Reading Comprehenssion Method

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Nabila Azzahra Kania Djunaedi

Program Studi Sarjana keperawatan

Fakultas Ilmu keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
Depok, September 2020
Reading Skill Methods for Improving Students’ Knowledge
By Nabila Azzahra Kania Djunaedi, 2006598414, Faculty of Nursing UI 2020, EFN-B

In every language, there are lots of skill that play an important role in effective communication
such as reading, speaking, listening, dan writing. This essay will discuss profoundly about a
reading skill in English language. To acquaintance a knowledge it could be obtained by reading
in this term reading is a tool of communication in written language through the texts form. For
most of English learners reading is the most important skill to master in order to ensure success
and with strengthened reading skills, learners will make greater progress and development in all
other areas of learning. According to Ismail H., et. al. (2017), Beatrice S. M & Linda J. (2004)
say that reading is very important since it can enhance students’ general language skills in
English; assisting students to think in English, enlarging students’ English vocabulary,
improving their writing, and it can be a good way to obtain about new ideas, facts and
experiences. Therefore, on the basis of this opinion, the reading skill has been viewed as
something that can help students to enrich their insight in English language. In general, there are
a few competences that should be emphasized to mastering reading skill, such as previewing,
predicting, skimming scanning, guessing from context and Paraphrasing.

Previewing is one of a strategy in which an introductory material such as written and oral
preview is presented to the readers and so to recall the prior knowledge before start reading. This
preview techniques expect to build the capacity to comprehend and recollect the data inside the
content. Previewing help the reader to get an idea of what is it about before reading the main
body of text and could access appropriate schemata. (Athena K and Erika D. 2020) ;(Heng-
Tsung Danny, 2009). To preview the text could be done by read the title and author detail. For a
scientific paper could start by reading the abstract of the paper. From that point forward, read just
the parts that 'leaps out' to the data that we need to acquire by perusing the content.

Another method to improve reading skill is predicting. This method involves the capacity of
readers to get significance information from a text by making informed prediction, after making
a prediction, students read or listen to a text and either confirm or revise their predictions. With
this prediction readers could use it as an approach to interface their current information to new
data from the text, linking efferent and affective thinking processes, making connections, and
filling the gaps in the author's writing. (Texas Education Agency. n.d); (Suciati, 2010).

The next method is skimming method. In skimming method, we need to grasp the main idea or
gist of the text. With this method the reader could locate quickly important segment through a
large quantity of written text. To get an overall thought of the content and to decide if it is
relevant for your purposes.

Contextual guessing is a technique by making guess about the meaning of words by looking at
the surrounding words or situation. This thinking is about the idea, especially how the idea can
be associated with a specific topic.

The last method that must be pursue in reading skill were Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is to state
the information that the reader gets from the text and express it with our own word. Paraphrasing
is different from just quoting or summarizing the text, in this we must read and comprehend the
text in order to paraphrasing the information that we get from the text. The purpose of this
method is a based to measure the reader comprehension of the information of the text and
another purpose of this method is to avoid plagiarism.

According to Suwanto (2014), there are some level of comprehension and understanding of the
text, its divided into 2 level; Literal Comprehension and Inferential Comprehension. The
indicator of literal comprehension is to express the main idea, details of explanatory, and
understanding vocabulary. The indicator for Inferential comprehension is the pronoun, adverb,
predicting author’s purpose, implied main idea and the conclusion of the passage.

Based on the explanation above, there are several methods that must be mastered in order to
deepening reading skill. The first strategies are to previewing the whole text by read the
introductory material. Another method to improve reading skill is to making informed prediction
the idea of the text. The next method is skimming method to grasp the important segment
through a large quantity of context. Following this method is a contextual guessing is a technique
by making guess about the meaning of words by looking at the surrounding words or situation.
The last method is to paraphrasing the information that obtained by reading the text.

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