16 Differences Between Coaching and Consulting and Why You Need A Coach!
16 Differences Between Coaching and Consulting and Why You Need A Coach!
Marketing expert Jack Trout (who, with Al Ries, originated the concept
of “Positioning”), recently estimated the total revenues of the global
business consulting industry at more than £30.7 billion/€34.1 billion.
With that much money being spent every year on high-priced consultants, one
would guess that the return on investment for these expenditures would be highly
favorable for the businesses writing those checks to the consultants.
Interestingly, Trout finds otherwise.
Can a small or medium-sized business get world-class business help and advice from
a different kind of business development professional?
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The Rise of Business Coaching
According to the most recent statistics, more than 99% of businesses in the United
States are considered “small businesses.”
In the UK, more than 2.93 million businesses are in operation, the equivalent of one
firm per 8.7 people of working age, an increase of 15% over the last 20 years.
During that time, however, more than seven million businesses have started in the
last twenty years whilst a similar number have closed.
In Australia, there were more than 2 million actively trading businesses (representing
more than 97% of the Aussie businesses) that employ approximately 64 percent of
Australia’s private sector labor force – and produce nearly 50 percent of the country’s
domestic output.
The importance of small business for the continuing growth of market economies
cannot be underestimated, however, the tools for helping these millions of business
owners for years seemed out of reach.
After all, which small business owner could afford to hire a consultant from
McKinsey or Bain?
Conversely, what McKinsey or Bain consultant would want to work with a small
To meet this need and “gap” of knowledge and services in the marketplace, the
business coaching category started to develop in the early 1990’s as an alternative to
costly and project-focused business consulting services.
Sugars realized his style of “consulting” was different than traditional, project-based
or project-focused business help.
First, SME owners needed “whole firm” solutions to their challenges, because in
smaller companies, causes and effects are more easily seen and felt – by owners,
employees and by profits on the bottom-line.
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“Coaching” was one way to provide that “whole firm” approach, with a series of
systemized tools and strategies that were implemented and refined over time based
on their effectiveness and impact on the areas of an owner’s time, a company’s team
and a firm’s money.
Second, Sugars saw that SME and SMB owners thrived under a working arrange-
ment that was more relationship-based than project based, generalized more than
specialized, questions-based more than “answers provided,” and in a context where
both Business Coach and owner held each other accountable for results.
The distinctions were subtle, yet the impact on owners and their companies were
The end result was that Sugars took the advice Trout and Ries first offered in
If you can’t be a number one or number two company in your current category,
create a new category.
As a result, the fledgling category of “Business Coaching” was taken to a new level of
growth and expansion.
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The Leading Company in a
$1 Billion Industry
Today, the business coaching industry is growing with revenues estimated at more
than £615 million/€684 million, with an annual growth rate between 20% to 40%.
As a company, ActionCOACH is the both the industry and category leader in terms
of revenues and brand recognition, with market share approaching 30% of the
industry’s total revenues.
While category leadership is one thing, the impact coaching can have on a business
is something else – especially when the business belongs to you.
In addition, an ActionCOACH will stay around to make sure systems are in place
and delivering results, a level of accountability that most consultants don’t offer as
part of their services.
Finally, ActionCOACH can point to thousands of testimonials over the past two
decades from hundreds of companies in virtually every business category
imaginable – first-hand accounts of owners who had breakthrough success as a
result of the company’s proven system of business growth and development.
Most recently, Lynn Schiff, who owns Advanced Practice Solutions, added her own
story to the company’s long list of successful business owners who achieved great
results working with an ActionCOACH:
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After working with ActionCOACH for the past two years, her numbers have
dramatically improved.
“We celebrated our ten year anniversary and joined the 3% of women-owned
businesses that reach over a million in sales. I would recommend ActionCOACH
to any business owner or entrepreneur who is looking for guidance and willing
to work hard.”
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The 16 Differences Between
Coaching and Consulting
While there are many subtle distinctions between coaching and consulting, here
are 16 main and differences between the two disciplines:
Coaching Consulting
Asks questions Tells the client what/how they will do it
Focused on accountability Focused on the Deliverable
Paid by the program Paid by the Hour
Teacher Doer
Generalist Specialist
Knowledge transfer Expertise is their value; they keep it
Client does the work Consultant does the work
Life-long learning by client When consultant leaves, so does the expertise
Plan is driven by client’s needs Plan is driven by deliverable definition
90 day plan Deliverable milestones
Uses client’s team Uses other consultants
Self-maintainable systems Maintenance contracts for deliverables
Compassionate, A friend as long as they get paid
unreasonable friend
Client does homework; Client involved with initial planning and
constantly involved final acceptance; otherwise little involvement
Little or no industry knowledge Must be an industry expert
Solutions come from client Solution comes from consultant
Even though many owners are armed with information defining the differences
between a coach and a consultant, the decision to hire a coach or a consultant
may still involve an element of risk – and many owners may opt for a consultant
by default.
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While that’s not surprising, given that business consulting is better known as a
category, owners looking for more than a “quick fix” are more likely to turn to
coaching for help.
Without the level of accountability that business coaching offers, lasting change in
the business is fleeting, and all the strategies and methodologies in the world are
ultimately useless if an owner isn’t held accountable to put those changes into place.
While very few consultants will hold an owner accountable to achieving goals,
objectives or results, very good Business Coaches always hold their clients
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So, Are You Ready for Business
It also means being willing to implement new and sometimes uncomfortable ideas
for you and your company.
You also need to be willing to do the work necessary to grow the company.
Because unlike a consultant who may do a project and leave, your Business Coach
will educate you on strategy and process – and leave it to you to implement.
Your coach won’t do the work, but will expect the work to get done.
For the coaching process, that’s where accountability comes in and is key to your
achievement and your company’s ultimate success.
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Your Next Step
If you are interested in improving your company at every level, business coaching
may be the right fit for you.
Just as world-class athletes strive to get better by working with the top performers
and coaches in their respective fields, more business owners than ever are looking to
improve their “game” through coaching.
Just contact me for more information about how to hire a coach, or about group
coaching events in your area.
Like a good athletic coach, a good business coach will push you to perform.
If you are ready to take your business to the next level, ActionCOACH is too – and
will help you achieve the success you want for you and your company.