A Guide To Developing Business Strategy For Financial Broker
A Guide To Developing Business Strategy For Financial Broker
A Guide To Developing Business Strategy For Financial Broker
One - Unified Voice
A Guide to Developing
Business Strategy for
Financial Brokers
A Guide to Developing
Business Strategy for
Financial Brokers
The Author
Eamonn Twomey established StepChange, a marketing StepChange works with Financial Brokers and life
and strategy solutions business for Financial Brokers, in assurance companies, addressing a broad range of
2011. For the previous 27 years, Eamonn worked in a commercial challenges in the areas of strategy, sales and
variety of senior sales and marketing roles in the Broker distribution, and marketing.
channel in both the UK and Ireland with Irish Life and
Friends First. StepChange offers a unique combination of www.stepchange.ie
knowledge of the Financial Broker environment overlaid
with strategy, sales and marketing expertise.
Financial Brokers face a challenging business Finally we look at your revenue model. We examine
environment. Like many businesses, they are looking the different stages of Financial Broker advice and
to create greater certainty and a more solid future by rank which are most valued by clients. We highlight
‘upping their game’ and increasing the value they give to a strategy for linking the value that clients perceive
their clients. in advisory work (financial planning) to commission
payments, if that is your chosen route.
This document is aimed at Financial Brokers who want
to increase their value to clients, highlight that value to We highlight the different commission and
clients, and have a viable revenue model based on that remuneration models available to Financial Brokers
value that ensures they are fairly remunerated for their and the advantages and disadvantages of each system.
efforts. We then describe how to calculate hourly rates for
Financial Brokers. This is a useful exercise regardless of
We first take a high level look at the business whether or not you intend to use hourly rates, as time
environment for Financial Brokers using the PEST is the major input in your business and you should have
methodology. Regulation and auto-enrolment a quantified value for this. Finally we discuss how to
are possible threats to our business model but position your remuneration model alongside your value
post retirement advice and new communication proposition at the first client meeting.
technologies are opportunities for Brokers to expand
their client base and their services. The philosophy of this paper is that the creation and
communication of value to the consumer is key to
The next steps are to take a serious look at your own your success. The method of payment for that value
business and examine its strengths and opportunities. is secondary to this. Financial Brokers must focus on
You need to segment your client bank and profile your their key strengths and the advisory services that clients
target clients. value most in order to ensure their continued success.
The guide has been produced by PIBA to assist Financial 4. The final section looks at how you can ensure you
Brokers to consider any potential changes and what these are fairly rewarded for the value proposition that
changes would mean for your business. This guide aims you bring to your clients. It looks at and compares
to help you deal with the challenges facing your business, different methods of payment for Financial Brokers.
develop clarity regarding the value that you bring to clients, While not advocating fees as the preferred means
help you communicate this value to consumers, and set of payment, this is an area of challenge for many
out how you might ensure you are fairly remunerated for Financial Brokers. The guide covers how you might
the value that you add. calculate fees (where they are appropriate) and how
you can justify these fees to your clients.
The guide is divided into four main sections as follows:
In starting to develop your strategic proposition, first of new form of remuneration for Financial Brokers has been
all you need to have a definite process for achieving this. introduced called ‘adviser charging’. The aim of adviser
One important element of this work is making sense of the charging is to reduce conflicts of interest and improve the
factors that are external to your business over which you quality of financial advice by removing product influence
have little or no direct control, but which can play a big part from adviser remuneration. The main features of adviser
in determining your success or otherwise into the future. charging include:
Advisers will receive their payment either by a fee, payable To look briefly at some of the broader factors impacting
by the client, or by payment from a product provider out Financial Brokers, these are best considered using PEST
of the product, once this has been clearly understood and analysis – looking at the changes under the dimensions
agreed to by the client. of Political, Economic, Social and Technological changes.
It is a useful exercise for Financial Brokers in determining
There were other changes introduced under RDR, your proposition to consider all those factors that are
including the introduction of higher qualification levels affecting or likely to affect your business. The following
for Financial Brokers and greater transparency around is just a snapshot of some of the factors: by no means an
whether Financial Brokers offer fully independent or exhaustive list.
restricted advice.
Dutch market • Charges on Pensions: The Minister for Social
With effect from 1.1.2013, Financial Brokers in Holland will Protection on presenting The Report on Pension
no longer be paid commission by banks and insurance Charges 2012 stated that she has concerns in relation
companies on any product that they sell. This includes to both the level and transparency of charges on
pensions, investments, protection and mortgages. Instead pension schemes and will be prioritising this area to be
they will have to charge consumers for their advice. examined further.
• Revision of MiFiD / IMD Directives: The determination
Australian market to remove bias in the choice of products by banks,
With effect from 1st July 2013, product providers in Financial Brokers and other advisers is a constant
Australia can no longer pay commission to Financial regulator and consumer concern. Many people are
Brokers, who will also be bound by law to offer advice in the now pointing to Europe for direction. MIFID II and IMD
clients’ best interests. Financial Brokers will also be required II hold the prospect of a commission (from product
to send clients a fee statement every year. providers) ban where independent advice is given – it
is not certain this will happen, what it will actually mean
Factors impacting Financial Brokers in Ireland today and how this regulation will progress. The time frame
The economic crisis has had a devastating effect on the for impact of these directives is 2015-2016. In fact, the
Irish life and pensions market and in turn on Financial impact of the European regulations on the commission
Brokers as a key stakeholder and force within this market. model may be muted in themselves. However, when
After further falls of approximately 5% in the levels of new European regulations are finalised over the next year,
business in the market in 2012 and falls across each of they could trigger a review by the Central Bank of
the main product categories, new business is now back at intermediary remuneration since they have already
levels seen at the start of the century, maybe even before signalled their intention to do this.
that. In addition, lapse rates have significantly worsened • Consumer Protection Code: As a result of CPC,
over the last few years, creating enormous challenges to question marks are raised over the future of volume
the profitability of life companies, requiring them to reprice based override for Financial Brokers; and CPC also
and indeed change the shape of charges and commission sets out new requirements to justify any ongoing
on products. commissions / trail received from providers.
• Health Market changes: Upcoming changes recently
Financial Brokers have seen a sharp decline in their announced in respect of health insurers being required
earnings since the financial crisis began with the collapse to pay for all hospital stays of their customers, not just
of the mortgage market and the significant reduction in those in private beds, will herald further significant
the amount of life and pensions new business. There also price increases. This is likely to further exacerbate the
is a realisation that the market for financial advice and life dramatic increase in consumers cancelling their health
and pension products will continue to be challenging and insurance cover.
is likely to see further significant changes in the coming
years. These changes are likely to impact the way that Economic
you present and carry out your advice proposition with • Budget 2013: While there were no immediate
customers, and indeed, in some circumstances, potentially dramatic changes to pensions in this budget, changes
how you then get paid for the value that you add. to the maximum allowable pension were flagged
for 2014. However the threat of cuts in tax relief for
pension contributions now appear to be receding.
• Defined Benefit scheme deficits: With DB scheme • Web presence now critical: Consumers now carry out
under significant pressure, they offer opportunities for most of their research of companies and individuals
pension Brokers to help companies to evaluate their online. It is very important for Financial Brokers that
options and to potentially restructure their schemes. your web presence fully reflects the professionalism
• Decline of bancassurers: With the collapse of the of your business and your potential value to the
Irish banks and the loss of trust with these institutions, consumer.
Financial Brokers have gained a larger share of the life • Social media explosion: Social media is now fully
and pensions market in recent years. established and here to stay. Financial Brokers need
• Personal wealth destruction: With the destruction of to fully understand the opportunities (and indeed the
people’s wealth and the personal debt overhang in the pitfalls) of building a strong and engaging social media
economy, the prospects and opportunities for Financial presence.
Brokers have been further exacerbated. However • Communication opportunities: With a myriad of
there is an inherent opportunity here too in that solid tools available from email to e-zines to social media
financial advice is needed now more than ever. now available, there are great opportunities for you to
deliver engaging communications to your customers
Social at lower cost than before. Financial Brokers can
• Ageing population: The latest Census results showed engage prospective customers and build loyalty with
that the number of older people (aged over 65) has existing customers through structured use of these
increased by 14% over the previous six years. In technologies.
contrast, the 19-24 year old age group was the only
category to show a fall, with a decrease of 12%. This Summary
creates challenges and opportunities for Financial So what do all these changes mean for Financial Brokers in
Brokers in understanding the requirements of these Ireland today and in the next few years?
older clients moving from active retirement lifestyles to
long term care needs. There are undoubtedly strong headwinds that need to
• Opportunities for post-retirement products: In be faced with an increasing pattern of change across the
line with the above, ARF and other post-retirement globe of a clear separation of the advice process from
products offer attractive opportunities for those the product sale, particularly in the area of pensions and
Financial Brokers who can develop a compelling investments. There is a clear determination on the part
proposition in this area. of regulators to remove any potential conflicts of interest
• Lack of Trust in Financial Services companies: and bias in the choice of products by Financial Brokers and
According to the highly reputable Edelman Trust other advisers. This potentially could herald changes to the
barometer for 2013, the two industries least trusted in way Financial Brokers earn their income in the future.
Ireland continue to be the financial services industry
and the banks. Trust in financial services remained
unchanged in 2012 while trust in the banks (which is In Ireland, legislation and regulation
lower than financial services) fell further. will continue as a dominant force in our
• Pressure on Commission system: The commission industry. In addition, it will be a long road
system is viewed in some quarters (regulators, media to economic recovery. While there are
etc.) as being opaque and contributing to bias in undoubtedly some new opportunities
choice of financial services products. emerging for Financial Brokers, the firms
• Need for advice: Consumers find the world of personal that are likely to succeed are those that
financial services extremely complex and many prepare proactively for these changes
recognise the need for advice. Financial Brokers need instead of waiting for the impacts to be
imposed on them.
to ensure that consumers understand and recognise
the value of the independent advice that you offer.
This will be done by taking note of the
changes, building an appropriate, future-
Technological proofed business proposition that your
• Opportunities to enhance customer service: New customers value, communicating this
technologies offer great opportunities to improve a effectively and building a revenue model
Broker’s service proposition to your customers and to that enables you to drive the required level
reduce cost in your business. of income into your business.
I have spoken to a number of Financial Brokers who claim The question is often asked as to why you should bother to
that they subconsciously do this – that their best clients get rid of the lower value clients. The simple answer is that
get their best service. However when you dig below the if they are taking up significant resources to keep them
surface, it sometimes emerges that it is the clients you through ongoing service, they are just not worth it. Should
know best that get the best service, not necessarily the they have a lower level of service? Should they be asked to
clients who require or deserve your best service. pay more? These are issues that many Financial Brokers are
grappling with today. Obviously if these clients are no drain
Some Financial Brokers operate a ‘one size fits all’ service on your resources but delivering income, it makes sense to
for clients, irrespective of their value to the business. Yes, retain them!
your less valuable clients will be delighted with this as
they receive a premium service for effectively low cost Once you have completed your segmentation exercise,
to them. However how do your better clients feel? They you then need to decide the profile(s) of the clients that
are delivering a lot of value to you but not getting any you want to work with. This will enable you to tailor your
additional value in return. proposition specifically for them, rather than trying to
appeal to everyone. It’s not enough to say you’re open
So how do you go about segmenting your clients? The to any new client, unless they are a good fit with your
first step is to decide the factors that you are going to use. target client groups. If you work with literally anyone, your
Well-developed segmentation models will use a number proposition will need to be so generic that it will not really
of these to drill down to smaller sub-groups of customers. appeal to anyone or instead you will need the time, money
Typical factors used are: and energy to develop and maintain multiple propositions.
• Revenue from customer – maybe averaging any initial Targeting somebody, everybody, and anybody may in fact
commissions over a number of years before adding to mean you are targeting nobody!
renewal commission.
• Premium levels Multiple propositions are potentially a route to go; however
• Assets under management they should be built on firm foundations. For example,
• Potential for future business your top 20% of clients by value may get a gold plated
• Income levels service that is substantially different to the service offered
• Age to the next 30% of your clients. Indeed this service in
• Geography turn would then be significantly different to the minimal
service proposition being offered to the remainder of your
Deciding your target clients clients. The experience in other markets is that you may
Pareto’s principle is that 80% of your business comes from be surprised: some of these transaction / minimal service
20% of your clients. Let’s consider a Financial Broker who clients may not be happy to receive such a minimal service,
currently offers a ‘one size fits all’ service and who has 250 but rather than go elsewhere, may be happy to agree to a
clients delivering turnover of €200,000 p.a. This Financial higher level of service and remuneration for you.
At this stage you need to revisit your overall objective and solutions that may be required and we offer a friendly and
clarify the type of business that you operate or want to accessible service to our customers.”
operate. Are you a general life and pension Broker who
will seek to appeal to the mass market without really An example of strategic positioning for a Financial Broker
specialising in any specific area? Or are you a specialist in specialising in pensions but aiming more at the ‘higher’ end
say pensions, insightful financial and wealth planning or in of the market might be:
a particular sector of the economy? Or if you are a medium
to large business, are you all of these? This is an important “DEF Pensions offers specialist pensions advice to business
distinction to get right, as your business and sales owners and companies in the West of Ireland. We offer
proposition will ultimately need to be based upon this. advice in all areas of retirement planning for individuals
and companies, new pension scheme implementation,
Similar to your segmentation exercise, you then need to pension scheme restructuring and scheme wind-ups. We
actually articulate this and capture it. You can determine enable our clients to achieve their pension aspirations with
your target markets by the likes of: confidence and the minimum of fuss.”
• Geography
• Minimum value to your business In developing your strategic positioning, you should
• Premium Levels consider a range of different areas. These will include:
• Assets under management levels • Whether you appeal to the mass market or indeed
• Product Type etc. have a ‘boutique’ offering
• Whether your proposition is based on price – e.g. free
Developing a strategic positioning for your business advice, cheapest product or a differentiated offering for
The next important step in the strategy development your customers
process is to articulate as clearly as possible where it is that • Your target markets (see previous section)
you intend to compete. This is important as it sets out at a • A specific product focus, if applicable
high level for everyone associated with your business what • The quality of your service proposition.
you do.
When you are clear on your positioning, are there changes
that you need to make to actually deliver this to clients?
Taking into account your analysis of the external Do you have enough staff to deliver your service promise?
forces impacting your business, the SWOT Do you need to upgrade your technology? Do you have
analysis that you completed and your identified the required levels of skills yourself to deliver what you are
target markets, you now need to make some promising?
clear choices. You need to be really clear on
the particular features of your business that will A well thought out positioning that accurately reflects
enable you to stand apart from competitors. what you do sets the foundation for building a strong value
Of course this positioning is one that you must proposition for your clients. This is where you turn your
be capable of delivering upon; it cannot just be strategic positioning into a business proposition that your
an aspirational dream! Either you can actually customer values and is happy to pay for.
deliver the proposition today or you have firm
plans to ensure you will be capable of delivering
it in the near future.
This section explores the whole area of your value What a Financial Broker does
proposition. It explores what a value proposition is, why What does a Financial Broker actually do? Do they set
it is important and sets out some examples of value up life assurance, critical illness and income protection
propositions for Financial Brokers today. policies for their clients? Do they set up personal pensions,
executive pensions, PRSA’s or group schemes, or set up
Before we start examining value propositions in detail, it investment bonds for clients? Actually Financial Brokers
is important to state that a strong value proposition don’t do any of these things, as these activities are actually
is equally important whether you are paid by carried out by the administration departments in life
commission, fee or any other method of payment! companies! And yet many Financial Brokers when asked
what they do will answer along these lines, talking about
What is a value proposition? the products that they arrange for clients.
According to Wikipedia, “A value proposition is a promise
of value to be delivered and a belief from the customer While of course financial products play an important role
that value will be experienced.” in the world of the Financial Broker, the reality of what you
do is actually far more important and valuable than simply
How do we apply this for Financial Brokers? The first arranging products. Through gaining a full understanding
important point to note about this is that the financial of your client’s financial objectives, current situation and
product (if any) actually purchased by the customer plays attitude to risk, you analyse their financial needs, make
only one small part of the value proposition. The key recommendations and implement financial solutions for
ingredient of your value proposition is the advice that them. This captures what you do in one sentence – this will
you give your customer. You may have a single value be fleshed out later!
proposition for your business as a whole or indeed you
may develop a value proposition for each of the main This is what a client actually sees when they are dealing
product categories for which you provide advice. with Financial Brokers with robust advice processes and
this is what Financial Brokers do, day in and day out! Now it
To help us get to the root of your value proposition, we starts to become very clear why clients require a Financial
have to examine two critical areas: what a Financial Broker Broker rather than trying to do it themselves. Yes they may
actually does and, secondly, what clients value in dealing (often mistakenly) believe that there is a price advantage
with a Financial Broker. in talking directly to product providers; however how does
this compare to the enormous value that you bring to
them? To answer this, we need to examine next what a
client actually values in dealing with a Financial Broker.
What a client values Contented Freewheelers (age 60+, semi or fully retired,
As mentioned above, while a client might see or be financially secure) seek the following factors in relation to
aware of all that you do, what is it that they really value? advice, among other investment related factors and not
A number of studies have been carried out in this area in ranked:
many different markets, which will be referred to below to • Want to be kept up to date at all times, when markets
demonstrate an important theme. The overriding message are good and bad
is that price is not the determining factor for most • Want trusted advice
clients in deciding to work with an adviser. • Want transparency in charges.
Research was carried out in August 2012 by the leading Steady Progressors (40-55, professional, well-off,
US consulting firm Spectrem Group who specialise in cautiously optimistic) similarly seek the following advice
the wealth management and retirement sectors. They factors, again among other investment factors and not
surveyed a large group of mass affluent ($100,000 - $1m ranked:
investible assets) investors as to the top factors when • Want a clear strategy – are willing to pay for
choosing a financial adviser. The answers were ranked independent advice
(most popular at top) as: • Want clear and simple solutions and fees
• Trustworthiness • Want to be closer to how their funds are performing.
• Transparency
• Investment track record Again quality of advice and transparency, both of progress
• Fees and Commission against their financial objectives and also of charges are
• Depth of Product and Services. more important to these groups than the actual level of
fees charged.
This research demonstrated that the price of advice was
not even one of the top three most common reasons for
choosing an adviser. Transparency of charges was rated Now consider your website and your
much more highly than the quantum of fees and charges. corporate brochure. What is the overriding
message in it? Is it that you will find the
Likewise in the UK, research carried out by J.P. Morgan, cheapest solution for clients or maybe
also in August 2012, sought the influential factors when is it that you offer the first consultation
deciding to use a particular adviser. The findings identified free of charge? If this is what you are
the following factors, in order of importance, to potential promoting, you are not appealing to the
clients: majority of potential customers who value
• Their understanding of my goals and needs a completely different range of factors.
• Results achieved for other clients
• Qualifications / membership of professional body
• Professionalism of support staff
Yes, you will win some business for being cheapest
• Ability to advise on every product in the market
and will definitely get people to accept what is free.
• Ability to put me at ease
However are these the clients that you are seeking? Are
• A free meeting
they sustainable, particularly when you consider some
• Free initial recommendations
of the potential changes in the market in the future as
• Being local to where I live / work
highlighted earlier?
• Attractive offices.
Building your value proposition Some Brokerages won’t fit any of the above due to
To develop your value proposition, you need to consider additional capabilities that they might have – linkages with
three main questions: an accountancy firm, may offer general insurance etc.
1. What type of a Brokerage are you – are you the right These businesses need to capture the additional value
type of business for potential clients? created by the breadth of their offerings.
2. What do you offer to clients – is this what appeals
practically to them? Once you are clear about your target markets, it is then
3. Why will clients use you instead of others – is this what important that your firm is positioned correctly to meet the
appeals emotionally? needs of that target market. As well as being positioned
correctly, the whole proposition of the business then needs
1. What type of business are you? to be capable of delivering a service to meet the needs of
There are many different types of Financial Broker firms in your target groups.
Ireland. It is important that you can accurately and openly
communicate the type of business that best describes 2. What do you offer to clients?
your Brokerage. Examples may include: As described earlier, Financial Brokers carry out a far more
important role that simply setting up policies for clients.
• Generalist: This description fits the vast majority of Taking the example of a generalist Financial Broker, the
smaller firms in Ireland today. You carry out financial process that you (should) actually carry out is:
planning with individual, family and SME clients and
can provide advice right across the product spectrum. • You gain a full understanding of your clients’ current
For some more complex areas (possibly group pension financial position.
schemes, SSAS, defined benefit schemes etc., you • You help your clients articulate their financial
refer clients to specialist consultants. This is a similar objectives and goals.
approach to your medical GP referring patients to • You help your clients to gain an understanding of the
specialist consultants. principles of risk and you help them identify their own
• Universal: These firms tend to be larger firms with appetite and tolerance for risk.
broader expertise across numerous people, enabling • Often you have to seek, collate and make sense of
the firm to advise clients right across the financial a broad range of information to be gathered from
spectrum. They have all the skills available to clients product providers on behalf of the clients.
under their own roof. • You make recommendations to them as to how they
• Pension Specialist: These are firms that specialise in might best achieve their financial objectives.
the pensions market, establishing retirement solutions • Some Financial Brokers develop detailed future
for clients, and usually will also address ancillary benefit cashflow scenarios.
needs (group risk, executive term etc.) These firms tend • You research the market for the most suitable financial
to have smaller numbers of clients, who tend to be products for your clients.
high value clients. These firms are capable of dealing • You negotiate best terms with the product providers
with very complex pension related issues and may on your clients’ behalf.
be an outsourced partner to some generalist firms. • You implement the required policies on your clients’
Because of their specialism, these firms tend to be able behalf
to charge more for their services. • You set up scheduled review meetings with your
• Investment / Wealth Specialist: These firms specialise clients to ensure the financial plan and all of the
in wealth management / investment planning, usually recommendations remain appropriate and take
with higher net worth clients. Some of these firms remedial action where required.
set minimum assets under management hurdles for • You provide a phone-based service to help your clients
clients to access their services. These firms typically with any ongoing advice that they might need.
have rigorous advice processes, utilising robust
future cash flow modelling and asset allocation Once you can articulate your offering, you are now in a
methodologies into their processes. Because of their position to directly appeal to those values that clients seek
specialism, these firms tend to be able to charge more when choosing a Financial Broker.
for their services.
3. Why will clients use you? over-promising and under-delivering – a recipe for disaster
Once you can articulate exactly what you do, using our in your efforts to build long-term trusted relationships.
above example of a generalist Financial Broker, it now
becomes very clear to individual, family and SME clients Overall Value Proposition – Generalist Financial
exactly what they can expect in dealing with you. They will Broker
start to tick off some of the important value requirements ABC Financial Services is a leading financial planning
they are seeking as identified earlier: business, based in South Dublin. We work with individuals,
families and SME businesses predominantly in the Dublin
• Trustworthiness: Clients will draw comfort in the rigour and Leinster regions to help you bring certainty to your
and professionalism of your approach. financial future. Gaining a full understanding of our clients’
• Transparency: Clients will welcome a discussion about financial goals and background, we work collaboratively
the process to be used. The issue of transparency of with you to develop a roadmap for your financial future and
charges and fees will be covered later in this guide. then work closely with you into the future to ensure your
• Their understanding of my goals and needs: Your plan stays on track. We advise on the full range of financial
process overtly includes this as a step. You need to solutions and we offer a friendly and accessible service to
spend time on this part of the process to ensure full our customers. Our goal is to help you grow your money,
clarity of financial objectives. retire at a date chosen by you to live a lifestyle identified
• Results achieved for other clients: While not by you; and to protect you and your family against any
included in the process, this can be covered off by the financial shocks along the way. We’ll seek to do this by
preparation of case studies to provide further comfort becoming your trusted financial adviser through building
to clients of your expertise. a long-term and open relationship with you, keeping you
• Qualifications / experience / membership of informed and in control of your financial future.
professional body: Outline your qualifications and
experience. Membership of PIBA should be stated. We use the following process with our clients to maximise
• Kept up to date: The review process is really important the value that you can gain from our expertise:
and should not be an afterthought as the client goes • We gain a full understanding of your current financial
out the door. Schedule follow-up meetings as part of position: As part of our work with you, we gain a full
your process. and deep understanding of your financial situation
• A clear strategy: This is the key output of your work: a today. This starts with understanding your family
financial plan. This in turn will identify product solutions situation, your work and all aspects of your financial life.
that are required to deliver the plan. We help you build up your financial picture so that we
are crystal clear about the starting point. We also gain
Sample value propositions a complete understanding of your current portfolio
Some Financial Brokers will develop a single value of existing financial products, gathering the required
proposition for their overall business; others will develop information from product providers as required.
their value proposition at a product category level. Taking • We help you identify your financial objectives: We
the example of a generalist Financial Broker, dealing across help you to get crystal clear about your financial
the full range of products with individuals, families and objectives and goals in the short, medium and long
SME’s, sample value propositions have been included term. As part of this, we help you identify important
below. There are examples of value propositions for: goals such as your investment time frames, your
desired retirement age and level of income in
• Generalist Financial Brokers – overall value proposition retirement and risks that you might want to protect
• Generalist Financial Brokers - pensions and yourself against.
investments advice • We help you to identify your attitude to risk: We help
• Generalist Financial Brokers - protection advice. you to understand your attitude to risk and also your
threshold for withstanding risk so that we can ensure
These sample value propositions are suitable as a guide we identify solutions that are appropriate for you.
only and need to be tailored to the specific attributes • We complete a financial plan and make
of your business – your target markets, your actual recommendations: We analyse your current financial
advice process, your areas of expertise and your service situation in line with your financial aspirations,
capabilities etc. They should be representative of your developing future cashflow scenarios for you
business, not simply aspirational, as otherwise you will be (optional). We then recommend any changes you may
need to make to your own financial management and Pensions and Investments Value Proposition –
recommend any products that may be required to help Generalist
you achieve your financial goals. We highlight certain DEF Financial Services is a leading financial planning
tax savings opportunities if relevant to you and explain business in Waterford. We work with individuals, families
any legislative requirements around your financial and SME businesses in the Munster region to help you
planning. Our plan will be delivered to you with a full identify your current financial position, identify your
and clear explanation of any market jargon! The aim of financial aspirations and develop plans to achieve them.
this stage is to recommend solutions that will help you We advise on the full range of financial solutions and we
manage your wealth better, protect yourself and your offer a friendly and accessible service to our customers.
family against unforeseen events and achieve your Our goal is to help you maximise your financial resources
retirement goals. today, grow your money over the term of the financial
• We research and negotiate with product plan and retire at a date chosen by you to live a lifestyle
providers: Once you decide to proceed with our identified by you. We’ll seek to do this by becoming your
recommendations and if a financial product is required, trusted financial adviser through building a long-term and
we research the market to identify the best product open collaboration with you, keeping you informed and in
to meet your needs and then ensure that you receive control of your financial future.
the best terms possible. As part of this we consider
important factors such as: We use the following process with our clients to maximise
- Product features and benefits the value that you can gain from our expertise:
- Product cost • We gain a full understanding of your current financial
- Choice and suitability of funds position: As part of our work with you, we gain a full
- Investment performance record and deep understanding of your financial situation
- Provider financial strength today. We help you gain clarity in relation to your
- Underwriting requirements of provider income and expenditure, we help you identify clearly
- Claims payment record of provider all of your assets and liabilities and we gain a complete
- Customer service capability of provider. understanding of your current portfolio of existing
• We implement the solutions: We then explain the full pension and investment assets, gathering the required
process to get the financial product in place and help information from product providers as needed. We also
you complete the paperwork and all other parts of gather a broad range of other relevant information
the process. We help you complete the underwriting around your personal and professional life that gives us
process with the minimum of fuss and get any cover further insights into your financial position.
up and running. • We help you identify your financial objectives: We
• We set up scheduled reviews: We then agree a review help you to get crystal clear about your financial
schedule with you to address any changes in your objectives and goals in the short, medium and long
circumstances. As part of this review, we will update term. As part of this, we help you identify important
your financial objectives and address any changes to goals such as your investment time frames, your
your personal or financial situation that may affect your desired retirement age and desired level of income in
plan; and we will review any solutions put in place to retirement.
ensure they are achieving the required results. This will • We help you to identify your attitude to risk: We help
include a review of fund performance, and changes you to understand your attitude to risk and also your
will be suggested if required; as will any changes to threshold for withstanding risk so that we can ensure
your protection cover that may be needed to reflect we identify solutions that are appropriate for you.
changes to your requirements. • We complete a financial plan and make
• We provide an ongoing phone service: We are recommendations: We analyse your current financial
delighted to provide support to you to answer any situation in line with your financial aspirations,
questions you have in relation to your plan or any developing future cashflow scenarios for you
products in place. We are also delighted to act as a (optional). We then recommend any changes you may
sounding board for any general financial questions you need to make to your own financial management and
might have. We also send you a copy of our bi-monthly recommend any products that may be required to help
newsletter to keep you informed on any useful you achieve your financial goals. We highlight certain
developments in the personal financial services world. tax savings opportunities if relevant to you and explain
any legislative requirements around your financial
planning. Our plan will be delivered to you with a full Protection Value Proposition – Generalist
and clear explanation of any market jargon! XYZ Financial Services is a leading financial planning
• We research and negotiate with product business in Galway. We work with individuals, families and
providers: Once you decide to proceed with our SME businesses in the West of Ireland to help you identify
recommendations and if a financial product is required, your current financial position, identify your financial goals
we research the market to identify the best product and develop plans to achieve them. We advise on the full
to meet your needs and then ensure that you receive range of financial solutions and we offer a friendly and
the best terms possible. As part of this we consider accessible service to our customers. Our goal is to help
important factors such as: you to provide financial security for you and your family,
- Choice and suitability of funds should any unforeseen events occur in your lives. We’ll
- Charging structures seek to do this by becoming your trusted financial adviser
- Product features through building a long-term and open collaboration with
- Investment performance record you, keeping you informed and in control of your financial
- Provider financial strength. future.
• We implement the solutions: We then explain the
full process to get the financial product in place and We use the following process with our clients to maximise
help you complete the paperwork and all other parts the value that you can gain from our expertise:
of the process. If Revenue approval is required for • We gain a full understanding of your current
your product solution, we will liaise with the product financial position: As part of our work with you, we
provider to ensure this is secured as early as possible. gain a full and deep understanding of your family and
• We set up scheduled reviews: We then agree a review dependants and your financial situation today. We help
schedule with you to address any changes in your you gain clarity in relation to your financial needs in the
circumstances. As part of this review, we will update future and how they might be affected by unforeseen
your financial objectives and address any changes to events; and we gain a complete understanding of your
your personal or financial situation that may affect your current protection arrangements, gathering details
plan; and we will review any solutions put in place to from product providers as required.
ensure they are achieving the required results. This will • We help you identify your protection requirements:
include a review of fund performance, and changes We help you to identify the scenarios that you wish to
will be suggested if required. The review will also protect against and suggest some potential solutions
incorporate a review of any legislative changes that to be considered.
might impact your financial plan or the achievement of • We complete a protection plan and make
your objectives. recommendations: We first of all review in detail
• We provide an ongoing phone service: We are your future financial needs and the cover required
delighted to provide support to you to answer any to protect against unforeseen events. We then
questions you have in relation to your plan or any analyse your existing protection cover, to ensure it is
products in place. We are also delighted to act as a appropriate to meet your requirements and identify
sounding board for any general financial questions you any protection gaps that might exist. As part of this we
might have. We also send you a copy of our bi-monthly identify any potential protection improvements or cost
newsletter to keep you informed on any useful saving opportunities that might exist. Our plan will be
developments in the personal financial services world. delivered to you with a full and clear explanation of any
market jargon!
• We research and negotiate with product
providers: Should you decide to proceed with our
recommendations and if a protection product is
required, we research the market to identify the best
and most cost effective product to meet your needs
and then ensure that you receive the best terms
possible. As part of this we consider important factors
such as:
- Product features and benefits
- Product cost
- Underwriting requirements of provider
Initial introduction
When you are introduced to a prospect for the first time,
Implement Financial
either through a referral, a networking event, or through solutions Plan
without entering into too much detail at this stage. The aim
of this conversation is to secure the first meeting. Research
Review meetings
As part of your review meetings with clients, it is a very
good idea to walk through the key points of your value
proposition again, particularly those points that relate to
ongoing service and reviews. This will ensure that as other
advisers nip at your client’s heels, they will remember why
you are the right Financial Broker for them!
The next step in the strategy development process after Research in the US reveals that advisers spend 1-3 hours
developing an engaging value proposition for your clients on the initial / factfind meeting, and then on average
(and ensuring you can deliver it), is to develop a revenue they spend 11.5 hours developing the financial plan and
model to ensure that you are fairly remunerated for the recommendations. In total, this is nearly two days’ work, for
value that you are adding. which many Financial Brokers are not directly paid.
This section looks at getting the balance right in your The findings were similar in the UK where the Association
remuneration approach to best match your revenue with of British Insurers reported that smaller Financial Brokers
your costs. It then considers the important challenge of spend 8-9 hours advising on investment business,
linking your value proposition to your revenue model, and and larger Brokers even more - up to 14 hours. Larger
in the process justifying your remuneration to your clients. Brokers spend more time due mainly to greater internal
It also looks at different methods of payment for Financial compliance oversight and also the use of paraplanners /
Brokers being used today and indeed other models that more junior staff, who will not complete the work as quickly
might be considered in the future. While not advocating as an experienced adviser but whose time will be cheaper.
fees as the preferred means of payment, this is an area of
challenge for many Financial Brokers. The guide covers For Financial Brokers who are dependant solely on
how you might calculate fees (where they are appropriate). commission as their means of income, they run the risk
of providing significant value to their clients (through their
Matching revenues with costs advice and recommendations work) without getting paid in
some cases (where the client does not buy a policy, is only
This is one of the areas of greatest ‘fishing’ or indeed goes elsewhere to buy).
challenge for Financial Brokers. The
current situation for many Financial Indeed with some of the current commission structures
Brokers is that they carry out a significant in the marketplace that incorporate a clawback element,
amount of work on behalf of their client, even where the product is implemented, the Financial
delivering many elements of their advice Broker’s remuneration is not secure until after the
process, but don’t get paid unless the clawback period has expired even though the Broker has
client ultimately buys a policy from a life provided full value to the client.
This goes back to the Financial Broker being seen (and
remunerated) as a product seller and not an expert adviser.
To better match your revenue with your costs we need to
return to your value proposition.
Linking your value proposition to your revenue 2. What is your advice process?
model Once you have your advice process clarified, you then
The first step in identifying the optimal revenue model for need to examine where your value is being added (time
you in the future is to go back to our section about the and expertise) and what your clients view as valuable to
value proposition and answer the questions: them. The following table demonstrates a view of this.
Some of the rankings may vary from firm to firm.
1. What type of Financial Brokerage you are: Are you a
generalist, a universal Broker or a specialist? Broker's Expertise Client
2. What is your advice process: See your value time Needed Value
proposition. Factfind - client’s current financial position Medium Low Low
a. Where is your time spent?
Factfind - financial objectives and goals Low Medium High
b. Where is your expertise required?
Risk profiling Medium Medium Medium
c. What do clients value?
Gathering data from other sources Medium Low Low
3. How to link your value proposition to remuneration.
Analysis of data and preparation of financial plan High High High
Future cashflow scenarios (if completed) High High High
1. What type of Financial Brokerage are you?
While protection is a core part of many businesses, it is Product recommendations Medium High Medium
seen as a less challenging area in terms of remuneration Market research for products Low Medium Low
due to the importance of price as a headline product Provider negotiations Low High Low
determinant. This is not suggesting that Financial Brokers Product implementation Medium Low Low
should not charge for their protection advice as customers Review meetings Medium High High
can still go elsewhere to implement recommendations! Ongoing client service Low Medium Medium
However for the purposes of this report, we will use the Now if we examine this again, this time highlighting (in
example again of a generalist Financial Broker, providing grey) where Financial Brokers are currently rewarded for
pensions and investment advice. their effort and expertise, we see the following:
How each of the activities within the value proposition relates to these stages is shown in the table below.
Broker's Expertise
Activity Client Value
time Needed
If we look at each of the stages in turn and the reality of charging for them, the following can be considered:
much value on this meeting. To increase the impact
1. Introduction / Factfinding meeting: New clients are
of this meeting and to reduce the cost, you should
not going to arrive in your door with open cheque
consider the following:
books! As a result, you are unlikely to be able to charge
• Spend time at the introduction walking through
for this meeting. However this should not be offered
your value proposition to show the value you bring.
as a free meeting: instead you should say to the client
Clearly talk through the areas that clients really value
that you will cover the cost of this meeting (which is
so they understand the benefits of dealing with you.
the reality of the situation). With the exception of the
• Spend time getting to the root of a client’s financial
‘Financial Objectives’ piece, clients also don’t place
objectives. They really value this piece so do not
gloss quickly over it.
2. Control: The client needs to feel that they retain For the protection market, premium based commission is
a level of control over future charges. You need to quite an appropriate remuneration model. These lines of
demonstrate that providing ongoing value will ensure business are also changing, with new commission models
you retain them as a client and continue to justify your emerging to be considered by Financial Brokers. There are
fees. now options to take higher levels of commission in Year 1
3. Certainty: Clients want transparency. They want to with clawback applicable, or indeed to take a stepped or
know what their charges will be and want to have an level commission option where there is no clawback. These
open and honest conversation about them. need to be considered carefully by each Broker. Protection
4. Simplicity: Clients want you to have a simple charging business is not considered in this section.
model that they can understand and that is logical to
them. For each remuneration method, there is a table below that
sets out:
Overview of potential revenue models
This section does not consider the levels of charges that • The type of remuneration
should apply, but instead examines the pros and cons of • An explanation of how it is applied
the various potential means by which a Financial Broker • The pros and cons of the approach.
can be (or could be in the future) remunerated for their
work. While each of these is examined in isolation, there are
in reality many situations where a ‘one size fits all’ will not
work and a combination of different Broker charges are the
most appropriate solution.
The allocation rate is reduced in line with the commission taken with no direct impact on the Annual Management
Charge (AMC) and no clawback applies. Ongoing charge paid by renewal commission (reduced allocation) or trail
(increased AMC). Provider pays commission to the Financial Broker.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easy for client to understand • Hard to sell to high premium clients when they see
% charge as € amount
• Straightforward payment for Financial Broker
• High premium clients subsidise low premium
• No non-payment risk for Financial Broker clients for Financial Broker
• No lapse (clawback) risk for the Financial Broker • Client perceives poor value in early years as fund
lags investment amount
The allocation rate is maintained at or close to 100% with an increase in the AMC and clawback of
commission applying; and possibly early exit penalties. Ongoing charge would typically be paid by
renewal commission or trail. Provider pays commission to the Financial Broker.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Client sees 100% investment • Very difficult for client to understand and not
• Straightforward payment for Financial Broker
• High premium clients unhappy when they see %
• No non-payment risk for Financial Broker charge as € amount
Flat Commission
The allocation rate is reduced in line with the flat commission taken in Year 1 and subsequent years with no direct
impact on the Annual Management Charge (AMC) and no clawback applies. Provider pays commission to the
Financial Broker
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easy for client to understand • May be hard to sell to high premium clients when-
they see % charge as € amount.
• Straightforward payment for Financial Broker
• High premium clients subsidise low premium
• No non-payment risk for Financial Broker clients for Financial Broker
• No lapse (clawback) risk for the Financial Broker • High renewal commission may be easy to attack
A new concept introduced in the UK. Client agrees a charge for services availed of by client. Client then pays
investment and charge (for remittance to the Financial Broker) to the product provider or the investment amount
is reduced by adviser charge, which is paid to the Broker. The difference between this and commission is that the
amount of commission is calculated based on the services provided by the Broker, and not by the premium amount.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Financial Broker payment based on effort / value to • Lower premium clients may not see value / be
the client able to afford the adviser charge
• Easy for client to understand. Charge quantified in • Charge will be a very significant portion of overall
euros investment if investment amount is low
• Very transparent and cost known in advance • No ‘built in’ ongoing revenue stream for Financial
• Straightforward payment for Financial Broker
Trail commission
The AMC is increased by a % of the fund amount, which is paid by the product provider to the Financial Broker.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easily understood by client • Subject to the rises and falls of the market lack of
• Aligns interest of Financial Broker and client – both
seeking fund growth • Low reward for Financial Broker in early years
• Straightforward payment for Financial Broker • When funds are sizeable, open to attack from
other advisers with lower trail
• No non-payment risk for Financial Broker
• High AUM clients unhappy when they see %
• If Broker has a strong investment process, an excellent charge as € amount
mechanism for ongoing remuneration
The client pays the Financial Broker an agreed fee (based on tasks completed or time spent) for services delivered.
No link to product sale and provider plays no role in fee payment.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Broker payment based on effort / value to the client • Lower premium clients may not see value / be
able to afford the fees required
• Easy for client to understand. Charge quantified in
euros • Charge will be a very significant portion of overall
investment if investment amount is low
• Very transparent and no provider bias
• No ‘built in’ ongoing revenue stream for Broker.
• Fees can be billed as value is delivered
• Financial Broker must secure payment from the
• Client used to this approach with other professionals client – carries non-payment risk
• Easier to deliver bespoke arrangements • Detailed recording required to justify fees (whether
based on time or tasks)
• Ongoing value added will attract ongoing fees
• More administration for the Financial Broker
• Clients don’t feel ‘sold to’ as no link to products /
providers • VAT is payable (PIBA is investigating this area
further and will be reverting to members)
• If no product is bought, fee is still payable
To develop your fee proposition, there are a number of If we assume the same one-person Broker as in Option
areas that you need to consider as follows: 1 and use the minimum scaling factor, again based on a
required earnings figure of €120,000 p.a. the minimum
• Understanding your cost base revenue required for this business is:
• Calculating your billing rate
• Deciding the best fee method for your business €120,000 x 1.5 = €180,000 p.a.
• Remuneration
• Communicating your fee proposition As can be seen, the two results are relatively close.
largely outweighed by the negatives associated with this articulate your value proposition and to clearly link your
approach. It creates an environment of justifying time remuneration back to the services that the client actually
rather than creating value. It also doesn’t place enough values.
value on the experience that you are bringing to your
clients as it only focuses on the time spent. In addition, Communicating your fee proposition
clients value certainty in adviser costs. The time to discuss the fee proposition with your client is
at the initial meeting, as you discuss your value proposition.
Charging by task rather than by fee is usually preferable to After all, your client will want to know how much your
clients for clearly identifiable pieces of work for a number expertise costs, rather than heading down some uncertain
of reasons: road in relation to the value they will receive and the cost
• Charging by task brings certainty to the client of the of this. Again the important point is that the charge may be
cost. Yes, if it takes longer to carry out the work, you taken from the product; however now it will be done with
the Financial Broker carry this cost. However you have the full understanding of the client who will now realise the
a good sense of how long on average the work takes value they are receiving in return.
and can charge accordingly.
• Billing for the task brings the focus on to quality and There are many examples from other markets of the
not time spent on the task. challenges associated with communicating a fee
proposition being greater in the Financial Broker’s head
Remuneration than in reality. According to Nick Cann of the Institute of
If you receive part of your fee as a commission from a Financial Planners in the UK, of those firms he has seen
product provider (which a client may wish to do to avoid convert to a fees-based service, pretty much without
VAT being payable for example), this commission is now exception they have been caught out by the number
paid for the services you provided to the client and not that have been prepared to pay a fee for a service. This in
the product sale. It is now paid on the value that you added part may have been because the firms concerned did not
to the client. price themselves high enough, thus not placing sufficient
value on their services. These firms now have a problem
In many cases, clients will prefer to remunerate you by raising the fee rate by any significant amount without
commission rather than by paying a separate fee, and this considerable discomfort. However the other issue for
will often be the most appropriate method. Some factors to some of these firms was that the conversion challenged
consider are: their ability to meet their obligations under all the service
1. VAT is payable on fees but not on commission. PIBA are agreements with the staffing levels they had at the time;
currently investigating the situation regarding VAT and and hence they could not operate the model as profitably
will be reverting to members with guidance. as they might have done.
2. For individuals making personal contributions to
certain products (personal pensions, PRSA’s, AVC’s), the Summary
full payment to the product provider usually attracts This section looked at the all-important challenge of
full tax relief. As a result, a payment by commission to linking your value proposition to drive the revenue in your
the Financial Broker effectively gains tax relief while a business. It looked at how you can link your revenues to
separate fee will be paid from after tax income. your actual effort, rather than being reliant on a product
3. The administration, collection costs and risks to the sale.
Financial Broker may make small fees uneconomic to
collect (for both the Financial Broker and the client) There are many different ways in which Financial Brokers
whereas the insurers can facilitate this easily through can be paid, each with their own advantages and
the commission system. disadvantages. Each Broker needs to consider which is the
4. Separate financing of a large advisory fee may be right mix of these methods to suit their business.
beyond the scope of low to middle income earners
whereas they may not view the fee as being as Finally the issue of fees was examined with the important
daunting when collected via the policy. overarching conclusion being that irrespective of whether
you are paid by fee, commission or another method, the
The combination of all these factors may make payment should be earned by you and agreed by your
commission the agreed and best route. However client based on the valuable expertise that you deliver and
this is only in relation to the actual collection of not the products that you sell.
your remuneration. The critical change is to clearly
Research Sources
• “Developing a fees-based proposition within an IFA firm”; AXA Life, February 2005
• “New laws to improve the quality of financial advice”, The Financial Planning Association of Australia, January 2013
• “Commissions - will momentum build to ban them globally?”, KPMG, June 2011
• “Adviser Charging - putting a price on financial advice”, J.P. Morgan, May 2011
• “Winning propositions - the consumer market post RDR”, J.P. Morgan, August 2012
• “Commission bans and the source and quality of financial advice”, De Nederlandsche Bank, September 2012
• “Digging deeper into financial planning fees”, Practice Management Center (USA), May/June 2012
Unit 14B, Cashel Business Centre, Cashel Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12.
T: +353 (0)1 492 2202 F: +353 (0)1 499 1569