017, 4118 and 4119) five
hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera equipped.
Block 3
60 Sqn (5xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol from (2517-3412). Block 2.
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol. Designate two hexes ten hexes
apart in German territory. Block 3
100 Sqn (9xFE2b) Le Hameau REG 6xFE2b, Night Bombing Douai aerodromes (3511)
(Class B Target). 3xFE2b, Night Bombing Douai
railway station (3712) (Class B Target). Each
aeroplane flies by itself to target and back. Takeoff
one per game turn. Night rules in effect [19.0] No
Moon. Block 1
3 Dummies Per Blocks 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. Designate four BE2 or three BE2/ one AW FK8 squadrons 2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
to fly Trench Recon (10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. a complete patrol.
Two of each tasking. Each tasking flown by 1xType. Blocks
2 and 3.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 35

Bloody April Scenario 16 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 11 April 1917. Slight improvement in the British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Bombing/Artillery Coop-
weather of the past days brought renewed activity in the air eration/Trench Strafing/Contact Patrol/Line Patrol
war, but high winds, low clouds and snow storms restricted German: Defensive Scrambles
afternoon sorties. On the ground, Monchy was captured. The
4th Australian Division attacked the Hindenburg Line at Bulle- SSRs:
court (3021) but was thrown back with enormous losses. A wide
gamut of missions were flown with contact patrols attempting to 1) Trench Line is Original Trench (OT) 2301-2309, green line
ascertain troop positions in Monchy and trench strafing flown by 2309-2922, OT 2922/3021-4131/4331.
25 and 43 Sqns to help the hard pressed troops on the ground. 2) German Artillery sets up first with the British Artillery
BE2 Sqns were sent on almost sacrificial missions to bomb placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
enemy aerodromes, leaving their observers behind to increase must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
their bombload but reducing them to be almost completely 3) Place one British Infantry unit in 2917 face down until
defenceless. Besides other losses, the BE2 Sqns suffered 12 spotted by a British Contact Patrol. Class D Target.
losses during the day.
4) Place two German Infantry units and one German MG in
Time of Day: 0900-1030 (45 game turns) Block 1, 1100-1230 (2809, 2810 and 2811). German player places one unit per
(45 game turns) Block 2. hex face down until attacked by a British Trench Strafing
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April flight. Class C Target (due to being in Trenches).

Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:

Per Standards
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
• Proville Aerodrome: 7VP-T/5VP-H/2VP-S
Place 8 Artillery units/1 Ground unit (see SSR#3)
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
Place 6 Artillery unit/3 Ground units (see SSR#4)

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Épinoy VET Defensive Scramble
1 Dummy Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may (+5 Rating).
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
5VP for doing so. Size and Type.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

36 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Close Escort for 15 Sqn. Start airborne over Léalvil-
lers aerodrome at Low+0. 10 endurance points
used. Block 1
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol from (3729-4724-3719-3729). Fly
between hexes once for a complete patrol. Fly
between two hexes for one leg of patrol. Block 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Marieux TRN Tasking Note 1
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (2xBE2) Savy TRN Contact Patrol to Monchy (2917). Block 1
15 Sqn (5xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Bomb Proville aerodrome (4222). Class C Target.
Bombload as per ADC with no observer (no rear
gun). 3(N) Close Escort. Start airborne over Lé-
alvillers aerodrome at Low+0. 10 endurance points
used. Block 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (4026-4017). Blocks 1 and 2
25 Sqn (4xFE2b) Lozingham REG Trench Strafing (2809, 2810 and 2811). Deck+0.
Blocks 1 and 2 (note: if playing both blocks dam-
age carries over from previous block).
43 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Trench Strafing (2809, 2810 and 2811). Deck+0.
Blocks 1 and 2 (note: if playing both blocks dam-
age carries over from previous block).
48 Sqn (3xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol from (2818-2809). Block 1
59 Sqn (1xRE8) Bellevue TRN Offensive Patrol from (4026-4017). Blocks 1 and 2
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. (4xBE2). Designate four BE2 squadrons to fly Trench 2. Offensive Patrols fly between hexes twice for a complete
Recon (10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Two of each patrol.
tasking. Each tasking flown by 1xBE2. Blocks 1-2.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 37

Bloody April Scenario 17 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 13 April 1917. Fine weather brought out the British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Bombing/Artillery Co-
aviators on this Friday the 13th which was to prove unlucky for operation/Contact Patrol/Line Patrol
a good number of young British airmen. The ground fighting German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Coopera-
still raged around Vimy and near the Drocourt-Quéant switch tion/Balloon Busting
line, so the various Army HQs still called for contact patrols and
photographs. British infantry had captured Wancourt. 2-Seater SSRs:
squadrons still did not have dedicated escorts as a matter of
practice and units without escort such as 59 Sqn provided 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2714, green
self-escort for their photo recon aircraft. Jasta 11 and Manfred line 2714-2817, blue line 2817-2820, then OT to 4131/4331.
v.Richthofen made them pay dearly. 18 British planes went 2) German Artillery sets up first with the British Artillery
down during the day and one of the Germans best Balloon placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
Busters scored during the evening, Ltn Gontermann of Jasta 5. must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
Time of Day: 0700-0830 (45 game turns) Block 1, 1130-1330 3) Place one British Infantry in (2818) face down until spotted
(60 game turns) Block 2. 1730-1930 (60 game turns) Block 3 by a British Contact Patrol
(Dusk Conditions after 1900). 4) Place British Balloons in (3224, 3326 and 3327). Block 3
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April Only.

Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:

Per Standards
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
• Henin-Lietard Railway Switchyard: 9VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S
Place 8 Artillery units/1 Ground unit (see SSR#3)/3 Balloons
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
Place 6 Artillery units

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble. Block 1 and 2.
Jasta 5 (2xAlb D.III) Boistrancourt ACE Gontermann (+3 Rating), Nathanael (+1 Rating) Bal-
loon busting on British balloon line. Fly as single
aircraft flights. Block 3. Takeoff no earlier than 20
game turns into Block 3
Jasta 11 La Brayelle ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)233-S7 (2xType) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Note 5
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 5
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 4. FA(A)233-S7. Roll 2xTypes [1-4 Alb C.VII, 5-7 Ru C.I,
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may 8-10 DFW C.V].
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player 5. Designate two FA(A) units per block for Trench Recon (10
5VP for doing so. hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Blocks 1-3.
2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
(+5 Rating).
3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

38 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Marieux TRN Contact Patrol to (2818). Block 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from (2917-2908). Block 2
11 Sqn (5xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from (2502-3406). Block 3
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (3826-3817). Block 1
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Close Escort for 27 Sqn. Rendezvous at (0524).
Block 2
25 Sqn (6xFE2b) Lozingham REG Bomb Henin-Lietard Railway Switchyard (3108).
Class B Target. (4xN17) 40 Sqn Escort enter map
at 0901 with 10 endurance points used. Rendez-
vous flights at (1403) Block 3
27 Sqn (12xG100) Fienvillers REG 2 Flights of (6xG100) Bomb Henin-Lietard Railway
Switchyard (3108). Class B Target. 19 Sqn Close
Escort. Rendezvous at (0524). Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol from (2921-2912). Block 3
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
40 Sqn (4xN17) Treizennes VET Offensive Patrol from (2703-2713). Enter map at
0901 with 10 endurance points used. Block 2
40 Sqn (4xN17) Treizennes VET Close Escort for 25 Sqn enter map at 0901 with
10 endurance points used. Rendezvous at (1403).
Block 3
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Line Patrol from (2518-2509). Block 2
57 Sqn (6xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Offensive Patrol from (2409-3314). Fly between
hexes twice for a complete patrol. Block 1
59 Sqn (6xRE8) Bellevue TRN Trench Recon from (3111, 3211-3213, 3314, 3214,
3315, 3415-3416) ten hexes. Designate one aircraft
as camera equipped. Block 1
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol from (3826-3817). Block 1
3 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. Designate four BE2 or three BE2/one AW FK8 squadrons to 2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
fly Trench Recon (10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Two a complete patrol.
of each tasking. Each tasking flown by 1xType. Blocks 1-3.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 39

Bloody April Scenario 18 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 14 April 1917. Vimy Ridge was firmly in British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Bombing/Artillery Co-
British hands and Field Marshall Haig now awaited General operation/Contact Patrol/Line Patrol
Nivelle’s promised attack on the French front to the south but German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Coopera-
the French attack was delayed and the British were forced to tion
keep up the pressure up north. German troops were coming up
from the rear which is why the railhead at Henin-Lietard had SSRs:
been the focus on the previous day and would continue to be
hit during the night. Nieuports paid dearly for their protection 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2714, green
patrols with five N17s going down under fire from German line 2714-2817, blue line 2817-2820, then OT to 4131/4331.
scouts with another five BE2s shot down as well. 2) German Artillery sets up first with the British Artillery
placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
Time of Day: 0600-0700 (30 game turns) Block 1, 0800-1000
must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
(60 game turns) Block 2. 1700-1830 (45 game turns) Block 3.
3) Germans may then launch one aeroplane from one Jasta
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April to intercept night bombing raid (Block 1). (Select an Ace
Ground Setup: pilot from that unit for tasking and they are considered to
be night trained.)
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
Place 8 Artillery units Scenario VPs:
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/ Per Standards
Place 6 Artillery units • Henin-Lietard Switchyard: 9VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)224 (1xRo C.II) Bersée REG LR Recon to (2303, 2304, 2204, 2205, 2106, 2006)
six hexes. Block 2
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 4
1 Dummy Blocks 2 and 3 only

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may Size and Type.
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player 4. Designate two FA(A) units per block for Trench Recon (10
5VP for doing so. hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Blocks 2-3 Only.
2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
(+5 Rating).

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

40 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (2xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Marieux TRN Tasking Note 1
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel REG Close Escort for 25 Sqn. Block 2
10 Sqn (5xBE2) Chocques TRN Five flights of (1xBE2) Bomb Henin-Lietard Rail-
way Switchyard (3108). Class B Target. Flights
takeoff one per game turn. No Observers and full
bomb load. Night Rules No Moon. Block 1
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Recon from (3111, 3211-3213, 3314, 3214,
3315, 3415-3416) ten hexes. Designate two aircraft
as camera equipped. 29 Sqn Close Escort. Block 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (2xBE2) Léalvillers TRN 1xBE2 Photo Recon / 1xBE2 Arty Coop Block 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (2713-3314-3821-3021). Fly
between hexes once for a complete patrol. Block 3
25 Sqn (4xFE2b) Lozingham REG LR Recon to (2903-2904, 2804-2805, 2906 and
3006) six hexes. Designate two aircraft as cam-
era equipped. 8(N) Close Escort. Rendezvous at
(1801). Block 2
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG Line Patrol from (2508-2517). Fly between hexes
twice for complete patrol. Block 3.
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Close Escort for 11 Sqn. Block 2.
60 Sqn (5xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Offensive Patrol from (2917-3508). Fly between
hexes twice for a complete patrol. Block 2.
2 Dummies Blocks 2 and 3 only

Tasking notes:
1. Designate four BE2 or three BE2/one AW FK8 squadrons 2. Offensive Patrols/Line Patrols fly between hexes twice for
to 1. (4xBE2). Designate four BE2 squadrons to fly Trench a complete patrol.
Recon (10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Two of each
tasking. Each tasking flown by 1xBE2. Blocks 2-3 Only.

British S.E.5
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 41

Bloody April Scenario 19 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 22 April 1917. After days of bad weather, the British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Artillery Cooperation/
aviators of both sides awoke to fine but cloudy weather. With Balloon Busting/Line Patrol
the ground fighting still going on, the flyers needed to be up German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Coopera-
for recon and artillery cooperation. Both sides went after each tion/Balloon Busting
other’s balloon lines and the German Balloon Buster, Ltn Gon-
termann was again in the air and took one out near Arras. 60 SSRs:
Sqn returned the favour and claimed numerous German balloons
behind the lines. The British made a concerted effort to place 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2812, red
patrols up in the morning to sweep the Germans away from an line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
area 20 miles wide up to 6 miles deep into German territory. 2) German Artillery sets up first with the British Artillery
It was successful for the most part but the Germans usually placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
dove away to the east and then re-engaged. British losses were must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
lighter than previous days. 3) Place British Balloons in (2214, 2216 and 2217). Place
Time of Day: 0930-1130 (60 game turns) Block 1, 1700-1900 German Balloons in (3116, 3117, 3118 and 3119).
(60 game turns) Block 2.
Scenario VPs:
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April
Per Standards
Ground Setup:
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/8xLight)/
Place 8 Artillery units/3 Balloons
German: Place 14 Archie counters inactive (6xMed/8xLight)/
Place 6 Artillery units/4 Balloons

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 (2xAlb D.III) Boistrancourt ACE Balloon Busting. Fly as two (1xAlbD.III). Pilots
Gontermann (+3 Rating), Nathanael (+1 Rating).
Block 1
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Note 4
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Note 4
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 4
2 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. German aircraft can only launch once a British flight is 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may Size and Type.
launch one Jasta at game start but awards the British player 4. Designate two FA(A) units per block for Trench Recon (10
5VP for doing so. hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Blocks 1-2.
2. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
(+5 Rating).

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

42 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (3xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol led by Dallas (+2 Rating) with
Culling (+0 Rating) and one other pilot patrol from
(2517-3412). Block 1
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 1
3(N) (3xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol from (3826-3817). Fly between
hexes twice for a complete patrol. Block 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
6(N) (XxN17Bis) Bellevue TRN Tasking Note 2
8(N) (XxTripes) Auchel REG Tasking Note 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1
11 Sqn (6xFE2b) Le Hameau REG LR Recon to (3007-3009, 3110-3111, 3211-3213)
eight hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. Block 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 1
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 1
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Note 1
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (2713-3314-3821-3021). Fly
between hexes once for a complete patrol. Block 1
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Close Escort for 57 Sqn. Rendezvous hex (0825).
Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Close Escort for 11 Sqn. Block 2
32 Sqn (XxDH2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
35 Sqn (XxAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 3
48 Sqn (XxBF2a) Bellevue REG Tasking Note 3
56 Sqn (XxSE5) Vert Galand VET Tasking Note 2
57 Sqn (3xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN LR Recon to (3825, 3726, 3826, 3927, 4027, 4028,
4128 and 4129) eight hexes. Designate one aircraft
as camera equipped. 19 Sqn. Close Escort. Rendez-
vous hex (0825). Block 2
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Balloon Busting. Fly as four 1xN17s. Loaded with
Buckingham ammunition. Block 1
60 Sqn (1xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Bishop (+2 Rating) Solo Offensive Patrol from
(2917-3508). Fly between hexes twice for a com-
plete patrol. Block 1
66 Sqn (XxPups) Vert Galand TRN Tasking Note 2
70 Sqn (XxSop1.5) Fienvillers REG Tasking Note 3
3 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. (4xBE2). Designate four BE2 squadrons to fly Trench Recon 3. British player select three 2-Seater squadrons (11, 35, 48,
(10 hexes) and Artillery Cooperation. Two of each tasking. 57 or 70 Sqn) for Line Patrol. Pick one of the following
Each tasking flown by 1xBE2. Blocks 1-2. line patrol routes for each flight (2705-2714), (2719-2710)
2. British player select four Scout squadrons (3(N), 6(N), 8(N), and (2517-2508). Fly between hexes twice for a complete
29, 32, 56, 60 or 66 Sqn) for Offensive Patrol. Pick ten patrol. Roll for flight size for each squadron (1-2, 3xType,
hexes within the rectangle (2409-3009-3820-2820) for each 3-5, 4xType, 6-8, 5xType, 9-10, 6xType). Block 1 only.
patrol. Fly between hexes twice for a complete patrol. Roll 4. Offensive Patrols fly between hexes twice for a complete
for flight size for each squadron (1-2, 3xType, 3-5, 4xType, patrol.
6-8, 5xType, 9-10, 6xType). Block 1 and 2.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 43

Bloody April Scenario 20 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 23 April 1917. Today was St George’s Day, and British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Artillery Cooperation/
with it came fine weather and death. With the French offensive Bombing/Contact Patrols/Line Patrols/Trench Strafing
crumbling Haig launched a new offensive with the main attack German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
along a nine mile front from Croissilles to Gavrelle (2812) cov-
ering both sides of the Scarpe River. Contact patrols were the SSRs:
word of the day and the British were out in force to determine
where the front lines had advanced. The Germans however, 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2812, red
employed their Schusta aircraft in defensive sweeps to intercept line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
the contact patrols. Another interesting Tasking flown during 2) German Artillery sets up first with the British Artillery
the day was a combined Recon/Bombing Tasking coordinated placed within five hexes of a German Battery. Artillery
with three 2-Seater Sqns (70, 27 and 55) that had protection must be setup within three hexes of enemy Trench Line.
from 66 and 19 Sqn on the ingress and egress to the target areas. 3) German player takes all 12 grounds units (British and
This was one of the first coordinated attacks, although causing German) and randomly places them face-down in hexes
little damage showed a sophistication and coordination that is (2813-2814, 2816-19, 2914-2919). Units are not turned
more associated with later air wars. face-up until a British Contact Patrol locates them. Any
Time of Day: 0600-0900 (90 game turns) Block 1, 1700-1900 ground unit in open ground is Class D Target and Class C
(60 game turns) Block 2. Target if entrenched.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April Scenario VPs:
Ground Setup: Per Standards
• Railway Stations: 7VP-T/4VP-H/2VP-S
British: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/8xLight/
• Factory: 8VP-T/5VP-H/3VP-S
2xHvy)/Place 8 Artillery units/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG,
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (6xMed/8xLight/
1xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG,

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 33 Villers-au-Tertre REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
2 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. German player select three Schusta units (Roll 1-7 2xType, 3. Jasta 11 must include Manfred v.Richthofen as lead pilot
8-10 3xType). Offensive Patrol to attack British Contact (+5 Rating).
Patrols. Block 1. All aeroplanes in flight are Schusta. 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
2. German player selects two FA(A)/Schusta combos (2xType) Size and Type.
to fly Trench Recon from (3315-3008) ten hexes of own 5. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
Trench Line. Each flight starts at a different end of route. is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
Block 2. (Note: These German trenches are behind the may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
front lines and are being photographed as part of defensive to the British player for doing so.
network to fall back to in case British offensive continues.)
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
44 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (4xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol from (3021-3012). Led by Dallas
+2 Rating. Block 1
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol from (2820-3313). Block 1
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
6(N) (4xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Tasking Note 3
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel REG Tasking Note 3
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol from (2719-2709). Block 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol to support 70/27/55 Sqns. Flight
flies to (4724) and provide escort for flights back to
Fienvillers. VPs only for enemy kills. Block 1
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG Tasking Note 5
27 Sqn (5xG100) Fienvillers REG Bombing to (5105) Factory Class C target. Flying
with 55/70 Sqns. Flights launch one per game turn
from Fienvillers. Flights fly to [4906] and then split
off to their targets. Post target rendezvous at Beau-
vois [5024] and fly back to Fienvillers. Block 1
27 Sqn (5xG100) Fienvillers REG Bomb Factory at (5105) Class C Target. (4xN17)
29 Sqn Escort. Rendezvous at Le Hameau (1413).
Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Close Escort for 27 Sqn. Rendezvous at Le Hameau
(1413). Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Trench Strafing of any face-up German ground units
from SSR#3. Block 2. NOTE: If playing through
Block 2 only. German ground units may be setup
in any six hexes from SSR#3 and then flipped up at
the start of the scenario.
32 Sqn (4xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 3
35 Sqn (3xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 5
40 Sqn (4xN17) Treizennes VET Tasking Note 3
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Tasking Note 4
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Bombing to (5512) Railway Station Class C target.
Flying with 27/70 Sqns. Flights launch one per
game turn from Fienvillers. Flights fly to [4906]
and then split off to their targets. Post target ren-
dezvous at Beauvois [5024] and fly back to Fienvil-
lers. Block 1
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Bomb Railway Station at St.Amand (5206) Class C
Target. Block 2

Note: (RFC Air OOB continued on next page)

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Bloody April Playbook 45

Note: (RFC Air OOB continued from previous page)

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle (continued)

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
56 Sqn (1xN17) Vert Galand VET Solo Offensive Patrol from (3322-3312). Fly
(1xSE5) between hexes twice for complete patrol. Led by
Ball +3 Rating. Takeoff on Game Turn 1. If the
flight lands safely then 15 game turns after land-
ing, Ball will takeoff again and fly same patrol with
(1xSE5). Block 1
57 Sqn (3xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Tasking Note 5
59 Sqn (2xRE8) Bellevue TRN Trench Strafing of any identified German ground
unit. Flights may not takeoff until a German
ground unit is flipped face up and Contact Patrol
that identified ground unit returns to Aerodrome.
Flight may takeoff three game turns after Contact
Patrol lands. Block 1
59 Sqn (3xRE8) Bellevue TRN Line Patrol from (2819-2810). Block 2
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Tasking Note 4
66 Sqn (6xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol to support 70/27/55 Sqn. Flight flies
to [4906] prior to other flights and provides protec-
tion in the target area. VPs only for enemy kills.
Block 1.
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol to support 70/27/55 Sqns. Flight
flies to (4724) and provide escort for flights back to
Fienvillers. VPs only for enemy kills. Block 1.
70 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Fienvillers REG Photo Recon (5513-5514, 5114-5414) six hexes.
Designate two aircraft as camera equipped. Flying
with 27/55 Sqns. Flights launch one per game turn
from Fienvillers. Flights fly to [4906] and then split
off to their targets. Post target rendezvous at Beau-
vois [5024] and fly back to Fienvillers. Block 1
70 Sqn (2xSop1.5) Fienvillers REG Trench Strafing of any identified German ground
unit. Flights may not takeoff until a German
ground unit is flipped face up and Contact Patrol
that identified ground unit returns to Aerodrome.
Flight may takeoff three game turns after Contact
Patrol lands. Block 1
3 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. (4xBE2). Select four (BE2) squadrons to fly (1xBE2) Contact 5. (3xType) 25 Sqn, 35 Sqn and 57 Sqn will fly Line Patrols.
Patrols to SSR#3 locations. Attempt to identify the location Each Patrol must designate a start and end hex for patrol that
of all six British ground units. Block 1. is at least 10 hexes apart and within three hexes of German
2. (3xBE2). Select three (BE2) squadrons to fly (1xBE2) each Trench Line (on either side of Trench Line).
Artillery Cooperation taskings. Blocks 1 and 2. Note: Same 6. Campaign play. If playing through both blocks. If any ground
units may fly in both Contact Patrols and Arty Coop. units were not flipped over during block 1, fly (3xBE2), pick
3. (4xType) 6(N), 8(N), 32 and 40 Sqn will all fly Offensive three BE2 Sqns to fly Contact Patrols to SSR#3 locations.
Patrols in Block 1. Each Patrol must designate a start and 7. Offensive Patrols and Line Patrols fly between hexes twice
end hex for patrol that are at least 10 hexes apart in German for a complete patrol.
4. (4xType) 3(N), 19, 48 and 60 Sqns will all fly Offensive
Patrols in Block 2. Each Patrol must designate a start and
end hex for patrol that are at least 10 hexes apart in German
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
46 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 21 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 24 April 1917. A return to fine spring weather British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Artillery Cooperation/
again brought forth increased activity with the resulting casu- Bombing/Line Patrols/Balloon Busting
alties, but they were not as heavy as the previous day. Several German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon
counter-attacks were mounted by the Germans at Gavrelle
(2812), these were broken up by well-directed and concentrated SSRs:
artillery fire. The most interesting event of the day was the
feat of German pilot Otto Bernert of Jasta B, who had on the 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2812, red
previous day been notified that he had been awarded the Pour line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
le Mérite, and on this day his celebration of that award was 2) German player sets up their six ground units face-up in
continued in the air. Five victories in one day would have been (2809-2813 and 2914) and British player sets up their six
a record, but five victories in one sortie by Otto Bernert, all ground units face-up in (2710-2714 and 2814).
scored between 0830 and 0850 in the morning was outstanding. 3) British Artillery placed within five hexes of a German
No other German pilot had achieved that sort of success, nor Ground unit.
had any Allied pilot in France. The fact that he wore spectacles
4) German Balloons in (3216, 3217 and 3218). One per hex.
made it all the more amazing. His victims included a Sopwith
1 1/2, three BE2s and a DH4. Scenario VPs:
Time of Day: 0200-0300 (30 game turns) Block 1, 0800-1000 Per Standards
(60 game turns) Block 2. 1400-1600 (60 game turns) Block 3. • Railway Switchyard: 7VP-T, 4VP-H, 2VP-S
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April • Railway Junction: 6VP-T, 3VP-H, 2VP-S
Ground Setup:
British: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/8xLight/
2xHvy)/Place 3 Artillery units/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG,
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (6xMed/8xLight/
1xHvy)/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG, 2xCav)/3 Balloons

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 33 Villers-au-Tertre REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Note 1
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Trench Recon of (2710-2715) six hexes. Block 2
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Note 1
FA(A)235-S17 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 1
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Photo Recon to (1602, 1201, 1002) three hexes.
Block 2
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Note 1
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Note 1
2 Dummies Blocks 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. German player select two units for Trench Recon, any ten 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
hexes of trenches for each flight. German (2xType). Block 3. Size and Type.
2. Jasta B is led by O.Bernert (+2 Rating). 5. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
3. Night Raid Block 1 is unopposed by aircraft but AA may is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
fire. may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 47

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol select ten hexes in German territory.
Block 3
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel REG Offensive Patrol from (2703-2713). Block 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
25 Sqn (1xFE2b) Lozingham REG Tasking Note 2
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
40 Sqn (4xN17) Treizennes VET Offensive Patrol from (2502-3406). Block 2
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Line Patrol from (2810-2819). Block 2
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Bomb Railway Junction (5113) Class C Target.
Block 2
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol select ten hexes in German territory.
Block 3
59 Sqn (3xRE8) Bellevue TRN Line Patrol from (2819-2810). Block 3.
60 Sqn (2xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Balloon Busting. Each flight (1xN17) and attack a
Balloon position from SSR#4. Loaded with Buck-
ingham ammunition. Block 2
60 Sqn (6xN17) Filescamp Farm TRN Offensive Patrol from (2821-3314). Block 3
66 Sqn (3xPups) Vert Galand TRN Close Escort for 70 Sqn. Rendezvous in (0627).
Block 2
70 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Fienvillers REG Photo Recon (5122, 5221, 5322, 5421 and 5422)
five hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. 66 Sqn. Close Escort. Rendezvous in
(0627). Block 2
100 Sqn (6xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Night Bombing of Pont-a-Vendin Railway Switch-
yard (2804) Class C Target. Fly as six (1xFE2b)
single flights to and from target. Night Rules, Full
Moon. Block 1
2 Dummies Blocks 2 and 3

Tasking notes:
1. British player designates three BE2 squadrons for (1xBE2) 2. British player selects two units for Trench Recon any ten
each for Artillery Cooperation with a designated target of hexes for each flight. British (1xBE2 or 1xFE2b). Block 3.
German ground unit within five hexes of a British Artillery 3. Offensive Patrols and Line Patrols fly between hexes twice
unit. May substitute (1xAW FK8) for one BE2 Sqn. Block 2. for a complete patrol.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

48 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 22 (Show/Campaign) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 29 April 1917. After a period of bad weather, British: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/8xLight/
fine weather again and with it came more blood-letting on the 2xHvy)/Place 3 Artillery units/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG,
two final days of April. Ground fighting was heavy near Oppy 2xCav)
and British HQ sent out many contact patrols to find and deter- German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (6xMed/8xLight/
mine the front line of troops. Twenty British aircraft were lost 1xHvy)/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG, 2xCav)
on this day with many claims on Germans. Rittmeister Manfred
v. Richthofen shot down four planes on this day (Spad, FE2b, Taskings:
BE2 and a Sopwith Triplane) to run his score up to 52 kills.
This was his last action of Bloody April as he went on much British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Artillery Cooperation/
deserved leave for a month. With all the British losses this Contact Patrols/Line Patrols/Trench Strafing
day, the most serious loss to the Royal Flying Corps was the German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon
downing of the CO of 19 Squadron, Major H.D. Harvey-Kelly
DSO. Harvey-Kelly was the first RFC pilot to land in France SSRs:
after war was declared as a pilot with 2 Squadron on 13 August
1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, yellow
1914. He had received his DSO in February 1915 and had been
line 2710-2812, red line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
in command of 19 Squadron since January 1916.
2) German player sets up twelve ground units (British and
Time of Day: 1030-1230 (60 game turns) Block 1, 1800-1930 German) face-down in (2809-2814, 2710-2715). Ground
(45 game turns) Block 2. Units are not placed face-up until a Contact Patrol or Trench
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April Strafing identifies them. Any ground unit in open ground
is Class D Target and Class C Target if entrenched.
3) British Artillery placed within five hexes of a designated
hex (2809-2814) used for SSR#2.
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 33 Villers-au-Tertre REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)235-S17 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
2 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. German player select two units for Trench Recon any ten hexes 4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight Size
of British trenches for each flight. German (2xType). Blocks and Type.
1 and 2. 5. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight is
2. Jasta 11 is led by M.v.Richthofen (+5 Rating). detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player may
3. German player may launch (3xType) from a Schusta unit to launch one Jasta flight at game start awards 5VPs to the British
fly Defensive Scramble. player for doing so.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 49

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (4xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Block 1.
1(N) (3xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
1(N) (5xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
3(N) (10xPups) Marieux VET Close Escort for 11 Sqn. Fly as two flights (5xPups)
each. Rendezvous at (1414) Le Hameau. Block 1.
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol from (2615-3103). Block 2.
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
6(N) (4xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
8(N) (6xTripes) Auchel TRN Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 1 and 2
11 Sqn (3xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Recon from (2708-2709, 2809-2813, 2914-
2916) ten hexes. 3(N) fly Close Escort with two
flights (5xPup) each. Rendezvous at (1413) Le
Hameau. Block 1.
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Bruay TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (2907-2922). Block 1. Led by
Harvey-Kelly (+0 Rating).
19 Sqn (3xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Trench Strafing against any identified ground unit
from SSR#2. Flight may attempt to identify a
ground unit by spending 1MP to identify it then on
a subsequent game turn can strafe that hex (ground
unit). Block 1.
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 1
40 Sqn (2xN17) Bruay VET Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Block 1.
40 Sqn (4xN17) Bruay VET Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Once patrol is complete may Trench Strafe
any German Ground Unit or AA unit. Block 2.
55Sqn (1xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
Note: (RFC Air OOB continued on next page)

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

50 Bloody April Playbook

Note: (RFC Air OOB continued from previous page)

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle (continued)

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol. Designate ten hexes in German ter-
ritory. Block 1.
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol from (3021-3917). Block 2.
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol from (4126-4115) Block 2.
57 Sqn (5xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Line Patrol from (2917-2908). Block 1.
60 Sqn (1xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Bishop (+2 Rating). Solo Offensive Patrol. Desig-
nate ten hexes in German territory. Block 1.
3 Dummies Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. (4xBE2) or (3xBE2/1xAW FK8). Designate four BE2 Sqns Artillery unit. Block 2. Optional: British player may use
or three BE2 and one AW FK8 Sqn to perform contact patrol (1xDH4) from 55 Sqn as one of three Artillery Cooperation
with (1xType) for each Sqn. Block 1. Taskings but German player will gain 3VPs at end of scenario.
2. (3xBE2). British player designate three BE2 squadrons for 3. Offensive Patrols and Line Patrols fly between hexes twice
(1xBE2) each for Artillery Cooperation with a designated for a complete patrol.
target of German ground unit within five hexes of a British

Bloody April Scenario 23 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 30 April 1917. It was another fine day for this British: Offensive Patrols/Recon/Artillery Cooperation/
the last day of Bloody April. British troops continued to fight Contact Patrols/Line Patrols/Trench Strafing/Bombing
along the front. For the RFC this last day was another period German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Bombing/Trench
of losses to the German Jasta pilots and Archie. This day also Strafing
heralded a change in German air policy. For the first time four
German Jastas grouped together into a single fighting formation SSRs:
when Jastas 3, 4, 11 and 33 flew together. While it would be
difficult for the four units actually to fly together in formation, 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, yellow
they were able to concentrate and overwhelm British formations line 2710-2812, red line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
where they met them in combat. This grouping would be made 2) German player sets up all twelve ground units (British and
more official in June 1917 upon formation of Jagdgeschwader German) randomized face-down in (2810-2814, 2914-2918
Nr.I (Jastas 4, 6, 10 and 11) under the leadership of Manfred von and 3017-3018). Ground Units are not flipped face-up until
Richthofen. This combined unit was soon to be known as the a Contact Patrol or Trench Strafing flight identifies them.
“Circus” as they were moved around to hot spots along the front. Any ground unit in open ground is Class D Target and Class
C Target if entrenched.
Time of Day: 0100-0230(45 game turns) Block 1, 0700-0930
(45 game turns) Block 2, 1000-1300 (60 game turns) Block 3, 3) British Artillery placed within five hexes of a designated
1730-1900(45 game turns) Block 4. hex (2809-2814) used for SSR#2.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for April 4) Germans may then launch one aeroplane from one Jasta
to intercept night bombing raid (Block 1). (Select an Ace
Ground Setup: pilot from that unit for tasking and they are considered to
be night trained).
British: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (5xMed/8xLight/
2xHvy)/Place 3 Artillery units/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG, Scenario VPs:
2xCav) Per Standards (Playbook)
German: Place 15 Archie counters inactive (6xMed/8xLight/ • 3VPs per British unit spotted by Contact Patrol
1xHvy)/6 Ground units (2xInf, 2xMG, 2xCav)
• Railway Switchyard: 7VP-T, 4VP-H, 2VP-S
• Auchel Aerodrome: 6VP-T, 4VP-H, 2VP-S
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 51

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (3xTripes) Bellevue REG Close Escort for 47 Sqn. Block 3.
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
3(N) (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol (2717-3923/Med+0) Block 2
3(N) (3xPups) Marieux VET Close Escort for 57 Sqn. Rendezvous over Marieux
(0926). Block 4.
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel TRN Close Escort with 57 Sqn. Rendezvous (2021) Block
8(N) (3xTripes) Auchel TRN Offensive Patrol (2804-3709) Block 3
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
11 Sqn (3xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Strafing (2914-2916)/Deck+0) Block 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
15 Sqn (4xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Bombing to Railway Switchyard at (4423) Class C
Target. (3xPups) 3(N) Close Escort. Rendezvous
over Léalvillers (1229). Block 4.
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 4
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Line Patrol (2715-2706/Low+0) Block 2. Tasking
note 5
19 Sqn (2xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol (2511-3102) Block 3
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol (2715-2706/Low+0) Block 2. Tasking
note 5
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol. Select two hexes ten hexes apart in
German territory for patrol. Block 4
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
43 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Trench Recon (2508, 2608, 2709, 2809-2813, and
2914-2915). Designate two aeroplanes with cam-
eras. Block 2
48 Sqn (6xBF2a) Bellevue REG Long Range Recon to (4011, 4112, 4211, 4312,
4411, 4512). Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. 1(N) Close Escort. Block 3
55Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers TRN Bomb Railway Switchyard at Carvin (3203) Class B
Tgt. Block 2
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET 2xOffensive Patrol (3322-3314)/Med+0) “A” Flight
takeoff game turn 1. “B” Flight takeoff game turn
15. Each flight 3xSE5. Block 2
57 Sqn (4xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Line Patrol (3022-2408). Rendezvous with 8(N)
(2021). Block 2
57 Sqn (4xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN Trench Recon from (3017, 2917-2914, 2813-2809)
ten hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera
equipped. 3(N) Close Escort. Rendezvous over
Marieux (0926). Block 4
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Line Patrol (2715-2706/Low+0) Block 2. Tasking
note 5
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol. Select two hexes ten hexes apart in
German territory for patrol. Block 4
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol. Select two hexes ten hexes apart in
German territory for patrol. Block 3
Note: (RFC Air OOB continued on next page)
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
52 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle (continued)

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
100 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Night Bombing. Fly as 4x(1xFE2b). See Tasking
Note #3. Block 1
3 Dummies Blocks 2, 3 and 4

Tasking notes:
1. British patrols must fly between the listed hexes twice to com- ing Train starting (4611-3114) Class B Tgt. Moving train starts
plete patrol. during Random Events Phase game turn 10 and moves one hex
2. Select three BE2 and/or AW FK8 Sqns to fly Artillery Cooperation west each Random Events Phase until reaching (3114). Night
with a designated target of German ground unit within five hexes Rules: Full Moon.
of a British Artillery unit. Each flight a single aeroplane. Block 3. 4. Select four BE2 squadrons to fly Contact Patrols. Each flight a
3. Three targets with at least 1xFE2b per target. Railway Station single aeroplane. Block 2.
(3710) Class C Tgt. Stationary Train (3710) Class B Tgt. Mov- 5. Line Patrols may been flown starting at either point.

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 (4xAlb D.III) La Brayelle VET Close Escort for FA(A)233. Block 3.
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 10 Bersée VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)233-S7 (2xAlb C.VII) Cuincy REG Bomb Auchel aerodrome (1002) Class C Tgt. J4
Close Escort. Block 3.
FA(A)235-S17 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)264-S11 (2xRo C.II) Cantin REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
FA(A)224-S27b (2xRo C.II) Bersée REG Tasking Notes 5, 6 and 7
2 Dummies Blocks 2, 3 and 4

Tasking notes:
1. Large Scout Flight Formation (20xType). Jastas 3, 4, 11, 33 fly 3. Roll for DLS scout Type and number on Scout Availability Table.
together as four flights stacked in same hex. Flights will takeoff German player may launch (3xType) from a Schusta unit to fly
from their aerodromes and join together as a stack in 3513. Roll Defensive Scramble. Block 3 and 4.
for Type as per normal Jasta rules but total number of aircraft 4. German Jasta availability. Block 2: JB, 3, 4, 11, 12, 33. Block
must equal 20. Roll for first three Jastas in any order to determine 3: J4, 5, 30, 33. Block 4: J3, 11, 12 and 30.
numbers and last Jasta will have numbers to bring total to 20 (min
5. Designate three Schusta units and fly that Type as 3x(1xType) Trench
Flight size is four for any one Jasta). Flights may takeoff on game
Strafing against any identified British ground unit. Schusta unit may
turn one with no restriction. Block 2 Only.
attempt to identify any undiscovered British ground unit by spending
2. Large Scout Flight Formation attacks as per normal rules with one MP to spot them as if flying a Contact Patrol. Block 2.
following exceptions. Designate one flight as the lead attacker
6. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Co-operation. Per
and if that flight fails to engage, the remaining flights may at-
Blocks 2, 3 and 4.
tempt to engage in any order up to four engagement attempts
for four flights in the stack. A successful engagement will split 7. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Trench Recon (maximum 10
the attacking flight from the stack. hexes). Blocks 2, 3 and 4.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 53

Bloody April Scenario 24 (Show/Campaign) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 1 May 1917. On the first day of May 1917, British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
there was a lull in the ground fighting while the ground forces 2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units
were reorganized and the artillery prepared. The weather was German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
good and the Corps aeroplanes were out in force above the lines, 2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units
cooperating with the artillery batteries. The new German tactic
of concentrating large numbers of fighters had the effect of Taskings:
localizing their efforts and made them easier to find and bring
to combat. For the Allies, the good piece of news besides the British: Offensive Patrols/LR Recon/Artillery Cooperation
fact that Bloody April had concluded was that Manfred von German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
Richthofen was absent from the front on leave.
Time of Day: Block 1 (0830-1030) 60 game turns, Block 2
(1800-1930) 45 game turns. Blocks may be played in sequence 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, yellow
or players may select which Block to play. line 2710-2812, red line 2812-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May 2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
German Battery.
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Note 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 2
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. Roll for DLS scout Type and number on Scout Availability 3. Jasta 11 is led by Lothar von Richthofen (+2 Rating).
Table. 4. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
2. German FA(A) fly one Trench Recon and two Artillery is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
Cooperation per Block. may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

54 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 2
3(N) Sqn (12xPups) Marieux VET 3x Flights (A, B, C) as Escorts for 57 Sqn. Desig-
nate one flight as close escort stacked in same hex.
Other two flights at any altitude higher than FEs
and Close Escort. Each flight with (4xPups). Ren-
dezvous over Fienvillers. Block 1
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
8(N) Sqn (8xTripes) Auchel TRN 2x Flights as Escorts for 25 Sqn. Each flight with
(4xTripes). Rendezvous over Lozingham. Block 1.
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 2
25 Sqn (3xFE2b) Lozingham REG LR Recon four hexes (3203, 3304, 3404 and 3305)
designate two as camera equipped. 8(N) provides
2x Flights as Escorts. Each flight with (4xTripes).
Block 1
25 Sqn (5xFE2b) Lozingham REG Trench Recon (2709, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813,
2914). Designate two aircraft as camera equipped.
Block 2
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol from 2415 to 4222 (Med+0). Fly
one Offensive Patrol each Block. Block 2 Patrol
led by Albert Ball (+3 Rating).
57 Sqn (4xFE2d) Fienvillers TRN LR Recon four hexes (4123, 4222, 4322 and 4421)
designate two as camera equipped. 3(N) Sqn pro-
vides 3x Flights (A, B, C) as Escorts. Block 1
59 Sqn (1xRE8) Bellevue TRN Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. British patrols must fly between the listed hexes twice to 2. Select five squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation per Block.
complete patrol. Each flight is a single aircraft. 35 and 59 Sqns are eligible for
this tasking besides the BE2 Sqns.

Bristol F2a of 48 Squadron

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 55

Bloody April Scenario 25 (Show/Campaign) Ground Setup:

Scenario Date: 7 May 1917. On May 7th, the day was again British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
fine and warm but there was a hint of thunder in the air. 56 2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units
Sqn was again heavily involved in the day’s action. 40 Sqn German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
was able to destroy a German balloon line with their Nieuport 2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units/6 Balloons
17s in which every plane suffered damaged from Archie. The
weather became quite bad in the afternoon but the Wing ordered Taskings:
evening patrols to be flown by 19, 29 and 56 Sqns along with
8(N). Many engagements occurred during these patrols but the British: Offensive Patrols/Bombing/LR Recon/Balloon
most significant loss was Albert Ball, whose SE5 emerged from Busting/Artillery Cooperation
a thick cloud only two hundred feet above the ground. It was German: Defensive Scrambles/Artillery Cooperation
inverted and the propeller was stationary when it impacted the
ground, killing him. SSRs:
Time of Day: Block 1 (1030-1200)45 game turns, Block 2 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
(1800-1930) 45 game turns. Blocks may be played in sequence line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
or players may select which Block to play. red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May (Block 2: Historical 2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Weather Mostly Cloudy) Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
German Battery.
3) German Balloon Line. One per hex. 3205-3210 (six hexes)
Scenario VPs:
Per Standards
• La Brayelle Aerodrome 7VP-T, 5VP-H, 2VP-S

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta B Proville VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Note 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Note 2
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Note 2
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. Roll for DLS scout Type and number on Scout Availability 3. Jasta 11 is led by Lothar von Richthofen (+2 Rating).
Table. 4. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
2. Select two German squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
per Block. may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

56 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel TRN Offensive Patrol form (2706- 3610) (Med+0).
Block 1
8(N) (4xTripes) Auchel TRN Offensive Patrol from (2705-3609). Block 2.
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 2
19 Sqn (4xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol from (3120-3111). Block 2.
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol from (2917-2907). Block 2.
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
40 Sqn (6xN17) Bruay VET Balloon Busting. Individual aircraft each targeted
against a single balloon location. Pilots to use:
Mannock (+3), Cudemore (+1), Hall (+0), Redler
(+0), Bond (+0), Pell (NR). Aircraft fly as singles
and are loaded with Buckingham ammunition.
Block 1.
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers REG Bomb La Brayelle aerodrome (3511). Class C Tgt.
Block 1
56 Sqn (5xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol from 2814 to 2804 (Med+0). Block 1
56 Sqn (3xSE5) Vert Galand VET Close Escort for 70 Sqn. Led by Ball (+3) rating.
Rendezvous over Fienvillers. Block 1
56 Sqn (11xSE5) Vert Galand VET “A” Flight (3xSE5) led by Ball (+3), “B” Flight
(4xSE5) led by Crowe (+2), “C” Flight (4xSE5) led
by Hoidge (+2). Each flight must select a different
patrol route (4625-4217) (4123-4615) (4313-4322).
Block 2.
59 Sqn (1xRE8) Bellevue TRN Tasking Note 2
70 Sqn (4xSop1.5) Fienvillers REG LR Recon to Caudry (5225, 5226, 5127) (three
hexes). Designate two aircraft as camera equipped.
Close Escort Flight 56 Sqn. Block 1
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. British Offensive Patrols must fly between the listed hexes 2. Select three squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation per Block.
twice to complete patrol. Each flight is a single aircraft. 35 and 59 Sqns are eligible for
this tasking besides the BE2 Sqns.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 57

Bloody April Scenario 26 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 10 May 1917. On May 10th, the weather was British: Offensive Patrols/Bombing/LR Recon/Artillery
again fine. Trenchard sent out some of the units which had been Cooperation
held back for a while on offensive patrols. Notable on this day German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
was the number of solo patrols flown as both 8(N) and 60 Sqn
sent out pilots on solitary ventures. 55 Sqn suffered heavy losses SSRs:
losing three planes that had been sent out on a bombing mission.
1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
Time of Day: 0800-1000 (60 game turns). line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Ground Setup: Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/ German Battery.
2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units
Scenario VPs:
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
Per Standards
2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units
• Corbehem Aerodrome: 6VP-T, 4VP-H, 2VP-S

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
1(N) (5xTripes) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol from (2917-3812) (High+0).
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
8 Sqn (1xBE2) Soncamp TRN Tasking Note 2
8(N) (1xTripe) Auchel TRN Solo Offensive Patrol from (3001-3009) (Med+0).
Crundall +0 Rating.
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 2
32 Sqn (3xDH2) Léalvillers TRN Offensive Patrol from (3621-4129) (Med+0).
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
40 Sqn (4xN17) Bruay VET Offensive Patrol. Player select ten hexes in enemy
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers REG Bomb Corbehem aerodrome (3613). Class B Target.
59 Sqn (4xRE8) Bellevue TRN LR Recon (2815, 2915, 3014, 3114, 3213, 3412) six
hexes. Designate two aircraft as camera equipped.
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol from (2715-2706). Fly same patrol
again with (1xN17) Fry +0 Rating once first patrol
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol from (2517-3412) (Med+0).
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. British Offensive Patrols must fly between the listed hexes 2. Select three squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation per Block.
twice to complete patrol. Each flight is a single aircraft. 35 Sqn is eligible for this tasking
besides the BE2 Sqns.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

58 Bloody April Playbook

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 30 Phalempin REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 2 and 3
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 2 and 3
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 2 and 3
FA(A)233-S7 (2xLVG C.IV) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 2 and 3
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. Roll for DLS scout Type and number on Scout Availability 4. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
Table. is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
2. Select two German squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation. may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.
3. Select one German FA(A) staffel to fly a Recon mission.
Select any two British aerodromes to photograph. FA(A)
aircraft camera equipped. Schusta aircraft flies protection.

Albatros DIII J5 Voss

Bloody April Scenario 27 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 11 May 1917. On May 11th, the weather British: Offensive Patrols/Trench Strafing/LR Recon/Artil-
was again fine and quite warm. Offensive patrols were flown lery Cooperation
throughout the day with numerous skirmishes between the two German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
combatants. During the evening hours, troops of the British
Third Army attacked and captured enemy positions on both SSRs:
banks of the river Scarpe. FE2bs from 11 Sqn and Nieuports
of 60 Sqn were tasked to strafe enemy positions before the ad- 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
vancing troops. The pilots of 60 Sqn ended up using all the am- line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
munition and returned to Filescamp Farm where they re-armed red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
and flew back again to the front to support the ground troops. 2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
Time of Day: 0800-1000 (60 game turns) Block 1, 1830-1930
German Battery.
(60 game turns) Block 2
3) German ground units are setup in (2914-2916). 2xInf and
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May 1xMG, one unit per hex setup hidden side. Revealed when
Ground Setup: a British flight attempts to strafe them after spending 1MP
to identify them. +-
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units Scenario VPs:
German: Place 10 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight)/ Per Standards
Place 6 Artillery units/Place 3 Ground units (2xInf/1xMG)
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 59

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 2
3(N) Sqn (4xPups) Marieux VET Offensive Patrol (2717-3923/Med+0) Block 1
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
6(N) Sqn (4xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Offensive Patrol (3111-3120/Med+0) Block 2
8 Sqn (1xBE2) Soncamp TRN Tasking Note 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 2
11 Sqn (3xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Trench Strafing (2914-2916)/Deck+0) Block 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 2
19 Sqn (5xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol (2717-3923/Med+0) Block 2
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol (3825-3318/Med+0) Block 1
35 Sqn (1xAW FK8) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
48 Sqn (4xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol (2718-2709/Med+0) Block 1
56 Sqn (6xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol (2508-2501-2511)/Med+0) Block 1
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Trench Strafing (2914-2916)/Deck +0) Block 1
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. British Offensive Patrols must fly between the listed hexes 2. Select three squadrons to fly Artillery Cooperation per Block.
twice to complete patrol. Each flight is a single aircraft. 35 Sqn is eligible for this tasking
besides the BE2 Sqns.

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 10 Bersée VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)202-S21 (2xAlb C.VII) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
FA(A)233-S7 (2xLVG C.IV) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1 and 3
2 Dummies Per Block

Tasking notes:
1. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Co-operation. Per 4. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
Block. is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
2. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
Size and Type. to the British player for doing so.
3. Select one FA(A) Staffeln to fly Trench Recon (maximum
10 hexes). Block 1 only.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
60 Bloody April Playbook

Bloody April Scenario 28 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 24 May 1917. The morning of May 24th was British: Offensive Patrols/Line Patrol/Bombing/Artillery
cloudy, but with large clear patches. Numerous offensive patrols Cooperation
were flown throughout the morning with skirmishes with the German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
German Jasta units. A number of German 2-seaters were air-
borne and were engaged by British scouts. 56 Sqn provided an SSRs:
escort for a flight of DH4s from 55 Sqn on a bombing Tasking
to a railway switching station. 56 Sqn successfully protected 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
the DH4s and engaged numerous German scouts and 2-seaters line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
on their way back across the lines. red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Time of Day: 0830-1030 (60 game turns)
Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May German Battery.
Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/ Per Standards
2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units • Railway Switch Yard: 8VP -T /4VP -H /2VP -S
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 3
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 3
8 Sqn (1xBE2) Soncamp TRN Tasking Note 3
8(N) Sqn (4xTripes) St. Éloi VET Offensive Patrol (2815-3511/Med+0)
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 3
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol (2517-2508)
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 3
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 3
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 3
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 3
19 Sqn (5xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol (2717-3923/Med+0)
29 Sqn (4xN17) Le Hameau REG Offensive Patrol (Select 2 hexes 10 hexes apart in
German territory)
43 Sqn (5xSop1.5) Treizennes REG Line Patrol (2502-2511/Low+0)
48 Sqn (3xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol (2718-3210/Med+0)
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers REG Bomb Railway Switchyard Class C Tgt (5226)
56 Sqn (6xSE5) Vert Galand VET Close Escort for 55 Sqn
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol (2517-3412) Block 1
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol (3020-3916/Med+0)
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. British patrols must fly between the listed hexes twice to 3. Select three BE2 squadrons to fly Artillery Co-operation. Each
complete patrol. flight a single aeroplane.
2. Assign any three squadrons that fly Offensive Patrol in Block
1 to repeat that patrol in Block 2.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

Bloody April Playbook 61

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 7 Eswars VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)256-S13 (2xAEG C.IV) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)233-S7 (2xLVG C.IV) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)264-S11 (2xDFW C.V) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Co-operation 4. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
2. Select one FA(A) Staffeln to fly Trench Recon (maximum is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
10 hexes) may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.
3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.

Albatros DIII J12 Tutschek

Bloody April Scenario 29 (Show/Campaign) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 25 May 1917. May 25th was mainly clear British: Offensive Patrols/Line Patrol/Bombing/LR Recon/
although there were clouds at varying levels. In the words of Artillery Cooperation
the RFC communiqué for the day, “Machines of 56, 66 and 19 German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
Squadrons had considerable fighting. Many patrols were sent
out and almost all the scout squadrons were in action.” SSRs:
Time of Day: 1130-1430 (90 game turns) Block 1, 1830-2030 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
(60 game turns) Block 2 line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Ground Setup: Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/ German Battery.
2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units
Scenario VPs:
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
Per Standards
2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units
• Cantin Aerodrome: 7VP-T / 5VP-H /2VP-S
• Corbehem Aerodrome: 7VP-T / 5VP -H /2VP-S
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
62 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 3
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 3
6(N) Sqn (3xN17bis) Bellevue TRN Offensive Patrol (2515-3715/Med+0) Block 1
8(N) Sqn (2xTripes) St. Éloi VET Offensive Patrol (2409-3314/Med+0) Block 1
8 Sqn (1xBE2) Soncamp TRN Tasking Note 3
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 3
11 Sqn (4xFE2b) Le Hameau REG Line Patrol (2517-2508) Block 1
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 3
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 3
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 3
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 3
19 Sqn (5xSpad) Vert Galand REG Offensive Patrol (2717-3923/Med+0)/ Block 1
48 Sqn (3xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol (2718-3210/Med+0)/ Block 1
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers REG Bomb Cantin Aerodrome Class B Tgt(3914) Block 1
55 Sqn (4xDH4) Fienvillers REG Bomb Corbehem Aerodrome Class B Tgt(3613) Block 2
56 Sqn (6xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol (3523-3516-2611/Med+0) Block 1
60 Sqn (4xN17) Filescamp Farm REG Offensive Patrol (2517-3412) Block 1
66 Sqn (4xPups) Vert Galand TRN Offensive Patrol (3020-4220/Med+0) Block 1
70 Sqn (3xSop1.5) Fienvillers REG LR Recon (2915-2917, 3014-3114) five hexes. Two
aeroplanes are camera equipped Block 2
3 Dummies Both Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. British patrols must fly between the listed hexes twice to com- 2. Assign any three squadrons that fly Offensive Patrol in Block
plete patrol. Exception 56 Sqn flies between all three hexes 1 to repeat that patrol in Block 2.
once for a complete patrol. 3. Select four (Block 1) and three (Block 2) BE2 squadrons to
fly Artillery Cooperation. Each flight a single aeroplane.

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 3 Guesnain REG Defensive Scramble
Jasta 4 La Brayelle VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 12 Roucourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 33 Villers-au-Tertre REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)256-S13 (2xAEG C.IV) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)233-S7 (2xLVG C.IV) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
FA(A)264-S11 (2xDFW C.V) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1 and 2
2 Dummies Both Blocks 1 and 2

Tasking notes:
1. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Co-operation per Block 3. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
2. Select one FA(A) Staffeln to fly Trench Recon (maximum Size and Type.
10 hexes) per Block 4. All Jasta units available each block.
© 2012 GMT Games, LLC
Bloody April Playbook 63

Bloody April Scenario 30 (Show) Taskings:

Scenario Date: 28 May 1917. As the month of May wound British: Offensive Patrols/Line Patrol/Artillery Cooperation
down, British operations began to wane in the Arras area as the German: Defensive Scrambles/Recon/Artillery Cooperation
Allied High Command had decided to transfer the main theatre
of operations northwards, to the British front in Flanders. The SSRs:
disastrous failure of the French spring offensive on the Aisne,
with its subsequent loss of morale and mutinies in the French 1) Trench Line is OT 2301-2506, blue line 2506-2710, black
armies, was to throw the bulk of the summer fighting onto the line 2710-2811, red line 2812-2813, black line 2914-2916,
British armies. red line 2917-2920, then OT to 4131/4331.
2) German Artillery sets up first within three hexes of Trench
Time of Day: 0830-1130 (60 game turns)
Line and the British Artillery placed within five hexes of a
Weather: Roll on Weather Table for May German Battery.
Ground Setup: Scenario VPs:
British: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/ Per Standards
2xHvy)/Place 10 Artillery units
German: Place 12 Archie counters inactive (4xMed/6xLight/
2xHvy)/Place 6 Artillery units

Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
Jasta 5 Boistrancourt VET Defensive Scramble
Jasta 11 Roucourt ACE Defensive Scramble
Jasta 33 Villers-au-Tertre REG Defensive Scramble
FA(A)238-S30b (2xDFW C.V) Abscon TRN Tasking Notes 1, 2 and 3
FA(A)211-S19 (2xDFW C.V) Faumont REG Tasking Notes 1, 2 and 3
FA(A)256-S13 (2xAEG C.IV) Corbehem REG Tasking Notes 1, 2 and 3
FA(A)233-S7 (2xLVG C.IV) Cuincy REG Tasking Notes 1, 2 and 3
FA(A)288-S4 (2xDFW C.V) Douai REG Tasking Notes 1, 2 and 3
2 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Artillery Cooperation 5. German Jasta aircraft can only launch once a British flight
2. Select two FA(A) Staffeln to fly Trench Recon (maximum is detected or crosses a Trench Line hex. German player
10 hexes) may launch one Jasta flight at game start but awards 5VPs
to the British player for doing so.
3. Two of the FA(A) Staffeln may not takeoff prior to turn 10.
4. Roll on German Scout Availability Table for Jasta Flight
Size and Type.

© 2012 GMT Games, LLC

64 Bloody April Playbook

Royal Flying Corps ~ Air Order of Battle

Unit Plane(s) Aerodrome Rating Tasking
2 Sqn (1xBE2) Hesdigneul TRN Tasking Note 2
5 Sqn (1xBE2) Savy TRN Tasking Note 2
8 Sqn (1xBE2) Soncamp TRN Tasking Note 2
10 Sqn (1xBE2) Chocques TRN Tasking Note 2
12 Sqn (1xBE2) Avesnes-le-Comte TRN Tasking Note 2
13 Sqn (1xBE2) Étrun TRN Tasking Note 2
15 Sqn (1xBE2) Léalvillers TRN Tasking Note 2
16 Sqn (1xBE2) Camblain TRN Tasking Note 2
25 Sqn (4xFE2d) Lozingham REG Line Patrol (2503-2512)
40 Sqn (4xN17) Bruay VET Offensive Patrol (3102-3114/Med+0) Takeoff turn
20 or later
48 Sqn (3xBF2a) Bellevue REG Offensive Patrol (2718-3210/Med+0)
56 Sqn (4xSE5) Vert Galand VET Offensive Patrol (2917-2907/High+0)
60 Sqn (1xN17) Filescamp REG Maj. Scott(NR) Offensive Patrol(2615-2606/
Med+0). Takeoff by game turn 5
(4xN17) Offensive Patrol (2517-3412)Takeoff by turn 15
3 Dummies

Tasking notes:
1. British patrols must fly between the listed hexes twice to 2. Select three BE2 squadrons to fly Artillery Co-operation.
complete patrol.

GMT Games, LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

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