Academic Writing: Competence and Difficulties of Senior High School Students at Cotabato City National High School-Main Campus

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Cotabato City National High School Main Campus

Sinsuat avenue; Cotabato City

Practical Research 2
September 23, 2019

Academic Writing: Competence and Difficulties of Senior High School Students at Cotabato
City National High School-Main Campus
Mudaresa M. Apit, Uzair M. Kudto, Amiroden T. Sultan, Jamillah A. Yusoph
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
Cotabato City National High School Main Campus

professional communication. This is determined the students prior

academic experiences regarding on academic, as well s their strength
1. INRODUCTION and weaknesses and their communicative competence. Aside from
criticizing to expand the knowledge of the student in Academic and
1.1 Background of the study other linguistic skills it is important to know how to improve student
in field of academe. National Research Council (2005). It is
This study concern with Academic Writing in important to practice the student development automaticity in
line with their difficulties and competence specifically in Senior High understanding text and question into particular subject like English
School Students. the literature on academic writing in higher learning academe since it was taught as an international language in terms of
contains a wealth of research and theory on students writing communication. It may appear as hard as to study and understand on
competence and difficulties. Kempenaar (2016). More over this study first hand but it’s understandable in countries like Philippines since it
aims to understand the academic writing practices of the student as is not a first language or mother tongue.
well as their competences and difficulties in academic writing.
Academic writing refers to the style of expression the researchers will Many of it can be improve by understanding and
use as intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific enhancing grammatical structure and focused on the learners needs to
area of expertise. The characteristics of academic writing usually improve their communicating style this is a one way of having
focuses in formal tone, used third-person rather than first-person competence in Academic Writing, Aurkerman (2006). It is necessary
perspective, diction, language, punctuation, academic convention, to rethink teaching practices in order to allow the student to ne the
reasoning Routledge (2008). main actor or modeler for their learning process De Brusa et al.
(2019). Writing academic paper like essays, journals, literature
The efficiency of the students in academic writing has many reviews, term papers research papers are thing that will boost your
benefits. Its helps the students to think critically, present complex competence in academic writing. Students Life(2016). In terms of
ideas logically, boost creativity, confidence and writing skills. academic writing competences this may varied your papers has no
Students life(2016) this will give emphasis such as useful information errors in terms of grammar, punctuations, language, or style, however
relating to writing skills, thus the study concern in recognizing and there is inflict of difficulties in academic writing this those student
analyzing the difficulties and problem that will give the students have difficulties in using the right words in the right places. This in
competence in academic writing Megaiab M.( 2014). Emphasize in turn, has direct affect on their sentences structure. As a result, their
learning in English, there are four language skills; listening, writing, academic papers is filled with errors. Lexical difficulties can be solve
reading, speaking skills. Oral mode of skills, and writing and reading by reading more, reading increases exposure, knowledge,
are written. This will give key factor which will view the difficulties experiences, and give you a nice idea of what content is engaging.
of the student in academic writing. David E. (2019).

The academic writing is one way to enhance Motivating the interest of the students in topics
student efficiency in English Language focused on critical reading, and raise attentiveness by providing reasons for knowledge. Most
writing, analyzation, and research skills placed on developing students are focused about the subjects in terms of grammar,
communication skills in preparation to vocabulary and reading efficiency. Now the question is, how to get
better in these parts?Is it the biggest deal for students who are below
average level or state in reading, comprehension a21nd proficiency
on how to enhance them with this problem. Once those needs are
understood, it is a lot easier to classify potential solutions motivating
the learners to learn comprehensions. Gammill (2006)
Cotabato City National High School Main Campus
Sinsuat avenue; Cotabato City
Practical Research 2
September 23, 2019

1.2 Review of Literature make a good quality of sentence. this means that we should engage
the student to read using the “Iqra techniques” since that it’s the first
word in Holy Quran that comes upon the Prophet Mohammad(SAW)
Rosmaniand AbdulWahab(2011) the word “Iqra” means read or
The study of writing competence efficient and student’s recite[7] to understand the relationship between reading
performance in Academic Writing of Senior High School student Comprehension and writing Competence, however some student’s
used to determine the levels of the writing competence and they know how to write but they can’t read base on observation of the
difficulties of the student in construction of word and organizing of scholar.
idea. Writing skills enhance the students to communicate using their
imagination and exchanges of ideas in social lives. It is commonly A number of studies also highlight the importance of
used in language competence and comprehensive quality. Academic linguistic knowledge and processing ability skills for proficient
writing is a big problem in senior high school students from suffers reading. Pang (2008) refers those students’ have appropriate
from limited knowledge and weak formation of idea. Therefore, some knowledge of vocabulary and critical thinking in the field of literal,
student lost their confident in writing because of lack of organization Evaluate, Essential, Critique, inferential are helpful in terms of
of sentence, accurate use of punctuation marks and capitalization of forming a sentence. Pretorius(2002) investigated the relationship
words. Process Writing. Donald M. Murray(1972) published a brief between reading skills and academic performance of the student
manifested titled “ Teach Writing as a Process Not Product”, which undergraduate level. The findings of study indicated that
awaked from many writers that writing can be learn by a process. underperforming students had serious reading problems. In that case
However Maxine Hairston(1982) argued that teaching of writing had most of the students have difficulties in reading, similarly in the
undergone a “ paradigm shift” in moving from a focus on written semantic role of word that result difficulty to the students to
product to writing processes. Mahon(1992) pointed out that process understand the text they read. The main focus of this study is to
writing approach involves teaching pupils strategies to help them develop the student’s interest in the field of writing skills.
express themselves in writing. Students developed their interest by
the help of teacher this means the in writing skills it’s very important According to Heaton(1988:135) that writing skills are
to guide the student to improve the writing ability, speaking, reading, complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only
to improve their ability in terms of communicating. of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and
judgmental elements. Also Ghazi ( 2002:1) says that writing is a
According to Belloni and Jongsma’s(1978) study stated that complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas,
“Student comprehend better when they are interest in what they are and make them visible and concrete. Writing encourages the student
preferred”. However; Jarvis (2000) emphasizes that many students do in thinking and learning to communicate effectively and makes their
not enjoy writing because they feel that if they cannot do it correctly thought credible. In Academic writing needs some skills such as ;(1)
at the first time then they will never get it. To understand how the using vocabularies in writing;(2) generating the ideas;(3)using tenses
student get their attention in and writing skills it’s important to or grammar for writing. Masjhari(2010).after doing this tree skills,
provide a learning material to enhance the students to read and the statement should examined , scheme, structure of sentence to
analyze the text either non-fiction or fiction and look the relationship make perfect writing, it also required the student have a stuck
of the student in what they read in the text. This information was use knowledge to easily create a good quality of writing.
to understand in order to see what are the student’s preferred to read
and how affected their abilities in writing skills. Gebhard(1996)
pointed out that the useful things in writing are word choice, use of
appropriate grammar, syntax, mechanics and organization of ideas 1.3 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
into coherent and cohesive form. In Senior high student specially
Humanities and Social Science track in reading and writing works as Independent Variable Dependent Variable
an essential processes in learning new information, in translating
massage, in making sense of new ideas and for exchange those idea
with others.

According to Heald-Taylor(1986) describes process writing is Academic Writing Student

an approach which encourage the ESL youngsters to communicate performance
their own written massages while simultaneously developing their
literacy skills in speaking and reading rather that delaying
involvement in the writing process, as advocated in past, until
students gave perfected their abilities in handwriting, reading,
phonetics, spelling ,grammar, and punctuation. Therefore a student
needs to identify the different usage of the literary devices in order to
Cotabato City National High School Main Campus
Sinsuat avenue; Cotabato City
Practical Research 2
September 23, 2019

Figure 1: Theoretical. This study concerns with exploring the student’s

performance in English in field of academic writing. To explore the
This study shows the relationship of Academic Writing as importance of academic writing to establish student’s competences as
independent variable and student’s performance as dependent well as to determine the reasons of the student’s strength and
variable. Tierney and Pearson consider both reading and writing as weaknesses of field of academic writing.
analogues process of composing. That although reading and writing
are strongly interconnected, they are frequently treated as discrete

This figure shows that Academic Writing of the students

have significance effect towards reading comprehension of the
students to build their English competencies.

2.1 Design

The study utilizes mixed method specifically quantitative

1.4 Statement of the problem and qualitative research design to gather the information of the senior
high school students writing competence. This research design sought
These study concerns gathering standard data and exploring the impact of writing competence and difficulties in field of academic
the academic writing: competence and difficulties of senior high writing. This study is to determine student strength and weaknesses
school students an Cotabato city National High School Main in different areas like reading, writing, speaking and oral
Campus. communication.

2.2 Respondents

1. What is the level of the student performance in academic The respondents of this study were the students from
writing in terms of: Humanities and Social Science(HUMSS) of Cotabato City National
High School Main- Campus, Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato city during
1.1 Grades the school year of 2019-2020.To know the level of their Academic
1.2 Academic Performances Performance: Competence and Difficulties of Senior high school
1.3 Writing Skills Students.

2.3 Measurement
2. What the level of the student in academic writing in terms of;
The researcher utilize questionnaire to determine the
academic competence and difficulties of the students in field of
2.1 Grammar academic writing. It is list of survey questionnaire to gather the
2.2 Vocabulary information that being asked to the respondents. The researcher
2.3 test score instrument is used to collect price typical data over a large number of
3. What are the difficulties and competences of the students in
senior high school in field of writing?

2.4 Sampling Technique

1.5 Hypothesis The researchers exploit purposive technique. A non-

probability sample that is selected based on distinctiveness of a
The null hypothesis of the study that is presented below: population and the objective of the study. The participants are
selected according to the need of the study.
There is significant relationship of writing competence of
the students towards their performance in field of academic writing. 2.5 Procedure

1.6 Significance of the study The researchers used to start the study on consulting to our
research adviser to allow us to conduct the study about “Academic
Cotabato City National High School Main Campus
Sinsuat avenue; Cotabato City
Practical Research 2
September 23, 2019

Writing: Competence and Difficulties of the Senior High School

Students.To determine the impact of level of writing skills and
students performance specifically at Cotabato City National High
School Main-Campus. After the consultation our research adviser
allowed us to start the study and to be part of it.

More over the researchers start to collect the standard

information such as article to that is related in the study to gain
specific information and start the study precisely. The researchers
provide article, questionnaire to gather the information and the
purpose of the study is to explore their respondents,

After the necessary assessment was completed the

researcher will analyze and standardizes the data through statistical

2.6 Data Analysis

Direction: Please rate the fallowing questioned in title “Writing

competence and Student’s Performance in Academic Writing. Using
the rating tool below by encircling.

Scale Description

4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

2.7 Limitations of the Study

This study focused on exploring the impact of academic writing

to determine the students in senior high competences and difficulties
in field of academe. This study was conducted only for HUMSS
students at Cotabato City National High School- Main Campus. The
participant selected according to the needs of the study.
Cotabato City National High School Main Campus
Sinsuat avenue; Cotabato City
Practical Research 2
September 23, 2019

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