Module in English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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Grade 12
After analyzing each excerpt/text, fill out the table based on the evaluation. (25pts.)


What is the The purpose The purposes of The purpose of

writer’s goal in Brief History of , the PHILIPPINE inviting a guest to

writing the English to help CONSTITUTION- a party, it’s like a

text?(purpose) people to LANGUAGE of traditional

understand the Philippines invitation card. It

the history of are Filipino serves two

English. And if the law purposes; one, to

does not provide invite the

English. individual to the

Constitution event and two, to

shall be promote ensure that the

in Filipino and person receiving

English and shall the letter is going

be translated to attend.
into major



Arabic, and

Who is the The target of Target of the The target of the

target reader of the reader is reader is the reader of the text

the text? the person every Filipinos to is

(audience) who was read know the history himself...because

the text and of our language. the litter is for

the audience, him.

or the person

who want to

kwon the brief

history of the

How did the The style of The style of The style of

writer organize making this making this text making INVITATION

the text? (style) text gives a to explain to the LETTER in the text

variety of Filipinos the is an example ...

information origin or where because it can be

about brief the different seen that the

history. languages of the letter he made

Filipinos came was for

from. MS. Gonzales.

Did the writer The writer did The PHILIPPINE The writer did a

write in a formal CONSTITUTION- formal manner

formal or because LANGUAGE did because of

informal he/she did the writer is invitation letter.

manner(tone) information formal manner.

about the Brief


CARRY THIS OUT! Write a two-to-three-page essay on what you think is the

state of academic writing in the Philippine context. Use your personal knowledge,

what you hear from your teachers and on the news, and what you have read

from the books to substantiate opinion.

Use the following criteria for the evaluation:




Academic writing refers to another common style of expression used by

researchers to determine the intellectual ends of their personalities and their

fields of expertise. Its characteristics include formal, third-person use rather than

first-person perspective, a clear focus on the research problem being investigated,

and accurate word choice.

Academic writing for publication is well closed in schools that are the

right place. The goal is to cultivate the student's mind. Academic writing takes

place all over the world, as well as in the Philippines. It replaced understandings

about English as an international language for academic purposes. It examines the

impact of the growing dominance of English or Filipino on academic writing for


The state of academic writing in the Philippine context depends largely

on the background of the student's education and his or her school itself and its

resources. There is a big difference between the Philippine and American context

based on our academic performance.

We, the Filipinos, are probably working hard all the time. Filipinos like to

write essays, blogs, or paper work at the very "last minute". Sadly, it is in the mind

set of Filipinos to be lazy. And the worst situation, Filipinos often copy and paste
on the internet through Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Google, etc. And in the

Philippines, internet resources are very scarce.

Try comparing an academic paper with a student living in a province and

attending a provincial school to a student living in an urban area. You can see a

huge difference because in the city, there are many resources on the internet,

compared to the province.

The writing style of Filipinos needs to be improved.

We can overcome the difficulty of writing academic papers through a

combination of thorough feedback, writing skills, and careful revision.

❖OPEN ENDED SENTENCES based on the discussion provided, define and give the

features of the academic text. (15pts.)

 Academic writing is…

A process that start posing and it evaluate the opinion, and after the question

was answering and posed. Academic writing has have a purposes to inform the

specific audience .And cannot write what come in your mind .it has to be a set

of rules and formal in language .its organized the panned of the paragraphs

intention flows.

 Academic writing requires...

Carefully information and involves research and forgetting to appeal to readers

emotions using ‘’I’’, ’’me’’ and,’’in my opinion’ ’it’s not a big help in academic

writing text .Also if he/she was having a strong facts and valid evidence.

 Academic writing is different from a creative essay, a business letter, and a

legal document in terms of...

Academic writing is a formal writing, using third person, But business writing is

less formal and its can use any point of view. Academic writing is focuses on

the facts, but business writing gives him/his opinions. Long sentences are

alright in the academic writing, but are awkward in business writing.

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