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This program targets

Cape Cod & the Islands the younger child, however, older
Cape Cod & the Islands

siblings & children are always wel-

(Tue & Thu year round) Art come. 10:30am. Eldredge Library,
without Boundries 964 Main St, Chatham, MA Call
Join Miss Lori for a hands-on art for more info: 508-945-5170
class where children enjoy painting
messy masterpieces & many other (Mondays thru 9/15) Wildlife
projects. 10:30am-2:30pm. Cape Discovery Tour at Long Point Join a naturalist on an exciting
Cod Children’s Museum, 577 Great Wildlife Discovery Tour lets you adventure. All trips focus on the
Neck Rd., Mashpee Call for more experience the beauty of one of natural history of saltwater com-
info: 508-539-8788 www.capecod- the rarest habitats in the world: munities found on Martha’s Vine- sandplain grasslands. Witness yard. 10am-12pm. Fee: Member
breathtaking views of the Atlantic $28 Non-member $35. Registration
(Fridays year round) Critter Ocean and explore refuge habitats, required. Ages 11 and up with adult.
Capers as you paddle throughout Tisbury Felix Neck Wilflife Sanctuary, 100
Drop in for a half-hour visit with Great Pond. 8:30am-1:30pm. Fees Felix Neck Dr., Edgartown, 508-
the naturalist & one of the nature are Members: Adult $15; Child 627-4850 or e-mail: felixneck@
center’s resident animals. suit- (15 and under) $10. Nonmember: www.massaudu-
able for ages, 3 & up, year-round. Adult $25; Child (15 and under)
10:30am. Green Briar Nature Cen- $10. Long Point Wildlife Refuge,
ter, 6 Discovery Hill Rd, Sandwich Off Edgartown-West Tisbury Road, (thru Tue. 9/30) Kayak Quest
508-888-6870 www.thorntonbur- West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, A self guided tour. The Quest clues For additional information call 508- will help you uncover the story of
693-3678 the pond’s people, places, wildlife.
(Fridays) year round) Kid’s Your quest ends after you find the
Night Out (Mondays thru 9/29) Classic hidden Quest box. Mon. & Fri:
New activities each week. 4-8pm. Car Cruise Nights 1pm-3:30pm. Tues.-Thur.: 9am-
Free CCod Factory Outlet Mall, 1 11:30pm, 11:am-1:30pm, 1:30pm-
Factory Dr, Sagamore . Call for 4pm. Call and sign up. Fee: mem-
more info: 508-888-8417 ber $30. Non-member $40. (all
equipment included.) Felix Neck
(Fridays & Saterdays year Wilflife Sanctuary, 100 Felix Neck
round) Mystic Bowl Dr., Edgartown, 508-627-4850 or e-
Enjoy a state of the art light & mail: [email protected]
sound show while you bowl.
Fri: 6pm Sat: 9pm. Ryan Family
Amusements, 3 locations, 441 Main A Touch of Nostalgia from with the (Tuesdays & Thursdays thru
St., Hyannis, 508-775-3411, 1067 Cape Cod Classics Car Club. Enjoy Sept) Marine Discovery
Rte. 28, So. Yarmouth, 508-394- looking at all of the beautiful clas-
5644 & 200 Main St., Buzzards sic automobiles. Time: 6pm-8pm.
Bay, MA Call for more info: 508- Meservey’s Family Restaurant,
759-9892. Bowling parties avail- 2175 Main Street, So Chatham.
able. Contact: Chatham Chamber of
Commerce 508-945-5199 www.
(Saterdays year round) Drop-
In Storyhour
Ages 3+. Join Tammy & Sarah (Mondays & Fridays thru
for stories, songs & theme-related 9/29) Guided Kayak Tour
Cruise from Oaksbluff Harbor to You are cordially invited to join the farm staff. When the chores are
Vineyard Sound aboard a Coast Hyannis Main Street community done, participants will enjoy a sim-

Cape Cod & the Islands

Guard licensed boat.I f time permits the first Thurs of every month for ple breakfast. 8am-10am. Members
participants will their hand at scup a collective open house of galler- Adult $14.Child (6-12) $7. Non-
fishing. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Members ies and shops all within walking member Adult $20. Child (6-12)
$30 Non-members $40. Children distance of each other. Our Artscape $10. Space is limited to 15 partici-
under 8 $4. Registration required. Exclusives offer venues for local pants. To register, please contact
Felix Neck Wilflife Sanctuary, 100 artists to show their work on Main Kathy Roncarati at (508) 746- 1622
Felix Neck Dr., Edgartown, 508- Street, as well as a chance for the X 8114 or [email protected]
627-4850 or e-mail: felixneck@ galleries to feature various artistic Plymouth Plantation, 137 Warren www.massaudu- mediums. Meet, greet, eat, and Avenue, Plymouth 508-746- 1622 shop for local and unique art. Visit
any one of the galleries or special
(Wednedays thru 9/10) Wild events on Main Street in Hyan- (Saturdays & Sundays thru
Wednesdays nis, and receive 20% off of your 12/21) Cape Cod Winery Wine
Join us each week as we high- dinner at one of our participating Tastings
light different specias of flora and restaurants. Event time: 5pm-8pm.
fauna. 10am-11am. Fee. members Hyannis Main Street, Hyannis 508-
$6. Non-menbers $9. Felix Neck 775-7982 e-mail: info@hyannis-
Wilflife Sanctuary, 100 Felix Neck
Dr., Edgartown, 508-627-4850 or e-
mail: [email protected] (Fridays thru 9/5) Mashpee Open Market
A unique shopping experience
(Wednesdays & Thursdays featuring artisan made goods, fine
thru Sept.) Down by the Shore art and fresh produce. 10am-4pm. 11am - 4pm . Cape Cod Win-
Take a short walk through the forest Mashpee Commons, Mashpee Con- ery, 681 Sandwich Road, East
to a protected beach, where you tact: Staff Phone: 508-477-5400 Falmouth, 508-457-5592 www.
will meet amazing creatures. Wear
clothes and shoes that can get wet. (Fridays thru 9/27) Breakfast
Wed: 1pm-2:30pm Thur: 10am- with the Animals (Sundays thru 10/13) 12th
11:30am & 1pm-2:30pm. Members Annual Vineyard Artisans Sum-
$6 Non-members $9. Children mer Fair
under 3 Free. Felix Neck Wilflife Fair features many of the Islands
Sanctuary, 100 Felix Neck Dr., Ed- top craftspeople. Food available,
gartown, 508-627-4850 or e-mail: free parking. Craft demonstrations
[email protected] www. 10am-2pm, Free. Contact: Andrea Rogers. West Tisbury Grange Hall,
West Tisbury Grange Hall, West
(First Thursdays of Month Tisbury. 508-693-8989 www.vine-
thru 11/6) Artscape Wake up with Plimoth Plantation’s
Rare Breed animals including
Kerry and Milking Devon cows, (Sundays thru 10/31) Lost Gar-
San Clemente and Arapawa goats dens of New England
and kids, Wiltshire sheep, and Red Heritage celebrates the bygone gar-
Dorking chickens. Participants will dens of New England in the newly
learn modern and historical farming renovated History Museum. 10am-
practices by helping with the morn- 4pm. Free with Museum Admis-
ing chores along side the museum’s sion. American History Museum
Heritage Museums & Gardens, 67 and the brother’s aunt and you have
Grove Street, Sandwich, To register the ingredients necessary for this (thru Wed. 10/8) Cape Poge
Cape Cod & the Islands

a car to show, call 508.888.3300, hilarious character driven comedy. Natural History Tour
x-102, or E-Mail mwilkins@ Tue-Sun: 8pm. $20. Playhouse,120 Cape Poge Natural History Tour Email: info@ Main Street, Orleans 508.255.3075 allows you to enjoy a 2.5-hour www.heri- [email protected] oversand vehicle exploration through Chappy’s sand barrier
(thru Sun. 9/21) Sexual Perver- beach. Relax and enjoy birding,
(thru Sat. 9/6) Fabuloso sity in Chicago beachcombing, and great photo
Fabuloso is a comedy about the Danny and Deborah are in love, opportunities. 9am-2pm, Fee:
pleasure in bedlam and a working despite the reservations of their $15/$18/$30 & $40. Cape Poge
metaphor for bringing up babies. cynical best friends. But can true Wildlife Refuge, Edgartown Dike
Time: 8pm. $32. Julie Harris Stage, love be made from a one-night Road, Chappaquiddick Island,
Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, stand? One of David Mamet’s first Martha’s Vineyard 508-627-7689
2357 Start Hwy Rt 6, (Next to Post hits, this 1974 classic is an enjoy-
Office) Wellfleet, 508-349-9428 able romp through the bars, beds, and other battlefields of the Sexual (thru Wed. 10/8) Fishing Dis-
Revolution. Time: 8pm. $32. Julie covery Tour
(thru Sun. 9/6) New England Harris Stage, Wellfleet Harbor Ac-
Sculptors Assoc. Exhibit & Sale tors Theater, 2357 Start HWY Rt
Gallery exhibit features works of 6, (Next to Post Office) Wellfleet,
30 artists from the NESA who are 508-349-9428
nationally known and regionally
recognized sculptors. Time: M-F (Tuesdays thru 9/23) Yoga in
10am-4pm; Sat 10am-2pm. Cotuit the Gardens
Center for the Arts, 4404 Rte. 28, Catherine Paulson is back to lead
Cotuit, 508-428-0669 www.Cotuit- this popular class, held in various gardens throughout the grounds Catch fish-and fishing tips-on this
every Tuesday, June through Sep- 4-hour oversand vehicle trip. You’ll
(thru Wed. 9/10) Art Exhibi- tember. 8am-9pm. Fees per 4-week learn the artful skills of surfcasting,
tion session: Members: $50; Non-Mem- reading the water, and filleting fish.
Artists: Paul Bowen, Maryalice bers: $55. Drop in Fee: $15 per We provide the tackle. You bring
Johnston, Irene Lipton & Katherine class. Heritage Museums & Gar- a snack and a sense of adventure.
Bradford. Location: artSTRAND, dens, 67 Grove Street, Sandwich, 8:30am-1:30pm. Members only:
494 Commercial Street, Province- To register or for more information, Adult $60; Child (15 and under)
town, 508-487-1153 Email: info@ call 508-888-3300 x-102 Email: $25. Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge, www.artsfoundation. [email protected] www. Dike Road, Chappaquiddick Island,
org Martha’s Vineyard 508-627-3599
E-mail: [email protected] www.
(thru Sat. 9/13) Neil Simon’s, (thru Wed. 10/8) Wildlife Ca-
Come Blow Your Horn noe/Kayak Tour
It is a very funny comedy about a Paddle through the wild coast of (thru 10/8) Cape Poge Natural
33 year old playboy and his obedi- the island and observe its natural History Tour
ent 21 year old brother who work wonders with a Trustees naturalist. Cape Poge Natural History Tour al-
for their Jewish father, the owner 9am-2pm, Fee: $15/$18/$30 & lows you to enjoy a 2.5-hour over-
of the largest artifical fruit business $40. Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge, sand vehicle exploration through
in the east. Throw in their daffy Edgartown Dike Road, Chappa- Chappy’s sand barrier beach. Relax
mother, the playboy’s true lady quiddick Island, Martha’s Vineyard and enjoy birding, beachcombing,
love, a sexpot upstairs neighbor 508-627-7689 and great photo opportunities. 9am-
2pm, Fee: $15/$18/$30 & $40. (Thru Sun. 11/30) Flight Path: eficiaries:
Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge, Edgar- Plimouth Beach

Cape Cod & the Islands

town Dike Road, Chappaquiddick Plymouth Beach is part of the (Mon 9/1,6,7) Day Out with
Island, Martha’s Vineyard 508- breathtaking panorama seen from Thomas the Tank Engine
627-7689 Plimoth Plantation. Few visitors Take a 2-mile train ride through
know that this beautiful shoreline the 1300 acre cranberry plantation,
(thru Mon. 10/13) Poucha plays a crucial role in a complex get your photo taken with Thomas,
Pond-Self Tour and ancient system of shorebird enjoy live entertainment, storytell-
Reap the benefits of Trustees migration routes running from the ing, amusement rides and more.
membership as you paddle through tip of South America to the Arctic Admission is $18. and includes all
Poucha Pond on half- or full-day tundra. In addition to the threatened rides and attractions and parking is
excursions. With map, discover the and endangered species that breed free. Edaville USA, 7 EDA Av-
effects humans and nature have and nest on this local barrier beach, enue, Carver, 508-866-8190 www.
had on salt marsh, dune, and shore. more than 20,000 migratory birds
Fees: Members only: 4 hours for use the bay as a fuel stop. Eighty-
$25 or 8 hours for $35 (per canoe or five striking images by nature (Mon. 9/1-Sat. 9/13) The
kayak). 9am-5pm. Notes: Special photographer Jim Fenton provide Devil’s Music: The Life & Blues
membership offer available. Cape a close-up of coastal water bird life of Bessie Smith
Poge Wildlife Refuge, Dike Road, to reveal their beauty and behavior. Born in a
Chappaquiddick Island, Martha’s Developed in partnership with the one room
Vineyard 508-627-3599 E-mail: Manomet Center for Conservation shack in
[email protected] www.thetrustees. Sciences, Goldenrod Foundation Tennes-
org and Massachusetts Audubon So- see as
ciety, and produced with generous one of
(thru Sun. 10/19) King Richard’s financial support from the Bobolink seven
Faire Foundation, Goldenrod Foundation, children,
Sheehan Family Foundation and Bessie Smith started singing the
others. The Museum Shops in the blues early in life. With the advent
Visitor Center and Crafts Center are of recordings and touring shows
open from 10 am to 5:30 pm,. Plim- in the 1920s, Bessie Smith soon
outh Plantation only: Adults $28, became a superstar known as the
Children $18. 137 Warren Avenue, “Empress of the Blues.” R&B diva
Plymouth, MA 508 746 1622 www. Miche Braden brings Bessie Smith to life in a sizzling hot show filled
with music and life. Contact play-
Weekends and holidays. A vivid (Mon. 9/1) 3rd Annual 5K house for times and ticket prices.
recreation of the 16th century Road Race The Cape Cod Center for the Arts,
English market place. Actors, Awards to top male and female fin- Inc, 820 Rte. 6A, Dennis Village,
dancers, puppeteers, jugglers, ishers in Junior, Adult, and Senior 1-877-385-3911 www.capeplay-
minstrels, mimes, magicians and categories. Runners will receive
musicians perform each weekend official number, race t-shirt and
for the favor Of His Royal High- official times at finish line. Time:10 (Wed. 9/3 thru 9/13) Guided
ness King Richard. 10:30am- am., early registration/number Bird Walk on Long Beach
6pm. Adults $25 Kids 5-12 pick up 9 am. Registration $15. Meet at State Pier (near Mayflower)
$14. Kids under 5 Free. King Download application at website to and take the water route (via The
Richard’s Faire, Route 58 Carver. register. Location: Corner of Bob Volunteer, Plimoth Plantation’s
508-866-5391 www.kingrichards- Crowell Rd & Old Bass River Rd, work boat) to Goldenrod Cottage Dennis Contact: Dennis Chamber on Plymouth’s Long Beach. Once
of Commerce 508-398-3568 Ben- at Goldenrod you will get an intro-
duction to this important breeding winning violinist Joshua Bell ashe
and nesting area and to the day’s performs Tchaikovsky’s venerable
Cape Cod & the Islands

events that will include a guided (Sat. 9/6 ) Sandwich Artisans Violin Concerto. This one night
bird walk and a hearty snack at the Show & Sale benefit event will be a unique op-
cottage. You’ll also have a chance to Outdoor sale of art & crafts fea- portunity to hear this superb musi-
enjoy this wonderful beach before turing oils, watercolors, pottery, cian. 6pm. Barnstable Performing
you take the water taxi back to the jewelry, glassware, apparel, and Arts Center, 744 West Main Street,
pier. 2:30pm. All times reflect the more. Time: 10am-4pm. Grounds Hyannis, Contact: Kristi Tyldesley
start time at the State Pier in Plym- of Sandwich Public Library, Sand- Phone: 508.432.1445 Beneficiaries:
outh .$75 for non-members; $50 wich. Contact: Janet Gauland CCSO
for members, limit of 12 people per 508.362.8086 Beneficiaries: Sand-
walk. The deadline to regsiter for wich Public Library www.home- (Sundays 9/7 thru 10/26)
this walk is Fri. 8/29th. RSVP by Nauset Lighthouse Tours
contacting Kathy Roncarati at kro-
[email protected] or 508-746- (Sat. 9/6-Sun. 9/7) Bird Carv-
1622, ext 8114. ers’ Show & Sale
Twenty of the state’s most presti-
(Tues. 9/5,12,19) Nature gious bird carvers will show and
Sketching for Families sell their wares. Some will give
This program will encourage chil- carving demonstrations for the
dren and their adult friends to focus public. Admission fee of $3 for
in a quiet setting, observe the natu- members of the Thornton W. Bur- 4:30pm-7:30pm. Tours are free and
ral world, and have fun with draw- gess Society, $5 for non-members. open to the public (donations ac-
ing what they see. 9:30am-11am 10am-4pm. Benefits the Society’s cepted). Parking is available at Nau-
Fee: Adults $6 m/ $8 nm, Children educational programs At the Green set Light Beach parking lot (Cape
$6 m/ $8 n. Registration is required. Briar Nature Center & Jam Kitchen, Cod National Seashore) Parking
You may also call Wellfleet Bay 6 Discovery Hill Road, East Sand- fees may apply. Directions to Nau-
and register by phone with a credit wich, 508-888-6870 www.thorn- set Light: Route 6 to Bracket Road
card. Please do not submit registra- (third traffic signal from Eastham/
tion requests via e-mail. For more Orleans rotary). Right onto Bracket
information, contact: Wellfleet Bay, (Sat. 9/6) Plimoth Plantation’s Road. Go to end and take left onto
291 State Highway, Route 6, South 5th Annual Fundraising Gala Nauset Road. Take first right onto
Wellfleet, 508-349-2615 E-mail: 6pm-1pm. To receive your invita- Cable Road. At end of Cable Road,
[email protected] www. tion or for details call Kim Corben take left onto Ocean View Drive at 508.746.1622, x8226 or send to parking lot. Walk along path to
an email to [email protected] Nauset Light.
(Fri. 9/5 thru Sun. 9/7) MS
Challenge Walk- Charity (Tues. 9/9) Election 2008
This is a 3-day 50 mile walk along (Sun. 9/7) An Evening with Each year W.H.A.T. commemo-
Cape Cod that raises much needed Joshua Bell, A Stellar CCSO rates 9/11 with a thought-provoking
funds for the fight against Multiple Be swept event in Provincetown. A panel of
Sclerosis. Location: Travels across away by political pundits representing both
Cape towns, following Bike Path. the bold, parties joins WCAI’s Mindy Todd
Event Time: Starts in Hyannis - charis- to discuss the upcoming election.
Ends on Sunday in Hyannis Con- matic Buy a premium ticket for special
tact: Kathy Hannon, walker 508- artistry seating and an after-party with Todd
517-2554 Beneficiaries: NMSS, all of and our special political guests –
those touched by Multiple Sclerosis Grammy and check back for announcements www. award on panel participants. 8pm. Regu-
lar Tickets: $25 Premium Tickets: (Sat. 9/13-Sun. 9/14) Down- tember 14 or 20. For More Informa-
$50 (Includes reception) Unitarian town Plymouth Art Stroll tion contact: Tivoli Day, Circuit

Cape Cod & the Islands

Universalist Meeting House, 236 In conjunction with the 40th Annual Ave, Circuit Ave, Oak Bluffs www.
Commercial Street, Provincetown Plymouth Art Guild Show. For
W.H.A.T. office: 508-349-9428 more information go online to www. (Sat. 9/13) The Summer Con-
cert Series at Colony Place
(Thur. 9/11 thru Sun. 9/14) 3rd (Sat. 9/13) Out at Plimoth DougWauchope: Five Piece Brass
Martha’s Vineyard International Plantation Group. Enjoy great live music plus
Film Festival Vineyard Come on out and have some fun. lots of family fun. All concerts are
The Festival will present a selec- Plimoth Plantation welcomes Gay, feature art displays, wine tastings
tion of films from around the globe Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender from Village Vineyards and food
by international filmmakers: Films individuals, couples and families offerings from participating restau-
drawn from top-notch festivals like to enjoy the museum’s sites, exhib- rants.1-3pm Colony Place Mall,
Sundance, Berlin, and Cannes, with its and family-fun activities in an 174 Colony Place, Plymouth www.
a few surprises thrown in. Meet the atmosphere of acceptance and toler-
filmmakers, catch festival special ance, where diversity is celebrated
events, cocktail parties, artist show- as a matter of corporate philosophy. (Sat. 9/13) You Can’t Spell
cases and live music on the fests All museum visitors will receive $4 Martha’s Vineyard Without Art
Main Street walking district. Check off an adult admission and $2 off a Intimate dinner featuring island
out the great local shops and res- child’s admission to Plimoth Planta- artists will benefit the Martha’s
taurants. Enjoy the Island’s amaz- tion and Mayflower II. Join us for Vineyard Museum. 6pm. Admis-
ing beaches and relaxed charm. 12 at 2 p.m. for a unique historical pre- sion Fee: Yes. For further informa-
noon-12 midnight Admission Fee: sentation on 17th century tolerance, tion contact: Vineyard Museum,
Various. For more informtion please or lack there of from a colonial Granary Gallery, 636 Old County
Contact: Richard Paradise perspective, “We’ve come a long Rd., West Tisbury, 508 627-4441
Capawock, Katharine Cornell & way baby.” Join us in the evening as ext 123 or 121
Playhouse Theatres, Main Street, we provide a taste of history at the
Vineyard Haven, MA 774-392- 1627 Harvest Feast. Call 508-746- (Sat. 9/13) Polly Hill Arbore-
2972 Email: rich@mvfilmsociety. 1622, ext. 8210 for more informa- tum Plant Sale West Tisbury
com tion and to RSVP to the themed Whether you’re a budding gardener
dining event. or already have two green thumbs,
(Thur. 9/11 thru Sat. 10/4) The the Arboretum’s plant sales will
George Place (Sat. 9/13) Annual Tivoli Day have something for you. Arboretum
Set in contemporary Virginia, The Festival Oak Bluffs staff have chosen and grown plants
George Place explores the unfore- that are noted not only for their su-
seen consequences of an elderly perior ornamental qualities but also
couple’s decision to sell their home- for their adaptability to Martha’s
property that has been in the family Vineyard. 10am-2pm. Free. For
for generations. David Johnston More Information contact: Karin
follows up his hilarious hit Candy Stanley, Polly Hill Arboretum,
and Dorothy (2006 season) with State Rd, West Tisbury, 508-693-
the world premiere of this witty and 9426
heart-felt gem. Time: 8pm. $32. Lots to see, lots to do for the whole
Julie Harris Stage, Wellfleet Harbor family as Oak Bluffs throws open (Sun. 9/13-Tues. 10/14) Back in
Actors Theater, 2357 Start HWY Rt its doors for its yearly street fair and the Day
6, (Next to Post Office) Wellfleet, block party on Circuit Ave. Live For our 10th Indoor Theatre Anni-
508-349-9428 entertainment, food, arts & crafts. versary we invite you to a new mu-
Noon-5pm, Free. Rain date, Sep- sical in the making with songs and
lyrics by talented young New York of their military id card. Heritage Farm on Rte 149 in west Barn-
composer-lyricist, Lance Horne. Museums and Gardens, 67 Grove stable. Location: Hyannis Golf
Cape Cod & the Islands

Former Cape Rep Theatre company Street, Sandwich, 508-888-3300 Course Rte 132 Hyannis MA Event
members, now professional actors www.heritagemuseumsandgardens. Time: 1PM Contact: Robin Fletcher
living in New York, including Trish org or Earl Springer for more info: 508-
LaRose, Kate Pazakis and Ethan 420-7995
Paulini, will perform. Winner of the (Sat. 9/13) 7th Annual Sails of
2006 Jonathan Larson Music Award Hope Spinnaker Gala Charity (Thur. 9/18) Fall Antique
Call for time and more info. $25. This optional black-tie Cape Cod Seminar
CapeRep Theater, 3299 Rte. 6A, , gala typically includes cocktails, Join us for this day of enrichment,
Brewster, 508-896-1888 info@ dinner, dancing, and both silent and knowledge and appreciation of live auctions. Time: 6pm. Oyster antiques. 9am-3:30pm. 9am: reg-
Harbors Club in Osterville Con- istration and coffee. 9:30: program.
(Sat. 9/13) Cape Cod Scottish tact: Judy Whalen Phone: 508- 12noon-3:30pm: luncheon and
Highland Festival 775-4161 Beneficiaries: American social hour. Registration deadline:
Cancer Society September 11. Fees: $50 Members of both HM&G and CCADA, $55
Non- Members. Register online or
(Sun. 9/14) 5th Annual The please call to register or for more in-
Ultimate Fancy Nancy Tea Party formation. J.K. Lilly III Automobile
Featuring Jane O’Connor’s beloved Museum Theater Heritage Muse-
The Highland Festival will be story book character, Fancy Nancy. ums and Gardens, 67 Grove Street,
held rain or shine and will include Enjoy a sumptuous meal, embel- Sandwich, 508-888-3300 ext. 102
activities and entertainment for the lish and glamorize your own outfit www.heritagemuseumsandgardens.
whole family including a Master’s with fabulous accessories, greet the org
Athletics Competition (Cabor Toss, paparazzi for a photo shoot, and
Hammer Throw, Sheaf Toss and participate in our sparkle parade. (Thur. 9/18 thru Sun. 9/21) An-
more), junior athletics for children, All day affair. There will be crafts, nual Greek Food Festival
sheep herding, clan tents, vendors, manicures,raffle prizes, and of Held on the grounds of the An-
Scottish food as well as Historic course, a few surprises. Two seat- nunciation Greek Orthodox
Highland and Country-dance per- ings: 9am-11am, breakfast served Church at 457 Oak Street, Brock-
formancesAs an extra special treat, at 9:30am & 1pm-3:30pm, lunch ton. More information to come.
a Master Falconer will be on hand served at 1:30pm. Tickets are $40 Metro South Chamber of Com-
to display an American eagle along and can be purchased at the Cape merce508.586.0500 x 231 kbewsh-
with other fascinating birds of prey Cod Children’s Museum or check [email protected] www.
while sharing the significance of out the website and download a
these birds to the Medieval Scots. registration form Please call 508-
10am-5pm. Admission: $15. for 539-8788. Held at the New Seabury (Fri. 9/19) Homeschool Day
adults and $7.50 for children ages Country Club in Mashpee, 95 Shore Are you a Homeschool family? Join
4-12, children 3 and under are free. Dr W, Mashpee, 508-539-8322 us for an open house at Plimoth
As always, Heritage Members will Plantation to learn more about our
be admitted free. Tickets may be Colonial and Wampanoag educa-
purchased in advance online for $12 (Mon. 9/15) First Annual tional programs and explore our
for adults and $6 for children or by Meetinghouse Farm Golf Tour- museum’s sites. Homeschooling
calling the Public Programs Depart- nament families receive reduced admis-
ment at 508.888.3300 ext. 100. All 1pm shotgun start/best ball. Green sion for the day. Enjoy hands-on
U.S. military personnel attending fees with a cart, gift bag and dinner activities on our Wampanoag and
the event will be extended the ad- will be included. Raffle/auction to Colonial education sites and take
vance ticket price upon presentation follow. All to benefit Meetinghouse advantage of discounts on member-
ship and in the museum shop. 9am- mer Waterfront Festival Op. 17 and Beethoven-Symphony
5pm. For more information, call Raindate Sun. 9/21. Featuring a vari- No 9, Choral: “Ode to Joy”. Fea-

Cape Cod & the Islands

508-746-1622, ext. 8359 or email ety of multi-cultural music, featuring turing the New World Chorale
[email protected]. Irish-American, Reggae and Country and a high-powered vocal quartet.
Plymouth Plantation.137 Warren Western bands, food vendors, local Call for more info.508-746-8008
Avenue, Plymouth, 508-746-1622 retailers, artists, and craftsmen plus [email protected] www. special events and contests all day.
Hull Nantasket Chamber of Com-
(Fri. 9/19 thru Sun.10/12) merce, Nantasket Ave.Nantasket (Sat. 9/20) Oak Bluffs Art Dis-
McBeth Beach, 781.925.9980 www.hull- trict Gallery Stroll
Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Featuring plein-air artists and
Directed by James P. Byrne “By local vistas. Stroll the Arts District
the pricking of my thumbs, some- (Sat. 9/20) Corvette Day adjacent to downtown Oak Bluffs
thing wicked this way comes.” An and the gingerbread cottages of
innovative and gripping produc- the Methodist Campground. Food,
tion of Shakespeare’s masterwork fun and art make this a wonderful
starring Lisa Canto and James P. way explore the District’s many
Byrne as the malicious couple in galleries. 4pm-7 pm; no admis-
their unbridled lust for power and sion. For additional information
betrayal. $18, $20 for Musicals,$12 contact Holly Alaimo at the Drag-
Youth 21 and under. Fri-Sat: 8pm, onfly Gallery 91 Dukes County
Sun:4pm. Harwich Junior Theatre, September 20th marks “Corvettes Ave., Oak Bluffs, 508-693-8877
105 Division St, West Harwich on Cape Cod Weekend, 2008,” or email dragonfly1369@verizon. hosted by the Cape Cod Corvette net
Club and Heritage Museums &
(Fri. 9/19 thru Sun. 9/21) 39th Gardens. Rain date 9/21. For the (Sun. 9/21) Cool Nights & Hot
Annual Bourne Scallop Festival sixth year the two organizations Jazz
will highlight some of the finest Enjoy an evening of cabaret music
examples of “America’s Sports featuring the John Salerno Trio,
Car.” Corvette Day will feature international hors d’oeurvres with
Class Judging, with First, Second, complimentary drink and an exciting
and Third Place trophies awarded live auction. 5pm-8pm . Cash bar is
in each group and Spectators’ available. $50 per person. Proceeds
Choice Awards. 10am-3pm. Free benefit the educational programs of
with Museum Admission. For ad- the Thornton W. Burgess Society.
ditional information or to register Sunset Grille at the Brookside Club,
car for show, please contact Bob MacArthur Boulevard, Bourne.
Held at Buzzards Bay Park, Main Dean at 508-922-9101 or the Cape Reservations 508-888-6870 www.
St., Buzzards Bay & featuring vari- Cod Corvette Club by visiting their
eties of food, Entertainment, Craft website. Heritage Museums and
Show, Professional Home Show, Gardens, 67 Grove Street, Sand- (Wed. 9/24) Heritage Cup
plus Rides & Games. Cape Cod wich, 508-888-3300 www.heri- Classic Golf Tournament
Canal Region Chamber of Com- www.
merce, 70 Main Street, Buzzards
Bay, 508-759-6000 X12moliva@ www. (Sat. 9/20) Plymouth Philhar- monic Orchestra - Classical I:
Ode to Joy
(Sat. 9/20) 4th Endless Sum- Barber-Second Essay for Orchestra,
Benefit the educational programs (Sat. 9/27)Autumn at the 2pm-4pm. Registration deadline:
provided annually to 15,000 school June 23. Fees: $8. Member, $10.
Cape Cod & the Islands
children, as well as the 3 museums The Josiah Dennis Manse will be Non-Member Register online here
and award-winning grounds that open for the public. Refreshments or please call 508-888-3300 ext.
make Heritage the Cape’s premier will be served. 1m-3pm. Location: 102 for more information.J.K. Lilly
cultural gem. 11am-5pm. Oyster 1736 Josiah Dennis Manse Mu- III Automobile Museum Theater,
Harbors Club, 170 Grand Island Dr, seum, 77 Nobscusset Road, Dennis Heritage Museums and Gardens, 67
Osterville, 508-428-6666 For more 508-385-2232 [email protected] Grove Street, Sandwich, 508-888-
information about play, cost and 3300 www.heritagemuseumsand-
sponsorship, please contact the De-
velopment Office at 508.888.3300, (Sat. 9/27) Cape Cod Cran-
x-111, or E-Mail ahoxie@heritage- berry Day (Sat. 9/27) Forces of Nature www.heritagemuse- In this staged dramatic reading of Stephen Most’s play Forces
of Nature, find out what hap-
(Thur. 9/25 thru Sun. 9/28) pened at the White House in the
CLASH “Cape Land and Sea dark of a night that changed the
Harvest” 2008 face of the American landscape.
(Thur. 9/25) A salute to fishing, President Theodore Roosevelt.
farming, and all things Cape Cod. Gifford Pinchot, first Chief of
New for 2008, we will kick off the the U.S. Forest Service. John
CLASH with a welcome recep- Green Briar celebrates this native Muir, founder of the Sierra Club.
tion behind the Maritime Museum. berry with cooking demonstrations Three men, three very different,
Samples from Cape Cod’s chefs in the 1903 Jam Kitchen, special often conflicting environmen-
and wine from The Wine List will exhibits on the cranberry indus- tal visions. Join us for a special
be offered to get us in the local try on Cape Cod and homemade reception following the event,
mood. baked cranberry goods. 10am-4pm. where you can meet the actors as
(Fri. 9/26 & Sat. 9/27) Participating Admission is by donation. At the well as leaders of the Wellfleet
restaurants will offer special tasting Green Briar Nature Center & Jam Conservation Trust. 8pm. Tick-
menus that showcase local ingre- Kitchen, 6 Discovery Hill Road, ets: $25 Premiere Tickets: $50
dients both Friday and Saturday East Sandwich. 508-888-6870 includes Show and Post-Show
evenings. Reception Julie Harris Stage
(Sun. 9/28) A season finale farm- Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater,
ers’ market will offer customers (Sat. 9/27) Shoals & Tidewa- 2357 Start Hwy Rt 6, (Next to
an opportunity to purchase locally ter: Thaxter’s Island Garden to Post Office) Wellfleet, 508-349-
harvested fruits, vegetables, herbs Tysons’ River Garden 9428
and flowers. And, at the seventh Landscape Gardener, Nancy Wet-
annual Cape Cod Oyster Festival, zel, will visit Heritage to discuss (Mon. 9/29)MV Savings Bank
attendees will feast on raw, baked, two preeminent New England Classic Golf Tournament
roasted and stewed oysters prepared gardens one of which is featured in
by local restaurants, and sample the exhibit, Lost Gardens of New
wines from the best vineyards in England. Thaxter’s Island Garden
the world. All proceeds will benefit and Tysons’ River Garden are con-
the United Way. Location:Cape nected by twenty five miles of salt
Cod Maritime Museum South waterways and were presided over
Street, Hyannis Contact Informa- by Celia Thaxter on the Isles of
tion: [email protected] www. Shoals, and Emily Tyson and Elise Tyson Vaughan at Hamilton House
on the Salmon Falls River in Maine.
To benefit the Vineyard Nursing As-
sociation (VNA), the premier home

Cape Cod & the Islands

healthcare agency for Martha’s
Vineyard. The tournament will be
held Monday, September 29 at the
exclusive Vineyard Golf Club. Ad-
mission Fee: $250. The Registra-
tion fee covers light breakfast, cart
and caddie fees, 18-holes of golf
and lunch after play. For additional
information contact Vineyard Nurs-
ing Assoc. Vineyard Golf Club,
Club House Ln., Edgartown, 508-

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